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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Meantime, on the Main board: I decided to try Two Gold threads : One Long term, and One Short term Let's see if there are enough LT perspective guys left to keep the LT thread alive
  2. Well, the silence in response to my request is interesting. The very first post on this thread (after the charts) was: GET OVER IT ! I am happy that the mud-splashing has stopped for more than a day. And it suits me, to spend less time on this particular thread (at least for the next week or so) Therefore: I will change the Title to include "Long Term View"... and post here less, and see what happens. If it goes neglected, then no one can say that I did not give the LT-guys a chance to post here. If they have decided to move on, well that's their choice, and I may later return with shorter term trading ideas. LONG TERM GUYS, here's you chance.
  3. A FEW ANECDOTES are slipping out While sifting through Mr. Dalio’s plaudits, we stumbled across a tidbit that, while less flashy than an Economist profile, might reveal more about the man himself : tales of life inside Bridgewater as told by Mr. Dalio’s former personal assistant. .. Kathleen O’Grady, now a self-described “authenticity coach” based in Raleigh, N.C., wrote on her blog last July that she had spent about six months in 2004 working as an executive and personal assistant to Mr. Dalio (while also assisting Bridgewater’s co-chief investment officer, Bob Prince, and Mr. Dalio’s son Matt). “I learned more about self leadership in that six months than most people learn in a lifetime,” Ms. O’Grady wrote of her time at Bridgewater. Ms. O’Grady, reached by telephone on Tuesday, compared working for Mr. Dalio to “The Devil Wears Prada,” a novel and film about an assistant to a demanding fashion magazine editor, in the sense that “I never knew what I was going to be handed next.” Inspired by an article in The New Yorker about her old boss, Ms. O’Grady shared some of the stories she collected while working for the enigmatic billionaire. . . . Working for Mr. Dalio could be scary, according to Ms. O’Grady. On one occasion, she accompanied firm employees on a team-building retreat at Mr. Dalio’s home in Vermont. Prodded to participate, she wound up firing shotguns and shooting paintballs with the rest of the group. “I came home from the trip in pain, but with a renewed sense of limitlessness,” she wrote. While at Bridgewater, Ms. O’Grady did her best to adapt to the firm’s well-known office culture, which is based on Mr. Dalio’s doctrine of “radical transparency.” (The philosophy, spelled out in a dense manifesto titled “Principles,” prohibits gossip and encourages employees to air their grievances in public. /more: http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2012/03/13/ray-dalios-former-assistant-tells-all/
  4. Many Years ago when I started in banking, it was 8-10 times Ray long term stats are getting better: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60YFyR8L01w
  5. MORE from the guy who sees the Global economy as a machine http://www.ftense.com/2012/03/economist-interview-ray-dalio.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ftense%2FsymR+%28The+Future+Tense%29 His HF's performance shows he understands that machine rather well
  6. Sash, If Gold stocks and Gold fall off "the Cliff's Edge", you will be very happy you sold some Gold now. One of our GEI posters (Mahon) has just sold all his Gold and gold stocks. At this moment, I am thinking that Gold support will hold, but there is no guarantee of that.
  7. We live in very interesting times. This chart may be highly relevant here too:
  8. LOL I remember that old image - or was it just similar? I think Ziknik is still alive. Interested?
  9. I have moved you to "Members" group. Are there really more restrictions on Members2? If so, I wasn't aware of that
  10. I will send you a PM with that. I welcome your comment by return PM. In your case many months ago, I think the Mod overdid it considerably. (But I did not over-rule, since I think it is important to support the Mods here.) But you may be in a good position to comment on my reaction to CIGA's comment.
  11. I did buy some April-GLD-$155 Calls. But I am not entirely happy with the heavy selling volume, so I am going to hold off on buying more.
  12. I am suspending CIGA for a week for his insult on another thread (which I shall probably delete later)
  13. thanks for your insult I am not really in the mood for that. So I did not laugh. The Old Gold thread still exists. We are now testing a new model. I posted the following on my Diary: Perhaps a day or so of fielding comments, will make the wisest decision clear. But I do not want to go back to the "bad old days" of Long term perspective guys jumping all over those with a different viewpoint. That isn't the sort of website I want GEI to be.
  14. Yeah. Don't panic ... yet. This GLD-$160 level looks pretty important on my charts. It is being hit with some pretty heavy volume, and there's a good chance it will hold by the Close. In fact, I plan to buy some GLD calls today, and will put an order in shortly. However, if the volume is heavy and it slide through here on the close, then GLD$150 = Gold$1550 would beacon.
  15. Not at all. The price is down almost $60 for goodness sakes. And GLD is down from $166 to $160, that's $6,000 on 10 GLD contracts. I am sharing knowledge here. And asking no money for years of experience. You and another made a sneering remark when I made my comment. (see below) The least you can do is say: "Well done." That is really all that is needed. And maybe to show a little more respect for the free service I am providing going forward. I wonder how you would react if this was your website, and right after a very touchy moment, people started throwing little sneers your way, when actually you were doing a good job of monitoring the prices moves. And helping those who might appreciate being on the right side of a significant swing move, not seeking praise - just establishing that MA's are a useful tool. I copied your remark to make this very point, not to personally attack you. (But you came back with a personal directed: " the way you conduct yourself" ?? What's that for ? It's a NEW DAY on GEI, and I am a little touchier than usual, but I am in no mood to have people trying to undermine the useful information that exists on this site from me and others. There is no "open season on traders" here. If there was before, that was the Old GEI. I am happy to see people posting trading ideas and strategies here. And even Intraday charts. (Perhaps we will decide later, to leave this thread to the Longer-perspective traders, as it was before. But at this early stage, that is not yet clear.) But if a $60 move is not meaningful to you, then please just ignore it.
  16. I was there when... HPC shifted from being a free-hosted service, to having its own Invision Board. I predict a Crash in 2004, and realised I was early a few months later. Then predictedit again in July 2007, just one month or so early. We got one, but it hardly touched London, for various reasons. I do not think you can rule one out now
  17. In response to: Can I ask which area? (that the rents have been raised so much) Would you consider moving? There might be some bargains out there. BTW, some property prices might drop after the Stamp Tax holiday expires I know that RENTS were being pushed higher by the "Olympic effect" near the City. Probably not in Sheen
  18. Gold down $17.70 -- near $1,658 . Testing the $1650-1660 support level There must be some happy folks out there, enjoying the discount. I might pick up a few GLD calls, or Bull Spreads to today, but save "powder" for later, in case Gold breaks support, and gets cheaper.
  19. Thanks for your understanding on that, BTBT You did not see the message that I sent out to Mods, and also posted on the Administrators Board - here it is: (Part of that was added later) Perhaps GF did not see it. Is that my fault? I think not. Still, after he left, I sent him a PM with a belated "Thank you" It occurred to me that I had forgotten to thank him for his time and efforts as a moderator here - even though I received many complaints about it, and always backed him up, even when I disagreed. (In fact: There's a bit of damned if you support, and damned if you don't to this - Which if people think about it, I am sure they will see that I was stuck in a "no win" situation.) Was I too "disrespectful"? Perhaps. Perhaps not. LIFTING THE VEIL But I can reveal now that... I was seeing evidence that a concerted effort was being made to undermine GEI, and sling mud here - mostly at me - to get people to follow GF to another board where he was already posting. If I could prove that, would you feel differently about my action? If I am wrong about that, then I would be grateful if GF himself would tell me so. In which case, I will be prepared to make a public apology for changing his membership status without a more full explanation, and a timely thank you.
  20. Repeating what I said before Goldfinger was never banned or suspended from GEI. Instead, I changed four Mods to members, and he reacted badly to that, even though I explained the reasons in a PM that I sent to all of them. He is able to post here any time, and chooses not to. If you don't like that, then I suggest you contact him wherever he has gone, and tell him he is still welcome on GEI. For my part, change is natural, and people moving on from any website is part of internet life. GEI goes on. In fact, I have the idea that broadening the mission here to something beyond buying Gold is a very good thing. I am fond of saying: Gold doesn't hedge all risks, and I think some of the risks that we face require a different approach. So I invite you to help me find that broader mission. CMJ is doing her bit in driving a direction here. If you have some ideas of direction, then I am interested to discover it.
  21. A GOOD TIME to make some careful comparisons is now !
  22. Nice one, RH! Of course, we should also note that JS's $1650 is now again looking like an important number Meantime, I think it is useful to revisit a favorite Ratio of mine RATIO: GLD-to-SPY You will note that it has fallen back to the "roots" of that Parabolic move up last year, demonstrating again how parabolic moves tend to get retraced rather quickly. The downtrend is still down, in my view, but at XX we are getting close to likely Support Levels near 1.10. Will it break 1.00 (will GLD be less than SPY?) I really doubt it will fall that far since now: GLD : 162.30 SPY : 140.06 Gap : $22.24 Ratio 1.159 To get to 1.00 would require a further fall of 13.7% If that all came in Gold, then it would drag prices from $1676 to $1,446. I expect this price slide will stop soemwhere above that.
  23. GOLD: I think we are coming up to an important test at/near GLD-$160 = Gold:$1650-1660 Whodathiunkit when Gold was threatening to jump thru $1800 ?
  24. Here's what has happened thus far: I don't think my comment was a bad call in hindsight, despite a minor sneer or two like this: "Is that why the price keeps going up?" After I said: "The pressure seems to be to the downside at the moment, with GLD below the 144d MA" What do you say now, Bos? Do you see how I use these MA's now? Next key test will be around GLD-$160, and I now detect a slight downwards bias in the 144d MA.
  25. It is merely a hypothesis, Z. Not a conclusion.
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