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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. MORE FRAUD - The Life of Reilly? (No wonder they want homes in expensive London boroughs) Tenancy fraud costs UK taxpayers over Pds. 2 billion per year Almost 160,000 council homes are estimated to be illegally sublet - three tiems the official figures + A racket that is costing the taxpayer more than Pds. 2 billion per year + The homes could be use to house others on a waiting list + Based on a study of 125,000 properties run by 10 local councils + Study concluded that at least 3 pc of Britain's five million social housing units were unlawfully sublet + Cost to taxpayer: maybe Pds.18,000 per year per tenant (??)
  2. Here are two wise older folk that you may think are far out in the fringe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYwm-2ndWBg AT their age, what do you think they hope to gain? Do you doubt they are sharing their truth and wisdom? Bob Dean calls Disclosure "the biggest story in human history." If it is true, don't you think we need to know about it? Dolores says, "I like David Icke, but I don't agree with much of what he has been saying recently. I think he has gone off the deep end." (She is not accepting everything - She has her own sources of information from her work.)
  3. "Do you expect your life to be improved by gaining knowledge of these "fringe" things?" If you don't like "lies/misinformation/deceit", then don't you think it is time to get beyond the misinformation that is foised on us by the Mass Media ? I can begin to improve my life, my future, and my planet in important and long term ways, by better understanding: + Who I am + Where I come from The Mass Media can better control us by feeding us lies that help them to maintain their power structures. The "Expensive healthcare... for dumbed down and brainwashed people" (see just above) is a good example of how powerful Doctors and Big Pharma uses a corrupted system to take more from Americans. Only if we understand the power structures better, and who and how the elites benefit from them, can we begin to throw them off. They exist all over the place: in Healthcare, in the Military Industrial Complex, in the close relationship between the banksters and our politicians, in our extravagant use of energy, in our education system... the list goes on. Seeing the mess for what it is, and helping others to hold their money and health as the system collapses or morphs is a key part of what GEI is all about. Would you have me give that up?
  4. Well, that's not exactly true in the US of A... From my "Huge Holes in Pockets, Part 2" article: Health care and Life Expectancy Some will object to my comments, and say that lives are being prolonged by improved healthcare, and that advanced healthcare is inherently more expensive, as technology improves. Indeed, we have seen healthcare costs creep up as a share of GDP across the world, although to lower levels than in the US. The statistics show an improvement in the expected lifespan of individuals in the entire world, where the current world average life expectancy is 67.2 years, according to Wikipedia. In the US, the expected lifespan at birth has gone up from 68.2 years in 1950, to 73.7 years in 1980, and up to 78.3 years in 2010. That's a meaningful improvement, but if you look more deeply you will see that nearly all of that improvement is due to a reduction in mortality amongst infants and young children. More people make it 10, 20 or 30 years than they did in 1900, 1950 or 1980. But life expectancy beyond the age of 50 has improved very little*. In fact, we are more prone to fall prey to certain "modern" diseases, (such as cancer, diabetes, and HIV-AIDS.) The rise of these diseases have come with changes in our diet, lifestyle, and living arrangements. If expensive healthcare were rationed, as it is being done in other countries, people would need to take on more responsibility for their own wellness, and not expect the medical care system to bail them out from poor dietary and lifestyle choices. You might expect that longevity would decline in hard times, but that has not been the case: "The relationship between economic circumstance and life expectancy is not clear-cut, however. A study by José A. Tapia Granados and Ana Diez Roux at the University of Michigan found that life expectancy actually increased during the Great Depression, and during recessions and depressions in general. The authors suggest that when people are working extra hard during good economic times, they undergo more stress, exposure to pollution, and likelihood of injury among other longevity-limiting factors." (source) Also, even with our advanced medical technology, and supposed top notch healthcare, the US is nowhere near the top in Life Expectancy at birth. According to the UN, that honor belongs to Japan at 82.6 years. Hong Kong is second (82.2 years), and Iceland is third (81.8 years.) In the UN data, the US comes in at number 36 (78.3 years.) And that's below the US Virgin Islands (#20, at 79.3 years), and Puerto Rico (#31. at 78.7 years.) Apparently, although Americans pay the most per capita for their healthcare, they are getting a much lesser result than countries that spend less. The whole notion of healthcare needs to be changed in the US. The industry now gets paid when people fall ill and require treatment. This often means prescribing expensive branded drugs, because physicians have been "educated" about their benefits, rather than cheaper generic drugs, or herbal medicines which are little mentioned in medical education. There is little emphasis on prevention of disease. Americans eat a poor diet, get little exercise, and expect their doctors to prescribe a handful of pills when they are unwell. This is an expensive, wasteful and unsustainable health regime... /source: http://www.financialsense.com/contributors/dr-bubb/2011/08/31/america-has-huge-holes-in-its-pockets-part-2 Dumbed down, and brain-washed, Americans pay too much for their healthcare, as the Doctors get rich, and the pharmaceutical makers prosper.
  5. LOL Tax evasion may be a worthy sport for independently-minded people in a country that wants to over-tax. What about the "high number of psychics"? Is that a genuine observation about Basque people? Some think that Basques have "holy blood" rather than an alien origin. Is it discussed by them, I wonder?
  6. For a so-called scientist, you do not read very carefully, JD. Perhaps if you re-read my posts, you will begin to understand them, and focus on what I wrote, more than parts I have quoted. The RH- negative characteristics are very interesting, and do tend to suggest that the Basque people are "special" somehow, and there are various theories about that. Every time I make a specific point like this, it gets ignored, and you do things like posts lists of scientific questions. A discussion with someone like you (who seems hard of hearing, or the text-related version of that) is very unsatisfying. But then, I think you are not interested in discussion, just in "debunking" anything that does not fit in with your "scientific education", which is probably obsolete by now. BTW, I was the one who pointed out that your arguments were empty without logic, and you make lists of logic : Physician heal theyself : you are the one who needs to tighten your logic, not I.
  7. As usual, you have ignored the best part, which happened to be my summary, not what I quoted. I will repeat it: People with these (RH-) genes may just have a different origin: + They tend to have a higher IQ + Sensitive vision, (and cooler blood!) + Higher psychic ability + They often have reddish hair + Blue-green, or hazel eyes RH- women will reduce a RH+ fetus /More on Blood Types: http://en.wikipedia....wiki/Blood_type This doesnt prove that they are descended from Aliens, or Reptiles, but it does suggest that their origins may be different. Here are some more facts: + About 15% of global population is RH- + The percentage in the Basque population is more than twice that + The Basque people have an unusual language, which also suggests a different origin + By comparison, only 1% of the Asian population is RH- Another quote: The Basque people have always had a very wonderful reputation as mystics and as pious people without hypocrisy or insincerity. Fundamentally, they are an unusually honest race of people devoting themselves mostly to agriculture, although they manufacture some artistic types of unique clothing or dresswear. The Basque hats have become quite well known throughout the world and are imported by many countries and especially France and England. They are typical of the beret type of headwear. The women are charming in their appearance and complexion, in their magnetic personalities, sweet voices, pleasant mannerisms, and extreme cleanliness. The men, of course, are very industrious, and as a race the Basque people have fought very hard to maintain their own provinces as independent and neutral in all worldly affairs. /source: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_basques01.htm
  8. Are you Rh negative? Only about 15% of humans are http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Svj4g3qgBg People with these genes may just have a different origin: + They tend to have a higher IQ + Sensitive vision + Higher psychic ability + They often have reddish hair + Blue-green, or hazel eyes RH- women will reduce a RH+ fetus /More on Blood Types: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_type B L O O D - O F T H E G O D S Are you an Rh Negative blood type? If so you could be a decendent of the ancient astronauts themselves! For the past decade many people have been working to prove that the earth has been visited by extraterrestrial beings. Who are these visitors? Why did they come? Why did they leave? Did they leave? If earth was visited in the ancient past, are there any descendants of these visitors? . . . In the study of genetics, we find that we can only inherit what our ancestors had except in the case of mutation. We can have any of numerous combinations of traits inherited from all our ancestors. Nothing more and nothing less. Therefore, if man and ape evolved from a common ancestor, their blood would have evolved the same way. Blood factors are transmitted with much more exactitude than any other characteristic. It would seem that modern man and rhesus monkey may have had a common ancestor sometime in the ancient past. All other earthly primates also have this Rh factor. But this leaves out the people who are Rh negative (15% of global population). If all mankind evolved from the same ancestor their blood would be compatible. Where did the Rh negatives come from? If they are not the descendants of prehistoric man, could they be the descendants of the ancient astronauts? /More: http://www.greatdreams.com/reptlan/rhneg.htm
  9. I can see many similarities between Wilcock's "Source Field" and Sheldrake's "Morphic Field" - though I reckon DW believes that the patterns originate in the Source Field and radiate out into life and evolution. Whereas the Morphic Field functions more as a group memory which can get over-written, if I understand it properly. Definitions: Wilcock's "Source Field": "A universal matrix of energy creating all space, time, matter, energy, biological life and consciousness" /source: http://marikal.com/ Sheldrake's "Morphic Field": "Morphic comes from the Greek word for form, morphe, and a morphic field is a field of form, or field of pattern or order or structure. Such fields organize not only the froms of living organisms, but also the forms of crystals, of molecules. Each kind of molecule, each protein, for example, has its own kind of morphic field -- a hemoglobin field, an insulin field; each kind of crystal, each kind of organism, and each kind of instinct or pattern of behavior. So these fields are the organizing fields of nature. There are many kinds of them, because there are many kinds of things and patterns in nature. And I think our own mental life depends on just this kind of field." /source: http://www.intuition.org/txt/sheldra1.htm ............ Rupert Sheldrake - Early life and education : David Wilcock Sheldrake was born in Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire to a family of Methodists. He attended Worksop College, an Anglican boarding-school, and specialized in science. His father, an amateur naturalist and microscopist, encouraged his son's interest in plants and animals.[1] Sheldrake obtained a scholarship to study Natural Sciences at Clare College, Cambridge. He specialized in biochemistry, graduated with double-first-class honours, and won the University Botany Prize.[2] He won a Frank Knox fellowship to study philosophy and history at Harvard University at around the time Thomas Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962) was published, which he writes informed his view on the extent to which the mechanistic theory of life is just a paradigm. He returned to Cambridge, where he obtained his Ph.D. in biochemistry.[1] ==== ==== ==== I have attended one of Sheldrake's lectures in London, and was impressed by his ideas and ability to design experiments to test difficult hypotheses.
  10. Thanks for the thoughtful post, Mercury. The changes coming in our thinking, and in our world, have the promise to blow away "the best laid plans of mice and men" in the financial world. If we do not explore this greater world, then people may find all their efforts in finding better investments suddenly come to nothing - if they wake up one day to discover "there are some risks that Gold cannot hedge", and all the risks they were ignoring prove more important that the ones they were focused upon. Thanks for being honest about that - I suspect some others here have not been. My question to you is: What will it take to "widen" the filter you use? If you wait for a really big shock, it may be too late. Cgnao had a function on HPC of delivering periodic shocks that got people to think about other risks. But here his posts function more like cheerleading, spurring on the already-converted to celebrate their gold holdings. That's why I occasionally dispute his posts, which here are a little like "Rocket" images on the Gold thread. They shock no one here, and bring no awakening to the already converted. I mostly listen to podcasts, rather than watch videos. This keeps my hands free, and I can take them with me and listen when I am jogging, or riding the tube... or just doing my research looking at charts or browsing articles. That's a useful shortcut. If you go the the Fringe section, you will find that a few people are beginning to change their thinking, and respond positively to some of these topics - but not all. It will be a slow process for most. AND THEN, some breakthrough will come, and many more people will see that this is a time of major change, which may be life-threatening for some. I just hope it does not take a catastrophic event to do that - I genuinely thought at the beginning of the year that Earth changes would get people to see the World is changing. I predicted a "tough year for the planet" in my 2011 predictions for FBB, and we have certainly seen that this year. But most people seem to have not allowed this to serious effect their world views. I wonder how far the changes will need to go...? You seem to believe that changes and greater awareness of deeper truths are not what is spreading, only "popular enthusiasm" is growing - without a genuine understanding driving that popularity. Funnily enough, commercial interests appear to want to block the increasing interest on the Fringe. Military contractors do not want to see people challenge military spending. Drug companies do not want you to know your can find cheaper remedies, or avoid sickness altogether by eating the right diet. Monsanto does not want people sharing perennial seeds, when they can sell seeds that are good for only one season. Most of the people presenting these ideas on the Fringe, are not getting rich from them - they are just trying to spread the truth - and many are locked into near-poverty conditions, or are fortunate enough to have a pension or other assets to live off. Bob Dean discusses this in this short video: (jump in at 6:40 minutes to save time) "A millionaire? I lost my shirt doing this... I have nothing to sell." (Note: Wilcock is younger, has no military pension to fall back upon, and needs to make a living somehow. Still, many criticise him for being too promotional, and seem to be disturbed by the fact that he obviously thrives on the attention he is getting. Is that a bad thing? Would he give so much if he did not like the attention?) Project Camelot's videos with people like: Bob Dean, David Wilcock, Pete Peterson and others were very influential in getting me to take these topics more seriously. Later, I moved on to listen to most of the key public and member interviews on: http://www.VeritasShow.com - as podcasts, they were more accessible. Finally, I would like to get you to reconsider your comment that "90% of the ideas do appear to be nonsense." Think deeply about why you accept 10%, and reject 90%. What assumptions are you making? And what assumptions would you need to shift your acceptance level to 20%? 30%? Or higher? However, I do agree that it is important not to just automatically believe everything. As Mel Fabregas says, "I don't want to believe, I want to know."
  11. "We may be awoken from a life on Earth, just as we are awoken from a dream."
  12. That's why I use the word "harmony", that's different from just "rhyming" and repeating the views of the majority. But "TRUTH" for a Moslem would be different that "truth" for a Christian, since they would start with different beliefs, and if they don't re-examine and widen their understanding, they would stay locked in different "realities". Hence we have strong disagreements, even wars.
  13. Ah... if that, then: Coherence to WHICH beliefs ? I used to say: "TRUTH is a harmony of past belief." If you accept that, then you had better realise that beliefs need to be constantly re-examined, and also have some means for discarding beliefs which have been disproven
  14. SECTIONS of Wilcock's book: (I haven't read it, nor have others here - so here's a closer look): 2012: Tragedy, transcension or just another year? David Wilcock exposes many great secrets: DNA, consciousness science, wormholes, stargate travel, sacred geometry, three-dimensional time, the Mayan Calendar and much, much more! Part I: CONVERGENCE The Movie, consciousness energy field, Edgar Cayce reincarnation, Da Vinci Code, Inconvenient Truth, galactic alignment, dodecahedron, 2012 / DNA crop circles, sacred geometry as vibration, tetrahedron, 19.5 degrees Part II: Hans Jenny / Cymatics, space and time inverting, wave-particle duality, Buckyballs / fullerenes, DNA as a wave, Kaznacheyev, psychic healing, Dewey Larson, 3D time, space-time fabric, time-space Part III: Fairy circles, natural stargates, ESP, nested spheres, channeling, chakras, Pineal gland, Sumerian tablets, Osiris, kundalini, pine cone symbolism, Tammuz, Shiva, Third Eye, Bindi, Bacchus, Dionysus, Jesus, the Vatican Part IV: Pyramid sarcophagus, cathedral windows, the World Tree, melatonin, DMT, ayahuasca, Dreams, Out of Body Experience, the Silver Cord Part V: Mark of the Beast, microclusters, synchronicity, shamanism, holographic sound, reverse-engineering the pineal gland, Dan Burisch, Project Looking Glass, CONTACT Part VI: The Last Mimzy, the Roswell Crash, the Cube / Yellow Disc, Hellraiser, election tampering, pole shift, time-viewing technology, the Iraq War, DCTP / Doctrine of the Convergent Timeline Paradox, human-lineage ETs Part VII: Tree of Life, Illuminati, Rothschilds, Hitler, New World Order, Lucifer, Luciferian philosophy, Catholic church, Philadelphia Experiment / Rainbow Project Part VIII: Phoenix III, Montauk chair, time travel, Dec. 21, 2012, 20-year cycle, Stargate SG-1, Outer Band Individuated Teletracer / OBIT, The Outer Limits, Time Vector Generator / TVG, Mars pyramids, underground bases, jumproom, Total Recall, Minority Report, X-Men / Cerebro, Rifts in Time Part IX: Forbidden Planet, psychic conduit, LSD trips, zero-time, 2012 dimensional shift, Edgar Cayce readings, Chandler's Wobble, pole shift, Library of Atlantis / Hall of Records, California earthquakes Part X: Create your own reality, 2012 not cataclysmic, Russian physics, Dr. Sergey Smelyakov / Auric Time Scale, Mayan Calendar, spiral imploding into 2012 changing consciousness, Ascended abilities, spiritual growth
  15. JD, You are not advancing your argument at all I haven't made that claim. I was the one who said those beings may or many not exist. You ridiculed Icke's sources, implying somehow that it was impossible. Can you prove non-existence? If not admit it, and agree with me that their existence is unproven, and therefore it is not impossible that he is getting information from that source. I have heard more testimony than you about their existence, therefore I am more likely than you to defend THE FACT that Icke's statement cannot be disproven, but logic should force you to agree. And you are relying on mere prejudice in this part of your comments. You haven't even examined his work, yet you reject it. Pure prejudice, once again. Maybe you should try and round up a lynching party consisting of others who haven't examined his work, but want to hang Wilcock or burn Dr William Braund as a heretic for his work. I don't get your point. Wilcock's book is on the Non-fiction list, the others you mentioned were works of Fiction. So, I am waiting. None of the skeptics on this thread has bothered to show a single point of Wilcock's grand idea, is unsupported by science. You and ID have merely stated that "it is nonsense", without advancing a single specific argument. I have mentioned Braund's experiment, and the similarities with the theories of Jung and David Bohm. Your arguments are empty. I don't get your point. Wilcock's book is on the Non-fiction list, the others you mentioned were works of Fiction. Twas you that brought up Icke. I merely pointed out that it was not a fair comparison. I am not using Icke's methods to support Wilcock's ideas.
  16. Er, ah... How do you know the lizard people did not tell Icke something useful? Can you prove they do not exist? If so, how? Or, are you merely assuming they are a figment of his imagination. If they do exist, then he may have seen evidence that they are hundreds or thousands of years ahead, technologocally. And he is therefore taking it for granted that they have science beyond ours. Do I think they exist? Actually I do not have a strong opinion on that. I have never seen one or interacted with one, but I have heard testimony from enough people I consider to have some credibility, that I not longer assume that it is impossible for them to exist. Anyway, please agree with me that Wilcock is making much better arguments than Icke does in this instance. Wilcock cares about the science, and has made efforts to look at the science and find support (theory and research) for his own ideas, as developed in the Law-of-One materials. Are you familiar with those? ==== ==== ==== " this thread should be on the fringe section, where it belongs" ? A NY Times Best seller... #26 on this Big List THE SOURCE FIELD INVESTIGATIONS, by David Wilcock. (Penguin Group.) Wilcock peers at the hidden science and lost civilizations behind the 2012 prophecies. With striking new theories supported by science theory and scientific research references. What exactly is "fringe-y" about that? (Other than the mainstream hates some of the ideas.)
  17. ?? What is this list? Not an argument. Why not take a specific point that Wilcock makes, and try to refute it. As I have said, Wilcock has backed his arguments with references to science theory and scientific research. Example: : Publications "Dr. William Braud is one of a variety of scientists who have performed rigorous, laboratory-controlled studies proving that mind-to-mind communication is very real, and repeatable in a science lab. Participants were able to induce measurable changes in the electrical conductivity of another person's skin at a distance without their conscious awareness." Is that something you have reseached? Are you familiar with the study he references? If not, then I think Wilcock may be making a stronger argument that you are.
  18. Let's see whose thinking changes more in the next year or two. I'm pretty certain I know more about these "alternative" subjects than you. And I may have read more science than many on this site, but it is not a barrier for me in my thinking. Instead of spouting negativity, why not make one or two specific points? (I have made several here) You are doing nothing to advanced your argument, which I understand now as nothing but prejudice.
  19. HE's "TOO OPTIMISTIC" - says this Customer Review Great book, but too pollyannaish, September 6, 2011 (4-stars) By Manuel Alvarez (Miami Lakes, FL United States) The main problem with David's thesis is that there are clearly powerful negative forces (both physical and paraphysical) at work in the world. And they have an agenda which is not exactly people friendly. These dark powers exert a significant influence on the flow of current events. I'm not talking about David Icke's pan-paranoia, which expresses itself as a compendium of every conspiracy theory out there with a few lizards on top. I'm referring to the more sober folks who have painstakingly uncovered traces of this hyperdimensional manipulation of our 3rd density reality. This includes subjects such as alien abductions, evidence of an ongoing hybridization program, organic portal theory, etc... These phenomena have been investigated by respectable researchers like the late Bud Hopkins, the late John Mack, the late John Keel, the late Karla Turner and the still breathing David Jacobs. One could also include Gurdjieff, Carlos Castaneda, Aldous Huxley, Boris Mouravieff and the ancient Gnostics, all of whom have made relevant contributions to a less rosy awareness of the human condition. I'm sure David is familiar with the work of Laura Knight-Jadczyk, who focuses on issues regarding the control matrix that is operated from higher dimensions, as well as the impact of psychopaths on society and their role as matrix agents. After having searched both David's website, Divine Cosmos, and Laura's sites, Cassiopea.org and Signs of the Times, as well as doing a Google search, I was unable to discover any interaction between them (critical, or otherwise). I found this a little disconcerting because their interests overlap at many important points. Those of us out here in the suburban, cognitive wasteland who are trying to put some pieces together would benefit greatly from a dialogue between those who are saying that a Golden Age cometh with the shift in our cosmic environment and those who see a more dystopian future, or no future at all for the eventual remnants of humanity on 3rd density Earth. My questions to David are as follows: (1) Do you acknowledge the existence of a negative, hyperdimensional encroachment on this planet which manipulates history and obstructs our spiritual evolution? (2) If so, how does the negative ultraterrestrial activity relate to the coming shift? /more: http://www.amazon.com/Source-Field-Investigations-Civilizations-Prophecies/product-reviews/0525952047/ref=cm_cr_pr_top_link_8?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=0&pageNumber=8 Perhaps he just wants to avoid picking up a huge amount of negative baggage, while aiming to shift people's thinking
  20. Amazingly, Huffington Post picked up Wilcock's article, together with some striking illustrations... A Golden Age May Be Just Around The Corner (PHOTOS) Posted: 8/22/11 Ancient prophecies foretold a coming Golden Age in our very near future - and the U.S. government may well have encoded these predictions into a variety of mysterious symbols. Antigravity, teleportation, time travel, energetic DNA evolution and consciousness transformation could create a world few of us ever even dreamed of. Space, time, matter, energy and biological life may be the result of a Source Field that is conscious and alive in its own unique way - on a scale far too vast for the finite mind to fathom. Over 1000 different references, predominantly from mainstream scientists, make the case. What is consciousness? 1 of 14 Dr. William Braud is one of a variety of scientists who have performed rigorous, laboratory-controlled studies proving that mind-to-mind communication is very real, and repeatable in a science lab. Participants were able to induce measurable changes in the electrical conductivity of another person's skin at a distance without their conscious awareness. Many of these experiments were done in rooms shielded from all electromagnetic signals -- proving this phenomenon cannot be explained by any known energy waves in the conventional spectrum. By 1929, over 148 different cases of "multiples" had been documented in science -- where multiple scientists independently make the same breakthroughs at the same time. This included calculus, the theory of evolution, color photography, thermometers, telescopes, typewriters and steamboats. There is wonderful, abundant proof that "extrasensory perception" is a natural gift we all possess -- but these groundbreaking studies have received very little publicity. Could the basic energy of the Cosmos be conscious in some way? /more photos: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-wilcock/ufos-government_b_933641.html#s336273&title=What_is_consciousness
  21. I was years ahead of you and others in getting into Gold, and am maybe will be years ahead of many in trying to understand these alternative ideas too. Within 3-5 years, if not much sooner, I reckon your thinking will have undergone a major shift. Perhaps this thread will be one to look back upon. Just as you will find numerous threads here from 2006 started by me (and other GEI "pioneers") that predicted most of the financial shifts that we have seen (JUST A FEW EXAMPLES): Coming up?: A serious Recession, Triggered by Debt These charts suggest a property bust may cause one DrBubb dec.2006 / @: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=1318 15-year Bull market. or longer, says Jim Rogers 1999 + 15 = 2014, could be longer DrBubb apr.2006 / @: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=253 Is Gold cheap or expensive ? "Cheap" if you are looking at Copper, or LT inflation apr.2006 / @: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=256
  22. Just one example... Recent study forces scientists to rethink basic law of physics / 'Fine structure constant' is indeed a constant -- right? By Keay Davidson, Chronicle Science Writer Legislators change laws from time to time, but Mother Nature's laws are eternal -- or so it has seemed. Now, though, scientists are debating clues that suggest the laws of physics change over time. University of California scientists are among the major players on both sides of the debate, which threatens to shake up our basic notions of reality. At stake is one of the fundamental values in physics: the arcane-sounding "fine structure constant," which measures how subatomic particles interact with light and with each other. Some astrophysicists have proposed that the value of the fine structure constant, a.k.a. "alpha," has changed subtly over billions of years. They base this proposal on their work -- using telescopes like the giant Keck telescope, which sits atop a dormant Hawaiian volcano -- analyzing light from interstellar gas and galaxy-gobbling super-furnaces called quasars on the outskirts of the universe. If they're right, then our theories of the cosmos might be due for an overhaul. One speculation is that alpha is changing over time because of now- unknown alternate dimensions. As these hidden dimensions change shape, they change the fine structure constant. But skeptics, citing observations that contradict the claim that alpha is changing, are plentiful -- and even the pro-change claimants are being cautious, partly because there's so much at risk. The notion that the laws of physics are eternal and unchanging is one of the ground-floor assumptions of everyday life -- when you drop a ball, for example, you expect it to fall, not to rise -- and no one wants to abandon that assumption unless they've got compelling reasons. "We are claiming something extraordinary here," acknowledged astrophysicist Michael Murphy of Cambridge University in England, one of the scientists who reported possible evidence of a change in the fine structure constant at a scientific conference earlier this year. "And the evidence, though strong, is not yet extraordinary enough." /see: http://articles.sfgate.com/2005-05-09/news/17373316_1_technique-alpha-change
  23. As well as mentioning scientific THEORIES that support his ideas, Wilcock has also cited scientific RESEARCH from many different scientists. I have not (yet) read his book, so I cannot give you a point-by-point, but I do understand that the book contains many footnotes, and if you can afford to waste a half ounce of silver or so, you can get hold of a book and check yourself. I will be buying a copy, but it may take a while to reach me.
  24. I have linked to some information about David Bohm and Carl Jung, but the skeptics have nothing to say but "It is nonsense." I suggest you do you own research based on the many references that Wilcock gives in his video and in his books. Some of Wilcock's ideas are anecdotally confirmed by my own experiences and researches - which is why I am inclined to buy into at least some of his theories. And there's a thread in the Fringe Section - from Lupercal ("This site has convinced me that the more unusual claims Dr Bubb and callmejoe can be explained by scientists.") which goes into some of the science behind the view that the Universe is a Hologram: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=15234 : "Bohm believes the reason subatomic particles are able to remain in contact with one another regardless of the distance separating them is not because they are sending some sort of mysterious signal back and forth, but because their separateness is an illusion. He argues that at some deeper level of reality such particles are not individual entities, but are actually extensions of the same fundamental something."
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