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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. EXUBERANCE - a sign of a peak? From Fund Manager Dave Kranzler: In many areas of the country prices are already down 5-10%. I know, you’re going to say that offer prices are not reflecting that. But talk to the developers of NYC and SF condos who are trying to unload growing inventory. Douglas Elliman did a study of NYC resales released in October and found that resale volume was down 20% in the third quarter vs. Q3 2015. A report out in November published by Housing Wire said that home sales volume in the SF Bay area fell 10.3% in the first 9 months of 2016 vs. 2015. Price follows volume... and inventory is piling up. NYC led the popping of the big housing bubble. It will this time too. Prices in the “famed” Hampton resort area down 20% on average and some case down as much as 50% from unrealistic offering prices. Delinquencies and defaults are rising as well. While the mainstream media reported that foreclosures hit a post-crisis low in October, not reported by the mainstream media is that delinquencies, defaults and foreclosure starts are spiking up. Foreclosure starts in Colorado were up 65% from September to October. Housing starts for November were reported today to have crashed 18.7% from October led by a 44% collapse in multi-family starts. No surprise there. Denver, one of the hottest markets in the country over the last few years with 11k people per month moving here, is experiencing a massive pile-up in new building apartment inventory. I got a flyer in the mail last week advertising a new luxury building offering 2 months free rent and free parking plus some other incentives. Readers and subscribers from all over the country are reporting similar conditions in their market. Yes, I know some small pockets around the country may still be “hot,” but if you live in one of those areas email me with what you are seeing by June. Here’s a preview of some of the content in Sunday’s Short Seller’s Journal (click to enlarge): The graph above is from the NAHB’s website that shows its homebuilder “sentimement” index plotted against single-family housing starts. You’ll note the tight correlation except in times of irrational exuberance exhibited by builders. You’ll note that starts crash when exuberance is at a peak. Exuberance by builders hit a high in November not seen since 2005…here’s how it translated in the homebuilder stocks: == > MORE: http://www.silverdoctors.com/headlines/finance-news/housing-starts-crash-sales-volume-and-prices-to-follow/#more-74981
  2. DOW to GOLD Ratio 200 Years Since 1928 (to 2009) since 1910 (to 2015), Log scale ... w/ fewer lines Three Years : Dec. 2013 to Dec. 2016 GLD / Gold : 5-yrs : 3-yrs : 2-yrs : 12-mos / 10d // Last: $107.93 : Gold: $1133.6 :
  3. Imagine if Hillary Had Been Elected Published on Dec 24, 2016 We had 8 years of Obama, imagine what would have happened if Hillary Clinton had become president instead of Donald Trump.
  4. Hoffman : "India has the world's worst government... This will end in revolution, and a rush for Gold" . Is India PROOF Elites Want To CONFISCATE GOLD? -- Andy Hoffman INDU / Dow Jones Ind. Ave. Gold in Dow Points SPX-to Gold
  5. Antarctic Continent is Splitting in Half- Strange Events Detected Worldwide Published on Dec 23, 2016 There are some strange events happening in Antarctica. Images taken by scientists from NASA's Icebridge mission shows a rift in Larsen C, an ice shelf off the Antarctic Peninsula.
  6. Photo: Richard Ellis' "Hypogeum of Hal-Saflieni" (1924) "Malta, Entrance to the Cavern World" by C. Lois Jessop (excerpt) CAVERN COMMENT BY THE YADA DI SHI'ITE In March 1953, Meade Layne had finished reading Robert Ernest Dickhoff's little 125-page book "Agharta", available then from Dickhoff for $2.50, 315 E 107 St., New York 29. Dickhoff wrote knowingly of the Tashi Lama and his underground city of Agharta, of the great tunnel system drilled through the earth by a race of pre-glacial Martians, of the evil Serpent Race who walk on two feet, erect as humans, and of Rainbow City in the Antarctic. After reading this mish-mash of occult lore, Meade went to his fount of all wisdom, the Inner Circle, for comment and received this surprising reply from the Yada. "It is true that the Serpent People once overran this planet, and that they came from Venus. They abandoned it because conditions here were not favorable to them. They were of great size and had scaly bodies and large frog eyes, and were very advanced mentally. Morally they were not [11] evolved, but were extremely cruel and vicious. They are still to be found in the interior of Venus. The Venusians of the present day, however, are not descendants of this early type. Venusians visiting your earth at present want to bring peace. They have no desire to occupy the earth... "Most of what Dr. Dickhoff says about the tunnel system is correct. These were constructed by Atlanteans, partly for communication, sometimes in connection with the search for metals or ores, but chiefly in order to escape extreme solar radiation and various bacteria from the surface of the globe... The tunnels themselves were not primarily designed for underground living, but in many cases they lead into vast caverns, natural and artificially hollowed out, where a great number of persons spent all their lives. It is true that the tunnel opening under the pyramid of Gizeh leads into caverns under Tibet. As to size, a common diameter of these tunnels was about 150 feet. "They were constructed by mechanical or chemical means; that is, by the application of superheat deteriorators. It was like burning their way through earth. Yes, it resembled the heat of the atomic bomb, if such heat could be controlled and directed. It was a very dangerous process, for if the heat-blast went out of control the whole globe might suffer most serious consequences. The process was very rapid. The molecules disintegrated. The substance of the earth is very porous and the gases were largely absorbed by it. TIBETAN LAMA LHASSA & ROMAN CATHOLIC ROME "In some quarters much is still known about these tunnels. The two great religious hierarchies of your plane have such knowledge, and in fact have stored great supplies of food in underground depots. They are aware of the approach of their twilight hour." (Here you have a prophecy by the Yada which had already come true for the corrupt, organized priesthood of Lhassa and Agharta. Their surface organization has been shattered by the Chinese Communists, though it is difficult to believe that the wily old Tashi Lama has been smoked out of his underground lair, Agharta. The catacombs beneath the Vatican in Rome are certainly no secret, but the Yada's hint that these connect with the Cavern world may be something of a surprise. The Church has had a stranglehold on Malta for hundreds of years, with dozens of churches and cathedrals on the little twelve-mile island, and at least one male member of every family in the priesthood.) == > https://borderlandsciences.org/journal/vol/17/n02/Jessop_Malta_Cavern_World.html
  7. Speculation concerning beings that may live inside the Earth Those living in Inner Earth are said to be cannibals - perhaps because there is not much to eat down there "Why does a somewhat subterranean connection also exist? It is recalled that the ghuls and nagas are said to eat the human beings of the surface world, upon occasion; Richard Shaver made it quite clear that his 'deros,' in addition to being sexual peverts and torturers, were also cannibals or eaters of the flesh of the human beings on the surface. Is Rene the only 'degenerate cannibal' with an urge to literally 'go underground' for refuge? Hardly." Read more: http://www.meta-religion.com/Secret_societies/Conspiracies/Demons/demonseed_iv.htm#ixzz4TjA02fNg (is this also the secret behind the cattle mutilation? Are they getting something from the animals, that they cannot get otherwise) The Shadows Within: Humanity’s Dark Fascination With the Hollow Earth December 22, 2015 / Micah Hanks Few of the great fears held by humankind in our path to modernity would rival that of our long dread for the darkness. Fortunately, with the daily cycle of the Earth’s rotation, we are only bathed in that blackness for a few hours at a time. Hence, over the long course of its evolution, humanity has worked mostly by the waking hours, having learned to hide ourselves away as the light recedes, and take our rest during the hours where dangers of the dark become most prevalent. However, there are places where the darkness may linger indefinitely. Despite the grottos and caves that have served as home to humans since time immemorial, straying too far into the cavernous depths takes us into a world unseen, and one which holds its court by an everlasting darkness. Perhaps it is this continual darkness of the cavernous realms below that helped foster such fascination with the idea of an underworld, and of dark subterranean places which never see the daylight we humans live for. In a recent article I featured here at Mysterious Universe, I discussed a series of Scottish legends pertaining to cannibals that, with little doubt, seem to have had an impact on motifs which periodically appear in modern horror films. Specifically, these incorporate humans (or subhumans, at times) existing within caverns who subsist off of cannibalizing others... . . . ...Earlier legends which predate the writings of Verne, Burroughs, and even Dante tell of ancient mythic races which carried out their affairs from below ground, a theme which had been of central focus among the occult groups which became influential amidst the underpinnings of what led to formation of the Nazi party. Author and researcher Peter Levenda, in his exhaustive study of Nazi occult history, Unholy Alliance, tells of these earlier traditions which colored the later political ideas which formed around the Reich: “[W]e find ourselves back in familiar ground with the ancient legend of Agartha—or Arktogäa—the subterranean kingdom of an alien race buried deep within the Himalayas or somewhere in the far North (at any rate, in the appropriately Nordic frozen wastes), another Aryan “Thule.” Years before H.G. Wells described a similar race of beings in his novel The Time Machine, the English author and Rosicrucian Bulwer-Lytton (1802-73) was writing of a subterranean master race in his celebrated novel, Vril. All of this is mentioned only to show that these concepts of secret master race and subterranean kingdoms are not peculiar to German or even Nordic legend and myth, and certainly not to Nazi ideology, but form part of a global tradition that may have some basis in reality; a basis that is now dimmed by the passage of too many millennia to place it clearly and authoritatively into a modern perspective. The völkisch theorists were merely drawing from a bank of myth and tradition familiar the world over, and sculpting from selected pieces a cosmological worldview that placed the German-speaking peoples at the top of a pyramid of power.” Apart from the Nazi occult establishment’s fascination with such traditions, such beliefs have also entertained the minds of many intrepid explorers over the years, such as John Cleves Symmes Jr, who in 1818 made his own declaration that the Earth was hollow in a circular published during the aforementioned year... . . . : Admiral Richard E.Byrd : his Warning : R.W. Bernard, Ph.D, ascribed his own interpretation of Byrd’s statements in his book The Hollow Earth, in which he speculated that Byrd’s “area beyond the Pole” had, in fact, been the hollow interior of the Earth: There have long been conspiracy theories associated with Admiral Byrd, and his alleged concerns about Earth’s southernmost extremities: these range from claims that Byrd, like many in legends before him, had managed to discover a polar entrance to our planet’s inner domains, to the admittedly wacky idea of a secret Nazi base in Antarctica, from which the Reich’s secret battalion of flying saucers were being operated. . . . Proliferation of the idea that our planet is hollow continues even to this day. As recently as 2012, the so-called North Pole Inner Earth Expedition was operating a website which sought to garner funding for a literal expedition in search of one of Symmes’ entrances to the inner earth. Blogger Sharon Hill of Doubtful News noted around that time that, “It’s OK to entertain the idea of legends. They are romantic and exciting and they tell us MOST about the people who recounted them. But when you are dealing with lives and money and huge efforts, to be irresponsible in presenting the justification… to the public is unethical and shady. It’s false advertising at the least, potential fraud at its worst.” Mirroring Sharon’s sentiments, it’s hard not to find the idea of legends pertaining to a Hollow Earth” fascinating, and even enjoyable. However, in the modern era of scientific understanding in which we abide, it is strange to consider the persistent belief among many that there are literal caverns throughout the inner earth which might be populated by ancient, crypto-terrestrial races or groups. (continues) === > http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2015/12/the-shadows-within-humanitys-dark-fascination-with-the-hollow-earth/
  8. ET's became Inner Terrestrials I don't know what to make of this material, but I record it here, in case it fits somehow: Extraterrestrial Metaphysics And The Inner Earth Excerpt: There is said to be an Inner Sun, A midnight sun, A Hidden Sun, The Black Sun, Surrounded by 8 Caverns, In which reside different Extraterrestrial Beings, Who have now become Inter-Terrestrial Beings, Who represent, and are manifestations of different Principles in the Cosmology of Nature, which exist throuhout the Universe + There is the Shuyukh or Dunaakil, + The Siyniyn or Teros, + The Saamiyn or Deros, The little Duwaanis, The big Shaggies, The Flugerods, + The Reptilians, and The Greys The principles which they embody have been represented in various cosmologies throughout time by cultures around the world === === Shaver Mystery Uploaded on Jul 7, 2007 Excerpt from Stan Deyo's "UFOs Are Here!" (1977), with Kenneth Arnold and Ray Palmer talking about the Shaver Mystery. SHAVER'S BOOKS / free download: I Remember Lemuria and The Return of Sathanas by Richard S. Shaver Format: Global Grey edition / Pages (PDF): 185 / Publication Date: 1948 : -- E-Book LINK --
  9. TEROS - a race of ET's that sounds like what Linda Moulton Howe spoke about > source : more on The Teros : Teros & Deros ~ Extraterrestrial Beings They supposedly keep another (degenerated) underground race, the Deros in line Hollow Earth; Abducted by the Dero, Steve Brodie's "true story" Published on Oct 19, 2014 A Hollow earth story of an encounter and abduction by the dero from a subterranean cavernous realm. Music from YouTube library and corel quick tracts and also one song from http://www.freesfx.co.uk . This is an educational video. LONGER: Shaver's account of his 8-year journey to Inner Earth, and contacts with Deros HOLLOW EARTH; Richard Shavers trip to subterranean Dero bases. These two races somehow remind me of the Eloi and the Morlocks from HG Wells' Time Machine / 2 / In the novella, The Time Machine, by H.G Wells, the concept of human de-evolution is greatly explored. While the advances of mankind are briefly shown, the main focus is on the "de-evolution" of our species. While the Darwinian concept of evolution is present in the novel, in which a species evolves over time to fit its environment, the result for mankind is far more unpleasant than what is expected of a species that has only been in existence for a fraction of this planet's history. In the year 802,701 A.D., mankind has evolved into two separate species; the Eloi and the Morlocks. The Eloi are presented as the result of living in a luxurious lifestyle, where comfort and safety are second nature and humanity does not need to evolve to fit those standards. The Eloi are stated as being, "frail, fragile, and foolish" (Wells). Meanwhile, the Morlocks are the representation of what the working class evolved into, being described as,"savage, wild, and cannibalistic" (Wells). After what can assume was a growing poverty gap, the Morlocks emerged. They prey upon and care for the Elois like cattle. In this sense, the roles of late Victorian England are switched, where the rich once preyed upon the poor is now vice versa. == > http://pages.erau.edu/~andrewsa/sci_fi_projects_fall_2015/Project_1/Charalab_Constantine/Updated_Project_HU338/Updated_Project_HU338.html / 3 / First published in AS in March, 1945, the Shaver stories saw the magazine's circulation soar. The story itself rapidly grew into a national, and international, phenomenon. Palmer would later state that AS normally got "50 to 60" letters a month; with the publication of the Shaver stories that number jumped to an incredible 50,000. Almost all of those letters were from people who claimed these stories were true - that they had experienced contact with the Deros. It grew to a point where a 1951 issue of Life magazine examined it, and the idea briefly entered into the popular consciousness. Then came the backlash. Fans of 'hard' sci-fi were not impressed at what they called the "Shaver hoax", and ridiculed it as a publicity stunt. Astute observers noted that Shaver's claims bore all the hallmarks of paranoid schizophrenia, particularly with the elaborate, self-involved fantasy world and emphasis on an "influencing machine". == > http://cobblerkhan.blogspot.hk/2009/12/detrimental-robots-are-coming-for-you.html
  10. HK-10 / Hang Lung - fits the same Cycle HK-10 - fits the same two-year Cycle ... update
  11. Arkaloids* - "were made by Ebens" "Arkaloids" - at 8 minutes had Paracus-type domed heads, beaked noses, and reptilian skin Humans Are A Alien Laboratory by UFO Expert & Gaia Host Linda Moulton Howe ===== * From an earlier post: In one long memorable part, she reviews Notes of an alleged briefing, where President Reagan was briefed on different types of ETs, and their agenda. Reagan was told about Five major races: : - - EBens, from Zeta Reticuli - - - : Arkaloid, "long nose grey" > #18: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=19396 > source: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=18968&page=2
  12. Coneheads existed - there is no doubt - we have the skulls to prove it. What do we really KNOW about coneheads? Not a lot is known, apart from the deformation of their skulls Some are said the have been giants, and super-tall skeletons have been depicted They are also said to: have red hair, been fierce in battle, and to be cannibals, who sacrificed humans to their gods. > source Also test on elongated skulls from Paracas announced in July 2016 suggest that they include DNA of surprising origin. : "The elongated skulls of Paracas in Peru caused a stir in 2014 when a geneticist that carried out preliminary DNA testing reported that they have mitochondrial DNA “with mutations unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far”. Now a second round of DNA testing has been completed and the results are just as controversial – the skulls tested, which date back as far as 2,000 years, were shown to have European and Middle Eastern Origin. These surprising results change the known history about how the Americas were populated" > source: http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2016/07/new-dna-tests-on-paracas-skulls-yield-unexpected-results/ Incredible DNA Test Results on 2,000 Years Old Elongated Paracas Skulls Published on Jul 26, 2016 Beyond this: I have spoken to someone who claims he has been to caverns in Antarctica, which are said to be massive, like 1 km high or more. And the walls of those caverns are said to be covered with a light-emitting algae, which was bio-luminescent. That is to say that they did not merely store light, and emit it later. But rather emitted light produced from some biological process. I asked a question: Was the light sufficient to grow food? I did not get an answer to that question. So I have pondered: what did to beings who lived underground eat? As I ponder that question, I find the stories of canabalism disturbing. What if we are ruled by evil beings who have lived through years, decades or centuries of canabalism to survive. And to justify that way of staying alive, they have forged an alliance with demons who rely on sacrifice and horrific inhuman rituals. I do hope these speculations are unfounded === === > see also : "Homo Capensis": Coneheads, the hidden controllers of humanity? http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=18891&page=3
  13. Summary of Parts 1&2 and Much more Ep. 575 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ David Wilcock : Endgame 2016/2017 : LIVE Published on Dec 20, 2016 David Wilcock is the author of the bestselling books, “The Source Field Investigations” and “The Synchronicity Key”. We have had many conversations over the years...and this was one of the best...if not the best, most open and comprehensive discussion to date. A full 2.5 hours of David completely focused and on point. At the end, there's also some clues of what will be in Part-3, Such as the mixing of DNA of different species by Atlanteans. "They found the labs where these close were being made, and they are still there" "The pre-Adamites re-inhabited 1.8 billion year old ruins." "They came from a planet that blew up in the asteroid belt" "They used the Moon like an Ark, transporting people and animals" "They deliberately destroyed the dinosaurs, so humans could use the planet"
  14. LONG LONG CYCLE Revisited - in Makati, PH Property prices Original chart from Makati Prime "gateway page" I am going to take another look at the Long cycle, incorporating this information: Severe 1984-85 Economic Crisis "Marcos bought the Philippine elite's support at that time by giving them the means not only to survive the severe 1984-1985 economic crisis but to grow richer." "The economic conflagration was the worst ever in our history, part of the global debt crisis triggered by the Mexican default on its foreign loans in March 1982. With the ensuing rise of global interest rates, the Philippines also defaulted on its loans in 1983, which in effect barred the country from receiving any foreign exchange for its exports of goods and services... As a result, the economy shrank by 20 percent from 1983 to 1985, the deepest such contraction in the post-war period." "The Philippines elites were protected... through the Marco's regime's so-called "Jobo bills", named after banker Jose B. Fernandez... with unheard of interest rates, which steadily went up as high as 60 percent in mid-1985." - from today' s Manila Times Clearly, this will have triggered a crash in Philippines property prices, which are interest rate sensitive. So we must expected there would be an important LOW in property prices in approx. mid-1985 Notional Cyclical Chart : three repetitions of 18 year notional cycle Notional 18 year Cycle / Peso per Sqm. estimates No. : start : Peak : -Low- / Levels : high-- : XXX : end-- : #1 : 1965 : 1980 : 1985 / #2 : 1985 : 1998 : 2002 / P ??k : P 98 k : 3-4? : P64K : #3 : 2002 : 2016 : 2020?/ P 64k : P152k : 2.4X : P120K??
  15. On Thursday, I bought Calls on GLD and NUGT I am in profit (so far) With the RISK of a retest of Lows, or even Lower Lows, Calls are the way to Play this Gold market, if you play on the Long side at all POSSIBLE LOWER LOW, now that GDX-$20 has been breeched New Miner Bull Threatened as Major GDX Support is Breached Friday December 16, 2016 ====================== It appears the miner divergence from gold this past month was a bull trap, as the sector collapsed after the expected Fed rate hike. However, the US Dollar surged higher as Fed chair Janet Yellen telegraphed three more probable rate hikes in 2017, as opposed to the expected two in her post Fed meeting speech. This was enough to run more sell stops in the gold price and take the miners down with it. When the Fed promised three rate hikes this time last year, the gold price bottomed the next day as it was also sold hard into the final Fed meeting of 2016. However, the miners did not bottom until a month later after a brutal four year bear in which the GDX lost 85%. What gives me pause on gold bottoming this time just after the final meeting this week, is the equity market breaking out of a two year consolidation as “risk on” is still in play here. The gold price looks very vulnerable now technically and could easily drop below $1000 oz before making a final low as early as Q1 next year. As I have been mentioning in previous posts GDX ,the ETF for large cap miners, needs to hold the major weekly support level of 20 in order to sustain a technical bull market in the miners. The bull’s last chance would be a close today above 19.80 in the GDX. Given how severely oversold the sector is and sentiment being worse than this time last year, the miners do have a chance of reversing today and closing above this level. The big money shorts have made a killing and could begin taking profits before many begin heading off to the Hamptons for the holidays. However, this bounce eventually needs to exceed the 22.50 area rather quickly in order to give me confidence of a chance at a firm bottom here. We could also have more US Election drama on Monday as Senate Democrat Nancy Pelosi’s daughter and Clinton campaign manager John Podesta are backing an effort to get electors to ignore the election and vote for Hillary Clinton. This could also spark a short covering rally in the sector as the “Russia rigged the election” rhetoric has been dialed up heading into the US Electoral College decision on December 19th. I realize I am reaching here, as are the Democrats, but it is worth mentioning as a possible sector catalyst none the less. If the GDX is not able to close today above the 19.80 level, look for the last gap at the 15.50 area to possibly fill as the next level of support. This weekly breach may also set up the very real possibility of an eventual round trip back to January lows and even a chance for a lower low in the mining sector. == > http://www.kitco.com/commentaries/2016-12-16/New-Miner-Bull-Threatened-as-Major-GDX-Support-is-Breached.html
  16. NEOWAVE Warning : Top in early 2017? NEOWAVE: What Went Wrong With My 2015 Bear Market Call 18 Dec at 12:31 PM / from : Neowave.com As you may remember, in mid August 2015, I issued a warning that the S&P had started a multi-year bear market. It was issued 1-hour before Friday’s close…the next Monday morning, the S&P experienced its largest intra-day collapse in history (see Chart 1). At the time, I assumed a 2-3 year bear market had begun that was eventually going to form wave-© of a Flat (starting at 2008’s high). Within a few weeks, I realized there were 2 additional options; so, I released three scenarios (a worst-case, a most-likely and best-case outlook). A few weeks afterward, the best case scenario was the only remaining option. It was then that I warned customers the S&P would at least consolidate for 6-12 months, which it did. Unfortunately, for nearly a year, I was not sure how to structurally label the smaller structure within that best-case scenario. Turns out my original assumption was the right way to go; what I thought was the start of a new bear market (in August 2015) was actually a second X-wave within a more complex, triple-combination corrective rally starting off 2009’s low (see Chart 2). Due of the S&P’s recent series of all-time new highs, Wave structure has begun to clear substantially (even on weekly and daily time frames). That has allowed me to provide more detail on Chart 3, which now precisely labels all price action since this year’s low. If the S&P proceeds as expected on Chart 3 (see red-dashed line), we can expect a major pattern conclusion and top to form in the first few months of 2017. . . . As Wave structure clears, my market forecasts will improve in ALL markets and on ALL time frames. Iin August 2015, the violent drop appeared to be the start of a new bear market; it is now clear how the S&P "tricked me" into that assumption. Despite that mis-call (one of the worst in my career), based on my 35 year track record, the odds are good I won’t miss the major top that is coming. Don't expect this to be easy and expect a lot more bullishness and market excitement to emerge before this pattern is over. During this crucial preparation period, it is wise to prepare for what's coming by making sure you're getting the S&P Forecasting and Trading services. Use the link below... https://www.neowave.com/market-forecasting.asp Glenn Neely, NEoWave, Inc. (by email)
  17. Avida Asten (with Three Towers) is directly across Malugay street from Techzone Avida Towers Asten is located at the corners of Malugay, Yakal, and Lumbayao streets, next to Avida Towers Makati West Tower-1 shown above, is (nearly) sold out. Tower-2 is being sold now, and Tower-3 will be released in the first half of 2017 (at higher prices?) Prices for a 22 Sqm Studio are in the region of P 2.5 million (about P 114k psm) to P2.6 mn (P 119k psm) for higher floors.
  18. Techzone Tenants include ...mostly Online Gaming, BPO,call centers, software, and outsourcing companies like: Monaco1 : on 27th Floor, of TechZone Monaco1 is one of the fastest provider of knowledge-intensive business process outsourcing (BPO) and software services for customers around Asia. With a customer-focused attitude, desire to understand customer business & identify the right partner for executing the job, we act as a one-stop shop for business process outsourcing. Our main goal is to reduce your costs while transforming your operations for sustainable benefit. As we focus and deliver internal improvements that increase the efficiency and profitability of your organizations. Specialties Web Designing, System Development, IT Consulting, Software as a Service (SaaS), Online Marketing & eMarketer, Server & Network Infrastructure, Streaming Media Consultant, Big Data Mining Website : http://monaco1.ph/ Industry : Outsourcing/Offshoring Type : Public Company Headquarters 27th Floor, Techzone Building, Sen. Gil Puyat Ave, Makati City, Manila 6795 Philippines Company Size : 501-1000 employees' Founded : Established in 2010 in the central business district of Makati City,
  19. Techzone Philippines: "an information technology center" / with POGO tenants Techzone Philippines Building, 213 Senator Gil Puyat Avenue, Barangay San Antonio, Makati. Height (estimated): 103.02 meters Floors (above ground): 27 Construction start: 2012 Construction end : 2015 > https://www.emporis.com/buildings/1210090/techzone-philippines-makati-philippines LR is a 50% owner of Techzone Bldg ... All-Log: old: 10-yr: 5-yr: 2-yr: 6-mo/ 10-d -updated: P 1.79 @ Leisure And Resorts World Corp (LRWC) / Our Business Groups | LRWC LR Land Developers, Inc. (LR Land) is the real estate arm of the LRWC. LR Land has a 50% joint venture real estate property development project in Makati City called Techzone Philippines, Inc. (Techzone). Techzone constructed a ... "... the construction of the Techzone project, a joint-venture between Techzone Philippines and LRWC subsidiary LR Land Developers, Inc. for a business process outsourcing building along Gil Puyat Ave. in Makati City, which will have 75,000 square meters of gross floor area..." ( Mar. 2013 Business World report) Feb 6, 2013 - "Reyes also said that LRWC might allocate another P500 million for a joint venture project to build an office building in Makati called Techzone." Techzone Philippines, Inc. | TPI has built a world class-32-storey BPO building along Buendia (Gil Puyat Ave) in Makati. TPI tenants are in various stages of moving into these offices BusinessWorld | Gaming firm swings to profit www.bworldonline.com/content.php?section=Corporate&title=gaming-firm... Mar 16, 2013 - the construction of the Techzone project, a joint-venture between Techzone ... process outsourcing building along Gil Puyat Ave. in Makati City, ...
  20. "Little China" / The Tech Zone area (off Sen. Gil Puyat), San Antonio Big Profits in Little China? That is the hope of some investing there - near to Makati's CBD Techzone area : (Lower arrow buildings are): Cityland 1 & 2, ... Arrow at right: Victoria Tower (cheapest new condo in the area) In front of the TechZone building, 100 West is rising. It is being built by Filinvest The new Techzone PH building has many tenants with connections to the Online gaming industry and Mainland China ... PD : PD2 . . There are said to be many companies there with online businesses in China, and hence many Mandarin-speaking call center employees work there, ...and live nearby, in buildings like: + The Linear + Avida Makati West + Victoria Tower, on Washington St. + Avida Towers, Asten Tower-1 will be turned over in Q4-2017. + 100 West is now under construction, to be completed in 2020, maybe The new Avida Asten Towers (see post #4) should also benefit from the jobs in the TechZone building too
  21. "Side Hustling" : What is it? Megaworld is helping to promote a new term, in its promotion of The Ellis (from an advertorial in today's Manila Bulletin): Side Hustling: The Latest Passion-pursuit phenomenon THE ELLIS empowers the go-getter lifestyle with Megaworld's first ever Link units + Thanks to generational behavior and increase of opportunities easily accessed online today, the lines between living and working are getting blurred, creating a new kind of working lifestyle: side hustling + What is "Side Hustling"?: A hobby, service offered, or freelance pursuit outside the usual 9-5 fulltime job, and another way to generate income + Includes activities like: freelance events planning, web designing, tutoring, consultancy, arts & handicrafts, online selling, OR: renting out your car, or extra property space This activity: Enhances income, while "empowering one's entrepreneurial tendencies" - ie. allowing experimentation, in a way that may transform a side gig into a new career + To be an effective side hustler, you need to stay ontop of everything that is happening... And it is easiest to do that with a well-designed designated living and working space in Makati's CBD LINK UNITs can provide : a highly suitable space for dual activities: + A foyer connects two units, so you can live in one, and have your business next door; + The side unit can accommodate: a home office, a photo studio, a workshop area, a commissary, or other small business
  22. Will these Big Rail projects ever get completed? The reports said they will aim to complete them before the end of Duterte's term in 2022. But people are right to be skeptical. I am too, after seeing this report: Failed North Rail project cost taxpayers P 15.8B - page 1, today's Business Insight + project was supposed to build the Northrail link from Manila to Clark + funded by loans from Chinese companies, with Arroyo govt borrowing $316mn, and ordering equipment + China National Machinery and Equipment Group (CNMEG) is still seeking balance of $106 million to be paid The Borrower, Northrail, may now be dissolved, so their will be no entity to attract future lawsuits
  23. Sketchy NEWS Reports, and internet rumors Shock claims massive ancient civilisation lies frozen beneath mile of ice ... https://www.thesun.co.uk/.../shock-claims-massive-civilisation-lies-frozen-beneath-a-mil... 4 days ago - THE 'LOST CITY' OF ANTARCTICA ... It appeared to show extensive ancient ruins hidden in the ice, and was a video supposedly 'left behind' .. The huge continent is an icy mass, and is currently only inhabited by scientific researchers and penguins thanks to its freezing temperatures. David Demaret 3 An artist’s view of what an ancient civilisation could look like on the continent of AntarcticaRumours of a hidden city have been floating about for years, as conspiracy theorists and even some scientists claim the freezing continent is actually the home of the legendary Lost City of Atlantis. One scientific theory claims that once upon a time Antarctica was ice-free and home to an ancient civilisation. ... there were even earlier reports, dismissed as mere rumors, or that it was made up ... / 2 / Ruins Of Ancient City Found In Antarctica? | Blogging/Citizen Journalismbeforeitsnews.com/blogging.../ruins-of-ancient-city-found-in-antarctica-2446084.htm... Mar 9, 2013 - They said it showed spectacular ruins and other things they couldn't go ... Ancient Pyramids Discovered In Antarctica – Lost City Of Atlantis? AN Ancient City Discovered With Ruins In Antarctica Being Kept From The World Published on May 26, 2016AN Ancient City Discovered With Ruins In Antarctica Being Kept From The World A California TV crew missing since November 2002, a video they left behind and a mission by U.S. Navy SEALs are the key elements in a story that claims extensive ancient ruins have been found under the ice of Antarctica. That’s according to archaeologist and adventurer Jonathan Gray of World Education Research Ltd A spokesman for the company is reported to have said at the time that “The U.S. government said it will seek to block the airing of a video found by Navy rescuers in Antarctica that purportedly reveals that a massive archaeological dig is underway two miles (3,200 meters) beneath the ice.” “The AtlantisTV production crew that shot the video is still missing.” reports Gray. Attorneys for the Beverly Hills-based AtlantisTV stressed at the time that the company’s primary concern was for the safety and welfare of the crew. Amundsen-Scott Station So reported sources at McMurdo Station, the main American base in Antarctica.”They said it showed spectacular ruins and other things they couldn’t go into", an NSF scientist reported. "Rumors on the internet that it is a made up story"? Antarctica Secrets Exposed | Strange Mysterious Unexplained Disappearances Streamed live on Apr 21, 2016 Beneath Antarctic Ice, Antarctia Conspiracy, Third Reich UFO Nazi Base, TV crew missing since November 2002, a video they left behind and a mission by U.S. Navy SEALs are the key elements in a story...
  24. Adventure Story? I don't know how much of Corey Goode's narratives are TRUE. There's not much confirmation of his wild tales of contacts with ET's, but they are internally consistent There is some Antarctic-related content here David Wilcock | Corey Goode: Endgame II-- The Antarctic Atlantis ET Ruins/ Cabal Rescue Plan
  25. Video (The Philippines) North- South Commuter Railway Project (Malolos- Tutuban) Published on May 31, 2016 The objective of the Project is to expand the economic sphere of Metro Manila and reduce air pollution by constructing a commuter line interval, running from Malolos, the capital city of Bulacan Province at the north of Metro Manila to Tutuban in the City of Manila. Its total length is 37.9 kilometers, and there will be 10 stations throughout the section. The project is to enhance the connectivity of the transportation network and alleviating the serious traffic congestion in Metro Manila. NEW SKYWAY Highway - will connect Buendia/ Makati (SLEX) to NLEX Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 - The Bright Road Ahead > Update: Oct. 2016 : Dec. 2016 :
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