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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. It is not easy to catch those Cycle turns, even when you see them coming... I wonder where you live? The problem with the 18 year cycle is... London was never allowed any sort of decent correction in 2008-9, because UK rates were quickly brought down to ultra-low levels (driving Sterling down, and getting the foreign buyers in, to prop up the market prematurely)
  2. US Oil Production is up... Way up, but it will not last Optimistic forecasts for end of 2015 may not happen Shale Oil production may not "work" economically, with Oil Prices at $50. So the days of "Saudi America" producing more oil than Saudi Arabia may be numbered
  3. OIL : Riyadh's Gamble Lower oil prices are like a club to beat the competition "For decades, the Saudis acted as a safety net in the oil market. But as prices plummeted last year, Ali al-Naimi, the most powerful man in energy, changed tack. Was he playing politics or a different game?" - FT, pg 7 When the Oil price first dropped below $100 (in August), the Saudis did not think it would last. But when oil stayed down, the Saudis realized they could not solve the excess-supply problem alone. In October, with oil near $85: "everyone wanted to know when Saudi Arabia would take charge and stem the price." At a dinner for oil ministers on October 7th, one of the guests stated, "Of course you're going to cut production." "What makes you think we're going to cut?", the Saudi official replied. In November, with prices sliding below $80: "The Saudi oil minister is said to have told the Russians that with both countries producing roughly 10m b/d, and potential cuts should be equal. The Russians refused USD-in Rubles ... update
  4. Silver shares may be at/near an important low SIL / Global X Silver Miners ETF ... update However, if it breaks this possible support, you may soon see it lower. I have seen possible "bottoms" before that were broken, so I want to be careful SIL versus SLV. AGQ ... update For Timing? The SLV to SIL Ratio - is the Low put in, when it spikes to the Top?
  5. SBC (Security Bank) has come out with a report suggesting... Because of the declining inflation rate, the Philippines is "entering the Rate Cut Zone." In the Feb. CPI report, Core Inflation is down to just 2.54%. "The BSP remains one of the few central banks in Asia that has not cut rates... India recently surprised with an unscheduled move as well as China, which lowered its policy rate in response to easing inflation and slower growth.
  6. Gold to CRB : may find support near current levels
  7. PROPERTY STOCKS as Bellwethers Back in 2010, I was using Henderson Land (HK-12) as my principle bellwether for HK Property price moves. At first, I thought it was giving a clear signal of a drop: "Eventually, I want to be cashed up and ready to buy HK property again, but probably not until sometime in 2011, when I think HK property prices might be 15-20% lower" But later, it moved higher HK-10 / Henderson Land ... update Funnily enough, the HK-12 chart traced out what I had expected for HK property with a big drop (-XX%) into a late 2011 Low. The long term chart of HK-12 suggests some important resistance level had been hit near HK$57 ... update
  8. PROPERTY STOCKS as Bellwethers - sometimes give "false" signals Back in 2010, I was using Henderson Land (HK-12) as my principle bellwether for HK Property price moves. At first, I thought it was giving a clear signal of a drop: "Eventually, I want to be cashed up and ready to buy HK property again, but probably not until sometime in 2011, when I think HK property prices might be 15-20% lower" But later, it moved higher HK-10 / Henderson Land ... update : 10-days Funnily enough, the HK-12 chart traced out what I had expected for HK property with a big drop (-XX%) into a late 2011 Low. The long term chart of HK-12 suggests some important resistance level had been hit near HK$57 ... update
  9. The "cycle debate" from Hong Kong's G-Expat: 1 / OTP., I googled the 18 year cycle as you suggested and I came across a lengthy thread on the other expat forum. One from 5 years ago in which you adamantly predict we're at the peak (stating ultra low interest rates, etc. as reasoning). So here we are 5 years later and you don't seem to have changed your tune....yet we can all see where the market has gone. 2 / Can you provide the link to me by PM, please? I think I have been pretty consistent -- The math works the same now as before: 1997 + 18 = 2015 : peak to peak 2003 + 14 = 2017 : 14 year "up-cycle" I have long been worried about Low rates, and I did sell some flats too early. However: The most expensive flat, I sold earlier this year, after securing cheaper "hedges" in HK, Philippines, and Thailand. I don't think I was using different addition then or now. So it would be interesting to see what you based your comment upon. (I can certainly show you some old forecasts with the same math as here.) 3 / (W. sent me a link to a 5-year old thread where I made some posts about Property cycles. Which I have looked at carefully): My comments then, seem to be consistent with what I have posted on Geoexpat. I did sell some properties 5-6 years ago, to get rid of my debts, etc Did he miss this? (End of Post #15, on the old thread from 5 Years Ago): "Eventually, I want to be cashed up and ready to buy HK property again, but probably not until sometime in 2011, when I think HK property prices might be 15-20% lower. If I am right, we will both find ourselves bullish on HK when others have lost faith after a good selloff later this year and into 2011. My own cycle work on Long Term cycles suggests the final top in HK property may not come until 2015-2017. So a deep selloff coming when global rates rise might be something to welcome. But I want to buy when prices are low and people are fearful, not when yields are low and people are complacent." === === In fact, a dip did come, but it was less than expected. I found a property in early 2013, which my partner wound up buying in Jan. 2013 (she was born in HK), rather than me in my name, which would have required higher taxes. As HK Property prices are now hitting New Highs, well above 2010 : update People may have forgotten the Bearish market sentiment in late 2009 / early 2010 and also how rising prices have been driven by the smaller-than-needed Supply additions Ratio: Property prices -to- Income TOM HOLLAND's WARNING - for Business in Asia (Property too) - SCMP's Monitor in 2010 Don't get in the Way, it's a stampede for the exits + If Europe's banks sustain big losses on their US$2.8 Trillion of PIIGS govt. debt in the event of a sovereign default, they will be forced to cutback on their lending to other parts of the world, including Asia, + In 2008, developed world banks reduced their exposure to Asia by almost US$300 Bn, with devastating impact + Europe a big customer: Asian cores supplied 42% of the EU's total import demand, 2/3rds of which is electronic gadgetry. HK is especially vulnerable, with 12% of goods shipped thru HK. + Asia's FX reserves will cushion the blow, but company profits (and jobs!) will be hit ...Meantime... HK Property agents are changing their forecast to "No Growth": Forecaster--- : - Old - : New Forecast Credit Suisse : + 10% : -5-7% in 2 mos. JonesLangLS: Higher : Sideways Knight Frank. : Higher : Sideways Midland Rlty. : Higher : Lower UBS - - - - - - -: Up 35% into end 2011 Nomura - - - - : Up 20% into end 2011 == > source: http://hongkong.asiaxpat.com/forums/hong-kong-property/threads/38cc3db8-16e2-4b65-b8a1-654dbf1c3adc/the-state-of-the-hong-kong-property-market-%282%29/ And there were press comments like THIS one back in mid-2011: Hong Kong Waits for Property Bubble to Burst http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/24/greathomesanddestinations/hong-kong-waits-for-the-real-estate-bubble-to-burst.html They are not alone. The pitch of anxious voices has been rising in this property-obsessed city. Prices have zoomed up close to 70 percent since the start of 2009 — the 24.2 percent rise for the 12 months through the end of March alone put Hong Kong at the top of a comparison of 50 countries, according to a report released this week by the Knight Frank agency. The activity has left many owners and investors wondering if the notoriously volatile Hong Kong market is about to shift again. Several analysts are suggesting the market is headed for a downturn of as much as 30 percent. “We believe the Hong Kong property market is overheating, raising the possibility of a sharp correction in prices,” Bei Fu, a credit analyst at Standard & Poor’s, wrote in a report released this month.
  10. Charts from old threads UK: : : The 18-year Cycle in the USA - latest Low was 2012 (with Builders shares bottoming in 2011) The real-estate cycle in the U.S. can be summarized with the following table: Peaks in Interval Peaks in Interval Depressions land value (yrs) Construction (yrs) interval 1818 -- ----- -- 1819 -- 1836 18 1836 __ 1837 18 1854 18 1856 20 1857 20 1872 18 1871 15 1873 16 1890 18 1892 21 1893 20 1907 17 1909 17 1918 25 1925 18 1925 16 1929 11 1973 48 1972 47 1973 44 1979 6 1978 6 1980 7 1989 10 1986 8 1990 10 2006 17 2006 20 2008! 18 2024? 18 2024? 18 2026? 18 ==== Real-estate values and construction have peaked one to two years before a depression, and have stayed at peak levels until the onset of the downturn. The historical evidence is consistent with the theory that speculative booms in real-estate prices and construction act as an impetus for the downturn itself. == > more charts: http://www.nowandfutures.com/real_estate.html US: in America, PHM / Pulte Homes is the main bellwether ... Update : all data : 5-years : HK: The Chart above from 2015. suggested "Peak in 2015-2017", and the actual peak was Sept. 2015. Next Low is due 2019-2021
  11. Dreamland: Mars Was Murdered 12-12-2014https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3it5tF-5KaQ
  12. 18 Year Property Cycle: A look back and forward : Properties Cycles have interested Fred Harrison, and me for a long time ... and also an increasing number of others, including academics An Introduction to Fred Harrison's 18 Year Property Cycle: ( July 24, 2008 ) other Videos : Harrison's Cycles : Part-1 : Part-2 : ------> Prediction : "A possible Low in 2012" - A near Bullseye ! : The Great 18-Year Real Estate Cycle | Cato Institute www.cato.org/publications/commentary/great-18year-real-estate-cycle On January 3rd, US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke delivered a major speech at the annual meeting of the American Economic Association. Housing Debt and the 18-year "Real Estate" Cycle - The ... www.progress.org/views/.../housing-debt-18-year-real-estate-cycle/ Feb 19, 2014 - Land economists have identified a regular land price cycle averaging 18 years that consists of a 7 year moderate rise in prices, a slight lull, then ... The 18 Year Property Cycle - Progressive Property www.progressiveproperty.co.uk/blog/18-year-property-cycle/ Jul 20, 2014 - But recently I've been getting asked where property prices are in the 18 year cycle. This is the invisible market gauge that charts the cycle ... 18 Year Real Estate Cycles - Next Bust 2024? - BiggerPockets www.biggerpockets.com › Forums › General Real Estate Investing Oct 14, 2014 - 20 posts - ‎12 authors I have been researching real estate cycles and found real estate economist Homer Hoyt theory of 18 year real estate cycle in the 1930's. === === G-Ex thread : https://hongkong.geoexpat.com/forum/155/thread314657-21.html Bubb-on GEI: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq_5w0nqeI7XXVPzoiGiGGw
  13. MARS : What to Eat there? Bas says they will take plants and insects, no livestock - at about 5 mins Dr RAM says... chickens might be a good idea
  14. Jake VDK : Now talking about the De-Peg Option Jake Van Der Kamp has been a supporter of the pegging of the HKD to the USD: as "the bedrock of economic success." But no more. He now sees that the Ultra-low interest rates that come with the peg are dangerous for HK. The (required) low rates have lifted property prices to nosebleed levels. And the seven cooling measures that the HK govt has imposed are not working. "The rich get richer and the poor get a lottery ticket." So what can be done?: "It is time to talk heresy... The Fed has gone mad... We need to look at our options."
  15. Why that crazy increase in "available flats" in Makati may be absorbed In a soundbite : BECAUSE of Manila's serious transport problems, transportation times are very high. (Makati is where a majority of the highest paid jobs in Manila are.) There are about 18,000 condo flats now in Makati, and something like 6,600 flats will be completed in the next two years. That means about 1/3 more condos to rent. But consider this, there are estimated to be over 500,000 jobs* now in the Makati area. And more jobs will be added as new office buildings will be completed in places like CityGate in the next 2-3 years. Suppose someone is commuting 2 hours (each way) from somewhere like Queson City, and they get a PHP 10,000 a month raise (after tax). Might they consider putting most or even all of that raise into renting a new flat in Makati? Yes! Here's why: (Consider the case of someone who stops renting at PHP 20,000/mo., and shifts to a 30,000/mo flat in Makati: + they get rid of 4 hour a day (of ugly) commuting, and replace it with a 30 minutes walk, or whatever + the extra 3 1/2 hours would increase their free time during the week - that's the time when they are not working, eating, or sleeping by 50% or more. For someone who sleeps 8 hours a night, works 10 hour days: they only have 6 hours left, and some of that will be spent eating. That leaves them less than 6 hours a day of "free" time, and if 4 hours is spent commuting, that's 2/3rds of their "free" and personal time wasted on commuting - what a miserable life! + By cutting commuting time to 30 minutes, "Free" time would jump from 2 hours to 5 1/2 hours. They get their life back ! ( I put these figures and the example together after talking with an agent from Manila, who was visiting HK.) *Other Info Sources: ====== + "With a population of 609,123 Makati is the 16th-largest city in the country and ranked as the 41st most densely populated city in the world with 19,336 inhabitants per square kilometer. Although its population is just half a million, the daytime population of the city is estimated to be more than one million during a typical working day because of the large number of people who go to the city to work, shop, and do business" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makati + Makati City includes a population of 510,383 residents, based on the 2007 (!) Census: + Number of Households: 103,981 / Average Household Size: 4.5 people / Median Age: 25 years old http://www.makaticity.com/population/ + Makati is the country’s premier business district. It has the largest concentration of commercial activities in the Philippines, and is the country’s primary link to international finance and the global economy. With 2.75 million square meters of prime office space as of the end of 2010, the City’s business district is 5.56 times larger than the second largest (Bonifacio Global City) in the country, and accounts for 60% of Metro Manila’s prime office space inventory of 4.5 million square meters. + The number of (business) establishments showed an increasing trend from 2007 to 2010; from 55,129 to 60,304. http://www.makati.gov.ph/portal/uploads/staticmenu/docs/economic_structure.pdf + Makati Population at May 1, 2010: 529,039 + Growth rate: +3.41% pa (20110): + 18,040 people; so by 2015, should be over 600,000 people http://nso-ncr5.ph/
  16. The 144d-MA has been broken by HK-12: 144d-MA: $52.65-ish / Latest: $51.75 ... 10-day-chart 200d-MA: $51.00 -ish 252d-MA: $49.00 -ish 377d-MA: $46.40 -ish
  17. ARGUMENT for Lerato, and Ayala - from SSC thread: F--- / post #453 I am from Canada. I am not rich, just have an average paying job, so I can only afford to purchase a 31 sqm Studio unit at Lerato Tower 3 last November 2014. The cost per sqm is PHP103,225. NONVAT. I made several researching on the internet about buying condo's in Metro Manila. My only purpose of buying a studio unit is not for investing but for my own vacation place in Makati. Below is my list of items I needed to consider before I decided to purchase Lerato Tower 3 (# 1 being the most important) 1) Location - Makati is the richest city in the Philippines. A lot of rich people invest in Makati. As far as infrastructures are concerned, any renovations, additions, beautifications in NCR, the Government and Private Sectors (like Ayala, SMDC, Shang, Alphaland, etc) would definitely start in Makati. 2) Developer/Quality - Ayala has been around since 1970s. Generally, they never fail because they do not want to ruin their brand. And because Ayala does not want to ruin it's brand, their after-sales service, building quality, and building management must be expected to be of the highest rate compared to other developers. 3) Close to a Hospital - Because I am close to getting old, I need to make sure that the condo I am buying is very close or walking distance to the most reputable hospitals in Metro Manila like Makati Medical Centre and the New Ospital ng Makati which is just beside The Lerato Tower 3. You do not need to worry about traffic. 4) Price - I bought a unit that is a NONVAT unit (less than 3.2 million) 5) Entertainments - Along Ayala Ave, within 20 minutes walk to Greenbelt, Glorietta, Ayala Triangle. And if the Bus Rapid Transit along Ayala Avenue would materialize, then that's a big bonus. To think that City Gate is around the corner. The planned subway (if it ever happens) will have a subway stop less than 2 minutes walk from Lerato. == > http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=1002701&page=23
  18. A TESTING TIME for HK Property's uptrend? The SCMP predicted a correction this morning: HK house prices to see mild correction, says SCMP, pg 1 Property section "...seeing a slow pullback due to an uncertain outlook, given the possibility of further tightening measures from the government." "Some homeowners have started cutting asking prices..." "Overall sentiment is very quiet..."" Here's HK-12 (Henderson Land) which closed on the 144d-MA today ... update OTHERS: SHKP (HK16), CheungKong (HK1), Sino (HK63), HangLung (HK10)
  19. A TESTING TIME for HK Property's uptrend? The SCMP predicted a correction this morning: HK house prices to see mild correction, says SCMP, pg 1 Property section "...seeing a slow pullback due to an uncertain outlook, given the possibility of further tightening measures from the government." "Some homeowners have started cutting asking prices..." "Overall sentiment is very quiet..."" Here's HK-12 (Henderson Land) which closed on the 144d-MA today ... update OTHERS: SHKP (HK16), CheungKong (HK1), Sino (HK63), HangLung (HK10)
  20. Philadelphia’s New Boom The city is changing dramatically, with new buildings, revitalized neighborhoods and inviting public spaces emerging all at once. Here’s an inside look at what’s behind this New Boom — and a preview of what our revitalized city will be. BY PHILLYMAG | MARCH 1, 2015 Were you here in 1987? (Actually: Were you even born?) If you were, maybe you remember the thrill of One Liberty Place rising in the sky — an honest-to-God Philadelphia skyscraper at last, looking down on Billy Penn’s hat. How about the early ’60s, when Society Hill emerged from a hardscrabble neighborhood and Penn Center gave a new sleekness to downtown? We find ourselves in one of those moments again — a period when our physical surroundings are changing quickly and drastically around us. What’s different this time is the breadth of the change, with new buildings and revitalized neighborhoods and inviting public spaces emerging all at once all across the city. We’re calling it the New Boom, and on the following pages we give you an inside look at the eight trends that are fundamentally reshaping Philadelphia — and a sneak preview of the revitalized city we’ll live in for the next half century. Edited by Ashley Primis Trend #1: The Public-Space Revival From repurposed rail lines to new plazas, it’s Philly’s turn for an extreme backyard makeover. By Nicole Scott image: http://cdn.phillymag.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/MO-new-boom-sister-cities-chris-sembrot-940x540.jpg Sister Cities Park near Logan Square, a well-received Center City District project. Photograph by Chris Sembrot Who would have thought a plain old boring boardwalk — one that’s only 2,000 feet long, hovers over the brownish Schuylkill, and gives a great view of, um, I-76 — could have caused so much excitement? Take one step on it, and you’ll get it, too — the Schuylkill Banks Boardwalk, which debuted last fall, is pretty special. For decades, many public city spaces were left to age. But in the past few years, there’s been a serious push to revive them, with civic-oriented nonprofits — Center City District, University City District and others — leading the charge. == > http://www.phillymag.com/articles/philadelphia-new-boom/#gIk212lpaiFcZBSL.03 Read more at http://www.phillymag.com/articles/philadelphia-new-boom/#LA4ukT146Jjqu0B7.99
  21. HK house prices to see mild correction, says SCMP, pg 1 Property section "...seeing a slow pullback due to an uncertain outlook, given the possibility of further tightening measures from the government." "Some homeowners have started cutting asking prices..." "Overall sentiment is very quiet..." (as a possible "unintended consequence", another headline says): Developers may shun sites for small flats
  22. I'm Reviving an old thread on Spain, started in 2013: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=17738
  23. CENTURY CITY ... complaints (Take this with a grain of salt - it might have been written by a competitor): Anonymous / August 11, 2014 at 7:38 AM Gramercy, Century Properties, Home Owners Survey Here were the most common complaints from the survey results and what I think Century should do: #1: Customer Service According to owners: communication is poor, slow, unresponsive, "they don't even reply," "they avoid calls and emails," "they need to be more efficient handling concerns," etc. I think Century should: replace all inefficient employees, notably in the PMO, turnover group, leasing office, resale office, accounting office, engineering, security, and IT. Implement a more efficient system to manage calls, emails, and tasks. #2. Misrepresentation According to owners: many broken promises, they felt misled or scammed, "bait and switch," promised turnover date not delivered, actual unit different from ads and brochures, purchased 1 bedroom unit but received a studio, promised furniture not delivered, etc. I think Century should: fulfill promises or compensate owners if they cannot. #3. Poor Materials and Workmanship According to owners: poor quality finishings and furnishings, poor workmanship, lots of problems with furniture and appliances, problems with flooring, faulty water heaters, engineering slow to make repairs, etc. I think Century should: replace defective flooring, appliances, and furniture. Re-train or re-hire engineering staff to ensure quicker and better quality repairs. ... --------------------------- There were many more complaints (over 100) but these were the most common. I'll be sending this list as well as the survey results to Century's Customer Service Group. Anonymous August 11, 2014 at 7:40 AM ANGRY GRAMERCY HOMEOWNERS, CENTURY PROPERTIES - TRUE STORIES OF UNIT HOMEOWNERS... INVESTORS PLEASE READ. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006156995445&fref=ts http://sohocentralcondominium.blogspot.com/2013/12/letter-received-and-sent-to-gramercy.html Anonymous August 11, 2014 at 7:47 AM Century Properties, Gramercy Unit Owners, Complaints Ignored by Gramercy Property Management Operation... LETTER PART I Dear Century Properties, Please address our complaints. We know that your company accomplished a feat in constructing and managing a great number of units (especially in the tallest building in the Philippines). We know no developer is perfect but we believe that your miscellaneous fees (we weren't given options on our TV/Internet subscription and many are not residing in their respective units) and association dues as well as parking fees are involuntary, exorbitant, unfair and unjust. When we tried to ask the rationale of added subscription fees, your DCG department based CTS Section 12(d) stating that – "BUYER hereby agrees to reimburse the SELLER for all expenses incurred by the SELLER such as but not limited to insurance premiums, fees, deposits and charges for installation of connections of the Unit’s electric and water meters, telephone line, cable TV/internet and its pro rata share in the assessments for common expenses including but not limited to expenses for maintenance, common electrical and water consumption, security, administration and janitorial services, unpaid association dues, which are payable and outstanding or which the SELLER may have advanced at anytime prior to the turnover of the Unit.” The statement is by itself vague, indirect and secondary and was proven to be contrary to the interests of residents. The primary responsibility of having such added facilities on the contrary, will shy away prospective buyers or tenants. Giving us an option to practically choose promotes transparency, healthy and open competition among providers ... Anonymous August 11, 2014 at 7:49 AM Century Properties, Gramercy Unit Owners, Complaints Ignored by Gramercy Property Management Operation... LETTER PART II :To stop Century Property keep lying to clients. Especially people like us. A foreigner. ... I wasted my life's savings due to coercive and deceptive sales tactics of Century. Too expensive. Too good to be true promises. Poor construction quality. Expensive add-on charges. Bait and switch.... I have had a lot of issues with Century Properties and ny grievences are ignored.... Century is the worst company I have ever dealt with. I would sell my unit even at a loss to get some money back. 6 and a half years until turnover, unit size decreased at last minute, terrible client support, most expensive dues, bogus charges, mandatory internet and cable subscription with no freedom to choose, low quality products use. seriously century, your door knobs cost 300 pesos retain at the hardware, and your unit numbers are made out of cardboard! CARDBOARD FOR CHRIST SAKE! the public and media need to be made aware and this BS company needs to be exposed... == > http://whaddaheck.blogspot.tw/2012/04/top-5-residential-condos-in-philippines.html#.VPaztuGvTIU
  24. " I am actively looking for a property in Spain now as prices are nearly 50% off the 2008 top - the Euro is weak..." Sounds like a good move. We need to have a thread on Spanish property. (maybe Portugal too) Would you post on it?
  25. Top Philippines Listed Developers Developer: Capex-Php: USD-2015 Ayala land : PHP100 bn : US$ 2.2 bn SM Prime. : PHP 60. bn : US$ 1.3 bn : Henry Sy Megaworld: PHP 46. bn : US$ 1.0 bn Vista Land : PHP 23. bn : US$ 0.5 bn Filinvest -- : PHP 23. bn : US$ 0.5 bn Robinsons : PHP 17. bn : US$ 0.4 bn Ayalaland / ALI-PH ... update Philippine's top property developer - hitting new highs. Along with others SM Prime Holdings Inc. / SMPH-PH ... update SM Prime has become one of the largest real estate conglomerates in the country and in Southeast Asia with interests in malls, residences, office buildings, resorts, hotels and convention centers. SM Prime is the Philippines' largest mall developer, both in terms of gross floor area (GFA) and geographical reach where it operates close to 50 malls. In China, the company’s five malls are thriving in second- and third-tier cities, a strategy that the company will maintain as it grows further in umbers. A dominant player in the Philippine residential business, SM Prime has offerings mainly in key cities in Metro Manila - Quezon City, Mandaluyong, Pasay, Pasig, Makati, Paranaque and Taguig. > source: http://www.sminvestments.com/corporate-profile Megaworld / MEG-PH ... update Vista Land & Lifescapes Inc. / VLL-PH ... update Filinvest Land / FLI-PH ... update Robinsons Land / RLC-PH ... update Here's one not doing so well, the developer of Century City Century Properties ... CPG-PH ... update Century Properties Inc. (CPI) is the Parent Company of CPGI. Today, CPGI through its subsidiaries and affiliates, is one of the few publicly-owned property firms that offers a full-range of services, including property development, sales and marketing, and property management. As one of the most highly experienced real estate companies in the industry, the Company has built over 22 buildings (with over 4,200 units) and 720 homes, with a 100% completion rate of all its projects. ... In 2007, it started the development of the 3.4-hectare mixed-use project called Century City in Kalayaan Avenue, Makati. Comprising Century City’s master plan are a retail center, office buildings, and residential buildings. To date, 5 projects are under development including Gramercy Residences, Knightsbridge Residences, Milano Residences (partnership with Versace Homes), Trump Tower Philippines (under license from the Trump Organization), Centuria Medical Makati (with a partnership with GE) and the retail center. The main competitors are Ayala Land, Inc., DMCI Homes, Filinvest Land Inc., Megaworld Corp., Robinson Land Corp., Rockwell Land Corporation, SM Development Corp. and Vista Land & Lifescapes, Inc. > source: http://www.century-properties.com/investor-relations/
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