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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. At least they force you to do the right thing. It's almost like Swampy's ghost coming back biting your behind. OK, just spouting nonsense here.
  2. I give these morons a year max. before they start to monetize/print again. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...G7WMs&pos=1
  3. Essentially back to where I came from. A more senior position with ultimate job security. They made me an offer I couldn't refuse.
  4. I would have bought some if I wouldn't need the money for my removal soon. Leaving the UK has the higher priority right now.
  5. Ker-plunk, down to Ker's values (OK, just kidding, we're not yet at $4/oz).
  6. Pixel8r, I think it is no understatement to say that the gold bulls like your lines. http://goldismoney.info/forums/showpost.ph...postcount=32772
  7. What is the "mean", please? The HPC liny thingy is some sort of exponential regression, they call it "trend". You could come up with almost anything for such a line. It is meaningless because it it is mere stats that ignores the fundamentals behind this move.
  8. Is this Swampy, shortly after the test of his new colloidal silver generator has gone bad?
  9. It is not a methodology, possibly not even 'soft' science. EWT is an art and hence not objective. I can't take it seriously unless "wave counts" become an objective method that can be reproduced by anyone.
  10. Yes, I mean, would you ever disagree on someone saying a gold correction is coming soon?
  11. In the UK 99% of the populace still think that this house price crash is only a small dip. They do not expect the next leg down, especially not the BTLers. BTW, what happened to the Wilsons? Have they finally sold?
  12. Going ... down? http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/UK_H...es_RPI-adj.html
  13. I love these e-mails from Bairds/Goldline. They keep me sharp. I just got that one and wanted to buy immediately.
  14. Sounds like a 1a conspiracy theory to me.
  15. CJ, GOM: I read you guys have been banned for a week. Seems a little harsh to me TBH.
  16. No. Politeness comes first. EDIT: The problem is always how to judge. On the one hand, you want to ban all 4-letter words. On the other hand, if you can't use 4-letter words anymore to write about politicians and banksters...
  17. I think we should cool it a little on here. You are very close to getting banned for this one, although you seem to call the post a name, and not the poster. Still, it's a fine line.
  18. http://gold.approximity.com/since1999/Silver_USD_LOG.html
  19. Long term the odds would still be against you if you jump at 55:1.
  20. And what again is the advantage of monthly threads? That they sink into oblivion after the month has gone by?
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