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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. An unconventional lithium play with vast potential image: http://www.stockhouse.com/getattachment/a122021e-c76c-4c09-b9a9-3906ed97b7ad/s-1.jpg 1. Introduction After watching prices of lithium products soar at the end of 2015 and the beginning of 2016 on the back of a starting paradigm shift from internal combustion engine (ICE) powered vehicles towards electric vehicles (EV) needing lots of lithium-ion batteries, and seeing these prices consolidating as the first hype wore off, it seems more and more likely that the EV movement isn't going anywhere soon. Large manufacturers and countries with huge potential markets like China are steering towards a EV dominated market in the not too distant future, and statements like this have initiated a second frenzy towards lithium products. It looks like the paradigm shift is here to stay, and EV will actually be the new reality. As lithium product prices are going up again as demand further increases, so do almost all lithium mining companies, and it looks like a good moment for a new junior like Cypress Development Corp. (CYP:TSX.V) to join the party. The company is looking to explore and develop two large and promising claystone projects in Nevada, both adjacent to Albemarle Corp.'s (ALB:NYSE) lithium brine operation, under the guidance of strong management. Although my first reaction to the story was an old mining adage: "when it's clay, go away," as clay often causes recovery issues, == Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/opinion/independent-reports/2017/11/28/an-unconventional-lithium-play-with-vast-potential#L7BdQ4jhdZjpPkTR.99
  2. Comparisons: San Gold, Pretium, Detour Lake, Eskay Creek Sym.: Company ------ : C$price: -Low - High- : Sh-OS : Mkt.Cap: Pr/BkV : BkVal. : Book Value: 11/28/17: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- : WM.t- : Wallbridge Mng : $ 0.115 : $0.040-0.110 : 287.06 : $ 33.01m : 1.502 : $0.077 : SGRcf: San Gold ------- : $ 0.000 : SOLD all its assets in June 2015 : $64.4M Liquidation PVG.t : Pretium Res.--- : $ 14.06 : $09.17-16.48 : 181.48 : $2.60Bn : 2.414 : $00.00 : DGC.t: Detour Gold ---- : $ 13.84 : $13.01-21.48 : 174.82 : $2.46Bn : 0.993 : $00.00 : ESK.v : Eskay Mining -- : $ 0.270 : $0.160-0.510 : 108.67 : $ 29.34m : 0.000 : NHK.t : Nighthawk Gold : $ 0.700 : $0.355-1.150 : 188.54 : $ 128.2m : 1.728 : $0.000 : ===== RE:RE:San Gold. ============== From 07-15 San Gold produced approximately 50,000oz/year. At a grade of approx 8gpt. They did so in a favorable Canadian mining jurisdiction. It is a historic mine that they had to bring back on line. All be it at a much higher cost then Fenelon will require. Fenelon's grade has historically graded 10-12 gpt. It is a historic mine that requires investment to bring back online. WM is looking to produce 40,000oz per year. San Gold had a resource over a 700,000 oz's left in M and I to mine when they shut it down in 2015. While WMs seems to think 400,000oz is their potential. I dont see as big a difference as you I guess... Only slightly better grades. No need to argue, we are both shareholders here who obviously see in the merit of what is growing here in step out drilling. / 2 / Peace, bro...but... "Fenelon...It is a historic mine..." Huh? No it isn't. It's a newish discovery with world-class drill results, and exploration is still in the very early stages. The bulk sample done by International Taurus may have been at that lower-grade end, but, heck, 8 gpt will be the tailings-processing for this baby. They could very well be pulling north of 50 gpt once they get into this deep enough. / 3 / Hope you’re right. Ik thinking of adding more today. Do do you think this could be the next Pretium then? Is that more your style? lol / 4 / Detour Lake works for me. This isn't an open pit concept, atm, but it well could be, once infill drilling is completed. Proving up 400,000 ounces is just a milestone here, IMHO. I really think Fenelon has the potential to be enormous...mining 500,000 ounces per year, for many years, over the long haul... / 5 / When they say blue sky potential. I think of Eskay Creek as the best of the best. Is that a better comparison?? / 6 / Better. This is the best result I can see at Eskay, though: "Historic drill results at the Lulu zone on the SIB project include 14.3 meters at a grade of 14.4 g/t gold." All you need do is look at the last two releases from WM involving drill results, though, to see that stuff is child's play compared to what we have here. Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard#Av1wHr7iEs7wXbOw.99 == Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard#5E6O23JKAgBLLuu6.99 Certificate of Authorization for Bulk Sample. Just spoke to Marz. He tells me there is no problem with the C.A. for the bulk sample. Expects it for sure by the end of the year, and dewatering to begin in January. The only little snag was that the authorities wanted the outflow ditch/trench to be lined, which they are planning to do. He also said that First Nations is not involved in the bulk sample permitting, so it will go more quickly than if they were seeking a full mine permit. I mentioned some folks were worried because they said 60-75 days for a C.A. in their 8/15 new release, but he said the process didn't start until September 1, so they are not all that far behind "at the bureacracy level." All normal stuff. All looking good. Planning 8000 M of underground drilling, too, as soon as dewatering is complete. Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard#yreZrT2q80VFsmSL.99
  3. Bombshell ! 75-pages of Emails on FBI website This pierces the cover-up, and implicates FBI's Andrew McCabe Exclusive: FBI Director Preparing To Drop The Hammer On Mueller, Comey, And The Clintons THIS IS THE SIGNAL! Christopher Wray is about to Clean House
  4. Was Fulford Gaslighted? Actionable intelligence haul from Marine raid on CIA HQ From Benjamin Fulford Nov 27th 2017 Huge actionable intelligence haul from Marine raid on CIA HQ By Benjamin Fulford White Dragon Society 94 Comments The good guys are winning, folks, and it will not be long before the last brainwashed slaves are freed from the Khazarian debt-slavery mind-control matrix and the criminals rounded up. The Marine raid last week on CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia has yielded a huge haul of actionable intelligence, say Pentagon and other sources. “[u.S. President Donald] Trump is winning BIG, with Clinton-linked pedo rings busted in China as well as the Philippines, Africa, and Germany. Military tribunals and sealed indictments across the USA are approaching 4,000,” according to Pentagon sources. This raid was made possible because Trump signed an executive order on October 20th to recall retired military to active duty in order to “take down the Bush-Clinton cabal, the Jewish mafia, and purge the CIA and FBI of traitors,” the sources say. The sources say that during the November 18th raid on CIA headquarters, computers and documents were seized and as a result, “some 400 drug facilities were located and the U.S. military began bombing them in Afghanistan on November 19th.” They added that the bombed locations were labelled as the Taliban’s in order “to be politically correct.” In other words, they do not want the world to think there is a civil war going on inside the military-industrial complex. In any case, “The Marines have proven once again that they are semper fidelis (always faithful), as this was not just a military operation but an intelligence operation, a psychological warfare operation, and the largest anti-drug operation in history,” the sources continue. In addition to cutting off heroin money from Afghanistan, the cutting off of air flights and land connections to North Korea has stopped the flow of amphetamine money to the Khazarian cabal as well, according to Asian secret society sources. The mass arrests and deportation of the MS-13 El Salvadorian gang who are hired killers for drug kingpin El Chapo, as well as a new attack on the Mexican and Colombian drug cartels, means cocaine money from South America is also being cut off. The ongoing legalization of marijuana worldwide has also cut off that source of Khazarian black money. With CIA drug money influence drying up, the International Criminal Court is poised to prosecute the CIA and the Bush cabal for torture and other war crimes in Afghanistan as well as elsewhere, the Pentagon and other sources say. Also, one of the largest corruption cases in U.S. military history has led to the investigation of 440 people, including 60 admirals—one third of the Navy’s top brass. The removal of these corrupt officers, mostly stationed in Asia, means the 7th Fleet is soon going to stop protecting the corrupt politicians in Japan, South Korea, and the secret Khazarian colony of North Korea. This will mean that U.S. arrests will be followed by similar arrests in Asia.
  5. BIG PR versus Little PR "it's amazing how a little Gold Dust can change everything!" But now, if it is the real Deal (like Wallbridge's Fenelon) does anyone care ? Gold Official Trailer 1 (2016) - Matthew McConaughey Movie Matthew McConaughey Interview on 'Gold' Wallbridge Mining (WM.t) chart / 6mo : 12mo / over the last six months COMMENTS ========== Gold resultsLast night I watched the movie Gold, starring Matthew McConaughey, which is loosely based on the Bre-X scandal. In the movie, the misrepresented, salted drill results were showing gold values of 0.8 oz/ton. Wallbridge's latest NI 43-101 compliant (born from the Bre-X scandal) results are 237 g/ton, or 7.62 oz/ton. The lack of excitement or limited reflection in the share price is due to a lack of awareness, nothing else. Wallbridge needs to make these results known, so that they can raise capital at valuations that reflect the incredible potential we have at Fenelon. Time to start the PR game guys. Love the work you're doing, but diluting at a cap of $30 million is a joke. == Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard#BaglfPx1SRgxivJ6.99 / 2 / RE:Gold resultsCould not agree more. I really think that something needs to be said at the AGM to voice our concern about this area. This is not a cute little company that pretty good drill results at their base mineral properties (the Parkin properties). These gold results are world class. Time to bust out some PR machine work! Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard#M6Mel2KGJpH6z9td.99 / 3 / "TORONTO, Nov. 9, 2017 /CNW/ - Wallbridge Mining Company Limited (TSX:WM, FWB: WC7) ("Wallbridge") is pleased to announce initial assay results from its third round of exploration drilling on the 100% owned Fenelon Gold property ("Fenelon") in Quebec. Results are reported for an initial three drill holes (FA-17-25, FA-17-26, and FA-17-27). Results for another six holes are pending. Mineralization remains open along strike and to depth and follow-up drilling is planned as part of the pending bulk sample for which permits are expected this year.' The stock popped with the drill results of 3 holes, 6 pending. the other 30 holes is old news. It is what it is.. an 11 cent stock.. its naive to say its a world class discovery lacking PR Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard#hrcGumluQ2pBwJrU.99 / 4 / RE:RE:RE:RE:Gold resultsSo when you invest in a stock, you only look at the very latest drill results and dismiss the other 30 holes that were drilled with fantastic results? The stock popped previously and dropped. It has done this each time drill results have come out so this is not a one time occurance. Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard#IHZibzJogW0Qqr6j.99 / 5 / We don't need to spend much on P.R. with these results... ....just to be patient a bit longer. The market is not going to be able to ignore this massive little nugget much longer. I haven't heard much of this before, and I apologize if it's already been posted here somewhere, but: https://www.northernontariobusiness.com/regional-news/sudbury/wallbridge-pushing-for-early-production-at-fenelon-774164 (Less than 50%, excerpted:) ------------ During question period, it was asked why the company was considering an early production date when they have so few proven reserves. Company president Marz Kord said he understood the concern, but they are very confident in the initial results to get a return to the stakeholders. “The last 100 years the larger companies wouldn’t go ahead unless they had around three years’ reserves. But there are times when they do all this preliminary work, go into production and there’s almost nothing left (to mine)," he explained. “These results show, even at shallow depths. The results are very good. We are going to make capital as we go for our stakeholders.” ------------ THESE GUYS ARE MINERS, NOT PROMOTERS. When the market finally gets it, we are all going to be richly rewarded. Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard#QIX2Sv0szkrztL4J.99 / 6 / Yeah...they could probably do a better job of getting the word out, AND without spending much money...But, I still like the philosophy of letting their actions speak for themselves, though, too. Works in every facet of human endeavor... When they start reporting massive EPS numbers next year...LOOK OUT ABOVE. Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard#VUhAg7VMQX0wRLsC.99 / 7 / What kind of price...So what kind of price valuation might we be looking at it if they show 400,000 oz with 247 million shares?? I'd appreciate estimates and how you derive them. thanks very much! Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard#06GAMAQhHPSJVcvg.99 / 8 / There's a company called Seabridge Gold with a market cap that hovers around $1 billion. They have a lot of gold on the books, but their deposits are massive, low grade porphyry style and not easy to access. By my understanding they are nowhere near production, and have 11 employees on the books. Their grades are less than 1 g/t. Wallbridge is drilling incredible grades (200+ g/t), and the bulk sample (I'm assuming) will target the best of these grades. All you can do at this point is speculate. Based on near-term production and world class grades, we should be over $100 million right now. I've seen companies with far less going for them cap into the billions on speculation/frenzy. See Copper Fox. WM is simply one of the best opportunities you will find at this price. Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard#iEP1K61dXlhviurX.99 / 9 / Well, a LOT depends, of course, on things like the depth/accessibity of the deposits, the POG, actual total compliant/proven resource increases, etc.... BUT...one little game we can play, based just on short term news, is a possible pop just from the upcoming bulk sample. If they take it from the right areas (and I see no way they can blow that), we can expect grades close to 1 oz/ton. If we actually get 35,000 ounces of gold, that would be north of US$40,000,000. If we can get a bottom line net earnings from that of say...15%...or $6,000,000...that would result in a EPS of $.03. A conservative PE ratio of 10 would make the company worth $.30/share JUST FROM A MEASLY LITTLE BULK SAMPLE! Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard#YTMQXcTDdvDoIz68.99 / 10 / The more I think about it though, 35,000 ounces from a 35,000-ton BS is probably being way too optimistic. They will NOT be able to get grades that high unless they are taking rock from way down where the recent bonanza grades are located. That isn't going to be feasible. I would think a more realistic scenario would be based on what ITS did years ago...so let's say a slight improvement on that 14,000-ton-BS grade of .31 oz/t (4339/14000). Half an ounce per ton is realistic (but still slightly optimistic) so cut everything I said in half.... Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard#XCmo0ZrwDr2gu9Qs.99 / 11 / Yes 11 grams per ton seems to be the goal. WM should push past .25 with upcoming catalysts with an upside north of $1 per share once they prove up the 400,000 oz or 600M plus of gold. Even at 10% that's 60M profit. Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard#7XfB58c5lI5LBBzS.99 MARKET CAPS, compared: Sym.: Company ------ : C$price: -Low - High- : Sh-OS : Mkt.Cap: Pr/BkV : BkVal. : Book Value: 11/28/17: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- : WM.t : Wallbridge Mng. : $ 0.115 : $0.040-0.110 : 287.06 : $33.01m : 1.502 : $0.077 : FF.t- : FirstMngFinance : $ 0.550 : $0.500-1.100 : 552.15 : $303.7m : 1.182 : $0.465 : FR.t- : First Maj. Silver : $ 8.500 : $7.510- 14.38 : 165.70 : $1,410m : 1.799 : $4.725 : === : GZZ and RZZ : GZZ : Golden Valley--- : $ 0.270 : $0.240- 0.495 : 126.34 : $34.11M : 1.572 : $0.172 : RZZ : Abitibi Roylaties : $ 8.280 : $7.410- 10.75 : 011.41 : $94.44M : 2.668 : $03.10 :
  6. SS comments on the Hillary H3LL we avoided Susan Sarandon says Hillary Clinton would have been a 'dangerous president' Published on Nov 27, 2017 Michelle Malkin, host of 'Michelle Malkin Investigates', on actress Susan Sarandon's comments about Hillary Clinton and the future of the Democratic Party. 'I don't vote with my vagina': Susan Sarandon on not backing Hillary Clinton - BBC Newsnight
  7. Bump & Merge? - two art threads ART thread: A long term investment? Or short punt? Started by DrBubb, 15 Apr 2008 Hot 40 replies 5,886 views ART : End of a boom ? Started by DrBubb, 06 Feb 2013
  8. What Made The Da Vinci Painting Worth $450 Million (HBO) A best-selling novel... and: An over-heated market? BID / Sotheby's ... all-data : ==
  9. Gold Mine Development Companies Sym. : 10yr : 2yr / SSP.v : 10yr : 2yr / Sandspring Res. : C$ 0.29 : 4.185 : $0.069 : 114.14 : cad$33.10M VGZ- : 10yr : 2yr / Vista Gold Corp. : US$0.72 : 2.186 : $0.329 : 099.41 : usd$71.58M BTR.v: 10yr : 2yr / Bonterra Res.--- : C$ 0.62 : 2.232 : $0.278 : 189.65 : cad$117.6M SA---- : 10yr : 2yr / Seabridge Gold- : $ 11.05 : 2.267 : $4.874 : 057.47 : usd$635.0M EOX.t : 10yr : 2yr / Euromax Res.--- : C$ .265 : 5.821 : $0.046 : 135.33 : cad$35.86M ATM.v: 10yr : 2yr / Atacama Pac.--- : C$ 0.71 : 0.615 : $1.155 : 083.62 : cad$59.37M IDM.v : 10yr : 2yr / IDM Mining Ltd. : C$ 0.11 : 0.914 : $0.120 : 359.10 : cad$39.50M ATC.v: 10yr : 2yr / ATAC Resources C$ 0.48: 0.629 : $0.763 : 139.63 : cad$67.02M RUP.v : 10yr : 2yr / Rupert Res.----- : C$ 0.85 : 7.309 : $0.116 : 101.11 : cad$85.95M INV.t- : 10yr : 2yr / INV Metals------- : C$ 0.81 : 0.977 : $0.829 : 092.59 : cad$75.00M NCA.t : 10yr : 2yr / NewCastleGold : C$ 0.80 : 5.717 : $0.140 : 203.43 : cad$162.7M FF.t- : 10yr : 2yr / First Mng. Fin.- : C$ 0.57 : 1.182 : $0.482 : 552.12 : cad$314.7M BSX.t : 10yr : 2yr / Belo Sun Mng.-- : C$ 0.45 : 2.842 : $0.158 : 465.59 : cad$209.5M CGT.t : 10yr : 2yr / Columbus Gold : C$ 0.75 : 2.628 : $0.285 : 152.80 : cad$114.6M MAX.t: 10yr : 2yr / Midas Gold Cp.- : C$ 0.69 : 2.658 : $0.260 : 186.31 : cad$128.6M FPC.v: 10yr : 2yr / Falco Resources: C$ 0.97 : 2.135 : $0.454 : 180.15 : cad$174.7M LGD.t : 10yr : 2yr / Liberty Gold---- : C$ 0.41 : 2.259 : $0.181 : 150.78 : cad$61.82M ER.t-- : 10yr : 2yr / Eastmain Res. : C$ .325 : 0.842 : $0.385 : 193.01 : cad$62.73M ALG.v: 10yr : 2yr / Algold Resour.- : C$ .145 : 1.119 : $0.130 : 167.25 : cad$24.25M LYD.t : 10yr : 2yr / Lydian Int'l ------ : C$ .355 : 1.132 : $0.314 : 699.62 : cad$248.4M AMM.t: 10yr : 2yr / Almaden Min'l-- : C$ 1.15 : 1.815 : $0.634 : 100.44 : cad$115.5M PGM.v: 10yr : 2yr / Pure Gold Mng : C$ .485 : 7.084 : $0.068 : 191.61 : cad$92.93M CNL.t : 10yr : 2yr / Continen'l Gold : C$ 3.11 : 1.225 : $2.539 : 188.22 : cad$585.4M HRT.t : 10yr : 2yr / Harte Gold Cp. : C$ 0.50 : 2.807 : $0.178 : 498.59 : cad$249.3M ITH.t- : 10yr : 2yr / Int'l Tower Hill : C$ .475 : 1.042 : $0.456 : 162.39 : cad$77.14M GZZ.v: 10yr : 2yr / Golden Valley : C$ 0.27 : 1.572 : $0.172 : 122.74 : cad$33.14M ===== MUX : 10yr : 2yr / McEwen Mining /Golden Valley : C$ 0.27 : 1.572 : $0.172 : 122.74 : cad$33.14M ... update VGZ / Vista Gold ... update ATC / xx sa
  10. Presentation, Nov. 2017 Long term Timing looks good Big exploration spending in the last few years, has NOT brought big discoveries FF looks deeply undervalued at 50-60 cents == > presentation: https://www.firstminingfinance.com/_resources/Nov_2_Presentation.pdf
  11. Dark Journalist, Daniel Lizst, appeared very recently on HBO Preview DARK JOURNALIST HBO VICE NEWS ANNOUNCEMENT! Program Trump’s JFK Document Dump Fueled The Conspiracy Theory Fire (HBO) The location of the interview is reminiscent of THIS JFK (4/7) Movie CLIP - A Meeting with X (1991) HD "NOTHING was left to chance... He could not be allowed to escape"
  12. GDXJ - versus FF.t ... update : 5-yrs : 2-yrs : update : 10d / Two Years Ratio : FF.t to GDXJ : 3 yrs
  13. WRONG QUESTIONS again? As usual, the NY Slimes seems to be eager to mislead, by asking the Wrong questions, and connection the dots in a way that protects their usual constituencies They should be asking these questions about powerful Democrats -- and sexual predator Jews The Unexamined Brutality of the Male Libido After weeks of continuously unfolding abuse scandals, men have become, quite literally, unbelievable. What any given man might say about gender politics and how he treats women are separate and unrelated phenomena. Liberal or conservative, feminist or chauvinist, woke or benighted, young or old, found on Fox News or in The New Republic, a man’s stated opinions have next to no relationship to behavior. Through sheer bulk, the string of revelations about men from Bill Cosby to Roger Ailes to Harvey Weinstein to Louis C.K. to Al Franken and, this week, to Charlie Rose and John Lasseter, have forced men to confront what they hate to think about most: the nature of men in general. This time the accusations aren’t against some freak geography teacher, some frat running amok in a Southern college town. They’re against men of all different varieties, in different industries, with different sensibilities, bound together, solely, by the grotesquerie of their sexuality. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/25/opinion/sunday/harassment-men-libido-masculinity.html A FIX? Some needed edits A GROUP OF VIRTUE-SIGNALING Men arrive at this moment of reckoning woefully unprepared. Most are shocked by the reality of women’s lived experience. Almost all are uninterested or unwilling to grapple with the problem at the heart of all this: the often ugly and dangerous nature of the libido of POWERFUL MEN OF A CERTAIN PERSUASION . . . The nature of the libido of a certain group of powerful men and its accompanying forces and pathologies drive so much of culture and politics and the economy, while remaining more or less unexamined, both in intellectual circles and in private life. I live in Toronto, a liberal city in a liberal country, with Justin Trudeau for prime minister, a half-female cabinet and an explicitly feminist foreign policy. The Liberal attitudes have not protected women and young men from predators, in fact the Liberal consensus may have made it worse while protecting predators, rather than potential victims The men I know don’t actively discuss changing sexual norms. We gossip and surmise: Who is a criminal and who isn’t? Which of the creeps whom we know are out there will fall this week? Beyond the gossip, there is a fog of the past that is better not to penetrate. Aside from the sorts of clear criminal acts that have always been wrong, changing social norms and the imprecision of memory are dark hallways to navigate. Be careful when you go down them; you might not like what you find. So much easier to turn aside. Professionally, too, I have seen just how profoundly men don’t want to talk about their own gendered nature. And some of the worst predators among us put on a show of promoting feminist causes, while being abusers in secret, and protecting their powerful friends whom they have seen commit abuse. (Before people jump all over me, check the statistics above. Of course there a sexual predator males who are not Jewish, and even some genuine predators who are not democrats, presumably. But NOT MANY in these statistics. But We need to discuss the actual Reality here, and connect the obvious dots.) WHO are the predators?: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21760
  14. The Truth About Soy Boys A Soy diet may be behind the alarming Loss of Masculinity !
  15. Fortis Garden Residences DMCI Pasong Tamo Makati Condo near Magallanes MRT and BGC Launching 1st Quarter 2018!!! Soon to Rise along Chino Roces Ave. in Makati, near EDSA Location: Chino Roces Ave., San Antonio, Makati City (beside Savemore & CW Depot Magallanes) Land Area: 7,200Sqm 2 Hi-rise Building (Residential 47th storey & Commercial/Office 37th storey) Mixed units:1, 2 & 3Bedrooms Pocket Garden WILL FORTIS SELL OUT quickly? There are different opinions on SSC about how quickly Fortis Gardens will sell out + D: I had been with DMCI for many years and I know that this project will be sold out in one day-- since almost all of my previous clients in DMCI are going to be repeat buyers because of this project. + M: Sold out in one day a bit to optimistic I think. San Lorenzo Place which is even directly linked to the MRT Magallanes Station isn't sold out yet and was launched in 2008 or 2009 if I am not mistaken. + J: I think its possible.. its all about The brand's reputation. + B: ...and price acceptability. Absurd pricing for a flood-prone, noise-susceptible location would be the deal breaker. == > ssc: http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=1847521&page=10 (per another page): "As per my agent, this project would cost more or less 120K/sqm wow" - M. (July 2017, and this number does not seem so "wow" in Nov. 2017)
  16. BIKING in Philly - Interactive Map Biking through any city can be nerve-racking. Now, a new map reveals exactly how stressful it is to bike in Philly and beyond. The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Corporation (DVRPC) recently released an interactive map of the five counties in the Delaware Valley that highlights the Level of Traffic Stress (LTS) all throughout the region, based on the comfort of bicyclists in traffic. Here’s how that breaks down: LTS 1: Comfortable enough for everyone, relaxing, and kid-friendly LTS 2: Comfortable enough for cyclists interested, but concerned; suitable for most adults and little traffic stress LTS 3: Comfortable enough for “enthused and confident” cyclists; moderate traffic stress LTS 4: Comfortable enough for the “strong and fearless” rider; high traffic stress As the interactive map details, in Philly it’s a bit of a mixed-bag, with its main boulevards and traffic arteries like Broad Street garnering an LTS 4 rating (red). Throughout the region, areas that had protected bike lanes and trails like Circuit Trails earned LTS 1 ratings and are highlighted in green. Screenshot via DVRPC In the suburbs, the map-makers took a step further and analyzed where some spots could be downgraded from LTS3, therefore making the roads more comfortable for more bicyclists and create more low-stress connections. This analysis for Philadelphia is still in draft-form, but DVRPC transportation planner Sarah Moran, says the analysis should be released within the next year. Check out the interactive map here.
  17. 26 places to visit in Philly this fall Behold: 26 places in Philly to visit this fall, whether it's something as traditional as strolling down Elfreth’s Alley, or checking out the brand new and powerful Octavius V. Catto Memorial at City Hall. by Melissa Romero October 2
  18. Here’s what $1,300 rents in Philly right now Is one person’s townhouse another’s studio? Let’s find out! This week we’re looking at rentals in the $1,300 monthly price range. (no comparison - it seems) Northern Liberties (2 beds, 1 bath)—Located in a gated community in Northern Liberties is this two-bedroom rental that clocks in at 648 square feet. It has all the basics, including a dishwasher, and it seems to get a lot of light. Its monthly rent is $1,250. via JG Real Estate Kensington (1 bed, 1 bath)—For $1,295 a month, rent out this 950-square-foot apartment in a new triplex. It’s on the top floor, which means lots of light and easy access to the community roof deck. Pets are welcome, too, for an extra fee.
  19. Mayor Jim Kenney visits 52nd Street businesses on Small Business Saturday Posted on 25 November 2017 Mayor Jim Kenney talks to small business owner Mayathan Joan Fletcher during his 52nd Street Commercial Corridor visit on Small Business Saturday (Nov. 25, 2017). (Photo by Mike Lyons/West Philly Local) Today is Small Business Saturday, and Philly mayor Jim Kenney visited several businesses along the 52nd Street Commercial Corridor to support local business owners and to encourage folks to shop small today. The mayor began his visit shortly after 10 a.m. at the corner of 52nd and Chestnut by chatting with Mayathan Joan Fletcher, a sidewalk vendor, and buying a Jamaica hat. Kenney was also planning to visit NV My Eyewear at 137 S. 52nd St., African Cultural Art Forum at 221 S. 52nd St., Urban Art Gallery at 262 S. 52nd St., and more. Continue Reading
  20. Outlook : from Q3- Interim Report ======= Gran Colombia has produced a total of 139,117 ounces of gold through the first ten months of 2017 and now believes it will produce a total of 165,000 to 170,000 ounces for the full year compared with the 149,708 ounces produced in 2016. Gran Colombia has deposited a total of $7.8 million representing its Excess Cash Flow for the first nine months of 2017 into the sinking funds for the Senior Debentures. Provided gold prices remain at least at the current level over the final two months of the year and Segovia’s gold production in November and December meets expectations, Gran Colombia expects to generate Excess Cash Flow for the full year in the order of $16 million and it will continue to consider, as appropriate, additional NCIB purchases and /or partial redemptions, if appropriate, as a means to reduce its 2020 Debentures ahead of maturity. ======= Third Quarter First Nine Months 2017 2016 2017 2016 Operating data: Gold produced (ounces) 37,039 39,111 122,122 108,829 Per Month, average 12,347 13,037 13,569 12,092 Gold sold (ounces) 33,932 39,017 117,545 107,605 =================== ====== ====== Q4 / 47,995 40,979 Year / 170.117 149,708 Revenues ----- Q4 / $62,393k $50,366k Revenues ----- 9mo / $144,427k $133,708k Oper.CF <int,tx 9mo / $ 48,327k $ 33,580k OperCF- as % 9mo / 33.46% 25.11% Revenues -- 12mo / $206,820k $184,074k Oper.CF <int,tx 12mo/ $ 68,933k $ 47,703k OperCF- as %. 12mo/ 33.33% 25.92% -------- per oz. Q4 / $1,300 $1,229 -------- GLD Aver. / $125.0 $121.0 x 10.16 =========================== ======
  21. Sym.: Company------- : C$price: Low-High-- : ShOS : MktCap : $Cash : BkVal : Pr/BkV : Pr./Ls : Expense : Exp/sh. ==== : (11/24/17) GCM : Gran Col.Gold - : $ 01.94 : $1.20-$2.23 : 20.45 : $40.5m : $7.34m : $11.21 : 17.35% : Book Value now at : $229.320M / 20.45m shs = $11.21 / sh. !! - But cheaper debt will be connverted, see below Current price is C$1.94. so only 17.35% of Book Value -- and 39% of adj. C$ 4.98 /sh. BookValue, see Notes below Outlook : from Q3- Interim Report ======= Gran Colombia has produced a total of 139,117 ounces of gold through the first ten months of 2017 and now believes it will produce a total of 165,000 to 170,000 ounces for the full year compared with the 149,708 ounces produced in 2016. Production growth at Gran Colombia’s Segovia Operations has been solid in 2017, even with the impact of a 42-day disruption in operations in the third quarter. With a total of 117,931 ounces of gold produced through the first ten months of 2017, Segovia is on pace to produce between 140,000 and 145,000 ounces this year, up from 126,261 ounces in 2016 and the Marmato Underground mine is expected to meet its 2017 production guidance range of 24,000 to 26,000 ounces of gold. Gran Colombia’s total cash cost and AISC averaged $720 and $927 per ounce sold, respectively, in the first nine months of 2017. These results were adversely impacted by the civil disruption at Segovia in the third quarter of 2017. Despite this, Gran Colombia continues to expect that its fourth quarter 2017 operating and financial performance will bring the total cash cost and AISC averages for the full year 2017 to below $720 and about $900 per ounce sold, respectively. Gran Colombia has deposited a total of $7.8 million representing its Excess Cash Flow for the first nine months of 2017 into the sinking funds for the Senior Debentures. Provided gold prices remain at least at the current level over the final two months of the year and Segovia’s gold production in November and December meets expectations, Gran Colombia expects to generate Excess Cash Flow for the full year in the order of $16 million and it will continue to consider, as appropriate, additional NCIB purchases and /or partial redemptions, if appropriate, as a means to reduce its 2020 Debentures ahead of maturity. == > http://www.grancolombiagold.com/news-and-investors/press-releases/press-release-details/2017/Gran-Colombia-Gold-Reports-Third-Quarter-2017-Results-Raises-2017-Production-Guidance/default.aspx Debt -- : 12/31/16 : 09/30/17 : CPLTD $ 01,232K : $ 30,966K : > 81% can/will be converted into stock @ GCM's discretion LTD--- : $ 85,022K : $ 63,030K : Debt---: $ 86,254K : $ 93,996K : Face-- : $150.90M : $141.62M : $9,279k / $1.95: 4.758M /$1.95 : + 77.38M : + 72.63M : shs EntVal. : $333.59M : $370.94M : Sh.OS- : + 92.98M : + 93.08M : shs Bk Val. : + $ 03.59 : + $03.99 : adj. for Conversion of Debt x CAD : C$ 1.344 : C$ 1.247 : Bk Val. : C$ 04.82 : C$04.98 : adj. for Conversion of Debt Def.Tx : $ 49,922K : $ 64,456K : Prov.- : $ 28,629K : $ 29,283K : Equity : $ 182.69M : $229.32K : Sh.OS : ++ 15.60K : ++ 20.45K : PerSh. : + $ 11.72 : + $11.21 : (US$) 2018d: $ 49,743K : $45,970K : (08/11/18) $3,773K / $1.95: 1.935M /$1.95 : + 25.51M : + 23.57M : shs EntVal. : $232.43M : $275.29M : Sh.OS- : + 41.11M : + 44.02M : shs Bk Val. : + $ 05.65 : + $06.25 : adj. for Conversion of Debt, 1% debs Bk Val. : C$ 07.60 : C$07.80 : adj. for Conversion of Debt, 1% debs 2020d: $101.16M : $48,696K : ( 01/02/20) 2024d: $000.00M : $46,955K : ( 01/02/24) ========================
  22. Featured News... Premier positioning in Lithium Triangle xx
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