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Bitcoin jumps of 2017 & 2020 : $1,000, $5k, $10k, $50k & rising?

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Clif High sees Bitcoing going to $13,000 by Feb. 2017... and Silver to $600 eventually


/ start listening at about 45 minutes in /



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As Bitcoin Surges To Record High, China Prepares Its Own Digital Currency

Bitcoin is a primary means of capital flight out of China. How long will that last? Here’s one key thought on bitcoin from the article: “OKCoin is among cryptocurrency exchanges that has recently taken steps to halt bitcoin withdrawals amid efforts to clamp down on capital outflows.When China launches its own cryptocurrency, will it ban Bitcoin transactions? If so, what happens to the price of Bitcoin?

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THIS NEWS helped to push BTC to a new high above $1200 ... Update : last: $1135




Trump’s New Budget Director Supports Bitcoin, 1515


Published on Feb 21, 2017

Guess who President Trump just appointed as Director of the powerful Office of Management and Budget? – Bitcoin advocate Mike Mulvaney.
Mulvaney, age 49, is well equipped to help open the gates to the acceptance of cryptocurrencies in the US in this new age of the Trump administration. He graduated from Georgetown University as an Honors Scholar, the highest level of academic achievement, in International Economics, Commerce and Finance.

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This guy had some courage !


Meet "Bitcoin Jesus"

By Teeka Tiwari

Editor's note: Over the last few months, we've told you about an opportunity that most people have never heard of. Even fewer people know how to take advantage of it.

We're talking about cryptocurrencies.


"Cryptos" are digital currencies that the government can't control or dilute. They're alternatives to paper money.

Every time we cover this topic, readers flood our mailbox with positive feedback.

That's why we're sharing another cryptocurrency essay with you. Today's comes from our good friend Teeka Tiwari.

Teeka is the editor of Palm Beach Confidential, a top cryptocurrency expert, and a genuine industry insider. Most importantly, he knows how to make money in cryptocurrencies.

In today's essay, Teeka explains how this technology is already turning everyday people into millionaires.



They call him Bitcoin Jesus…

Roger Ver had been selling network hardware for 15 years.

He ran a successful business and was a hardcore libertarian.

During his spare time, Ver was a frequent listener of the Free Talk Live libertarian podcast.

In 2010, the podcast did a piece on bitcoin. Roger listened.

And in that moment, Ver knew that the idea of a decentralized currency that no one could manipulate or control would work.

In March 2011, he bought 25,000 bitcoins at $1 per coin.

That faith paid off…

Two years later, at the peak of the market, that $25,000 in coins were worth $30 million.

Ver was such an advocate of bitcoin that he earned the nickname “Bitcoin Jesus.” He preached the virtues of bitcoin to anyone who’d listen.

He’s not alone… There are plenty of others

I’ve reached out to Ver and many others like him. And as far as I can tell, there’s nothing remarkable about them.

They weren’t tech gurus or super-sophisticated programmers. They were just like you and me.

But there is one trait they all share…

Financial Privacy Is Key to Your Freedom

The one trait that seems to unite bitcoin millionaires is their dislike of big government.

Here’s what I mean…

Ver was intrigued by the idea that bitcoin could free people’s money from government manipulation and control.

He believes we should be in charge of our money… not some central governing authority.

Believing in the simple idea of decentralized money is what allowed him to recognize the transformative nature of bitcoin…

It’s what helped men like him become millionaires.

(from an email)

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Becoming a Bitcoin Banker?


Bitcoins Price may take another run at the Gold price - Gold is Now $1230


BTC - 32-months



And So it happened !


HEDGED rather than Sold Bitcoins - Here's Why


BTC - 32 Months



I hedged rather than selling the bulk of my Bitcoins position in the last 24 hours when it touched the Gold price near $1230-1250.

Here's why...


(see the detailed explanation of trades and positions in the new "Bitcoin Banker" thread):


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NOW for Something completely different


Win Half A Bitcoin! | David Seaman "Deep" Contest


Published on Mar 1, 2017

Win half a bitcoin by sharing your deepest wisdom in 3 minutes or less here on YouTube! Participants agree to contest terms, including giving this channel permission to re-air your video in full or in part.

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Bitcoins made a record High and touched $1300 - exceeding Gold prices by as much as $70




BTC .. 10 days






Bitcoin has risen more than 25% this year to trade on Thursday at an all-time high north of $1,250.



Markets reporter

One unit of so-called digital gold is now worth more than an ounce of the real thing.

The price of a single bitcoin US:BTCUSD rose to an all-time high of $1,251.32 on Thursday, surpassing the price of a single ounce of gold, according to CoinDesk’s bitcoin price index. Bitcoin traded on certain Chinese exchanges briefly overtook gold in early February. But this is the first time in the digital currency’s eight-year history that it has done so according to most widely used bitcoin-price benchmarks.

Many bitcoin watchers, including Charles Hayter, chief executive officer and founder of CryptoCompare, a company that provides data and analytics about digital currencies, have pointed out that bitcoin has a positive correlation with gold. They argue that investors are becoming more comfortable with the digital currency, making them more willing to buy it when more conventional markets like stocks are under duress.


Unlike gold, investors who wish to gain exposure to bitcoin, but are reluctant to buy coins directly, have few available options. The Securities and Exchange Commission is weighing whether to approve the Winklevoss Bitcoin Trust, one of three proposed bitcoin ETFs under consideration. A decision is expected by March 11. Until recently, only accredited investors could buy into the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust GBTC, +7.13% but shares often trade at a premium to bitcoin’s net-asset value.

Read: Has bitcoin matched gold’s status? One expert weighs in

Read: Bitcoin could soar if the Winklevoss ETF is approved

Read: Should you invest in a bitcoin ETF?

Spencer Bogart, a researcher at Blockchain Capital and former analyst at Needham & Co., believes the chances of approval are low. But if it does happen, he says bitcoin’s valuation could experience an even larger increase in valuation than gold did after the 2004 launch of the iShares SPDR Gold Trust, the first gold ETF GLD, -0.53%

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission has classified bitcoin as a commodity, like gold. However, there is at least one important difference between the two: With a total market capitalization around $20 billion, the bitcoin market is much, much smaller, and far more volatile, than the market for the yellow metal.

And many gold enthusiasts remain skeptical. In an interview with CNBC earlier this week, Peter Schiff, the chief executive of Euro Pacific Capital and longtime goldbug, compared bitcoin with the Beanie Babies craze that captivated Americans during the mid-to-late 1990s.

“It’s digital fools gold,” he said.

Gold GCJ7, -0.30% has risen nearly 8% this year, with one ounce trading at $1,242 on Thursday. By comparison, bitcoin has risen more than 25%.


> http://www.marketwatch.com/story/bitcoin-is-now-worth-more-than-an-ounce-of-gold-for-the-first-time-ever-2017-03-02

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Over a week ago, I said: "Bitcoins Price may take another run at the Gold price - Now $1230"


BTC - 10d : 32-months








About two weeks ago, I said: "Bitcoins Price may take another run at the Gold price - Now $1230"


Bitcoins was just above $1100 when I wrote that - it touched $1230 near the Gold price, and later traded as high as $1300.

I hedged my Bitcoin position at an average price of about $1350, by selling Short a BTX swap, which earns me a "roll premium" payable in BTC every 8 hours. (so far there has been a Funding premium paid to me on every roll, but one, and the roll premiums have averaged about 0.25-0.30% per day : 0.25% x 365 = 91% per annum. I am not expecting to see the Funding rates stay so high.)

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A DASH of Excitement


The Story Behind The Rise Of Dash

by Steven Gleiser | Mar 3, 2017 |


Dash prices have been rising steadily since the end of last year, but February and the first few days of March 2017, saw Dash prices sky-rocket. As a result the cryptocurrency is now the third biggest in terms of market cap, although prices seem to have found a more stable footing over the last 48 hours. As with any meteoric rise in cryptocurrency markets, some have raised suspicions about a pump and dump scheme. There is no doubt that pump and dumps are always a possibility, but Dash doesn’t seem to fit the typical pattern of a pump and dump scheme. The story behind the rise of Dash has many more nuances that should be considered.


Controversy Surrounding Dash

To understand whether or not recent price increases are indeed part of a pump and dump scheme, the first thing analysts need to focus on is the history of the cryptocurrency. In the case of Dash, there are some red flags. Dash critics will point towards the mining issues that the cryptocurrency went through back when it was called Darkcoin. Evan Duffield, the founder of Dash, was able to mine a significant quantity of the cryptocurrency within the first 48 hours of its creation. Some believe that this was due to a glitch in the code that Duffield proceeded to fix. Others think Duffield did this deliberately to enrich himself.



This one year price chart, shows the rise of Dash in cryptocurrency markets. Prices started picking up at fast rates in February. Chart courtesy of coinmarketcap.com.


Ancient History

More than 3 years have passed since that “glitch” made Duffield the richest man in the Dash economy. The cryptocurrency went through a long period of price stagnation, even at a time when bitcoin was seen as vulnerable and Dash presented an alternative. Duffield and other fellow Dash developers cultivated a healthy community around the cryptocurrency. They rebranded the coin and took care of making it as useful as possible, connecting it to existing crypto products and services. It seems their efforts and the characteristics underpinning Dash have finally taken off. The markets seem to be rewarding Dash holders.

Criticism of Dash

Nevertheless that whole “glitch” at the beginning still casts a shadow over the coin. Accusations of “whales” pouring funds into it and generating hype abound and seem to be feeding pump and dump allegations. This coupled with criticism over the centralization of decision making within the Dash network, remain.

Nevertheless, this cryptocurrency seems to work. It looks like it is based on sound principles, and its critics might be over-stretching their arguments. The whole issue with the mining “glitch” is a perfect example. Taking bitcoin as a model – which Dash did, even offering some solutions to privacy, fungibility and transaction speed issues – it would be fair to judge Satoshi Nakamoto the same way that Duffield is judged. After all, Nakamoto mined bitcoin aggressively at the beginning, accumulating as many as 1 million coins. That is worth well over $1 billion USD at the moment. If Duffield did the same, critics should afford him the same treatment they afforded Nakamoto.

Dash Pump and Dump?

Apart from this credibility issue, the whole “whale” argument also seems to be over-stretched. Pump and dump proponents seem to think that Dash is vulnerable to huge investors buying significant amounts of the cryptocurrency to pump its price, generate hype, and then sell all their Dash assets at once.

Theoretically, an asset-class with a $300 million USD market cap – give or take – is susceptible to such schemes. Then again, so are other cryptocurrencies like Litecoin for example. Any “whale” can buy 10% or 15% of all Litecoin as easily as they could buy 30% of all Dash available before the surge and then dump it. Yet somehow it is inconceivable for someone to do that on such a mature network like Litecoin. Dash is also a mature cryptocurrency by now, having been in the markets for over 3 years. It would be much easier and much more profitable and cheaper to design a pump and dump scheme for any other new cryptocurrency than to pump and dump Litecoin or Dash for that matter.


> more: http://bitcoinchaser.com/dash-prices-rise

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Selling - BTC price fell from near $1300 to below $1250 - that's over 10%.... Then bounced


The twins and the bitcoin boom
Deutsche Welle-19 hours ago
The internet currency bitcoin has recently reached record heights. This is also partly due to the American twins who are famous for their ...
=== ===

The internet currency bitcoin has recently reached record heights. This is also partly due to the American twins who are famous for their quarrels with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.


Do you know the Winklevoss twins, sometimes jokingly referred to as Winklevii? Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss became known to a wider audience with the "The Social Network," a 2010 Hollywood film about Facebook.


In the film and in real life, the twins accused Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg of stealing their idea. They sued him in 2004, and eventually received a payment of 65 million dollars.

The Winklevoss brothers have mainly invested their money in activities related to bitcoin, the digital currency. "Coin," one of their projects, is currently seen as the main reason behind bitcoin's recent surge. For the first time, the bitcoin surpassed a fine ounce of gold in value, reaching close to $1,300 (1,230 euros) last week.

"Coin" is an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) which tracks the price of bitcoin. The fund is seeking approval by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the US financial markets regulator. A decision is due by March 11.

Milestone for bitcoin

The Winklevoss fund is not the only bitcoin ETF waiting for approval by the SEC. By the end of March, a decision is due on a fund called SolidX. A third investment vehicle, the Bitcoin Investment Trust (BIT), has already been opened to a select group of wealthy investors, while waiting for general approval.

For the internet currency, SEC approval for bitcoin ETF would be a milestone. At the moment, investors willing to bet their money on bitcoin face several drawbacks: they need to open a digital storage "wallet," acquire bitcoins at one of several specialized trading platforms, pay half a percent or so in fees - and then hope their platform of choice is safe.

The fate of Mt.Gox serves as a reminder of the risks involved. In 2014, the world's biggest bitcoin trading platform went bancrupt, and 650,000 bitcoins disappeared without a trace. Their market value today: 800 million dollars.

In Germany and Sweden, tradeable papers based on bitcoins exist already, but in the form of Exchange Traded Notes (ETN). If the issuer goes bust, investors lose their money, which is not the case with funds.


300 million dollars in a week?

A bitcoin fund with approval from the SEC could make it easier and safer to invest in the currency, thus attracting institutional investors.

Some $300 million could pour into a bitcoin ETF in its first week, Spencer Bogart, head of research at Blockchain Capital, toldBloomberg news agency. "I'd be very surprised if it did anything but double from whatever levels it is at beforehand,” Bogart said.

. . .

© Getty Images

The SEC is expected to act soon to approve or reject bitcoin-based Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs). Such ETFs would buy and hold bitcoins and provide an opportunity for U.S. investors to speculate in bitcoin.

They are not in the public interest, and the SEC should reject them. Approving bitcoin ETFs would support a payment mechanism that has only one viable application — break the law.

Approval by the SEC would constitute an endorsement of bitcoin that would further its use in money laundering, ransomware, tax evasion and other criminal activities.


In general, I believe issuers should be allowed to issue any type of security as long as they properly communicate the risks to investors. I am not in favor of merit regulation in which regulators only approve investments that the regulators think are good investments.

Informed investors should be allowed to make their own investment decisions without interference from a nanny-state government. Furthermore, I am a big proponent of blockchain, the underlying technological breakthrough behind bitcoin.

Blockchain has many legitimate applications, but Bitcoin 1.0 is not one of them. Further, I see nothing wrong with digital currencies, and have called upon the Federal Reserve to issue U.S. dollars in blockchain form.

Bitcoin was started in 2008 by someone or some group using the name “Satoshi Nakomoto.” No one knows for sure who Satoshi Nakomoto is.

There are people who are suspected of being Satoshi Nakomoto who deny it and others who claim to be Satoshi Nakomoto but cannot prove it. This murky background alone should give regulators pause.

Bitcoin is an electronic payment medium that allows anyone to transfer bitcoins securely from one bitcoin address to another. Transactions are verified by a group of so-called “miners” on the internet who verify each transaction. When the miners verify that a bitcoin associated with one address has not already been spent, they add the new transaction to the public record known as the blockchain.

Miners are paid for their activity through the issuance of newly-minted bitcoins derived from a mathematical formula that purportedly limits the total number of bitcoins that can ever be created. This is all secured through cryptography.

Bitcoin transactions are essentially anonymous. While the bitcoin blockchain records what bitcoins were sent by one address to another, it does not contain any information on the identity of those addresses. Unless someone does something to disclose their address, it is nearly impossible to figure out the identity behind an address.

Most of the trading in bitcoin occurs in China, and most of the mining activity is controlled by Chinese firms. This also raises serious questions about the ability of U.S. regulatory authorities to investigate and prosecute market manipulation of the bitcoin price.

As the proposed ETFs are just plays on the underlying price of bitcoin, this inability to even investigate manipulation of bitcoin prices means that the SEC will lack the fundamental ability to protect U.S. investors from abuses in this market. Approving bitcoin ETFs will lead U.S. investors to slaughter.

Bitcoin is a payment system ideally suited to the black market. The anonymity of bitcoin transactions makes it ideal for drug-running, terrorist funding and human trafficking. Bitcoin is the “coin of the realm” in the dark web.

When I give a talk about bitcoin, I usually query the audience about who has actually used bitcoin. The last time I did this, exactly one hand went up. A business owner said her business was hacked, and she had to pay the ransomware in bitcoin.

Alas, the prospect uses for the bitcoin ETFs do not clearly communicate that criminal activities are the primary use of Bitcoin 1.0. Indeed, they do not even mention ransomware, narcotics or pornography. For this reason alone the SEC should reject them based on inadequate disclosure.

Yes, bitcoin proponents do claim that there are legitimate applications for bitcoin. However, these proposed applications are mostly theoretical and fall apart upon closer examination. These potential applications include:

Retail sales. The notion that merchants will flock to bitcoin because there are no chargebacks and lower fees has not materialized. While a few merchants now accept bitcoin, this has mostly been a novelty. Consumers have intelligently shied away from Bitcoin 1.0 because of the complete lack of consumer protection built into Bitcoin 1.0.

Bitcoin’s “just like cash” feature makes it as dangerous as cash with the added vulnerability of a hacked wallet with no recourse. Furthermore, as it takes around 10 minutes or more to verify a block and about an hour to reach true finality, there is substantial risk to merchants that bitcoins can be double spent by fraudsters acting in concert.

. . .

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At least one major hedge fund is selling off into the rally.

In an email sent today to its mailing list, Global Advisors Bitcoin Investment Fund (GABI), a Jersey-based investment vehicle that buys and sells bitcoin on behalf of investors, said it believes the market is now signaling a potential approval too strongly for its taste.

Ultimately, GABI said it believes "it does not seem likely" that investors Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss will receive approval for the vehicle, which they first filed in 2013.

GABI wrote in an email today:

"Without the ETF launch, should that be the case after that deadline, and with the aforementioned issues in China, we believe the market will be short of a catalyst and will have trapped some overly optimistic long positions. We will continue to reduce our exposure into the decision date."


GABI goes on to write that it projects a 25% chance of approval on the decision. Either way, sources tell CoinDesk a decision is likely to happen this week.

"If it turns out we are wrong, and the ETF does launch, we will certainly miss a spike and will extend this month's underperformance into next," the statement continues.

However, even if the ETF does not launch, GABI is optimistic bitcoin's price will head higher – even with continued scrutiny on the market from China's central bank.

"We think the ‘bull’ case for bitcoin will be considerably strengthened, and as such, we would expect a very protracted rally in which we will quickly seek to participate," the email reads.

Elsewhere, the firm discussed the results of trading decisions earlier in the year, highlighting how its performance has been affected by developments in China, and how it has shifted its strategy in response.

Launched in 2014, GABI received regulatory approval for its offering from the Jersey Financial Services Commission (JFSC). Principles for the fund include Jean-Marie Mognetti, Daniel Masters and Russell Newton.

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ETF NEWS within today ?

It may not happen, or people may Sell-on-News - so people are now exiting the BTC Trade


$1350 in a few days? Or back under $1000?




BTC Last : $1186, and back below Gold (slightly)


Winklevoss twins' bitcoin fund expected to be approved soon - Or Not !
New York Business Journal-5 hours ago
It's been almost two years since Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, the twin brothers notorious for receiving a large legal settlement for their ...

From First Filing to Final Decision: The Journey of the Winklevoss ...
CoinDesk-9 hours ago
This refers, of course, to the bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) proposed by investors Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss. That ETF – first ...
Bitcoin Price Plummets From Record Highs
PYMNTS.com-8 Mar 2017
Despite what the graphs might imply, the SEC has yet to make a formal announcement on their decision regarding the Winklevoss twins' ...
=== ===

According to the New York Post, the Winklevoss brothers — also known for competing in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing as rowers — will launch what is called a "chartered trust."

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission will permit the Winklevoss Bitcoin Trust (WBT) to form an exchange-traded fund of bitcoins, making it easier for mom-and-pop investors to buy the controversial cryptocurrency.

If the fund doesn’t get approved, the value of the currency could fall as much as 20 percent — a bummer since just last week it surged to a record high of $1,206.

Should it go through, it could go as high as $3,000 by the end of the year.

“If you want to short it today, you won’t be able to do it before the ETF gets launched [if it’s approved],” Marc van der Chijs, managing partner at CrossPacific Capital, told the Post. “It’s not as easy to do as it is with normal stock on the stock exchange.”

The vetting process for a bitcoin company to become a trust is extensive, as we learned in May 2015, when another New York City-Based company, itBit, became the first company to receive the status as a chartered trust company.

ItBit applied for the charter in February 2015 and went through a review process to make sure the company's anti-money laundering, consumer protection and cybersecurity standards were in order.

The charter, granted in May, allowed itBit to operate in all 50 states as a regulated entity.

. . .

Like many other things in the bitcoin space, the collapse of Japan-based bitcoin exchange Mt Gox triggered a small but meaningful change in how the ETF would be constructed. Mt Gox was once the world’s most voluminous bitcoin exchange before it fell apart amid accusations of fraud, leading to the eventual arrest of its CEO last year.

In the aftermath of the Gox failure, an amendment was filed to the ETF’s S-1 which changed the price index which the ETF would use to determine the price of a bitcoin. The proprietary Winkdex was adopted, replacing the old model based on weighted average prices of several bitcoin exchanges.

The duo confirmed, in a follow-up filing in 2014, their initial intention to list the ETF on the NASDAQ OMX exchange. The ticker symbol “COIN” – a tip of the hat to the digital currency – was first disclosed at this time.

That filing also added new risk factors related to the ETF, including the potential for a so-called 51% mining attack on the bitcoin network.

Watch and wait

That submission would prove to be yet another leg in a long waiting game for the Winklevoss-backed ETF. During that time, the Winklevosses were approved for a bank charter, setting the stage for the launch of Gemini, their digital currency exchange.

. . .

Since then, however, the scope of the proposed ETF offering has expanded further, growing from $65m to $100m, while also lowering the maximum offering per share price from from $65 to $10. A February filing detailing the changes also included language about the risks of a network hard fork and contingency plans should two blockchains sharing bitcoin’s transaction history emerge.

The final countdown

Those developments take us to the present day, during which market observers, stakeholders, bitcoin enthusiasts and potential investors are watching the skies for the SEC’s word.

That determination is set to be revealed by tomorrow, according to a source with knowledge of the agency’s work, yet at press time, the SEC has kept mum about its decision.

In the meantime, bitcoin traders are gearing up for a possible increase in volume – and volatility – when markets react one way or another, and at least one hedge fund that invests in bitcoin has moved to reduce its exposure to the market.

. . .

The price of bitcoin dropped by some $70 on Tuesday (March 7) for no readily apparent reason, leaving investors naturally a bit confused at best, or panicked at worst.

Bitcoin had spent the past week climbing toward new record highs on optimism that the SEC could soon approve a bitcoin-based exchange-traded fund. Yet trading on Tuesday morning saw a sharp drop in the value of everyone’s favorite digital currency, from around $1,280 on Monday evening down to just over $1,207 by mid-morning Tuesday.

As of Tuesday afternoon, bitcoin appears to have begun the process of recovering from the slip. At the time of writing, bitcoin was worth $1,248.63. But in the few hours that the price of bitcoin was down, some speculated that it could mean the SEC had denied approval for a bitcoin ETF.

More likely than not, the sudden drop was just a symptom of the digital currency’s characteristic volatility. Since the SEC decision deadline is fast approaching, however, some investors, who are surely eyeing every fluctuation in bitcoin’s value, inherently (though a bit hastily) had assumed the worst.

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Bitcoin had a brilliant shot upwards in early NY trading - hitting as high as $1320+ before a $70 pullback


BTC - 2 months



Bitcoin Price Spikes Above $1300 as ETF Decision Nears
CoinDesk-25 minutes ago
Markets peaked at an average of $1,325.81, according to the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index (BPI), before falling sharply back below that level to ...

Vinny Lingham Makes New Bitcoin Price Prediction in Wake of ...
CoinTelegraph-1 hour ago


Vinny Lingham Makes New Bitcoin Price Prediction in Wake of Bitcoin ETF Decision
5546 Total views
0 Total shares

On March 11, the much awaited Winklevoss twins Bitcoin ETF decision will finally be announced by the SEC. South African serial Internet entrepreneur Vinny Lingham posted on Twitter that within 48-hours of the ETF announcement, on the downside, the Bitcoin price will be $850. However, he holds Bitcoin price will be $1,750 maximum (probably $1,500) on the upside.

With just a day for the SEC to make an announcement on the Bitcoin ETF, the community is divided between whether it will pass or not. Experts and analysts including Lingham perceive the chances of either decision as 50/50. On Wednesday Cointelegraph reported that so far 72 percent of the public are in favor of the ETF.

Lingham's accurate predictions

When it comes to forecasting Bitcoin price, Lingham has a distinguished reputation and is famously known for accurately predicting Bitcoin price adjustments. He is very shrewd with factors that hold it up, sideways and down, and outside events changing the supply/demand curve for Bitcoin.

In 2013, before Bitcoin reached its first ever all-time high price, the African entrepreneur prognosticated it would reach over $1,000. Truly, the community saw Bitcoin rising to $1,255.

Also, in the first quarter of 2016, Lingham predicted the $400 mark for at least the next quarter when the price was hovering around $100. This once again came to pass.

Fast forward to Dec. 11, 2016, he foretold that if the price exceeded the $800 mark, it will go straight to $900, and interestingly by Dec. 23 Bitcoin was being sold at $911.

In addition, Lingham tweeted in November 2016 that the demonetization in India would push the price up to $1,000 by the end of the year. Just as he articulated, the price reached $1,000 on New Year's Eve.

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Bitcoin exploded to an all-time high on Friday morning. The cryptocurrency surged more than $120 to a record high of $1,327 a coin shortly before 8:30 a.m. ET. While bitcoin has pulled back from its record peak, it remains firmly bid, up 8.3%, or $99, at $1,291.

Friday's gains come ahead of the highly anticipated US Securities and Exchange Commission ruling on whether or not it will approve at least one of the three proposed bitcoin-focused exchange-traded funds by a March 11 deadline. Because that deadline falls on a Saturday, a decision may not be announced until Monday, March 13.

Bitcoin has had a volatile start to 2017. It gained more than 20% in the opening week of the year before crashing 35% on rumblings China would begin to crack down on trading. But the cryptocurrency has been able to shrug off news that China's biggest exchanges started to charge a flat fee of 0.2% per transaction in addition to them blocking customer withdrawals.

Bitcoin gained 120% in 2016 and has been the top performing currency in each of the past two years.

screen%20shot%202017-03-10%20at%2090312% Investing.com

Get the latest Bitcoin price here.

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The Etf was not approved. You can see this in the BTC price




Bitcoin ETF Rejected: Winklevoss Twins Soulcrushed?

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LONGER TERM chart (32 months)


BTS - Frozen / Bitcoins, on Bitstamps ; 10-Days: http://tinyurl.com/bts-10d : 6-mos : 12-mos : 24-mos : 32-MOS



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Listen to David Seaman, or listen to me... but NOT Bix Weir

Bitcoin ETF..."Buy Bitcoin NOW!" (Bix Weir)


. . .

I find Seaman's comments can be more insightful, and not coming purely from "what is good for business"

But he was disappointed (and pissed off) along with many others

Bitcoin ETF Rejected: Winklevoss Twins Soulcrushed?


He bought into BTC again near $1000, after the drop

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Fixing the Problems With Bitcoin, 1543


Published on Mar 11, 2017


Some reactions

/ 1 /

Bill, this guy is not telling you the full balanced picture. He is distorting Bitcoin and promoting Cloakcoin for his own ends. You need to interview someone less biased
Bill, you are spreading so much misinformation with this video, and your responders are adding so much to the FUD, that you are unwittingly playing into the hands of bankers, by making people afraid of the one thing that could completely overturn the fiat system and return control of money to the people. For heaven's sake research bitcoin more thoroughly. This video re bitcoin is the equivalent of the MSM's take on Trump - wildly distorted fear-mongering. Andreas Antonopolis's videos make good overviews of bitcoin

/ 2 /
Bill, I'm a good sized investor in Bitcoin since 2013. I use Bitcoin every day. Bitcoin transactions are INSTANT. You just cant turn around and spend it until the network confirms the transaction which takes about an hour. Sometimes the congestion is making it take longer. Its not a big problem. There is a layer 2 platform for Bitcoin being built called the Lighting Network. It will enable a million to a billion transactions per second with instant confirmations and its still Bitcoin. Its due to be released later this year. Its deployment is not dependent on Segwit or a fork of the network. I would stay away from this guy.
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BTX has touched $1000, and could be headed to $950 or lower



FEAR may be driving the heavy liquidation.

Some started shift into other Cryptos weeks ago


Bitcoin Could Face Ethereum-Style Split

March 18, 2017

Loss of public trust and utility, branding issues, a market capitalization crash, and a collapse of trust in the entire crypto-currency space. A contentious Bitcoin hard fork, which represents a change to the Bitcoin protocol requiring all nodes to update, could indeed result in two Bitcoins. Exactly this – a split network – happened in the wake of Ethereum’s choice to hard fork after the $56 million hack of the DAO, a decentralized investor-directed venture capital fund on Ethereum.

Also Read: Charlie Lee: “People Don’t Understand Segwit”


Hard Fork Could Lead to Duplicate Bitcoin Network

Not only might perceptions of Bitcoin suffer in the case of a Bitcoin fork, but so too could Bitcoin’s use-case as electronic cash. The issue of scaling Bitcoin has certainly been contentious, and if a fork is initiated with considerable opposition, there could be proponents claiming both versions of Bitcoin are the real one.

In a recent Medium post entitled A Fork in the Road, Bitcoin entrepreneur CEO Vinny Lingham highlights how, at least in the short-to-medium term, a network split would impact Bitcoin negatively.

If a split is portrayed badly in the media and creates confusion, we will possibly go into another 2 years of sideways and down,” wrote Mr. Lingham on March 15. “Do we have that much time again with other competitors on the heels? And let’s be frank, a Hard Fork is not Bitcoin dying. It’s Bitcoin duplicating. Now we have two Bitcoins, both won’t die, maybe one will. Which one is the real Bitcoin? Do not underestimate how many enemies Bitcoin has — a fork will just give them all the ammunition they need to confuse the market”.

Bitcoin exchanges have recently unveiled their contingency plans if Bitcoin splits in the wake of a hard fork, which involves them listing the duplicate Bitcoin on their exchanges as an alternative crypto-currency.

Before the Ethereum DAO hard fork, many believed that a minority chain in the case of a split would cease to persist. When the hard fork took place, an alternative blockchain to the original Ethereum deployment persisted (by some miners’ choice to stay with that chain), which itself claimed to be the original Ethereum. It called itself “Ethereum Classic” (ETC). Trading of ETC rivaled that of Ethereum (ETH) immediately after the split.

“There are some people who dismiss this problem in the Bitcoin community,” acknowledges the Ethereum Classic project coordinator who only goes by Arvicco. “But they are wrong to do so.”

An important aspect for any digital currency is its scarcity, which acts as an economic incentive for people to use a certain blockchain. If digital currencies risk splits, then their value is undermined. “Creating two networks destroys network effect,” Mr. Lingham suggests.


> https://news.bitcoin.com/bitcoin-could-face-ethereum-style-split/

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BTX has touched $1000, and could be headed to $950 or lower



FEAR (about a Hard Fork in BTC) may be driving the heavy liquidation.

Some started shifting into other Cryptos weeks ago


Bitcoin prices may have begun a recovery from the selloff to just below my target of $950


BTS ... update




/ 2 /

later: uptrend being test - decent chance it may hold, I think


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BUYING BITCOINS with a credit card


In this case: 0.524 BTC : for $50 + $1.88 fee


The reporter talks about the minor, but real frustrations of buying a partial Bitcoin on Coinbase,

using a Credit card - shows the screens too


> http://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-buy-bitcoin-using-coinbase-2017-1/#ultimately-and-frustratingly-it-was-back-to-the-desktop-so-far-the-actual-process-of-buying-bitcoin-was-simple-the-app-itself-was-my-only-nemesis-my-50-ended-up-buying-00524-of-one-bitcoin-10


> "Bitcoin Basics thread" : http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21359

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Why the European Union is Against Anonymous Digital Currencies

4060 Total views

In a recent announcement, the European Parliament (EU) released a new directive related to the anti-money laundering (AML) issue that focuses particularly on digital currencies, even if the EU considers it to be marginal but with a possibility to increase in the future.

Anonymous digital currencies

One of the major cryptocurrencies benefit is its free and anonymous status, considering that they are not controlled by any central bank and that transactions are executed through encrypted systems thanks to the Blockchain.

Also, we have to say that Bitcoin is not so anonymous as most people believe; instead we can say that ZCash and Monero completely hide their user’s data.

That said, the most recent directive issued in July indicates that digital currencies "don’t possess the legal status of currency or money" and "cannot be anonymous."

The EU went on to say:

“The credibility of virtual currencies will not rise if they are used for criminal purposes. In this context, anonymity will become more a hindrance than an asset for virtual currencies taking up and their potential benefits to spread. The inclusion of virtual exchange platforms and custodian wallet providers will not entirely address the issue of anonymity attached to virtual currency transactions, as a large part of the virtual currency environment will remain anonymous because users can also transact without exchange platforms or custodian wallet providers. To combat the risks related to the anonymity, national Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs) should be able to associate virtual currency addresses to the identity of the owner of virtual currencies. In addition, the possibility to allow users to self-declare to designated authorities on a voluntary basis should be further assessed.”

The EU Parliament also suggested the creation of a central database to register users’ info and wallets addresses, as well as a self-declaration form for the users of cryptocurrencies.

Behind this move, the Parliament explained that the main goal is to "monitor the use of virtual currencies in order to identify suspicious activities."


> more: https://cointelegraph.com/news/why-the-european-union-is-against-anonymous-digital-currencies

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