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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. That is completely unfair, Jake. This isn't blind belief. Have you even bothered to look at the links and evidence that I have painstakingly collected? If you haven't, then please do so, then maybe we can have a sensible conversation (I HATE WASTING TIME, collecting info for people who won't even review it !) I get fed up with skeptics who have "made their minds up", and won't look at anything. And then maybe after they spend a few seconds of looking, they come back with some lame-brained nonsense. Again, and again, and again...The skeptic views, expressed here and supported by nothing but MSM-inspired lies have been overturned. EXAMPLE: I thought about (how some GEI skeptics were being proven wrong) when I listened to a fascinating C2C interview with a NASA insider scientist, Richard B. Hoover, concerning Panspermia: C2C: Aug,24th (ignore the title. Prof. Hoover comes on before the Rockefeller discussion, which is unrelated*) Coast To Coast AM - August 24, 2014 Plankton in Space* / Abduction of Michael Rockefeller = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSyFXUmDgas = You may recall that there was a debate here about Panspermia maybe 2-3 years ago. This podcast, and the quality of the NASA guy's background support my comment that Panspermia is a much better argument than (what I consider to be a silly and unsupportable) notion that Life emerged from "primordial soup" DISCLOSURE WITHOUT THE GOVERNMENT I think Disclosure is being made in bits and pieces in so many places, it is becoming harder and harder for the average citizen of our planet to ignore the reality of ET contacts. I wonder how many people will be left to be surprised when Big-D Disclosure is finally made? === === *Notes from the C2C website: http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2014/08/24 Plankton in Space In the first hour, Richard B. Hoover, who established the Astrobiology Research Group at the NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in 1997, shared new evidence from famous Russian cosmonaut Vladimir Solovyev that marine plankton were discovered alive on the outside of the windows of the Russian section of the ISS. He dismissed theories that the plankton was carried to the ISS from Earth's oceans via air currents and suggested, rather, that they are actually proof of microorganisms which "live and grow" within the watery interior of comets. He surmised that, as comets heat up, these creatures are expelled and, along with ice and water droplets, form the comet's tail. Since the ISS frequently passes through debris fields created by these comet tails, Hoover posited that to be the likely origin for the plankton found on the ISS windows.
  2. "Maybe it's all BS?" It's not BS, Jake. The evidence is overwhelming. Last year (Spring 2013) there was a Citizens Hearing on Disclosure. and 4-5 ex Congressmen gathered for 5 days, and an array of evidence was presented by various experts, including many ex-military people. Most of them came in as skeptics. and all were convinced by the evidence. Here's a short 10 minute Video from the Citizens Hearing: Dolan: "Disclosure is a paradox... Impossible, but still inevitable." MORE : http://www.citizenhearing.org/ Then, you can look at the historical information. Fade-to-Black has done a week-plus of Broadcasts on Roswell Major Jesse Marcell being forced to display the fake weather balloon "evidence" from the Roswell Crash There was a day with : an interview of Bill Birnes and two grandchildren of Jesse Marcell; ... and there was a day with Don Schmidtt, who used to work with famous debunker Hayek, and he and Hayek came around and became believers in the UFO phenomenom before Hayek passed. Episode #115 : Don Schmidtt (Jump to 1:08 Hours): Where Don Schmidt says: "Walter Hout admitted, not only had he seen the wreckage... He saw the CRAFT, and the remains of the bodies, the NON-HUMAN BODIES that had been recovered at Roswell." Ask yourself, if this was nothing but a weather balloon, why did the US military make such massive efforts to hide everything? (If you have discernment, you will understand something important happened at Roswell.) The evidence is there, and it is strong enough to convince virtually everyone who takes the time to look carefully, except for the "professional debunkers", who get paid, or are threatened to support the cover-up. (BTW, I consider the sudden leap-frogging of US technology: transistor, fiber-optics, etc. to be another possible confirmation.) With respect to Roswell, Jimmy Church, the host of Fade to Black, asked his guests what they thought was the single piece of evidence that they found most convincing, to this, there were THREE main answers: 1/ The personal testimony of the Eye Witnesses, given their reputation for honesty (The Marcels said this) 2/ The Press Report that came out just after the Crash happened (Jimmy Church referred to this again and again). LINK : http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc1256.htm 3/ The sealed statement from Walter Haught, signed before he died (and given to his family) LINK :http://ufos.about.com/od/uforelateddocuments/a/hautaffidavit.htm#&newsissues Here's an EXCERPT from Haut / Haught's statement - It think it could be a bit mind-blowing to those who are non-believers ============ (12) Before leaving the base, Col. Blanchard took me personally to Building 84 [AKA Hangar P-3], a B-29 hangar located on the east side of the tarmac. Upon first approaching the building, I observed that it was under heavy guard both outside and inside. Once inside, I was permitted from a safe distance to first observe the object just recovered north of town. It was approx. 12 to 15 feet in length, not quite as wide, about 6 feet high, and more of an egg shape. Lighting was poor, but its surface did appear metallic. No windows, port holes, wings, tail section, or landing gear were visible. (13) Also from a distance, I was able to see a couple of bodies under a canvas tarpaulin. Only the heads extended beyond the covering, and I was not able to make out any features. The heads did appear larger than normal and the contour of the canvas suggested the size of a 10 year old child. At a later date in Blanchard's office, he would extend his arm about 4 feet above the floor to indicate the height. ============ As you may know, "Death bed confessions" as this may be characterized, are considered highly credible evidence in a court of law. Former Yale Law professor, Bill Birnes, says this is what convinced him. I have looked into the UFO/ET controversy in great detail, there is far too much good quality evidence IMHO, to believe that this is anything other than the Truth, which the US and other governments have worked hard to cover up. I think people who read GEI, and know how careful and how honest I am, should pay attention to my opinion, listen to the Video in the Original Post, and if they want to form their own opinion, invest some serious time in researching the evidence... starting with the Citizens Hearing and the other material here. ===
  3. Wilcock is certainly someone who takes the discussion of our Post Disclosure Future forward Contact in the Desert 2014 - David Wilcock - UFO & ALIEN Documentary = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMZobMQKiu8 = Photos of Six-fingered control panels from Roswell Stanton Friedman wouldn't dare show something like that ! DW talks about some technologies that came out of the crashed UFO at Roswell: solid state transistors, fiber options, LED lights Ascension to being "Light beings" - is that our possible future (as per Tibet): Nyala Pema Dundul - attained Rainbow Body in from of 500 people (1872) (there's also a second presentation at the same conference) ... JUMP in at 1:10 Hours, and hear about a fascinating episode in the 1950's: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IN7cRXFGyQU UFO's flew over Washington, and official military sources covered it up, but they sought contacts with ordinary people, and this was achieved in 1952. Many interest things - still highly relevant today - were learned. And a scientist called W.B. Smith was deeply involved, and had questionaires, where he learned many things about ET visitors. Some messages were channelled by a woman, who the US govt found very interesting, and they wrote a report on her information, which said that the ET's had 5,000 huge motherships, which could visit Earth. There were supposedly negotiations with the govt about using the ships for a 1950's Disclosure Towards the end, he talks about George Von Tassel, and the large conferences from the 1950's. At the end, he talks about shifts in the length of the year (370 days), the Moon leaving Earth orbit, after a major pulse ("a flash") from the Sun, which will also change humans vibrationally
  4. Here's a more conventional "take" on Disclosure Issues (along with some old "war stories") = Alien Contact Are We Ready - Stanton Friedman = 2014 Debate 2013 Roswell Documentary UFO Interview = (At 75 years or older), He's still arguing the merits of old UFO cases. With his extensive background in that area, that's no surprise. But, isn't it time to move the discussion forward?
  5. SLIDES from the Presentation: FOUR BARRIERS to Disclosure ... Guy Fox presentation for the coming/proposed conference: "Our Post-Disclosure Future"... 0 1 2 3 4 All 4B
  6. I couldn't find that interview, Here's one he did with GoldSeek in May (they were then talking about Gold's underperformance) ... and a more recent one, from the end of August
  7. The Winner's Curse is Real Lottery win: the curse of the jackpot A lottery win is life-changing, but not always in a good way Gillian and Adrian Bayford from Haverhill, Suffolk won £148.6 million on the EuroMillions jackpot Winning the lottery may seem like a fairytale, but for some, scooping the jackpot would have felt more like a curse. Past winners have ended up squandering windfalls, divorcing their partners and even being sent to jail. Recent winner Adrian Bayford, 43, who won £149 million in August 2012, split from his wife of nine years just 15 months after claiming the EuroMillions jackpot. Now he is reportedly planning to marry a stable girl, Samantha Burridge, who is 16 years his junior, after knowing her for just six weeks. . . . Michael Carroll, dubbed the “lotto lout”, was just 19 when he won £10 million on the National Lottery in 2002. He is said to have frittered away his fortune on drink, drugs and fast cars before being forced to take a job in a factory to make ends meet. Carroll was given an ASBO for terrorising his neighbours and he was jailed for five months in 2004 after failing to comply with a drug treatment order imposed as part of a sentence for cocaine possession and in February 2006 he was jailed for nine months for affray. . . . Dave and Anglea Dawes went on a spending spree and gave out their money to friends after they won £101m in 2011. However, they reportedly split two years after scooping the jackpot following rows about how to spend their fortune. Another winner, Stuart Donnelly, took home £2m at the age of just 17. Friends said his instant riches made him unhappy, and he appeared increasingly unable to handle the strain of being a millionaire. He was found dead at his home in 2010 after living as a recluse. == > http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/celebritynews/10705203/Lottery-win-the-curse-of-the-jackpot.html > More Lottery stories: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/curse-lottery-jackpot-winners-prove-3262914 === === The problem is: People do not know how to live in a world of vastly different expectations. So they wind up arguing with partners, family, and old friends about what to do with the windfall. And they lose tough with "ordinary life, and can no longer live a life of responsible ordinary-ness
  8. Bassett, Dolan, Wilcock : Four Main barriers to ET Disclosure ? ========= VIDEO ... 4-Bars Image ============================== THE FOUR BARRIERS: ========= + Fear of Little Green Men + Legal risks for Insiders + The dark secret of ET's + The Winners Curse, and the need for education ============================== ( Transcript of Video ) Disclosure of an Extra-terrestrial presence on Earth is an old topic, It has been discussed and predicted for years. Various Deadlines have come and gone. And we have yet to see Disclosure "with a Capital-D" . Steve Basset defines this as a moment where the President of the US, or perhaps the head of state of another major country, appears in front of TV cameras, and announces that his government is having ongoing contacts with ETs. Clearly, this has not happened. The big question I want to explore in this video is: Why not? Speakers at UFO Conferences, people like Stephen Bassett, Richard Dolan, and David Wilcock say: "we are ready for disclosure". And political advisers like John Podesta have also said the same thing. Many people have offered detailed analysis about what may happen if we see Disclosure. Richard Dolan's book, After Disclosure is probably the seminal book on this subject. And I tip my hat to all of them for their research and deep thinking on this topic. I am not aiming to criticize the work of anyone, but I would like to put a different emphasis on some of the issues, and give my own explanation of what issues I believe may be preventing the US government from making Full Disclosure. In my own review of this topic, I have identified Four Main barriers to Disclosure. Some of these you may have heard before, But perhaps not all four. Stephen Bassett may be right, that Disclosure could be forced upon the President, under certain circumstances. He is working hard to engineer the political environment that would make it virtually impossible for the US delay Disclosure any longer. In fact, he is predicting what he calls, "An End to the Truth Embargo," as soon as next year, in the early months after the 2014 election when his efforts may be in full swing.. But I believe this major event will continue to be resisted with full vigor, unless and until some way can be found to cope with the major issues surrounding the Four main obstacles. I have will give each of these barriers, a short and memorable name. This way, others may comment on these barriers in the notes to the Video. The first I call the "Fear of Little Green Men". This is perhaps the easiest barrier for us to get past. But it was not always so. In the 1950's shortly after the Roswell crash, there was a rash of UFO sightings. There was a fear that beings looking very different from humans would arrive in flying saucers, and threaten our planet. Much of the fear was associated with their appearance. How could we trust, or "do business as usual" with beings that look so different from us? If you look at at the films of the time, you will see these creatures arriving and threatening humans with their weapons. Since then, we have had decades of films showing creatures of various shapes and descriptions. And we have become accustomed to the idea that humans can work with creatures who do not look with us. Think of the Vulcans and Klingons in the Star Trek series, and the cute visitors in the film, ET the Extraterrestrial. What was once scary, has now become commonplace in our imaginations. And the Pope is even talked about how the church would be willing to baptize beings from outer space. The fear, based solely on the different look of ET visitors, has faded. And when people say, "We are ready for Disclosure," this is what they may be talking about. It is no longer the biggest barrier. Hollywood films and TV series have reduced its impact. The second barrier involves the Fears of those managing the cover-up. I call it the "Legal Risks for Insiders" barrier... During the many decades of the Truth Embargo, lies have been told, people have been threatened, and some lives have been lost, to hide the Truth of ET's. Insiders are worried that if disclosure happens, they may suddenly be at risk of legal action, Some may even be accused of murder, and other serious crimes. This could be one of the biggest barriers, preventing military and civilian insiders from supporting disclosure. Some pushing for disclosure, such as Dr Courtney Brown and Col. John Alexander, have suggested a general amnesty be offered. And Richard Dolan has also spoken positively about such an idea, saying it would remove the need to ask one of the most obvious questions: WHO has been running the cover-up, and why? This is a very awkward question for those in the Shadow Government, So maybe we have an answer in the general amnesty. But if we have an amnesty, we need to draw a line: Once the amnesty has been granted, all infractions after that date would no longer be forgiven. And some very serious hitsorical criminality, such as mass murder, might not be eligible for a pardon at all. Careful consideration of the issue, and an announcement of the Amnesty at the same time as Disclosure, may remove this important barrier. The third barrier, relates to the Agenda of the ETs themselves. I call it the "Dark Secrets of the ET's." Many different species are said to have had contact on our planet. Some are benevolent, and some are said to be hostile. The shocking thing, that many may not want to hear is that some species of ET may have an Agenda to exploit humans. The possible forms of exploitation range from using human DNA, obtained through abductions, to using human/ET hybrids as slaves, to preying upon humans as a food supply. Such information may be very tough for humans to accept, especially if governments cannot provide a solution and/or convincing promises of security. A widespread sharing of such dark secrets could lead to panic and/or even a breakdown of social order. The sort of chaos that was expected in the 1950's, simply from the look of ET's, might come if we all panic when we learn some of them have a dark agenda, and they truly are dangerous to us. The way to remove this barrier to Disclosure is to formulate some protections, and to share an understanding of why such dark agendas may exist. Clearly, neither the people of the Earth, not its government, should be prepared to see humans harvested routinely as food for ET's. But if such things are going on, we should forge alliances with other ET's that can help prevent it. And our government should also tell people how to minimize the risk. If the risk already exists in our present world, isn't it better if our government admitted it, and find helped us to take precautions, rather than having people snatched with no warning, and no understanding that the risk exists? This one requires a bit of courage and a commitment to honesty. As John Podesta said: "It's time to find out what is the Truth out there... We ought to do it because it's right, and the American people can handle the Truth." The fourth barrier that I have identified may not sound like a problem, at first, or a reason to delay disclosure. But if you think more deeply, it is. I have never heard anyone speak of it as a problem. This one, relates to how to fears over how the public might behave in a Post-Disclosure world. I call it "the Winner's Curse." It arises when people suddenly gain something positive, like a financial windfall, and it changes their expectations and their behavior. It is often seen with Lottery Winners, who suddenly have more money than they ever dreamed. Typically, they will quit their jobs, and go on a spending spree. And the expectations and demands of those around them will change too. From this windfall, we often see negative things: marriages breakdown, the fortunate gets squandered, some people are so unable to cope with the change, that they commit suicide. The new world is such a shock, they cannot cope. Even though they have many new and exciting possibilities ahead of them. David Wilcock has spoken about life after disclosure. He has said that we will not need to worry about energy anymore. We can use the same abundant energy that ET's use to power their interstellar travel. Nor will food or clothing items be a problem, these essentials will be materialized from replicators, as in Star Trek. The problem is the time of transition. We will not go instantly from the life we have now, to the one described by David Wilcock. It may take two to three decades or more. And in the meantime, our planet will still have 7 billion people to feed, and people with healthcare and other essential needs. If we all behave like lottery winners, and quit our jobs when the news is announced, our current world will grind to a halt, and there will be widespread suffering. We might be like the returning soldier who drops dead of exhaustion, within sight of his home. How can we make it through the necessary transition? I think we can employ the same technique as some wise lottery winners use. Before touching a penny of their windfall, they get an education. Over weeks and months they educate themselves about how to wisely invest and spend their windfall. They learn how to live sustainably and normally, with meaning and purpose, in a world of new possibilities. Among those who are already awake to the existence of ET's we should be thinking of the educational program that should be available the Day after Disclosure. This should include mundane subjects like: Why to continue doing your job, The financial requirements of getting to our limitless future, and Raising families for a different future. We will also have to learn how to deal with ETs, and how to become valuable citizens within a galactic future. Do we really need to wait for the Day of Disclosure to start thinking about these issues? Can't we start this education today? Maybe we need an organization: Education for a Post-Disclosure World, it might be called, to start addressing this need. What do you think? ========= "Maybe it's all BS?" : A Rebuttal, see post #7 below Re: What's holding up ET Disclosure? An Amnesty ! GLP : http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message2245918/pg1 C2C about missing persons: xx
  9. STILL WAITING for a Good Gold signal ... on this GLD / Gold chart. Maybe it will come now that we are into September History - From Aug.19th GLD - Two Years ... updated (I cannot rule out another "head fake" - The 20-year seasonal pattern does suggest that possibility.) Gold - Seasonal Pattern / source: EquityClock
  10. A good time to buy Puts on IYR ? IYR / iShares U.S. Real Estate ETF (ETF) ... update
  11. Big Jump in Bank Valuations in August July- 07/31 : $7.880M: $6.360M : $11.99M: $8.630M : $4.030M: $7.140M : $9.880M : $6.660M Aug- 08/31 : $8,200M: $6.680M : $12.60M: $9.200M : $4.180M: $7.500M : $10.38M : $6.860M Area ==== : TKO-CHt: TK*TsW : TKT-CPk: TY-TVrd: TC-CrCs: TktLb30 : Tkt-IsHV : PrspG*KC Tower / Fl. : Tw3-30C: Tw3-25C: Tw3-30C: Tw3-30C: T3-30C : Tw3-30C: Tw3-30C : Tw3-28C %-Change : + 4.06% : + 5.03% : + 5.09% : + 6.60% : + 3.72% : + 5.04% : + 5.06% : + 3.00% : ==== The "Freeze-Out", I have written about for some months may be thawing Some of these Valuations are now getting near where Landlords are willing to sell - as I see in Tai Kok Tsui.
  12. PHM / Pulte - holding up pretty well ... update xx A good short now?
  13. (just published by Miles J., but it looks like a duplicate of one published before) Kerry Cassidy Whistle Blower Radio at The Bases Conference = = Published on Aug 28, 2014 The First day of the Bases Project 1st International conference headlined with two power women, Sarah Goodly, and Kerry Cassidy. In the 2nd presentation for the night, Kerry records an "as live" show for high weekly Whistleblower Radio Show, on Revolution Radio. Kerry's "actual" show is on her site. This is the as it was recorded Bases version.
  14. SLV -to-GDX Ratio - Ready to Soar ? SLV. : $18.71 GDX : $26.69 Ratio : 70.1% - and E-wave a-b-c correction to 69% may be finished SLV (Silver) - NY trading Gap now filled ... SLV-10 day : AGQ-vs-GDX / SLV-last: $18.70
  15. Does higher Silver need some inflation? Maybe Oddly enough, the hedgies made a big push into silver in early June of this year so much so that they managed to build the largest net long position that they have had in nearly 4 years. . . . All I can say to that is it is one tall order! With 4 four months left in the year, inflation expectations had better change in one big hurry! Again, it is so tragic that people will run out and spend their hard-earned money and precious investment capital on investments touted by those talking their book instead of doing some hard-nosed, objective analysis of the markets. . . . When one looks at the various commodity sector indices ( I am currently using the Goldman Sachs Commodity Index) they are hard-pressed to find the least bit of inflation in tangibles... Can things change in that regards? Sure they can! The one thing about markets is that they are always changing. For the time being however, one must respect the charts and right now the charts are saying that the notion of $50 silver before 2014 comes to an end is a quaint fairy tale, without some sort of stupendous event occurring. == == OKAY. Well, I am not touting $50 Silver by January... But I do think Inflationary expectations can begin to change soon. Here's DBA (Agricultural Fund) vs. CRB ... update
  16. SILVER - The Opening Gap, got "faded" two days in a row ... Three strikes may not happen Three Day chart : Silver-update : Gold-update Note how the opening jump up was sold off between 8:00-9:30 NYT (before the SLV opening) on both Tuesday and Wednesday. This means that SLV started the trading day, trading off its high, up with a GAP still there, acting like a vacuum. Does this selling pattern mean that Silver will not move higher. I don't think so, I think the selling is being absorbed, and SLV / Silver may be set for a move higher. The SLV chart looks different - more bullish, I think ... SLV 10d-update : SLV-6mos : GLD-6mos : GDX-6mos SLV remains in a reasonable position for a sustainable rise. A push above the 8d-MA on Thursday, may set the stage for a decent rally going into September.
  17. GF is back ! ... on the GOLD thread = = Interesting. Does this suggest that when the Dow Peaks, investors will rediscover the virtues of Gold?
  18. Silver SQUEEZE Warning ... UPDATE: Shanghai Silver Warehouse Stocks Fall 24% In One Week SRSrocco on August 25, 2014 While the Comex utilizes highly leveraged paper contracts to control the price of silver, physical metal continues to be drained out of the Shanghai Futures Exchange. In just one week, total inventory declined by 24%. ... At the beginning of August, there were 148 metric tons of silver on warrant at the Shanghai Futures Exchange. In just three weeks, 29% of the total inventory was removed. The majority of this decline took place last week when 22 metric tons were withdrawn on Friday alone. (What next?) A Nice JUMP in Silver : +$0.12 so far // Shanghai : Rmb.4176 =?= $18.75 : : SLV-live > SGE - Site : http://www.sge.sh/pu...sgeen/index.htm Calc: AG-Shang.: 4,200 RMB/kg / 6.150 = $ 683 / 35.274 = $19.36 (discount: about 20 cents?) 4176 /6.15 = 679.0 / 35.27 = $19.25 +0.25= $19.50 / 1.04 = 18.75 Check that number ($18.75) on this chart: Let's see if it can be sustained into the start NY Trading... and beyond. (Don't forget: Gaps often get "faded".) If it is, we may be getting an important TURN today
  19. Welcome. Good first post! We are already starting to see some action in silver today (up almost 1% in Shanghai) Let's see if it is suatainable
  20. INTERESTING Speculation here Nigel Ashton says: August 25, 2014 at 12:37 pm Peak Oil is now an irrelevance IF the following is true: http://www.blacklightpower.com/ In brief, magneto-hydrodynamics can take the high velocity plasma which is created and turn it directly into current, or the light emission from the reaction can be captured using solar panels, again resulting in electrical output. Their figures indicate 2 order of magnitude reduction in electrical generating costs to the nearest cheapest source. This looks highly disruptive, deeply deflationary and solves the energy crisis permanently. I would appreciate your comments on the above technology and the hydrino-economy which appears ready for an imminent roll out. Many thanks, Nigel PS IMO PV production and hence silver demand will explode. SRSrocco says: August 25, 2014 at 12:43 pm Nigel, Thanks for posting that material. I haven’t been able to watch the video on the BlackLight Power yet, but I can tell you the infrastructure of the world runs on OIL. There are many supposed SILVER BULLET technologies that at face value seem quite impressive, but if we look at how they fit into the current infrastructure… they don’t really work. Furthermore, it takes liquid OIL burning machines to extract the raw material to make these supposed TECHNOLOGIES that will save us. I am not against new ways and technologies to solve problems, but when we factor in the TOTAL EROI- Energy Returned On Invested of using more technology to solve problems of technology, its a LOSE-LOSE BATTLE. The more advanced and complex the technology, the lower the EROI of the system. steve == > http://srsroccoreport.com/update-shanghai-silver-warehous-stocks-fall-24-in-one-week/update-shanghai-silver-warehous-stocks-fall-24-in-one-week/
  21. Podcasts to pick michael vera midnight midlands vincent fineli thursday duncan rhodes - news channel ? === Dr.Rick called the next one: "One of the Best interviews that I have (ever) done" Mars/Ebola and much more 8-12-2014 The Late Night In The Midlands Show (with Michael Vara) MP3 : http://api.spreaker.com/download/episode/4845062.mp3 Dr. Richard Alan Miller : Author and researcher Dr. Richard Alan Miller reveals a depth of knowledge and experience in Alternative Agriculture, Physics, and Metaphysics. Miller began working in the secret world of Navy Intel (Seal Corp. and then MRU) in the late 60s, and now has amazing experiences and conclusions to share.
  22. (More discussion about Water and being sovereign): 07-21-14 – How To Become Your Own Sovereign State – Richard Alan Miller, by Chris Marcus http://arcadiaeconomics.com/become-sovereign-state/ 07-28-14 – Radio Arcadia Episode 15 Episode 15 - What Does The Man That The X-Files Was Based On See Coming In The Future? http://welcometoarcadia.podomatic.com/entry/2014-07-20T14_29_33-07_00 Published on Jul 28, 2014 http://arcadiaeconomics.com/become-so... What’s happening on a political and financial level in the U.S. and around the world is hardly a new phenomenon. In fact for centuries there has existed a rather clear pattern that once the governments start spending wildly outside of their means, they then begin to clamp down and try other methods of shaking down their constituents and coming up with more money, power, and control. But what if you could become your own government and internal sovereign state and leave all of it behind? On today’s Radio Arcadia podcast we had special guest Dr. Richard Allen Miller, who let’s just say has seen a thing or two that the average person doesn’t ever get access to. Dr. Miller is a quantum physicist, and basically an all-around genius as well as one of the smartest people I’ve ever met, and in addition to being called on by the Navy to train the Seals to become super soldiers who tap into some paranormal decision making skills in order to keep themselves alive, he’s also one of the main figures that the show the X-Files was based on. So in today’s interview we took a break from looking at some of the financial and Wall Street related issues to discuss some of the social and sovereign aspects of being prepared for life after the dollar and whatever changes that might bring. In particular Dr. Miller talked a lot about the importance of having a good and reliable water source, as while there are a lot of things you can survive without, water just isn’t one of them. However like just about anything else that we’ve studied or tried to figure out in life, once you start thinking about what changes are coming and how you might want to respond, the solutions begin to appear. Fortunately you don’t have to solve everything overnight, and even if it doesn’t always seem like it, you’re probably a lot further along than you might even realize. Dr. Miller also discussed some of the ways in which we can also prepare ourselves for anything that comes our way, as believe it or not, a lot of the methods he used to train the Navy Seals are based on meditation and breathing techniques that many around the world have been studying and implementing. Given that he also is familiar with and has seen inside of some of the government mind control programs, it was simply stunning to get inside his body of knowledge and hear how he responds to all of the nefarious government programs that have been making live more difficult for citizens around the globe. . . . To find out more about Dr. Miller’s books and other sovereign solutions you can visit his site by clicking here: http://oak-publishing.com/
  23. I still think you need to watch London Property and Barratt's together... as one system = =
  24. London record biggest Price Drop in 6 years - SCMP Today (this headline won't surprise GEI's regular readers... but Be Careful*...) 5.9% Drop in Month-on-month Asking prices in August Home sellers slash asking rates as market in British capital endures steep summer slump + London prices fell 5.9% from July to average: GBP 552,783 (HK$ 7.15 million), per Rightmove + Nationally, prices fell 2.9 %, a record for an August + Cost of mortgages are going up, limiting what buyers will pay + Biggest drops were in affluent areas, like Kensington & Chelsea (-7%), Camdem, H'smith/Fulham + Yr-on-yr prices down -1.4% in K&C, and up 10.3% in London as a whole === *the "Be Careful" comes from observation of BDEV, which is showing some signs of recovery. A continuation of the rally is not impossible, if BDEV can make new highs
  25. Sure. Personally, I believe the next seasonal upturn, which could start very soon, is likely to give sufficient lift to break the downtrends. This would be likely to get those who see the Silver charts as "Bearish" to re-interpret them
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