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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Imagine the Big pride in Owning "the World's smallest house" ( No, it's not in Hong Kong ) GBP 275,000 ... in Islington, near Upper St. http://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/sep/05/north-london-tiny-275k-house-for-sale-zoopla
  2. John Wells did a longish interview with Richard Dolan ... it starts at about 30 minutes in... Caravan To Midnight - Episode 100 Special - Extraterrestrial Researcher Richard Dolan = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SH1v2JnaYDc = What is the "damaged goods syndrome"? (Does dealing with a very different reality un-balance people?) About 50 minutes in, Richard starts to go into reason that Disclosure did not happen. RD: "It is inevitable... This secret will be Out, openly acknowledged." Then: Anger, and surprise: People will ask how it happened, a peer into the darkness around black budget, etc. It will lead (quickly) to a Post-peak oil world
  3. SILVER STOPS are getting HIT ! - As low as $18.50 ================ Gold / USD / china gold // gdx : n s a : : : AG - T + D / Calculations : : 3-days > SGE - Site : http://www.sge.sh/publish/sgeen/index.htm Calculations: AG-Shanghai : 4,200 RMB/kg (ct. is 15 kg) / CNY exch. Rate / 6.150 = $ 683 / 35.274 = $19.36 (I observed a discount of about 20 cents) ==============
  4. : : SLV-live > SGE - Site : http://www.sge.sh/pu...sgeen/index.htm Calc: AG-Shang.: 4,167 RMB/kg / 6.150 = $ 677.6 / 35.274 = $19.21 SILVER price, Shanghai / OpenInterest - SGE AGt+d : Price : Open.Int = $-eqv. : -SLV- : Prem% : Au9999 : AUt+d 10-sep : 4,167 : 5,264kS = 19.21 : ?? .?? : +4.0%? : r248.46 : 143.2.kL 09-sep : 4,150 : 5,281kS = 19.13 : 18.31 : +5.46% : r248.38 : 145.2kL 29-aug : 4,206 : 5,290k? = 19.39 : 18.71 : +3.63% : r255.04 : 142.1kL 15-aug : 4,250 : 5,097k? = 19.59 : 18.86 : +3.87% : r260.14 : 130.7k : 31-july : 4,298 : 4,977k? = 19.81 : 19.58 : +1.17% : r257.79 : 127.7k : 15-july : 4,322 : 4,700k? = 19.93 : 19.88 : +0.25% : r261.73 : 134.3k : 30-jun. : 4,272 : 4,319k? = 19.69 : 20.25 : - 2.77% : r261.86 : 142.2k : 30-may: 4,058 : 4,622k? = 18.71 : 18.08 : +3.48% : r252.80 : 139.0k : ===== The $-eqv. price = RMB / 216.91 : ratio to SLV "should" be +4.00% approx. == > source: http://www.sge.sh/publish/sgeen/sge_price/sge_price_daily/index.htm Right now, SLV looks undervalued versus the Shanghai Silver price. With Shanghai Silver at Rmb 4,167 = US$19.21 equiv., SLV "should" be about x 96% = $18.44, having closed yesterday at $18.31.
  5. Yeah. There's no "fresh blue sky", as the Image for 8 South Lane shows, anywhere near that building Remmy, on AX says: "I can tell you there is much better value in the secondary property market than these newly launched, mini-apartments. .... Having said that, do I think right now is a great time to buy property in HK? The answer is no. I consider some property in HK overvalued (both the high end speculative stuff with nominal yields and more of a "prestige value", the stuff marketed at mainlanders, and some of these mini apartments coming up." So maybe Mainlanders are buying for investment, without know much beyond the proximity to a new MTR station. Here's a comparison with TKT: I don't know the Management Fee, and that is an important matter. Let me make some rough guesses and come up with a comparison of two different flats - this new one, versus an old flat that my partner owns: . FLAT>>> 1 south : Orig.TKT : Now TKT : Category : ====== : ====== : ======= : Price ---- : $6.605K : $2.700K : $3.300K : Size, Net : 268 sq ft : 325 sq ft : 325 sq ft : Per Sq Ft : $ 24,645 : $08,307 : $ 10,154 : Rent/sqft : $80.0/sf : $29.54/sf : $30.77/sf : Rent/ mo.: $21,440 : $09,600 : $10,000 : Rent/ yr. : $257.3K : $115.2K : $120.0K : MgmtFee : $4.00psf : $1.25psf : $1.25 psf : NetIncome $244.4K : $110.4K : $115.2K : Gross Yld : 3.90 % : : 4.27 % :: 3.64 % :: Net Yield=: 3.70 % : : 4.09 % :: 3.49 % :: . BTW, Both flats are just a short walk from MTR stations. TKT/Olympic is two stops from HK station (IFC). Why should someone pay more than 2X as much for a smaller flat, the same distance from Central? I doubt the $80 psf. Meanwhile, the $9,600-10,000 Rental in TKT is a known existing level.
  6. Here's Eight South Looks nice, but Oh-that-Management-Fee ! must be something to astound Same with One South, I suppose Slotted in here somewhere, near 6 South. I'll stay put where I am, at something like 60% of the price PSF
  7. Yes. That's it. The Standard mentions the proximity to the MTR. I think these small projects are something to avoid. I think you can get a nice 10-20 year old building much cheaper, and the Management fee will not "eat you alive". I appreciate very much the clubhouse and other facilities at the Long Beach. Spreading the cost over 1,500+ flats is a good thing too
  8. "...restricting capital to what can be sourced locally is clearly a very bad idea - it stops capital poor areas lifting themselves out of poverty, increases the risks and effects of a local economic downturn" I will give you a link to one of Catherine's Videos. The current system drains wealth from across the land, and concentrates it in places like Wall Street. Are you really defending the current system? We are lucky enough to live in a place that benefits, but that's really not a great justification === === Yee Gads! These are tiny! Kennedy Town... 40 flats. Sizes ranging from 210 to 268 sq ft "80-90% of the buyers were Investors" Who wants to live in these tiny flats? Midland Reality says Rents might go to HK$80 psf List prices are around HK$26,500 psf, before an 8% discount, and a 7% discount to offset double stamp tax == CALC: $80 x 210 = $16,800 ... x268 = $21,440 $80 x 12 / (26500 x .93) = $960 / $24,645 = Gross Yield : 3.9% A big Ho-hum to that ! I reckon the Mgmt fee must be high, given the small # of Flats. And the Agents estimate may noty be achieved
  9. I will let you know if/when I find out. Please do the same for me. Here are some sensible words from Don Harrold, re the extreme bearishness among even Silver Bulls Silver Sentiment= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZhaYCxrHRQ = Don avoids Price targets. "We are in a time of teeth-gnashing, and angst" The laughing at Blythe is gone.
  10. Yes. Gold and Gold shares have "wasted" many decent set-ups, by falling on key days instead of rising. The drop on Monday was another one of those. The only think I remind myself is: Sometimes when I get most disheartened (as we Both may be now), that's when the market bottoms
  11. Maybe you will be right... Fortunately, people like Catherine Austin Fitts have another idea. Using EQUITY, sourced locally. All equity holders have an interest which is basically aligned. Bankers may not, since they can grab collateral when times are tough, squeezing out Equity.
  12. Banker's complaining ... FT articles: + "Wall St squeezed middle stranded in 'few hundred thousand' bracket (FT, pg.1) + "Top rung more distant for Wall St bankers" (FT, pg.17) === === Promotions are becoming scarcer, for those in their 30's and 40's (at the middle levels) This reflects "job cuts across the board" - headcount in trading areas has fallen by 30%, 50% on some desks At Goldman Sachs the number promoted to "partner managing directors" may be near 2012's "historic low" of 72. "People haven't made much money, and they haven't been able to retire." Now they are staying until they are 52 or 55. Only the good managers, and "really good politicians" are making it to the top rung. === === IMPACT? Angry bankers are not "more moral" Less luxury goods and luxury homes will be bought by these guys (and gals) Luxury rents, on flats in places like HK, may stay under pressure
  13. Yes. $19.90 /$20 is of great importance
  14. What's associated with Silver peaks? Silver Update 8/20/14 Peak Silver = = Prior peaks were associated with moments of drama "Silver is the equivalent of Gold"... but (may) lack Gold's demand profile
  15. SHKP Properties wants to switch to Small Flats One of the Big two HK Property developers has applied for permission to switch their approvals from large family flats and house to small flats, like 350sf, costing $4 - 6 million. This is what the market wants to buy now. And if they get all the approvals sought, they will build much smaller flats, but maybe 4-5 times as many. The Impact on the future market is something to ponder, if you are thinking of buying a flat.
  16. "Looks like 19.10 is the "line in the sand" for the more bullish scenario" At $19.30, it is now well above that level Silver Update 8/29/14 New World Order = = The Silver chart looks better since that Video was done
  17. (From Quatloos): QEG Thread "ACG » Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:07 am Peswiki had said this over and over for years. This time it just might come to pass. Ever since the last 2 years a particular admin over there has been abusive. Everyone is pissed of at the site now. But of course Sterling cannot see this simple truth. He will feel it in his pocket book soon enough.
  18. CJ, Presumably: you are Short now, and not expecting a Head Fake?
  19. I won't be donating. I don't think he's expert enough (to add much to the search), based on many comments I have heard from him And he hasn't shown Discernment... -For instance, he said good things about QEG, which he should NOT have supported as he did. QEG -- Fix the World Organization Interview by PESN; April 3, 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJKE5DJRMFQ (Others may disagree, and I welcome different opinions here. And if you feel he is providing something worthwhile, please support him. For me, I do slightly doubt his sanity, when he says THIS): . . . "Of all the challenges I mentioned above, the one that wears me down the most is the lack of healthy financial support. We've been on the brink nearly the whole time, since I started this endeavor more than 12 years ago. About the only exception was in 2008, and even then we were still in debt. But even more than the lack of financial support, I would say that the humiliation of having to ask for donations is not easy on anyone. I know how valuable what we do is. Why we can't get a reasonable revenue stream going makes me feel like the world doesn't deserve what we want to bring it. If they don't want it, why do I try so hard to bring it? is the thought that gets me down the most. . . . Freedom, which is what free energy is all about, can't be given to just anyone... that is the realization I've come to in the past many months, and that is why I've shifted more to talking about spiritual things, coming back out of Sabbatical that I've been on from all things religion. Unfortunately, this has exacerbated a negative feedback loop. My talking about such things seems to have driven away some of our audience, reducing our traffic, which reduces our Google AdSense revenue, which is our primary source of income. An obvious, superficial remedy would be for me to just stick to reporting on exotic free energy, so I don't turn people off by this other stuff; but then I would be treating the symptom and not addressing the core issue: we have to deserve free energy before we get it." > http://pesn.com/2014/09/03/9602533_Free-Energy-News_Disappears/
  20. EXCERPT - from latest email from Neowave Of the four markets NEoWave follows, trading in the Euro has been the best for many months. Weekly traders have been Short this market since mid-July and are currently in an open-trade profit of more than $7,000 per contract. Monthly traders have been Long the EUO (an inverse ETF) since the same mid-July period - that position is up more than 8%. In case you follow or have interest in the Euro, the latest NEoWave Trading and Forecasting services are attached, to get you up-to-date. Sincerely, Glenn Neely, NEoWave, Inc. FXE / etf for the Euro - Next key support (per this chart) is FXE- 126.0 - 126.3 Compare: I want to see if there are signs of a Top being put in place at around DXY-84... All Data RSI at 80 is a real warning sign. However, please note that the High in DXY is often put in AFTER the high in RSI
  21. Linda MH's talk is really excellent. It is loaded with the sort of detail you might expect from someone who has been a top-notch reporter for over 4 decades. Topics range from G-Tepe, to animal mutilations, to the history of the US involvement with different races of ET's. In one long memorable part, she reviews Notes of an alleged briefing, where President Reagan was briefed on different types of ETs, and their agenda. Reagan was told about Five major races: : - - Ebens, from Zeta Reticuli - - - : Arkaloid, "long nose grey" There's a sound-free gap from 2:10 - 2:30 Hours. Then in the last hour or so, she moves into some very powerful material ! Connecting dots... Illuminati, Bloodlines, ET's, and why the 1% wants us in the dark. Wonderful and inspiring material and research, with some great intuitive leaps. After making an inspired Rant (from about 3:45?? - 4:16 Hours) she asks: "Is there any way that we could get this message out into the Public, beyond this small group... to a Kardasianized world that does not care ?" (Someone says they Love what she does, and she gets a standing ovation)
  22. WiseBear - you obviously haven't bother to look at anything. You are showing your ignorance of so much that has been revealed in the last few years. If you can every manage to withdraw your head from your backside, I suggest to do some research on... Gobekli Tepe with is over 10,000 years old, and completely overturns the bogus history that the mainstream media and universities have been feeding us - this is thousands of years older than Egypt's official time line: "Göbekli Tepe is regarded as an archaeological discovery of the greatest importance since it could profoundly change the understanding of a crucial stage in the development of human society. Ian Hodder of Stanford University said, "Göbekli Tepe changes everything". > Wiki;G-Tepe: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6bekli_Tepe > Video : Gobekli Tepe-45 minutes Documentary Then, Listen to to this fascinating presentation from Linda Moulton Howe, who has reported extensively on G-Tepe, and many other matters relating to UFO's and ET's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1Rf7f2tNrU If that doesn't provide enough good solid evidence for you, go and look - there's is extensive evidence everywhere - that shows what lies and misinformation you have been fed on since the days of your youth. I find your unsupported assertions (based on NO research into the LInks I am providing) very tiresome, and if you do not UP your game quickly you will be given a holiday.from posting on this website. I do not want you posting things like your last post (which seems Troll-like) without even bothering to examine what I have provided. It is disrespectiful. And it may be best for you to have a holiday (from GEI) so you can examine what evidence was given here and elsewhere.
  23. Thanks, Bugler. Why not approach this material with an Open Mind, eh? Any comments after listening will be welcome here.
  24. Well, the evidence shows that there are various ET races who have made contacts on Earth. Some are benevolent, and some are not. So there is not a single answer as to: Why are they here?. (I think I had this same conversation with someone on HPC some years ago... I know more now, but I cannot speak for ET's. There is still plenty to learn about their possible motivations, and it is not easy to do so.) I don't expect to be snatched by ET's, nor do I expect anyone in my family to be. If you happen to know someone who claims to have been abducted, or had contacts with ET's you can ask them. I know at least two or three people who claim such contacts, and I find them very credible, and I do not ridicule them.What they tell me is: They are confused, and do not have a clear picture of why it happened. Even from those who do claim to know why it is happening, they will give a range of explanations. One of the best explorations of some possible motivations was done by Linda Moulton Howe, with Art Bell last Oct.: Linda Moulton Howe's Big Picture : Over 20,000 views so far She has also done a presentation for Contact in the Desert last month: LMH-Contact-Presentation-Aug.2014 I haven't had a chance to listen to the New one yet. When I do, I may post some comments here.
  25. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thanks for popping up here to express the case for blind and uninformed Skepticism. No doubt, you will be in that minority that needs a government capital D Disclosure before considering this reality. Some have said, even after a government announcement 20-25% will still not believe it. If that's true, that may be the group you will be in... The Flat Earth segment of the Future.
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