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  1. Nutrition Makes Anti-Aging Possible: Secrets of Your Telomeres The healthy function of your telomeres requires adequate methylation in order to work properly, turning genes on and off to regulate appropriate telomere function. Methylation is a chemistry process of donating a methyl group (one carbon atom bonded to three hydrogen atoms —CH3) to the genetic material of the telomere, which epigenetically marks the telomeres so they can behave properly. The important point to understand is that you need an adequate supply of methyl donors in order for your telomeres to work properly, just like your car needs gasoline. The primary methyl donor for this purpose is called SAMe, which uses nutrients like methionine, MSM sulfur, choline, and trimethylglycine as building blocks. Forming SAMe from these building blocks requires vitamin B12, folic acid, and vitamin B6. Folic acid and B12 actually play multiple roles in supporting telomeregenomic stability. The most important basic supplement to help your telomeres is a good quality multiple vitamin along with adequate dietary protein, especially proteins that contain sulfur. Examples include whey protein, eggs, cottage cheese, dairy, red meat, chicken, legumes, duck, nuts, and seeds. Eggs contain the highest source of choline in the diet, with others such as red meat, chicken, dairy, nuts, and seeds containing moderate amounts. For a good mood, your brain also has a high need for methyl donors. If you are stressed-out or depressed you are typically lacking methyl donors, which means your telomeres are also running low of nourishment and prone to accelerated aging. This is a major reason why stress ages a person. This simple fact can help you determine your personal “minimum daily requirement” for methyl donors. You may want to increase your B vitamin intake. Either take more of your multi vitamin or take an extra B-complex, along with adequate protein and possible other cofactors such as MSM sulfur, choline, and trimethylglycine, to the point that you can definitely tell your energy and your mood are better. You can assume that if you have enough methyl donors to help your brain function then you most likely have enough to help your telomeres with basic nourishment. A study with 586 women found that those who took a multiple vitamin on a regular basis had five percent longer telomeres compared to those who did not. Men with the highest levels of folic acid had longer telomeres than men with low folic acid. And another study with men and women found low folate was related to shorter telomeres. The more demands you are under and/or the worse you feel, emotionally or mentally, the more you need to pay attention to getting an adequate support of basic nutrients that will not only help your nerves and brain but also help your telomeres. Conversely, if you feel pretty good most of the time, with a good energy level and mostly positive mood, and you have basic B vitamins and adequate dietary protein, then you are doing a good job of covering your telomeres’ basic nutrient needs. Minerals & Antioxidants Help Genomic Stability and Telomeres Nutrition excels at helping you offset the wear and tear that is part of your life. Many nutrients can help protect and enhance your DNA’s repair capacity, including your telomeres. A lack of antioxidants leads to increased free radical damage and more risk for damage to telomeres. For example, patients with Parkinson’s have shorter telomeres than expected for “normal aging,” in direct relation to the amount of free radical damage associated with their condition. Women with lower dietary intake of antioxidants have shorter telomeres and an increased risk for breast cancer. . . . There are some specific studies on anti-inflammatory nutrients known to calm down NF-kappaB , which also help preserve telomeres. Nutrients such as quercetin, green tea catechins, grape seed extract, curcumin, and resveratrol all show specific ability to help preserve telomeres, with grape seed extract and curcumin showing the ability to generate longer telomeres. Certainly, other NF-kappaB quenching nutrients would likely show benefits, there just aren’t any specific studies on them in this regard at this time. On the other hand, the nutrient curcumin is being extensively studied for its ability to help repair DNA, especially epigenetic malfunction, and prevent and help treat cancer, making it one of the best documented nutrients you could take. Likewise, resveratrol is particularly intriguing. Calorie restriction may help extend lifespan. If you eat too much on a regular basis you will shorten your telomeres. Animal data indicates that eating less food preserves telomeres. Eating less activates the sirtuin 1 (sirt1) gene, which helps systems in your body maintain themselves during times of food scarcity—a feature very important for the survival of the human race. Resveratrol also activates sirt1, a feature likely to confer benefits to telomeres, especially if you take resveratrol and don’t also eat too much as a lifestyle pattern. === /more: http://www.wellnessr...your_telomeres/
  2. Food has been designed to: + weigh more + look better + be more uniform, and easier to pack + have a longer shelf life But it has not been designed to have more nutrients. And so I have read on the web, and heard on podcasts that our food has about 30% of the nutrients of 50-60 years ago. If/when I find links (again), I will publish them here
  3. Okay - thanks for pointing that out. That chart may exaggerate the situation. But other more recents studies have also shown big falls in minerals and nutrients in foods produced by industrial agriculture. Can we get enough nutrients and minerals from our diet alone? Perhaps not... (From Harvard Health): Many of us doubt whether we can get all the nutrients we need from food alone. For one thing, the "percent daily values" featured on food labels are based on a 2,000-calories-a-day diet. Many of us (women) can't eat that much without gaining weight. What if your energy needs are closer to 1,500 calories a day? What if you're dieting? Can you eat enough to take in the recommended micronutrients without falling back on a multivitamin? To find out, we consulted two nutrition experts, clinical dietitian Ellen di Bonaventura, R.D., at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, and Helen Delichatsios, M.D., nutrition educator at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Delichatsios is also on the editorial board of the Harvard Women's Health Watch. Some nutrient-dense foods* Avocados Chard, collard greens, kale, mustard greens, spinach Bell peppers Brussels sprouts Mushrooms (crimini and shiitake) Baked potatoes Sweet potatoes Cantaloupe, papaya, raspberries, strawberries Low-fat yogurt Eggs Seeds (flax, pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower) Dried beans (garbanzo, kidney, navy, pinto) Lentils, peas Almonds, cashews, peanuts Barley, oats, quinoa, brown rice Salmon, halibut, cod, scallops, shrimp, tuna Lean beef, lamb, venison Chicken, turkey *Foods that have a lot of nutrients relative to the number of calories. /source: http://www.health.ha...ls-through-diet
  4. Hong Kong Island - The Tarnished "blue chip" location AREA----- : Latest : PrevWeek : PrevMonth HK-------- : 119.86 : - 2.79 % : - 2.44 % KLN------ : 114.48 : +0.66 % : - 0.25 % NT (East): 111.72 : +1.35 % : - 1.02 % NT(West)- : 95.53 : - 0.29 % : - 0.69 % === /see- 12/02/12: http://hk.centadata.com/cci/cci_e.htm What was that line from King Lear? : "Being weak, seem so"
  5. What are these key nutrients ?? + Resveratrol : Resveratrol (trans-3,5,4'-trihydroxystilbene), a compound found largely in the skins of red grapes, is a component of Ko-jo-kon, an an oriental medicine used to treat diseases of the blood vessels, heart, and liver. It came to scientific attention during the mid-1990s as a possible explanation for the "French Paradox"—the low incidence of heart disease among the French people, who eat a relatively high-fat diet... / In mouse and rat experiments, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, blood sugar-lowering and other beneficial cardiovascular effects of resveratrol have been reported. In humans, however, while reported effects are generally positive, resveratrol may have lesser benefits. + Carnosine : (L-Carnosine) has been called a "super anti-oxidant" and is an active anti-aging substance, said to reverse the ravages of time and years of unprotected exposure to free radicals. / Carnosine (beta-alanyl-L-histidine) is a dipeptide of the amino acids beta-alanine and histidine. It is highly concentrated in muscle and brain tissues. Carnosine can oppose glycation and it can chelate divalent metal ions. Chronic glycolysis is suspected to accelerate aging. Carnosine was found to inhibit diabetic nephropathy by protecting the podocytes and mesangial cells. Because of its antioxidant, antiglycator and metal chelator properties, carnosine supplements have been proposed as a general anti-aging therapy. Carnosine containing products are also used in topical preparations to reduce wrinkles on the skin. Typical vegetarian diets are thought[by whom?] to be lacking in carnosine, but whether this has a detrimental effect on vegetarians is unknown. + L-carnitine : a naturally occurring amino acid which plays a vital role in the metabolism of fat. It functions as a transporter of fatty acids into the mitochondria. / Carnitine is a quaternary ammonium compound biosynthesized from the amino acids lysine and methionine. In living cells, it is required for the transport of fatty acids from the cytosol into the mitochondria during the breakdown of lipids (fats) for the generation of metabolic energy. It is widely available as a nutritional supplement. In animals, the biosynthesis of carnitine occurs primarily in the liver and kidneys from the amino acids lysine (via trimethyllysine) and methionine. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is essential to the synthesis of carnitine. During growth or pregnancy, the requirement of carnitine might exceed its natural production. The highest concentrations of carnitine are found in red meat and dairy products. Other natural sources of carnitine include nuts and seeds (e.g. pumpkin, sunflower, sesame), legumes or pulses (beans, peas, lentils, peanuts), vegetables (artichokes, asparagus, beet greens, broccoli, brussels sprouts, collard greens, garlic, mustard greens, okra, parsley, kale), fruits (apricots, bananas), cereals (buckwheat, corn, millet, oatmeal, rice bran, rye, whole wheat, wheat bran, wheat germ) and other "health" foods (bee pollen, brewer's yeast, carob). In general, 20 to 200 mg are ingested per day by those on an omnivorous diet, whereas those on a strict vegetarian or vegan diet may ingest as little as 1 mg/day. No advantage appears to exist in giving an oral dose greater than 2 g at one time, since absorption studies indicate saturation at this dose. + Lipoic acid : is an antioxidant found in certain foods, including red meat, spinach, broccoli, potatoes, yams, carrots, beets, and yeast. Alpha-lipoic acid is a versatile antioxidant—it helps deactivate an unusually wide array of cell-damaging free radicals in many bodily systems. Claims, purported benefits: Alpha-lipoic acid is said to prevent or treat many age-related diseases, from heart disease, and stroke to diabetes and Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as declines in energy, muscle strength, brain function, and immunity. Alpha-lipoic acid is also being studied for HIV disease and multiple sclerosis./ Lipoic acid (LA), also known as α-lipoic acid and alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is an organosulfur compound derived from octanoic acid. + CoQ10 : Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) plays a key role in producing energy in the mitochondria, the part of a cell responsible for the production of energy in the form of ATP. ( Ninety-five percent of the human body’s energy is generated this way.) CoQ10 levels are reported to decrease with age. / The antioxidant nature of CoQ10 derives from its energy carrier function. As an energy carrier, the CoQ10 molecule is continually going through an oxidation-reduction cycle. As it accepts electrons, it becomes reduced. As it gives up electrons, it becomes oxidized. In its reduced form, the CoQ10 molecule holds electrons rather loosely, so this CoQ molecule will quite easily give up one or both electrons and, thus, act as an antioxidant. Biosynthesis is the major source of CoQ10. Biosynthesis requires at least 12 genes, and mutations in many of them cause CoQ deficiency. Some chronic disease conditions (cancer, heart disease, etc.) are also thought to reduce the biosynthesis and increase the demand for CoQ10 in the body, but there are no definite data to support these claims. Toxicity is not usually observed with high doses of CoQ10. A daily dosage up to 3600 mg was found to be tolerated by healthy as well as unhealthy persons.
  6. Rejuvenate Your Cells by Growing New Mitochondria By: Kirk Stokel .. March 21, 2011 Mitochondrial dysfunction is a primary cause of age-related decline. [1-7] In a revealing study, a team of researchers showed that muscle tissue of a 90-year-old man contained 95% damaged mitochondria compared to almost no damage in that of a 5-year-old. [8] When one looks at the boundless energy of a child compared to an elderly person, the devastating impact of mitochondrial degradation become instantly apparent. A myriad of recent scientific reports link defective and deficient mitochondria to virtually all degenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s, type 2 diabetes, heart failure, and cancer. [9-13] Up until now, the best we could do was protect and improve the function of existing mitochondria using nutrients like L-carnitine, lipoic acid, and coenzyme Q10. In an unprecedented breakthrough, a compound has been discovered that promotes the growth of new mitochondria structures within aging cells. [14] In this article, you will discover how this novel compound can help reverse cellular aging by activating genes that stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis, which means the generation of new mitochondria- . . . Why Mitochondria are so Vulnerable to Free Radical damage The death spiral of our mitochondria is accelerated by the very physiological function they must perform, i.e. energy production. As the cell’s power generators, mitochondria are the site of enormous and constant oxidative activity that spews out toxic free radicals. To make matters worse, relative to nuclear DNA, mitochondrial DNA possesses few defenses against free radical damage. [38,39] DNA in the cell’s nucleus is protected by numerous “guardian” proteins that blunt the impact of free radicals. No such repair systems exist to protect mitochondrial DNA. . . . Summary Cellular aging is intimately associated with the decline in mitochondrial number and functionality. Nutrients that provide pro- tection to existing mitochondria include resveratrol, carnosine, lipoic acid, L-carnitine, and CoQ10. During the course of normal aging, however, the number of functionalmitochondria pathologically diminishes, leading to a host of debilitating disorders followed by death of the organism. For the first time in scientific history, a natural compound called PQQ is available toincrease the functionality of existing mitochondria while promoting the generation of new mitochondria inside aging cells. === /more: http://hplusmagazine...w-mitochondria/
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksWDRMAy7fw A photo slide show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SR8SdtK0EvI
  8. NUTRIENTS are important... MInerals are now missing from our diets Another Mineral chart : http://www.health-alternatives.com/minerals-nutrition-chart.html
  9. Places to Rejuvenate - The Farm at San Benito, Philippines “We believe disease is preventable and curable, naturally.” The Farm is a centre for holistic healing and wellness where people balance their mind, body and spirit with nourishing live foods in an eco- friendly place. The Farm is a healing journey, a “must have” in every individual’s life at least once a year. This personal journey is needed for recharging one’s mental, physical, and spiritual state. It is the sole sanctuary of its kind in the Philippines and one of the best in the world. The Farm is a life-changing retreat that enables its guests to cope with the ever-increasing stress-filled challenges of everyday life through a well-managed and tailored wellness programs for restoration of balance and harmony by encouraging a commitment to a proactive healthy lifestyle. Our vision is to establish a unique healing centre in a new dimension offering a personal journey with a total holistic approach to rejuvenation of the mind, body, and soul in an idyllic setting. To address individual requirements and administer its wide-array of wellness packages and customized detox treatment programs. Detoxification Most of the modern-day diseases (digestive disorders, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, chronic degenerative diseases such as arthritis) have their origin in the accumulation of toxins in our bodies. Toxins weaken our immune system or the body’s way of warding off diseases. Toxins come from environmental pollution, cigarette smoking, food preservatives, repeated use of cooking oil, strained relations, stress, and a whole lot more. The Farm offers Prevention and Recovery Retreat programs that focus on medically guided detoxification as a way to jump start the body cleansing process. Psycho-emotional detoxification is an integral part of this cleansing program. For those with more serious health conditions, The Farm medical staff will design a Recovery Retreat program tailored to your individual specific health needs. === /more: http://www.thefarm.com.ph/about-us/
  10. Halifax House Price Index up 1.0% 6 December 2012 | 09:25am StockMarketWire.com - UK house pricers rose by 1.0% in November, according to the latest Halifax House Price Index. But prices are down by 1.3% over the year and 0.7% in the past three months. Halifax housing economist Martin Ellis said: "There has been very little change in house prices overall during the past year with the average UK price in November almost identical to that in November 2011. "Prices in the three months from September to November were 0.7% lower than in the preceding three months.
  11. Keep Chemicals & Pollution off your plate ! . . . . . . . . . Many pesticides approved for use by the EPA were registered long before extensive research linking these chemicals to cancer and other diseases had been established. Now the EPA considers that 60 percent of all herbicides, 90 percent of fungicides and 30 percent of all insecticides are carcinogenic. A 1987 National Academy of Sciences report estimated that pesticides might cause an extra 1.4 million cancer cases among Americans. The bottom line is that pesticides are poisons designed to kill living organisms and can also be harmful to you. In addition to cancer, pesticides are implicated in birth defects, nerve damage and genetic mutation. === /see: http://www.hps-onlin...nic-farming.htm Vegetables Vegetables are the earth's most effective alkalizers, especially when consumed raw in salads or as freshly extracted juices. Cooling and cleansing, they are also high in fiber, which helps sweep post-digestive putrefactive debris from the intestinal tract. Their chlorophyll content protects the body against cancer, neutralizes toxins, and helps keep vital fluids pure. Easy to digest and non-putrefactive, fresh vegetables go well with meats as well as grains and help counteract the acidifying effects of both. Fruits Fruits are very easy to digest and metabolize, but only when eaten on an empty stomach. In fact, most fruits go straight through the stomach into the duodenum for digestion, which means if you put fresh fruit on top of a big meal, it has to sit and wait in the top of the stomach until the other food is digested, during which delay bacteria attack the fruit and ferment it, gobbling up all the nutrients and leaving you with gas and metabolic wastes. Dairy Cow's milk is meant for calves, and babies are meant to drink mother's milk until weaned from it. Cow's milk has four times the protein and only half the carbohydrate content of human milk. Pasteurization destroys the natural enzyme in cow's milk required to digest its' heavy protein content. This excess milk protein therefore putrefies in the human digestive tract, clogging the intestines with sticky sludge, some of which seeps back into the bloodstream. As this putrid sludge accumulates from daily consumption of dairy products, the body forces some of it out through the skin (acne, blemishes) and lungs (catarrh), while the rest of it festers inside, forms mucus that breeds infections, causes allergic reactions, and stiffens joints with calcium deposits. Eggs Today, most commercially sold eggs come from chickens cooped up in small cages under bright lights and fed on dry feed laced with synthetic hormones and antibiotics. Such eggs do more damage than good to the human system and should be avoided. Grains As a result of modern milling methods, which scrape away the nutrient-laden bran and germ and leave only the starchy white pith, most commercial grain foods are nutritionally naked. Only whole-grains provide whole-nutrition. Grains can caused indigestion and flatulence if they are not thoroughly chewed and salivated in the mouth before swallowing. That's because all carbohydrates must begin their digestive journey in the mouth, where an alkaline enzyme called ptyalin is secreted from salivary glands to initiate the breakdown of starches. Sea food Deep-water ocean fish such as tuna and salmon are excellent sources of protein as well as fish oils that are rich in essential fatty acids called eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosaheyaenoic acid (DHA). EPA and DHA rank among nature's most effective blood thinners; Owing to the pollution of lakes, rivers and streams throughout the world, freshwater fish is no longer such a good choice. Shellfish and reef fish should also be avoided because the shallow sea beds they inhabit are polluted. === Source: Daniel Reid.: http://www.hps-online.com/hfood.htm
  12. There are also some nice Folk treatments video: Turmeric, Wheatgrass, Fulvic Acid and Rejuvenation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKpCIKHCevo Comment: Two amazing men of colour, unique, individual...all encompassing, sometimes derided, often imitated! ...bringing light, joy and positive energy to all they come across... The power of these juices, to transform and renew, have to experienced to be believed ...but this video alone was enough to 'raise' my vibration... : ) reliableandrew 9 months ago
  13. Aubrey de Grey : Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) : Another : Main article: Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence The leading modern exponent of scientific rejuvenation is the biomedical gerontologist Dr. Aubrey de Grey. He calls his project to reverse the damage we call aging"SENS" (Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence). He has proposed seven strategies for what he calls the "seven deadly sins of ageing": Cell loss can be repaired (reversed) just by suitable exercise in the case of muscle. For other tissues it needs various growth factors to stimulate cell division, or in some cases it needs stem cells. + Senescent cells can be removed by activating the immune system against them. Or they can be destroyed by gene therapy to introduce "suicide genes" that only kill senescent cells. + Protein cross-linking can largely be reversed by drugs that break the links. But to break some of the cross-links we may need to develop enzymatic methods. + Extracellular garbage (like amyloid) can be eliminated by vaccination that gets immune cells to "eat" the garbage. + For intracellular junk we need to introduce new enzymes, possibly enzymes from soil bacteria, that can degrade the junk (lipofuscin) that our own natural enzymes cannot degrade. + For mitochondrial mutations the plan is not to repair them but to prevent harm from the mutations by putting suitably modified copies of the mitochondrial genes into the cell nucleus by gene therapy. The mitochondrial DNA experiences a high degree of mutagenic damage because most free radicals are generated in themitochondria. A copy of the mitochondrial DNA located in the nucleus will be better protected from free radicals, and there will be better DNA repair when damage occurs. All mitochondrial proteins would then be imported into the mitochondria. + For cancer (the most lethal consequence of mutations) the strategy is to use gene therapy to delete the genes for telomerase and to eliminate telomerase-independent mechanisms of turning normal cells into "immortal" cancer cells. To compensate for the loss of telomerase in stem cells we would introduce new stem cells every decade or so. In 2009, Aubrey de Grey co-founded the SENS Foundation to expedite progress in the above-listed areas. === /more: http://en.wikipedia....venation_(aging)
  14. Rejuvenation : Is it possible? Strategies & techniques Wiki definition : is the hypothetical reversal of the aging process. Rejuvenation is distinct from life extension. Life extension strategies often study the causes of aging and try to oppose those causes in order to slow aging. Rejuvenation is the reversal of aging and thus requires a different strategy, namely repair of the damage that is associated with aging or replacement of damaged tissue with new tissue. Rejuvenation can be a means of life extension, but most life extension strategies do not involve rejuvenation. (Note the word: "hypothetical") Modern developments Aging is an accumulation of damage to macromolecules, cells, tissues and organs. If any of that damage can be repaired, the result is rejuvenation. There have been many experiments which have been shown to increase the maximum life span of laboratory animals, thereby achieving life extension. A few experimental methods such as replacing hormones to youthful levels have had considerable success in partially rejuvenating laboratory animals and humans. A recent experiment involved breeding genetically manipulated mice that lacked an enzyme called telomerase, causing the mice to age prematurely and suffer ailments. When the mice were given injections to reactivate the enzyme, it repaired the damaged tissues and reversed the signs of aging.[5] There are at least eight important hormones that decline with age: 1. human growth hormone (HGH); 2. the sexual hormones: testosterone or estrogen/progesterone; 3. erythropoietin (EPO); 4. insulin; 5. DHEA; 6. melatonin; 7. thyroid; 8. pregnenolone. In theory, if all or some of these hormones are replaced, the body will respond to them as it did when it was younger, thus repairing and restoring many body functions. Most attempts at genetic repair have traditionally involved the use of a retrovirus to insert a new gene into a random position on a chromosome. But by attaching zinc fingers (which determine where transcription factors bind) to endonucleases (which break DNA strands), homologous recombination can be induced to correct and replace defective (or undesired) DNA sequences. The first applications of this technology are to isolate stem cells from the bone marrow of patients having blood diseasemutations, to correct those mutations in laboratory dishes using zinc finger endonucleases and to transplant the stem cells back into the patients.[6] Stem cell Regenerative medicine uses three different strategies: Implantation of stem cells from culture into an existing tissue structure Implantation of stem cells into a tissue scaffold that guides restoration Induction of residual cells of a tissue structure to regenerate the necessary body part === === === Some of the old stories and myths of rejuvenation are very strange, and even horrific... Rock stars (like Mick Jagger) who have lived dissipated lives, have replaced their own blood, taking transfusions from others. THREE simple CORE STRATEGIES that I want to discuss here: On this thread, I want to focus on three main strategies: + Enhancing the NUTRIENTS and minerals that one consumes, + Eating less calories (& less toxic food), and + Making the intestines more alkaline, so as to improve the natural resistance to age-related diseases. : Rejuvenation Through Detoxification - Stephen Holt, MD, Ph http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzAJHV_-prA
  15. Why not start a thread here, and post the occasional chart on it. I like what you are doing with it My own Property Diary gets, many hits, but few comments: DrBubb's Property Diary : tinyurl.com/GPC-Diary
  16. That $1675/1680 low is going to be retested soon IMHO - hope it holds. I sold off the last of my GDX recently, thank goodness
  17. House prices fall across England and Wales 03/12/2012 House prices in the UK fell for the fifth consecutive month in November, dipping by an average of 0.1%, according to property analyst Hometrack. Property values dropped in all UK regions, apart from East Anglia, with even the capital failing to be sheltered from a downward turn in the property market. If you are considering investing in property, you cancompare mortgages with MoneyExpert. Central London saw the sharpest decline in property prices in November, falling by 1.2%, while a more marginal fall of 0.2% was recorded in Wales, the North East and Yorkshire and Humberside.
  18. About the DataBoffin website Over the past 5 years or so I've spent many hours building various datasets to help me with my investment and life decisions. These datasets have kept me away from purchasing a house plus have steered my investment allocations to equities, bonds, commercial property and gold. A few days ago I discovered Google Drive and in particular how from Google Docs you can share charts which by hovering over reveal the data. With this functionality I've decided to share these datasets with others. I've built a very small website here which I've added the first half dozen or so datasets to. Over the coming weeks I'll add the remaining datasets that I track regularly. - per HPC poster
  19. He may be right, but did you notice what he said about time frames, and how the US tackled its crisis? I think the "low rate solution" can only be introduced AFTER a big price slide, as in the US. 2/ BTW, he is a Hedge Fund founder, not a bankster
  20. Odey sees possible House Price crash City superman Crispin Odey predicted the recession, was once Rupert Murdoch’s son-in-law, manages $5 billion of assets and has a serious problem with the PM. David Cameron is not a leader,” says Crispin Odey, the City financier and Conservative Party donor. “He doesn’t understand power and he doesn’t use it.” These are strong words for a life-long supporter of the party. But he doesn’t stop there. “George [Osborne],” he says, “we hate more than Dave.” By “we” he means the City. And when he follows these unflinching statements up with “David’s a decent person and I know him personally,” it’s clear that he is talking business. And Odey knows about business. This is the man who predicted the recession, and here, in the pink art-lined boardroom of his oak-panelled offices, he delivers another devastating blow: “Property is ludicrously expensive,” he says. “House prices are right at the top of their cycle. I think they could crash. I’m not saying it’ll happen immediately, but I do think they can drop by half.” . . . Can he see a way out of the current economic gloom? “We have got to get the banks working again. That means the end of bashing the bankers. If there is no credit growth there is no economic growth. The last time we were in a depression was the 1930s, and what got us out was cheap money. We need a zero interest rate and a housing boom.” And so house prices need to come down too? “House prices are not stable. They have a cycle like everything else. America has understood this much earlier than the UK. There, house prices have already fallen by 50 per cent and they are affordable. It goes back to thinking like a rich man: you have to take the long view.” === /more: http://www.standard....it-8335027.html I met him several years ago, and had conversations about him and his team about working as a Commodity-related fund manager. In fact, he was going to set up a meeting with his wife, saying: "I trust her intuition better than my own when it comes to hiring new people." It looked rather promising. But just then his huge trade on Gilt bonds began to unwind, it quickly became clear he was not going to hire any new people for a while. He's a very bright guy and highly successful, so we should pay attention to his housing call, I believe
  21. Debra Pietsch interviews Richard Dolan and Kerry Cassidy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfwsNoeJDWE The timing of these 2 interviews is very interesting because Richard Dolan was in Los Angeles for a few days doing some presentations, at the same time Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot (Whistleblowers portal) was receiving information about UFO / Extraterrestrial activity off the coast of San Francisco – that was further corroborated by Gordon Duff of “Veteran Today”. === Kerry's interview is more interesting than Dolan's She tells a convoluted story about arrested bankers being held in a ship off San Francisco And that is somehow related to a war with an ET race. She said: "The Bush Cabal had relationships with 5 ET races, and had a falling out with one of them", and somehow the US, China, and Korea are now "at war" with them in the Pacific
  22. Yes. Like "burning matches", they keep using up their capital, and need to raise more
  23. From DrB's Diary - you may like this indicator
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