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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. DrRAM was interviewed by Solaris Blueraven last night (SAT). I think the interview will be posted here soon: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT-dVNNo3mCx3U3QU2Vk4Vw Previous Appearance : Ravenstar's Witching Hour 04-5-2014 Dr.RAM- Hr.2 NEW INTERVIEW 09-28-14 – Ravenstar's Witching Hour 09-28-2014 - Hour One http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3Am3H2MsSk
  2. (I'm happy to see this interview has happened, with just a gentle touch of help - at 20 mins.): "One of the BEST EVER" ! - Jimmy calls it Wow ! Ep.129 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ Dr. Richard Alan Miller THE REAL X-Files LIVE on air = = Published on Sep 26, 2014 Dr. Richard Alan Miller, our guest was the inspiration for Fox Mulder of the X-Files and was the original consultant on the set for Chris Carter. This is truly one of the best conversations ever on FADE to BLACK and Richard and Jimmy cover everything from ET to an event that may happen in 2050. The listeners liked it, per Tweets. One said: "He's like a smarter version of Richard C. Hoagland
  3. Will the Philippines be one of those locations "making their Marque"? === Yes. They are ... as the country gets included in the new 32-page Property Special from the Financial Times... The second line says: ... "Branded residences are redefining nascent property markets from Panama to Phuket, as well as casting a fresh gleam over eclipsed locations," / "Wealthy buyers, especially those from Asia, the Middle East, and South America, looking for alternative havens for their cash have packed their bags... In markets where buyers don't know who to trust, branding has a distinct merit..." - and they go on to discuss: + Century Property Group's Century Spire - in Makati, Manila - by Daniel Libeskind ... comparing it to: + W Apartments in Israel's Jaffa + Hyatt Regency in Vietnam + Bodrum and Mackra residences in Istanbul, managed by Kempinski Other new "property hotspots" from Panama to Phuket (yeah: PH is between those two) = The points mentioned in the discussion of Century Spire are: + A 60-storey mixed use office and residential tower + Prices starting at US$220,000 for a 35sqm suite ("one of the highest for this rapidly growing market") + Due to open in 2018. "Pre-sales reached 60 percent before launch in May 2014" + "Here we had to sell the Philippines... to understand why here, why now" + "A project like this elevates a country and contributes to nation building" (yeah. sure) + The full concierge package is said to be a big plus: Hotel living, without "worry about maintenance" == NOTES - from How To Spend It - FT: 9/27/2014
  4. Dream of Green City for the Philippines - WSJ . In the Clark Freeport Zone, has been proposed a Philippines city of the future, using a new green blueprint, proposed by the Bases Conversion and Development Authority, and its president, Arnel Casanova (a 44 year old Harvard grad.) They are aiming to avoid the existing result, where "urban centers are polluted, congested, and sprawling out of control." To avoid this, the planned Green City has been carefully masterplanned. They will have: "seven parts open, to three part development." And it will take 25 years to complete the plan. Already, many foreign co's have been attracted to the CFZ, seeking low cost labor, with good training, and certain tax benefits. There is also the possibility of 100% ownership for foreign firms. They hope to see CFZ one day house four million Filipinos, and produce $36 billion in GDP, 4% of the country's total. But that is decades away. "Between now and 2030, we will need 100 new cities," says the founder of Manila based architecture firm Palafox Associates. They are said to be trying to replicate the quality of life in Singapore, though this remains a challenge. And one of the objectives is to decongest Manila. Getting companies to move there is not easy. They want to know that highways, power supply, water and other utilities are in place before committing to move. The former airforce base has the advantage of having some of the key infrastructure already there. So they are getting strong interest from potential Japanese, Korean, and US corporate tenants. There is a sense of urgency. The development authority wants to get the plan underway while President Aquino is still in power. The first phase, called Green City, covering 1,321 hectares will cost $1.35 billion to develop from now to 2019. The farmers are the land that is part of the longer term development plan doubt they will share in the benefits, though the BCDA says, "the big winner will be the Philippines itself."
  5. Steven Greer explains-- why his group is working on Free Energy technologies "If ET's came here, it was NOT through sub-liminal travel.... And super-liminal travel, as means multi-dimensional capabiities... Anti-gravity, and Free Energy..." Dr Greer's Introduction to Free Energy - Part 1 = =
  6. (from Ben Fulford): The Rockefeller Brothers Fund announced last week they were getting out of the oil business and into renewable energy. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/22/us/heirs-to-an-oil-fortune-join-the-divestment-drive.html?_r=0 It may also be why a French bank issued a report last week saying $100 billion invested in renewable energy would produce four times more energy than the same amount of money invested in oil. "... the foundation would first divest its assets from industries involved in coal and tar sands mining, followed by a more gradual disengagement from other fossil fuel stocks..." http://www.impactlab.net/2014/09/18/100b-invested-in-wind-or-solar-will-produce-more-energy-than-oil/
  7. Dr. Richard Alan Miller - NASA The Future Of War & GEO-Engineering - Disclosure Media https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-N6HvRk6vM Published on Jul 7, 2014 Little Known NASA Documents Reveal Mission of Military and Federal Agencies to Modify the Climate Author and researcher Dr. Richard Alan Miller reveals a depth of knowledge and experience in Alternative Agriculture, Physics, and Metaphysics. Miller began working in the secret world of Navy Intel (Seal Corp. and then MRU) in the late 60s, and now has amazing experiences and conclusions to share.
  8. I agree. But you have to wonder who inside the bank signs off on such rubbish, and thinks it might attract customers
  9. Want to know what the geniuses at Citigroup Private Banking - are thinking about HK Real Estate these days? (This from today's Advert Insert on Private Banking, pg.6): "While the prices of small-to-medium sized flats have surged, units in luxury housing projects in Hong Kong are expected to enjoy strengthening demand, riding on the positive economic conditions backed by stable to buoyant developments in the stock market, steady rates, and low unemployment." (They go on to mention London, as a "popular" place for investment properties.) == - How's that, for soberly assessing the risks in the present environment? Is this supposed to be an AD for their expertise? Who thinks that?
  10. A Greening of Makati / and Manila ? (newer article - data thru Q3): Makati cuts down garbage by 47% in 1st 9 months of 2014 GMA News- 28 Nov 2014 Makati City has cut by nearly half the volume of garbage it collected for ... . . . City Department of Environmental Services head Danilo Villas said this was due to recycling projects and effective waste segregation in households and business establishments. The city said that from January to September 2014, the city diverted 1,946.69 cubic meters or 4.68 million kilos of solid waste from the landfill, and cut by 40 percent the number of trips made by garbage collection trucks. Also, the city's Ordinance No. 2003-095 fines violators P1,000 or jails them for between five and 30 days. It fines erring establishments P5,000 or jails the owner, or even causes the business permit or license to be canceled. . . . From January to September, the Baratilyo diverted 114,155 kilos of waste and generated around P771,000 in revenue. Plastic ban The city's plastic ban also sustained a high rate of compliance at 94.06 percent, compared to 92 percent rating for the first six months of implementation in 2013.
  11. Beats Tokyo, I suppose. (Minus the nuclear risk.) But to each his own, I suppose. Why the aggression? I haven't been pushing you to buy, just collecting tons of detail, for both the curious and serious. If you want to do the same for Japan, I will read with interest == (#2): Jake, Every location has its positive and negative points. The whole of Japan is not exposed to the same risk as Tokyo, anymore than the whole of Philippines being exposed to the risk issues you have listed. I posted about the Volcano, because I wanted people to be aware of this risk, and also know that it was over 200 miles South of Manila, which is a very long distance for lava flow, if it came to that
  12. Scottish property market will stir back to life following referendum to stay in UK This is Money - ‎3 hours ago‎ Some brokers said buyers were even making offers which were conditional on a No vote, while there were also warnings mortgage deals would have become harder to obtain if Scotland did become independent.
  13. Don Harrold : "We are Not at the Bottom... But I am buying" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iijtvxsOq2I "My Target is $13-16... I think there are at least even odds we will get there"
  14. Bullish noises from Bill Murphy "We are going to go quickly from the Outhouse to the Penthouse" Bill Murphy: "Shorts are Petrified" = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPvIrM7_2BU = Look out, when it crosses $22. If Silver gets out of control on the upside, it is going to trigger a crisis... Will happen sometime this fall "From here to the Moon." "Business is terrible... except the Big guys." =================== Not many fresh ideas there - this one is more interesting Bo Polny: Gold Will Be The "Greatest Trade in History"= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsXtGBR8Zm4 = "$2,000 for Gold is the most likely case, BEFORE the end of the Year"
  15. Probably, it is reduced supply. People who previously had rented (because they could not sell), are going to try to sell again, and prefer to offer up an empty flat. The rising price trend came suddenly, and this may be a reaction
  16. Rents hit record high at 50 major HK estates - SCMP Further increase is likely after 2.1pc gain amid strong demand + Rose 2.1% m-on-m, to HK$26.43 psf + Leasing transactions active, at 1,082 flats, but down 12% from July (1,225) + Higher prices resulted in fewer flats beiung released for rental + At Taikoo Shing, only 100 flats available, down from "normal" 200 flats
  17. The Silver Sentiment Cycle — Turnaround Coming? Filed in Precious Metals by SRSrocco on September 16, 2014 • 9 Comments 1972-1979 2008 - 2014 According to the work of Gary Christenson, the price movement of silver over the past several years resembles what took place during the 1970′s, when silver shot up to nearly $50 in 1979. Gary provides some excellent charts showing similar silver sentiment cycles during the 1972-1979 & 2008-2014 time periods. The Silver Sentiment Cycle by […] "After silver rallied to the then astounding price of $6.40 in early 1974, it crashed back to $3.80 and then traded sideways for 2 years. Less than 3 years later it had briefly traded at $50.00, due to a combination of inflation, debt and deficits, political issues, conflict with the USSR, fear, a market corner, and dollar weakness. After rallying to another “unthinkable” price of nearly $50 in 2011, silver crashed to about $18.50. However, in another 3 -5 years, perhaps in 2017 – 2019, I expect silver will have rallied to $50, $100 or maybe $300 or more, due to a combination of multiple wars, unpayable debts, inflation, deficits, bailouts, bail-ins, massive “money printing,” inflationary expectations, QE, potential hyperinflation, considerable fear, currency wars, counter-party risk, political issues, derivatives, conflict with Russia, economic and dollar weakness, and the weakening or outright loss of the dollar’s global reserve currency status. We know that financial television (and others) expect (hope) the S&P to rally and silver to collapse, but we must remember who pays the bills for financial television, buys the advertising, and supports the various fictions in our current economic and political environment. Along with many others, I expect that silver will rally for the next 3 – 7 years."
  18. Nothing Much left... "Sub-HK$ 3M flats in rapid decline" -SCMP Headline . Buyers have to settle for either "ageing properties or tiny flats in old districts" "Nearly impossible to buy a new flat with this budget, except the tiny apartments at Cheung Kong's Mont Vert in Tai Po." (and I am not recommending those) "... would likely be in properties that are more than 20 years old in Yuen Long, Tuen Mun, or in Tsuen Wan.'" Wealth Property, a realtor focused on mass homes in Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung, and Sha Tin, said the number of flats at this budget have fallen significantly because most owners have raised their asking prices.
  19. Lava flows from Philippine volcano; thousands flee SFGate - ‎25 minutes ago‎ MANILA, Philippines (AP) - The Philippines' most active volcano belched out huge lava fragments that rolled about a kilometer (half a mile) down its slope in an ongoing gentle eruption, prompting authorities to evacuate thousands of villagers, officials said ... . . . The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology has warned that a "hazardous eruption" of Mount Mayon, located in the eastern Philippines, is possible within weeks. . . . Mount Mayon, a popular tourist site known for its near-perfect cone, lies in coconut-producing Albay province, about 340 kilometers (210 miles) southeast of Manila. The provincial disaster operations center reported Wednesday that nearly 24,000 people from villages within an 8-kilometer (5-mile) radius from the crater had been evacuated.
  20. A confirmation of the analysis in the Video? The recent jump in the premium is very similar to what was seen 2X previously, prior to Silver price rises:
  21. Silver Squeeze Video - just out I think the potential for a Silver Squeeze is high. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iUTLPEyUyg However, we need a reversal of commodity price deflation before anything can get started. The CRB cycle could bottom any day now. And if not, the Central Banks will be under big pressure to reverse the deflation which has hit the markets in Q3. DATA POINTS: SLV-Silver: Jun.27, 2013 L: $17.75 / Sep.12, 2014 L: $17.76 ("Double Bottom") SGE Inventory: Mar.2013 1,143 MT / Aug.2014 103 MT (=2.9mn oz., -91%) GLD-Gold : Dec 31, 2013 L: 114.46 / Sep.12, 2014 : 118.38 (Up only +3.4%) CRB-Gold : Nov 19, 2013 L: 272.47 / Sep.12, 2014 : 280.61 (Up only +3.0%) ======= Organ Interview : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZwSiHBxm0c
  22. THE LATEST SMASHDOWN - A Turn? From Silver Doctors / Silver : $18.67 - $0.07 MP3 : http://media.blubrry.com/silverdoctors/p/content.blubrry.com/silverdoctors/911_Researcher_Tod_Fletcher_on_The_1.mp3 Podcast: Play in new window | Download On the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy, Tod Fletcher of Consensus911.org joins us for a power packed show, discussing: Latest PM smash as gold trades down towards $1225 and silver breaks $18.50: did the metals FINALLY bottom overnight Thursday into Friday, or is a capitulation crash coming on the Sunday night Globex session? First signs of renewed silver shortage appear along with DOZENS of new FIRST TIME SILVER BUYERS contacting SDBullion to enter the market Thursday and into Friday- a sign the 3 year correction is ending? The smoking gun that 9/11 is a Conspiracy FACT Tod reveals his view on the MOTIVES behind the largest False Flag attack in US history- was it war, the security/surveillance state, gold theft/cover up, OR ALL3? "Best physical demand since May... Many first time buyers entering."
  23. USA Prepares Radio Show (Commercial Free AUDIO) Thursday September 11 2014: Rick is very Angry about the various ways he is being aggressed against = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oGDV6l8mBw = Published on 11 Sep 2014 Dr. Richard Alan Miller - Cold Fusion, Structured Water, WiFi Protected Clothing, X-Flare, Cold Winter ... and Power Tools for the 21st Century... On the positive side, he sees Fullerines (in Water), as the key to Cold Fusion
  24. Richard Dolan on Advanced Extraterrestrial Raceshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dy2ZDyYFe3Y Published on Sep 5, 2014 Richard Dolan examines the UFO coverup and its far-reaching implications of a breakaway civilization. In this video, they cover Dolan's 20 years of research into the black budget, ET history, alien contact, advanced technology, off-world space programs, and much more!
  25. Done ! The FRINGE has been moved to the A-Core section MORE on the ACore section : http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=5521 ACore also has a web-page : http://tinyurl.com/Acore-site
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