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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. be careful, i have heard some doubts about how easy it will be to make money mining that deposit
  2. not many- basically a reset on a part of the prior position by day's end, it didnt look so clever
  3. IT WILL... the US financial sector appears to be haemorraghing again with Lehman Bros now reportedly close to being acquired, while the latest industry figures reveal that 119 US banks are now insolvent. We believe a US rate rise is highly unlikely with the possibility of a further meltdown for the investment banks and a systemic risk to the entire US banking sector. In addition, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, after losing a total of $US14b over the last 9 months, are both being bailed out by the Treasury which might cost taxpayers up to $US200b.We now hear that the US auto industry is asking for a further $US50b in Govt assistance to stay competitive. Have I missed something or has the US suddenly become the ultimate welfare state where the Govt waves a wand and simply prints more money? This is bad news for the already surging budget deficit, bad news for money supply growth, very bad news for the US bond market and even worse for the US economy. We believe the actions of the Govt confirm our view that the US economy has serious structural issues and publicly-funded handouts and bailouts are a short term fix to a long term problem which merely prolongs a naturally-led recovery process. Although we expect equity markets will rebound after the Fannie and Freddie bailout, the recent developments are deeply disturbing and very negative for US bonds and the long term health of the US economy. When investors assess the real implications of the actions of the Govt, the Fed and the Treasury we expect the US dollar to resume its long term downward trend, while in contrast, we expect commodities and gold in particular, to recovery strongly. Loss of faith in paper assets. At the end of the day the strength of a currency reflects the underlying strength of the economy and we think the long term outlook for the US economy is negative. In short term sentiment can dictate performance, however over the long term the economic fundamentals will drive the direction of a currency. We believe the fundamentals for the economy and therefore the currency, are structurally weak. Our view is the sharp rebound in the US dollar is not a reflection of a flight to quality, but just a flight. In addition to the weak outlook for the US as Europe lurches towards negative growth, we think the combination of both events will drive a strong recovery in gold as investors recognise the weak fundamentals for both the Euro and the US dollar. As a result we expect a significant loss of faith in paper assets
  4. And the Dollar hit USD-79.80 (I called USD-80 key resistance With cross market at/near important turning points, perhaps gold is too
  5. An accelerating selloff. Do they know what they are doing?
  6. Near/about USD-80 is important resistance IMO
  7. I see a conspiricy here. China and the US have been highly corodinated in recent weeks: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=4178 The end-game may have China buying Gold, energy, and mining shares (soon?) - while the endgame for the US is launching the bailout of Fannie & Freddie while the dollar is strong
  8. KEY LEVEL: Looks like Gold-to-Oil is right at the key level: 0.13 $811 x 13% = $105.43. If oil falls below this, perhaps because Gold rises while oil lags, that would be a sign of the decoupling (that I have been waiting for.) It's nice to see Gold showing some strength while stocks are so weak. That's how it supposed to work, especially in September
  9. Wrongmove, What makes you think we do not welcome diverse opinions here? Intelligent bear arguments will help "keep us on our toes" I wish we had seen more of them in July. I nailed the top on Oil, but failed to see it would extend to Gold. I suppose I was blinded by my own position in Juniors
  10. Where is the Ratio now?? (Current) : Oil-to-Gold : Ounces of Gold to make 1 Barrel It has been trading consistently above 0.13 for many weeks. A break of that level (0.13) would be a sign that the Gold is trying to decouple. And a fall below 0.125 (?) would be a further confirmation of that Equivalent: 0.13 = 7.69 Barrels per Gold ounce = = = At $800, WTI needs to slip below $104 for the Ratio to break support
  11. MORE History on the Oil-to-Gold ratio: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=4147
  12. From a Skype chat less than a hour ago... A says: Hi. Gold just fallen off a cliff again today B says: no big deal at $793- this is just the Asian and European chnace at yesterday's prices Let's see what NY does with a smaller gap down today B says: I like the charts here, especially XAU What we are seeing is the deleveraging - exit of Hedge Funds from the commodities play Once stability is reached, there will be one-way traffic. All buying == == Weak oil isn't helping much. But Gold is trying to decouple from weak Oil. Here's and indication, it may be starting to work Notice how the moving average of the Ratio has turned upwards. Gold looks pretty well supported here
  13. Market Call Tonight : August 28, 2008 : Live on Location Part 1 [08-28-08 7:00PM] August 28, 2008 August 2008 Market Call Tonight BNN speaks to John Embry, chief investment strategist, Sprott Asset Management. http://watch.bnn.ca/market-call-tonight/au...-2008#clip86659 shortgage of physical gold, counter-intuitive price move
  14. *(From the new GANN thread): That's a mere 1% miss on a Double. A 50% retracement to near Dow-10,500 would be a possible Gann target (Note: Dow-10,729 might be a more precise figure. That's 49.5% up from 7,778) Here's the recent action, since the 2007 Peak ... update Now look back. What was the the price range on the day of the recent Low? Tuesday, July 15, 2008 Closing Price: 10,962.54 Open: 10,938.11 High: 11,201.67 Low: 10,731.96 - that's just 3 dow points away from the Target Low (above) Anyone who thinks this is "random price action" must think that the time the sun rises each morning is random! There must be some natural law at work here. Gann tried to discover it. /see: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=4141 BTW, the above chart looks like it is set for another fall, I expect 10,732 (or lower) will be tested soon
  15. Gaps tend to get filled (maybe 90-95% of the time). So a gap down on the opening suggests that the market may want to come back up. Did anyone bother to look at that XAU chart? ... update The fact that XAU has come back down to the 987d.MA* on lighter volume with this Gold drop, suggests that the downside pressure is exhausting itself. I look for a move up in Gold and Gold shares from here *987 is a Fibonacci number
  16. Gaps tend to get filled (maybe 90-95% of the time). So a gap down on the opening suggests that the market may want to come back up. Did anyone bother to look at that XAU chart? ... update The fact that XAU has come back down to the 987d.MA* on lighter volume with this Gold drop, suggests that the downside pressure is exhausting itself. I look for a move up in Gold and Gold shares from here *987 is a Fibonacci number
  17. I like this chart And this one even better XAU: http://bigcharts.marketwatch.com/charts/bi...&mocktick=1 If the earlier low holds, I think we have exactly the set-up needed to make a Low here
  18. THE FACT that so few are willing to CALL A BOTTOM here, is actually a bullish sign. Too many saw the low at $850, and then again at $800
  19. THIS BIG GAP DOWN in Gold and Oil ... May be exactly what is needed to put in a low. I wasnt happy with the last low and Oil, and said it needed to be retested. This is it! And so far, Volume looks lighter too
  20. THIS BIG GAP DOWN in Gold and Oil ... May be exactly what is needed to put in a low. I wasnt happy with the last low in Oil, and said it needed to be retested. This is it! And so far, Volume looks lighter too Remember this?
  21. Great ! Time to cue up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7leX_BBcOA
  22. EASY $10 oer ounce... That's what could have been made. Selling Gold after Oil collapsed, and then buying it back when it followed Oil down Quite a big number must be playing this game now
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