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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Now there's some evidence of price cuts... in a confusing market Buyers home in on better deals - says The Standard "Price-sensitive property buyers have managed to wring better deals out of jittery sellers, taking advantage of spillover from swing local and China stock markets" "... for those who see a home as a home, ... could be a boon" Evidence: + Renter in Aqua Marine, Cheung Sha Wan, bought a flat there for $7.58mn (is that cheap?) + Three cases in Caribbean Coast, with the steepest cut being 5.6 percent + A buyer at Mei Foo Sun Chuen walked away from a deal worth HK$13.6mn, losing HK$700k (The seller later sold at HK$13.8million.) But "not all sellers are willing to drop prices to woo sellers" So the market has gone mostly quiet
  2. Alex Jones main job is to point fingers AWAY FROM Zionist Israel. ... so it is no surprise he has come up with THIS Vatican Communist Coup Confirmed Published on Jul 10, 2015 Alex Jones breaks down how the Pope is a part of the globalist plan to destroy the world. Read more: POPE CALLS FOR NEW WORLD ORDER - http://www.infowars.com/pope-calls-for-new-world-order/
  3. Ayala seems to have broken is record of ON_TIME completions at Lerato: Originally Posted by hognek I just got a call from Alveo that there is a delay of turnover for my unit in tower 1. I will be getting the keys in December 2015 instead of October. Strange I thought Ayala land usually don't delay on their turnover. yes, i have a lower unit facing the pool. My wife and son flew there from usa. We can have a viewing of the unit (with a scheduled time), but at least for us, we cant take posession until sept. What they are telling my wife is that the unit is done persay, but there are safety concerns with workmen, crane picks, etc. that could potentially hurt a resident. No one wants to have someone hurt, hence the delay. Since we will fly back to us in august, we will postpone outfitting the unit until next year. A disappointment, for sure, but at least we get to "enjoy" our outfitting savings for another year. > http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=1002701&page=27 + next page: As i said before, ayala and alveo land brands are becoming tainted by their project delivery delays. I have anticipated this. So prospective investors beware!!! Alveo and ayala land are joining the band wagon of other developers in not meeting the committed delivery date of their project turnovers. *sighs* Is there too much construction going on, raising costs, and causing delays?
  4. Will excessive Density (and a poor location) burst the Trump- Century City Bubble? There's already Forum talk about it: YEARS AGO: the marketing story for Trump Tower, went like this: "it is actually an official collaboration with Donald Trump. It will be an ultra-high end property. It is on the front page of the Philippine Star." 1/ ...back in 'those days' when it was just a rendering and many read the blurb one could, i suppose, have been taken in by such hyperbole. Today, some years later, having witnessed the construction for the past 2 years I am yet to see anything that points to high end let alone that other word 'ultra'. Time will tell of course but if Gramercy is anything to go on, albeit perhaps without the word 'ultra', then I doubt it. The other fascinating thing about sky rises in Manila and particularly about this 'Century' project is how ridiculously close they are to each other; talk about ignoring the 'right to light' but how about the 'right to air' ? Totally insane. The bubble will burst if not already... buyer beware. - E. F. 2/ Totally agree ... The selling price in century city is not commensurate with the insane high density in it... - P.S.I. 3/ CPI’s marketing campaign has been a resounding success; thanks to all the investors who have bought into the hype and contributed to CPI’s bottom line. However, rest assured that few years from now when the dust has settled, there will be lots of empty units looking for tenants or available for sale at possibly below pre-selling price in this congested and polluted part of Makati with poor infrastructure. == > http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=1440276&page=106
  5. People wanting to reside in the Philippines, should look into applying for a SIRV: Special Investors Resident Visa http://www.philembassy.no/consular-services/visa/special-investors-resident-visa-sirv Minimum investment : US$75,000 http://philippinevisalawyer.com/?q=special-investor-resident-visa-sirv Allowable investments: For purposes of securing an SIRV, only investments or shares of stocks in existing, new or proposed corporations shall be allowed as eligible forms of investment: 1. Publicly- listed companies 2. Companies engaged in areas listed in the Investment Priorities Plan (IPP) of the Board of Investments. 3. Companies engaged in the manufacturing and services sectors It bears emphasis that ownership of shares of stock in corporations engaged in wholesale trading shall not be allowed.
  6. Are DEBT and TAXES necessary ? Some say: NO ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrFvwdtP_t4 Some say they are necessary: Ryan Pretchik 6 days ago For a smart, well-connected guy I find it hard to believe that Mr. Armstrong doesn't understand why government debt and taxes are necessary. He says they aren't necessary because payments are electronic now (as opposed to needing actual physical gold or silver to settle payments). The interest on the debt which is paid for with taxes is the mechanism that provides value to the fiat currency. Since everyone must pay taxes and those taxes must be paid in the fiat currency it creates demand for an un-backed paper (or electronic) currency where none would otherwise exist. Its very insidious and is tantamount to slavery. Without the debt/taxation mechanism hyper-inflation would occur very rapidly. Maybe not, Ryan. Gold pays no interest, in fact it costs money to store it. Yet people are willing to hold Gold, and claims (like etfs) upon it
  7. If anyone else reading here is interested in taking part, please post, or send me a message === === Here's Johann Rupert of South Africa (a guy whom I have met decades ago) talking about the risk of revolution Billionaire Worried by AI and Unemployment, Says Wealth Gap Will Lead to Social Warfare ... and here's someone who talks about Rupert's opinions
  8. There was some brief chat on one of the other threads about the idea of forming a discussion group withing SP's realm to discuss some of these matters. (The main theme might be to discuss what education will be needed in an "A.D." After-Disclosure world - along the lines of THIS thread.) Do you think that is something that could be useful? Might you want to participate? In theory, you might get a stronger response from Simon, if you said you were part of a group If we did form such a group, we could have some discussion of Daniel Sheehan's lectures, which are loaded with historical facts and other useful content
  9. Do you think the number (or percentage) of people who are awake and aware is noticeably higher than 1-2 years ago? I think that material like that from Daniel Sheehan and Simon Parkes, can play a very useful role in waking people up. But how can we get new people to actually listen to this material with an open mind?
  10. Daniel Sheehan Speaking at Boston University School of Theology To skip to discussion of worldviews, start at about ~33:00 minutes From Sheehan's : http://worldfutureinstitutelab.org/
  11. Still under pressure: - near $1.50 NNVC chart
  12. I do not think that change is easy. Nor does Daniel Sheehan, I think. To get there, we need, as you say many steps, including: "7. Religious leaders / Vatican decide to take the lead - suspect in my opinion since they'll expose their own crimes and shortfalls which could ruin them - truth and reconciliation maybe possible" - etc ... as I say: 1/ Education - ie more knowledge of our true history 2/ Leadership - ie, someone in a position of power, presenting a plan 3/ Public discussion, acceptance and support for change 4/ Action Sheehan himself is providing the Education, along with others (such as Simon Parkes). The lectures on the Romero institute channel are truly remarkable - you really must start listening. (And especially the lecture series called "Trajectory of Justice" and the "JFK" lectures.) The Pope has begun to provide the needed leadership. The Laudato Si Encyclical was a big step. Apparently, there is more to come in Philadelphia (in September), and more still in December. Will the public embrace the education, and the Pope's leadership? We do not know yet. A good sign is that it is almost impossible to get a room in Philadelphia on AirBNB when the pope will be there. People will flood into the city to try to get a glimpse of him, and to hear his message. We need more public discussion and debate of these big issues - even on GEI. This thread, and some others on various aspects of the Pope's message is stirring some interest. But I an eager to hear more thoughts from people. The section of this video where the student's question how feasible is the Jubilee-driven change starts at about 38 Minutes, and is a must listen, if this topic interests you: *At just before 1:21 hours he says: "WE need to withdraw the power from the Trans-National cabal... and NOT give those people a seat at the table." I really want Daniel Sheehan to tell us: HOW do We-the-People do this? At 1:28:40: "We have to have companies, producers... willing to take responsibility." "We do not have to engage in violence... Francis is going to call out the way." "The time has come to lie down your bets." "They finally put in the guy (Pope Francis) who has the courage to make the change." "They keep saying, it the catholic church church was really worth its salt, they would get up and give away everything they have - The Shoes of the Fisherman scenario. What you are looking at the Shoes of the Fisherman scenario !" "We have to be willing to respond." I am certainly expecting we will hear more debate from Sheehan and others on this big topic. As the debate develops, we will get a better idea what ACTION is required. Let's see what people will embrace and lead change. Fasten your seatbelts !
  13. Watch and see... what comes of this. What I see so far is that some major "good guys", like Sheehan, are willing to work under the Pope's "Laudato Si" banner. This may become a major rallying point for genuine change. How else, how better, might real change be brought about? Do you have a better idea? (This is a genuine question... and it would be interesting to hear an alternative.) In his lectures (here for the Romero Institute) Sheehan lays out the secret power structure of the USA, and its ties to Nazi Germany Trajectory of Justice: 5-28-2015 part 1 Lovely people - whom Dr Joseph P Farrell has also written about: (from the thread on the Romero Institute ) An extensive course on the History of US Espionage, etc.. since WW2 . . . Much involvement of ex-nazis in the US intelligence operation Reinhard Gehlen / Wiki: During the emerging phases of the Cold War, he was recruited by the United States military to set up a spy ring directed against the Soviet Union (known as the Gehlen Organization) which employed numerous former SS, SD and Wehrmacht officers, and eventually became head of the West German intelligence apparatus. He served as the first president of the Federal Intelligence Service until 1968. As President of the Federal Intelligence Service, itself a civilian office, he was promoted to Lieutenant-General of the Reserve in the West German Bundeswehr and thus became the country's highest-ranking reserve officer. . . . On 22 May 1945, Gehlen surrendered to the U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) in Bavaria. He was brought to Camp King and interrogated by Captain John R. Boker near Oberursel. Because of his knowledge and contacts inside the Soviet Union he was very valuable to the Americans. He offered them his intelligence archives and his network of contacts in exchange for his liberty and the liberty of his colleagues imprisoned in American POW camps in Germany. Boker quietly removed Gehlen and his command from the official lists of American POWs and managed to transfer seven of Gehlen's senior officers to the camp. Gehlen's archives were unearthed and brought to the camp secretly, without even the knowledge of the CIC. By the end of the summer Boker had elicited the support of Brigadier General Edwin Sibert, the G2 (senior intelligence officer) of the Twelfth Army Group.[11] General Sibert contacted his superior, General Walter Bedell Smith, Eisenhower's chief of staff, who then worked with William Joseph Donovan, the former head of OSS and Allen Dulles, then the OSS station chief in Bern, to make suitable arrangements. On 20 September 1945, Gehlen and three close associates were flown to the United States to begin work for them. Otto Skorzeny - check other photos for the dueling scar Part-2:
  14. Cheapest Mortgage Loans in Philly This come from the Mortgage Guide that I clipped from a Philadelphia newspaper about two weeks ago APR-30yr : Institution-------- : Apr-15yr+points : website 3.930 % : Price Financial Svc. : 2.875%+0.000 : pricefinancial.net 3.934 % : Hamilton National -- : 3.000%+0.000 : hamiltonnational.com 4.001 % : Sky Financial Svcs. : 2.990%+0.000 : skyfinancialloans.com 4.038 % : United Savings Bk. : 3.250%+0.000 : unitedsavingsbank.com 4.157 % : ColonialCommunity: 3.375%+0.000 : 1stcolonial.com 4.370 % : Prudential Svgs Bk : 3.500%+0.000 : prudentialsavingsbank.com
  15. The Pope's message is becoming clearer... in his speech made in Bolivia: RECOGNIZE your True Enemy, friends* Here's how some blood-sucking Zionists are reacting to the Pope's message Fox host freaks out over ‘Marxist’ Pope Francis: He is ‘the most dangerous person on the planet’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mF4jbRz-rtY Perhaps we need to consider removing these people from (any) power, and take back the wealth they may have stolen from banking, cornering resource markets, selling unnecessary pharmaceuticals and confiscating what truly belongs in common ownership *(Btw the way, there are many good Jewish folk who do not put money in the first place... it is not the god of true religious Jews. See Chomsky, below) Meantime, corporations are trying to engineer the biggest power-grab in history Noam Chomsky on Trans-Pacific Partnership
  16. Are you familiar with the interviews with Dr Richard Alan Miller, Full Moon? There's a popular thread here with articles and interviews with him Dr Richard Alan Miller : Insider Scientist re-emerges http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=16914 He believes that Moral choices we make, and the example we leave behind, create the world we live in. If we do not live by a moral code, then world will drift into chaos, and we have no one to blame but ourselves. (I paraphrase him here.) I think that someone like Daniel Sheehan would agree with this. In fact, it might be worthwhile to ask him if this is so.
  17. Daniel Sheehan: Philosophical responses to "verified contact" part 1 Published on Jul 10, 2015 Daniel Sheehan at Contact in the Desert, May 2015 Monday Morning Workshop
  18. GLD / Gold ... All-data : 3-yrs : 12-mos / 10-d : GBS : HK-2480 : Gold resistance is $1,166 / GLD-$111.5 Let's see if key support at GLD-$110 holds. So far, the rally looks like a "gap filling exercise". If broken, next stop could be support near $100.
  19. Daniel Sheehan: Inching Closer to Disclosure Published on Jun 25, 2015 Daniel Sheehan speaking at at Contact in the Desert 2015, Sunday 9-11am. If you go to the comments section there, you will find a comment by Mr Sheehan about THIS thread: " Great thread. Somebody is paying attention " (and here's another talk from Contact): Daniel Sheehan: The Jesuit Order's call for discussion of the theological implications of contact Published on Jun 24, 2015 Daniel Sheehan speaking at Contact in the Desert 2015, Friday 12-1pm, Noble Hall.
  20. TRUTH JIHAD: Pope Francis planning to resign! – Jesuit insider Posted by Kevin Barrett on July 7, 2015 Daniel Sheehan says the Pope's commitment to reform includes his planned resignation Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:00:01 — 54.9MB) | Embed Subscribe: iTunes | Android | RSS Daniel Sheehan, “The People’s Advocate,” personally litigated several of the most important cases of the 20th century, including the Pentagon Papers case, the Watergate burglary, the Karen Silkwood case, and the American Sanctuary Movement case on Central American death squads. During his journey from Harvard Law to Harvard Divinity School, Sheehan developed an insider relationship with the highest levels of the Jesuit Order – which he says has become genuinely dedicated to reforming the church and saving the planet. In this interview, Daniel Sheehan celebrates Pope Francis’s groundbreaking environmental encyclical Laudato Si, and calls on the Pope to revoke the Doctrine of Discovery, the 1493 proclamation that the New World “savages” were non-persons and their lands belonged to Christendom. He also unveils the biggest story ever broken on Truth Jihad Radio: Pope Francis is planning to resign in 2020 and become only the third Pope in history to have done so! Why? Listen and find out.
  21. Nice one! Has traded as high as $0.60 since launch
  22. Gold shares (GDX) may be a better buy than Gold from here
  23. Doug Casey likes Emerging Markets (so does Ray Dalio): Emerging markets… Bridgewater Associates, the largest hedge fund on the planet, now has 60% of its portfolio invested in emerging markets (EM). EMs are countries that are on their way to “developed” status but aren’t quite there yet. Think India, Thailand, Brazil, China. Ray Dalio is the founder of Bridgewater. He’s one of the best and most respected investors of all time. According to DealBook, he’s crushed the performance of the S&P 500 by six percentage points per year over the last 20 years. He even made money during the financial crisis in 2008/9, when a lot of hedge funds went out of business. Dalio built his amazing track record by buying what others are selling. Dalio has said: To make money in the markets, you have to think independently and be humble. You have to be an independent thinker because you can’t make money agreeing with the consensus view, which is already embedded in the price. Dalio has increased his bet on EMs in recent years. In 2012, he had 35% of Bridgewater’s portfolio invested in EMs. That number jumped to 58% last year. Now its 60%. Dalio’s 60% bet on EMs is huge. It amounts to tens of billions of dollars. It takes serious conviction to invest that much money all in one place. There’s a lot to like about EMs. About 80% of the people on earth live in EMs. EMs produce 50% of the world’s goods and services. Yet EM stock markets make up just 15% of the global stock market. In time, EM stocks will rise to close the big gap between what EMs produce and what their stock markets are worth. But right now, EMs are unloved. As a group, EM stocks have gone nowhere for a decade. They’re the same price as when George W. Bush was president: (from email)
  24. Jul : SPY- : Chg : volume/ VIX : GDX: +-chg: -GLD- : Chg: volume: x10.?? WTI.Cr: -DXY-- -Chg.- : --TLT- : Chg : Posts/Views cum'l 01: 207.50 +1.65: 125.M: 16.09 : 17.28 - 0.48: 111.98 - 0.39 : 4.35M: 1,167.8 $56.87* 96.410 +0.894: 115.62 - 1.58: 11, 011 / 109, 0109 02: 207.31 - 0.19: 93.9M: 16.79 : 17.63 +0.35: 111.76 - 0.22 : 3.81M: 1,165.2 $56.50* 96.063 - 0.247: 116.00 +0.38: 10, 021 / 101, 0210 I think there is a decent chance we saw an important Low in Gold shares on July 1st, and maybe on Gold yesterday. Am I the only one who thinks that? KITCO writers are unimpressed... while noticing some strong interest in Gold and Silver coins Gold Acting Tepid At Best, Hits 3.5 Month Low: Gary Wagner - Kitco Video News, Jul 2 2015 4:06PM Uncertainty To Rule Gold Market Next Week – Analysts - Kitco News, Jul 2 2015 2:32PM Main Street Bearish On Gold For Fifth Straight Week; Wall Street Slightly Bullish - Kitco News, Jul 2 2015 1:18PM Gold Down, Hits 3.5-Mo. Low, as Bears Gaining Momentum - Kitco News, Jul 2 2015 1:58PM 100% Surge In Gold & Silver Coin Sales – U.S. Mint - Kitco News, Jul 2 2015 1:27PM === === Can the metals break their range? Wagner comments on gold’s reaction to Thursday’s weaker-than-expected nonfarm payrolls data and says the metal is acting ‘tepid at best’ right now. With the uncertainty in Europe and the weaker U.S. data, gold should be performing better as a safe-haven asset, but instead hit a 3.5 month low on Thursday morning. Wagner says the weaker data may now delay the U.S. Federal Reserve’s first move on rates. - Gary Wagner . . . Uncertainty will continue to dominate gold next week as analysts expect the market to continue to digest the weaker-than-expected nonfarm payrolls released Thursday, and react to the Greek bailout referendum Sunday. Looking ahead, in the short-term, most retail investors remain bearish on the yellow metal while market professionals are still uncertain, according to the Kitco News Wall Street vs Main Street Weekly Gold Survey. This week, 211 people participated in Kitco News’ online survey. Of those voters, 119 people, or 56%, expect to see lower gold prices next week; 62 participants, or 29%, expect to see higher prices next week. Thirty people, or 14%, are neutral on the gold market. - Kitco Survey . . . Bart Melek, head of commodity strategy at TD Securities, said that although the employment data was mildly disappointing, it still doesn’t change expectations that the Federal Reserve will hike rates in September. “The reality is that any jobs gains over 200,000 is still pretty good,” he said. Melek added he is expecting prices to remain range-bound and with prices testing the lower end of the range, he is slightly bullish next week, expecting to see a technical bounce. “The fundamentals haven’t changed at all so this would be a purely technical move,” he said. On the bearish side, Phillip Streible, senior market strategist at RJO Futures, said that investors are becoming more and more disappointed with gold’s inability to rally on market-positive news. He added that geopolitical uncertainty in Europe and Greece should have propelled gold $30 to $40 higher this week. “I think the only way you are going to make money in the gold market right now is on the downside,” he said. “There is just no reason to buy gold right now.” . . . Technically, August gold futures bears have the solid overall near-term technical advantage. Prices are in a six-week-old downtrend on the daily bar chart. Bulls’ next upside near-term price breakout objective is to produce a close above solid technical resistance at this week’s high of $1,187.60. Bears' next near-term downside price breakout objective is closing prices below solid technical support at the March low of $1,143.80. - Jim Wycoff There you go. THE LOW may be in front of their eyes, and they cannot see it ! Or I may be wrong, and the present chart pattern support levels, combined with weak volume, and a full moon, and prove to mean nothing at all. On the other hand, the last article shows that interest in physical gold by coin buyers is way up on last year... and also strong at a time which normally shows seasonal weakness: “Sales of gold coins by the U.S. Mint have now risen by 150% m/m for the four weeks of June,” said analysts from Barclays in the bank’s Gold Delta report released Monday. “Total sales have now turned positive for a y/y basis, rising by 20%,” they added. Based on sales data released by the U.S. Mint, 76,000 ounces of the gold 2015 American Eagle bullion coins were sold in June alone, compared to 21,500 ounces sold in May. This represents an increase in sales for the mint of over 253%. Stay Alert !
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