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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Joseph Farrell is a former Professor, and a proliferic researcher He comes up with some fascinating material (He doesn't use channeling, or have any respect for that approach) Joseph Comments on recent rumors that Germany may seek to repatriate its gold reserves from the US New York Federal Reserve 3,396 tons of Gold 73% of National FX Reserves Where did the Gold come from? Why is it in the US Federal reserve?
  2. One of the virtues of gold (silver, too- but less so) is: GOLD is an ideal store of SECRET WEALTH. It holds value well, and can be converted into liquidity almost anywhere in the world. And you can leave in a safe place underground for years, neigh: decades... centuries ! And when you dig it up, it will still have its value unimpaired. Diamonds work that way too, but valuations move around considerably: Some stones can be in and out of favor. What other efficient stores of SECRET wealth can you think of ? (genuine question) During the Tang Dynasty, a standard bi-metallic system of silver and copper coinage was codified with 10 silver coins equal to 1,000 copper cash coins. Paper money and bonds were introduced in the 9th century. However, the tael was still the basis of the silver currency and sycee remained in use until the end of the Qing Dynasty. Common weights were 50 taels, 10 taels and 5 down to 1. The word is still in use. In Mainland China and Taiwan it equivalent to 10 ch'ien (?) at 37.5 g. In Hong Kong it is 37.8 g. In Shanghai silver is still traded in taels. According to dictionary.com, a tael is: Any of various units of weight used in eastern Asia, roughly equivalent to 38 grams (1 1/3 ounces). Given this feature, I do think it is possible that Be Fulford is correct, and there are secret and maybe ancient gold resources "held off market in Asia." They might be in some form like ancient Gold bars, where they will have to be melted down and re-assayed before they can get back into the global market. In the months and years to come, I intend to remain alert to signs that such a thing may be happening.
  3. That's a decent point. Some trade the Gold stocks against Gold too. But it is true that Gold stocks often LEAD gold up and down, so it is good to follow both. Hence the new Gold Juniors thread - a companion to the Gold thread /see: http://tinyurl.com/GEI-GDXJ
  4. THE FUTURE FOR GEI - might rest upon a smaller group of people, using some more sophisticated techniqes - and with more open minds towards trading ideas =================== To give you some idea of my own vision of that, Here's an idea that I have looked at on the new thread: http://tinyurl.com/GEI-GDXJ In answer to a comment: "I have positions in both GDX and GDXJ - long term buying (on weakness) and holding. Looking for $100+ for gdx and $70+ for gdxj." - E. I wrote: If you do not understand this, please feel free to ask questions on either thread. I am not saying that everyone has to think or trade this way, but I am also not happy having such types of discussions treated as something that does not belong on GEI. A smaller GEI might be a better GEI, if we can improve further on the quality of postings here. If you are willing, join me in this new adventure.
  5. I am not running this website to have abuse showered on the guy who runs it. (!!) (You should get the time sequence right. GF posted is latest posting concerning no longer being a Moderator BEFORE I transferred this thread to the Fringe section. The transfer was in response to his posting and other complaints.) If GF or others want to sulk or complain, then they can do it here or elsewhere on the web, but not on GEI's Main board. Is there anything at all unfair about that? On the other hand, if I see constructive postings on both threads, I will merge them into a single Main board thread. I am a person of my word, and of honor. It is really up to you and the other posters how this will go forward.
  6. ??? Just how has he been "treated" ? I am slimming down Mods, as I have stated. One by one, I have transferred 4 to "Members" for reasons mentioned. Why should I pay for an maintain a website for "azazels" who simply want to sling mud and abuse the host? Shocking bad manners, Az.!
  7. Ha.. ha (not) As requested. You are the first. Enjoy your 10 day holiday
  8. Interesting. Do you have a link to that, or a summary somewhere. I still think we can avoid "catastrophe". If you are of the right midset, you might take some comfort from ,who believe that the people living here "will not be allowed to destroy the planet". Some folks who thought the planet had a "sell by date" have behaved recklessly, it seems to me. I will be happy to read your email
  9. http://www.resourceinvestor.com/2012/03/08/inflation-ahead-buy-gold-or-buy-stocks?t=precious-metals Jeremy Grantham of GMO says inflation now looms. "The 800-pound gorilla...is not in the room yet, but you can hear him thumping his chest up in the hills," he writes in his latest client letter. This gorilla – a rising cost of living – would eat pensioners and bondholders for breakfast, of course, and gnaw on their fixed-income bones for lunch. "He will come eventually, and before he does, you should remember that stocks are underrated inflation hedges," the GMO letter goes on, pointing to scatter charts so dense you'd think Georges Seurat had painted them. Beyond the pointilism, though, Grantham agrees with Paulson that you'll want to be early with gold. But stocks bought as an inflation hedge ahead of time could cost you at first. "As inflation picks up, the real price of gold goes up, the real price of bonds declines a lot, and equities decline also, but significantly less," says Grantham. Still, on a 10-year basis, no matter, he reckons. Such "surges in inflation have been a very slight issue for holders of equities (and gold)...but a very serious one for bondholders." And stocks remain "under-rated inflation hedges" he believes.
  10. http://news.goldseek.com/GoldSeek/1331219220.php Now that we are at this pullback point in the market, the dollar clearly has a couple choices: 1) either go on to make new highs and most likely drive a deeper correction in stocks and commodities, or 2) fail to make new highs, and stoke a continued rally in stocks and commodities. Looking at a weekly chart of the dollar, from a Stage Analysis perspective the dollar is still rising above a rising 30-week moving average, which is bullish for the dollar. But momentum is clearly slowing to the upside, and both previous major rallies in the dollar failed when the TRIX momentum indicator rolled over to the downside on the weekly chart. Notice too that if the dollar rally were to fail here or close to here, each successive dollar rally since the panic in 2008 has carried less momentum to the upside. == == Greek Bond participation ? Now up to 73% -- Official figure die tomorrow - per Bloomberg
  11. There's a New "Gold and Currency Thread" there. And there's an excellent chance that oen will get merged with this one. Soon. Maybe even as soon as tomorrow. It depends what the posts look like here and there. Welcome back, BTW (We now have 3 fewer Mods, and I will slim down further very soon.) Why not start a new thread on some subject that really interests you, to show folks you are back.
  12. RH, Your box was full, so I have been able to tell you...
  13. LOL Good point. We have gone off topic. ===================================== Gold prices rise on Greek bond swap deal Economic Times - 9 hours ago Holdings in the gold-backed exchange-traded funds hit a record high, and gained 269000 ounces since last Wednesday, when gold prices collapsed 6 per cent ... In-Depth: PRECIOUS-Gold rises but easing euro dampens rally‎ Reuters Personally, I think there is a fair chance this optimism may be short-lived. I don't think those Greek bond acceptances will get to 90%
  14. Okay. Point Taken, but did you notice THIS: "You have been seduced by a load of conspiracy clap and it has clouded your good judgement, which used to be razor sharp." Won't you be surprised if it turns out to still be razor-sharp ! (No promises, of course. But I am disappointed I don't get more of a break.)
  15. Howdy, Zik. How are you doing. Actually, I am moving now to the next step, on slimming Mods
  16. Okay, I am a bit more of a C&B guy, under the circumstances, but I do acknowledge it is rare, and often deferred
  17. I don't agree with that. There are many people here who think "the purists" are unbalanced. Not just RH. But few of them are interested enough, to join the fray on the Gold thread, but you can see them posting elsewhere. In the end, it is my site, and I have to stand up for the balance and the free-discussion that I believe in. Without mentioning names, I can think of two or three posters who were very aggressively Anti-Trader, and they have now left some time ago, do you really think the site has suffered as all from their absence? I don't know GF's exact thoughts, but I think he got a bit miffed on being transferred from Mod to Member. I plan to do that one-by-one with all the Mods. He was just the second one to be transferred. I will then build a new Mod team, if I need to. If he wants to continue as Mod, then I would ask him what his goals are for the site. If we agree on that, I would be happy to have him return to that capacity. But I will probably slim down first and build up later.
  18. If every one stays cool, then the two threads will be merged into one after a brief holiday period
  19. I didn't just delete the old gold thread Would you prefer that I had done that? If there's any chance of getting this site working as a team, then some folks are going to have to take a breath, a little walk, and maybe even a holiday. Everyhting's cool now. I was thoroughly... well, non-plussed. But I think a new thread to look at here is no great problem. And if anyone knows the value of holding onto an Archive, it is the guy who saw a fee hundred thou posts go wap over at the old HPC.
  20. Nope. Just making a point. The thread is alive and well and living on the Fringe - taking a holiday. From there: Actual TRAFFIC, as of last count: 28,922 Replies 2,278,634 Views That's quite a boost to the humble little Fringe section. haha
  21. Yes. That in fact is the problem. I think some of the die-hard types really felt like the Gold thread was "their turf", and they didn't like me posting there, especially when I challenged the prevailing philosophy, which was to buy and hold gold through all the dips. Some are convinced that either: + You cannot beat B&H through trading (& I challenged that), or + Any sort of asset which was not physical gold in storage was far too dangerous, or + Anyone who challenged this strategy was in favor of holding fiat currency So they felt-duty bound to attack other points of view, especially on their "home turf." They forgot the thread was part of a bigger website, run by someone who was keen to insist on respect for all points of view - and that includes theirs BTW! My hope is... by moving the thread I will shake that "my turf" attitude, and allow a more balanced discussion going forward. We will probably lose some posters, and maybe many of them. But I think this will actually lead to a better discussion in the long run. If there is a decent discussion on the new thread, then I will merge them eventually. That is the plan anyway.
  22. oh well... VOGON CAPTAIN: I appear to have wiped out half my crew. / Which of the many halves might that be? / Would you like to be a Moderator, Laura? Perhaps you can take the site over, next time I go on holiday. The actual reality here is that no one has been banned, or even suspended. No threads destroyed. No crew members killed. There are just a few who have run off somewhere to holiday, sulk, and maybe plot further mischief. All in a days work, on the World Wide Web, I suppose.
  23. Yes. That in fact is the problem. I think some of the die-hard types really felt like the Gold thread was "their turf", and they didn't like me posting there, especially when I challenged the prevailing philosophy, which was to buy and hold gold through all the dips. Some are convinced that either: + You cannot beat B&H through trading (& I challenged that), or + Any sort of asset which was not physical gold in storage was far too dangerous, or + Anyone who challenged this strategy was in favor of holding fiat currency So they felt-duty bound to attack other points of view, especially on their "home turf." They forgot the thread was part of a bigger website, run by someone who was keen to insist on respect for all points of view - and that includes theirs BTW! My hope is... by moving the thread I will shake that "my turf" attitude, and allow a more balanced discussion going forward. We will probably lose some posters, and maybe many of them. But I think this will actually lead to a better discussion in the long run. If there is a decent discussion on the new thread, then I will merge them eventually. That is the plan anyway.
  24. JD, Can I describe you as a "muddle through" man? It must cases, that's what happens, the world muddles through most of its problems. Many of us see the potential for "Crash and Burn", but in reality, it rarely happens
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