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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Next Stage of Huge Bond-Bull Kicking-Off?. (For 02/08/17) Things are looking up for Treasury Bonds Elliott Wave Analytics <elliottwavemarketservice.com> Bonds tend to run with Gold TLT / Bonds... 6-months : 2-yrs : 3-yrs : GLD / Gold ... 6-months : 2-yrs : 3-yrs :
  2. She's famous! At least on Youtube Homeless street artist finds refuge, earns livelihood through her drawings | Front Row Published on Aug 4, 2015 Jhalanie Matuan, 45 years old, lives in the streets of Manila and make a living by selling her artworks. But behind her colorful masterpieces lie stories that reflect the darkest moments of her life. Comment: Le Wallshoppe Customizations - I bought an artwork and chichat with Ms.Jhalanie, I admire her optimism in life! BY the way she has kidney problems according to her and living on her own, selling her artworks in different streets along Manila/Taft. I just gave her extra tip and prayed for her after. I want to find her to give her clothes because she was embarassed to attend church because of her PLEASE buy any drawings, that would be a big help to this lady. I told her she's an inpsiration to everyone who has everything in life but spend most of the time ranting and overlooking good things around. I took another photo this morning: xx > to those who want to support her, this is her facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/jhalaniematuan?fref=nf
  3. REAL Action at Last? FBI Analyst Says, High Level Pedophile Arrests Coming Soon Published on Feb 7, 2017 If anyone had any questions about Donald Trump’s commitment to doing God’s work on earth – and especially here in America – wonder no more.
  4. The Prof sees evidence of actual programming California Professor Warns Of Leftist Plan To Destroy Humanity He wants to de-program young people (A satanic rug-eater, Janet Napolitano, is President of UC Berkeley. And many millennials are progammed by satanists): Millennials Are Lost, But Generation Z Is Ours
  5. Trump and Putin can Save the World from Globalism Aleksandr Dugin: Trump Is The Rebirth Of America Published on Feb 7, 2017 Alex Jones talks with Aleksandr Dugin about Donald Trump and how Trump is the rebirth of classic Americana. "Atlantean versus land-based civilizations"
  6. Jan Inflation at 2.7%; highest in 2 years - Business Insight Was slightly higher than Dec average of 2.6% Rises in: clothing, utilities, health, and education, alcohol & bev. showing a 5.6% rise This falls within the 2.3 to 3.2 percent forecast range... BSP "closely monitoring developments", including tax reforms The govt pans to hike excise taxes on cars to limit car sales (traffic congestion) Monthly Headline inflation: Mo. : 2016: 2017: 2018: 2019: J'18 : 1.3%: 2.7%: 3.4%: 4.4% : Feb : 0.9%: 3.3%: 3.8%: Mar : 1.1%: 3.4%: 4.3%: Apr. : 1.1%: 3.4%: 4.5%: May : 1.6%: 3.1%: 4.6%: Jun. : 1.9%: 2.7%: 5.2%: July : 1.9%: 2.8%: 5.7%: Aug : 1.8%: 3.1%: 6.4%: Sep : 2.3%: 3.4%: 6.7%: Oct : 2.3%: 3.5%: 6.7%: Nov : 2.5%: 3.5%: 6.0%: Dec : 2.6%: 3.6%: 5.1%: Ave.: 2.3%: 3.2%: 5.2%: Index <-- OLD—> <- NEW -> === 2016 : 2017 : 2018 : 2019 : /Qtr q1: 0.28%: 1.11% : 0.96%: q2: 0.52%: 0.49%: 1.19%: q3: 0.68%: 0.68%: 1.57%: q4: 0.82%: 0.88%: 1.48%: Yr: 2.30%: 3.16%: 5.20% /pa q1: 1.01%: 3.13%: 3.83%: q2: 1.53%: 3.10%: 4.77%: q3: 2.03%: 3.10%: 6.27%: q4: 2.47%: 3.16%: 5.93%:%: ======= SOURCE : https://psa.gov.ph/statistics/survey/price/summary-inflation-report-consumer-price-index-2006100-july-2017 Mo. -CPI- : -CPI- +chg% : ==: -2017 : -2018 +yoy% : J : 109.6 > 114.1 +4.0% : F : 110.1 > 115.0 +4.4% : M : 110.7 > 115.5 +4.3% : A : 111.1 > 116.1 +4.5% : M : 111.0 > 116.1 +4.6% : J : 111.0 : Jl: 111.1 : A : 111.4 : S : 112.1 : O : 112.3 : N : 112.8 : D : 113.1 : === >> https://tradingeconomics.com/philippines/consumer-price-index-cpi
  7. CONFIRMATION: Trump Is Draining The Pedophile Swamp Flooding Our Country Published on Feb 6, 2017 Donald Trump is keeping his promises, now going after the disgusting pedophile elite that have had control of our nation. / 2 / / 3 / PizzaGate Arrests + Historic Super Bowl Upset = 2017 Rocks Already! David Seaman
  8. A Street artist walking distance from Ayala Museum Message body Hi J---, Thanks for telling me about the Tam-awan Village artists. As promised, here is the photo of the street artist whose photo I snapped on my way to the Museum. This woman has an amazing eye for color harmony, don't you think? I wonder if there is anyway you can help each other: XXX, Premiere Member, ### THE STREET ARTIST of Don Bosco : Jhalanie Lava Matuan A mentioned this woman at the last Meetup. Almost every morning, she sits with her art outside the Don Bosco church. Though she has a tough life, she lives by sharing the beautiful dreamy images from the inside of her head. Look at these pictures - They are Joyful! (despite her hard life.) I cannot read her messages, which are written in her own language, but I am told they tell of an illness, and her need for money. And also maybe some past documentaries that she was in, or was involved in making. I give her a little money everytime I see her. And she gave me permission to take the above photo. I pass other beggars, and sometimes I give them money too. But not always. This one, I always give her something. Why? Because she wants to share something. She does not just want money. And it is inspiring that whatever challenges that she may be facing, she can still find beauty in life... and wants to share that. I would buy a picture too, if I had a place to hang it so others could see it, and may be be inspired too. == > was also posted on the MakatiPrime.com website, on the Philosophy thread
  9. Warehouse 8, off Chino Roces : > http://www.warehouse-eight.com/spaces/ Walk Through the Warehouse (of W8) Today, I visited warehouse 8, which is just off Chino Roces, in the second row of warehouses in a large complex. Most of the other warehouses are for art-galleries, furniture stores, and at least one "underground" music and night club venue. I spoke with kayla D, who is one of the owner managers of the space, and she was welcoming and freindly and gave me a good description of the W8 activities. During the day, up until 6-8pm they provide co-working spaces and small offices for start-ups and businesses. The basic cost is p500 per day, and there are savings if you sign up for 20 days within a month (35% discount), or 20 days withing three months (15% discount.) The space is relaxed, and there is also access to a coffee an dining area. Once I got signed on,m my internet connection worked well. The large internal space is also an events venue in evenings and on weekends. They have had as many as 150 people at musical events held there, though for that number, people will be sitting on the floor. Warehouse Eight sparked to life with the idea of providing a flexible and creative space for making ideas happen- be it a business or an event, we're the Warehouse in the artsy compound of La Fuerza Makati where Makers make. > http://www.warehouse-eight.com/about/
  10. Let's us pray that Ben is right . The long awaited arrests of cabailsts are supposed to start this week Posted by benjamin February 6, 2017 Multiple sources confirm that about 70 arrest warrants will be served on power brokers and politicians in Washinton DC, Virginia and New York this week shortly after Jeff Sessions is confirmed as US Attorney General. Among those to be arrested are Democratic Senators Chuck Schumer, Richard Blumenthal and Hillary Clinton’s vice-president pick Tim Kaine, Pentagon sources say. These arrests will follow 474 arrests that took place in California last week as a pedophile ring that served Hollywood and West Coast elites was taken down. It is interesting to note the California arrests were only reported by local news outlets and completely ignored by the big corporate networks. http://abc13.com/new...stings/1734315/ Former US President Bill Clinton is also reported to be “singing like a canary” and has provided evidence that will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton and many others, Pentagon sources say... > more: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=20798&page=7
  11. THE STREET ARTIST of Don Bosco A mentioned this woman at the last Meetup. Almost every morning, she sits with her art outside the Don Bosco church. Though she has a tough life, she lives by sharing the beautiful dreamy images from the inside of her head. Look at these pictures - They are Joyful! (despite her hard life.) I cannot read her messages, which are written in her own language, but I am told they tell of an illness, and her need for money. And also maybe some past documentaries that she was in, or was involved in making. I give her a little money everytime I see her. And she gave me permission to take the above photo. I pass other beggars, and sometimes I give them money too. But not always. This one, I always give her something. Why? Because she wants to share something. She does not just want money. And it is inspiring that whatever challenges that she may be facing, she can still find beauty in life... and wants to share that. I would buy a picture too, if I had a place to hang it. > Philosophy Club thread: LINK : http://tinyurl.com/FNPHIC
  12. To Those Worried About So Many World Leaders Visiting Antarctica Lately Published on Feb 5, 2017 Antarctica was once temperate and contains an enormous amount of energy and mineral wealth probably worth many trillions of dollars.
  13. Coast To Coast AM - February 3, 2017 New World Order, Ritual Abuse & Open Lines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKS7USKmPbI (I will comment after listening.)
  14. Well, I have selected controversial topics, where Videos are not allowed to stay public for long Listen while you can !
  15. High-end property firms Bullish, JLL says For properties above P 15mn, prices continue to rise "towards Singapore levels" Mr Lindsay Orr, PH chairman of JLL sees "pent-up demand for luxury... until the next 5 years" He points to Ayala's Park Central*, where the most pricey units are already fetching SG like prices - P300k psm !! Another developer, Net Group is very bullish on premium Office buildings. Their 7 bldgs in BGC are near 100% leased Orr of JLL thinks fears of a bubble are overdone, despite 1 million sq of completions to 2018. "Demand is increasing as well, " and he sees a balance over the next 3-4 years. (Notes from today's Manila Standard BUSINESS section) == > more: http://www.malaya.com.ph/business-news/business/residential-offices-filipinos-see-more-quality-developments Hmm. Methinks he has property to see for his clients, especially high end properties. What about the 10% vacancy rates, and falling rents? (in Makati) A true balance would not look like that. His comments may be more applicable to BGC, which given the tranport in-and-out issues, may be a market increasingly separated from Makati == * http://www.parkcentraltowers.com/
  16. More from Antarctica - announcements pending? Visit to Antarctica Confirms Discovery of Flash Frozen Alien Civilization only authorized narration of the article "Visit to Antarctica Confirms Discovery of Flash Frozen Alien Civilization", which was published on Exopolitics.org on January 24, 2017. The article is narrated by its author, Dr Michael Salla. News of findings to be "a distraction for trials of pedophile elites". Goode was taken there himself, to view the excavations (by an Anchara spacecraft.) Pre-Adamite bodies are tall and thin. Some with tails, and with elongated skulls Many bodies were twisted, suggest a flash-freezing disaster - as per Charles Hapgood. More info coming in Endgame-3
  17. More from Antarctica - announcements pending? Visit to Antarctica Confirms Discovery of Flash Frozen Alien Civilization only authorized narration of the article "Visit to Antarctica Confirms Discovery of Flash Frozen Alien Civilization", which was published on Exopolitics.org on January 24, 2017. The article is narrated by its author, Dr Michael Salla. News of findings to be "a distraction for trials of pedophile elites". Goode was taken there himself, to view the excavations (by an Anchara spacecraft.) Pre-Adamite bodies are tall and thin. Some with tails, and with elongated skulls Many bodies were twisted, suggest a flash-freezing disaster - as per Charles Hapgood. More info coming in Endgame-3
  18. Shift towards Office Space and Office use of Condos? ==== This is being talked about more and more, as the realty of OVERSUPPLY becomes more apparent in the Residential sector. The ads and articles will not tell you this, but the Vacancy rate for Residential flats in Makati is now probably over 10% - versus maybe 1% of Office space. And this comes at a time, when Residential completions are running at record levels: In 2017, perhaps 25-30% will be added to Residential condo supply. Even a remarkable take-up rate of more than 20%, is likely to push up the vacancy rate to 15% or more by the end of 2017. This does not bode well for Rents and prices of residential flats. As developers are seeing resistance to further price rises, they are beginning to push the concept of Home-Offices, Small-Office/Home-Office (SOHO), and mixed use. So we are seeing articles with headlines like this: ( SS-53, in Manila Bulletin, 2/2/2017) Lack of space in metro pushes developers to go 'mixed use' "For decades, the term 'mixed use' was utilized by developers to inform buyers that a home or unit the are purchasing is not only for residential use but may be for commercial use too." ... most prominent reason... the traffic situation is not getting better... cars on the roads are doubling or tripling on roads that are not expanding... ... moving from Makati to Quezon City takes over an hour when it should be a 20 minutes drive Considering this, developers have encouraged the rise of SOHOs or the "small office, home office" concept. With their buildings equiped with Internet fiber connections, working at home suddenly seems possible. Online conferencing is doable and online selling becomes a lucrative endeavor. ... everything a resident needs is just a few steps - or even an elevator ride - away ... For relaxation, there's a roof deck; for personal needs, there's a coffee shop, a courier, a clinic at ground level. ... For businesses, the mixed use building even has spaces such as conference rooms, audio-visual rooms, even a private theater Some projects mentioned in the article include: + Rockwell Primaries' The Vantage at Kapitolyo in Pasig : with a 2-storey retail area + Greenfield's Zitan Residences, which is directly connected to the metro, and has fiber connectivity + Ayala Quezon City development has been called "a city within the city", where mixed use living is highly practical
  19. Awareness of the ED nature of evil is spreading, even on media outlets like Infowars And the Trump presidency is ushering moves AGAINST pedophiles Police Move Against Pedophile Networks Nationwide as Trump Takes Off Published on Feb 1, 2017 The police have had enough with the disgusting elites that have been abusing children for years and they are now moving against them with inspiration from Donald Trump. "this is psychic vapire-ism... there is something extra dimensional behind this." "the dark forces that control this planet are feeding off fear and children's terror" === Acore members should check out this thread: The Illuminati Eye, is the Left Eyehttp://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=19607
  20. ALL THE PEOPLE? - an end to the domination of the news by "elite" reporters Wow, As promised Trump's Press secretary, Sean Spicer, is taking questions from Skype Sean Spicer Takes FIRST EVER Skype Questions At White House Daily Briefing During the press conference, he took FOUR questions via Skype. And there were from broadcasters in places like Cleveland and Appalachia, which are OUTSIDE the Washington Bubble. Are we really starting to see government for ALL the people? (it must have been a wakeup for the Washington Compost and the NY Slimes reporters, whose jobs are now under threat)
  21. Paracas expert, Brien Foerster speaks about Elongated skulls - he has his own book on Akhenaten "Was there an Atlantis?" Disappeared about 11,700-11,900 years ago Paracas Elongated Skulls & Akhenaten Heretic or Hero? - Brien Foerster Advanced civilizations were completely destroyed (another video about the Egypt / Elongated skull connection): Things Archaeologists Won't Touch - Elongated Skulls and Pyramids Published on Nov 9, 2016 How hard is it to make stones the size of massive boulders (molds), that appear as normal stone? What kind of technology would that take? Look at the Hoover Dam being built to get a rough idea of what kind of man power, and unknown machine / technology, that it took to build the pyramids. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDz7i... Monolithic stones and elongated skulls. What you've been told is very far from the truth. Aliens? Giants? Nephilim? Advanced technology is the only reasoning for many of the structures that are being pushed further into history so that they may be forgotten and left to become ashes in the desert. Learn why those whom are baffled by that which is revealed, time, and time, again, throughout the entire earth, and history. Made for content, critique, debate and research. Brian Foerster , his site http://www.ancient-origins.net
  22. The Atlantean Pharoahs (in Egypt) were Coneheads, with elongated skulls AKHENATEN DISCOVERY CHANGES HISTORY FOREVER! DARK JOURNALIST & DR. CARMEN BOULTER There are 80,000 pyramids in the world - with many important ones clustered on the 33 points "that Plato spoke about" Four Global Disasters - revealed in her documentary 11,600 years ago 17,500 years ago 58,000 years ago 85,000 years ago major ancient civilizatons: mayan , vedic, chinese, sumerian, greek - sent out from atlantis? Her Atlantis was in JAVA (subud?), at the heart of the ring of fire
  23. SWEDEN is F--- ed ! (while the US may be saved) Apocalypse_Later -10 hours ago Sweden is dying, press F to pay respects. 574 LIKES ! x 133 replies (from under THIS video):
  24. Corey Goode : health attacked David Wilcock 18 hrs · COREY GOODE HEALTH UPDATE: HOME AND STABLE Corey posted the following on his Sphere Being Alliance FB page about two hours ago: “I woke up a few minutes ago. I am feeling super weak and exhausted and have a massive headache. I am doing much better. Thank you all for the prayers and healing energy. I ended up leaving the Emergency Room against medical advice (AMA) because of the super long wait. After the EKG was done and it was obvious I wasn’t going to “keel over” the Dr. had me go to the waiting room. After a long wait and a man and woman came into the lobby and projectile vomited we decided it was time to leave. I will be going to my family Doctor on Monday to get fully checked out. Again, thank you all. No need to worry… Corey Goode” None of these symptoms are “normal” for our trips to Colorado, which Corey has been doing about once every 5-6 weeks for two years. I can also confirm that he was eating normal, healthy food on this trip. Thank you for stepping up and adding your healing energy to this cause. I very rarely try to use that power publicly but this was of critical significance. Based on all the surrounding evidence there may well have been some sort of attack here. Thankfully with our support, whatever was used wasn’t strong enough to take him down. Furthermore, Universal Law states that once an attack like this is attempted, many positives can be authorized to occur in the aftermath. For this same reason we may have some even more impressive breakthroughs that emerge in the aftermath of this near-miss. Thanks again for helping us out in this crisis. I am fine and have had nothing unusual happen to me. https://www.facebook.com/DivineCosmosConvergence/videos/10154996733449549/ Part 1 Mt Shasta Secret Space Program Conference – Corey Goode Presentation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfQ_jN1yo7I Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnvSpMa-DR8&t=332s Comment by accuchip on January 28, 2017 @ 9:52 pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Finishing part 2 now. Well worth the time. Artists renderings of Inner Earth very striking. No wonder they don’t want us in there. Very pristine. After Corey’s ‘mind meld’ with Karee, he dropped all pharmaceutical usage with no problems, changed his diet, dropped a lot of weight. It sounds like he’s being prepared so he will make the ascension. Unlike most of the rest of us. How about ‘mind melds’ for us too, eh?
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