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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Ron at his worst - promoting utter B.S. There are NO COLLATERAL Accounts The amounts are impossible, and there is no evidence they exist 8-6-17 – OPPT BATTLE TO SECURE HUMAN RIGHTS Published on 5 Aug 2017 OPPT BATTLE TO SECURE HUMAN RIGHTS Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, to me, is a heroine fighting the most important battle in modern human history. Of course most are unaware of the actual implications due to the fact that humanity has been dumbed-down, cajoled and brainwashed for eons, especially in the past two to three hundred years by the direction of the so-called House of Rothschild and the demonic elite. What she has done is to lay the lawful foundation for humanity to have our natural rights restored along with the wealth created by the Illuminati in our names. The issue is that people have begun having bills paid using their own accounts that have been hidden for decades. These are the accounts that have been financing the fake monetary system and all the wars required to maintain the cabal delusions. The people’s wealth has been plundered; and Heather is standing up for all of us. I suspect this is a major step in our awakening process, without which we will remain slaves forever. It seems obvious to me that Heather TJ is a scammer, headed towards prison Is RVD soaking on his Hopium pipe because he wants "free stuff"? This seems clear to me "The Rothschilds owe us all of the wealth they have" BREATH-TAKING! RVD has never created anything. And now he is demand a piece of Rothschild wealth? The irony is thick here. "We need to love one another" (except the Rothschilds of course) Ron Van Dyke, the RV, and Free Money
  2. TIME for the MSM to start worrying about their law-breaking?? Jeff Sessions' Attack on the Media Is Worse Than You Think Equating the free press to spies is dark and dangerous ("Free Press" hahaha - that's a good one - free to report in a one-side way, protecting criminals, would be more like it.). By KEL MCCLANAHAN August 05, 2017 Attorney General Jeff Sessions held a press conference to announce how avidly the Department of Justice was going to investigate and prosecute leakers of classified national security information. From now on, he said, “the Department of Justice is open for business.” (An odd statement, to be sure, suggesting that it was previously closed.) Much of what he said was nothing new—really, administrations have been going after leakers for decades—but the way he said it was clever, and not for the reasons one might think. It is important to remember that this speech is supposed to be about leaks to the media. The title of the official transcript of his remarks is “Attorney General Jeff Sessions Delivers Remarks at Briefing on Leaks of Classified Materials Threatening National Security.” He starts out his remarks by condemning “the staggering number of leaks undermining the ability of our government to protect this country,” and explains that “no one is entitled to fight their battles in the media by revealing sensitive government information.” So, he’s obviously talking about leaks to the media, right? That’s what the briefing’s about: fighting leaks to the media. We’re all on the same page. == > http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/08/05/sessions-leaks-media-attack-worse-thank-you-think-215465 Is Sessions working on a new image ? MESSAGE to Lie-Stream media scumbags: The day of being protected when you Lie-for-the-Left may be coming to an abrupt end. A few law-breaking Reporters going to jail may prove the resolve of the once-weak-seeming Sessions. It is about time that the Laws of the Land were enforced on the Leftwing lawbreakers too ! Being a part of the "elite media" is no excuse for breaking the law! In Trump’s World, ‘Very Weak’ Sessions Twists in Wind JUL 25 In the annals of cutthroat Washington politics, it would be hard to find a cabinet secretary left abandoned and humiliated in the way President Trump has left Attorney General Jeff Sessions.After days of questioning Mr. Sessions’s decisions, Mr. Trump all but signed his political death warrant on Tuesday by dismissing the attorney general as “VERY weak,” perhaps the most cutting assessment for a president who prizes strength above all else. He made no effort to dispel the impression that he wants Mr. Sessions out. “We will see what happens,” he told reporters. “Time will tell.” Maybe, just maybe, we should be saying: What a difference a week makes !
  3. TWITTER IS RUN BY SCUMBAGS to promote propaganda - & should be shutdown! Their political maneuvering is disgusting1 SELL THE STOCK, if you have any ! You'd have to be a complete twit to own shares in such a stupidly biased company TWTR / Twitter ,,, all-data : Breaking: Twitter Censors Eric Trump’s Drudge Tweet Showing Great American Job Numbers Tweet praising job numbers marked as ‘potentially sensitive content’ . Infowars.com - August 4, 2017 1186 Comments Image Credits: Alex Wong/Getty Images. Eric Trump on Friday exposed Twitter had censored a news story he shared showing great American job numbers. In a Friday message to his followers, Trump showed how a tweet he shared from the Drudge Report Twitter account was blocked and labeled “potentially sensitive content.” “Why are my tweets about jobs and the economy being censored?” Trump asked. Eric was attempting to share a Drudge Report tweet from CNBC showing July job numbers grew by 209,000 jobs in July, beating the 183,000 expected job growth. The shadow ban by Twitter underscores how the leftist social media platform actively works to hide tweets which reflect positively on the president. During the 2016 presidential campaign, Twitter also censored positive replies to Trump tweets, in addition to tweets sent out by Trump himself. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has previously expressed support for failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. == > https://www.infowars.com/breaking-twitter-censors-eric-trumps-drudge-tweet-showing-great-american-job-numbers/ Imagine if Michele Obama has seen her tweets censored, if she had tweeted about good economic news. The press would have gone crazy
  4. MXP / Mexican Peso ... update xx Keith Neumeyer - on yesterday's call Thanks Connie. So, I am not going to get into a huge amount of detail on the financials. I am sure, everyone on the call has read the Company’s news release. I’ll cover some highlights. Revenue for the quarter was $60.1 million, mine operating earnings of $1.12 million, net earnings after taxes of $1.4 million, small loss of $0.02 per share that’s adjusted earnings; on an earnings basis we’re actually positive by $0.01, decent operating cash flows of $80 million, cash flow per share $0.11, healthy working capital $130.9 million with a $126.9 million in the bank. The realized selling price for silver in the quarter was $17.17 that’s slightly reduced from the first quarter, which was $17.55. Our cash costs for the quarter was $7.41 and our all-in sustaining costs were $14.58. . Couple of highlights for the first six months of the year, obviously the strengthening peso. The peso’s gone up around 11% since the beginning of the year. With most of our revenues coming from Mexico, obviously we’re impacted by the strengthening peso. Approximately 80% of our costs are in pesos. And also we did have some work stoppages in the quarter which we’ve talked about publicly a couple of times already, so it shouldn’t be new news to anyone. Most of those events are behind us. But, as I commented in my previous statement in the news release when we announced the production numbers, I did say that there is unusual activity by the workforces in Mexico, as result of some, what I call possibly unhappy Mexicans due to the political environment that’s currently in Mexico, which is obviously unfortunate. But, nevertheless, we’re getting through it and we have come to some very good resolutions with two unions that we work with. And we’re very, very happy that the resolutions that we actually agreed to which should have positive impacts on our profitability going forward at five of our mines, which is obviously very positive thing. == > https://seekingalpha.com/article/4095137-first-majestic-silvers-ag-ceo-keith-neumeyer-q2-2017-results-earnings-call-transcript (there were some warnings of trouble earlier): xx
  5. HISTORY REPEATS ! Thank goodness I was OUT of the equity - I had some shares at the beginning of the year Shares of First Majestic Silver Crash After Earnings Report Motley Fool-18 hours ago Shares of precious metals miner First Majestic Silver (NYSE:AG) are down 14.8% as of 12:00 p.m. EDT today. The force driving today's decline was the company's second-quarter earnings report that didn't live up to expectations. So what According to analyst estimates, First Majestic's earnings were going to come in at an adjusted net profit of $0.01 per share. After stripping out some one-time gains, though, First Majestic posted an adjusted $0.02 per share loss. To make matters worse, total silver equivalent ounces produced and revenues declined, while cash and all-in sustaining costs increased. All of these elements led to weaker cash flows for the quarter, which forced management to cut its capital spending guidance to $17.5 million for the year. Now what According to management, this was all related to work stoppages and some foreign currency losses from a strengthening Mexican peso. Those labor issues have been resolved and the company's mines are up and running again. If this is truly the case, then investors should probably give the company a mulligan for this quarter. After all, First Majestic has historically been one of the better precious metal miners at generating cash flow per share. However, it will be worth watching over the next quarter or two to make sure that these are indeed one-time problems. ===== FR.t / First Majestic Silver ... all-data : 10-yr-W : 5-yr-W : 2-yr-D : 6-mo-D / 10d : Aug. 4, 2017 8/4/2017 Last: C$7.89 -$1.79 -18.49% : Volume: 3,090,799 / 10-d / 10d : First Majestic Silver's (AG) CEO Keith Neumeyer on Q2 2017 ... Seeking Alpha-15 hours ago Thank you for standing by. This is conference operator. Welcome to the First Majestic Silver Conference Call and Webcast. As a reminder, all ...
  6. Thanks. FOUR "bargain secondhand" Flats Offer at The Rise (per that Facebook page): Floor: Type- : Price------- : SqM- : PerSqm : 10/fl : 1-BR : P3,800,000 : 25.82 : P147.2k : 11/fl : Stu. : P3,800,000 : 25.08 : P151.5k : 31/fl : 1-BR : P4,400,000 : 28.01 : P157.1k : 32/fl : 1-BR : P4,400,000 : 28.01 : P157.1k : ========================== ------------> Average asking price : P 153,225 per sqm ------------> Compare, High floor : P 185,000 psm. recent offer for 1BR from Shang (5.18M /28= P185k) ----------------------------------------- : that's 17.2% cheaper >AAPPH : AllAboutPropertyPH The Rise is still 2+ years away from completion. Built up to: Jul 2017 - 41st Floor I reckon that secondhand prices will keep rising, as the Supply from the developer dries up
  7. Cheap Prices I am told that it is possible to buy in the secondary market: Cityland, Pasong Tamo flats, on Chino Roces, between AT-SanLo and Wilcom - at about P 50k - 60k per sqm The two buildings were completed in 20-- and 20-- Pasong Tamo are the rusty-red, and blue buildings. Avida Towers San Lorenzo, Tower-1, in the background was then under construction (completed 2015?) BTW, how do you get easily to Manila Bay from there? I have used public transport and jeepney's, and it seems to be a 2-3 leg journey. Maybe that will change in future. Right now, it is easiest to take a taxi
  8. US created 209000 jobs in July, vs 183000 jobs expected CNBC-11 hours ago The U.S. economy added 209,000 jobs in July and the unemployment rate dipped to 4.3 percent, according to a government report Friday. The U.S. economy continued a strong summer, adding 209,000 jobs in July while the unemployment rate fell to 4.3 percent, the lowest since March 2001, according to a government report Friday. Economists surveyed by Reuters had expected the report to show growth of 183,000; the unemployment rate met expectations. A more encompassing rate that includes discouraged workers and the underemployed was unchanged at 8.6 percent. The number of employed Americans hit a new high of 153.5 million thanks to a surge of 345,000. The employment-to-population ratio also moved up to 60.2 percent, tied for the highest level since February 2009. Stock market futures liked the news, rising to indicate a positive open, while government bond yields also moved considerably higher. == > https://www.cnbc.com/2017/08/04/us-nonfarm-payrolls-july-2017.html Hey. what's next? Rising real wages, maybe? Keep illegals out will also help raise wages GOOD NEWS for Trump, and Good news for America ! Such a difference - having a president WORKING for Job Growth!
  9. Mz Clinton's delusion still alive... and she still has money to keep it breathing Hillary Rehiring Campaign Aides... Bookmaker slashes odds on Zuckerberg being president... Onward Together, the group formed earlier this year, has hired Emmy Ruiz and Adam Parkhomenko, veterans of both Clinton's presidential campaigns. The group, registered in May as a 501c4 organization with an affiliated super PAC, is working to establish a small but diverse cooperative of about 10 to 12 grassroots efforts, each one focused on a different area of the energy and activism set off by Donald Trump’s election and presidency. Dean said they are still in the process vetting groups to add to the coalition, which already includes organizations such as Swing Left, Emerge America, and Run For Something. . . . Parkhomenko, a longtime Clinton loyalist who founded the PAC Ready For Hillary in early 2013, will focus on the larger political landscape for both Onward Together and, tangentially, Clinton’s activity on behalf of Democrats, looking at the question of how, when, and where she can be helpful to candidates in upcoming races. That Clinton play a role at all in electoral politics after her failed 2016 campaign is a source of debate among Democrats, some of whom have said that the former candidate needs to step back, clearing the way for new voices in politics. Clinton, however, has made it clear she is receding entirely into private life: She has made headlines for pointed remarks about Trump and Russia and has a memoir coming out next month that aides have described as a candid, at times raw account of the Democratic primary fight and her race against Trump. . . . Clinton and her aides have also spent the summer on her new memoir, What Happened, which comes out in September and will be followed by a book tour. Some of the fundraising work has already started, “but it’s been slow going because we’ve all been so busy,” said Dean. “Now that we’ve got some staff it’s really terrific. Somebody had to have the big picture, and that would now be Emmy and Adam." == If Hillary does run again, it will suck up fund-raising money that might otherwise go to other candidates, and keep some good candidates from emerging. This may make it easier for one who is wealthy enough to "run on his own money" - like Zuckerberg
  10. Corey Goode sits down with an enthusiastic interviewer to RESPOND to his critics Corey Goode Interview - Current Events and Q/A - July 25, 2017 Over Two Hours - I have only listened to the beginning, so far
  11. Co-Working Space(s) in Molave Building One of the co-working spaces in the Molave Building is run for the Mozilla community Mozilla Community Space Manila (MozSpaceMNL) is located inside Palet Express in Makati City: Q: Can I drop by the Mozilla Community Space Manila at any given time? A: NO. MozSpaceMNL is managed by local Mozilla Reps. They are all volunteers and have their daytime jobs. Most of the MozSpaceMNL activities are held on weeknights and on weekends. MozillaPH events may require pre-registration. Be sure to check the Events Calendar from time to time. Roof Deck, Molave Building, 2231 Chino Roces Ave. (Pasong Tamo), MAP & Directions: > http://www.mozspacemnl.org/where-is-the-mozilla-community-space-manila-located/
  12. City Gate will be a likely catalyst in inspiring more new development in its immediate area - & with knock-on effects in other areas of Makati (like Chino Roces - here's why): The excitement of high-end development at City Gate, AFT & Kroma, may be causing people to re-evaluate what can be done with their older, shorter buildings on the Northern end of Ayala Avenue. The developer of the project below is rumored to be Ayala Land. A tight office market is helping. SSS Building, Ayala Ave, and Ruffino St. was built in 1966 (51 years ago) and has been occupied by the PDIC. Soon to be evicted ? (at PDIC offices) Philippine Daily Inquirer / July 05, 2017 The employees of Philippine Deposit Insurance Corp. probably thought they had seen the last of their former office—a decrepit structure along a flood-prone section of Chino Roces Avenue in Makati City—after they moved to a “better location” a few years ago. This better location, the Social Security System building on the corner of Ayala Avenue and Rufino Street in Makati City, isn’t too swanky either since it was built in 1966 and is not a modern high rise, but is classified as a “class B” building. But it does have the benefit of being located in the country’s most expensive address for offices, and… well… employees never have to contend with anything worse than puddles even during heavy downpours. . . . Unfortunately for the officers and staff of PDIC, the new leadership of the SSS has better ideas to realize greater value from this expensive piece of real estate. Biz Buzz learned SSS was eyeing a joint-venture deal with a yet-to-be-determined partner to redevelop the 12-story structure into a gleaming high rise building that will maximize the investment value of the property. And the prospect of building a high rise on the spot is giving SSS investment officials wet dreams because—thanks to the relatively large size of the property—any building that will be built on it can probably have 50 stories (or more) of sellable or leasable space (the PBCom Tower across the street has 52 stories aboveground and seven basement levels sitting on a smaller footprint). Of course, the most ardent suitor for the right to partner with SSS and develop the property is none other than Ayala Land, we hear, because well… it’s its home turf, Ayala Avenue, after all. But Biz Buzz learned SSS is playing coy and is entertaining other suitors who may be willing to give it a better deal than the blue-chip Ayala firm. No one knows which way the new SSS leadership is leaning, but the chair of the private pension fund wants nothing less than an “iconic landmark for its members as a sign of stability,” we were told. On the upside, the old PDIC building is being refurbished, inside and out, so that the returning staffers won’t feel like rejects, given the important role they play in bank regulation and supervision. And most importantly, the Makati City government has repaired the problematic drainage along Chino Roces, so hopefully, no more flooding. That’s something to look forward to, maybe. Read more: http://business.inquirer.net/232543/biz-buzz-soon-evicted#ixzz4oqFcCqGI The PDIC's old building on Chino Roces,is near Don Bosco, south of Waltermart. > https://nearest.cash/en/p/landbank/mp9jhreiy6M4bskSr No doubt, many PDIC employees would rather stay on more swanky Ayala Avenue Near Chino Roces address is a more informal, less corporate-ized working environment, which could be a future hotspot, It is only 1 lot away from Avida's P 2 Billion land purchase.
  13. Cheapest seller? At P 4.2 Million 1BR 37G North Wing "Im selling my 1BR unit, 37th Floor Unit G, North Wing. 26.49 SQM, no balcony : P 4.2M" Selling Price: 4.2M / 26.49 = P 158.6k per sqm "Contact me if interested": 0917-882-6278 / marvic.ramos@outlook.com
  14. Canadian exploration stocks - still in a summer slump These charts don't show any "impulse action" ... yet
  15. Not only McMaster - so many others... PLEASE GET ANGRY - get involved - this is crazy !!! Mark Levin explains it well here "THIS Is A COUP!" Levin Show 8/3/17 - Mark Levin Show August 3,2017 Full Podcast Comments: MASSIVE Massive Miscarriage of Justice - this Mueller charade is ridiculous -- meantime, Real Crimes of Democrat being ignored! Deborah Anglin Why is this grand jury in Washington DC only 4% voted for trump all lawyers working for him are democrats which 8 of them donated to Hilary's campaign this is a travesty of justice can't believe this
  16. Madam President Newsweek Issue Exposes Why Hillary Clinton Lost "Don't temp fate... God could not allow THIS to stand" Fight for Us? "Fighting WHAT?... Nobody knows!"
  17. The MARRS FILES DID he know More than he ever said? Jim Marrs "Trump Knows Who Really Controls Events But If He Named Names, He'd Be Killed!" Published on Nov 8, 2016 (Right or wrong titles?): / 2 / Jim Marrs Exposes the Real Conspiracies in 2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaCJc9nl9zY Published on May 24, 2017 Presenting well-known conspiracy theorist Jim Marrs. We’ll cover the standbys, including the Kennedy assassination, the murder of Robert Kennedy, secret space programs and ancient astronauts. He is author of such books as “Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy,” and “Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens?” Jim has worked for several Texas newspapers and, since 1980, he has been a freelance writer, author and public relations consultant. He also published a rural weekly newspaper along with a monthly tourism tabloid, a cable television show and several videos. / 3 / Jim Marrs Who Really Runs the World https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNDGi0Ak814 Published on Feb 27, 2017 / 4 / Linda Moulton Howe - Jim Marrs - Alien Agenda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8PSdxABNvY Published on Jul 26, 2017 Remote Viewing, Alien, UFOs, Mod Report and much more THE BRITISH MOD STUDY: PROJECT CONDIGN PDF (click below) . Linda Moulton Howe - Jim Marrs - Alien Agenda Playlist:
  18. Russia russia russia? Gone gone gone! Roger Stone breaks down Seymour Hersh Seth Rich, Awan, Brennan, Andrew McCabe much more 8/2/17 Published on Aug 3, 2017 Roger stone breaks down recent events including Pultizer Prize winning author Seymour Hersh audio that Seth Rich was the source for wikileaks. How it is believed the John Brennan was behind entire operation to steal data and blame on Russia and much more. Mr. Stone also Interviews Colon Mike McAllister spokesman for citizens for Trump about electing Pro-Trump candidates for office, and also discusses Omar Navarro campaign to unseat Maxine Waters. Also details about acting FBI director Andrew McCabe (now #2 at FBI). Mr. McCabe also authorized the spending of $50,000 for the “golden showers dossier” for the purpose of smearing President Trump. Also that his wife received $675,000 cash from Governor Terry McAuliffe (Democrat money mover) at the exact time he was supposed to be investigating Hillary Clinton.
  19. My Latest Diary (AUG) is here: > http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21617 === A VIEW OF MARRS - thanks to yelik Sad News - Jim Marrs has Passed away https://gizadeathsta...-field-marshal/ August 2, 2017 By Joseph P. Farrell SAD NEWS… WE HAVE LOST A FIELD MARSHAL Folks, I have just heard the very sad news that Jim Marrs has died. We have lost one of the field marshals in this alternative research community. I first met Jim at the 2009 Laughlin UFO Congress though I had been interviewed by him on Whitley Strieber's Dreamland a few times before that. We were able to spend a few very pleasant hours in his hotel room in Laughlin talking. It was like spending a few hours with a master. What he said to me that day showed just how deep and extensive his research really was, much of it which had never made it into any of his books. Jim was a field marshal in this community to me. He marshaled sources and footnotes on the battlefield of ideas better than anyone, and was footnoting and extensively referencing his research at a time when virtually no one else in this field did. He called out the globalists and oligarchs - with copious salvos and broadsides of footnotes - at a time when few others did. No subject was taboo, no matter too dangerous for him. He was invariably courteous and good-humored, and could sink an argument with an easy laugh and one-liner that made everyone laugh... and think. Every soldier needs rest, including field marshals... Rest well Jim, and know you are already deeply, deeply, missed... Wiki A native of Fort Worth, Texas, Marrs earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from the University of North Texas in 1966 and attended graduate school at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas until 1968. He has worked for several Texas newspapers, including the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, where, beginning in 1968, he served as police reporter and general assignments reporter covering stories locally, in Europe, and in the Middle East. After a leave of absence to serve with a Fourth Army intelligence unit during the Vietnam War, he became military and aerospace writer for the newspaper and an investigative reporter. Since 1980, Marrs was a freelance writer, author, and public relations consultant. He has also published a rural weekly newspaper along with a monthly tourism tabloid, a cable television show, and several videos. Since 1976, Marrs taught a course on the assassination of Kennedy at the University of Texas at Arlington. Beginning in 1992, Marrs spent three years researching and completing a non-fiction book on a top-secret government program called the Stargate Project involving the psychic phenomenon known as remote viewing, only to have the program canceled as it was going to press in the summer of 1995. In May 1997, Marrs' investigation of UFOs, Alien Agenda, was published by HarperCollins Publishers. The paperback edition was released in mid-1998. It has been translated into several foreign languages and become the top-selling UFO book in the world. Publishers Weekly said: Marrs shows little discrimination, overemphasizing dubious phenonmena like remote viewing and crop circles, and giving nearly equal weight to ludicrous pretenders like Billy Meier (who claimed close encounter with Pleiadians) and sophisticated commentators like Jaques Vallee. Marrs even devotes a chapter to theories that the moon may be a UFO, and he refuses to rule out obvious frauds like the alien autopsy tapes. But if rigorous analysis escapes Marrs, little else does; this is the most entertaining and complete overview of flying saucers and their crew in years. In early 2000, HarperCollins published Rule by Secrecy, which claimed to trace a hidden history connecting modern secret societies to ancient and medieval times. This book also reached the New York Times Best Seller list. In 2003, his book The War on Freedom probed the alleged conspiracies of the 9/11 attacks and their aftermath. It was released in 2006 under the title The Terror Conspiracy. Marrs was a featured speaker at a number of national conferences including the annual International UFO Congress [not in citation given] and the annual Gulf Breeze UFO Conference but he also speaks at local conferences, such as Conspiracy Con and The Bay Area UFO Expo. Beginning in 2000, he began teaching a course on UFOs at the University of Texas at Arlington. Marrs usually also gave a book signing at Brave New Books in Austin, Texas at least once a year. Marrs has appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, C-SPAN, The Discovery Channel, TLC, The History Channel, This Morning America, Geraldo, The Montel Williams Show, Today, TechTV, Larry King (with George Noory), and Art Bell radio programs, as well as numerous national and regional radio and TV shows. In October 2011, Marrs started his own radio program, "The View from Marrs" on the Jeff Rense Radio network airing three times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 3 pm Central time. Marrs has on his show a wide variety of guests and dedicated the entire month of November to the latest information regarding the JFK assassination. He also has subject matter on UFO research, survival tips, and much more. This radio program was put on hiatus due to his two upcoming book contracts. With a friend, Michael H. Price, Marrs completed a Comic Book entitled, "Oswald's Confession & Other Tales from the War" published by Cremo Studios, Inc., in 2012 with Marrs as also the cartoonist of this book. February 2013 Marrs' book, "Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens?" was published by HarperCollins. --wiki
  20. GOLD : I'm not impressed ! I think we saw a cyclical Low at the beginning of July, but I 'm not impressed by the volume or the Size of the Rally in GLD or GDX Gold-in-Euros - has gone virtually "nowhere" GLD GDX
  21. GOLD : I'm not impressed ! I think we saw a cyclical Low at the beginning of July, but I 'm not impressed by the volume or the Size of the Rally in GLD or GDX Gold-in-Euros - has gone virtually "nowhere" GLD GDX
  22. We agree! I just posted this on my diary Very sad new to hear today - even though I knew he was not well Author, Researcher, Jim Marrs Has Died RIP 1943 - 2017
  23. Scum-tube?: Youtube is going "full scumbag"? We cannot let the ((( scumbags ))) win ! Youtube Goes Full 1984, Promises to Hide "Offensive" Content Without Recourse - We Must Oppose This Time to ditch Youtube possibly ?! Try VID-me maybe?
  24. ARE THEY STUPID OR CORRUPT?? This podcast is revealing. It makes me wonder why the supporters of the scum-ocrats can ignore so many serious crimes by scum-ocrats, and GOP never-Trumper. Meantime, they spend serious time chewing on nothing-burgers - silly narratives about non events supposedly involving the Trumps Or is it just "police state terror"?... and the fact that so many people are afraid of being targeted by the Deep State, if they resist the criminality DEEP STATE REGIME CHANGE OPERATION EXPOSED -- Harley Schlanger
  25. AFTER HEATHER's Arrest Heather Ann Tucci Exposed! "She claimed to be an unofficial official of the white house." "She resigned her legal credentials back in 2013." "How could she be Randy's lawyer?" "Doing shit can get you locked up. Randy got locked up." WHATEVER this gentleman is talking about - and I find his video confusing - it seems to NOT work Comment: NIECY MAJOR - 4 hours ago Did u see how Harvey is supposedly now homless lol go look on his page. if he pays his bills with his account why can't he pay his rent? If he works why can't he pay his rent? He trying to get money out of ppl now. / 2 / Federal Court Hearing Update - Identity Hearing - Heather Ann Tucci - Secret TDA Trust BTW, what DOES WORK, is working hard at an honest job. Why do these people not discover this? (Meantime, RVD has now admitted that Heather was arrested.) 8-2-17 – USA, INC. FRAUD + HEATHER TUCCI-JARRAF UPDATE Published on Aug 1, 2017 USA, INC. FRAUD + HEATHER TUCCI-JARRAF UPDATE Yes, all corporate governments – national, state, county, city and any other – are all fraudulent, depriving us without our consent of our natural rights. We naturally have the rights of free speech, freedom of religion, freedom to travel, the right to be judged by a jury of our peers, without the control of BAR attorneys or judges. These rights were called “unalienable” in the Declaration of Independence and upheld in the Bill of Rights of the original US Constitution. Some people still don’t get this because it’s been well concealed from the masses. We’ll see how things progress in the case of Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf as she faces an unlawful court financed by a criminal syndicate of international bankers. While I do not think most people are awake and enlightened enough to know what to do with sudden wealth, I still pray for real change in this world of criminal enterprises for the profit of a few at the expense of many. RN should remember that what he calls a "fraudulent government" is paying him a pension that he never paid into Heather was brought half-handcuffed into a court hearing in Washington, Ron says.
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