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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Mostly by: + Oversold market + Valuations looked cheap + Some stocks were on, or approaching, long term support levels. The "likely direction of policy"? I am not able to guess that. But people are not expecting anything which would be bullish for prices, so there is room for a positive surprise. There's a decent chance this will be JUST A BOUNCE before a lower low, so I may take some profits if the buying volume is unimpressive.
  2. Maybe. But only if QE leads to higher incomes which allows people to more easily cover their mortgage payments (and also pay higher rents.) What has QE delivered so far? + A weaker Pound + Higher food and energy costs + No significant increase in incomes (except maybe for speculators in the City) + A squeeze on household spending as people struggle to pay higher essentials, and some higher rents + A windfall to BTL Wizards who held onto their properties, and saw their interest costs drop. So who do you think are going to be the main beneficiaries of this latest round of QE?
  3. Maybe. (And that is one of the reasons I thought about buying a property in the UK.) But only if QE leads to higher incomes which allows people to more easily cover their mortgage payments (and also pay higher rents.) What has QE delivered so far? + A weaker Pound + Higher food and energy costs + No significant increase in incomes (except maybe for speculators in the City) + A squeeze on household spending as people struggle to pay higher essentials, and some higher rents + A windfall to BTL Wizards who held onto their properties, and saw their interest costs drop. So who do you think are going to be the main beneficiaries of this latest round of QE?
  4. A former member of the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee has told Sky News that expanding quantitative easing (QE) would be a mistake. Andrew Sentance, the one-time hawk on the MPC who repeatedly voted for a rise in the bank's core interest rate to tackle inflation, spoke ahead of the decision about his fears that additional QE - or asset purchases as the Bank calls the scheme - would not boost growth. He believed such a move would only serve to push up prices and undermine the Bank's credibility. Mr Sentance said: "The MPC needs to hold its nerve here and show the value of having an independent central bank that balances both these worries about (economic) growth but also takes into account the genuine concerns about inflation, which is creeping up. http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/Andrew-Sentance-More-QE-A-skynews-894896572.html;_ylt=An1C8Ri00A5BXMt5Zp1.2ew3sLFG;_ylu=X3oDMTE2YnBhbXRrBHBvcwMzBHNlYwN0b3Atc3RvcmllcwRzbGsDYW5kcmV3c2VudGFu?x=0
  5. Is it? I have been looking at various new properties that come through HK, and generally we see Gross Yields that look something like 5.0%, which translates into a Net Yield of less than 4%. Only one or two projects were substantially better than this. One of my favs: NFQ I have even put down a small deposit* on one of the best flats in the development, but after much thought, I shall probably let it go. One of the problems: I expected to be in London before the deadline, to see the place for myself. But now, my trip has been delayed until early November. (I hope I can see some GEI members when I am next in London.) *If someone here might be interested in "stepping into my shoes" on this purpose, you had better let me know very soon.
  6. Trendlines added to that chart... Ratio to SPX: back testing key support thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=15413
  7. If Tom Is a gambler, he has quite a good system/
  8. (FRom the AsiaXpat thread): Jaswells wrote: "Most people in Hong Kong must now think property is about to fall sharply in price (data proves this) apart from the seriously deluded, the only question is by how much?. I maintain a 20-30% correction in the coming weeks is 'most likely' scenario" It seems like many people here are inclined to GIVE IN TO THE FEAR, and cannot spot an opportunity when they see one. I do agree that many HK investors were expecting a huge correction in property, and that was reflected in the share prices of HK Property Developers, which were down 40-50% or more. At the same time, there was a record short position in stocks - greater even than in 2008-9. To me, that spells opportunity, and I have been buying shares of HK property developers in the last few days. Yesterday showed a very convincing reversal in US stock trading, and I would expect that to spill over to the HK market when it opens tomorrow. Remember what Warren Buffett said: You have to buy when everyone is fearful, and sell when everyone is convinced prices are going higher. We may have seen a classic buying opportunity like that, and I wonder how many here took advantage of it - Even though I highlighted it in posts above. Others like LGMV were also speaking about it, so I was not alone. - OffThePeak
  9. BACK TO BACK - Are these about Revelation ? Hints of ascension here, as a "silver spaceship arrives"*. (After the Goldrush - We've just had a goldrush, was it THE Goldrush?) There are other ways to go: *LYRICS: After the Goldrush Live with Lyrics Well I dreamed I saw the knights in armour coming Saying something about a Queen There were peasants singing & drummers drumming The archer split the tree There was a fanfare blowing to the sun That floating on the breeze Look at Mother Nature on the run In the nineteen seventy, We got Mother Nature on the run in the nineteen seventy.. I was lying in a burned out basement With the full moon in my eye I was hoping for replacement When the sun burst through the sky There was a band playing in my head And I felt like getting high, Thinking about what a friend had said I was hoping it was a lie, Thinking about what a friend had said I was hoping it was a lie. ***HARMONICA*** I dreamed I saw the mother spaceships flying In the yellow haze of the sun There was children crying and colors flying All around the chosen ones... All in a dream all in a dream the loading had begun Flying Mother Nature's silver seed to a new home in the sun, We're Flying Mother Nature's silver seed to a new home..
  10. Here's a Hard-hitting talk by a guy who has made many forecasts, many of them accurate. It touches on many of the conspiracy-related subjects here, but without "going into the Fringe." If he is right, then most of us will change the way we live, and the way we think, in the years to come.
  11. She bought expecting a low return, I believe. If you have a big deposit, you may be able to justify buying - since you get some tax benefits from owning.
  12. Thanks. You post proved my point, as stated above. If you genuinely like SciFi, I can recommend to you, a work... Joseph Matheny's : Ong's Hat http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ong's_Hat LISTEN to a good interview with him: MP3: http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/archive/Project-Camelot-32k-091411.mp3
  13. Great. Why don't you post a link here to something interesting that you have discovered in your explorations?
  14. LOL Ban you? No way. That's a wonder example of unintended irony - It made my night
  15. LOL. Did you really last 3 minutes? - How impressive that is. Clearly you are three minutes more open-minded than I thought. And aren't you quick to form an opinion and review another 40+ minutes that you did not hear.
  16. Movie Apocalypses – could they really happen? By Ben Skipper | Yahoo! UK Movies Features What we can look forward to in '2012' It’s the end of the world as we know it... and we feel fine! Until we watched Lars Von Trier’s gloomy planet collision flick 'Melancholia' that is (out this week). It’s not the first film to wipe out the human race of course but how likely it is that Hollywood’s doomsday fantasies could come true? We investigated... Alien Invasion In movie land space-dwelling civilisations love invading our dainty little planet to kill and/or enslave us all. See Roland Emmerich’s so-bad-it’s-brilliant ‘Independence Day’ and the many adaptations of both H.G Wells’ ‘War of the Worlds’ and ‘Invasion of the Body Snatchers’. In the real world, or should that be universe, it’s generally thought that Earth is unlikely to be the only life-bearing planet in existence - we are indeed (probably) not alone. But what if we ever do meet little green men? Super-nerd Stephen Hawking doesn’t rate our chances of surviving such an encounter particularly highly, saying in 2010: "If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans.” Indeed. Likelihood Rating: Apocalypse Maybe /More Apocalypsii : http://uk.movies.yahoo.com/news/movie-apocalypses-%E2%80%93-could-they-really-happen-.html
  17. Has anyone else noted that the resistance area for Gold is now around $1650-1670. That's very near to Jim Sinclair's big $1650 level. Perhaps he could see the future afterall.
  18. Monday's HSI: 16,822 - 770 We bought our favorites : Sun Hung Kai Properties (HK16), and Hang Lung (HK101). But also starter positions in: Cheung Kong, Henderson, and HK Resorts. SHORTS An interest factoid was in today's Standard: "I'm not sure how much wisdom there is in negative talk about China, but short positions held over stocks swelled to a 12-year high on Friday, dwarfing even the period during the financial tsunami." At some point, those shorts are going to buy, and that should fuel a nice rally. The WSJ blamed yesterday's drop on: "Concern about tighter lending policies and persistent worries over Europe's debt crisis." "People are looking for reasons to sell, not to buy." There are reports of rising bankrutcies, and bad loans amidst the tighten of credit by China, to bring down inflation. Small and middle-sized business are the ones most effected by the more strict credit policies (and there are press reports that some are paying rates as high as 20 pc to 180 pc - what legitimate business can afford such rates?) SME bankruptcies hit 19 middle-sized companies in Wenzhou, and some think they may soon spread to mining areas like Inner Mongolia. A sharp drop in Copper has been a good bellwether for sliding China stocks : Chart-CU-vs-FXI In HK, I watch: HK2823, rather than us-quoted FXI China Overseas has also been a bellwether for the property sector : HK688-vs-HK16,HK101 I note that HK688 is up today as I write this: HK688 : $10.48 / Change: +0.42 Open: 10.30 / High: 10.58 / Low: 10.08 Volume: 25,002,587 Percent Change: +4.17% HK16 is flat, and HK101 is down about 4%
  19. It is possible. We started buying already, but only took a piece.
  20. Well said, RH. "A Man's reach should exceed his grasp" summarises what you are saying. Like many here, I would like to reach out for sources of information, which go beyond what I can understand using a pure scientific perspective. Others here may be more comfortable staying with the confines of the mainstream scientific perspective. That may mean believing something like the idea that the speed of light is absolute, and then suddenly discovering that it is not. Such a person will then wait for years to see how the "new science of beyond speed of light speed" changes the mainstream scientific perspective around them. No doubt, hanging around where the crowd is, does make for a more comfortable time. But not everyone is like that. Some want to explore on the fringes, where half-truths get mixed up with imagination and even pure human invention. And if you are going to walk the fringe, you need to be careful about what you believe without proof, if anything. But wandering there does not mean you buy into all of it, most of it, or any of it. JD and others would rather not explore the fringe. They will wait for authorities they trust to tell them what is safe to believe. And they will tell others that they are "safe in science", and the fringe is baloney.
  21. Mix in with this material is plenty of nonsense, but that doesn't make it all nonsense. Nor was anyone here pushing that caption as truth. So I don't see what your point has to do with the main discussion here. When I listen to videos like this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_2WnuIBS1U I do not take all of it (or even most of it) as true, but within this material there are some thought-provoking ideas, that suggest the world is far different from what is spoon-fed to us by the mainstream media, which is controlled by a handful of rich folks who want the world sedated and compliant. Rejecting all the material and refusing to listen to any of it, may be exactly what powerful folk would like you to do - so I reckon TPTB feed some of the more bizarre points to BF and DW to help undermine the overall narrative that these guys provide. In the interview, Wilcock does ask many of the questions that an open-minded and inquisitive questioner would ask.
  22. BAB, Excuse me, but why should I trust you more than Graham Hancock or David Wilcock ? In fact, I don't "trust" any one of you. I do listen to many of these videos and keep an open mind about what you so happily call "baloney," but that doesn't mean the I will bet my life on any of it. I certainly take the same approach : listening, but not trusting, much of the information that comes my way on mainstream media. I keep and open, but questioning mind towards all of it - including probably much of what you Trust in. Do you trust in the Federal Reserve, or the promises of government? I think not, and skepticism has grown across society, since these institutions have not delivered. Do you trust in the Gold Gurus and Buy-to-Hold Wizards? Some here do trust the Gold guys, because doing so makes them feel better about their Gold portfolios. I do not, and regularly question their wisdom, and hedge what many here think does not need hedging. What makes you think I am so gullible towards alternative media, when I am so cautious to trust experts, authorities, and self-proclaimed gold gurus? I assure you, I am not trusting they purveyors of what you call "baloney," But i do listen with an open mind. Even to people like Jim Sinclair and Bill Murphy. The questioning comes after the listening. And no one here has yet given a single example of an item from Wilcock's book that they reckon they can disprove, and we are many, many posts into this thread.
  23. You say that, but reject every interesting idea on this thread, saying: "It isn't scientific enough for me," and you mostly do that without bothering to examine the idea in any detail and consider it from another perspective. So you TELL me you are open-minded, but do nothing but present evidence to the contrary. This is why I give up on you: You may fool yourself about being open-minded, but you do not fool me.
  24. JD, I give up with you. You simply do not have an open mind to any ideas that do not fit within your scientific paradygm. You are so sure of yourself, that you and your scared "scientific method" can tell you what is reality, I am pretty certain a larger reality will one day jump up and bite you in the arse. You can live in the world like that if you like - but I choose not to limit myself in that way. Like an option, the scientific method is a mere tool, it does not constrain or limit my imagination about what might exist in the greater (& more interesting) real world.
  25. If I "live in a Glass house", it is only so the I can have transparency, so that I can see what is going on around me. My comment was not about Battling other points of view, it was about Battling close-minded-ness. And those who come here thinking "Science-is-like -God / How dare you question God?" also have a problem with close-minded-ness. Hence your post is full of unintended irony. Hasn't the recent (apparent) discovery that The Speed of Light can be exceeded taught you anything about being close-minded ? Won't John Doe be surprised if the next step in Evolution turns humans into "Light Beings" ? Or maybe "Beyond Speed-of-Light Beings"?
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