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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. BUTTONS to related websites: == : : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS-62aTJ6jBGloc6QTQksHQ/videos : http://goldedge.wordpress.com/ 65%x - - - - - : : : : - - - - - - - - - - : 60%x - - - - - - : : :
  2. Sounds like you have survived the Two Year Gold Bear pretty well, Pixel Martin Armstrong has some useful ideas to offer around his cycles, but he doesn't always get his individual asset calls right. I think we have seen Gold's Low for this year, and probably longer - But to be honest, I cannot rule out that dip below $1,000 that many have predicted. However, I think the more time that goes on, the less likely it becomes. In July, we passed the month that Charles Neener had foreseen as the possible cycle Low for Gold. I take the outperformance of Gold shares (over Gold) as another positive sign
  3. It's a spill over from the artificial finance, don't you think?
  4. True - They are USUALLY right. But not always. And I think they miss some big turning points. Another thing that I would like to see (in an ideal world) would be more sustained buying of SPDR Gold. Their Gold holdings have been mostly "drifting sideways"
  5. Thanks. That's a very nice comment If people have YouTube accounts, it would be great to see some comments posted on the channel
  6. Thanks. Some of the earlier ones may have seemed too complicated. The simpler points are this one might be easier to remember
  7. ("Gold looks Set for a Big Run-up"), a recent post, has been turned into a Video: PLEASE SHARE ! And subscribe, if you have not already. A key thing to look at is that Correlation with US Debt, which goes on Rising: Swings have been about $500, to either side of Debt's Gold equivalent. History-- : Fed'l Debt : - $4.00 : x 119 : + $100 : Gold-Ln : Differ. End2015 $19.0 eTr. : $15.00 : $1789: $1,889 : --------> +$500 = about $2,400 End2014: $18.2 eTr. : $14.20 : $1690: $1,790 : 06/30/14 : $17.63 Tr. : $13.63 : $1621: $1,721 : $1,315 : (406) : 12/31/13 : $17.35 Tr. : $13.35 : $1589: $1,689 : $1,202 : (487) : 06/30/13 : $16.74 Tr. : $12.74 : $1516: $1,616 : $1,192 : (424) : Peak : 09/06/11 : $15.22 Tr. : $11.22 : $1335: $1,435 : $1,895 : $460 : So far, so good. The previous two Videos, have stood the test of Time very well: May 15, 2014 : Major Low in Gold, before end of July - $500 of "easy upside" June 6, 2014 : The Bellwethers have Rung! A Gold Low may now be in place
  8. QEG Made No Sense... As more details and schematics come out, experts who look at QEG get more and more puzzled - As this comment from QL about QEG will show: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"? by Jeffrey » Mon Jul 28, 2014 5:42 am Okay on page 7 you can see that they have 6 super-capacitors wired in series. I had to find comparatives on eBay and I'm going to estimate they're 400F capacitors. If they had them in parallel the total capacitance would be 2400F but because they're in series the total capacitance is an 67 Farads. (I think my math is right). Actually I need to scrap my theory now that I've taken a good look at the circuit diagram on page 15. First of all, this isn't even a proper circuit diagram. It looks like the symbol for a transformer yet it's distinctly different. The QEG core isn't a normal generator as I thought it was, the QEG core appears to have two coils whereas a normal generator tends to only have one, but the coils are set up as if it's a transformer. One end of the tranformer leads to the capacitor bank, the other end of the transformer leads to the lightbulb bank but not before hitting a bridge rectifier. Given that the light bulbs are purely a resistive load, there appears to be absolutely no need for the bridge rectifier other than making shit more complicated than it is. So when the motor spins the rotor inside the QEG core, two things are happening simultaneously. The spinning magnet powers up one coil which leads to the capacitor bank for what appears to be absolutely no reason. Meanwhile the spinning magnet powers up the second coil producing AC which then feeds the bridge rectifier. I mean this is a total clusterfuck. Why is there even a secondary coil leading to the capacitor bank? Why is there a bridge rectifier. Why are both coils presumably linked up via a transformer? Are they actually connected, i.e. if you applied power to Coil 1 would it step up or step down the voltage and an output could be measured in Coil 2? There is a total disconnect between the description of the QEG by Hopegirl and what the machine actually is and more disturbingly this design makes no sense on any level. I mean it's either purposely been designed to be nonsensical or it's the product of a deeply disturbed mind. And as regards "self-powering", what the hell would be connected back to itself? Is the plan to connect Coil 1 to Coil 2? It's not like they're using huge 1F lightning caps or something similar. Because in that case you're just connecting one end of a transformer to the other end of the same transformer. Are they going to connect Coil 2 to power the motor because then you're just connecting a motor to a generator and that's ridiculous." . . . This doesn't even rely on any of the fake "theories" of classic perpetual motion machine designs, this is unorthodox even for OU machines. == > http://www.quatloos.com/Q-Forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=10010&start=100 I agree that Cold Fusion looks interesting. And that is also what Dr Richard Alan Miller says
  9. Well, anything is possible, K. But my view is that a Wave 2 correction just ended, and a nice Wave-3 up is now starting I hope to do a new Video on it tomorrow
  10. BIG JUMP in vacant shops - as landlord are slow to cut rents + Causeway Bay : 81 in Dec., 128 shops now : + 56% + Tsim Sha Tsui : 44 in Dec., 93 shops now + Mong Kok --- : 21 in Dec., 48 shops now : + 129% + Central ------ : 47 in Dec., 76 shops now : + 62% The Cw.Bay vacancies are the highest since the SARS crisis in 2003. Rent cuts have not been large enough, and retailers are losing interest Retail sales have dropped 4.1% in the year to May. But Cw.Bay rents dropped only 1.6% in the last quarter (per today's SCMP)
  11. The issue of High Management fees is in Today's SCMP Questions are being asked about the size of new developments If too small, management fees will be too high. So maybe the govt needs to think about minimum sizes for new projects I have always been careful about one Tower and two Tower projects Park Ivy with two Towers is an example. Park Summit next door has the same management fee, as is expected Park Ivy. At PS you get a better clubhouse and a swimming pool. In short, you get more for your money, because the management costs can be spread over a larger number of flats. Of course, a large estate with about 1700 units like Long Beach is better still. You get much better facilities, and the cost is still reasonable
  12. (for those who may not have seen today's Dr.B's Diary): Have the Old Gold Bulls learned nothing ?? I hadn't listened to John Embry or Chris Walzek for some time, so I tuned in to last week's podcast Jul.18 - John Embry & Professor Laurence J. Kotlikoff MP3 : http://radio.goldseek.com/shows/2014/07.18.2014/GSR-07.18.14-cc.mp3 After listening to some scary warnings from Prof Lawrence Kotlikoff, they went to Embry's part of the interview. It was a Gold bull fest, with each trying to outdo the other in talking about how high the Gold price might go. JA: "Once it breaks the 2011 highs, a whole new group of investors will come in." Will they? Why? A very different conversation might have been about how Gold is cheap, because it is cheap in relation to some specific valuation metrics. One I like is: The CRB Index. This is comprised of various commodity prices, and is most heavily weighted towards Oil. Here's what that looks like : A Ratio of Gold-to-CRB: It reached a high over 6.00 in mid-2012, and then at the end of 2013, had fallen to just over 4.00 (is it 4.05?) That's a big drop, of 33.4%, and is a good reason to say the Gold is cheap, relative to other CRB commodities. The value of my Ratio, relative value approach, is that it allows you to have some historical perspective on valuations, and you get away from the Embry/Walzek circus, of just trying to imagine higher and higher valuations that Gold might climb to. Is that what caused the Gold Bulls to miss the important Top at $1920 in 2011 - or maybe 5.74 times CRB ? It RATIO also showed that Gold was dangerously high in early June 2012, when it was over 6.00. The Good news is that the Gold-to-CRB Ratio seems to have made a convincing looking TURN off the bottom of the channel
  13. "Dr B in response to your question. We only use price nothing else. We view price as having the collective information of all parties..." Okay. So there must be cyclical and momentum factors built into your model. In my over charting system, I regard certain moving averages as providing important support - and THAT is also based on historical prices, over past time frames (of the moving averages)
  14. 40% of UK Wealth is "False Wealth" says the FT > http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/8d5c6ed8-0c0a-11e4-a096-00144feabdc0.html The link doesn't work for me, so here's a summary that I picked up from another website: "Here's the short general idea in my own words... They say more than £3th of assets = 40 percent of UK wealth, are what planning restrictions have added to house prices, they are the ransom that recent buyers and renters are forced to pay to homeowners, this is plunder, from younger to older, from poorer to richer. But if we let people build more houses we turn the false wealth into real wealth of houses and flats, improving living conditions, creating jobs, and making society fairer and more equal." Hmm. I don't entirely understand that. I do "get" that ultra-low interest rates can Pump up house prices to false levels, persuading people that they are wealthier than they really are. We saw that in the US, and many people went out and spent that wealth on things they did not need. When home prices fell, any debt they took on secured by false wealth was still there, when the wealth melted away. I do not get how borrowing against false wealth and spending much of it on home construction is much better than on other items, except that housing assets might be somewhat more durable than many other assets. In any case, there is likely to be a Debt problem when the bubble bursts.
  15. 40% of UK Wealth is "False Wealth" says the FT > http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/8d5c6ed8-0c0a-11e4-a096-00144feabdc0.html The link doesn't work for me, so here's a summary that I picked up from another website: "Here's the short general idea in my own words... They say more than £3th of assets = 40 percent of UK wealth, are what planning restrictions have added to house prices, they are the ransom that recent buyers and renters are forced to pay to homeowners, this is plunder, from younger to older, from poorer to richer. But if we let people build more houses we turn the false wealth into real wealth of houses and flats, improving living conditions, creating jobs, and making society fairer and more equal." Hmm. I don't entirely understand that. I do "get" that ultra-low interest rates can Pump up house prices to false levels, persuading people that they are wealthier than they really are. We saw that in the US, and many people went out and spent that wealth on things they did not need. When home prices fell, any debt they took on secured by false wealth was still there, when the wealth melted away. I do not get how borrowing against false wealth and spending much of it on home construction is much better than on other items, except that housing assets might be somewhat more durable than many other assets. In any case, there is likely to be a Debt problem when the bubble bursts.
  16. That's a good point. To put it another way: The imbedded Silver call is far out of the money But the call comes free, and so is good value
  17. NOTES - re: Water etc.: and the meaning of 3.7 in the Metatron dream 07-09-14 – A Tough Little Droplet Fights To Stick Around - The people who shot this video didn't think they were telling a story, a parable for life. They were studying fluid mechanics. Life just crept in and turned their science experiment into a poem ... http://www.npr.org/blogs/krulwich/2014/07/09/329791806/a-tough-little-droplet-fights-to-stick-around and then 06-15-14 – Why Physicists Are Saying Consciousness Is A State Of Matter, Like a Solid, A Liquid Or A Gas - A new way of thinking about consciousness is sweeping through science like wildfire. Now physicists are using it to formulate the problem of consciousness in concrete mathematical terms for the first time https://medium.com/the-physics-arxiv-blog/why-physicists-are-saying-consciousness-is-a-state-of-matter-like-a-solid-a-liquid-or-a-gas-5e7ed624986d the whole direction of Physics now is toward cavitation processes, and how a Dyson Sphere may become "Spaceship Earth
  18. Looks good to me. Those Silver coins look like an excellent low risk investment I might Put 100 away, for a rainy day. Any idea how I can buy some in Hong Kong ?
  19. okay looks like you might have forecast today's drop (about -$16 right now)
  20. NEW TAX NEEDED ? “The Census Bureau estimates that 30 percent of all apartments in the quadrant from 49th to 70th Streets between Fifth and Park are vacant at least ten months a year.” ....it appears The Bank of China is facilitating money laundering for wealthy Chinese to move dirty money overseas and park it in real estate. Here's My suggestion: TAX EMPTY apartments: If someone can PROVE it is their main home - because they list it as their primary residence for Tax Purposes, then fine. But if not: They should pay a tax, the higher of: == + Tax due from Rental income + Taxed AS IF it were rented out at 50% of Expected Rental income This would encourage people to Live there, or rent it out. Why should the Rich get away with holding these resources without contributing ??
  21. "Clif High has predicted that the US housing market will crash soon after June 13th 2014" After June 13th - like End of June / Early July, could prove to be an excellent call for a Top HGX / PHLX Housing Index (INDEX)... update : 5-yr-Chart // PHM-5yrs : PHM-1yr : PHM-vs-HGX-4yrs
  22. (From AX): "Hong Kong property watchers turn bullish as home prices hit record high" - Ed (Hey, whodathunkit? One on the posts from the Top of this thread): "The illiquidity (and high transaction costs) are hurting those who may want to upsize or downsize, and find the costs of doing so too be too great to move. I don't think we can rule out a rally from here - maybe even to new highs - as unlikely as that may seem. But I am not promising that. nor really expecting it - But I do include this in my range of possible outcomes. The rally in some of the HK Property stocks is something I am watching. If there is another leg up, then that "unlikely" rally becomes more probable IMO." And we GOT more rally in HK Property shares, which helps to show the value of this bellwether. (... and it remains strong ): Property Index========= “Transaction volume has picked up and take-up remains keen for new launches, so we expect developers should have room to gradually narrow discounts,” Alfred Lau, an analyst at Bocom International Holdings Co., wrote in a June 5 report. He also upgraded the property sector to outperform. The Hang Seng Property Index, which tracks the shares of Hong Kong’s nine biggest developers, fell as much as 20 percent and is down 6 percent at 30,001.29 since the government’s 2013 tax increase as of yesterday’s market close. The index rebounded after officials in May relaxed terms of refunding a double stamp duty introduced to discourage owning more than one home. Buyers have been given extra time to dispose of their existing dwelling after purchasing another one, the condition required for a refund. == > http://www.businessweek.com/news/2014-07-08/hong-kong-buyers-queue-for-new-homes-after-prices-plunge
  23. Hongkongers, If not on the gravy train, you are over-paying Jake Van Der Kamp exposed this in today's SCMP The average Housing Authority flat rents for HK$1,200 per month - that's one of "the lowest in the urban world" ... "In a City that is a byword for high-priced housing" That amount: + Doesnt pay for the cost of repairs, or even + The cost of collecting rent + Leaves the HA with a deficit of HK$ 1.66 billion Now the govt wants the HA to build 20,000 rental units a year JVDC: "The rents must go up." "The HA did decide to raise rents by 10%... on $1,200 that means nothing." "These rents can go much higher." (he calls for a 50% rise.) - from todays SCMP
  24. C.J. What's driving the expectation for higher Gold? Can you say something about the drivers you use?
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