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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. MONTHLY CHART of CDNX/ proxy for Junior miners The 48mo.MA gave way recently, around CDNX-2500, and that led to a sharp drop. Next, the 76mo.MA*, near CDNX-2000 should be able to provide some support I like the way that volume has dried up on this drop. Previously, that has helped to signal a bottom *(same as 330wk.MA, which comes up around CDNX-2100)
  2. MONTHLY CHART of CDNX/ proxy for Junior miners The 48mo.MA gave way recently, around CDNX-2500, and that led to a sharp drop. Next, the 76mo.MA*, near CDNX-2000 should be able to provide some support I like the way that volume has dried up on this drop. Previously, that has helped to signal a bottom *(same as 330wk.MA, which comes up around CDNX-2100)
  3. LOOK HOW Gold (GLD) continues to follow the same path as Oil (USO) and Oil Service stocks (OIH): ... update
  4. LOOK HOW Gold (GLD) continues to follow the same path as Oil (USO) and Oil Service stocks (OIH): ... update
  5. It depends on the starting point, I suppose. Does he really believe US inflation numbers? If so, he;s being foolish Walden. Where you put a 4, i might put an A, with a B and C to come* *Note: Mine is only one possible pathway
  6. It depends on the starting point, I suppose. Does he really believe US inflation numbers? If so, he;s being foolish Walden. Where you put a 4, i might put an A, with a B and C to come* *Note: Mine is only one possible pathway
  7. So today: back down to fill the GAP left yeserday on the Opening
  8. Blaming PM Brown, I suppose. His failed policies are a major cause
  9. $275,000 for one Gold coin. There must be plenty of buyers
  10. GAPS TROUBLE ME... THE GAP - from last Christmas that got refilled Now, yesterday's upward action left another
  11. A large number of turning points take place on Full Moons, but it is not conclusive.
  12. YES. And the LOW was the full moon day, last Friday. As I said late last week: I felt a little "at sea", later that day, as it broke below the support level ($800) I had identified/ But now, with Gold back up, I am feeling considerably less shabby today == Gold: $813 ! and Oil is up several dollars too !
  13. YES. And the LOW was the full moon day, last Friday. As I said late last week: I felt a little "at sea", later that day, as it broke below the support level ($800) I had identified/ But now, with Gold back up, I am feeling considerably less shabby today == Gold: $813 ! and Oil is up several dollars too !
  14. SILVER - looking back at the drop Silver fell from roughly 14.30 to 12.30 on the December, 2008 futures. We checked with our broker this morning and he figured somebody had a large silver futures order posted with thousands of contracts and didn’t meet a margin call. The broker had to close ‘em out and silver skidded $2.00; a rather large negative move to say the least. Since this apparently happened in the night during thin electronic trading, there was nobody on the other side of this failed trade to help. /more: http://www.kitco.com/ind/Wiegand/aug152008.html
  15. Gold up $17 to $803 First FULL trading day since the Full Moon
  16. Gold up $17 to $803 First FULL trading day since the Full Moon
  17. On the technical front, their no argument that mining stocks are oversold, with the ARMS Index near record high values, and the Summation Index pushing new all time lows. Unfortunately, there has yet been much evidence of positive divergence on the charts and what base building had been underway seems to have been undermined rather substantially by the break down in large cap stocks over the last two weeks. While the majors are also very oversold, it remains to be seen whether Junior miners will experience a substantial trading bounce in sympathy with the majors should the major establish an important low at these levels. Frank Barbera: http://www.financialsense.com/metals/FSJG/2008/0811.html Adding some support levels, there could be some way to go...
  18. Has this been posted previously? - it belongs here source: http://forum.globalhousepricecrash.com/ind...showtopic=32400
  19. Still in channel... This Gold breakdown is really a "Dollar phenomenon". Take a look at Gold-in-Euros, its still in the channel at Eur.550 / oz.
  20. Still in channel... This Gold breakdown is really a "Dollar phenomenon". Take a look at Gold-in-Euros, its still in the channel at Eur.550 / oz.
  21. Look at this massive volume / more than the drop below GLD-84/ Gold-$850 Loads more stops cleaned out AS gold makes new lows, with Oil retesting the prior ones
  22. Well this looks like another Ugly Friday for gold. Another promising Support level has gone, teken out be dollar strength/ gold weakness. I certainly feel and look as though I have lost my "touch" for the time being. == The markets are teaching a serious lesson in risk-management to commodity traders
  23. Well this looks like another Ugly Friday for gold. Another promising Support level has gone, teken out be dollar strength/ gold weakness. I certainly feel and look as though I have lost my "touch" for the time being.
  24. tom's view: it is not impossible. but there are plenty of gold bears now too. and i seem to see nothing but dollar bulls in the mainstream
  25. Maybe. By hitting gold this hard, they try to cover the damage from the very bad inflation number But remember one key thing: The high in Gold was all outside NY trading hours. And maybe this low will be the same. Anyone know what is happening to oil?? =2/ My point is this: I wont get too disturbed by moves in Gold here (outside NY hours) that are not also confirmed by Oil moves
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