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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Here's presentation he gave in Australia - for Nexus: DR RICHARD A MILLER: ESP, MIND CONTROL AND THE NEW ALCHEMY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_LMtWK0yuk Published on Feb 12, 2013 THIS IS A GREAT LECTURE BY DR. RICHARD ALAN MILLER GIVEN AT THE NEXUS CONFERENCE IN AUSTRALIA. HE IS A FORMER NAVY SEAL WHO HAS WORKED IN A NUMEROUS AMOUNT OF PROJECTS AND SPEAKS ABOUT THE MIND CONTROL THAT IS BEING IMPLEMENTED ON THE POPULATION THROUGH ELF WAVE TECHNOLOGY, GMO'S, MKULTRA AND MEDIA PROGRAMMING. HE ALSO PROVIDES SOLUTIONS TO OVER COME THE ASSAULT OF THIS NEW WORLD PARADIGM. 2013 http://WWW.RICHARDALANMILLER.COM http://WWW.AGEOFLUCIDITY.COM ... http://WWW.AGEOFLUCIDITY.INFO ============================ Mind Control : Hard sell, spin, misinformation ==== 1st : FOOD : GMO, Aspartame, Wheat . . . : "I don't eat wheat in my diet anymore." CORN: You cannot find anything that has not been GMO-ed : There's no maize anymore. Gut / Lower brain - fed by appetites Controlling the Masses thru the food they eat. Bacteria may affect Human Consciousness (are we more passive?) "You are mostly bacteria." / T. gondli : can be used to influence fear "You are whom you feed." "You are responsible for thoughts you entertain." MAN has no rights, But RESPONSIBILITIES Worlds of Defense / Power Tools : see below, post#24
  2. Dr RAM : Richard Allen Miller - interview for Veritas Dr. Richard Alan Miller returns to discuss Fukushima, nutrition, water, and the grid. He also discusses his new book 'Power Tools for the 21st Century'. Seal Corp. wanted to develop a special group within the military, with skills verging on the paranormal. These are the basic tools they discovered in the 1970s to create supermen. They are now made available to duplicate that training (protocols), for use in our daily life. The goal, of course, would be take personal responsibility for our own evolution, by using the toys (power tools) of this century. B i o Dr. Richard Alan Miller is one of the pioneers in the study of the paranormal. His work in mind control is unparalleled. Beginning in the early 1970s with Navy Intel that work included chip implants, drug studies (telepathine, ketamine, and BZ gas), and synthetic telepathy. Today, with newer definitions on what constitutes the mind, that field has taken a new direction. Dr. Miller is in his element, with his take on Dr Timothy Leary's eight-circuit model of consciousness. Using his holographic model of the universe now allows for a more comprehensive definition of the mind. These neurologic circuits become memes, or resolutions of the hologram. The new directions in mind control have evolved. Electromagnetic manipulation of our minds and genetic modification of our foods are already techniques of mass social control. The mind is being targeted through the gut via GM foods, and Dr. Miller suggests what we can do about it. What better way to break down the natural workings of the human mind than through our global food supply. ++ LINK to interview: http://www.veritasradio.com/guests/2013/10...003-rmiller.php
  3. YOU COULDN'T MAKE IT UP - says Jonathan Davis .... The only thing they have in common is they relate to properties marketed up to £600,000 – around 26 times average annual incomes. HAHAHAHA HTB1, from last April, was about bailing out developers (notice their share prices soared, some 100%…). It is only for New Builds and First Time Borrowers (Buyers they call them). It, of course, continues. George and Jenny can borrow 20% of the total loan from the Government next generation and they pay ZERO INTEREST on that part for the first 5 years. HAHAHAHAHA After the 5 years borrowers will be charged 1.75% in the first year, for that element. The next year the cost will be 1.75% + whatever RPI is AND 1%). The RPI + 1% will be the rate of annual increase on that part of the debt. Does anyone SERIOUSLY believe RPI will be only 3% or so in 5 years? I mean, seriously??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (BTW, the alternative is Japan 1989 to date, so no Get Out of Jail Free cards.) Oh, and if inflation rises so will interest and mortgage rates. So, obviously those FTBers are going to be debt slaves in the future as many of them will lose their incomes and their homes. But they will retain the debts and/or go bankrupt. Still laughing??? HTB2, from now ish, is for all buyers (except Buy to Letters, foreigners, 2nd homers). So, it includes second, third etc steppers. Also, not just new homes. The lender will lend 95% of the price (not the value as obviously the value is much much lower than the price*) and the next generation will guarantee the lender 15% of the loan in case the loan turns bad. For this insurance, the Government will charge the lender a premium, as yet unquantified. Of course, the cost will be passed onto the poor schmuck who is borrowing. Why don’t I call any of it Help to Buy? Well, how is borrowing 95% of something buying it? So, the cost will probably be higher than if the individuals just saved a reasonable deposit. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH No, stop, please. I can’t take it anymore. Look, this has NOTHING to do with ‘helping folk’ etc. Rising house prices: vote winner. Falling house prices: vote loser. As all Governments (incumbent politicians) do, they are buying votes, with our kids’ standard of living. They are literally robbing Peter’s son to pay Peter. [it has gone way beyond robbing Peter to pay Paul.] === > more: http://jonathandaviswm.wordpress.com/2013/10/07/help-to-b-ecome-a-debt-slave/
  4. Sun Hung Kai Properties has "confused" the market with its Cullinan price cuts. SHKP fell 2.6pc on Monday, to HK$ 102.40 ... 10d-chart : 1-year-chart "Launched... at prices which are nearly 20 per cent cheaper." "181 units with an average selling price of HK$29,098 per sf, saleable area." (About 311 units remain unsold: sizes from 435sf to 3,174sf) "Market wondered... Why is the compant rushing to csh out?" (The loss of the partial views coming from the construction of The Austin was not mentioned.) "To draw buyers, they are offering discounts of up to 14 per cent." "Applying discounts to the listed price, the average price of the new batch amounts to HK$25,024... (agents said) was 19 per cent below the average price of secondhand..." "Discounts of 70 per cent ... of stamp duties for buyers ... (are expected) to tap pent-up demand for high end units and appeal to mainland buyers."
  5. The OTHER SIDE of the story A Once–in-a-Century Deflationary Setup? October 01, 2013 11:33 - Jay Taylor Prechter’s view (is) that we are poised for the next major leg down in the equity, bond and commodity markets. Following is a chart he displayed in the September issue of “The Elliott Wave Theorist.” Regarding the charts above, here is what Robert Prechter said in his latest monthly issue: “Here late in the summer of 2013, stocks, bonds and commodities are poised in the same manner they were late in the summer of 1929. At that time, stocks were rising to a new all-time high, bonds had peaked a year earlier, and commodities were trading at lower prices after having topped out several years before. The aftermath was a crash in all three markets: stocks, bonds and commodities. In 1929, the DJIA topped on September 3, and the Dow Utilities peaked on September 20. This year, the DJIA has topped so far on August 5, while the NASDAQ just made a new high on September 10. It’s a similar development the same time of year.” Copper Says It’s Over With reference to the chart on your right, another interesting comment from the September 12, 2013 issue of The Elliott Wave Theorist talked about how copper is pronouncing the end of this asset inflation cycle: “There is an old saying, ‘Every bull market has a copper top.’ Over the past decade, no fewer than three giant investment manias peaked with a copper top: housing in 2006, commodities in 2008 and precious metals in 2011. We think copper is now in a major bear market. Thus, housing, commodities and metals remain in bear markets, too. And the economy on a long term basis is about to accelerate downhill along with them.” I have no problem believing Prechter may be right on all fronts because the underlying market dynamic is deflationary. The powers that be are having a very difficult time in inflating the debt away. Failing to understand that the reason the depression lasted through the whole 1930s decade was because fiscal and monetary policy could not work. === /More-JayTaylor : http://www.kitco.com/ind/Taylor/2013-10-01-A-Once-in-a-Century-Deflationary-Setup.html
  6. The UPTREND in 10 year T-Note rates has recently been Confirmed The brief rally in Bonds may be ending, and rates may head back up towards 3.00% and beyond. All Data for TNX shows this
  7. HELP TO ... (Expand a Property Bubble): + Video / 5-Oct. : How will Help to Buy scheme help property seekers? From next week, first-time buyers and current home owners who only have a 5% deposit will be able to apply for a scheme to help them buy a new property. The government will guarantee up to 15% of the mortgage. Ministers say the second phase of Help to Buy will enable 190,000 people to buy a new home, but critics say it could cause a housing bubble. ("a smaller deposit than they might otherwise need..." not open to all - excludes BTL, foreigners) === === + VIDEO : 29-Sep. : David Cameron interview in Full + VIDEO : 27-Sep. : GBP 600,000 Limit is Too High "Prices should be at longer term average of 'Inflation plus 2.8%' " - BULL-feathers ! What? Why "plus 2.8%" ? - Ever hear of cycles, you Loony Tunes ?
  8. Fraud inspectors tackle London's Housing Benefit cheats The City of Westminster has some of the most expensive homes in the world, so it is surprising that some residents are able to rent luxury properties and claim housing benefits. Inside Out's Mark Jordan joins Westminster Council's fraud inspectors in a raid on one of hundreds of illegal sub-lets. The cost to the taxpayer from these fraudulent claims is estimated to be around £10m in lost revenue. Westminster Council's anti-fraud tsar, Councillor Lindsey Hall, talks about the challenges of tackling the problem and dealing with what she describes as "outrageous" cases. Inside Out is broadcast on Monday, 30 September on BBC One London at 19:30 BST and nationwide thereafter on the iPlayer. === http://www.bbc.co.uk...ngland-24259715 Maybe they should limit the Housing benefit under a City-wide cap. That would get the cheats out of the over-priced property === === Asylum seeking benefits cheat received nearly £400,000 25 November 2011 Last updated at 22:16 GMTHelp A benefits fraudster who claimed he was bed-ridden, yet was filmed dancing at his own wedding, has been jailed. Mohamed Bouzalim, 37, cheated the authorities out of nearly £400,000, Isleworth Crown Court heard http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-15899948 === === Make an example of him !
  9. That's High ! But in the UK this year, I think that 25% of New Jobs are in Property That's a real bubble
  10. Here's another Shirley Knott - who lives up to the name even better
  11. I knew her once. She was quite the lady, Ms. Shirley Knott
  12. Is a Cabal manipulation through Sexual Deviance being exposed? Preston James thinks so: " Bit by bit normal sex roles in America have been destroyed, also taking the normal family system with it, and all due to the quiet systematic and successive implementation of neo-Bolshevism globalist values designed to destroy America the Republic forever. The results of the implementation of this systemic neo-Bolshevik social and economic engineering have become noticeable to astute researchers, but the actual “behind the scenes” root cause has not. In this article it will be exposed as the Third Force, some believe is lucifer a fallen angel, others believe is an long living alien ET entity which has gained great power over the earth. The last presidents “elected” have been a CIA drug trafficker and murderer of JFK, another who ran cover for the Iran Contra Arms out- drugs in at Mena Arkansas and was rewarded with the presidency, and a sheep dipped CIA man, a complete fraud with no past and alleged to have used various fake names and over 40 different social security numbers used to obtain college aid while not having the required registration card. All of these men have been used to very craftily manipulate the public sentiment by dividing major elements to battle psychologically against each other." === /more: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/09/30/inside-the-beltway-iii-creating-cover-for-the-big-shift/
  13. The Sexual Decadence of Weimar Germany . . . Wiehe provides the following useful facts and statistics: In 1931, over 60 percent of German films were produced by Jews and 82 percent of the film scripts were written by Jewish writers, though Jews made up less than 1 percent of the German population (0.90%). A quick look at the names of directors, producers, stage managers, actors, script writers and critics, “revealed everywhere an overwhelming preponderance of Jews.” Alexander Szekely, German brothel in Ghent A cursory survey of the film titles, Wiehe tells us, shows us that the Jews had only one thing on the brain: sex. Here are some typical titles: “Moral und Sinnlichkeit” (Morals and Sensuality); “Was kostet Liebe?” (What is the Price of Love); “Wenn ein Weib den Weg verliert” (When a Woman loses her Way); “Prostitution” (Prostitution); “Sündige Mutter” (Sinful Mama); “Das Buch des Lasters” (The Book of Vices). “The sensational titles correspond to the sleazy contents,” Wiehe complains. “All wallow in filth and display with cynical frankness the vilest scenes of sexual perversion.” [3] Light entertainment (revue/burlesque) was a Jewish innovation. The revue theaters, all concentrated within great cities such as Berlin, were owned and run almost exclusively by Jews. . . . Finally, there was the rich field of sexology: a new science consisting largely of dubious “case histories” purporting to reveal the depraved sexual habits of various anonymous patients. In order to give an air of academic respectability and erudition to these masturbatory fantasies—thrilling adventure stories involving necrophilia, bestiality and handkerchief fetishism—the more exciting details were often given in vulgar Latin “in order to exclude the lay reader.” [6] &Otto Dix, The Salon, 1921 Berlin prostitutes awaiting the pleasures of the evening However, it was not long before the Latin was diligently translated into the vernacular for the benefit of the unlatined lay reader, thus defeating the purpose of the prim “schoolmaster’s Latin”. . . . CONCLUSION: WEIMAR GERMANY AS A DRESS REHEARSAL FOR THE SUBSEQUENT SEXUAL REVOLUTION OF THE 1960s My own impression, though I could well be mistaken here, is that Weimar Germany can be seen as a trial run or dress rehearsal for the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s, a revolution in attitudes and behavior that was to convulse America and then spread like a moral virus to Europe and the rest of the world. Recollect that it was in Germany during the Weimar period—in 1923 to be exact—that the Institut für Sozialforschung was set up at the University of Frankfurt. Financed by the Argentian Jew Felix Weil, this was later to become the infamous Frankfurt School. [23] It is my own hypothesis that the Germans were to be the initial guinea pigs of these Cultural Marxists [24], all of them initially Jewish apart from Habermas. These were revolutionaries intent on complete social control by the imposition of their Marxist worldview on the rest of society. It is self-evident that there is no other way to get control of a society with strong moral values than to weaken those values. The formula is simple: destroy the belief system on which that society is founded, especially its religion and its traditional codes of honor and decency. Promote godlessness and a philosophy of despair. To put it in even plainer language: reduce men to beasts if you wish to control them. It was George Lukács [25], one of the founding fathers of the Frankfurt School, who had called for “a culture of pessimism and a world abandoned by God.” [26] And it was one of their most fanatical ideologues, Willi Munzenberg [27], who had said he wanted to turn the world upside down and make life a hell on earth. His exact words: We must organize the intellectuals and use them TO MAKE WESTERN CIVILIZATION STINK! Only then, after they have CORRUPTED ALL ITS VALUES AND MADE LIFE IMPOSSIBLE, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat. === /more: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/09/24/sexual-decadence-weimar-germany/
  14. Methinks that may be why they brought him over... (Am I being too cynical?)
  15. "Any two people can agree to create credit out of Thin Air" "A credit-worthy borrower has two things: Collateral, and the Income to repay." "Human Nature creates cycle." YOU BORROW from your future self! Credit is different from Money. You create credit when you borrow In the USA ======= Credit : $50 Trillon Money : $ 3 Trillion Credit can be good or bad. Good : when it increases productivity Bad - : when it does not increase productivity What Happens in a Deleveraging ? === 1. Governments,companies, and people spend less (causing income cuts) 2. Debts must be reduced, and people write off debts (assets disappear, tax payments drop) 3. Wealth has the flow from the Haves to the Have-nots (people are desperate) 4. Central banks can print (and that's inflationary and stimulative) / makes up for the disappearance of credit / The printing by the CB puts up the prices of Financial assets, but that only helps those who have financial assets = It is Imbalance help / only helping the wealthy ( In a "beautiful deleveraging"): The RIGHT BALANCE maintains growth and social stability INCOME needs to grow faster than DEBT grows RULES: + Don't have Debt rising faster than Incomes + Don't have Incomes rising faster than Productivity + Do all you can to Raise Productivity !
  16. How the MACHINE WORKS + Productivity + Short Term debt cycle + Long Term debt cycle Merging Two threads Ray Dalio - New Yorker article about him here The Ray Dalio area on GEI Started by PositiveDeviant, 31 Oct 2011 / 17 replies, 1,359 views == FYI: Ray Dalio's Economic Principles Started by THEBIGMAN, 26 Sep 2013 / 2 replies, 42 views =========== Is the Deleveraging about to get Nasty again?:
  17. COOL Opportunity?: "Buy Developers while home prices are falling" - SCMP Article by Tara Loader Wilkinson suggests specific HK developer shares Nicole Wong (Prop. analyst at CLSA): "bearish on most HK real estate": =========== + Believes investors should postpone buying physical property: retail, office, or resi. + Rising rates could cause prices to fall by 15 percent over next 18 months + Supply could increase by 40pct, from 16,000 units to 23,000 by year-end + "We prefer the developers themselves" (to physical property) + BUY rating on: HK Land, Wharf, Swire Props., Hysan Dev'l Joyce Kwok (Prop. analyst at Credit Suisse): "maintain market weight" ========== + Results from developers have been "fairly healthy... despite challenges: + Developer share prices are "deeply discounted... could trigger repurchases." + Share buybacks may be a catalyst to a revaluation + China may allow more cities easy access to Hong Kong, cud add 1mn+ visitors + Those with prime shopping malls (like Wharf) could benefit + Retail rentals could rise by another 8%, helping Wharf and Hysan + TOP PICKS: Henderson Land, New World Devl, Sun Hung Kai Props + ALSO : Wharf, Hysan === === Personally, I think it is still too early to buy the developers, and most of the charts look like the stocks are "rolling over"
  18. thanks for that - it is good to see Stan W's system at work, Van
  19. White-pride group talking about "taking over Detroit" MP3 : http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/mike_harris/hr1092513.mp3 "Property there is dirt cheap... there's an infrastructure" (I wonder what the peaceful black urban farmers would think of this ?) "The blacks will leave on their own, because the Fed, (State, and City) government is disappearing." "There's going to be no government, no taxpayers."
  20. And here are the FIVE YEAR CHARTS + for DBA ... update : all-Data + for CRB ... update : all-Data + for JJG ... update : all-Data Here's the All-Data chart for DBA
  21. How can the US cope with this WITHOUT Hyperinflation? $17 Trillion U.S. National Debt? Try $211 Trillion September 23, 2013 by Mark O’Byrne “If you add up all the promises that have been made for spending obligations, including defense expenditures, and you subtract all the taxes that we expect to collect, the difference is $211 trillion. That’s the fiscal gap,” he says. “That’s our true indebtedness.” > source: http://www.maxkeiser.com/2013/09/17-trillion-u-s-national-debt-try-211-trillion/
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