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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. A real Bombshell, if this is a reliable report The United States Navy has figured out how to turn seawater into fuel and it will cost about the same as gasoline. http://www.addictinginfo.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/naval-battlegroup.jpg This technology is in its infancy and it’s already this cheap? What happens when it’s refined and perfected? Oil is only getting more expensive as the easy-to-reach deposits are tapped so this truly is, as it’s being called, a “game changer.” I expect the GOP to go ballistic over this and try to legislate it out of existence. It’s a threat to their fossil fuel masters because it will cost them trillions in profits. It’s also “green” technology and Republicans will despise it on those grounds alone. They already have a track record of trying to do this. Unfortunately, once this kind of genie is out of the bottle, it’s very hard to put back in. There are two other aspects to this story that have not been brought up yet: 1. The process pulls carbon dioxide (the greenhouse gas driving Climate Change) out of the ocean. One of the less well-publicized aspects of Climate Change is that the ocean acts like a sponge for CO2 and it’s just about reached its safe limit. The ocean is steadily becoming more acidic from all of the increased carbon dioxide. This in turn poisons delicate ecosystems like coral reefs that keep the ocean healthy. If we pull out massive amounts of CO2, even if we burn it again, not all of it will make it back into the water. Hell, we could even pull some of it and not use it in order to return the ocean to a sustainable level. That, in turn will help pull more of the excess CO2 out of the air even as we put it back. It would be the ultimate in recycling. 2. This will devastate oil rich countries but it will get us the hell out of the Middle East (another reason Republicans will oppose this). Let’s be honest, we’re not in the Middle East for humanitarian reasons. We’re there for oil. Period. We spend trillions to secure our access to it and fight a “war” on terrorism. Take away our need to be there and, suddenly, justifying our overseas adventures gets a lot harder to sell. And if we “leak” the technology? Every dictator propped up by oil will tumble almost overnight. Yes, it will be a bloody mess but we won’t be pissing away the lives of our military to keep scumbags in power == > http://www.addictinginfo.org/2014/04/12/navy-ends-big-oil/
  2. Telegraph: Mark Carney: Bank 'will not hesitate' to cool UK housing boom The Bank of England "will not hesitate" to take further action to cool Britain's booming housing market and stop the economy from boiling over, Mark Carney has said. On the day official data showed the average UK house price is ten times bigger than the average salary, the Governor used the Bank's annual report to highlight the steps it had already taken to prevent people from taking out unaffordable mortgages. Mr Carney said the Bank was prepared to use its so-called macro-prudential toolkit to support these steps.
  3. Money Week: What the builders are telling us about house prices. Shares in builders have dropped over 20% from their peak in late February. Could this be telling us something? By Dominic Frisby Want to know which way the housing market is headed? Take a look at the builders. They’re a pretty reliable indicator. And here’s the thing – having peaked in the spring, they’re now in a bear market that’s starting to look entrenched. Does this mean our great post-financial-crisis house-price boom is now over? It could well be. I should say, I don’t own any shares in any of the building companies and, at present, I’ve no plans to buy any. But I do like to keep an eye on what they’re doing. . . . Something similar happened during the last major crash of the early Nineties. The house-builders told us a bust was coming, the bust came and the housebuilders began to rally long before house prices started to pick up steam. I wrote about this relationship in great detail back in April – read it here. It’s interesting to note, by the way, how far off their 2007 highs many of the builders still are. Barratt – almost 1,300p in 2007; 349p today. Taylor Wimpey – over 500p in 2007; 103p today. Bovis – 1,200p in 2007, 732p today. Compare this to the FTSE 100 which is trading at about the same price (6,754 was the 2007 high and, indeed, yesterday’s close). The Berkeley Group – which is more focused on London – has dramatically outperformed the other builders, and sits almost 20% above its 2007 highs. This reflects Britain’s two housing markets – London and everywhere else. == > more: http://moneyweek.com/what-housebuilders-are-telling-us-about-britains-property-market/
  4. A NICE MILLER / STEIN Double on Coast-to-Coast (today) Wednesday June 18, 2014 Hosted by George Noory Guest(s): Richard Alan Miller A pioneer in the annals of metaphysical and paranormal exploration, Dr. Richard Alan Miller will discuss engineered water, alternative agriculture, geo-engineering and how it all relates to future warfare technology. (tomorrow) Thursday June 19, 2014 Hosted by George Noory Guest(s): Matthew Stein, Marshall Masters First Half: Author and preparedness expert Mat Stein will discuss his own worst case scenario—the recent death of his wife from cancer and her refusal to try alternative treatment until it was too late, and how the experience has been a profound spiritual journey. 2nd Half: Author, publisher, and former CNN science features news producer, Marshall Masters will provide an update on new evidence pouring in for an object on the other side of the sun, which could be Planet X. Possible Live links: === 1 : http://www.coaststream.com/ 2 : http://tunein.com/radio/Coast-to-Coast-AM-p35675/ 3 : http://www.640toronto.com/coasttocoast/
  5. Have we seen The Turn in London Property? The headline news is turning negative - just 3 months after the peak in Builder shares Barratt Development / BDEV ... update : the best early bellwether for UK property : 6-9 months lead time? Addition confirmation of Turn: would come If/when the Blue MA (76d) breaks below the Red MA (252d).
  6. PRICES IN LONDON RUN OUT OF STEAM - scmp, P5 Concerns over overpaying prompt homebuyers to step back from the market as common sense takes hold Asking prices for London homes fell from a record this month... according to Rightmove - 0.5% : to GBP 589,776, the first decline this year - 0.3% : to GBP 2.38 million in Kensington and Chelsea, the most expensive area Rightmove cited: + New tougher mortgage rules, and + Cooling in demand In the past year: : London prices are up 14.5% : British homes prices up 7.7% (Partly seasonal, I think. But Important tops can be made when prices "fall under their own weight") London, Final Rally: http://tinyurl.com/L-FinalRally
  7. Downsizing Cuts Kowloon Rents - SCMP, pg. P1 Colliers says office rents in Kowloon are expected to fall up to 8.8pc this year as companies seek to cut costs by leasing smaller spaces + Weakness in the global economy is driving some co's to downsize their offices + There are more co's trying to get out of their leases, by assigning to a new tenant + Co's involved in shipping, toys, and sourcing are looking for smaller offices + Some functions have been moved to the mainland
  8. Kerry Cassidy, with Miles Johnston, and Mike Harris (Jump in at 1:06 Hours - and I think you will like it): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwNgPILyQPA : Harris talks about how to live : ww3 ; a serious issue - the west is being collapsed : Alien interventions right now. : A "new as-sryan prince" will emerge : The Cabal will try to burn things to the ground : But a new group is emerging, with a new paradigm : We need to look inside, and do what we know is right : (Mike is heavily influenced by Dr RAM on this last part, I think) : I know they have become good friends - and DrRAM speaks like that (at 1:25 Hours in) "The Bush family had a bad week. The Russians did an intel dump, and they and the Clintons were caught Red-handed, dealing in illegal weapons (over 350 weapons!) through the Israelis. This includes the Nuke that did 9/11. The info is out there now, to (indict or hang) them all." MH: "Expect the Fed to call an emergency meeting in the next 30 days. The Sh-t is hitting the Fan right now !"
  9. DEFLATION, not Hyperinflation : Latest Neowave Warning Website@neowave.com / Jun 15 2014 at 9:03 AM While many believe the U.S. is on the verge of hyperinflation... (due to massive government borrowing and overspending), evidence continues to show the opposite. For the first time in history, the European Central Bank has introduced a negative interest rate of 0.1% (i.e., they will pay banks to borrow money in an attempt to induce more lending). When you increase lending you increase the money supply and decrease the value of each dollar in circulation (thus inflation). The only reason they would undertake such a desperate measure is to stop deflation. Why is deflation so dangerous to the banking system? The entire lending business depends on price stability or inflation to avoid widespread loan defaults. If prices drop across the board, which is what occurs during deflation, all loan contracts become more difficult to pay and, therefore, less likely to be honored. For example, let's assume you obtained a home loan for $100,000. Soon after purchase, the price of your home dropped in half (due to massive deflation). In that example, your home would now be worth $50,000 but the loan would still be for $100,000. Your loan would be twice as difficult to pay off. Many owners would decide there is no incentive to keep the home or pay the loan; so, they walk away. For that reason, any strong deflationary period would devastate the banking industry (that's why they fight so hard to avoid it). Unfortunately, the longer deflation is postponed, the faster and more severe it can occur when it strikes. This recent news reinforces my multi-year position that the U.S. began a deflationary period 1-2 years ago and that it will accelerate over the next 1-2-3 years. You can read more about the European Central Bank's recent decision in BBC news at the below link... http://www.bbc.com/news/business-27717594 Glenn Neely NEoWave, Inc. Some charts (from DrB) to go with this: CRB / Commodity Research Bureau Index Gold-to-CRB Ratio XLF / Banking Sector etf
  10. Mike Harris The Short End of the Stick with Mike Harris 2014 06 13 3 hours ago / 22 views https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFxNZAqyn8M Whistle Blower Radio With Kerry Cassidy Miles Johnston and Mike Harris 2014 06 13 3 hours ago / 59 views https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwNgPILyQPA
  11. AUSTIN WATCH - per today's SCMP, pg.B1 SHKP sale boosts market sentiment: "The developers last week released a price list for the first batch of 139 Grand Austin units at an average HK$26,244 per square foot. Buyers can have a discount as much as 19.5 per cent. This compares with the average of HK$22,871 per square foot at The Austin, the phase one development which was launched in October last year. Buyers of The Austin were given a maximum discount of 20.5 per cent." Running some Numbers: Property ----- : Timing : ListPrice : MaxDisc : PostDisc : Difference The Austin--- : Oct.13 : $22,871 : -20.5% - : $18,182 : = = = Grand Austin : Jun.14 : $26,244 : -19.5% - : $21,126 : +16.2% ===== This looks like a price RISE to me !
  12. Telegraph: Housebuilders collapse on rate rise fears "Investors took fright and dumped shares in housebuilders after Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank of England, signalled an earlier than expected interest rate rise, and Chancellor George Osborne gave the central bank new powers to curb mortgage lending in an effort to stave off a housing bubble. Persimmon dropped 4.8pc and Barratt Developments slid 4pc â the two heaviest fallers in the FTSE 100. In the mid-cap FTSE 250, Taylor Wimpey tumbled 4.7pc, Berkeley Group shed 4.2pc and Bovis Homes lost 4.1pc. Fears about the impact of a rate rise extended beyond the housebuilder stocks." The property builders have become used to loose monetary policy.
  13. raised less than $2,000 of $800,000 Goal. Worthwhile? Probably not - I won't even bother to read it
  14. (similar thoughts on the Military?): David Sereda Presents Reverse Engineered: How Alien Technology Could = = Published on Jun 6, 2014 The competition for fuel resources worldwide deepens as the economic crisis looms. Are we willing to go to World War III over the fight for oil resources? Reverse Engineered Alien Technology could solve the crisis if we could extract it from deep inside the industrial military complex's secrecy over the issue.
  15. Here in the chat with Mike Harris, Dr Miller discusses some of the same issues https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AZonJ4b7y4 "War is good for ... nothing... except business" (then at 12:58, Picking up a theme from a Proj-Avalon thread): "Americans deserve the troubles now flowing to them" : P-A thread MH: Stop. I don't think so- America's been the subject of a takeover. RAM: "That's right. But there's more: They quote from me on Project Avalon: 'Americans are Ill-informed, Ignorant, and Complacent.' MH: I agree... That's why I do the show! We help inform the public! RAM: It's going to get better... Walmart is failing. No one has money to spend... No one has new clothes. MH: People are getting by on less spending RAM: Our concept of spending to prosperity was crazy! We bought too many things we don't need; lost sight of what matters. We were distracted from (old fashioned) value systems MH: Who would want to destroy the culture? And why?
  16. BARRATT does not seem to be able to hold its "bounce" gains ... BDEV Closing Level : BDEV: 346.30 -23.30 : -6.30% I WOULDN'T BE BUYING UK PROPERTY after seeing THIS chart (at least, not until the trend turns up!)
  17. Free Energy and LENR - Here come the really serious investors It seems that some Free Energy devices may getting set to move out of the garage and into the factory - and everyday reality. That's the conclusion I came to when I heard that an established industrial-oriented private equity investor has bought out the scientist, Rossi, who invented the E-Cat. The investor is called Tom Darden, and here's what Forbes says about him: : Cherokee: http://www.cherokeefund.com/renewables.htm Mr.Darden is the Chief Executive Officer of Cherokee Investment Partners, a private equity fund that invests in brownfields. Cherokee made its first brownfield investment in 1990 and has since raised five funds: $50 million in 1996, $250 million in 1999, $620 million in 2003 and $1.4 billion in 2006. Beginning in 1984, Mr. Darden served for 16 years as the Chairman of Cherokee Sanford Group, a brick manufacturing and soil remediation company. From 1981 to 1983, he was a consultant with Bain & Company in Boston. From 1977 to 1978, he worked as an environmental planner for the Korea Institute of Science and Technology in Seoul, where he was a Henry Luce Foundation Scholar. I heard about the transaction on Sterling Allen's latest podcast for the Rense network: MP3 : http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/free_energy/hr1061214.mp3 Here's more on the transaction: A North Carolina based company called Industrial Heat LLC has come out and admitted that it now owns Andrea Rossi’s ecat low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) technology. Industrial Heat has put out a press release in which it confirmed rumors that it had spent $11 million to purchase Rossi’s device. The New Home of the Ecat an aerial view of North Carolina's Research Triangle The press release also confirmed speculation that Tom Darden of Cherokee Investment Partners a North Carolina equity fund is a principal investor in Industrial heat. It stated that one of Darden’s associates J.T. Vaughn is the manager of Industrial Heat LLC. Industrial Heat LLC is based in the Research Triangle region around Raleigh, North Carolina where many technology companies have operations. Cherokee’s website describes Vaughn as a Senior Analyst at the firm. == > http://coldfusion3.com/blog/it%E2%80%99s-official-us-startup-admits-to-purchasing-rossi%E2%80%99s-e-cat-lenr-technology What's LENR / Cold Fusion ?: LENR stands for Low Energy Nuclear Reactions — and refers to the phenomenon where anomalous amounts of heat are created when certain metals (e.g. nickel, palladium) absorb hydrogen or deuterium and an external stimulus such as heat or an electric current is applied. The reaction takes place at relatively low temperature and sometimes results in transmutation of elements as well as the production of heat. Either no strong radiation is produced or it is absorbed locally. The waste products are not radioactive. This phenomenon is also referred to as Cold Fusion, LANR (lattice assisted nuclear reaction), as well as other terms. == > http://www.e-catworld.com/what-is-lenr/
  18. Historical Data : CU may lead GLD and SPY lower ============= Monthly RECORD : CU may lead GLD and SPY lower ====== Date-: DebtTr > G.Eqv /10.40 : - GLD - : - SPY - : -DIFF- : - ratio - : -- CU -- : cu/gld : - FXI - : cu-fxi : - DBA- : - BTC - : end07: $09.23 > 0,722 : 072.2 : $082.46 : $146.21 : -63.75: 56.398% : $20.0e: XX.X% :: $ 17.05: ==== : $ 32.99 : end08: $10.70 > 0,897 : 089.7 : $086.52 : $090.24 : -$3.72: 95.878% : $20.0e: XX.X% :: $ 29.09: ==== : $ 26.18 : end09: $12.31 > 1,089 : 108.9 : $107.31 : $111.44 : -$4.13: 96.294% : $30.0e: XX.X% :: $ 42.26: ==== : $ 26.44 : end10: $14.03 > 1,294: 129.4 : $138.74 : $125.75 : $12.99: 110.34% : $43.71: 31.51%: $ 43.09: $0.62: $ 32.35 : $ 00.29 : end11: $15.22 > 1,435: 138.0 : $151.99 : $125.50 : $26.49: 121.11% : $29.29: 19.27%: $ 34.87: - 5.58: $ 28.88 : $ 04.60 : end12: $16.43 > 1,570: 151.0 : $162.02 : $142.41 : $19.61: 113.77% : $30.34: 18.73%: $ 40.45:-10.11: $ 27.95 : $ 13.48 : end13: $17.35 > 1,689: 162.4 : $116.12 : $184.69 : -68.57 : 062.87% : $22.27: 19.18%: $ 38.37:-16.10: $ 24.25 :$815.00 : end14: $18.14 > 1,783 : 171.4 : $113.58 : $205.54 : -98.04 : 55.26% :: $18.09: 15.93%: $ 41.62:-23.53: $ 24.89 :$316.20 : end15: $18.83 > 1,865 : 179.3 : $101.46 : $203.87 : -102.41: 49.77% :: 2.135 : 2.140%: $ 35.29:-00.00: $ 20.61: $433.50 : end16 Date-: DebtTr > G.Eqv /10.40 : - GLD - : - SPY - : -DIFF- : - ratio - : -- CU -- : cu/gld : - FXI - : cu-fxi : - DBA- : - BTC - : (2011) 01/31: $14.13 > 1,000 : 100.0 : $129.87 : $128.68 : $01.19: 100.92% : $42.41: 32.66%: $ 42.55: - 0.04: $ 34.29 : 02/28: $14.19 > 1,000 : 100.0 : $137.66 : $133.15 : $04.51: 100.05% : $43.38: 31.48%: $ 42.45: $0.93: $ 34.97 : 03/31: $14.27 > 1,000 : 100.0 : $139.86 : $132.59 : $07.27: 105.48% : $43.59: 31.17%: $ 44.91: - 1.32: $ 34.23 : 04/29: $14.29 > 1,000 : 100.0 : $152.37 : $136.43 : $25.94: 111.68% : $46.40: 30.45%: $ 45.21: $1.19: $ 34.06 : 05/31: $14.34 > 1,000 : 100.0 : $149.64 : $134.90 : $14.74: 110.93% : $42.74: 28.56%: $ 45.37: - 2.63: $ 32.73 : 06/30: $14.34 > 1,330 : 127.9 : $146.00 : $131.97 : $14.03: 110.63% : $42.25: 28.94%: $ 42.95: - 0.70: $ 31.74 : 07/29: $14.34 > 1,000 : 100.0 : $158.29 : $129.33 : $28.96: 122.39% : $42.14: 26.62%: $ 42.36: - 0.24: $ 32.25 : 08/31: $14.68 > 1,000 : 100.0 : $177.72 : $122.22 : $55.50: 145.40% : $37.82: 21.28%: $ 38.63: - 0.81: $ 34.11 : 09/30: $14.79 > 1,000 : 100.0 : $158.06 : $113.15 : $44.91: 139.69% : $26.26: 16.61%: $ 30.83: - 4.57: $ 29.67 : 10/31: $14.99 > 1,000 : 100.0 : $167.34 : $125.50 : $41.84: 133.34% : $33.15: 19.81%: $ 36.06: - 2.91: $ 30.41 : 11/30: $15.11 > 1,000 : 100.0 : $170.13 : $124.99 : $45.14: 136.11% : $31.39: 18.45%: $ 36.22: - 4.83: $ 28.99 : 12/30: $15.22 > 1,435 : 138.0 : $151.99 : $125.50 : $26.49: 121.11% : $29.29: 19.27%: $ 34.87: - 5.58: $ 28.88 : $ 4.60 (2012) 01/31: $15.36 > 1,452 : 139.6 : $169.31 : $131.32 : $37.99: 128.93% : $33.71: 19.91%: $ 38.83: - 5.12: $ 29.00 : 02/29: $15.49 > 1,467 : 141.1 : $164.29 : $137.02 : $27.27: 119.90% : $34.74: 21.15%: $ 40.29: - 5.55: $ 29.25 : 03/30: $15.58 > 1,478 : 142.1 : $162.12 : $140.81 : $21.31: 115.13% : $31.17: 19.23%: $ 36.67: - 5.50: $ 28.10 : 04/30: $15.69 > 1,491 : 143.4 : $161.88 : $139.87 : $21.01: 115.74% : $30.92: 19.10%: $ 37.93: - 7.01: $ 27.29 : 05/31: $15.77 > 1,501 : 144.3 : $151.62 : $131.47 : $20.15: 115.33% : $24.91: 16.43%: $ 33.49: - 8.58: $ 26.08 : 06/30: $15.86 > 1,511 : 145.3 : $151.05 : $132.79 : $18.26: 113.75% : $24.28: 16.07%: $ 32.49: - 8.21: $ 27.76 : 07/31: $15.93 > 1,520 : 146.2 : $156.46 : $137.71 : $18.75: 113.62% : $25.05: 16.01%: $ 34.21: - 9.16: $ 30.13 : 08/31: $16.01 > 1,529 : 147.0 : $164.22 : $141.16 : $23.06: 116.34% : $25.74: 15.67%: $ 33.07: - 7.33: $ 30.42 : 09/28: $16.07 > 1,536 : 147.7 : $171.89 : $143.97 : $27.92: 119.39% : $28.47: 16.56%: $ 34.60: - 6.13: $ 29.41 : 10/31: $16.26 > 1,559 : 149.9 : $166.83 : $141.35 : $25.48: 118.03% : $28.60: 17.14%: $ 36.79: - 8.19: $ 28.93 : 11/30: $16.37 > 1,571 : 151.0 : $166.05 : $142.16 : $23.89: 116.81% : $28.88: 17.39%: $ 37.15: - 8.27: $ 28.85 : 12/31: $16.43 > 1,570 : 151.0 : $162.02 : $142.41 : $19.61: 113.77% : $30.34: 18.73%: $ 40.45:-10.11: $ 27.95 : $ 13.48 : (2013) 01/31: $16.43 > 1,570 : 151.0 : $161.20 : $149.70 : $11.50: 107.68%: $30.48: 18.85%: $ 41.47:-10.99: $ 27.91 : $ 20.58 : 02/28: $16.69 > 1,610 : 154.8 : $153.00 : $151.61 : $01.39: 100.92%: $27.62: 18.05%: $ 38.95:-11.33: $ 26.40 : $ 32.69 : 03/28: $16.77 > 1,620 : 155.7 : $154.47 : $156.67 : $-2.20 : 98.60% :: $25.82: 16.71%: $ 36.93:-11.11: $ 25.90 : $ 92.70 : 04/30: $16.83 > 1,627 : 156.4 : $142.77 : $159.68 : -16.91 : 89.41% :: $23.90: 16.74%: $ 37.74:-13.84: $ 26.22 : $139.87 : 05/31: $16.74 > 1,616 : 155.4 : $133.92 : $163.45 : -29.53 : 81.93% :: $23.23: 17.32%: $ 36.01:-12.78: $ 25.49 : $128.15 : 06/28: $16.74 > 1,616 : 155.4 : $119.11 : $160.42 : -41.31 : 74.25% :: $20.16: 16.93%: $ 32.52:-12.36: $ 24.90 : $ 96.84 : 07/31: $16.74 > 1,616 : 155.4 : $127.96 : $168.71 : -40.75 : 75.85% :: $20.39: 15.93%: $ 34.26:-13.87: $ 24.63 : $108.03 : 08/30: $16.74 > 1,616 : 155.4 : $134.62 : $163.65 : -29.03 : 82.26% :: $21.51: 15.98%: $ 35.13:-13.62: $ 25.08 : $143.04 : 09/30: $16.74 > 1,616 : 155.4 : $128.97 : $168.01 : -38.04 : 76.76% :: $22.06: 17.10%: $ 37.08:-15.02: $ 25.29 : $127.09 : 10/31: $17.16 > 1,666 : 160.2 : $127.74 : $175.79 : -48.05 : 72.67% :: $22.49: 17.61%: $ 37.57:-15.08: $ 25.05 : $206.34 : 11/29: $17.22 > 1,673 : 160.9 : $120.70 : $181.00 : -60.30 : 66.69% :: $21.31: 17.66%: $ 40.13:-18.82: $ 24.84 : $ 1,137. : 12/31: $17.35 > 1,689 : 162.4 : $116.12 : $184.69 : -68.57 : 62.87% :: $22.27: 19.18%: $ 38.37:-16.10: $ 24.25 : $815.00 : (2014) 01/31: $17.29 > 1,682 : 161.7 : $120.09 : $178.18 : -58.09 : 67.40% :: $21.15: 17.61%: $ 34.58:-13.43: $ 24.65 : $935.00 : 02/28: $17.46 > 1,702 : 163.7 : $127.62 : $186.29 : -58.67 : 68.51% :: $21.84: 17.11%: $ 35.39:-13.55: $ 27.37 : $540.00 : 03/31: $17.60 > 1,718 : 165.2 : $123.61 : $187.01 : -63.40 : 66.10% :: $21.88: 17.70%: $ 35.78:-13.80: $ 28.33 : $456.00 : 04/30: $17.51 > 1,708 : 164.2 : $124.22 : $188.31 : -64.09 : 65.97% :: $22.68: 18.25%: $ 34.93:-12.25: $ 29.27 : $450.00 : 05/31: $17.52 > 1,709 : 164.3 : $120.43 : $192.68 : -72.25 : 62.50% :: $23.20: 19.26%: $ 36.85:-13.65: $ 27.71 : $615.41 : 06/30: $17.63 > 1,721 : 165.5 : $128.04 : $195.72 : -67.68 : 65.42% :: $24.01: 18.75%: $ 37.04:-13.03: $ 27.46 : $650.47 : 07/31: $17.69 > 1,729 : 166.3 : $123.39 : $193.09 : -69.70 : 63.90% :: $25.27: 20.48%: $ 40.47:-15.20: $ 26.81 : $588.00 : 08/31: $17.77 > 1,739 : 167.2 : $123.86 : $200.71 : -76.85 : 61.71% :: $23.74: 19.17%: $ 40.47:-16.73: $ 26.46 : $505.65 : 09/30: $17.85 > 1,748 : 168.1 : $116.21 : $197.02 : -80.19 : 58.98% :: $21.19: 18.23%: $ 38.26:-19.07: $ 25.55 : $382.00 : 10/31: $17.94 > 1,759 : 169.1 : $112.66 : $201.66 : -89.00 : 55.87% :: $19.72: 17.50%: $ 39.93:-20.21: $ 25.66 : $326.00 : 11/28: $18.00 > 1,766 : 169.8 : $112.11 : $207.20 : -95.09 : 54.11% :: $19.39: 17.30%: $ 40.60:-21.21: $ 25.54 : $369.40 : 12/31: $18.14 > 1,783 : 171.4 : $113.58 : $205.54 : -98.04 : 55.26% :: $18.09: 15.93%: $ 41.62:-23.53: $ 24.89 :$316.20 : (2015) 01/31: $18.08 > 1,776 : 170.8 : $123.45 : $199.45 : -76.00 : 61.90% :: $15.18: 12.30%: $ 43.75:-28.57: $ 23.14 :$230.80 : 02/27: $18.16 > 1,785 : 171.6 : $116.16 : $210.66 : -94.50 : 55.14% :: $17.92: 15.43%: $ 43.76:-25.84: $ 23.70 :$248.50 : 03/31: $18.15 > 1,784 : 171.5 : $113.66 : $205.74 : -92.08 : 55.24% :: $16.45: 14.47%: $ 44.40:-27.95: $ 22.14 :$250. E 04/30: $18.15 > 1,784 : 171.5 : $113.08 : $208.46 : -94.62 : 54.25% :: $19.62: 17.35%: $ 51.33:-31.71: $ 22.29 :$237.00 : 05/29: $18.49 > 1,817 : 174.2 : $113.91 : $211.14 : -98.23 : 53.95% :: $17.77: 15.60%: $ 48.76:-30.99: $ 21.83 :$232.30 : 06/30: $18.57 > 1,825 : 175.5 : $112.31 : $205.85 : -92.54 : 54.56% :: $16.77: 14.93%: $ 46.10:-29.33: $ 23.35 :$261.10 : 07/31: $18.15 > 1,784 : 171.5 : $104.93 : $210.50 :-105.57: 49.85% :: $13.74: 13.09%: $ 40.48:-26.74: $ 21.46 :$280.00 : 08/31: $18.15 > 1,784 : 171.5 : $108.82 : $210.50 :-101.68: 51.70% :: $13.03: 11.97%: $ 35.91:-22.88: $ 20.88 :$234.00 : 09/30: $18.15 > 1,784 : 171.5 : $106.86 : $191.62 :-084.76: 55.77% :: $10.94: 10.24%: $ 35.47:-23.50: $ 20.88 :$237.60 : 10/30: $18.15 > 1,784 : 171.5 : $109.30 : $207.93 :-098.63: 52.57% :: $12.85: 11.76%: $ 38.27:-25.38: $ 21.28 :$309.20 : 11/30: $18.83 > 1,865 : 179.3 : $101.92 : $208.69 :-106.77: 48.84% :: $10.80: 10.60%: $ 37.45:-26.65: $ 20.51 :$375.00 : 12/31: $18.83 > 1,865 : 179.3 : $101.46 : $203.87 : -102.41: 49.77% :: 2.135 : 2.140%: $ 35.29:-00.00: $ 20.61: $433.50 : (2016) 01/29: $19.01 > 1,886 : 180.0 : $108.05 : $193.65 : - $85.60: 55.80% :: 2.060 : 1.907% $ 31.20:-00.00: $ 19.99: $375.00 : 02/29: $19.13 > 1,900 : 181.3 : $118.64 : $193.56 : - $74.98: 61.29% :: 2. ??? : 1.000% $ 30.00: -00.00: $ 20.00: $434.00 : 03/31: $19.26 > 1,916 : 182.8 : $117.64 : $205.52 : - $87.88: 57.24% :: 2. ??? : 1.000% $ 33.77: -13.17: $ 20.60: $415.00 : 04/30: $19.0E > 1,885 : 181.3 : $123.65 : $206.33 : - $82.68: 59.93% :: 2. ??? : 1.000% $ 33.53: -12.45: $ 21.08: $4 ??.00 : 05/31: $19.0E > 1,885 : 181.3 : $116.06 : $209.84 : - $93.78: 55.31% :: 2.080 : 1.792% $ 33.65: -12.34: $ 21.31: $526.10 : 06/30: $19.0E > 1,885 : 181.3 : $126.47 : $209.48 : - $83.01: 60.37% :: 2.0 ?? : 0.000% $ 00.00: -00.00: $ 00.00: $0 07/31: $19.0E > 1,885 : 181.3 : $128.98 : $217.12 : - $88.14: 59.40% :: 2.0 ?? : 0.000% $ 00.00: -00.00: $ 00.00: $0 08/31: $19.0E > 1,885 : 181.3 : $124.78 : $217.38 : - $92.60: 57.40% :: 2.080 : 1.667% $ 37.08: -16.85: $ 20.23: $570.00 : Date-: DebtTr > G.Eqv /10.40 : - GLD - : - SPY - : -DIFF- : - ratio - : -- CU -- : cu/gld : - FXI - : cu-fxi : - DBA- : - BTC - : ====== "GOLD Formula" is : (Fed'l Debt - $4.0 Trillion ) x 119 +$100 : US Govt Debt :: http://www.usgovernmentdebt.us/ The FED must be pleased with the way that money has flowed into stocks, away from Gold. / notes : a b cox cvn
  19. Post#2 : HOW TO GET A PASSWORD, and become a GEI Member STEPS - To become a GEI member ===== 1 / Click on the (green) "Create Account" button - HERE, or in upper right corner 2 / Fill-in requested information : user name, email, password, etc 3 / REGISTRATION QUESTION, now is: What is DrBubb's favorite "bird"? (clue: strange spelling) Answer is : "Ad---al B--- " : see clues, below For spelling of both words... Click here for a further clue: wiki 4 / Type in the characters requested for the security check ===== Welcome to GEI ! I look forward to seeing your posts !
  20. : Want to Join GEI? : See post#2 / stockcharts RATIO charts Dr Bubb's Diary - Landing Page / Join GEI, and gain access to website, including ACore, and the Fringe Section / see post#2 Latest Month's Diary : > > Dec : DrBubb's Diary - Dec. 2017 (Related social Media, old) : GEI on Youtube : GoldEdge Blog : Twitter : Other people's Podcasts : WhatReallyHappened : ===================== More QUICK LINKS are at top of Diary pages: : drB-Diary : Links : A B E G H : Channels: GE : FBB : Gold TIMING thread ----- :: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=19051 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS-62aTJ6jBGloc6QTQksHQ/videos : http://goldedge.wordpress.com/ Predictions : for 2015 : 2016 : 2017 : 2018 : ==================== Monthly Archives: for Dr Bubb's Diary: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/forum/29-monthly-market-comments-archive/ Old Landing page for Diary : http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=7356
  21. (From another source, I got the gist that Dr RAM did answer the "unanswered question" that I asked) Some Americans (not a huge number, probably under 50-100,000) may die within the next 5-10 years, from uncertain causes. possibly from a pole-shift. If this happens, then the grid will go down, and ... you can survive it 06-08-14 – Survive the Blackout – 10 day interactive scenario. http://www.survivetheblackout.com/1/ American Blackout – National Geographic http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/channel/american-blackout/ After Armageddon – History Channel http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=after+armageddon&qpvt=after+armageddon&FORM=VDRE#view=detail&mid=051A6C055F2538AAB983051A6C055F2538AAB983
  22. WE HAVE IGNITION ! (a completed "head fake") The Head Fake for GDX* was completed yesterday, when GDX closed above the downwards gap (at $23.00-23.35) GDX / Gold Miners etf... GDX-chart : GDXJ : NUGT : GLD-is-lagging Note that GDXJ and GDX often LEAD Gold, as I explain here: Updating changes from yesterday: GDX - : $23.41 +0.38 +1.65% : 25.59 mn GDXJ : $37.46 +1.08 +2.97% : 5.02 mn NUGT : $32.57 +1.46 +4.69% : 3.32mn ASA - : $13.28 +0.18 +1.37% : 48,727 IAG -- : $ 3.90 + 0.13 +3.45% : 8.18mn VGZ - : $0.445 +.052 +13.09% : 408,608 =====
  23. Surpression of Energy Technology You don't need to get into the "woo-woo stuff" to see surpression of alternative energy technology Free Energy Secrets Exposed... Passamaquoddy, Rife, Tesla & More... = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuLieh_gRpQ = John "Surpressed to get the shortage of supply, that we are now facing" "We are living in an artificially created world."
  24. Got it ! This one is a cracker ! I am processing it now, and will have it on YouTube later Welcome back to GuyFox Channel, and our ongoing conversations with Dr Richard Alan Miller. This talk one took place on June 8th, and was a voyage into some dark places about the possible future of humankind. But it is not without hope, and ideas of how to avoid the worst that may be coming our way. Near the beginning of the conversation, Dr Miller refers to a presentation done for NASA and some alphabet agencies. I was initially reluctant to go down this path, since it had seemed very dark, and I was unprepared. By the end, I was glad I had done so. Dr Miller, as usual provided a fresh perspective that allows us to see a different path. We can break the pattern of endless war, and constant fear, by finding the courage to look inside ourselves for new questions, new answers and all-important positive intentions. We need to seek a greater appreciation of the importance of Water, the Elixir of Life that swims inside us, and without whose magical properties we would not be God's chosen creatures... of precious imagination, and positive emotion. =========================== NASA, the future of war : http://www.scribd.com/doc/215485072/NASA-The-Future-of-War Dr RAM's website : http://richardalanmiller.com/ Dr RAM's books - : http://oak-publishing.com/ RAM thread/ GEI : http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=16914
  25. Thanks Carbon Junkie I wonder how your Forecasts will compare with the One Week views in the Kitco Surveys? = =
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