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Max Igan is right : No Savior is Coming

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Max Igan is right : No Savior is Coming


We've had so many of these silly fantasies of Saviors coming. And the New Age community has been been fooled more than once. Now, Max Igan is blowing the whistle. He asks people to Wake up and realise the reality is that we will have to save ourselves. No Savior is coming.

His recent podcast, "Our Governments are War Criminals - Let's Arrest them" - pointed the finger at the political leaders who continue to support Israel, even though the UN has found that Israel committed war crimes in Gaza. The man knows what he speaks about. He has been to Gaza and witnessed the war crimes with his own eyes. And he wants to go back there, probably before year end. But he doesn't stop there : He points at the latest fantasy that so many in the New Agent community are buying into. There's no Dragon Family that is going to save you, by withdrawing their gold from the system. That's not how the financial system works. Governments do not need gold to create money and wage wars. They create the money themselves by printing in, and then spend it as they like.

Listen to Max in his own words:

"You want to fix the money system, get rid of the Central banks, and the issuance of money by private banks."


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Max Igan Is Right - No Saviour is Coming ! Its a Psy-Op



There you go, folks. A common sense explanation. He is not feeding you wil false hopes. Let's realize that we in the Truth Movement have learned something important. If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.


There's no saviour. No OPPT. No Swissindo. No mass arrest by a gang of Ninjas. No trillions from the Dragon family that are sudden going to change the world and make it right. Those are psyops. To keep you waiting, and thinking you will not have to take action yourself. In fact, all these FANTASIES should have taught us discernment. If it is too good to be true, it probably is. If is sounds good, and resonates with what you want to hear, then someone may be trying to fool you - To keep you from taking action yourself. It is time to get past all the dreams, and start thinking again about actions we can take to change things in the actual 3D reality that we inhabit.


Say good night to the dreams, and goodbye to the snake oil salespeople, however much you may like their cheerful description of a magic solution.


The truth is ... It's up to you and me !

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Yes, yes and yes. In my opinion almost everything that is being spun out is designed psy-ops to create false hopes by deterring, delaying and postponing the realities facing us, especially truth seekers. The masses matter not since they know no different. I do agree that energies from the sun and elsewhere can and do affect humanity by altering various natural frequencies. Psy-ops are a dab hand at tinkering with brain wave patterns.


I think anyone that suggests working on self void of inaction is the fooling themselves and supporting the PTB.


I find the following important to me:-


1. Develop my understanding of the nature and history of the PTB and their structure and techniques of control.

2. Gain better knowledge and understanding of the various hidden sciences and technologies

3. ET agenda

4. Develop and practice control of conscious thought

5. lead a good a righteous life

6. Teach my children well

7. Share my knowledge and expose wrong doings wide and far

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Comments from under that Max Igan video



It is about time that someone came out an exposed that all those rumors of Saviors coming, are nothing but Psy-Ops to keep people Distracted and Waiting - Rather than working to change things themselves.



Most people know the OPPT, Swissindo, The Dinars RV etc are all hoaxes.

Only the gullible believe that nonsense.



Max Igan himself commented on Ron Van Dyke's video: 18-11-2014: LOOK AROUND! WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO? - He said he likes and respect Ron, but he thinks that The Ambassador "is a complete and utter fake, just more timely controlled disinformation."

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The PTB have been hiding their secrets for centuries and are the ultimate deceivers, hence their relationship with with negative entities like the reptilians.


They are able to compose and implement their plans and schemes just like Bach would compose his music They are masters at playing the music of human emotions and beliefs which we fall for every time.


At the same time all of humanity will naturally find new ways to evolve through more peaceful and compassionate means. In the meantime we need to remain mindful that Satan disguises himself in many forms which simple, uncomplicated truths will reveal, in my opinion.

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Comments from under that Max Igan video


Max Igan himself commented on Ron Van Dyke's video: 18-11-2014: LOOK AROUND! WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO? - He said he likes and respect Ron, but he thinks that The Ambassador "is a complete and utter fake, just more timely controlled disinformation."


I gave suggested that Ron interview MAX:


Here's my vision: You and Max talk to each other, and find some common ground (I think there's plenty).


If the initial chat goes well, then maybe you can record the second one. And the main topic could be "How To Build Community" here on the web. And how we all who visit here and appreciate the message can work together to ACHIEVE SOME COMMON GOALS. What are the common goals? Truth seeking is one, exposing the cabal is another, and waking up the world. These three are all related. And there's more... that could be part of the discussion.


// Adding a bit on the Ambassador: I like his message. I have some doubts about the reality of Dragon Family Wealth (I consider it unproven, and maybe unlikely that they have trillions, or even a viable organization), but that matters little. I think the positive parts of the Amba's message that both Ron and Max can agree upon, would be the same core that most of us reading here would buy too. Why not find that core??

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What are the common goals? Truth seeking is one, exposing the cabal is another, and waking up the world. These three are all related.


And there's more... that could be part of the discussion....plenty more but we need to keep it simple rather than jumping from one fad to the next which only causes a distraction from our goals

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I agree !

RVD has a tendency to be unfocused, and not thorough in his investigations,

just going with whatever has provided "resonance" in the latest "moment of now"


I suspect this a common New Ager / "lightworker" trait... that does not lead to success

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Zen Gardner: "We need to move beyond the WHY, and into the HOW"


(starting at about 6-8 mins in):



He doesn't give many specifics here,

but says he is involved in a project to start addressing what's needed at a local level

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