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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. I think he has about 30-40% of his fund in physical precious metals, and he uses options to hedge the price risk. The fund might look a bit like the Alternative Portfolios on the Beating B&H thread: http://tinyurl.com/BeatingBH I am now 50-60% in physical silver in those portfolios. But I know he trades more mining stocks (and even some private equity) than my AP's do. I don't know why you knock a guy (mr HF) who knows far more about the macro situation than most of the so-called experts quoted here? They mostly have products or funds to sell and are just "talking their own books."
  2. "panic trade" - who does that? Do you mean take advantage of "windows of opportunity" as the market ebbs and flows. Taking profits before price drops. That's more my style, and it has shown to work well over the years. I have been trading that way for a long time, and now the Beating B&H portfolios show more the blow-by-blow of the kind of trades that I make. The Hedge Funds have to worry about losing customers if they are on the wrong wide of the market for long, and this is why my HF friend watches closely what is really happening, and doesnt rely on supposed gurus like JS and ES... EXCERPT from his latest comment: (last Friday or Saturday) " Funding concerns were certainly partly responsible for yesterday's risk-off mood across markets, and gold and silver suffered as a result. Liquidity crunch : Very dangerous for illiquid Gold and Silver markets... The liquidity in the money market is not flowing normally between banks. Tensions in the funding markets will remain through year-end, and will be more pronounced in Europe. . . . ...increase in appetite for the greenback in the FX swap market amid increasing funding concerns as solutions for solving the EU debt crisis are at an impasse. Some of this could feed into the gold forwards market, if the search for dollars becomes extreme. ...any European banks lacking the USD deposit base could increasingly struggle as their usual sources of dollar funding attempt to reduce exposure to Europe. However, some comfort may be drawn from the fact that the Fed's swap lines with the ECB remain under-utilised ... Gold picture : Not a safehaven for now... Perhaps you can read about these issues in the mainstream and on Gold Purist sites AFTER they effect the market price.
  3. I dont think so. He is one of the very best. Pierre Lasonde owns 10% of his fund, and has told him: "I would have done better to listen to you much more." Eric Sprott won't get a compliment like that from Lasonde. "Pierre Lassonde is one of the smartest people in the gold world." /source, comments: http://seekingalpha.com/instablog/329667-nikhil-nichani/86830-is-gold-really-as-risk-free-as-it-seems The problem with some of our B&H Wizards here, is they do not know "good" when they see it, and instead worship "comfortable." They would rather lose money in a comfortable way, rather than be truly excellent and make more money. Sprott has a big market machine behind him, but hasnt called the market nearly as well and my HF friend. Maybe you will hear him soon on FBB.
  4. No. But many bought for the first time between $40-50, and many also bought Sprott's Physical Silver fund when and after it was launched, and owned it at above $40 Silver. My friend point still stands, if he had been forecasting $100 Silver when Silver was pushing up to $50, it would have been very tough for him to hold onto clients in his Hedge Fund. Why do some people issue Eric Sprott "a pass" for being so wrong*? My friend would like to know how he can get one too. Not all of John Paulsen's clients are willing to sit tight in JP's fund after it dropped more than 30%. === === *"He's always advocated dollar-cost averaging over time" That only works well in a long term bull market. Dollar cost averaging in the SPX over the last 1-2 decades would have delivered no magic at all.
  5. Buy? With what? That assumes you are lucky enough to have a job, which brings in substantial "surplus income" Not everyone has that. Some folks rely on their trading to generate income. Perhaps B&H is only for "Salary Men" ?
  6. Be careful. Sprott may be right, but he is also "talking his own book." A hedge fund manager who has done very well said to me on Friday: "Sprott should be embarrassed about ramping silver, talking about a rise to $100, when it was approaching $50. If I had been so wrong as that, I would be losing my clients now." Instead, he is up about 60% for the year, beating Mr Sprott by some miles. Why does Eric get so much good press, when he has cost those who bought Silver near $50, so much money?
  7. That was a chart I could grab quickly. It didnt show exactly what I expected, and I think there may be others which might show my concept better, but I lacked the time to research for such a chart. Can you find one?
  8. Actually, it was a very interesting and wide-ranging interview, that I am sure will be ignored by a majority of GEI's members. If only one-third of the information is accurate, it will one day be altering our world. So anyway, I thought I would focus on the "frequency" shift, where people can experience the difference for themselves and form their own conclusions. So I started a new thread on that subject alone: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=15594
  9. (I am sure this will be controversial in the Main section, so I may move the thread soon) Fernando Vossa / Free Energy, Healing Technology, & Cosmic Awareness / November 18, 2011 MP3 : VS-111118-fvossa-v7f Fernando Vossa is a busy man. And of late, more than an optimist. "While the dark forces are busy with their games, we are shifting the entire planet into another dimension completely. You should see what's happening on the universal level." While he refers to himself as a monster of design, and an esoteric freak, Vossa is a de-facto visionary, teacher, healer, world traveler, and philosopher - with a science background. Vossa studied virtual reality engineering. "I used to work for military contractors. I helped make B-2 bombers." It was a life of frustration and despair. Vossa works for the light now. He's built Sonic Reiki, a system where one's own voice is delivered into the body, affecting change at the DNA level. He runs a camp for children. "Those diagnosed as autistic and ADHA: They are the first generation that is multi-dimensional." They are being bombarded with information. They are filtering out the matrix. One day soon you may be able to experience Vossa's Hypercube Resonator, an invention so radical, he closed it down for further development, for fear of misuse. Just listening to Vossa is medicinal; his delivery informed, his intentions creative, bold and beautiful. Vossa aims to be an ambassador for technology for the next presidential administration "to bring all this technology into the government in a non-militarized way." The next president will have no option other than to embrace these changes, he says. "The breakaway society - it will be the enlightened." As for 2012, despite upheaval on many levels, Vossa describes a new world ahead. "It's inevitable. We are going to see technology that is going to blow our minds: time travel, teleportation, multi-dimensional matter replication. The work of Nicola Tesla, Ralph Ring, Prof. John Searl—that work that has been planted: Now we get to harvest." Trillions of dollars have been invested, he says, issuing a call for the world's first free-energy-dedicated nation to so identify. New energy frequencies are changing our world on every level. "You're going to see migrational patterns around the planet changing with these new frequencies. You're going to see your ideas changing. Moving from fear and trouble, now we get into solutions, action, transformation. "This is a time for us to investigate reality first hand, to discover your self. Ask your own body, your own intelligence. Ask to dream about it, to be told. Build the faith that there is a divine unfolding. Millions of people around the world are making this happen." Vossa's leaving the implant in his body, for now. He is forgiving about the dark work of some of the reptilians and grays. At 8 years of age, walking in the woods, a light came down and spoke to him. For the future, he wants to see the three pillars of the Vossa message unfold: free energy, healing technology, and cosmic awareness. That's the universal trinity that's going to make the breakthrough. /see: http://www.veritasradio.com/guests/2011/11nov/VS-111118-fvossa.php
  10. Here's something that I think is "akin to astrology" "$1764 is the level where Gold will take off!" Well, no! $1764 was a warning that an important top (but maybe not THE top) was about to be put in place. My own approach to TA, and the discipline in applying it gold and silver is work better than the "angels and voodoo" that Mr Sinclair is using on Gold and on his TRX stock Having said this: JS usually has some interesting things to say in an interview, though he puts equal confidence in his sense and his nonsense
  11. I think you have to see its value from the returns generate by those who use TA. It is a tool afterall, not a phenomenon all on its own. So you have to look at the tool in the hands of someone who knows how to use it.
  12. Outer Hebrides It would change your thinking to live in such a place as that
  13. Just because you do not know the future with 100% certainty, it does not mean you are "just guessing" with the accuracy of a 50/50 wager, such as coin flipping. If you develop a technique which can improve your accuracy from a random 50/50, to a useful 60/40, or a very useful 70/30, then you have an "economic edge" which can allow you to beat random chance, provided you manage your money with discipline.
  14. I had a coffee today with two guys who have been following KGC more closely than I. I asked them, "Why is Kinross so cheap?" Their answer: Kinross keeps dilluting their shareholders. They are so keen to grow, that they pay too much for their acquisitions. The latest example was Red-Back Mining where they paid a ridiculous price for a company with a deposit in Mali. Is that really where you want to be building an expensive mine. I said: "Yes. I heard about that. And I know there were many complaints. Perhaps the company has now learned its lesson about paying too much, since the stock has been beat up. It's price is way down as a percentage of GDX." (see Ratio, below.) Answer: I doubt it. They may soon make another expensive acquisition. They don;t have enough discipline. RATIO: KGC-to-GDX Well, maybe they are right. On the other hand, you need a reason to get such a low valuaton, and if these acquisitions all result in profitable mines, and the company shows some greater discipline, then there's a chance for a re-rating.
  15. Some prefer to stay blind LOL It is a shame you do not understand how to use charts, and prefer to wallow in your own personal lack of knowledge. With the sources that you do use, you came up with this little gem a few days ago: I tried to warn you, as anyone reading the Gold thread will know. At the same time as the above enthusiasm was posted, it was obvious the upmove in Silver and Gold was technically weak. Instead of learning something from your forecasting miscue, you ridicule those who can do better. I have to say your comment contains at least a whiff of arrogance : "astrologers of our time" indeed. More like: People who are open-minded enough to embrace techniques before the masses. Why not learn from results that there's more to Heaven and Earth than yours-and-ours received wisdom can contemplate?
  16. The Central Banks were the big buyers around the time of the $850 top in Gold in about 1980. The smart money was selling the gold to these guys. Why do you think the Gold purists (with really huge holdings) want a gold-back currency? So they can offload their gold holdings (to CB's) at a high price. Take out the US, and the CB's dont look very clever. And Gold's long price decline was spurred on by these guys offloading their "excess gold holdings." Now they want to buy them back at much higher prices. Remember Gordon Brown's classic sale of half of the UK's reserves at/near $250? Perhaps they should take the loss out of his pension. (?)
  17. Embarrassed by my riches, I suppose you mean. / From sidestepping the big drops in Gold and Silver prices, while the dumb money floods in before the drops. That would make sense (that you would be worried about me being embarrassed in such a way) if you have been reading the Beating B&H thread. The present price drop was signalled there first, before it happened. (Why? Because the market was rising on light volume, and open interest was declining.) I would suggests that the BAHAIs here would do well to take these factors into consideration when contemplating adding more precious. And for traders like me, when I hear from the Gold Purists that "It is time to buy!" My reaction is: "With what?" Since the BAHAIs may have told you to buy previously at a higher price, so where's the money to buy now, when the price is lower.
  18. Meantime, we seem to have a Traders Paradise in the Gold market. (THE Piper is now occupied with piping up his own co., and is less involved with metals themselves.)
  19. Okay, But I am more glad that I lightened up on Gold and Silver, and also switched from SLV longs to SLV calls, raising plenty of cash. Now as the slide is underway (as I expected it might be), I will be able to re-enter at cheaper prices, using the Cash I raised from timely sales I think SLV could be headed to $30 or lower... (in edit): SLV now is: Last $31.28 Change $-1.54 % Change -4.69% hmm. Maybe it will hit $30.00 tomorrow afterall GLD drop is less so far: Last [Tick] $168.38 Change $-3.13 % Change -1.82% Gold has some catching up to do on the downside.
  20. What happened to that "over $1800 rally" I heard about last week. Did it get delayed at the airport or something? "Central bank gold buying at 40-year high" Whoops! The dumb money is flooding in, now that Paulsen is selling.
  21. Somebody speeded those up. One way to get rid of an insurance claim, is to simply refuse to pay it. (And that works best if you can get courts to refuse the claim too.) But you lose plenty of future customers that way
  22. What can I say? Here's what I think (but should not say): "The stupid bozos who buy will deserve the shit-storm they are headed into. The sad think is they will try to shift their mistake onto the prudent folk around them, who will be too stupid to protest enough. What a system !"
  23. Artificially low rates have delayed the crash, but they cannot prevent it. So far, the government has show no ability to boost incomes in a meaningful way, so when the rate rises come, the crash will come too.
  24. "(2) That will require the elimination of all debt, deficits, unfunded social entitlements, the US Dollar as Reserve currency, and the big one, the $600 trillion of derivatives." I suppose you guys know that Derivatives tend to be self-liquidating. If banks stop doing new ones, the old ones run off. At the various maturities, the difference amounts (if any) are first netting against each other, and then the net amounts are paid. The Net amounts will be a tiny, tiny fraction of that scary headline figure of $600 Trillion. For mots banks, the net amounts will be measured in billions or even millions. Some folks, who really do not understand how these instruments work, love to over-state the risks involved.
  25. Paulsen lost tons of money (was down almost 50% at one stage), proving that he is "just human, no Superman", and so many performance-chasing sheeple decided to move on to whomever had a "hot hand" last month, and gander lots of fawning press. He can go forward managing his own money, which allows one to sleep better. Perhaps he will even learn how to trade gold and silver one day
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