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Spirituality - The Spiritual Warrior

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The Spiritual Warrior

“Happiness is every person’s choice, but few make an effort for it”

  • a person who challenges the dreams of fear, lies, false beliefs, and judgments that create suffering and unhappiness in his or her life
  • a war that takes place in the heart and mind
  • quest of the Spiritual Warrior is the same as spiritual seekers
  • has clear awareness that this war is fought within himself and that Truth and unconditional love are on the other side of these battles
    • This is what the Toltecs refer to as Personal Freedom

  • to win against fear requires: awareness, courage, discipline, and commitment to transform the emotional body


Awareness of the Spiritual Warrior

  • most vital tool is awareness, pure awareness has no thinking involved
  • It has no thinking because it has no interpretation
  • Awareness is to perceive with clarity the truth of what is happening without interpretation or opinion
  • In a moment of awareness the dialogue in the mind stops, we begin to “see” from a point or view separate from the reasoning part of our mind
    • This could be described as an epiphany
    • Practiced seer’s live in this awareness in every moment

  • Awareness is the state of consciousness that allows us to discern between the facts and the Truth, between the story and the lies in our mind
  • The realm of our mind is filled with false perceptions and false beliefs
  • it is the consciousness of awareness that is the discerning intelligence
  • The mind is clever, but it is also full of assumptions and limited paradigms of perception
  • Conscious awareness allows us to see clearly instead of be blinded by these false belief paradigms
  • Self awareness is the clarity to know who and what you are, and not get caught up in self important images of ourselves
  • Self awareness that you are not any of those images in your mind is essential to becoming free of self importance.


Courage of the Spiritual Warrior

  • has the courage to question and challenge his or her own beliefs
  • By challenging our own beliefs we can dissolve the lies that cause our suffering.
  • to challenge our beliefs requires courage because it means the end of our illusion of safety
  • When other people challenge our own beliefs we are usually quick to defend
  • We defend them even if they cause us to suffer
  • we learn not to defend what we believe, and then to challenge those very beliefs ourselves
    • In this way we are able to sort out the truth from illusions


Discipline of the Spiritual Warrior

  • discipline to continue on their path when faced with challenges from their mind
  • must have the discipline to deal with their own mind
    • without someone else providing the motivation with carrots or sticks

  • must exercise their own will at the command of their heart
    • not an outside authority figure
    • This often means going against the fearful opinions in our mind that tempt us with illusions of punishment and rewards

  • must have the discipline to follow our own heart even when tempted by another person’s opinion
  • this way of living requires disciplined practice


The Love of the Spiritual Warrior

  • A soldier has a commitment to love his/her country
  • The Spiritual warrior must have the: commitment to love him/her self
    • and extend that love to humanity/others
    • it is required to love yourself because in our journey we will certainly fumble and fall many times
    • in having a strong commitment we get back up again

  • It is common to fall to judgment
  • It can be easy to love some people, particularly the people that like us or treat us well
    • however, it requires a tremendous commitment to love in the face of those that reject us
    • this commitment will cause us to challenge our beliefs about our judgments
    • we must look beyond our own self-serving interests

  • In time we become committed to love for the sheer enjoyment of expressing it
    • this becomes our commitment
    • we nourish ourselves with the love we express

  • Be committed to have the courage, discipline, and openness to Love unconditionally even if being rejected and/or
  • Even when the body is in physical pain, be love and have compassion
  • Do not use reasoning to hate or judge



  • A spiritual warriors path is challenging
  • In The Four Agreements, Miguel Ruiz calls it a war
    • we will lose some battles, that’s okay
    • we may feel overwhelmed, things may seem hopeless, avoid the victim persona

  • But it is only one battle - a Spiritual Warrior learns not to measure progress in the war using the metrics of only one battle
  • A Spiritual Warrior learns to retreat, rest, recover, learn from their actions, regroups, then stands up again to take another step on his path
  • Even in the process of losing a battle, much progress is made
    • the ego has pushed back, and so it is exposed, and we gain more clarity on our endeavour
    • through defeat, the ego can even be weakened, at a minimum, we become more respectful of our foe, even if it is a dream
    • we become more grateful of those moments that are peaceful, and even grateful of moments where we are just holding our ground against a dream
    • learn and embrace humility

  • Sometimes it is best for a Warrior to realize they have done their best against their emotional reactions and inner demons of the mind
    • to retreat, rest, and recover - learn that there is a time for this, sometimes this is the appropriate and correct action
    • it will be necessary to take time to rest or you will not win many of the battles in the war for your happiness


Source: http://www.toltecspirit.com/four-agreements/characteristics-of-a-spiritual-warrior/

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"Awareness is to perceive with clarity the truth of what is happening without interpretation or opinion..."


What is the role of Study, Research, and Analysis in getting to the Truth?


What is the role of discussion with other Truth Seekers?

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Unlocking the Transmutable Reality


“The search for Reality is the most dangerous of all undertakings, for it destroys the world in which you live.” ~Nisargadatta Maharaj

  • It is a bold statement that the “world in which you live” is a reference to a belief system in our mind
    • it is a virtual world of symbolic language and images that we use to understand the outside world of reality
  • Believing in an unchanging, or un-transmutable, reality blinds us from perceiving Reality directly
  • Dismantling or destroying this virtual world of the mind can seem frightening and at the same time exciting, due to its feeling of liberation
  • A reminder: “Don’t Make Assumptions”
  • How does a Spiritual Warrior fight Lies? You fight lies with Truth
  • How does a Spiritual Warrior fight Fear? You fight fear with Love
  • How does a Spiritual Warrior fight injustice? You fight injustice with Forgiveness
  • Winning the war, going on in your own mind, is easier as you develop your skills with: Truth, Compassion, and Forgiveness
    • these tools may not always work when dealing with the outside world, but they are the best tools for fighting the fear, lies, and injustice in your own mind


Compassion: “loving understanding”, or, an empathetic altruism that actively strives to free others from suffering


"According to Buddhism, compassion is an aspiration, a state of mind, wanting others to be free from suffering. It's not passive -- it's not empathy alone -- but rather an empathetic altruism that actively strives to free others from suffering. Genuine compassion must have both wisdom and lovingkindness. That is to say, one must understand the nature of the suffering from which we wish to free others (this is wisdom), and one must experience deep intimacy and empathy with other sentient beings (this is lovingkindness)."



Making Choices

  • Sometimes we struggle making a choice
    • we know we have to make a choice, but we don’t know the right thing to do
    • perhaps the choice is difficult because each outcome results in someone getting hurt
    • or each choice is good so we want them all
  • Sometimes, when we can’t see clearly what to do, it is for a reason
    • perhaps now isn’t the time to make a choice
      • perhaps it’s best to wait and watch, and observe more closely
        • to take the time to look more closely at what you really want
        • to take more time to develop clarity about the nuances of the situation
      • to search for more possibilities
    • Sometimes by patiently waiting you can watch the people around you react, fidget, and do their drama in the way they do it
    • If you sit still, you can see their drama for what it is
    • This gives you an extra level of clarity to make a better choice.
  • When you develop clarity you don’t struggle to make a choiceYou don’t struggle at all. You just see it.
  • Of course… you have to be able to sit still long enough to get the clarity
  • You could say that making wise choices is a developed skill


Impeccable With Your Word

  • In short, this means to use your Word in the direction of compassion and truth
    • How we apply this is what makes the difference
      • ex. suppose we have a good friend and are friends with their spous
        • we’ve found out that the spouse is cheating on our friend
        • it is in the direction of truth to tell our friend, on the other hand, delivering the message is not kind and loving, and will hurt their feelings
        • also, it may not be respectful to get involved in other people’s relationship
    • In these critical situations being impeccable with your word can appear to go either way
  • Another possibility is that a person can bend the meaning of Being Impeccable, in order to fit their agenda
    • different situations have their own nuances, you must use awareness, observation, and make decisions for yourself
      • instead of, perhaps, a one-size-fits all approach


A Deeper Look at Being Impeccable with your Word

  • Something often overlooked: the expression of your Word is more than just the expression of your words
    • Your word (small case) has to do with the things you say
      • they make up sentences, phrases that you speak and write.
      • they come out as opinions, or comments, thoughts in your head
      • sometimes we even turn it into a doctrine
    • Your Word (upper case) has to do with the power you have to create through every kind of expression you make
      • there are multiple types of expression including emotions, attitude, actions, what you refrain from, and what you express your faith/belief in
      • You can express how you feel emotionally by generating emotions
        • you can create dynamics of respect in a relationship, by being silent and listening attentively
        • you can create a different experience by refraining from an emotional reaction
  • You can express yourself by how much care and effort you put in your work
    • You create a certain self image by putting the power of your faith in a thought you have about your self
      • this can happen in a very subtle and almost passive way of just accepting what you think about your self as true.
  • You express in a multitude of ways through out the day and being impeccable with your Word applies to all of them
  • To master being impeccable will require that you heighten your awareness not just to the words you say, but also to the:
    • emotions you express
    • attitudes you hold
    • actions you partake in
    • way you express your belief
  • You will need to develop a consistent discipline of mindfulness in these expressions
  • To Be Impeccable with Your Word is an art requiring constant vigilance
    • it is not something you decide to do one day and master by the end of the week
  • The mastery of any art, ex. music, painting, or sculpting, requires practice
    • to master the way you express your: emotions, actions, thoughts, beliefs, will take practice just like any other art
    • in the beginning it will be challenging to just learn the basic skills
      • ex. a beginning painter will likely throw out his first drawing and many other early works, however those efforts are not wasted
      • it takes time to master the various skills of mixing colors, brush strokes, choosing themes, and mastering light and shadows
      • with each painting he finishes, whether he keeps it or throws it away, he has improved himself as an artist
  • You will let go of what you created in the earlier parts of your life, and work on bigger and better creations as you develop
  • Each day is an opportunity to create a new piece of art with your life
  • Learn, grow, and develop your skills through your creations, but don’t let them define you


Silence can be Impeccable

  • Silence is an expression
    • sometimes silence and refrain say a lot more than words can
  • Your actions are a part of how you create
    • to physically hit someone is not expressing yourself in the direction of love and truth
    • to greet someone with a warm smile is an expression that can say more than a thousand words can



  • Your fears go against your self
  • To live with fear in your mind doesn’t fall into the category of being impeccable
    • maintaining fears of public speaking, asking someone out on a date, or a fear of failing is not in the direction of love for your sel
    • keeping your self in fear causes you to hold back in your actions of compassion for your self and others
  • Fear is at the heart of NOT being impeccable


Fear and Power

  • Obsessive power-seeking is a need to control, and a need to control is only necessary if you are afraid
  • So the scramble for power is really just a reaction to fear
  • Power is just the tail being wagged by the dog
  • The irony is that those who seek power, often do so because they are powerless over their fear
  • As a spiritual warrior, you will not develop real personal power until you develop awareness, and subsequently win over your mind from fear


Final Words

  • To master being impeccable will take many moments of practice
    • you will likely throw away many of your attempts as being clumsy and not what you want
    • for with each action and attempt, you improve
  • Be careful not to believe the judgments that are likely to come from that inner judge
  • Make a commitment to do your best - measure progress on a personal scale
    • do not compare your progress with the progress of others
    • do not worry about what level others, whether basic or advanced - focus on yourself
    • this will help to avoid self judgments
  • Remember that the real art is your progress with yourself - what you are becoming and have become
    • “it is not about where you are, but where you are coming from”


Source: http://www.toltecspirit.com/


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Need for a Mass Awakening...



Unlocking the Transmutable Reality



  • Your fears go against your self
  • To live with fear in your mind doesn’t fall into the category of being impeccable
    • maintaining fears of public speaking, asking someone out on a date, or a fear of failing is not in the direction of love for your sel
    • keeping your self in fear causes you to hold back in your actions of compassion for your self and others
  • Fear is at the heart of NOT being impeccable


Fear and Power

  • Obsessive power-seeking is a need to control, and a need to control is only necessary if you are afraid
  • So the scramble for power is really just a reaction to fear
  • Power is just the tail being wagged by the dog
  • The irony is that those who seek power, often do so because they are powerless over their fear
  • As a spiritual warrior, you will not develop real personal power until you develop awareness, and subsequently win over your mind from fear


===== =====
A MASS AWAKENING is a necessity condition for a Victory
There are some signs now that this is occurring.
People are beginning to bring into focus, what are the actual elements of elite control.
By exposing how the control mechanisms work, we can move to dismantle them
How do elites motivate people? : (fear, money, powerful threats)
Why do people tolerate it?--- : (people are tricked into being angry at each other)

Elite Are No Longer in Control, They're scared to death
She is awakening others
"Power doesn't come by admitting to bad intentions, it comes from feigning good intentions.
Tyrants only have power because people GIVE IT to them!"
Ask yourself:
What acts of aggression have you condoned, paid for, and voted for?
The tyrant must convince their victims that enslavement is necessary
===== =====
> Source: http://tinyurl.com/FulfordVictory

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Emotional Integrity

  • Knowing oneself allows authenticity and integrity
  • Integrity: the quality or state of being complete, the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness
    • wholeness that is undivided
    • “the authentic self”

  • Emotional Integrity: having our heart, mind and will unified
  • When we are in our emotional integrity, we can act without hesitation or doubt
    • the phrase of, “my mind says one thing, but my heart says another”, may be all too common in our lives
    • when this happens our will is divided
    • our mind and emotions are in conflict and doubt
    • resulting in our actions lacking integrity

  • By living our lives from a place of Integrity, we do not doubt ourselves
    • there is minimal second-guessing of our actions or our words

  • People try to create a sense of integrity by refusing to consider a second opinion
    • in order to not appear weak, or avoid living up to their own image of what they believe they should be
    • this is the ego’s version of integrity

  • If we have to convince ourselves that we are acting in our integrity, we are likely to be wrong
  • When you are being challenged by circumstances is the time to measure your emotional integrity
    • determine how quiet the mind is during chaos
      • with the mind quiet, there is greater likelihood to be present with your emotions and mind

    • also observe how much compassion love is present
      • emotional integrity means to present within yourself, with the feeling of compassion

    • Compassion: “loving understanding”, or, an empathetic altruism that actively strives to free others from suffering

Taking Action

  • When we are in our integrity, our mind does not have to tell us what we are doing is right
    • the heart will know, and the mind follows without a doubt

  • Real emotional integrity doesn’t come with a sense of being right - it comes with a feeling of compassion
  • When we are acting from our Integrity, or authentic self, we don’t try, we just take action
    • we don’t have a need to justify or defend what we are doing, neither to ourselves or others
    • the action is rooted in compassion and humility

  • With True Emotional Integrity, when we make mistakes, or fail in an endeavour, we don’t judge themselves
    • we know we did our best, the mind does not create an internal conflict through self judgment
      • this mental conflict is a separation from wholeness

    • The mental conflict is a division of the mind
      • we defend what we did to ourselves
      • we project a negative opinion onto ourselves, and then we defend ourselves against our own opinion

    • When our mind is divided, our emotions are too

  • It is frightening to face the truth because we believe our reality will fall apart
    • Due to the fact that we are too strongly attached to, and identify with, what we believe to be “our self”

  • This is the time for the courage of a spiritual warrior


The Death of Beliefs - Results in Resurrection/Birth

  • A spiritual warrior must have the courage to face and accept the death of their beliefs
    • we can use this attitude to let go of our false beliefs
    • when the false beliefs break, we find that the truth is still standing, because it can stand on its own

  • The truth does not need us to believe in it, in order to survive
  • After the fall of the false belief system, we can create a new dream, a new purpose, a new life
  • In the ancient mythologies this is the resurrection; to be reborn to a new life, following the death of the ego/belief-system
    • the death is metaphorical for the transformation of our mind and emotional state
    • it is like the Phoenix that is formed from its own ashes
    • In this process our physical body does not die, only the false-beliefs

  • Our body has to be the stable foundation of the mind, emotions, etc.
  • The intent of the spiritual warrior is to let go of their false beliefs, in order to eliminate the conflicts in the mind
    • they surrender to death that which is not the truth
    • they let go of their attachments to mental concepts
      • which serve to trap their in a mind of conflict

  • After a person lets go of their old beliefs, they can recover their Emotional Integrity
    • when we recover our emotional integrity, we create a new relationship with our heart, emotions, and our physical body
    • in this process we discover that we are not who we believe

  • We are the force that creates all the ideas, images, and emotions of compassion
  • We are the force that creates
  • We are Life
  • Realize that you are the force of Life that moves through all things
    • you exist everywhere without separation
    • this is a Spiritual Warriors quest, to learn this and fully integrate it
    • it is the quest of all who partake in this vast journey through life


Source: http://www.toltecspirit.com/


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- EGO -


  • These days, if we see someone behaving selfishly, we might say they’re “being egotistical.” If someone thinks you have a really “big ego,” they may even post a blog calling you an “egomaniac.” From the standpoint of our mental health, it’s important to have self-esteem or what some psychologists call “a healthy ego.”


What is the Ego?


Ego: something made up by the mind. It’s the sense of self — a flash of “I” or “me” that we believe in and cling to. It’s the basis of our feeling of self-importance. It’s a story, a myth of self that we keep telling ourselves.

  • That “self” is the center of our universe
    • no matter what we’re doing, our actions always come from, and reflect back to our sense of self-consciousness
    • this ego-self we cling to is the source of most of our problems
  • The Buddha taught that the root cause of our suffering—ignorance—is what gives rise to this tendency to “cling”
    • “what am I clinging to?” is the question you should ask yourself
      • it is just a thought that says “I,” repeated so often that it creates an illusory self, like a hologram that we take to be solid
    • it’s an ancient habit, so ingrained in us that this very clinging becomes part of our identity, too
    • if we let go of this thought of “me,” we might feel that something familiar was missing
  • Clinging to this mythical self is just like gripping an imaginary object in our hand. What does it accomplish?
    • this “I” becomes proactive in protecting its interests, because it immediately perceives “other”
      • the instant we have the thought of “I” and “other,” the whole drama of “us” versus “them” develops
  • We may not care about Internet neutrality but we may be strongly pro or con on war, equal rights, or the existence of extraterrestrials
  • We admire some of our qualities and build ourselves up. But there are other things we can’t stand about ourselves, so we tear ourselves down
    • one minute we’re feeling pretty smart and sure of ourselves, and the next minute we’re feeling totally inadequate or guilty about something
      • we spend a great deal of time ignoring the pain we’re really feeling because of this inner struggle—always striving to be happy with who we are, and never quite getting there.
  • We expend so much effort just to convince ourselves that we’ve found something we can call “me.” We try to freeze the moment-to-moment flow of experience that is our life and make something solid out of it. But somehow, it just doesn’t work
    • our efforts only produce more anxiety because we’re going against the way things truly are
  • Why do we clutch our ego so tightly, when the tension of holding on is so painful?
    • we think that to give up this thought of “I” would be crazy
    • we think our life depends on it
      • but actually, we would feel so much better and more relaxed if we just let go
  • It’s a tricky situation:
    • On the one hand, the mind is fully awake and ego-free - that’s called the “true nature” of our mind
    • On the other hand, we don’t see that ever-present awake quality—we don’t even know it’s there
  • After working on ourselves, we start to see beyond the illusion of ego and glimpse the true nature of our mind
    • what is the experience of this “true nature” like?
      • people often worry that it’s like becoming a vegetable, but it’s not like that at all
      • the mind actually functions much better
  • When we take a break from our habit of clinging to the ego, we see more clearly and think more clearly
    • we feel more alive and awake
    • that’s the view of the mind free from its obstructionist friend called Ego
      • this “view” is something that we must constantly maintain
        • you don’t just achieve that state of mind once and have it forever - it must constantly, from moment-to-moment be cultivated and maintained


Source: http://www.elephantjournal.com/2010/06/ego-myth-of-the-self-dzogchen-ponlop-rinpoche/









  • The deepest truth of our human existence is that the ego is both essential and detrimental to our lives
  • The outcome of our existence fully depends on how well the ego is balanced with the quiet knowing from within ourselves
  • We are here to explore our ego as it is what makes us who we are
  • You can practise letting go of the ego from time to time, and ultimately reach an even deeper state of knowing who you really are
    • this does not have to be an all the time thing, whenever you have time, even a few minutes will make a difference
      • “even tiny droplets of water eventually fill a large container”
  • However, some of us tend to think that the ego is bad for us
    • in truth, it is a unique expression of ourselves, without it, there would be no differentiation between our individualities
    • the ego is in fact a tool that takes you to a point of awakening, it is helping you to fulfill your purpose everyday
  • Deeper teachings beyond the ego lie within the dimension of stillness, this can be reached through going inward
    • during meditation we can learn to observe the ego and simply see it as another part of ourselves, and not our true self
      • your ego and your observing mind become one with all that is
  • Therefore, the ego helps us to identify ourselves in waking life, whereas meditation helps us to identify ourselves with oneness
    • both are needed in order to live this life to our greatest potential
    • therefore, you cannot live in this human existence without your ego!
  • However, if you only ever rely on your ego to give you contentment and joyfulness, this will ultimately lead to sadness and despair
  • In the same token, only ever relying on meditation and stillness to give us love and abundance will fail
    • we will become bored and unsure of ourselves
  • The key is balancing these two parts of yourself and accepting them completely
  • We already know the repercussions of what an over inflated ego can cause: greed, selfishness, hatred and much more
    • this does not mean that the ego is bad, it simply means you are not using your ego as an expression of your true self, instead you are using the ego to find yourself
    • this is an impossible task, as the ego seeks to look outwards, not inwards for the answers.
  • You are simultaneously both your ego and the stillness that resides within you
    • use these understandings of yourself to better your life within this world and feel the love of our universal consciousness ever present
  • There are no answers waiting to be found in the future, it is in this present moment where the answers lie
  • Who you are, beyond the conditioning and programming, is always within your grasp in any given moment
  • Ego is also an essential tool for those of us who are working towards expanding our vibrational frequencies. Therefore, this protection that we practise of the self with the help of the ego, can keep us from lowering our vibrational frequency to match another persons who are not yet balanced.

“The ego sometimes we look at it as if it is an entity. But really it is just a form of unconsciousness. It appears to be an entity sometimes. It is never threatening. Never regarded as an enemy, never something you need to get rid of. It’s only to be recognized for what it is. ” -Eckhart Tolle



Source: http://secretenergy.com/news/transcending-the-ego/


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