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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. I have to say that this is the scenario I give the highest chance as well. $1,000 will be the new support. There is no way they can get away with this amount of money printing. Everyone knows this, but the big guys are afraid that the Fed will slap their fingers when they touch gold. I think in the same way as the economy and the financial crisis are already out of control, the price of gold will get out of control later. The profits to be made will be amazing.
  2. Yes, I am not really worried. But this is the longest ever that I had to wait for bullion. Not if you go back far enough, of course. http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/Silver_GBP.html Yes, Barbera down in his cave is super-bearish. Hard to believe that we could see such a massive slump, but the economy is really tanking. The consequences (pension funds, private pensions) will be horrible. People are still so into this 'stocks' thinking. From 1960-80 people where much less interested in stocks. Someone once said on one of these radio shows that back in 1980 if you asked anyone in any larger city in Europe where the stock exchange was, they wouldn't know it. Today, everyone knows. The stock market bull hasn't died in all investors' minds yet. But it will come. Gold will rule once again. I really don't know. As a long term investor I don't sell a gram and let others try to trade this. I wouldn't be suprised about a $200 move within short time in any direction.
  3. Have been waiting on a Goldline/Bairds delivery for almost three weeks now. These guys seem to be busy. I guess towards end of this week I will send them a reminder if the precious does not arrive meanwhile.
  4. SWRichmond on GIM: http://goldismoney.info/forums/showpost.ph...postcount=25715
  5. Jim Sinclair on the topic: http://jsmineset.com/index.php/2009/02/22/...news-today-120/
  6. I have been to Ocean Terminal today, a large shopping mall in Edinburgh. I only walked through less than a quarter of the mall. Four shops have gone out of business or are closing down. A branch of Sofaworkshop possibly the most prominent one. Seems people start realizing that you only need a new sofa every 30 year if it is high quality and gets some upholstery done every now and then.
  7. DOUBLE POST This is a serious threat for the US since who knows what they have done to this gold (leased to the Cartel who in turn sold it to Indians?). The second US gold default after 1971 may be much closer than we think. If Germany and Italy start having similar ideas, the price of gold could be over $10,000 in the blink of an eye.
  8. Yes, if the UK average went to 50, we could see 80-90 in London. In the 1980s bottom there was not that much of a difference between London and the rest of the country.
  9. Okay. Note to everyone: I am NOT buying at the moment. I am just riding this right now. I might buy again in the next correction, but it could be that by then other things (like palladium, silver, oil) still look cheaper. The trend is up, and the fundamentals more than support it. Can someone send a link to RB?
  10. I forgot to include you below, Catflap.
  11. Gotta be in it to win it. http://gold.approximity.com/since1999/Gold_GBP.html
  12. The moves of the past few years look much more sustainable than the spike in 1980.
  13. The 10:1 level is now major long-term resistance for the DJIA-gold ratio. http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/DJIA...-Ratio_LOG.html
  14. http://gold.approximity.com/gold-silver_watch.html
  15. This is not 1980. Anyone claiming that should have a look at these charts. http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/
  16. Where are the people who predicted $300 and $200? Are they checking back with their bosses on what to post next?
  17. I think it's very good what gold did today. It didn't go to $1,100 in a blow. It said 'hello' at the $1,000 level, and showed its tongue to all the idiots who sold it down to $681.65 after having reached $1,032.20 before. Gold is back, and if the idiots sell it again down to $600, it will be back again, and again, and again, because there is not much gold in the idiots' hand anymore anyway.
  18. Me too. EDIT: HPC = bl00dy morons who herd the sheeple into the slaughterhouse.
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