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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Megyn Kelly Visits Alex Jones At Infowars Studios June 8th Doctor Fantastic - 12 hours ago You knew damn well she was a snake before you let her in. FOUR HOURS of Interviews, edited down to 11 minutes, with Alex getting "villain lighting" / 2 / Chelsea Clinton Criticizes Megyn Kelly For Alex Jones Interview Published on Jun 12, 2017 Chelsea Clinton was not happy about Megyn Kelly interviewing the man who may have kept her mother from being President single handed. Droopy Dog - 17 hours ago Well, if Chelsea hates it then maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after all. GOAT - 55 minutes ago They could be working together, Chelsea former NBC employee, to shape peoples minds and paint Alex as the enemy before the hit piece airs. Then people already have a bias and will be more prone to believe Kelly's edited interview.
  2. TWO BR Promotion ! A friendly agent, Kristine, from Shang gave me an update on the Sales situation at the Rise. All the 1 BR units have been sold out - at least until further releases - and Shang is now offering a special promotion on 2BR units, There is a special payment arrangement, delaying part of the down payment, and also the price per sqm on 2BR units is lower. I asked her to send me info on the cheapest two units - and she sent me this: " Attached the 2 cheapest units for the 2 bedroom" 1 Corner Unit and 1 Core unit. I made a sample computation with our latest promo term 10% downpayment split into 6 months. Unit: 10A North Wing (2 bedroom core) Area: 72.71 sqm Amount: 10,531,360 Price per sqm: 144,840 Unit: 6J North Wing (2 bedroom corner) Area: 67.92 sqm Amount: 10,935,680 Price per sqm: 161,008 ===== In fact, there seems to be a further 10% discount for Cash buyers If you want further info, send an email to Kristine at : mkristinedc@gmail.com
  3. Coinbase Crashes As Bitcoin, Ethereum Join FANG Stocks Meltdown by Tyler Durden Jun 12, 2017 2:42 PM Whether it is just a curious coincidence or not, cryptocurrencies are crashing along with FANG stocks this morning... Earlier statements about the Ethereum network running slow due to extremely heavy activity appear to have taken their toll on one major exchange... And Bitcoin is tracking FANG stocks lower (down around 13% this morning)... This is the biggest drop since January 2015 And Ethereum is down over 15%...after tagging $400 earlier last night == > http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-06-12/coinbase-crashes-bitcoin-ethereum-join-fang-stocks-meltdown
  4. Lefty Van Jones is waking up from his dream.... And discovering he was in a Nightmare: Hillary H3LL "They did not choose between going after working class whites or minorities. Instead, the spent the campaign money on themselves.... $1 billion, one billion dollars, ONE BILLION DOLLARS" On the elite media, and on expensive consultants... and they STILL lost ! Van Jones just blasted Hillary and it's viral! "A billion dollars on a data operation, and they did not figure out they needed to organize in Michigan" > Leftwing's Dream Thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21523
  5. The Rising Sun side - East side of the Rise - feels light and "airy" in the afternoon The name "Air" captures the feeling of a sunny afternoon. ... as the Rise expresses the aspiration for the future of this neighborhood... no border : From across South Blvd (Ayala Avenue extension), standing in from the Alpha Makati Tower ... PB : AIR has a FIRE station next to it! (only Earth and Wind are missing in this photo to complete the 4 elementos) ... PB : Taken while standing next to Alpha Tower. From The Four Elements by Charlie Higgins: Most philosophers and alchemists also believed that the four elements exhibited itself in man as four varying natures and that one was more prevalent in each individual than the other three. An individual leaned more to one particular type rather than possessing equivalent amounts of all four. Empedocles said that those who have near equal proportions of the four elements are more intelligent and have the most exact perceptions. == http://www.mension.com/elements.htm
  6. THE LIES OF THE LEFT are obvious to Discerning People Listen to the first 10 minutes of this broadcast with lefty George Stephanopoulos, and you will here much spin and some lies There's no obstruction by Trump - it is another Lie-Stream fake narrative Sunday Network TalkShow 6/11/17 ABC This Week, CBS Face The Nation Fox News Sunday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fondj3QEwdM Friar Newborg Stinking Steph. - gives a very INACCURATE SUMMARY here. He is Fake News - go do your own research, Listen to Steph, then listen to say alex Jones channel, and see whom you find credible. If you have a brain of your own, it will not be Steph. Friar Newborg To get to Discernment, as THESE questions: 1. What else did Comey leak? 2. When Comey failed to agree he was loyal to Trump - was that a fair question for Trump to ask? If you were Trump and heard that, do you think you would walk away thinking Comey was loyal? Wouldnt you then wait for the "right time" to fire someone who was not loyal? 3. What do you think of the massive discrepancy between Comey taking notes with Trump, and no notes with Hillary and with Obama? 4. Why did the FBI (under Comey's orders) NOT search Hillary's home? Not take the server? Not record the interrogation of Hillary? 5. Do you know the history of Comey's cooperation with the Clinton and Bush (crime) families? Did you know that Comey's brother works for the Clinton Foundation? Did you know that Comey's brother pays interest to Comey on a mortgage Jim Comey provided to buy a home? Doesnt this mean that money flows from CF > Comey's bro > Comey? 6. Comey said Loretta Lynch pressured him to call his investigation into Clinton something other than a "criminal" investigation. How else did LL pressure Comey? (if you like these Comments, given them a Thumbs Up on Youtube)
  7. Two Rise Owners view the project Note how the East Wing of the Rise lines up with AXA Tower. The pool and related amenities will occupy the terrace ... PB. The Rise from Chino Roces, when it is finished it will dominate the neighborhood. The yellow building is the Tiara hotel ... PB.
  8. GOOD INTERVIEW - with Daniel Lizst, the Dark Journalist Touches on a number of fascinating topics The Deep State, Trump, Putin's interview with Megyn Kelly (where Putins mentions the possibility that Russia has info about the Deep State's involvement in JFK's assassination.) The also talk about the SSP and CERN ("a sovereign state" believe it or not) We Must Actively Attack Pedogate: Dark Journalist, "The Honey Bee" and Josh Peck The interview with Honey Bee is also interesting She is working to stop Pedos penetrating the LBGTV movement
  9. "Green" AFT / Alveo Financial Tower is growing once again Taken from a few steps up towards the (new, green) walkway Alveo Financial Tower | 188m | 49 fl | U/C - SkyscraperCity The old Jaka tower has been renewed, as Alveo Financial Tower (AFT) - scheduled height: 188 meters, with 49 storeys. That's PB Com Tower in the background - the 2nd tallest building in PH : Official Height: 259 metres (850 ft), with 52 storeys The Philippine Bank of Communications (PBCom) Tower Soaring high its “PBCom” signage, this skyscraper dominates to be the (now second) tallest completed building in the Republic. I say “completed” because as of now while I am working with this post, The Gramercy Residences along Kalayaan Avenue in Makati City is now the tallest building however, she is still under construction. The PBCom tower for most of the skyscraper is I believe to be one of the most well-known landmark along the span of Ayala Avenue. Near this office building is the unloading zone of hundreds of people from buses that come from Quezon City, Mandaluyong City, Pasig City and other places from northern Metro Manila Area. This is one of the finest infrastructure of the Philippine economy in the 21st century. Days and nights this building never sleeps. == > https://lonjaurigue.wordpress.com/2010/12/07/the-philippine-bank-of-communications-pbcom-tower/ ALVEO Financial Tower, from Presentation AFT will have loads of parking - 19 floors! How AFT will look at ground level Demand for office space exceeds supply... Not many buildings will compete directly with AFT
  10. I have Closed the Blue Avians thread > http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=19925&page=4 =========== Hmm. SITS / Stillness in the Storm's blog > helped draw in Derrick Faust COMMENT from under Part-4: Friar Newborg - I think we need to be careful with SITS / Stillness in the Storm, run by Justin Descamps, a gay man, and his partner. I have seen Justin/SITS as enthusiastic supporter of OPPT, the "one people movement" in the past. This was a total bogus movement based on the idea that there was a huge pot of money somewhere, and the OPPT members were encouraged to claim their $6 billion share of that pot of wealth. The insiders (of which Descamps was not one), raised money through crowd-funding promoted on the web. They money was wasted on an "educational" bus tour with lots of sex and drugs for the OPPT team. Though Descamps was not directly involved in the bus tour (as far as I know), he was a defender and supporter of OPPT I had a run-in with Justin Descamps some years ago - He was an enthusiastic support at that time of OPPT / the One People "movement", a phony prosperity fund, run in a cult-like manner by a bizarre group of women based in Monaco. At that time, He was one of the more articulate members of that cult - but he lacked logic and discernment. I hope he has done some growing up since then
  11. SUMMARY of DJ's Exposure of Corey Goode's connections with satanist Roger Ramsaur =========== "A well-coordinated 3 year marketing program... Disney-fication of the Secret Space Program" / 1 / NEW AGE DEEP STATE: SECRET SPACE HARVEST - DARK JOURNALIST VIDEO The idea seems to be to draw in teenagers, by using comic books, social media, and young spokespeople. The notion of 'Disclosure in 3 years', shows a deadline, and that there is a multi-step plan in place. Corey's "Unity in the Community" may be an attempt to silence criticism, while that plan is implemented / 2 / DISCLOSURE AS OCCULT RITUAL! NEW AGE DEEP STATE PART 2 - DARK JOURNALIST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbJcHaDBITs What is behind the curtain of the narrative and the bizarre claims: + No vetting, no evidence, as the story gets more and more elaborate + Book Team: Roger Ramsaur, Jordan Sather, (unknown woman), Michael Sala, Bob Wood, William Thomkins, Corey Goode + Who is "Emma Gold"? And Roger Richards? + "Offerings to the Sun 666": with satanic imagery, gates of hell, apocalyptic & "devotional" music + RR: "disclosure is my life's work" - but what disclosure? UFO disclosure? Or disclosure of satan's supposed domain + DJ makes an appeal to Corey's Kids to speak out / 3 / SECRET SPACE PIRATES: COREY'S KIDS INC. NEW AGE DEEP STATE PART 3 - DARK JOURNALIST VIDEO What does the symbolism mean? The Kids: Jordan Sather, Teresa Yanneros (from divine frequency), are directed by Roger Ramsaur They tired to rope in Linda Moulton Howe without her consent into a book project. Then, when RR's satanism was exposed, he used Jordam Sather to defend, rather than defending himself. + The Blue Avian image has similarities to that of Baphomet : hand symbol, goat feet, etc + Is RR and team trying to co-op, and pull in young people into a (satanic) cult? / 4 / WHISTLEBLOWER OF TRUTH: RING OF ARCHONS! NEW AGE DEEP STATE PART 4 - DARK JOURNALIST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHKXaVOMGd0 Faust is a decorated ex-naval officer ... who now views Corey Goode as an opportunist Published on Jun 9, 2017 Exclusive Interview! Whistleblower Derrick Faust Comes Forward! In this fascinating part 4 episode of the New Age Deep State series, Dark Journalist welcomes former insider to Corey Goode’s camp Derrick Faust for an exclusive interview on what really is behind the Cult Marketing Campaign that is driving the commercialization of the Blue Avian, Sphere Being Alliance 3-Year Disclosure marketing plan.This campaign is the brainchild of self proclaimed Time-Traveling Astronaut Corey Goode and his Business Partner Roger Ramsaur and includes unusual aspects like a therapy network to help cope with disclosure and a Comic Book based on Goode’s adventures in Secret Space. ‘Disclosure' Corporation Swallows Grassroots Truth Effort Derrick, who had a successful career in the Navy for 7 years before jointing the Stillness in the Storm blog and being a volunteer for Mt Shasta conferences that featured Corey Goode, decided to come forward when he saw that the cult marketing plan was turning from a genuine movement into a vehicle for the greed of opportunist marketers who wanted to exploit the public’s genuine interest in topics like the Secret Space Program and UFOs. The promo campaign for Corey’s Kids was a prime example of the promotion ploy as young adult volunteers were used to create a niche with the youth market by portraying them as experts on complex subjects in alternative media. They were to be used to promote Comic Books, Video Games, and Secret Space Program gear stores around Goode’s theme of being a chosen messenger of Blue Avian Aliens! ====== Comments from under part 4: DarkJournalist 1 day ago (edited) ONE MAN WITH COURAGE AND THE TRUTH CONSTITUTES A MAJORITY! A note here for everyone that Derrick Faust has nothing but the best intentions in bringing this information forward to help bring transparency to all the people involved... Robert Hallam 1 day ago The relationship between Ramsaur and the Blue Avian fairy tale is a lot like the relationship between John Podesta and the Clinton campaign. Both Ramsaur and Podesta are satanists who surround their campaigns with youthful, naive individuals designed to lend their movement credibility. If Ramsaur is bringing in "hot chicks" during a late night satanic ritual then he's looking to compromise these naive followers so that he can apply coersion/blackmail to further Ramsaur's nefarious ends. To me, the reasons behind this drama involves more than simply a profit motive. Derailing the disclosure movement benefits darker elements of the status quo such as Rockefeller oil money. - - - Good job Daniel! Keep applying pressure! Dr. Elizabeth Martin 1 day ago It is so important to expose this sinister scam because the TARGETING OF YOUNG PEOPLE/CHILDREN. I, as a dsicerning adult, wrote off this Corey "Goode" guy immediately - discernment, intuition. But many young people, and no children have developed discernment to the levels now needed. THANK-YOU SO MUCH, Daniel, for helping protect innocent people, especially children.
  12. Thanks. Will look more at those DJ videos... ==== "Two biggest anti-Trumpers (Hillary and Comey) are unmasked as being incompetent" (and also liars) Coffee with Scott Adams - Comey aftermath \ 2017.06.09 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMglntHTyTE I think they both face a real risk of investigations for criminal activity Jeanine: James Comey's great political hoax "Hoax spun by James Comey in a conspiracy..." Tucker also thinks there was a conspiracy: Tucker: Trump:Russia WAS a Coup Attempt, 1667
  13. VALUES WILL HALVE? That is truly dramatic... a halving of values. I suppose it could happen if rents are stagnant and HK mortgage interest rates double (in edit): DB are looking at something different from rising rates - shorter maturities Home prices in Hong Kong could fall by nearly half over the next 10 years as a rapidly ageing population coupled with rising supply of new flats will dent demand, according to a report by Deutsche Bank. “We expect vacancy to surge to 9 per cent, from 4 per cent now, and average selling price to slide 48 per cent by 2026 from current level,” wrote property analyst Jason Ching. As the population ages, fewer households will be able to stretch their mortgages to the maximum tenure of 30 years, the report said. I don't totally but the shorter maturities argument - Paying more principle inside a mortgage payment is not the same thing as paying more interest. The interest is lost and gone forever. The principle payments you will get back if/when you sell for more than the mortgage balance. But there does seem to be a real shift in the supply/ demand balance coming: Deutsche Bank said overall housing take-up has declined markedly in the past decade, mirroring the deceleration in population growth. “We estimate total housing demand of 338,314 in 2017 to 2026. This compares with new supply of 429,296 over the same period. We expect a private housing supply surplus of 93,781 in 2017-26,” it said.
  14. WOMEN DOMINATE Online searches, says Lamudi "TOP property listing site Lamudi Philippines said Friday online property hunting in the country is being dominated by women in terms of search volume" + 65% of Lamudi's users are WOMEN looking for condos in terms of search volume, and a majoity are between the ages of 25 to 34, and account for 41% of the firm's total users + PH is an anomaly in Asia, since in other countries, such as Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Indonesia, and Myanmar, men dominate property hunts + PH is like Latin American countries like Mexico, Columbia, and Peru, who have women dominating the online market Reasons: looking for halfway houses, getting married, or seeking a new location Most popular: For land/ house searches: Quezon City (2nd is Makati) For Condos: Makati
  15. Ray Dalio Warns We May Be On A Path To "Dictatorships And Wars" "There are times when politics becomes the most important driver... In some cases it led to democracies becoming dictatorships, and wars. I am not saying that we are on that path, but I am saying that it has to be watched out for because if it is in the works, it is a really big deal."
  16. Interesting comments. Thanks, Softly. RDS's comments are always interesting, though I do not always agree with him And I wasn't aware that Corey was fighting back this way
  17. MA Crossover? Looks like BTS may be rolling over on the Short Term charts ... update If a MAJOR break, it may need more downside volume
  18. COMEY is thoroughly corrupt - and honest people see this A great summary here, of how Comey has protected the Clintons FBI's Comey - The Real Story, 1653 Published on May 30, 2017 Synopsis: A few hours ago, someone sent me a lengthy article by Capt. Dave Bertrand, a retired cargo fleet pilot. Pilots are meticulous and patient investigators. This is the best summary of the life that has been led by former Director of the FBI, James Comey, and President Trump’s brilliant attack that took Comey down. Let me add this one extra bit of detail. In 1996, Comey’s first known contact with the Clinton Crime syndicate was when he was appointed as deputy special counsel to the Senate Whitewater Committee. Jerome Corsi - add his sense too Proof Comey Was Clinton FBI Mole Published on Jun 7, 2017 Dr. Jerome Corsi joins Alex Jones live via Skype to discuss developments he's discovered with regard to Comey's allegiance to the Clinton Crime Family that prove the former FBI director's connection to corruption.
  19. DON'T WAKE them from their dream, or they may hate you THE LEFT's Beliefs are 'structured like a dream' - says Gilad Atzmon "If you try and wake them up, they get antagonized, and want to go back to sleep." Trump woke some up, and also got some to buy into another dream of nostalgia - "make America great AGAIN" INTERVIEW- Gilad Atzmon : With Mike Rivero at What-Really-Happened MP3-wrh-tu3 : http://media.blubrry.com/rbn/p/content.blubrry.com/rbn/stream_2017-06-05_165955.mp3 Jeremy Corbyn has many similarities with Bernie Sanders: + he has much support from the young, who have little experience of the world + like Bernie, he never worked a day in his life at a "real" job In the past, the Left tried to Unite people, but then they switched, and instead pushed ideas of Identity politics (and claims of victimization) Now, we are busy fighting each other Politicians (like Hillary) are now "committed to big money, and not to us" The contrast he sees, is like that between Athens, and Jerusalem. Another interview: Gilad Atzmon - Being in Time: Jerusalem & Athens > Dreaming Leftist thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21523
  20. Bitcoins / BTS ... 5-months Price could peak out here. around $2850, or jump to the next resistance level, perhaps $3300
  21. DO The Tories understand the nature of "the enemy within"? After listening to this excellent explanation of the present challenge, and Ms. May's plans, I don't think that they "get" it "MORE multiculturalism is NOT the answer!" Mark Collett - The London Bridge Terror Attack Was Preventable
  22. As sent to: FromaHarrop@gmail.com A reaction to Creators Syndicate column, in 6/7/17, Manila Times Can Americans get their democracy back? ====== "BOY wouln't it be great to get that mentally unstable thug out of the Oval office?" Wow! Thanks for triggering me this morning. Propaganda and spin always makes me uncomfortable. == Let us count the lies: 1. James Clapper: Trump has put our institutions under assault internally as well as externally. Maybe not a lie, just the wrong focus here. You may or may not be old enough the recall that JFK once said he would like to "splinter the CIA into 1,000 pieces and scatter them to the wind." Why? Because the CIA and other agencies were endangering American democracy through their behind the scenes machinations, and their manipulation of the news through Project Mockingbird (look it up if you don't know what this means.) JFK fought the Deep State, and paid for it with his life. Trump is the first president since JFK to take them on, and try to restore power to the people. Many vested interests (and thoroughly corrupt politicians?) in Washington are finding their futures threatened. They are fighting back with methods fair, and foul, and manipulation of the news is one of their methods, == 2. Impeachment is the constitutionally sanctioned way to get rid of him Do you know what Impeachment means? It is this: A formal accusation of wrongdoing against a public official - ie an Accusation, not a removal.. Bill Clinton was Impeached and survived. Richard Nixon was not impeached, he resigned first. I think that actual Impeachment might require suspicion and evidence of an actual crime - not simply that elites dislike the President. What is the crime you are thinking of? If it is something to do with the Russians, there is zero actual evidence of Russia tampering with 2016 evidence. 100% of the tampering favored Hillary Clinton, the best financed and least electable Presidential candidate in recent memory == 3. Republicans may now find themselves in a basement elevator shaft looking up at the freight platform barreling down I mistrust people who toss out facile analogies. They often obscure more meaning than they reveal. Are you trying to say that President Trump is uniquely unpopular? Perhaps you should look at the actual polls and refer to them, instead of making silly analogies. Ramussen does a daily poll, and the latest one (June 6th) shows Trump at 46% Approve, 54% Disapprove. That's not unique, but there's nothing unusual about a President reaching that level, many others have. Trump has the unique problem of facing a highly negative MSM press. If you have checked out Project Mockingbird, then you may know that the CIA and other powers within the Deep State manipulates the news, to advance their agenda. I think we may be seeing that now. Also, I am inclined to be a skeptic about polls. Remember how wrong they were before last November's election? == 4. This is a President engaged in abuse of power, likely obstruction of justice and possible collusion with a foreign power Your evidence, please? I don't see any. I do see spin and lies in places like the NY Slimes and the Washington Compost, which when submitted to actual analysis fall apart, I suggest you dlal up your discernment, and try to engage a search for the truth, rather than believing bizarre narratives that the controlled media keeps tossing out == 5. We always knew the Trump administration would be a circus... it's a circus overshadowed by a sideshow More silly analogies? Try some facts please. Here are mine - given the hostility he faces in Washington, it has taken Donald Trump some time to consolidate his power, and that is beginning to happen : + he has some real accomplishments: Supreme Court justice, TPP killed, immigration falling, higher stock prices, more jobs + those who signaled they were abandoning their support of him after the Syrian missile attack have seen more positive than negative things since then, and seem willing to give him a second chance + He seems to have decided to ignore McMaster, and go back to Bannon as a key adviser, on some issues; Kushner's star may be fading + His willingness to pull the plug on a bad deal, the Paris accord, is a sign of growing confidence + The increasing humiliation of his old opponents like Hillary, Obama, John McCain etc, could leave him as the last man standing; and in a position to do actual battle with his main opponent, the Deep State. Maybe if he is ever allowed to speak with Mr Putin, he will find a ready ally in this battle == 6. Trump issued threats are outrageous:... clown-like, such as his tweet that he might cancel WH briefings Nothing clown-like here! Seasoned politicians like Newt Ginrich have said the same thing, And a White-hat ex-CIA guy, Robert David Steele, strongly recommends it. Want to learn more about his suggestions for the President. See here: x == 7. Hillary Clinton got 3 million more votes. have you heard? So what? That wasn't the way the election result was determined. If the rules had been different, Trump would have run his campaign differently. Are you so in love with the darling of the globalists (Hillary) that you want to change the rules after the game is over?. BTW, have you noticed that every time they look closely, they find more vote-rigging in Hlllary's favor? (I am talking about her stealing the nomination from Bernie Sanders, her getting debate questions ahead of time, and the actual vote rigging uncovered in Michigan and Virginia. I believe that an accurate counting of votes would have eaten deeply into that supposed popular vote margin, even reversed it.) == Let me go back to your original question in the Headline: Can Americans get their democracy back? I pray for that. And the best way to help seems to be to support President Trump in his battle against the Deep State, fake news, and ill-informed newspaper columnists who may be Useful Idiots without knowing it.
  23. Exploding delusions about SJW FEELINGS towards immigrants FACTS OVER FEELZ "Illegals use of Welfare: 60-70%" "Do you pay taxes?" A: "Er-ah, I am not working" "Do you know what the average IQ of Jamaica is? 71! That's borderline retarded" "There's no magic soil"
  24. Nature's Warning about an over-valued market? Are the Bears warming up, ready to play the tune Bear Breaks Into Mountain Condo, Bangs On Piano VAIL, Colo. (CBS4) – Video of a black bear inside a Vail condo poking around and playing a few notes on the owners piano is getting thousands of views online. (credit: YouTube) Vail police officers took the report of what the owner originally thought was a burglary, but her surveillance cameras captured the intruder and it had four paws. It happened in an East Vail neighborhood on May 31. The officer who responded to the call found evidence of the black bear inside. It is believed the bear made entry into the home through an open kitchen window. While inside, the bear did minor damage to the apartment and took food from a freezer, according to officers. Following the report to police, the owner checked her internal camera system, which captured the event on video. The bear can be seen wandering around the apartment and at one point went to a piano, putting its paws on the keys playing a few loud and dissonant notes. Vail police said in a news release that “The chords captured on video were unbearable and the tune was equally grizzly.” == > http://denver.cbslocal.com/2017/06/05/bear-piano-vail/
  25. Jun 06 04:46 Why Are So Many Big Investors Positioning Themselves To Make Giant Amounts Of Money If The Stock Market Crashes? By: newsguy76 Read more: www.whatreallyhappened.com http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/#ixzz4jIXHuFCo
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