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romans holiday

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Everything posted by romans holiday

  1. Hi guys~ I am in the process of buying my first ever silver.... got enough gold... for now. NZ mint have 1 kilo bars and ounce coins [takes four months but]. From reading the later part of this thread it looks like kilo bars are getting hard to find [1000 Oz bars ]. Am I right? Also, would it be better to buy K bars or coins? Any opinions would be appreciated. I am thinking half and half at this stage.
  2. I was very close to selling a few ounces on the last spike. I didn't. My instinct to hold over-rode possible short term gain. For a couple of days I did the "could've would've should've" then realised this was just a confusion of mind. Why risk a large long term gain for a small short term which is uncertain anyway? Investing is future looking. By looking backwards you can always second guess yourself. Once this starts and it becomes a habit of mind you may lose your clarity of vision. The successful investor IMO is one who will maintain their discipline and hold to their vision over some time horizon. Will restrain myself to trading gold for silver when the ratio is favorable.
  3. These guys got my vote. http://theworldchallenge.co.uk/html/project08_oroverde.html Good honest work. I reckon we could ship all the useless bankers there and re-educate them.
  4. We may have a good buying opportunity ahead. 1] The market may be lulled into a sense of security with the reflationary effort. 2] If libor drops and the market continues to gain confidence with the bailout, the deflation scare will be pacified. 3] All have completely forgotten about any threat of inflation. Under these conditions expect POG to dip as players sell.
  5. Thanks S~ That's exactly the sort of thing i am looking for and very well-priced. My family are starting to get a little nervous with the odd delivery they get from time to time.... TBH makes me a little nervous also not to have my PM in a vault. I think I shall go for the mini one also... if available. I can imagine a lot of people are looking for these services now. Regards.
  6. Hi sylvestor~ fellow kiwi here. was just wondering how big and how much the safety deposit boxes are in NZ. Would they accomodate slver kilo bars?
  7. Yep... me too. Think I better diversify though. My quandary is whether to buy some silver with cash or gold.
  8. http://kr.youtube.com/watch?v=gNIVpMXHqlk&...feature=related
  9. Early week dip.... late week spike? I hope so... I want to swap some gold for silver soon. Ratio is quite good and might be very difficult to get silver shortly.
  10. Good to see gold in the mainstream media. The Rand refinery in South Africa. http://edition.cnn.com/video/ Now here: http://edition.cnn.com/video/#/video/world...ref=videosearch (Steve)
  11. Good point.... and good buying opportunities ahead. But also makes me wonder, if the deflation scare in the markets gets bad enough, whether gold might also be sold off from time to time. I thought Gary Dorsch on FSN this week was particularly good in this regard. As for the ratio, I am eyeing 100/1 also.
  12. I am hoping to buy silver in a few months. I think the fall in price reflects the current bout of deleveraging that all asset classes are experiencing. IMO, this deleveraging is a temporary phase. My main concern is not that the price of silver may shoot up within the next few months, but rather that I might not be able to even buy physical silver, which is increasingly in short supply.
  13. looks like we are in for a period of massive liquidation across the board. Do not be surprised to see liquidation in gold positions also. Not a time to expect plain sailing IMO, we are in a storm. As for the hole, the market will be dragged down it also, kicking and screaming, soon enough.
  14. IMO, you need to keep your eyes on the horizon in this market. Remaining focused on the day to day price could make you very seasick. Gold is the strongest currency today. Period.
  15. I am only ging to buy silver when I see near capitulation in commodities... which IMO we may see around Christmas time.
  16. Why oh why are you trading this market? If you think gold will go well long term... why not just average in on the dips where you can. IMO, we may see some massive dips as the idiot market panics to cash from time to time. Good buying opp. At a later date, when the idiot market panics out of cash, we will see POG go parabolic. Good selling opp.
  17. IMO the deflationists on that thread have a naive view of the currency itself and whether it may buckle under massive pressure [debt imbalances]. After sketching out the persuasive arguments for deflation, they do not stop to consider whether the currency itself could become deflated/devalued. IMO, the gold bugs, for all their hyper-inflationary hype, have a much sounder understanding of money, even a philosophy of money, and can envisage a scenario whereby money itself becomes compromised. This is completely lacking from the conventional deflationist who holds onto both the faith that cash will be king and the simplistic story that their STR fund will secure them a property when they are dirt cheap.
  18. Hear hear. The main thing is to be in. The POG is just silly little digits on a screen ... but they still manage to fascinate us. That is the spell of money I guess, but a spell soon to be broken.
  19. I doubt I will be able to buy any more gold. Not so tragic as fortunately I got in 100% during the course of this year. I am now earning the Korean won which is starting to collapse. My hope is that silver will remain lowish for the next few months and will put most of my future earning into silver on getting back to NZ later in the year. I think we will see a continued credit crisis and deflation... but I also think we will see currencies deflate/devalue as they are starting to do now. Perhaps this beast could be called hyper-"deflation".
  20. The won looks to be in real trouble and we may be seeing another 97 IMF crisis all over again. I think you should look at gold as a currency. IMO, many currencies could very well get into trouble in the coming months. US dollar strength is only a temporary phenomenon due to repatriated money and deleveraging. Wait to see that tank also... not to mention the pound. Consider if you sold your gold. What would you do with the won? Buy GBP or US$? ... which are relatively strong against the won now anyway. Would you just keep your money in won with the risk of the won continuing its slide? Would you be able to buy gold back again if you wanted? Certainly not with won IMO. Korea could easily go the way of Iceland and the won with it. But I guess it also comes down to considerations of how much gold you have and if you want to sell all of it or just a small portion. IMO, given the banking crises and now increasing currency crises, the last thing you want to do is sell gold.
  21. Do you mean sell gold for Won? The won is now tanking. That is why your gold priced in won is "high". Why on earth would you want to sell gold for won now? My colleague, who has won, is seeing gold slip beyond her reach because she is holding an increasingly worthless currency. What are your wife's concerns? Can you not both see you are backing a winning horse? The won has become a joke in our workplace with the most common question being, "Are we working for charity yet?". Talked to my boss about getting an "inflation surcharge" added to the monthly wage... you know, like the oil surcharge they add to airline tickets... he would have none of it.
  22. Can not help you there. I only have physical. Edit: I know you've probably heard it a few times here but could not resist. http://kr.youtube.com/watch?v=VQXECBdPgEA
  23. Yep, I worry more about what politicians may do than about a depression. As I posted earlier, am expecting chronic inflation at a later period but who knows it could possibly go hyper. As for a roof over my head, I see in the currency of gold, and these interesting times, an opportunity to achieve the most basic of needs without incurring a life time of debt.
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