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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Corporate Center / BPO's at Crcuit City There was a Rainbow appearing when this photo was shot at night - last September RB Now the buildings are racing to completion > ssc: http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=1838492&page=3
  2. Good Views on growth. Bad News on debt. . Fitch sees PH growth at 6.6% in 5 5yrs DEBT watcher Fitch Ratings said Philippine economic growth in the next five years could average above 6.5% as the country continued to hold a strong external position and macroeconomic fundamentals + Fitch thinks GDP will likely grow by 6.6 percent on average in the next five years + In 2017 alone, Fitch projects 6.8 percent, and 6.7 percent in 2018 + This comes with: current acct. surpluses, high levels of int'l reserves, & low and declining external debt + Modest deficits of 0.3 percent of GDP in 2017, and 0.7 percent in 2018 + Infrastructure spending was expected to be P847 billion in 2017, 5.3 percent of GDP "The PH remains a net external creditor, at 13.3 percent of GDP, and this is stronger than BBB peer countries" Fitch affirmed a BBB- rating in March, with a positive outlook, but has some concerns about disruptions from the Drug war on the economy Govt debt up 7.9% at P 6.41 Trillion in June NATIONAL government debt rose to P6.41 trillion in June as the government issued more securities and the peso continued weaker against the dollar + Domestic borrowings accounted for P4.18 tr - 65% : + 9.3% year-on-year + Foreign creditors provided ---------- P2.23 tr - 35% : + 5.2%, with debt values figured at P50.44, rather than P47 PSEi breaches 8,000 to close at a 1-year high, up 0.83% on the day to 8,037,51 With the Property index up 1.68% to 3,855.28 on Wednesday, as AyalaLand hit a new high. (From the Manila Times, pg. B1)
  3. Good Views on growth. Bad News on debt. Fitch sees PH growth at 6.6% in 5 5yrs DEBT watcher Fitch Ratings said Philippine economic growth in the next five years could average above 6.5% as the country continued to hold a strong external position and macroeconomic fundamentals + Fitch thinks GDP will likely grow by 6.6 percent on average in the next five years + In 2017 alone, Fitch projects 6.8 percent, and 6.7 percent in 2018 + This comes with: current acct. surpluses, high levels of int'l reserves, & low and declining external debt + Modest deficits of 0.3 percent of GDP in 2017, and 0.7 percent in 2018 + Infrastructure spending was expected to be P847 billion in 2017, 5.3 percent of GDP "The PH remains a net external creditor, at 13.3 percent of GDP, and this is stronger than BBB peer countries" Fitch affirmed a BBB- rating in March, with a positive outlook, but has some concerns about disruptions from the Drug war on the economy Govt debt up 7.9% at P 6.41 Trillion in June NATIONAL government debt rose to P6.41 trillion in June as the government issued more securities and the peso continued weaker against the dollar + Domestic borrowings accounted for P4.18 tr - 65% : + 9.3% year-on-year + Foreign creditors provided ---------- P2.23 tr - 35% : + 5.2%, with debt values figured at P50.44, rather than P47 PSEi breaches 8,000 to close at a 1-year high, up 0.83% on the day to 8,037,51 With the Property index up 1.68% to 3,855.28 on Wednesday, as AyalaLand hit a new high. (From the Manila Times, pg. B1)
  4. "A Big Waaa!" - says Joe Biggs Rolling back the Obama insanity The Truth About The Military Trans Ban "No more crap... We need people who can kick @ss." "We are NOT a social experiment" "No time for Tom trying to be Tiny" "Spend money on the VA, not transgender operations" Maybe if they roll back the insanity and privileges, it will leave me feeling more compassion for these sad and confused people. So long as they were trying to use government to steal more privileges, it felt like we were in a state of war...
  5. (Email from Casey Research): The price of uranium must rise. Right now, uranium trades at around $20/lb. That’s a 12-year low. More importantly, it’s . In fact, most producers need $60 uranium to make money. That’s triple the current price. This means the price can only go up from here. But that’s not the only reason to be excited about uranium. Right now, the metal is experiencing the best demand growth in 25 years…but supply is falling short. In other words, producers won’t be able to supply enough uranium to satisfy the coming surge in demand. That’s a recipe for higher uranium prices…and great news for uranium stocks.
  6. GENERALLY Speaking... and Globally... (But perhaps not yet for PH): Are REIT's really better ? Asks Maggie from Atlanta : This recent article in Forbes argues that Data proves REITs are better than buying real estate: https://www.forbes.com/sites/marcprosser/2017/07/1... I've been following Bigger Pockets and planning to buy my first rental property sometime this year...but this article made me wonder if I should be rethinking that decision, and investing in REITs instead! So, I'd love to hear what Bigger Pockets members with more firsthand experience with real estate think about this article. Data proves REITs are better than buying real estate? FLIPPING is a short-term strategy where an investor uses a fix-and-flip loan to purchase, renovate, and then sell the property for a profit. In this scenario, the profit earned is the difference between the sale price and the purchase price plus holding costs, which include renovations. Fix-and-flip investors will typically try to sell a property within 6 - 12 months. For fix-and-flip investors, a rule of thumb is that you need to make at least 30% above the purchase price in order to be profitable. This is due to the repair costs and other holding costs. This means that while fix-and-flippers make $58k, on average, it can be a risky investment. For example, as much as 40% of all short-term house flippers sell at either a breakeven or loss. The second is through a long-term strategy where an investor uses a permanent loan to purchase a property before renting it out to long-term tenants. Profit is earned from the monthly rental income and asset price appreciation, minus any maintenance and upkeep. Buy-and-hold investors willy usually keep a property for more than 10 years. For buy-and-hold investors, it’s common to see average annual returns between 7% - 10%, depending on the type of property and its area. However, some investors have been able to generate upwards of 20% annual returns in hot markets while others have seen losses due to low occupancy rates and rising costs of maintenance. . . . Direct real estate investing is very time intensive and often requires a lot of work. For short-term investments, a fix-and-flipper is usually required manage the renovation timeline and sell the property within 12 months. For long-term investments, investors are required to find tenants, deal with maintenance and upkeep, and sometimes even renovate the property before renting it. This is why real estate investment trusts (REITs) have become so popular lately. REITs offer many of the same benefits of direct real estate investment, such as rental profits, as well as solve many of the problems, such as a lack of liquidity and diversification. Until recently, however, REITs have gone by largely unnoticed by real estate investors. But the cat’s out of the bag. REITs have a long history of outperforming direct real estate investing and the trend is expected to continue. For example, from 1977 to 2010, REITs have returned more than 12% annually. This is in comparison to the roughly 10% return of the S&P 500 and the 6% - 8% return of private real estate funds during the same period. And over the past 5 years, REITs have an average annual return around 9% while the average annualized return of direct real estate investing is at-or-below 8%. These are impressive performance numbers that all investors should find interesting. But before you jump the gun... == > article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/marcprosser/2017/07/19/data-proves-reits-are-better-than-buying-real-estate/#1c579ddad6b7
  7. MAXIMUM DANGER ? Trump & his team need to get Aggressive now So many warnings coming out now... Patriots Warn of Coup Against Trump If Real, this would be an aggressive move against Globalist power HISTORIC: President Trump Will Audit The Fed
  8. Uh-oh! Is the Old pattern (of 1997) reoccurring? DEFICIT Breaches Ceiling - Business Insight, front page, 25 July 2017 THE national government's fiscal deficit in the first half of the year exceeded the deficit cap for the six months period by P10.7 billion, due to the under collection in tax revenues in the first semester. + Six months budget shortfall amounted to P154.5billion, which is 7% over the cap of P143.8 billion + "Underspending seems to be a thing of the past" + The BIR expects to make up the under-collection in Q3, thnx to a one-time item - "we are expecting P30 billion from Mighty" + Revenue collection was up 7% to P1.176 trillion, but fell below the target of 1.193 trillion by 1% === Finance secretary Carlos Dominiquez promised: "Fiscal prudence will continue to rule the day" ... in an attempt to dispel fears that the Duterte administration's ambitious spending would lead to fiscal instability The govt plans to rely mostly on domestic borrrowings to fund its development plans, and The Country's debt portfolio is now 67.1 percent peso-denominated. This is a significant improvement from 58.1 percent peso demoninated in 2010
  9. BUTTONS - for the header ======== 1. http://i.imgur.com/9b3pVAD.gif /: (goldmoney link, per wayback machine) z- ... : 2. http://i.imgur.com/WYCfoZC.gif /: http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/SenlLower/threadImg_zpshjvpfch6.gif 3. http://i.imgur.com/eCambeb.gif /: http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/SenlLower/acoreL-89x33_zpsvjkiwajj.gif 4. http://i.imgur.com/vNgDG3Z.gif /: http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/SenlLower/acoreR-89x33_zpslwqoceud.gif 5. http://i.imgur.com/6qurDt2.gif /: http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/SenlLower/acFringe_zpsmrrhpeqi.gif 6. http://i.imgur.com/11srHbD.gif /: ??? - http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/SenlLower/acStars_zpsf9wzrrep.gif
  10. A WHO DUNNIT Actually makes great sense Like the JFK killers - the perps admit their actions at death (As posted in the Fringe section): http://yournewswire.com/cia-911-wtc7/ CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed: ‘We Blew Up WTC7 On 9/11’ Mr. Howard says the World Trade Center 7 operation is unique among his demolitions, as it is the only demolition that “we had to pretend wasn’t a demolition job”. He claims he had no problem going through with the deception at the time, because “when you are a patriot, you don’t question the motivation of the CIA or the White House. You assume the bigger purpose is for a greater good. They pick good, loyal people like me, and it breaks my heart to hear the shit talk.” Explaining how the building was bought down, Mr. Howard says, “It was a classic controlled demolition with explosives. We used super-fine military grade nanothermite composite materials as explosives. The hard part was getting thousands of pounds of explosives, fuses and ignition mechanisms into the building without causing too much concern. But almost every single office in the Building 7 was rented by the CIA, the Secret Service, or the military, which made it easier.” Mr. Howard explains that WTC 7 was “loaded with explosives in strategic places” in the month leading up to the day that changed the course of American history. On September 11th, while the North and South towers burned, fuses were ignited in World Trade Center 7, and nanothermite explosions hollowed out the building, destroying the steel structure, removing the reinforcements, and allowing the office fires to tear through the rest of the building, hollowing it out like a shell. “When the building came down, it was such a rush. Everything went exactly to plan. It was so smooth. Everybody was evacuated. Nobody was hurt in WTC 7. We were celebrating. We kept watching replays of the demolition, we had the whiskey and cigars out, and then all of a sudden the strangest thing happened. We all started to worry that it looked a bit too smooth. We watched the tape again and again and again and we started to get paranoid. It looked like a controlled demolition. We thought shit, people are going to question this. And then we heard that people from the street were reporting that they heard the explosions during the afternoon. When we were told that the BBC botched their report and announced to the world that the building collapsed 20 minutes before it actually did… At that point we really thought the gig was up.”
  11. JULY 2017 UPDATE Based on an Email from my agent friend at Shang: Just an update, we are already at 80% sold. 6% more remaining for the foreigner buyers to reach max, 40%. Below is the latest photo update for Rise construction. > another source of photos : white : https://web.facebook.com/TheRisebyShangrila/
  12. History Lesson - The Asian Financial Crisis of 1997-98 and Events leading to it (Based on Special sections in today's 30th Anniversary issue of Business World): Prelude : How Reforms helped the PH transform into a tiger cub economy - BW, 24 July, S5 From 1992, new president Fidel V. Ramos addressed some historic problems: + Power Crisis: Dept of Energy created with licenses given to create IPP's & power stations + Infrastructure development: introduced Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) for tollways, light rail, power plants, etc + Economic Reforms: 10% VAT tax introduced, and tax base was broadened + Liberalization of telecommunications, banking, civil aviation + Privatization: of Petron Corp, with 40% sold to Aramco for US$502 million + Bases conversion, such as 214-hectare project in BFC going to a consortium Sidebar on Makati PH property prices These reforms, and rapid growth in other Southeast Asian Economies helped to trigger a property boom: The Boom peaked in 1997-98 and then property prices collapsed by about 35%, back to where they were in 1995. Real prices fell even more, from 1996 to 2003-4, by perhaps 50% Asian financial crisis changes Philippines' trajectory - Business World, 24 July 2017 PH was said to be "one of the least effected" by the AF Crisis, but there was a shock in some areas (like property) As the crisis began, PH seemed about ready to shake off its reputation as "the sick man in Asia" During FVR years, it went "from a bleak landscape frequented by power outages, to a beehive of activity" PH ended 1996 with a 6.8% growth rate (& soaring property prices), up from 5.7% in 1995. For 1997, PH was targeting 7-8% growth, and govt economists were predicting a budget surplus. Ramos was heralding that PH "had reached newly industrialized country status" Drops often come fast after important peaks Phil. Peso ... usPHP ... All Data : 2-years : 6-mos : 10-days / http://www.fullertreacymoney.com/system/data/images/2015/July/7th/Philippines-Peso-per-1-US-Dollar-2015-07-07-chart.png + Onset of the AF crisis began July 2, 1997, with Thailand floating the Baht, and seeing its value drop 18% in a day + Panic selling of the PHP followed with people concerned it would follow the path of THB + Overnight interest rates shot up from 15% to 20%, then to 24%, before peaking at 32% + Regulators floated the PHP currency on July 11, 1997 when it was P26.40. It ended the year at P 40.116 PSE-Index. / PH:PSEI ... All-data : 5-yr : 2-yr : 6-mo // All-Data-vs-PSE - + The stock marlet had hit an all time high in Feb., at 3,447.60. + The low in 1997 was 1,722.01 (-50%), and that was a four year low. By year end, trading volume was cut by 30% + Interest rates went crazy, with overnight rates hitting as high as 170%, and the 91d Treasury rate averaged 11% + With hgher rates, consumer spending stalled. Car and parts manufacturers were podnering layoffs + Foreign companies called off their expansion plans in PH + Property related lending growth fell, from a truly overheated rise of 97.2% in 1996 to a rise of "just" 42.6% in 1997 + Meantime, manufacturing-related loans grew at "only" 17.3%, down from 42.5% in 1996 + The public sector deficit ballooned to P23 billion, instead of the P5.6 billon surplus that had been expected + Public sector borrowings shot up to, hitting P 35.3 billion by year-end 1997 + Growth for 1997 was below original expectations, at 5.8% + FVR had to warn about worse problems in 1998, talking about "a loop of decline", while advising against panic + As 1998 began there were 431 notices of layoffs and almost 20,000 jobs were lost The next administration faced a huge budget deficit and growing public debt levels Estrada Administration Joseph E Estrada declared he inherited a bankrupt economy, using some hyperbole, an also said: "We are deeply convinced we are in a better position than some of the neighboring economies" + The currency crisis was declared over in May 1998, but not the economic crisis + Unemployment rose to 8.9% from 8.7% in the previosu year + THe Estrada administration lowered rates, and by year-end 1998, 91d treasury rates were down to 13.3% + For 1998 as a whole, the country barely eluded a full recession, posting GNP growth of just 0.1%, + But GDP growth was negative, at minus 0.5%, the first negative reading since 1991 + The deficit for the year was P53 billion, and the country's debt stood at P1.5 trillion, up from P1.461 trillion + By January 1999, the IMF declared that the AFC was over + But the banking system remained lumbered with troubled loans: non-performing loans shot up from 5.8% (01/98) to 11% (11/98) (Overall Comment) : it seems like Du30 has brought a period of reform and building like that of FVR's time as President. The property boom we are seeing now, may be followed by a full or near-full retracement of the price gains.
  13. History Lesson - The Asian Financial Crisis of 1997-98 and Events leading to it (based on Special sections in today's 30th Anniversary issue of Business World): Prelude : How Reforms helped the PH transform into a tiger cub economy - BW, 24 July, S5 From 1992, new president Fidel V. Ramos addressed some historic problems: + Power Crisis: Dept of Energy created with licenses given to create IPP's & power stations + Infrastructure development: introduced Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) for tollways, light rail, power plants, etc + Economic Reforms: 10% VAT tax introduced, and tax base was broadened + Liberalization of telecommunications, banking, civil aviation + Privatization: of Petron Corp, with 40% sold to Aramco for US$502 million + Bases conversion, such as 214-hectare project in BFC going to a consortium Sidebar on Makati PH property prices These reforms, and rapid growth in other Southeast Asian Economies helped to trigger a property boom: The Boom peaked in 1997-98 and then property prices collapsed by about 35%, back to where they were in 1995. Real prices fell even more, from 1996 to 2003-4, by perhaps 50% Asian financial crisis changes Philippines' trajectory - Business World, 24 July 2017 PH was said to be "one of the least effected" by the AF Crisis, but there was a shock in some areas (like property) As the crisis began, PH seemed about ready to shake off its reputation as "the sick man in Asia" During FVR years, it went "from a bleak landscape frequented by power outages, to a beehive of activity" PH ended 1996 with a 6.8% growth rate (& soaring property prices), up from 5.7% in 1995. For 1997, PH was targeting 7-8% growth, and govt economists were predicting a budget surplus. Ramos was heralding that PH "had reached newly industrialized country status" Drops often come fast after important peaks + Onset of the AF crisis began July 2, 1997, with Thailand floating the Baht, and seeing its value drop 18% in a day + Panic selling of the PHP followed with people concerned it would follow the path of THB + Overnight interest rates shot up from 15% to 20%, then to 24%, before peaking at 32% + Regulators floated the PHP currency on July 11, 1997 when it was P26.40. It ended the year at P 40.116 PSE-Index. / PH:PSEI ... All-data : 5-yr : 2-yr : 6-mo // All-Data-vs-PSE - + The stock marlet had hit an all time high in Feb., at 3,447.60. + The low in 1997 was 1,722.01 (-50%), and that was a four year low. By year end, trading volume was cut by 30% + Interest rates went crazy, with overnight rates hitting as high as 170%, and the 91d Treasury rate averaged 11% + With hgher rates, consumer spending stalled. Car and parts manufacturers were podnering layoffs + Foreign companies called off their expansion plans in PH + Property related lending growth fell, from a truly overheated rise of 97.2% in 1996 to a rise of "just" 42.6% in 1997 + Meantime, manufacturing-related loans grew at "only" 17.3%, down from 42.5% in 1996 + The public sector deficit ballooned to P23 billion, instead of the P5.6 billon surplus that had been expected + Public sector borrowings shot up to, hitting P 35.3 billion by year-end 1997 + Growth for 1997 was below original expectations, at 5.8% + FVR had to warn about worse problems in 1998, talking about "a loop of decline", while advising against panic + As 1998 began there were 431 notices of layoffs and almost 20,000 jobs were lost The next administration faced a huge budget deficit and growing public debt levels Estrada Administration Joseph E Estrada declared he inherited a bankrupt economy, using some hyperbole, an also said: "We are deeply convinced we are in a better position than some of the neighboring economies" + The currency crisis was declared over in May 1998, but not the economic crisis + Unemployment rose to 8.9% from 8.7% in the previosu year + THe Estrada administration lowered rates, and by year-end 1998, 91d treasury rates were down to 13.3% + For 1998 as a whole, the country barely eluded a full recession, posting GNP growth of just 0.1%, + But GDP growth was negative, at minus 0.5%, the first negative reading since 1991 + The deficit for the year was P53 billion, and the country's debt stood at P1.5 trillion, up from P1.461 trillion + By January 1999, the IMF declared that the AFC was over + But the banking system remained lumbered with troubled loans: non-performing loans shot up from 5.8% (01/98) to 11% (11/98) (Overall Comment) : it seems like Du30 has brought a period of reform and building like that of FVR's time as President. The property boom we are seeing now, may be followed by a full or near-full retracement of the price gains.
  14. EYE-PODS provide privacy in Open plan spaces Because privacy has proved essential to productivity as the trendy open space for collaboration TODAY's office design trend is all about open space - large room, long table, no partitions -everybody can see everybody. The idea behind this concept is to encourage more collaboration, thus increasing productivity + Some people think that open space do not work, because they eliminate privacy, and endanger concentration + Employees may have to endure excessive noise and distractions A French design company, Clestra Hauserman, has come up with a useful tweak: "Irys", a flexible office pod/box for open space offices + Irys won the Red Dot Awards 2016, besting around 5,000 products from 57 countries + Irys has partnered with Ultra Modular Concepts (UMCI) to bring the concept to the PH A whole pod comes equipped with lighting, power outlets, and ventilation, and has a good accoustic rating. It is not attached to the buildinng, so if you want to move it, you can. If a client wants to move, the pod can be dismantled, and reinstalled quickly But Irys "does not come cheap" (Notes from Lifestyle, pg. G-4, Manila Bulletin, Sunday 3 July 2017) == > http://lifestyle.mb.com.ph/2017/07/23/eye-pod/
  15. A Second Camelot interview with RDS - this on the SSP ROBERT DAVID STEELE INTERVIEWS KERRY CASSIDY RE SECRET SPACE PROGRAM Steele asks any questions of Kerry Cassidy
  16. Thanks, I always like to see more about Antarctica / but I was moved by this film last night ====== Is Dunkirk "the best War movie ever"? It might be Christopher Nolan's film shows the horrors of war, civilian heroism... But breaks the rules: No Americans, No Germans shot... very little dialog Dunkirk - Trailer 1 [HD] Trailer 2: extended, 5 minutes Visual feast, tension builds through out Nolan: "More a survival film, than a war film" Opening weekend of $50 Million, very good box office for a war-related film.. The reviews were nearly all positive, A-, 5-stars overall ===== Weekend Box Office 7/23/17 3-Day Weekend Box Office Estimates 1. Dunkirk $50.5M $50.5M 3,720 1 2. Girls Trip $30.4M $30.4M 2,591 1 3. Spider-Man: Homecoming $22.0M $251.7M 4,130 3 4. War for the Planet of the Apes $20.4M $97.8M 4,100 2 5. Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets $17.0M $17M 3,553 1 == > http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/box-office-dunkirk-conquers-competition-505m-debut-valerian-bombs-1023700 Released weeks ago, WW is still in the running: 9. Wonder Woman $4.6M $389M 1,971 8 > Dunkirk thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21605
  17. Are there TWO separate REALITIES in PH property? Thanks for that. I think we have TWO Separate Realities, and you seem to be focused on the one that seems "less real" to me. 1 / Future Dream : Prices asked by Developers for Properties to be completed in the future 2 / Today's Reality : Rents asked, and concluded & the actual prices achieved when selling in the secondary market == You and I can BUY in the "future dream" market, but we cannot sell there. Only the developers can do that & they book fat profits when they do. Moreover, their "future dream" prices are supported by extensive advertising, massive marketing teams, and financing structures. I strongly recommend that you TRY TO SELL one of your properties in the secondary market, so you can see how different prices in the "today's reality" market are from the "Future Dream" market. I think trying to sell may prove very eye-opening for you. (you need not actually sell, just seeing what happens when you try amy prove the point I am making.) I am watching people trying to sell properties, and they are finding it hard-going. My own experience is limited. One of my properties I bought for cash at about P 3million two years ago, when the "normal" price under a payment scheme was P3.8 million. Today, the developer is selling something very similar one floor lower at P5.2 million (/28 = P186k psm). I found an agent who claims to have buyers for such flats, and was willing to pay P3.7 million - ie P100k below the developers price of two years ago. I sent him a message offering my flat at P 4.95 million. I did not even get a response. What is maintaining the illusion of the strong market? As best as I can tell, there are many mainland Chinese buyers, who are buying in their own names, or through friends, families, and business connections. They seem to like the monthly payment schemes offered by developers. And like some OFWs seem to focus on getting "low" monthly payments, and seem less aware of the total price, and the sort of actual yield they will achieve in the future. BTW, I would really like you to tell us something about the Rents you are achieving on your properties. To me, that is what we should all be focusing on, not the artificially high prices that developers are pasting on their new projects.
  18. Stefan on the battlements! It's NOW or NEVER! | Alex Jones and Stefan Molyneux / 2 / Milo too The MILO Interview NPR Refuses To Broadcast Published on Jul 18, 2017 I spent an hour with NPR talking about my new book, DANGEROUS. Broadcast deadlines have repeatedly come and gone and it has become obvious they have no intention of ever broadcasting it. Any guesses why that might be? "the market is correcting (the bias)... through Me" AND by running away from the PC Fake News
  19. Time to fire the Sonuva-bitch Trump Must Back Up His Threat to Mueller, 1719 Mueller has strayed into full witch-hunt mode He needs to Fire Mueller and the other scum-ocrat lover ((( Rod Rosenstein ))) And We-the-people need to back him up. Both barrels need action !!! LOCK HER UP!, LOCK HER UP!
  20. Is this WAR?? = Trump's War On Global ists : http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21603
  21. Alex Jones / Roger Stone: Trump going into "full War mode" - as Scaramoche survives, Spicer leaves Roger Stone Reacts To Sean Spicer Resignation Excerpted from The Alex Jones Show (7/21/2017) The Truth will win out - maybe. But we may need a war first Now that Insane McCain is out of action, the timing may be better Next up - as Stone says: Fire Rosenstein, Fire Mueller ! Lock 'em up too, maybe... along with Hillary - who should have been locked up long ago
  22. Alex Jones / Roger Stone: Trump going into "full War mode" - as Scaramoche survives, Spicer leaves Roger Stone Reacts To Sean Spicer Resignation Excerpted from The Alex Jones Show (7/21/2017) The Truth will win out - maybe. But we may need a war first Now that Insane McCain is out of action, the timing may be better Next up - as Stone says: Fire Rosenstein, Fire Mueller ! Lock 'em up too, maybe... along with Hillary - who should have been locked up long ago
  23. The US Dollar may be very near Key Support - if it breaks, Gold may soar DXY / Trade-weighted US Dollar ... update GLD - Gold's etf ... all data -- threatening to break the downtrend, as the USD is weak =
  24. MARKETPLACE : 1BR (bid: P3.7 - offer: 4.9M) : Can we tighten this?? Please tighten prices, if you can : reckon we should be seeing resales offer lower than P4.9M now. Possibly P4.2 - 4.6 million for High floor 1BR units At P 4.4 Million / 28 sqm = P157 psm, expected mid-price for high floor flats at The Rise. =========== I am seeing buying interest (in 1BR flats) at P3.7 million through a broker friend. But there are rumors that other buyers are willing to pay P4 million & more for Resales, and perhaps a bit more. If you are a Better Buyer, or willing to sell your Rise 1BR unit below P4.95 million. please let us know - You can join MakatiPrime / GEI : here, post#2 ("favorite animal" answer : Admiral Byrd) Tags: Rise, The Rise, Makati, Secondhand, Resale, Prices, Marketplace, Update
  25. RENTAL UPDATE Avida Towers San Lorenzo, on the fringe of Makati, below Arnaiz Avenue (per Avida Leasing - some estimates): Avida SanLo Flats / same estimates as Dec. 2015 : (per handout) Type/ Size : Unfurn - /SM : Semi-F : Fully Furn. / FF/unf. / FF.perSM Stu- 23 SM : 14,000*/ p608 : 16,000*: 18-20: 19,000/ 136 % / php 0,826 1BR 41 SM : 21,000*/ p512 : 24,000*: 27-30: 28,500/ 136 % / php 0,695 2BR 59 SM : 31,000*/ p525 : 35,000*: 40-45: 42,500/ 133 % / php 0,720 ========= *12.0K + 2.0k.est assoc.fees = 14.0k; 1br: 17.0 +4.0= 21.0; 2br: 25.0 +6.0= 31.0 == > http://leasing.avidaland.com.ph/avida_towers/avida-towers-san-larenzo/
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