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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Bitcoins made a record High and touched $1300 - exceeding Gold prices by as much as $70 BTC .. 10 days Bitcoin has risen more than 25% this year to trade on Thursday at an all-time high north of $1,250. By JosephAdinolfi Markets reporter One unit of so-called digital gold is now worth more than an ounce of the real thing. The price of a single bitcoin US:BTCUSD rose to an all-time high of $1,251.32 on Thursday, surpassing the price of a single ounce of gold, according to CoinDesk’s bitcoin price index. Bitcoin traded on certain Chinese exchanges briefly overtook gold in early February. But this is the first time in the digital currency’s eight-year history that it has done so according to most widely used bitcoin-price benchmarks. Many bitcoin watchers, including Charles Hayter, chief executive officer and founder of CryptoCompare, a company that provides data and analytics about digital currencies, have pointed out that bitcoin has a positive correlation with gold. They argue that investors are becoming more comfortable with the digital currency, making them more willing to buy it when more conventional markets like stocks are under duress. Unlike gold, investors who wish to gain exposure to bitcoin, but are reluctant to buy coins directly, have few available options. The Securities and Exchange Commission is weighing whether to approve the Winklevoss Bitcoin Trust, one of three proposed bitcoin ETFs under consideration. A decision is expected by March 11. Until recently, only accredited investors could buy into the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust GBTC, +7.13% but shares often trade at a premium to bitcoin’s net-asset value. Read: Has bitcoin matched gold’s status? One expert weighs in Read: Bitcoin could soar if the Winklevoss ETF is approved Read: Should you invest in a bitcoin ETF? Spencer Bogart, a researcher at Blockchain Capital and former analyst at Needham & Co., believes the chances of approval are low. But if it does happen, he says bitcoin’s valuation could experience an even larger increase in valuation than gold did after the 2004 launch of the iShares SPDR Gold Trust, the first gold ETF GLD, -0.53% The Commodity Futures Trading Commission has classified bitcoin as a commodity, like gold. However, there is at least one important difference between the two: With a total market capitalization around $20 billion, the bitcoin market is much, much smaller, and far more volatile, than the market for the yellow metal. And many gold enthusiasts remain skeptical. In an interview with CNBC earlier this week, Peter Schiff, the chief executive of Euro Pacific Capital and longtime goldbug, compared bitcoin with the Beanie Babies craze that captivated Americans during the mid-to-late 1990s. “It’s digital fools gold,” he said. Gold GCJ7, -0.30% has risen nearly 8% this year, with one ounce trading at $1,242 on Thursday. By comparison, bitcoin has risen more than 25%. == > http://www.marketwatch.com/story/bitcoin-is-now-worth-more-than-an-ounce-of-gold-for-the-first-time-ever-2017-03-02
  2. "All I can say is - the mind boggles and how right my sons were not to listen to me when I warned them against buying what I thought was already an overvalued house." So long as the bought before the 2-3 year "Buyers Remorse period", they may be alright
  3. NOW for Something completely different Win Half A Bitcoin! | David Seaman "Deep" Contest Published on Mar 1, 2017 Win half a bitcoin by sharing your deepest wisdom in 3 minutes or less here on YouTube! Participants agree to contest terms, including giving this channel permission to re-air your video in full or in part.
  4. Becoming a Bitcoin Banker? And So it happened ! HEDGED rather than Sold Bitcoins - Here's Why BTC - 32 Months I hedged rather than selling the bulk of my Bitcoins position in the last 24 hours when it touched the Gold price near $1230-1250. Here's why... (see the detailed explanation of trades and positions in the new "Bitcoin Banker" thread): http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21325
  5. HOW MUCH HOUSING (in Sq Ft) can $1 Million buy you - in various cities? Philadelphia still looks like an interesting "low cost" option. But some wild ideas are being considered, which misconstrue a Poverty problem as a Housing problem, As the image above shows, there is plenty of cheap housing in Philly Philadelphia City Council President Darrell Clarke unveiled a new plan this week to address what he calls a housing affordability “crisis.” Related Stories Will Philly Be a Model for the Future of Equitable Housing? 3 Ways Communities Can Take Control of Gentrification How Philly Could Fight Gentrification With Rowhouse Fix-Ups Affordable Housing’s Forever Solution Creatively titled “The 1,500 Affordable Housing Units Initiative,” the proposal calls for the construction of 1,000 affordable rental units and 500 purchasable homes, with the goal of reducing the backlog of 110,000 people on the Philadelphia Housing Authority’s waiting list. The 500 homes would come from transferring city-owned vacant properties to non-profit and private developers for low fees with a restrictive deed covenant attached, requiring that they be sold to households who earn between 80 to 120 percent of the Area Median Income. Philly’s AMI is officially $78,800 for a family of four, though PlanPhilly’s Jared Brey notes the actual median income in Philadelphia County is $37,016. The 1,000 rental units would be financed with a $100 million bond issue and some complicated public finance alchemy leveraging an underused 4 percent federal Low Income Housing Tax Credit. While it’s always good to see well-meaning city leaders engaging with housing affordability and cost of living issues, the big problem with Clarke’s plan is that the housing affordability “crisis” he’s worrying about doesn’t actually exist. The impetus for the plan rests on a misreading of the policy implications of a recent Urban Institute report, cited in Clarke’s press release: In 2012, for every 100 extremely low-income renter households in Philadelphia there were only 37 available affordable rentals units, according to the nonpartisan Urban Institute in Washington, D.C. In total, there were 43,700 affordable and available rental units for 117,578 extremely low-income renter households in Philadelphia. Clearly this is a huge problem. But it isn’t really a housing problem — it’s an income problem. The housing itself is quite cheap here compared to most of Philadelphia’s peer cities. The real issue is the 28.4 percent poverty rate, one of the highest in the nation. Cheap as the housing is in absolute terms, a sizable segment of the population still doesn’t earn enough money to afford it. == > more: https://nextcity.org/daily/entry/philly-has-an-income-problem-not-a-housing-affordability-problem So many poor people are living in the city of Philadelphia precisely because it IS CHEAP. Presumably, the creation of many decent jobs would be the very best cure for this problem
  6. HOW MUCH HOUSING (in Sq Ft) can $1 Million buy you - in various cities? Philadelphia still looks like an interesting "low cost" option. But some wild ideas are being considered, which misconstrue a Poverty problem as a Housing problem, As the image above shows, there is plenty of cheap housing in Philly Philadelphia City Council President Darrell Clarke unveiled a new plan this week to address what he calls a housing affordability “crisis.” Related Stories Will Philly Be a Model for the Future of Equitable Housing? 3 Ways Communities Can Take Control of Gentrification How Philly Could Fight Gentrification With Rowhouse Fix-Ups Affordable Housing’s Forever Solution Creatively titled “The 1,500 Affordable Housing Units Initiative,” the proposal calls for the construction of 1,000 affordable rental units and 500 purchasable homes, with the goal of reducing the backlog of 110,000 people on the Philadelphia Housing Authority’s waiting list. The 500 homes would come from transferring city-owned vacant properties to non-profit and private developers for low fees with a restrictive deed covenant attached, requiring that they be sold to households who earn between 80 to 120 percent of the Area Median Income. Philly’s AMI is officially $78,800 for a family of four, though PlanPhilly’s Jared Brey notes the actual median income in Philadelphia County is $37,016. The 1,000 rental units would be financed with a $100 million bond issue and some complicated public finance alchemy leveraging an underused 4 percent federal Low Income Housing Tax Credit. While it’s always good to see well-meaning city leaders engaging with housing affordability and cost of living issues, the big problem with Clarke’s plan is that the housing affordability “crisis” he’s worrying about doesn’t actually exist. The impetus for the plan rests on a misreading of the policy implications of a recent Urban Institute report, cited in Clarke’s press release: In 2012, for every 100 extremely low-income renter households in Philadelphia there were only 37 available affordable rentals units, according to the nonpartisan Urban Institute in Washington, D.C. In total, there were 43,700 affordable and available rental units for 117,578 extremely low-income renter households in Philadelphia. Clearly this is a huge problem. But it isn’t really a housing problem — it’s an income problem. The housing itself is quite cheap here compared to most of Philadelphia’s peer cities. The real issue is the 28.4 percent poverty rate, one of the highest in the nation. Cheap as the housing is in absolute terms, a sizable segment of the population still doesn’t earn enough money to afford it. == > more: https://nextcity.org/daily/entry/philly-has-an-income-problem-not-a-housing-affordability-problem So many poor people are living in the city of Philadelphia precisely because it IS CHEAP. Presumably, the creation of many decent jobs would be the very best cure for this problem
  7. NO BIG secrets, but some realistic idea of Living conditions in A. THE MYSTERY OF ANTARCTICA - Documentary 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVC06YGPbks How those who Drill into to Ice are living
  8. "His Best Speech yet" Krauthammer: This should have been Trump's inaugural address President Trump Full Speech to Congress 2/28/17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cH_231dBLGI Published on Feb 28, 2017 In his finest hour, President Trump delivers a speech for the history books. OTHER Comments: ====== Newt Gingrich: Gingrich 'blown away' by President Trump's 'best speech' "Not what the Democrats expect from a Republican President" "A desire to get very big things done..." Chris Wallace: ‘I Feel Like Tonight Donald Trump Became the President of the United States’ "Now everyone is going to have to accept this fact."
  9. Have you thunderclapped yet? http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21317 =
  10. JAYSUS, This guy had some courage ! Meet "Bitcoin Jesus" By Teeka Tiwari Editor's note: Over the last few months, we've told you about an opportunity that most people have never heard of. Even fewer people know how to take advantage of it. We're talking about cryptocurrencies. "Cryptos" are digital currencies that the government can't control or dilute. They're alternatives to paper money. Every time we cover this topic, readers flood our mailbox with positive feedback. That's why we're sharing another cryptocurrency essay with you. Today's comes from our good friend Teeka Tiwari. Teeka is the editor of Palm Beach Confidential, a top cryptocurrency expert, and a genuine industry insider. Most importantly, he knows how to make money in cryptocurrencies. In today's essay, Teeka explains how this technology is already turning everyday people into millionaires. ======================= They call him Bitcoin Jesus… Roger Ver had been selling network hardware for 15 years. He ran a successful business and was a hardcore libertarian. During his spare time, Ver was a frequent listener of the Free Talk Live libertarian podcast. In 2010, the podcast did a piece on bitcoin. Roger listened. And in that moment, Ver knew that the idea of a decentralized currency that no one could manipulate or control would work. In March 2011, he bought 25,000 bitcoins at $1 per coin. That faith paid off… Two years later, at the peak of the market, that $25,000 in coins were worth $30 million. Ver was such an advocate of bitcoin that he earned the nickname “Bitcoin Jesus.” He preached the virtues of bitcoin to anyone who’d listen. He’s not alone… There are plenty of others… I’ve reached out to Ver and many others like him. And as far as I can tell, there’s nothing remarkable about them. They weren’t tech gurus or super-sophisticated programmers. They were just like you and me. But there is one trait they all share… Financial Privacy Is Key to Your Freedom The one trait that seems to unite bitcoin millionaires is their dislike of big government. Here’s what I mean… Ver was intrigued by the idea that bitcoin could free people’s money from government manipulation and control. He believes we should be in charge of our money… not some central governing authority. Believing in the simple idea of decentralized money is what allowed him to recognize the transformative nature of bitcoin… It’s what helped men like him become millionaires. (from an email)
  11. "- Overwhelmingly bearish sentiment in commentary pieces etc in the press and on forums such as Asia Expat and Geoexpat" - came on last year's Low - now some property pundits are predicting a gain of over 10% in property prices in 2017, and "- Developers shares are outperforming the physical market this year indicating further strength for HK property" - per Lev. The peak in sentiment often comes with, or a little before the peak in prices, here's an update on the Long Term chart of HPI - the Hong Kong Property index I met well-known investor, David Webb, at a M--- event on Friday night. We spoke about property with some young Hong Kong people. His view is that now is NOT the right time to be buying. He says, if you can manage it, it might be a good time to sell. He expects trouble in China to come, and thinks many Chinese bank now have problems with their loan portfolios, and doubts the Chinese government will be as willing to take over the problem loans as they were the last time. Even so, he now holds "reportable interests" (over 5%) in 16 Hong Kong traded companies, and says it is not easy to sell. He would like to have plenty of cash the next time the market drops Obviously, there is no guarantee that this thinking will prove accurate
  12. RVD might like this wild story Regarding Satan ...receiving absolution/forgiveness – here’s an interesting open letter to Illuminati bloodline families channeled for Adamu – entity of the Pleiadian civilization: https://youtu.be/MyG21J57-vo === Between 14-17 minutes, there’s information about their leader (Satan) no longer being there (gone back to source?), and how their power is waning. (Example – I don’t expect to see anything come of the recent mass witches’ binding spell as mentioned in Ben’s article.) Adamu’s letter invites all whom are part of the bloodline families to join the light forces, because the Awakening is pre-ordained and ultimately they will be fighting a losing battle. Overall, this channeling helped me drop some judgment I had towards these elites. === Comment by peace on February 27, 2017 @ 11:16 pm / 2 / Since Satan is a church made creation I guess the church can do whatever it wants with their supreme crisis actor Comment by wizzard322 on February 28, 2017 @ 12:29 am > http://benjaminfulford.net/2017/02/27/battle-to-free-humanity-accelerates-in-us-japan-israel-korea-and-elsewhere/
  13. "Hollywood feels an obligation, to bring the rest of the country 'up to their moral level' " - Tucker (He also has some pithy comments about the Democratic party.) Tucker Carlson on when politics intrudes on art in Hollywood Published on Feb 27, 2017 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host sounds off on Academy Awards Comment: 1/ "hollywood and the dems are both phony and done. Its time for MAGA" 2/ "I think this "mistake" was planned. So the guys who actually had the Best Picture, La La Land, could be made to look so fair minded in turning the award over to the Gay_Black brainwashing film. You can believe it was a mistake if you like, but I am not buying it" 3/ "You mean that the Oscars are rigged... No, say it ain't so.'
  14. Nuclear Distraction? Ben Fulford claims there was a Nuke exploded in Antarctica Battle to free humanity accelerates in US Japan Israel Korea and elsewhere Posted by benjamin February 27, 2017 The world-wide takedown of the Khazarian mafia is accelerating with arrests, assassinations, information warfare, financial warfare and more esoteric forms of combat, according to multiple sources. There is also a flare up of activity in Antarctica. Top US and Russian generals Joseph Dunford and Valery Gerasimov met on February 16th and “launched a combined US-Russian force steaming toward Antarctica after the cabal set off nuke,” according to Pentagon sources. This “nuke” is apparently the source of radiation being detected in various parts of the atmosphere and so there will be serious retaliation, other Pentagon sources said. There are also reports that all civilian personnel are being evacuated from Antarctica and that large contingencies of special forces are arriving with state of the art scalar and other weapons technology., http://www.disclose.tv/news/mass_evacuation_of_antarctica_as_special_ops_and_military_moving_in/137988 Mass Evacuation Of Antarctica As Special Ops And Military … www.disclose.tv - UFOs & Aliens – Mass Evacuation Of Antarctica Happening Just Now. All Civilians and Scientists Being Flown Out. Special Operations And Military Moving In.This … Pentagon sources are also saying the “Deep quake in Bolivia may have been a message to the Bushes in Paraguay and their drug lords in Peru and Bolivia.” There is also a lot going on in Japan and Korea related to the Bush/Clinton Nazi faction’s allies the Unification Church, who have a ranch next to the Bush ranch in Paraguay. The official government seal or chop (the Japanese equivalent of a Presidential signature) of Japan has passed into the hands of Crown Prince Naruhito and he immediately == > http://benjaminfulford.net/2017/02/27/battle-to-free-humanity-accelerates-in-us-japan-israel-korea-and-elsewhere/
  15. The Satanist don't like Mr Trump -- perhaps he needs a Yuge Mirror... THE OCCULT TAKES ON A PRESIDENT... MORE WITCHCRAFT RITUALS PLANNED...
  16. Thanks for those posts, Softly. You and others may like this... LISTEN to the Video below while you can - this may be deleted soon! > Goode's Sphere Being website: https://spherebeingalliance.com/ Corey Goode interviewed by Jimmy Church for C2C Coast To Coast AM February 24, 2017 ET Contacts & Antarctica https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ca7w7_1XgaU
  17. LISTEN to the Video below while you can - this may be deleted soon! > Goode's Sphere Being website: https://spherebeingalliance.com/ Corey Goode interviewed by Jimmy Church for C2C Coast To Coast AM February 24, 2017 ET Contacts & Antarctica https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ca7w7_1XgaU
  18. Hollywood. Schmollywood = Pure Politically-correct Preaching Oscar contenders aim to raise awareness — but in the Trump era will they change minds? A number of Oscar contenders focus on serious issues such as sexuality, race, immigration and war. Pictured from top left: “Moonlight” (courtesy A24), “Hidden Figures” (courtesy 20th Century Fox), “Hacksaw Ridge” (courtesy Summit Entertainment) and “Lion” (courtesy The Weinstein Company). (Courtesy photos) By Matthew Carey, Correspondent Posted: 02/25/17 218 Comments “La La Land” skips into the Oscars with a leading 14 nominations — and more than $136 million at the domestic box office — but some of the other best picture nominees offer a look at more serious issues beyond singing and dancing. Critics point out that a number of this year’s Oscar contenders focus on topics that are meant to expose moviegoers to a different way of thinking, which is timely as President Donald Trump rolls back protections for immigrants and transgender students. Once such film is multiple nominee “Moonlight.” It follows the story of Chiron, an African-American boy bullied in school as he struggles with his sexuality, and the realization later in life that he is gay. Actor Trevante Rhodes, who plays Chiron as an adult, told the Southern California News Group the film offers lessons to people from all walks of life. “The fact that the film is so specific, it becomes this universal thing that anyone can relate to because of the themes. Everyone, no matter your race, your sex, your age, everyone relates to the film.” Another best picture contender, “Lion,” addresses the issues of poverty, missing children and refugees. == > More: http://www.dailynews.com/events/20170225/oscar-contenders-aim-to-raise-awareness-but-in-the-trump-era-will-they-change-minds Once such film is multiple nominee “Moonlight.” It follows the story of Chiron, an African-American boy bullied in school as he struggles with his sexuality, and the realization later in life that he is gay. Right! Daring, eh? If they want a truly daring film they should make one with a Hero who supports Trump while living in La La Land I was proud of my girlfriend She wanted to see a film this weekend, and I told her I was indifferent, because of the choices. "She can handle any figures you put in front of her" (Song: Yes, it's an uphill battle .. "Everytime we try to get ahead, they move the finish line") The sensitive male is a Polish Jew (does anyone else want to puke at how PC this story is?) She suggested Hidden Figures - and I said I wasn't keen. She read the plot summary, and said afterwards. "I see what you mean. I am happy to skip it too." We stayed at home (She tutors teenagers in math, and knows the realities of getting young boys and girls to learn math, She's a Mensa member with a Phd from Oxford, and is a whiz at teaching math to children.)
  19. Ben Carson, President Donald Trump’s pick for secretary of Housing and Urban Development, has dropped $1.22 million on a new home in Vienna, Virginia, just outside of Washington, D.C. Mr. Carson and his wife, Lacena “Candy” Carson, closed on the brick colonial at the end of January, according to county property records. The seller was Mark Langevin, a lawyer. More: Click to Read About Ben Carson’s $4.37 Million Florida Mansion The sales history for the home shows that the Carsons got a deal on the 1.5-acre property. The neurosurgeon-come-politician paid less for the home than its last two owners. The house changed hands for $1.56 million more than a decade ago, in 2005, and again in 2012 for $1.3 million. Mr. Carson, 65, bought the home for a discount off the original asking price, too. He got it for 13% less than the $1.599 million set when the five-bedroom first hit the market last year. == http://www.mansionglobal.com/articles/54123-ben-carson-snaps-up-d-c-area-home-for-a-discount?mod=mansion_global_articles_en_wsj_home&mod=mansiongl_edit_outbrain_Dec
  20. Interesting detail on the Last 50-100 years of activity in Antarctica ( The non-public reports seem to be based mainly on William Thompkins - a new book is coming out in March) Ep. 612 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ Dr. Michael Salla : Exopolitics and Antarctica : LIVE Published on Feb 22, 2017 Dr. Michael E. Salla, is a pioneer in the development of ‘Exopolitics’, the political study of the key actors, institutions and processes associated with extraterrestrial life. His interest in exopolitics evolved out of his investigation of the sources of international conflict and its relationship to an extraterrestrial presence that is not acknowledged to the general public, elected officials or even senior military officials. Dr Salla’s groundbreaking Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence was the first published book on exopolitics and explained the political implications of extraterrestrial life. His other works include: In Exposing U.S. Government Policies on Extraterrestrial Life, Galactic Diplomacy: Getting to Yes with ET, Kennedy’s Last Stand: Eisenhower, UFOs, MJ-12 & JFK’s Assassination and Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances... Dr Salla’s forthcoming book is the US Navy’s Secret Space Program and Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance, due out in 2017.
  21. THIS NEWS helped to push BTC to a new high above $1200 ... Update : last: $1135 Trump’s New Budget Director Supports Bitcoin, 1515 Published on Feb 21, 2017 Guess who President Trump just appointed as Director of the powerful Office of Management and Budget? – Bitcoin advocate Mike Mulvaney. Mulvaney, age 49, is well equipped to help open the gates to the acceptance of cryptocurrencies in the US in this new age of the Trump administration. He graduated from Georgetown University as an Honors Scholar, the highest level of academic achievement, in International Economics, Commerce and Finance.
  22. MARS / Antarctica - pt.1 ===== > From the Antarctica thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21185&page=3 It is not surprising that the CIA employed a remote viewer to learn about the origins of the pyramids and other artificial Mars structures in the Cydonia region. The protocol used for the session is described on page 2 of the CIA document (Mars Exploration), which is dated May 22, 1984: The rest of the CIA document (pp. 3-9) is a transcript of the remote viewer responding to questions about different locations and time periods given to him (in 1984, all known remote reviewers were men). The remote viewer is referred to as "SUB.," while the questioner is "MON." This is what the remote viewer reports after being given his first question: The coordinates are for the Cydonia region, and immediately the remote viewer describes some kind of pyramid sitting in a valley. This is remarkable corroboration for the multiple researchers who have identified pyramids in the Viking images of this exact region of Mars. Next, the remote viewer responds to a serious of questions concerning the population living in the region shortly before planet-wide geological disturbances that occurred approximately one million years ago. He describes the population as very tall and thin, and looking to escape the disturbances which included very violent storm activity: The Martian civilization is dying and the population knows about it: The Martians are waiting to travel elsewhere to survive. Some are able to escape to distant regions, presumably off-planet, as the following quote suggests: Next, the remote viewer describes what clearly appears to be a spacecraft taking survivors to another planet over a million years ago: The above description is very suggestive of what Earth may have looked like at the time. == > see: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/marte/marte_structuresanomalies17.htm
  23. The Egyptians / versus the Martians : King Tut : Martians : Tall and thin... with pot-bellies?
  24. MARS / Antarctica - pt.3 ===== In a January 24 private briefing, Goode confirmed his earlier reports about a "Pre-Adamite civilization" found flash-frozen in Antarctica which was very tall and thin. He described three 30 mile long oval-shaped spacecraft nearby that appeared to have been cannibalized. Artist Depiction of Pre-Adamites. Such large ships would have been ideal space arks carrying many thousands of fleeing Martians as described by the remote viewer. In earlier interviews, Goode described being taken into the interior of Antarctica, well under two miles of ice, and witnessed that it was volcanically very active, and that abundant thermal energy was available to be used as a power source. In the following graphic illustration of what he witnessed at a secret Antarctica base, the steam vents show the intense thermal energy used as a power source. Goode's description of continued volcanic activity in Antarctica is supported by abundant scientific evidence. For example, on February 19, an NPR report discussed NASA scientists conducting experiments around Mount Erebus due to flowing lava under its icy exterior, which they believe is similar to what is likely to be encountered by NASA probes on the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. Mt Erebus, Antarctica Also, a second volcano was discovered under half a mile of Antarctic ice which is also still active and can erupt at any time. Goode's accounts of what he witnessed in Antarctica during separate visits is consistent with the scenario described by the CIA's remote viewer. The Martians had to flee their dying world on spacecraft to another planet - Earth - that was volcanically very active at the time. Apparently, Antarctica, if it was chosen as a safe location for a colony of the refugee Martians, was located in a more tropical location that was both very green and volcanically active approximately one million years ago. The descendants of the Martian refugees living in Antarctica were apparently caught off-guard by a sudden "pole shift" that happened approximately 12,000 years ago and led to them being flash-frozen. Goode has said that major announcements about discoveries in Antarctica are forthcoming which are expected to release some but not all of the truth about the discovered flash frozen civilization. His claim is supported by internet mining expert Cliff High whose "predictive linguistics" model led him to conclude in January that major announcements about Antarctic discoveries are forthcoming. == > see: http://www.bibliotec...anomalies17.htm
  25. MARS / Antarctica - pt.2 ===== Mars Massacre : Linda Moulton Howe and Dr John Brandenburg Published on Sep 3, 2016 Massacre on Mars : MARS has been called the Planet of War. Is there something that is buried in our ancient memories which gave it that name? Now there is new evidence being put forward that there really was an ancient civilization on Mars. And also that it was eliminated in a tragic massacre. Research suggests that Two massive nuclear explosions were utilized to eradicate the civilization on Mars. This is more that mere myth-making and conjecture. A scientist, Dr John Brandenberg has come forward with evidence to back up his theory Did Martian Refugees Settle in Antarctica over a Million Years Ago? by Michael Salla February 21, 2017 / from Exopolitics Website The remote viewing of Mars revealed in a May 22, 1984 CIA document gives details of a planet wide-catastrophe that led to many refugees leaving in spacecraft to safer locations over a million years ago. This leads to the intriguing possibility that a flash-frozen civilization recently found in Antarctica with cannibalized spacecraft nearby was the remnants of a colony originally established by Martian refugees. Such a scenario is consistent with the claims of Secret Space Program whistleblower Corey Goode who says that extraterrestrial refugees have been finding sanctuary on Earth for at least five hundred thousand years, and that preparations are currently underway to officially disclose excavations of a flash-frozen Antarctica civilization. Back in March 28, 2016, Goode described various insider sources that had told him about the influx of refugees from other planets during Earth's history: And it seems that more recent information that I've gotten is telling us that the Earth received refugees, at different points in history, from a couple of different planets, at least, in our solar system where the planets failed and inhabitants left and came to Earth as refugees. Goode said that Mars was one of the planets from which the refugees originated. The Martians were highly advanced technologically with antigravity spacecraft. They engaged in aggressive warfare that led to planetary catastrophe and refugees leaving for Earth. Goode relates what he was told by inhabitants of the "Inner Earth": And the people in the Inner Earth Council stated that the different inhabitants of the planets in our solar system were extremely advanced technologically and extremely aggressive, and that they destroyed their civilizations and had to be relocated here as refugees by other ET races that came in. According to Goode, Mars in particular was hit by a series of environmental catastrophes that were related to devastating wars with the inhabitants of a nearby "Super Earth", around which both Mars and our current Moon orbited up to 500,000 years ago. The "Super Earth" orbited the sun in the area of the asteroid belt as it exists today between Mars and Jupiter. Mars at the time had abundant water and oxygen rich atmosphere to host a large population on its surface. The existence of abundant oxygen and water on Mars in its distant past has been recently corroborated by scientists. The events that led to the Super Earth's destruction also wiped out much of the surface population on Mars, and removed the bulk of its atmosphere according to what Goode read on "smart glass pads", which he had access to during his 20 year secret space program service. It was postulated that Mars was most likely a moon of that Super Earth, and that it was damaged heavily on one side by massive impacts. == > see: http://www.bibliotec...anomalies17.htm
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