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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. How Much Gold exists in the world ? Official estimates are 150,000 - 170,000 tonnes, or about 5 Billion Ounces. ==== The Top 40 Central Banks report: 29,700 Tons, that's 5.12 Billion oz. / about 18.6% of 160,000 tonnes === Country........... - Tons. : -Pct.- .Mn. oz === Official........... 160,000 : 100% ..5,120mn oz no. 1 USA.............. 8,133.5 : 5.08% ....260 no. 2 Germany........ 3,396.3 : 2.12% ....109 no. 3 IMF............... 2,814.1 : 1.76% ......90 no. 4 Italy............... 2,451.8 : 1.53% ......78 no. 5 France........... 2,435.4 : 1.52% ......78 06-10 China-Neth.. 4,355.2 : 2.72% ....139 11-20 India-Austria 3,719.2 : 2.32% ....119 21-30 Belg.-BIS.... 1,536.3 : 0.96% ......49 31-40 Gre.- Den....... 875.0 : 0.55% ......28 ======== ===== ===== === == 40 Centl Banks : 29,717 : 18.57% ...951mn oz x $1700 = $1.6 Trillion ==== Who owns the rest of the “official gold”? The other 130,000 tonnes = 4.2 bn. oz.?
  2. : Gold and Currency News / http://Goldstock.co.uk ============================================================================================================ The Gold Discussion : "Long Term theme" :::: ::: Weekly Gold ... update LINKS ------ "Gold" on Google :: https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&gl=us&tbm=nws&q=gold+price&oq=gold+price&aq=f&aqi=d1g5d1&aql=&gs_sm=3&gs_upl=2388l5967l0l7385l10l10l0l4l4l0l80l302l6l6l0 Historical Prices- :: http://www.kitco.com/charts/historicalgold.html
  3. All the Mods are going, one by one. Then I will add new ones later. GF feels like he is being pcked on, but that was not the intent. He should have realised that if he read my message carefully. I have asked those who want to continue as a Mod to let me know. That door was open, and remains open to GF. But if he has decided to leave (for however long), I will not beg him to stay.
  4. Laura, your: "a five degree sustained drop in average temperature?" Do you have a CAUSE in mind for that? Gulf stream, or something else? BTW, as you may know, there is some real evidence that the elites themselves are preparing for some big changes
  5. It is okay to disagree, obviously. The problem is when people are disagreeable. And some here are. I simply reported what I heard from other posters. Actually, I often find your remarks worthwhile, even when we disagree
  6. Some people here have told me that they think he is a paid Disinformation artist. Perhaps they are right.
  7. Thanks for the idea. I am moving this thread to the Fringe section
  8. If sovereign debt problems spread to the UK, which I think is likely, then you may see both: + Tightening credit, and + Higher rates Plus maybe: + A weaker pound. If you see two of those, or two out of three, then you may see foreign BTL owners turn sellers. Their supply, plus the housing now under construction could be a big factor driving the market lower. If the selling pressure is big enough, the government will not be able to halt a slide in London property prices. There will be too much supply on the market.
  9. Indeed. It is a great time to be researching trading ideas in the Gold stock sector IMHO. That's why I have started a new thread on Gold Juniors: http://tinyurl.com/GEI-GDXJ
  10. haha... "gold" You wouldn't want me to get the idea you were obsessed with one topic, would you?
  11. From the Property thread on the Main board: Agreed. London never had sufficient Property price correction to bring prices down to affordable levels, as has know happened in some parts of the UK, and across almost the whole of the USA. So those ultra-low rates are vital in London to maintain some illusion of affordability. Take them away, and anyone with a mortgage LTV of 70% or maybe even 50% of peak values would suffer greatly. Yes, it could bring the House down, and probably will IMHO. The only good point for London residents is that higher rates would probably trigger a huge rush of (forced?) sales by foreigner BTL owners, and that might help to make London property more affordable in the future. I think that many foreigners have been suckered into buying expensive new properties.
  12. Agreed. London never had sufficient Property price correction to bring prices down to affordable levels, as has know happened in some parts of the UK, and across almost the whole of the USA. So those ultra-low rates are vital in London to maintain some illusion of affordability. Take them away, and anyone with a mortgage LTV of 70% or maybe even 50% of peak values would suffer greatly. Yes, it could bring the House down, and probably will IMHO. The only good point for London residents is that higher rates would probably trigger a huge rush of (forced?) sales by foreigner BTL owners, and that might help to make London property more affordable in the future. I think that many foreigners have been suckered into buying expensive new properties.
  13. How do you know that it is actual gOld, of suitable fineness?
  14. It isn't the investment philosophy, it is the "cultish behaviour", which was described by another, not by me, and which unfortunately fits the reality of what is often posted on this thread. Perhaps I should change the name of this thread to "the B&H-ers Room", and just stop visiting this thread. I think that might make some folks here very happy.
  15. If you want to keep improving your Golf score, you need discipline. Unfortunately, it falls to me to maintain discipline on this website. That means coping with people who want to abuse people who trade (successfully or unsuccessfuly), and who abuse those who criticise certain Gold gurus. So far, I have managed to instill some discipline without suspending or banning many people. I know the purists do not like it, and whine about it, but they seem to forget sometimes whose site this is, and who pays for hosting etc to keep the lights on here. I am very tired of the pushback I get on this thread. But I do realise it is almost entirely limited to the Gold thread, where the B&H mafia has lived for a long time. And they consider this their exclusive territory, and regard me (and any other traders) as outsiders. That's the long and short of it.
  16. Haha. "Be afraid. Be very afraid." Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the waters of the Gold thread... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3d-ywGEmcIc "I think we may have another shark (trader) problem..."
  17. Except that it is complete nonsense. I have not limited anyone. Only stopped the B&H purists from stifling discussion about: + Trading, + Buying windows, + Deeper motivations of some of the gold gurus Does this sound like it comes from an open-minded person?: "The problem is, your gold investment strategy will not stand the test of time when this all comes crashing down. This has been pointed out to you many times." I am pushing for an open and balanced discussion, not shutting one down. Over 10 years of trading the way I do has produced outperformance, well in front of B&H. At what point does the "test of time" begin and end? "Whilst nothing is risk free, that is the argument for buying physical gold and holding it, there is no counter party risk. Being content with the continuous rise in the price of metal given current negative real interest rates, is a sound investment choice." There is also no counterparty risk if you hold farmland, residential property, pigs, corn, or diamonds. Gold prices seem to have outraced all of those. So which is a better investment? I do NOT want huge amounts of storage risk. I live in a small flat, and am not comfortable parking really serious amounts of physical gold in a bank or with GoldMoney, etc. I have some Gold in both those places, but not really core amounts of my wealth. So what would I do with physical? That's an important part of my dilemma. Meantime, I have shown that I can capture the upside in Gold prices, and protect myself from downside price risk using options. So why should I not go on doing that, and finding places that I am more comfortable using to park wealth. How much farmland do you own? Can you grow a decent proportion of your own food? That might represent even better security, especially if you live in an area where you can rely on your neighbors.
  18. I will change that post as follows: "We seem to have chased away the most-doctrinaire Gold purists - or maybe 'frightened them off'" I haven't banned or suspended anyone, as you well know. But I re-state my comment from above that No One is free from constructive criticism, be they Gold bulls or bears, traders or investors. And that includes certain Gold gurus! They are fair game here, like everyone else. Investors are welcome, even if they want to B&H. But they cannot insist that everyone else have the same view and approach as they do. They are free to make arguments in favor or their approach, but not free to sling endless mud at those who want to trade part of their position, or even all of it. There's is no single approach sanctioned on this site. If you disagree, you'd better appeal to the Founder.
  19. This could hit the share prices of those miners. And may get some to leave the country, leaving it others (or no one!) to mine the country's Gold deposits.
  20. You are entitled to your opinion. Though I obviously do not agree. You are welcome to leave, along with anyone else who does not like the way the site is developing. But I would appreciate it if you STOP COMPLAINING, and start posting something more constructive. I think some will tell you that the quality is now improving, since the mud-sling seems to have eased up in recent days.
  21. Control freak? That's not accurate - I have left the door wide open to all constructive comments. In fact, 18 months ago, the site became almost unreadable, because I was relunct to ban mudslingers. However, I cannot accept others here trying to control what I post. (!) I am a not-accepting-control freak, perhaps. BTW, why think about "dieing soon."? That sounds very negative. We will all "slip the coil" at some point, and who can know when.
  22. They are all welcome, so long as they post in a constructive way. The discussion here has moved beyond mudslinging, and I think many here know that my calls of "Gold-buying windows" has been as good as anyone on the web. There seems to be an audience for that, whether those who view here post or not. Over time, I would hope to convert Lurkers to posters, now that the (ridiculous) mudslingimg seems to have stopped. How many times do you need to here the same "purist platiudes" repeated? Personally, I prefer some fresh ideas, and a fresh look at things like finding a coming "buying window" on Junior Gold miners.
  23. BTW - We seem to have "chased away" the most-doctrinaire Gold purists - or maybe "frightened them off" The knee-jerk mud-slinging seems to have stopped. (!) Does anyone else think that is a VERY GOOD THING ? (They are certainly welcome here... so long as they join the discussion in a constructive way, rather than just trying to interrupt any intelligent discuss about the merits of Gold.) Meantime, views on some of the more interesting threads seems to be continuing at healthy levels, even increasing.
  24. I THINK WE ARE MAKING PROGRESS... There's a nice Nuanced discussion about Gold prices and how they relate to FEAR on the new thread : IT IS ABOUT FEAR... and people feeding, and reacting to Fear Sure. The ramping (ie tireless promotion of the merits of gold) have helped. People are talking about the risks and dangers of excessive debt and money printing. These fears are real, but are they exaggerated? That makes an interesting question. I think it is fair to say that the risk of governmental destruction of the currency were under-appreciated when Gold was near $300. For instance, no one was interested in Ron Paul's ideas about restraining the power of the Fed. But now many people can see the risk of over-printing. We are getting closer to the day when action to restrain the Fed may come. The CONVERSATION about the risk has increased, and the price of Gold has risen. You might say that the risk is actually lower, in some respects, because there is an increasing possibility that people will actually support an action which would improve the soundness of their currencies. I think there will be a Crescendo in Fear (and probably in Gold prices) before key action is taken, and the Fed is restrained. After we see that, currencies may be sounder for years to come. Meantime, it is interesting to think clearly about the TYPES OF FEARS people are concerned about, and how they impact upon prices. As usual, I thought of a chart that might be drawn to allow us to compare these fears in a visual way. I want to show it, but first let me repeat a comment/ and a reaction from above: "Overall, if Gold is not an effective inflation hedge, but rather a refuge for wealth when politics looks dangerous" d2thdr : "I agree 100% with this statement." DrBubb : "The thing is, there are no bearings inherent in a fear driven Gold rally. Like VIX, it can go wherever it may go. Then, Gold can crash back down after the fear passes through it." == == Let's compare the Prices associated with Two Types of Fear: GLD/ Gold versus VIX/ S&P500 Implied Volatility ... update People right now are more worried about what governments are doing to their currencies, than they are about Price Risk in stock markets.
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