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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Such a high level of Shorts should be Very Bullish for AG (thnx to Positive Deviant for the chart)
  2. Has anyone seen these yet? 47 new built canalside apartments in Little Venice, London: · Luxurious 1, 2 and 3 bedroom canalside apartments and penthouses, all with water-facing balconies · Minutes’ walk to two underground stations - Royal Oak (Circle line and Hammersmith & City line) and Warwick Avenue (Bakerloo line) · 2 minutes by tube to Paddington Station’s national rail services and the Heathrow Express · 24-hour concierge & security service · High specification with underfloor heating system · 999-year lease · Anticipated completion from February 2015 Brochure & floor plan are available at below link: http://f.tlcollect.c...il_version).pdf Huh? Over GBP 500K, for 1BR - Are they kidding?
  3. Good Speakers - And it is FREE ! DOUG CASEYChairman Casey Research RICK RULEChairman Sprott US Holdings BILL BONNERPresident Agora Publishing JOHN MAULDINChairman Mauldin Economics DAVID GALLANDManaging Director Casey Research LOUIS JAMESChief Metals & Mining Strategist Casey Research
  4. Saw that. Shock that ABN AMRO could not find physical gold in this slow market. What of the market was hot ?!
  5. Whoops! Not a huge surprise to see this happen - but it is a big surprise in a quiet market like this. How very incompetent ABN is !
  6. An estate agent's trick - they might have called it "Greater Hamptead"
  7. HK Luxury Rents under pressure - as Banks Downsize Costs / SCMP article Hong Kong - ranked No 9 worldwide - posted a 3.7 per cent year-on-year increase in luxury rents last year. Beijing saw the highest average increase in Asia - 8.5 per cent - followed by Shanghai (6.1 per cent) and Guangzhou (4.7 per cent). . . . Patrick Chow, head of research at Ricacorp Properties, said: "Constrained housing allowances for expatriate staff and a downsizing of the operations of Hong Kong's financial institutions have weakened demand for luxury flats in particular." With smaller budgets, he said, expatriates were forced to look for smaller apartments, thereby boosting rents for mass and mid-range housing. Chow said rents jumped 16.8 per cent in the low-end to mid-range market last year. . . . The demand for HK$100,000-per-month homes has dropped, causing a further softening in rents over the past four quarters "The demand for HK$100,000-per-month homes has dropped, causing a further softening in rents over the past four quarters." === +continues: http://www.scmp.com/...rises-hong-kong
  8. (The latest wheeze being promoted in HK): 35 Minutes to London Euston Hemel Hampstead Investment Property : link Fabulous mixed-use development; introducing an enticing collection of apartments, small shops and coffee bars to the heart of Hemel Hempstead. Rental investment property One bedroom apartments £150,800 Two Bedroom apartments £240,400 Near Riverside Canals & Shopping Centre London Euston in 35 minutes Door to door Shuttle service to train station Runs during peak commute times Excellent Rental Investment Properties with two year rental guarantees Yields of 5% 3rd floor apartments all have very large private terraces Concierge service
  9. Many in London never suffered much the last downturn - including many hoary BTL landlords
  10. NWO Agenda - Behind the Black Projects AGENDA behind the Black Projects This is a short list of what this rogue civilization or program wants to achieve: 1. Control and rule by secrecy of the United States and ultimately the world. 2. Control and rule of the Solar System and beyond. This includes the terraforming of planets including moons, for example of Jupiter and Saturn. As well as the established bases on the moon and Mars, the Command and Control center in Phobos and the emergence of Solar Warden, the interstellar space fleet already fully operational. This includes non-terrestrial officers and fleet-to-fleet transfers of equipment and troops. (see Gary McKinnon Camelot interview for more on this). 3. The creation of a "Master Race" or Humanity 2.0 that will then go on to rule planets and travel the stars. This involves, nanotech, bioluminescence, robotic implants and a host of other technologies… all aimed at creating the Ultimate “superman”. 4. The domination over other space faring civilizations or at the very least the capability to be a "force to be reckoned with" regardless of the level of development of friend or foe whether encountered ‘out there’ or visiting our Earth. Including those that inhabit inner Earth or races that simply live hidden in undersea and underground bases within the Earth and inter / intra dimensionally. 5. The re-terraforming of the Earth and eventual reduction of the population of surface Earth down to around 500 million. (see Georgia Guidestones and Iron Mountain Report for more info on this...) 6. The use and acquisition of technology to maintain their edge and power in all the above. This covers the most basic parameters of the raison d'être or MO (modus operandi) for the creation and maintenance of the Secret Space Program. With that in mind, let's look at how they go about achieving such far-reaching goals. And that brings us to the Black Projects themselves. It is beyond the scope of this article to address every Black Project they are working on (or have worked on over the years). Suffice to say, what we can address are several of the top Black Projects that will give us a very good idea of what arenas they are working on, so that you, the People and those in positions of responsibility within the power structure, can begin to understand where your money is going and what you are supporting. . . . How to achieve it? The Black Projects in Short So what are at least some of those primary BLACK PROJECTS that our SECRET GOVERNMENT has been involved in FUNDING and committing resources to, including HUMAN RESOURCES over the years? 1. MK ULTRA MIND CONTROL OF HUMANITY including but not limited to: A. Microwaves, scaler waves, EMP and more B. Programming through TVs, radios and internet, media C. Programming through education, religious institutions etc. D. Music and art forms (i.e. Rock music see Peter Levenda for more on this) E. CIA and NSA use of electronics, hypnosis, drugs, neural linguistics etc F. Food and atmosphere alteration, additives G. Chemtrails : a vast program underway with many purposes H. Drones & surveillance of all kinds 2. UNDERGROUND BASES AND CITIES For use in the future and now in case of : A. Nuclear winter/fallout B. CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections) or EMP (electro magnetic pulses - events from the Sun (super storms) C. Labs: to explore uses of and discovery of new technologies and to house and store those working on the discoveries of technologies and to store (hide) technologies and products of such from "the People" and other rival governments and ET races.. D. EARTH CHANGES: To prepare and use as shelter in the advent of major Earth Changes involving Earthquakes, Meteor showers, Tsunamis, Volcanoes, High velocity Winds, Electromagnetic Storms, etc. E. Prepare and shelter during POLE SHIFTS (magnetic) or POLE REVERSALS aka Day After Tomorrow scenario F. INCOMING PLANETOIDS/ METEORS and ELE (extinction level events) G. As a place to house all BLACK PROJECTS and the evidence thereof H. To house and create or build: ARMIES OF SUPER SOLDIERS (both human and non-human, androids robots etc. (see below and the Camelot interviews with Duncan O'Finioan, Aaron McCollum and Pete Peterson) I. To establish a secret military J. To build weapons and SPACE CRAFT for use in space travel and wars with various unfriendly ET races whether visiting or terrestrial both undersea and in residence here on Earth surface or underground. K. For experimentation on Humans including but not limited to MIB abductions working in collusion with Grey ETs. Farming of human body parts and fluids to “feed” reptilian ETs and reptilian based races such as some Greys. (see Dulce material for more on this). …and much more === From a Nov.2012 article written for "the White Hat audience": http://projectcamelo...ollow-the-money
  11. I would say better than 50/50, probably much better than 50/50, assuming the deposit scheme stays in place. If you want to "hedge you bets", selling in London, and buying more cheaply outside looks to be a good move. Or maybe (if you are "a betting man") even buying cheap now, and looking to sell in London after a further 5 -10% rise, which will cover maybe 10-20% of your purchase cost, and allow you to ride the cheap deposit scheme on your purchase. I think the Tories are playing Greenspan's game now, of juicing housing to get the UK out of recession. We saw how that worked in the USA, and now the UK will have a chance to repeat this trick in a more dangerous way. If you buy outside London, I recommend to avoid anywhere that is too car-dependent.
  12. I would say better than 50/50, probably much better than 50/50, assuming the deposit scheme stays in place. If you want to "hedge you bets", selling in London, and buying more cheaply outside looks to be a good move. Or maybe (if you are "a betting man") even buying cheap now, and looking to sell in London after a further 5 -10% rise, which will cover maybe 10-20% of your purchase cost, and allow you to ride the cheap deposit scheme on your purchase. I think the Tories are playing Greenspan's game now, of juicing housing to get the UK out of recession. We saw how that worked in the USA, and now the UK will have a chance to repeat this trick in a more dangerous way. If you buy outside London, I recommend to avoid anywhere that is too car-dependent.
  13. April 1st or not, this chart is at a possible Double Bottom - so maybe wave 4 is done... A rise to test (or nearly test) the old high over GBP 180K may be inspired by the Tories Deposit give-away scheme. Selling in London (at much higher prices) and buying outside may be wise and prudent now, especially if your job and living situation permits such a well-timed down-sizing.
  14. April 1st or not, this chart is at a possible Double Bottom - so maybe wave 4 is done... A rise to test (or nearly test) the old high over GBP 180K may be inspired by the Tories Deposit give-away scheme. Selling in London (at much higher prices) and buying outside may be wise and prudent now, especially if your job and living situation permits such a well-timed down-sizing.
  15. I think these sorts of simplistic calculations are wrong, since they miss out on HK's low tax rates, and lower transport costs: ""I was actively involved in the real estate sector here in Hong Kong but recently I’ve liquidated all my positions and have zero exposure to property now in Hong Kong. If you look at the history of asset bubbles, it is clear to me that Hong Kong and China are both in a gigantic property bubble, which is going to end very badly; and, in my view at least, this bubble is even bigger than the bubble we saw in the U.S. If you look at some of the classic metrics, which determine whether property is expensive or cheap or grossly overvalued, ....if you look at the home affordability ratio, which is the price of a property divided by the annual income, the home affordability in this city—Hong Kong—is off the charts and in China it is even higher. It takes 13.5 years of income to purchase an apartment here in Hong Kong. In some of the big cities in China, the ratio is more like 25 or 30 years of income. If you look at some of the other countries like the U.S. or Australia, it takes maybe 7, 8, or 9 years maximum." === P. Saxena: http://www.financial...ubble-end-badly
  16. If London "breaks through the ceiling", it may drag UK Prices higher Meantime, if you look at Rest-of-UK Prices, it looks as if they have made a nice Double bottom
  17. If London "breaks through the ceiling", it may drag UK Prices higher Meantime, if you look at Rest-of-UK Prices, it looks as if they have made a nice Double bottom xx
  18. Arthur Neuman is back - Here's an old interview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WAyKnqzHco ... 2009-08-23 This excellent little interview of Henry Deacon at the Barcelona Exopolitics Summit was made by the radical Spanish researcher and activist Rafa Palacios.
  19. Mid-Levels and other "expensive" areas struggled in Q1-2013: Week : CCLI : CMMI : RobinPl: Tregun : Dynast: Clovell // IslHarb : ParkA : Waterf : Sorrent : TArch : C'ribC : TaikSh. ==== 03/24: 123.45 122.72: 16,175 : 19,960 : 24,311 : 23,919 /11,428 : 12,439 : 13,964 : 16,339 : 22,190 : 6,184 : 12,159 ==== 12/30: 115.78 114.25: 14,985 : 19,609 : 23,883 : 22,244 /10,432 : 11,161 : 12,740 : 16,316 : 22,189 : 6,053 : 11,665 ==== Change +6.6% +7.4%: +7.9% : +1.8% : +1.8% : + 7.5% // +9.5 % : +11.5%: +9.6% : +0.1% : + 0.0 % : +2.2% : +4.2%
  20. From DrB's Diary: MISERY OF THE WEALTH GAP (in Hong Kong) (that's what the SCMP has entitle a brief editorial in today's SCMP) "The poorer you are, the unhappier you become... Households with a monthly income of HK$10-20,000 have the highest misery index (2.93.)" "The happiest (at 2.79), have a monthly income of HK$50,000 or more." "A widely reported global study in November... found the average HK-er thinks he/she needs to earn HK$1.5 Million, or HK$125,000 a month to be happy." == == Another way to look at it is, what sort of property (and where) do they need to live to feel happy. If you assume that half $50K income pays for housing (with some of partner's income supporting living expenses), and 1/3 of the HK$125K goes to housing, then maybe most people think they need to be able to pay a rent $25,000 - 40,000 per month, to have satisfactory housing. Obviously, as rents rise, the requisite income would go up too... unless people own their own properties - but that may take a higher income to cover the mortgage payments, on the rising property prices. Here's a Historical chart of Rents in HK === /source: http://www.globalpro...g/Price-History A recent price point for 70-100 sm flats: (Nov.'12) : 85 sm x $HK371 = 915 sf x HK$34.5 = HK$31,566 ... and that's towards the middle of the range, I calculated above. Designing a Small and Cheaper property to provide a decent home, may therefore be one great way to cope with Rising Rents, while preserving Happiness - especially when someone is reluctant to spend money to buy a high-priced flat.
  21. A Change Coming ?? Old Logo Or maybe ONE of these :
  22. (see above - on Record prices) ... QUESTION: Why does this market need stimulus ??
  23. London house prices reach record high The Times (subscription) - ‎16 hours ago‎ House prices in London hit a record high this month, defying a more sombre mood in much of the rest of the country, according to the Nationwide building society.
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