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romans holiday

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Everything posted by romans holiday

  1. Gone through.... a watershed moment IMO.
  2. DOW about to fall below 10000 for the first time in four years. And gold soaring at 871. Things are starting to heat up. Edit. gold may break through 900 tonight and possibly stay there. With the DOW falling into four digits... gold should also go into four digits
  3. Gold holding strong as oil goes below $90. Given the deflationary emvironment at the moment, this is a good sign that gold is holding its own. Just imagine what it may do as the crisis broadens or we go into an inflationary environment in the future.
  4. My guilty pleasure is listening to CNBC... background noise mind. I watch it live from the other side of the world. Most enjoyable channel to watch these days. I love the moments where the hosts look unnervingly sideways at eachother from time to time. I guess they might be starting to get worried about their jobs.
  5. The dastardly plan to rob me of my gold when the POG dips before its inevitable climb just aint gonna work.
  6. Who knows. maybe we will see a crash shortly. The punters are getting jittery.
  7. The market in general does not see our logic at the moment, but is running to the dollar as a safe haven. Once we see further bank collapses we may see gold go a little higher. Personally, I do not think we will see it go to the moon until the dollar itself depreciates.
  8. Check out the DOW! Now 10098 Could go into three figures shortly. Three figures should have some pyschological impact. Edit: four figures.
  9. Good points. But also consider that buyers may be in different circumstances and have different needs. So for example, if someone has no gold I ask them what are they waiting for. If another person had most of their net worth in gold... well, they could happily wait for a possible dip... given the deflationary circumstances at the moment.
  10. The bill will probably go through. Yet, I liken it to the old man with a blanket to small for him; pulls it to one side of himself only to expose the other. Got to be tough to please all those dissenters.
  11. I am heavily weighted in gold... literally... I wish!... umm, so will only buy on a big dip. It could possibly go back down to levels we saw a few weeks back if not now in the near future. Edited
  12. Yep, I am seeing a big deflationary slump in the pipes here. Great buying opportunity as am convinced that the dollar is unsound. We could be in for one hell of a bull ride here, Edit: Also with the plan expected to be passed by Congess, the market could be less concerned about the banking crisis though still in the midst of a deflationary scare.
  13. Waiting for the dip. Edit: No choice as got no money at present.
  14. Cunning subterfugal plan by the PTB to dupe us contrarian-minded gold bugs out of our gold?
  15. Nahh... don't like to listen to freaky astrological looking cosmos lady... Thanks anyway.
  16. Who knows. maybe we will see 730 tested again at some stage. Edit: Before it goes to the moon of course.
  17. Good article here by Eric Janzen on capital flight and the depreciation of a currency. http://news.goldseek.com/GoldSeek/1222841580.php
  18. Is this the beginning of capital flight? Could be fatal for the pound if unchecked. Maybe Gordon will just have to come out and back-stop all the banks.
  19. If the dollar does continue to climb, with all the repatriated money and flight into treasuries, it will be a great buying opportunity for gold. That is, if in turn, the debt imbalances catch up with the dollar to drag it down. This will take some guts and conviction IMO. This gold bull will not be plain sailing.
  20. Yep, as I said.... at a later date!!! Edit: The dollar, like the titanic, will go straight up in the air before finally sinking.
  21. It is all about deflation at the moment. That is what the market is focusing on and is flying to "safety" in the dollar. The gold bull's day will come when the dollar starts to dive. We see the logic of inflation.. but that will only bite at a later date.
  22. If the bill goes through second time round, it will all be happy days are here again. Expect to see lower POG IOM. But we will see who gets the last laugh when the dollar caves in. Could be a good buying op soon.
  23. I was more paranoid about holding my powder in dollars in the bank. Too much counter-party risk and all that. Due to the more drastic "banks can collapse" to the more mundane "inflation erodes your money", I couldn't get my money out fast enough. Frankly, I do not understand why people fear holding gold at home. Have we been conditioned this way?
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