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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Is Trump consolidating power now? " they will either wear him down, force him down or he'll simply run out of time and support." - Y I was thinking like that about 4-6 weeks ago. But I think we are seeing some evidence that he is (re) gaining power and confidence + he has some real accomplishments: Supreme Court justice, TPP killed, immigration falling, higher stock prices, more jobs + those who signaled they were abandoning their support of him after the Syrian missile attack have seen more positive than negative things since then, and seem willing to give him a second chance + He seems to have decided to ignore McMaster, and go back to Bannon as a key adviser, at least on some issues + Kushner's star seems to be fading + His willingness to pull the plug on the Paris accord, is a sign of growing confidence + The increasing humiliation of his old opponents like H3llary, Obama, John McCain etc, could leave him as the last man standing + Putin (in his interview with Megan Kelly) seems to understand that Trump needs to sort out domestic battles before meeting Putin face-to-face. or even talking via normal channels == > see: Laughingstock :
  2. "17 Intelligence agencies" & Deep State Lies Megyn Kelly started off her interview with the "17 intelligence agency" bullfeathers, and Putin disposed of her silly question Full Megyn Kelly-Vladimir Putin exchange on Russian interference in U.S. election https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7p7MxDfXF4 TWO LIES / mis-representations by Megyn: ==== + She cannot list the agencies, and has not read the reports she refers to + The agencies are totally partisan, representing Deep State interests AGAINST those that threaten their power Putin: "there are NO independent sources in this world" "Quarrels in the US are spilling over and infecting the political dialog in the whole world" Comments: 1/ Megyn's approach and narrative here is 100% spin. Putin is a serious guy, and sexed up lying clown like Megyn does not belong on the same stage with him. We are all tired of hearing people use Hellary's fake excuse for losing as a way of disrupting Trump's efforts. As Vladimir said, it is time to restore an ordinary political relationship between the US and Russia 2/ As a former IBM employee who can take code down to the binary, I can emphatically state that if the hack has Russian "footprints" They DEFINITELY didn't do it. They are not that stupid. This whole Russian/Trump thing is the biggest crock I have ever heard. Alex Jones - also did a good summary of the interview "Putin is reforming Russia" Vladimir Putin Destroys Megyn Kelly
  3. CNN = Nothing but Lies and Fake News! Have a look at this embarrassing exchange "There are NO Facts there" This despicable Loser (Cuomo) is a nothing but a weak-minded spin-mester, and should go away and sulk (for a long, long time). Here he is shown of for the Lying, Spinning fool that he is. A total Liar - on a Liar's channel, CNN Sebastian Gorka DESTROYS Liberal CNN Hack Chris Cuomo: 'I'll Assume You Know Nothing'
  4. POSITIVE ECONOMIC News - all seems rosy (for now) + Dept. Of Finance (DOF) hopeful on new Credit upgrade for PH The Duterte Administration's TRAIN Tax reforms may permit a credit rating upgrade Moody's has noted that the measures are positive, since they "will address the government's weak revenue generation" + The World Bank maintains PH GDP Growth forecasts for three years - PH faster than China Just under 7% in 2017-19; Pegged at 6.9 percent for 2017, and 6.8 percent for 2018 - significantly above the long-term average of 4.3%, sai the WB report. + PH Stock index closed above 8,000-mark for the first time this year. Closed at 8,001.38 up 93.72, or 1.19% higher, with robust trading volume of 1.09 billion shares. The Property sub-index was up 0.92 percent to 3,740.42 + SM Prime is first PH listed firm to reach P 1-trillion Market Cap SM Prime's finance chief, John Ong, added the success of hitting this valuation mark was due the integration, of all of its business units within SMPH, "increasing efficiencies in operation" and higher group revenues. Overall operating income increased in 2016 by 14 percent to P 9.6 billion from P 8.4 billion... "due to rental revenues from mall expansions in the least two years as well as higher real estate sales" ph:SMPH / SM Prime ... all-data : 5-yrs : Last P 34.60 -- P/E Ratio: 40.25 / Yield: 0.76% + Good news on Rents! - at least at some locations with cheaper rents on the walkable fringe of Makati's CBD As I have reported on the RENT thread, in post#29: Despite the big increase in Supply happening this year in Makati - Colliers projects a 16% vacancy rate by year end - One leasing manager reports zero vacancies on his 70-or-so units at Trevi, and Avida's Leasing Manager at Avida San Lorenzo has reported less than 4% vacancies on the 260 units her company manages > http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=20162&page=2
  5. POSITIVE ECONOMIC News - all seems rosy (for now) + Dept. Of Finance (DOF) hopeful on new Credit upgrade for PH The Duterte Administration's TRAIN Tax reforms may permit a credit rating upgrade Moody's has noted that the measures are positive, since they "will address the government's weak revenue generation" + The World Bank maintains PH GDP Growth forecasts for three years - PH faster than China Just under 7% in 2017-19; Pegged at 6.9 percent for 2017, and 6.8 percent for 2018 - significantly above the long-term average of 4.3%, sai the WB report. + PH Stock index closed above 8,000-mark for the first time this year. Closed at 8,001.38 up 93.72, or 1.19% higher, with robust trading volume of 1.09 billion shares. The Property sub-index was up 0.92 percent to 3,740.42 + SM Prime is first PH listed firm to reach P 1-trillion Market Cap SM Prime's finance chief, John Ong, added the success of hitting this valuation mark was due the integration, of all of its business units within SMPH, "increasing efficiencies in operation" and higher group revenues. Overall operating income increased in 2016 by 14 percent to P 9.6 billion from P 8.4 billion... "due to rental revenues from mall expansions in the least two years as well as higher real estate sales" ph:SMPH / SM Prime ... all-data : 5-yrs : Last P 34.60 -- P/E Ratio: 40.25 / Yield: 0.76%
  6. The Other sides of the Rise - Yakul Street, Talisay Street are shown less often that the Maluguy Street side. Looking at The Rise, standing next to The Air on Yakul St... PB : This will be a welcoming entrance for those visiting The Rise. The future entrance on Yakul Street. From further down Yakul St, looking back at The Rise, with Air in the background ... PB : Taken on Talisay Street., standing outside Zubuchon, a popular restaurant. A slice of AXA Centre can be seen to the right... PB : The pool will be on the podium overlooking this hitherto quiet street The Rise, from an early Advertisement, emphasizing the pool which is above Talisay Street ... PB :
  7. HER BEHAVIOR is attracting blame to herself like a gigantic magnet Pathetic Kathy Griffin Cries After Promoting Trump Decapitation At 4:57 minutes, there's an image of her beheading her lawyer, Lisa Blum
  8. From the "Is Trump a Laughing Stock?" thread ==== > http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21511&page=2 HERE's A GOOD ANSWER - to the claims in this thread the the US is a laughing stock (This is from in an Opinion column in today's Malaya Business Insight, in the PH): Trump's unlikely gift to Europe - by Gayle Tzemach Lemmon EXCERPTS "FIVE letters grabbed the head headlines over and over in Germany this week: T-R-U-M-P" . . . America may have been one of the founders of the G20, but the band* sounds ready to move on without it lead vocalist - or at least hum a different tune while the United States sings its own tune. in just about every conversation, Trump's name was mentioned not as an example, or even as a punch line, but as a source of potential danger - a leader who does not care much about rules-based order, cooperation across borders on on issues as climate change or what the idea of "global governance" means... . . . So whether intentionally or not, Trump has managed to do something rare among American presidents; unify the Europeans, galvanize the globalizers, and offer future G20 leaders a chance to define themselves in contrast to an America no longer at the center of global cooperation." - Ms Lemmon may be working with Reuters =========== Clearly, Trump is Not a Laughing stock, he is a (feared? & effective?) change-maker. Thank God. The globalist vision spouted by Ms. Lemmon horrifies me. The Paris accord was a bad deal signed by Obama, and never voted for by Congress (where it would have failed). If that is her idea of "global governance", it is frightening. Thank God for President Trump and his America first nationalism.
  9. PUSHBACK against the Bracists (Black Racists) at Evergreen Lawmaker To Remove $26 Million Dollars From Evergreen College After Racist Students Takeover Campus Comment: Take that you BFD's/ Black Female Dictators! Where are you going to get your degrees (in Sjw studies now?) These loud mouth victim-claimants now out-earn whites, after they get their useless degrees, not because they are more clever, but because they are two-fers in Affirmative action hiring bias. Time to redress this unfairness!
  10. "The beginning of the end for David Brock" - declares a member of the Kath-inator team The Kath-inator's next victim is... The right now knows they can bring down the scumbags. Where will they strike next? Time To Bring Down David Brock, Soros/Clinton Web Henchman
  11. The Kath-inator team can take down leftwing scumbags Thanks to Kathy Griffin, the Left and Right are learning some important lesson THE LEFT is learning that Free Speech is not free of consequences Kathy Griffin beheaded her own career with her unacceptable image holding Trump's head THE RIGHT learned that it is powerful too, and by appealing to media and their advertisers, they can put an end to hate-speech and hate-images against people who are not darlings of the left Squatty Potty drops Kathy Griffin over controversial photos Pushback from the Kath-inator Team ! Let's call those who want to put an end to the Left's reign of terror, violence, and in-appropriate humor. the "Kath-inators" because the termination of Kathy Griffin's career showed people on the right how powerful they are, and that they too need to speak out against genuine injustice!
  12. Great to see lawyer Larry Klaman's efforts! Thanks for posting that, Softly
  13. Economists Explain Why Our Economy Crashes Every 18 Years By Joshua Philipp, Epoch Times | March 25, 2016 Traders rush in Wall Street as New York Stock Exchange crashes, sparking a run on banks that spread across the country in October 1929, the beginning of the Stock Market Crash. (OFF/AFP/Getty Images) The U.S. economy has moved according to a set cycle for close to 200 years, and experts warn that if this pattern continues, we can expect another financial crisis starting this year, which will peak in 2019. One of the first warnings of the last financial crisis came from U.K.-based economist and director of the Land Research Trust, Fred Harrison. He began warning of the trends in 1997, and in April 2005 warned that the property boom would only last for another three years before it would crash in 2008. He went on record and told then-U.K Prime Minister Tony Blair about the looming crash. He also turned to the press and presented his data showing the trends. But he, like many others who came to similar conclusions, was ignored until the crisis came to pass. Now, Harrison is again warning of a coming crash, and his predictions are again proving true. Just last year, he warned of the economic woes that have started rearing their heads in 2016. The problem, he said, is the economy rises and falls like clockwork. “We know that for centuries, the land value cycle has operated on an 18-year basis,” Harrison said in a phone interview. “The fact is, there is a very clear 18-year pattern, which is always intersected with a mid-term recession.” Amar Manzoor, author of “The Art of Industrial Warfare” and creator of the 7Tao training system for manufacturing standards, has come to the same conclusion. He said in a phone interview, “This 18-year cycle has resulted in the massive decline of industry and has been the Achilles heel in the performance of Western economies.” Steve Hanke of the Cato Institute, a think tank, noted the same pattern in a February 2010 report. He said the problem rests in the land-value cycle, which has a domino effect on the construction cycle, the business cycle, and then the overall economy. “With the exception of World War II, the peak of most real estate cycles is roughly every 18 years,” Hanke wrote. He shows this has remained mostly consistent over the last 200 years with land value peaks in 1818, 1836, 1854, 1872, 1890, 1907, 1925, 1973, 1979, 1989, and 2006. The 18-year financial cycle is shown in an infographic. Experts note the cycle was disrupted by the First and Second World War, but returned to its former state in 2006. (Epoch Times) While the world wars disrupted the cycles, Hanke noted statistics from “The Depression of 2008,” by Fred E. Foldvary, which show the land-value cycle, construction cycle, and business cycle returned to their pre-world war intervals in 2006, just ahead of the last crash. “This, of course, doesn’t imply that all recessions are preceded by a real estate cycle. It only says that all real estate cycles have spawned economic downturns,” he wrote. If this pattern continues, the next recession may be just around the corner. Harrison predicts the midcycle recession will hit in 2019, and the current property market will peak in 2026 with a severe financial crisis on its heels. Wealth in Land One of the key factors often overlooked is that a good chunk of the U.S. economy is based on real estate. According to the National Association of Home Builders, residential investment and housing services constitute about 17 percent of the GDP. The problem is that about 70 percent of the GDP comes from consumer spending and government health care spending, and these are impacted by changes in the business cycle. The GDP still reflects what was shown in Adam Smith’s 1776 book “The Wealth of Nations,” that the three ingredients to a functioning economy are wages, profit, and rent. The book is regarded as a definitive text in classical economics. According to Harrison, however, the neo-classical school “eliminated land from the radar.” “They view the world as a two-factor model, labor and capital, and they’ve buried the concept of land as a part of capital,” Harrison said. People line up at a saving bank in Millbury, Mass., 1929. The Wall Street crash of Oct. 29, 1929, sparked a run on banks that spread across the country. (OFF/AFP/Getty Images) Despite the pivotal role played by land and rent in the GDP, Harrison said, it is viewed merely as a subcategory of capital. The problem with this view was shown clearly in the 2008 financial crisis. Harrison noted it was blamed on “bankers being foolish with their money,” when at a deeper level, it was “bankers engaged in the real estate market that caused the problem.” “It was a real estate issue,” he said, noting that governments “haven’t done anything to prevent the next crash, because they’re watching the banks.” “Economics today is the economics of a disembodied economy,” Harrison said, noting that economic projections need to consider land and natural resources. Working Economies The 18-year-cycle caused by land values was first pointed out by land economist Homer Hoyt in the 1930s, and a solution to the problem was first proposed by 19th-century journalist and political economist Henry George, who popularized the concept (fittingly known as “Georgism”) that the value of land and resources should be taxed, rather than income and investment. He viewed the heavy taxing of wages, coupled with systems that lock people out from the value of natural resources, as being equivalent to slavery. One of the key causes of the cycle is people getting priced out of the market. A trader shouts orders as stocks were devastated during one of the most frantic days in the history of the New York Stock Exchange on Oct. 19, 1987. (Maria Bastone/AFP/Getty Images) “The real estate cycle is determined by the interest rate,” Harrison said. “Today’s record low rates are provoking an extra-ordinary increase in house prices very early in the current cycle.” “If governments want to control the cycle, they need to shift the incentives—that means rebalancing the tax regime by raising the rate of property taxation and reducing taxes on incomes and profits,” he said. The tax on land proposed by George could theoretically break the 18-year cycle by disrupting the cycle of the real estate market pricing people out. Since the tax is based on value of land, including real estate value, owners would be less likely to continually inflate the values. “We’ve been so brainwashed into just not recognizing the significance of land and rent, that the economic cycle acts as it does, creating havoc, and it repeats itself when it could be so easily corrected,” Harrison said. Taiwan is an example of this system in action. After the split between Taiwan and mainland China, the communist mainland believed in seizing and controlling the land itself, while democratic Taiwan believed in allowing a free market while taxing land rather than individual wages. “The reason why China is in deep-deep trouble was because they allowed the local bureaucrats to take the land, and the whole system is in chaos,” Harrison said. “And yet, right at their doorstep they have the example of Taiwan to learn from.” He said Denmark is another example, which also adopted George’s system. Despite having few natural resources, they’re ranked as the happiest nation on earth, and they have the world’s best housing market. “Here you have an advanced economy with very poor natural resources, and their per-capita income is higher than the U.K.’s,” Harrison said. Of course, many governments aren’t showing signs of changing these systems, and the coming economic downturns are likely inevitable. Harrison believes the coming financial crisis could be the worst we’ve ever seen for the simple reason that the global economy is now interconnected like never before. He warns it could lead to a situation where major powers are left to fight or fall. “We either deal with this peacefully, or we end up in a hot bloody war,” he said. “All the signs are we’re going to end up with a bloody war because there’s no other way out of it.” A Looming Conflict Amar Manzoor has approached the looming financial crisis from the standpoint that governments aren’t likely to change the way taxes work. Instead of talking to governments about fixing it, he created the 7Tao system to allow businesses to weather it and fight back. Manzoor has been running the 7Tao industrial warfare training method for U.K. businesses in cooperation with the British government education system. The system is run globally for all organizations as SPECTRE through BLACKOPS Partners Corporation. “I don’t think personally that governments have the inclination to reform. They simply will not look in that direction,” he said. “So it’s down to the businessmen to learn how to survive the difficulties that lie ahead.” == > more: http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/2000510-economists-explain-why-our-economy-crashes-every-18-years/
  14. Micro flats not a full solution to HK's housing crisis Micro flats tackle Hong Kong's high housing prices This girls is lucky, compared to these two: / 2 / Keeping good humor about a very tight situation We girls in the Ridiculously tiny flat in Hong Kong
  15. Micro flats not a full solution to HK's housing crisis Micro flats tackle Hong Kong's high housing prices / 2 / Keeping good humor about a very tight situation We girls in the Ridiculously tiny flat in Hong Kong
  16. Same article, different link Hot hot hot, and why property is still cheap in Hong Kong June 03, 2017 Its pretty damn hot in HK right now, And I mean both the weather AND the property market. People are making good use of the pools on Park Island and the ocean and beachs at Ma Wan, and agents are doing well for themselves selling to property to eager buyers who seem to be of the view that demand for property in HK is going to rise in the coming months and years ahead. Property prices are at record historical prices, but this is of course also the case in many other major cities in the world, whether Sydney, London, Berlin, New York, Shanghai. Many experienced property analysts who have seen prior cycles believe that the fundamental conditions need to support a new boom over the next few years are firmly in place. Looking at the Centadata property graph below, many are expecting a new peak to get up to 200 on their price graph by the end of 2018 as the market starts to accelerate. > more: http://parkislandhongkong.blogspot.com.es/2017/06/hot-hot-hot-and-why-property-is-still.html 200? I doubt that somehow Neverrtheless, The Prop Shares are pushing back towards Highs > http://charts.aastocks.com/servlet/Charts?fontsize=12&15MinDelay=T&lang=0&titlestyle=1&vol=1&Indicator=1&indpara1=18&indpara2=52&indpara3=200&indpara4=330&indpara5=530&subChart1=2&ref1para1=14&ref1para2=0&ref1para3=0&subChart2=3&ref2para1=12&ref2para2=26&ref2para3=9&subChart3=12&ref3para1=0&ref3para2=0&ref3para3=0&scheme=1&com=100&chartwidth=673&chartheight=690&stockid=110003.HK&period=2061&type=1&logoStyle=1& Most Unaffordable Cities Honk Kong : 18X incomes Sydney-- : 12.2X Vancouver: 11.8X London-- : 8.5X New York : 5.9X Why is Hong Kong housing so expensive? | CNBC Explains
  17. STOP PLAYING VICTIM! Kathy is cruising for a (further) bruising She has decapitated her career. Now she seems determined to have a normal life decapitated Let's BRING IT ON, Ms Leftist ! Kathy Griffin Claims "Bullying" From President Trump, Plays Victim So accustomed are these lefties to playing victim, that they do not realise it when they are simply getting some pushback, for episode where THEY were the perps and victimizers / 2 / Kathy Griffin Blames Trump for Her Internet Problem "Kathy is 'pulling a Hillary Clinton'. She does not know when to back down." "The internet is tried of being bullied by celebrities." Please comment: Suppose she goes after Barron Trump as she has threatened, and got even more pushback, could not handle it, and was driven to attempt suicide, would this be: + A great tragedy + Something that the right should apologize for, or + Very sad, but a kind of justice ???
  18. SHANG Properties -- chart & financial info The Rise owner (above) also wondered why I did not have some detailed information here about Shang Properties - since I have posted so much about FLI and Metrobank > Here's info on Shang... Developer: Shang Properties Realty Corp (owner of all 5star Shangri-La hotel & resorts, Shangri-La Mall, Shang Grand Tower, The St. Francis Shangri-La Place, Shang Salcecdo Place and One Shangri-La Place) Visiting Shang's showroom for The Rise in BGC ... old video PH:SHNG / Shang Properties.... All-data : 5-yrs : 2-yrs : 6-mos / Last: P 3.29 / P/E Ratio: 5.47 / Yield: 5.78% Shang Properties (SHNG): ... is the local property unit of Malaysia's Kuok Group. (< 40% owned) Shang Properties, Inc. (SHNG) was first incorporated on October 21, 1987 under the name Shangri-La Properties, Inc. (SLPI) to acquire, own, develop, subdivide, sell, mortgage, exchange, lease or hold for investment, real estate of all kinds. The Company changed its corporate name from SLPI to Edsa Properties Holdings, Inc. to the present one. The Company and its subsidiaries are engaged in property investment and development, real estate management, leasing, mall and carpark operations. SHNG's significant and active subsidiaries are Shangri-La Plaza Corporation; SPI Parking Services, Inc.; Shang Properties Realty Corporation; EPHI Logistics Holdings, Inc.; Shang Global City Holdings, Inc.; Shang Fort Bonifacio Holdings, Inc.; Shang Property Management Services Corporation; KSA Realty Corporation; Shang Property Developers, Inc.; Shang Global City Properties, Inc.; The Rise Development Company, Inc.; and Shang Wack Wack Properties, Inc. -- 000's PHP: 12/31/15: 12/13/16 : source Current Asst.: 15,175K : 19,575K : Total Assets : 59,293K : 61,772K > /50 = USD 1.23 billion Current Liab.: 7,311K : 9,383K : Total Liabs. : 26,991K : 28,433K > /50 = USD 569 million Ret.Earnings : 20,347K : 22,467K : Share.Equity: 32,320K : 33,338K > /50 = USD 667 million ShEq. Parent : 25,931K : 27,916K : Book Value/sh: P 5.44 : P 5.89 : Interesting to see SHNG shares trading at just 55.9% of Book Value, with 5.8% yield LeverageRatio: R-85.3% R-83.5%: P&L Revenues-----: 8,284K : 11,279K : NP-After Tax : 3,578K : 3,476K : NPAT, parent : 2,849K : 2,906K : Earning/share : P 0.59 : P 0.61 : SPI has a 100% stake in the Shangri-La Plaza Corporation, which owns and operates the upscale Shangri-La Plaza in Mandaluyong City. SPI also holds a 52.90% share in KSA Realty Corporation, which in turn, owns The Enterprise Center, one of the most prestigious business addresses in the country. SPI has a landbank of over 500 hectares located in Batangas, Tagaytay, Cavite, and Mactan earmarked for future development. Condo projects, past: Shang Grand Plaza, St Francis Shangri-La Place (both soldout), Shang Salcedo (almost completed, mostly sold) Current: The Rise (2,822 units), Shangri-La at the Fort (61 storey luxury residence) Website : http://www.shangproperties.com (more coming > see post; from Dec.24, 2017 )
  19. FAQ's about this very special thread I spoke to one of the regular readers of Makati Prime, who also owns a flat at The Rise. Here was his reaction to what he sees so far "Wow. I can see this is going to be an Information rich thread... (Then, he asked some Questions...) What will Makati Prime do differently from other websites like OLX and Skycraper City? First of all, sites like OLX, SSC, Zipmatch and Rentpad etc, do a good job. Yes. We will have photos here, like SSC, but maybe not as many. And Yes, we will have listings too, like OLX etc. But the listings here may be very brief - the profile of The Rise will not have to be repeated in every listing - the details of the Rise and its location are provided above, there is no need to repeat them in each listing. A summary Seller's listing here can be as simple as this: SELLER's Unit: Type of Unit------ : Studiio, 1 BR?, 2BR? Asking Price---- : P ?.? Million (or whatever) Size in meters-- : 00.00 sqm Floor Level----- : Low (to 25/fl), Med. (26-39), High (40 and above) Wing/View desired: East, West, North Is there a mortgage?: Yes. No. (Am I missing anything?) Furthermore, I will encourage people to Talk about living or renting in the area - the good and bad aspects - and things that may make a particular floor or a particular view standout. Also, Makati Prime ("MP+") will accept listings from people who Who want to Buy flats in The Rise - this is something that other websites are not presently doing. Knowing there is an interested buyer out there with a specific interest in YOUR type of flat, may encourage those who are thinking about selling, to start a conversation." BUYER Interest: Type of Unit------ : Studiio, 1 BR?, 2BR? Maximum Price-- : P ?.? Million (or whatever) Preferred Floor- : ??/Fl, or above (or below) Wing/View desired: East, West, North How with the Marketplace function work? (still under development, more coming) A little background. I had the idea for this type of thread a long time ago. Some people have had the same experience as I did. You may have used the other websites, and found them valuable - but if you joined them and started posting information about market conditions, your questions and comments may have been shifted asides into other threads, or you may have found your posting privileges revoked. It was almost as if you would get banned as soon as the conversation became interesting. Why? The moderators on those other sites seem antagonized by questions like that, rather than understanding there was an opportunity being wasted. So there seems to be room for some new and different content on MP+. BTW, I will not encourage brokers to post here - I do not want multiple listings from people who are pushing-for-sale properties owned by others. OLX and Zipmatch, etc will do a better job with that than we can. I only want people posting on this thread who are seeking TO BUY for themselves, OR SELL flats that they personally own. Please respect that, and we can see a very good chat and useful marketplace develop here.
  20. Nice photo. Fun facts about the building next door That's Skyland Plaza, Tower A (to the Left) : more and AXA Life center* (95m, 25 fl. to the Right of The Rise) The Rise (at 210 meters tall) will be in Makati's Top 10, in terms of height ===== *Controlled by FLI / Federal Land - Metrobank Group, and the building is also called: Philippine AXA Life Center Built strategically at the intersection of Sen. Gil Puyat and Ayala Avenue, Philippine AXA Life Centre is right at the gateway of Makati’s premier commercial district, the ideal location for business, trading and financial institutions. Location: Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Tindalo St., Makati City Federal Land, Inc. is a member of GT Capital Holdings and a proud partner of the Metrobank Group. It began in Manila as Federal Homes, Inc. in 1972 but has since grown into Federal Land, Inc., a prime real estate developer in the Philippines. > website: http://federalland.ph/ Philippine Axa Life Insurance Corporation (“AXA Philippines”) (PALIC) , 28.18% owned by FMIC, is a life insurance company incorporated in November 1962. Year 2014 is the 14 year of the joint venture between Metrobank and the AXA Group (the world’s largest insurance company). PALIC affirmed its position as a major player and formidable new entrant in the life insurance industry. As of December 31, 2013, it ranked no. 3 and no. 5 based on premium income and total assets owned, respectively, based on Insurance Commission. Skyland Realty Development Corporation (SRDC), 20.0% owned by FMIC, was incorporated on November 6, 1974 to handle the development of Skyland Plaza in Makati. SRDC is an inactive company FMIC is the investment banking arm of the Metrobank Group. It is an investment house incorporated in the Philippines on June 25, 1963 with principal place of business at 45th Floor, GT Tower International, Ayala Avenue corner H.V. Dela Costa Street, Makati City. On September 22, 2000, FMIC was merged with Solidbank Corporation (Solidbank) with Solidbank as the surviving entity and subsequently renamed as First Metro Investment Corporation. FMIC’s shares of stock (originally Solidbank) were listed on the PSE on October 25, 1963 and were subsequently delisted effective December 21, 2012. The company is a 99.23%-owned subsidiary of Metrobank. FMIC is primarily engaged in investment banking and has a quasi-banking license. Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company (“Metrobank” or “the Bank”) was incorporated on April 6, 1962 by a group of Filipino businessmen to provide financial services to the Filipino-Chinese community. Since its formation, the Bank has diversified its business, and to date provides a broad range of banking and collateral services to all sectors of the Philippine economy. The Bank opened its first office in Binondo, Manila on September 5, 1962. Within a year, the Bank opened its second branch in Divisoria, Manila. Soon after, the Bank started expanding outside Manila with the opening of its first provincial branch in Davao. In 1975, the Bank rolled out its first international branch in Taipei, followed by offices in New York, Guam, Hong Kong, and Tokyo towards the early 1980s. Initially, the role of the Bank’s foreign offices was to tap expanding Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) remittance business and to complement its corresponding branch network. == > http://www.pds.com.ph/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Disclosure-No.-654-2015-Annual-Report-for-Fiscal-Year-Ended-December-31-2014-SEC-FORM-17-A.pdf
  21. I thought of this... I suppose I can share it here They Found THE NUN ! The nun who was praying for The Donald It wasn't the the whole convent, just one of the troublesome ones - her name is Maria. How do u solve... "I hate to say it, but I firmly feel... she's not an asset to the Abbey!" "She's a headache! A will-o'the-wisp. A clown." Somehow, Hillary's orchestrated puppet-show nomination and election went awry. Reminds me of the following scene... The Lonely Goatherd (the prince-on-the-bridge puppet reminds of Bernie Sanders) Like the" oh-de-oh-la-ee" in the puppet show, Hillary's performance might have made people think: Hillary is an Old lady ... and someone in poor health
  22. Thanks, but i have to admit that I borrow some of these ideas from others. One of my satirical videos did okay, but it appealed to a tiny audience - Does anyone recall these two?: The REAL Man of La Mancha : Ron Van Dyke ? ( April 4, 2014 ) / 2/ "Parodyman" / Prime Minister Don Quixote speaks: TITLES CONFER HUMOR ( Apr 11, 2014 ) I think the second one is more successful, and I may by now be getting a better idea of how to get the tone right after some practice on the thread here. . (I am genuinely less angry about some of these matters, and liking more the satirical approach) The problem with the mainstream political stuff is... it is yesterday's news before you can finish making a video. (I can barely get a post out with an "appropriate, non-PC" image within it while it is still topical I nearly made a video about Kathy G beheading herself (my idea), but it is already dated. The real stars at this stuff are lighning fast in their creativity. I am genuinely awed by them.
  23. Haha. Yeah. That's half the people who voted for Trump, and so maybe there are only 240million or so left for Hlllary to blame I suppose that means she can go on blaming people until the next election. But does anyone still think she is electable, and will anyone give her money to run again? Somehow, I doubt that
  24. Nuns in NJ: Among 299m Americans Hillary has not yet blamed Cloistered Nuns in Summit, N.J. Some nuns were said to have prayed for Trump in the recent election Hillary is looking for someone to blame other than herself for her loss As Mike River spoke about in Thursday's podcast MP3- WRH-Th1 : http://media.blubrry.com/rbn/p/content.blubrry.com/rbn/stream_2017-06-01_145947.mp3 She keeps finding NEW people to blame for her loss. With the Russia narrative falling off the table, who is Hillary going to blame for her epic loss? Hiilary's-Who-is to blame LIST ===== Here's a full list of all the people, organizations, government entities, and abstract concepts Hillary Clinton has blamed for her loss thus far: 1. Former FBI Director James Comey​ 2. Sexism 3. The electoral system 4. WikiLeaks 5. "Minions" 6. Right-wing media 7. Mainstream media 8. Democratic National Committee 9. Democrat Party 10. 1,000 Russian agents 11. Vladimir Putin 12. Donald Trump 13. Republican-enabled voter suppression 14. Citizens United 15. Facebook 16. "Millions" of Twitter bots 17. Steve Bannon 18. Netflix 19. "Alt-right" media like Infowars 20. Bernie Sanders 21. Suburban women 22. Rural women 23. "Anti-American forces" 24. Bad polling 25. Low-information voters 26. "Content farms in Macedonia" 27. Fake news 28. Colluding Trump campaign officials 29. Stupid Americans who can't tell the difference between real and "fake news" 30. The "broad assumption I was going to win" 31. Goosefer 32. DCLeaks 33. Data from the Republican National Committee 34. Technology 35. The FBI Hey, look! I found the actual reason Hillary lost: Screenshot: Twitter v v the best (and only) person to blame vv H/T Fox News
  25. HAHA Who next? With the Russia narrative falling off the table, who is Hillary going to blame for her epic loss? / 1 / Hillary Clinton Blames Infowars For Election Loss / 2 / Now Clinton is Blaming the DNC for Her Loss Anyone but the real culprit - Herself !
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