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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. I advise everyone to only use Lindt, Ritter Sport, Toblerone and Milka-Suchard to buy physical.
  2. There is only one substance that I like more than gold, and that's choc-choc. I almost bought one of these Harrods bars the last time I came buy.
  3. Not sure that I can take this seriously.
  4. Fountainbridge area in Edinburgh: not only much of the residential newbuilts but also a lot of commercial property looked pretty empty to me. That's just from driving by, I have no background information. Where I have some background info is on the Quartermile. In summary, they're in big doodoo.
  5. http://gold.approximity.com/gold_charts.html
  6. I doubt it. For myself, I think I'm going to buy as soon as the next tranche of fiat cash arrives in my account.
  7. I guess I was a little overdramatic (as usual ...).
  8. Hmmm, the tumble weed is blowing and almost only the gold bashers (aka eternal major downturn expecters) are left over (at least on the other threads). It seems 24Knews has been quite a drain on GEI so far. Soon I'm going to be the only gold bull left standing. At least that gives me that feeling of really being right (contrarian yaddayadda).
  9. They could also go to Las Vegas and gamble there.
  10. Roubini's gold bubble talk is totally retarded. The guy is an academic, but unfortunately he has not done any research on gold. I'd rather stick with people who have shown that they're able to make some money, like the three Jims (Rogers, Sinclair, Puplava) and Tudor Jones.
  11. Paper money is almost always debt money and therefore almost always goes hyper at some stage. What's the big deal?
  12. Yes, silver looks very cheap still. I am also very tempted to buy, but no cash left.
  13. We're now scraping along the upper red line again.
  14. http://gold.approximity.com/gold-silver_watch.html
  15. If this was so easy, why couldn't you trade any market, i.e., why bother with gold? You would be retired already anyway from all the profits you have made in trading Google & Co..
  16. I think that most people are not made for making money by trading, which includes shorter term buying and selling of gold-related investments. To say it with JS, the world has turned into one large casino. I am not comfortable with the many people on here who just want to be gamblers in that casino. I would instead encourage them to move their money into a safe investment until the casino has burned down to the ground - which should happen in the not too distant future (it's on fire already).
  17. There are no guarantees, but I don't see any better investment given my risk averseness and given my investment horizon.
  18. The anti-gold shills try to trick people out of their best insurance in this ongoing global financial meltdown every time gold retreats a little. These are the real shills.
  19. Can you explain why? He says buy gold as an insurance, don't trade it, buy more on dips. He says that gold is not at all at a long term top. What is misleading about this?
  20. You encourage people to be short term traders. I think most people will not be successful at this and fail and lose their shirts. Or do you want them to follow your own lead (a certain image comes to mind...)?
  21. The bears have had no grip on gold since 2000. What the so-called gold bears celebrate is irrelevant noise in along term trend that accelerates. http://gold.approximity.com/gold-silver_watch.html
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