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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Yes, but there is a very imperfect correlation AMBR.L........... : CYN.L............ : SVE.L............. Does us a favor. Study the correlation with $CDNX, and tell us how good it is
  2. If cutting interest rates will not work to revive economies this time, then the deleveraging will continue relentlessly. It is that simple. And, why are the bond markets freezing, and such? Because lenders of all types, who bought all the securitized debt, now realize that the present levels of debt in every sector, public and private, cannot be kept up. So, then, why do new lending? Everybody is maxed out. The reason for the collapse of the credit markets is also that simple. The only thing standing in the way of a total world financial collapse right now is all this massive emergency lending by central banks to financial institutions. That means that, when enough big investors realize there will be no economic recovery from cutting interest rates this time, the stock markets will finally collapse big. I expect this to happen sometime this year, election or no election. The problems are just too big. /see: http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article4016.html = = = I have to point out that senior bond market makers have repeatedly said that they have never seen bond/credit markets in such disarray, and so illiquid. Losses due to forced selling pile up, and financial institutions become even less willing to buy into the mess. Virtually no one wants to get into the bond insurer mess. That’s just unlimited liability. The hedge funds that tried to buy into bond markets this year thinking they had bottomed are now out of business/frozen from redemptions. No one is going to try that again for a good while... /see: http://www.prudentsquirrel.com/
  3. Yes, but there is a very imperfect correlation AMBR.L........... : CYN.L............ : SVE.L............. Does us a favor. Study the correlation with $CDNX, and tell us how good it is
  4. CDNX (mostly Junior Miners) - I still think it is in an uptrend The daily chart still looks positive to me
  5. CDNX (mostly Junior Miners) - I still think it is in an uptrend The daily chart still looks positive to me
  6. Lol And Gold Bulls may wind up owning several flats like that one
  7. The Chinese will watch the forthcoming Taiwanese election with interest. If the KMT leader is elected, tension may ease markedly.
  8. Projected LOW : SPY-119 or SPX-1190, with a VIX maybe touching 40% or so. Target date: 22 March (per Martin Armstrong), but that's a Saturday !, so about 1 week from now
  9. links galore, here: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=2792
  10. What are the best search terms? I can put them into GEI's keywords "Gold thread" "Gold chat" ...? what else? "gold freewheeling" has GEI as the top link now/ But I will try re-titling this thread as you have suggested
  11. haha. Okay, maybe I should have said: TTRTR is "fiddling while Home burns"
  12. Try using : http://www.imageshack.us / to save charts
  13. i think i get it: a key support level has been broken. but can you say more?
  14. There is really only one GEI, but the way you enter this website can make a difference You may have trouble logging in or registering, if you enter through: www.GlobalEdgeInvestors.com Try entering, and signing in through: http://www.GreenEnergyInvestors.com YOU MAY FIND that works better
  15. (The MOST IRONIC POST ever, from a GHPC thread ): QUOTE (Time to raise the rents. @ Mar 15 2008, 12:20 AM) Ah yes, the luxury of having been right means time and money to do as one pleases. On the other hand, the pain of having been wrong means endless toil to repay ones mistakes. I personally don't know how you bears find the time to post so relentlessly, like the undead - standing firm at all costs. Oh yes, it's because half the time is stolen from your employers...... UNQUOTE LOL This could be one of the most ironic posts ever- on this -the most ironic thread for it: TITLE : "Now gold is hit hard : Don't panic DrBubb..." - And the above TTRTR items was posted just as Gold surpassed $1,000 !! Very well done, TTTTK!! (Time To Toss The Keys) You are "fiddling while Rome burns'. Better get out and sell those massively overvalued properties before they slide even further towards their real values
  16. me too = = Archived Gold charts? Park them HERE - new thread
  17. ( i posted this useful info on the hpc thread ): The Volume WAS STRONG on the break above $1,000 / GLD-$98.73
  18. Makes me wonder... What are the best search terms? I can put them into GEI's keywords "Gold thread" "Gold chat" ...? what else?
  19. Posted where the Times picked the Top 50 Eco Blogs: http://timesonline.typepad.com/environment...mment-107052542 "Too narrow. They're Not holistic enough. You want to put the whole thing together: living greener, investing smarter, driving less. In short, redesigning your life and your investing so it will make sense in our Greener Future. That's the aim of GEI- helping people to do that."
  20. Nice. I will put it on GEI's classic Gold thread
  21. I have heard of it. but never visited Other HK places, these are MTR stops: (paired with places I'd like to name) Lai King......... (Truth King) Sham Shui Po (Genuine Sui Po) Lai Chi Kok.... (Banana Square) They are almost next to each other on the Tsuen Wan line
  22. I liked this comment from peter schiff: "backing paper money with mortgages is nothing new. The French tried it in the late 18th Century, and it lead to hyperinflation. Assignats, which were first issued in 1790 to help finance the French revolution, were backed by mortgages on confiscated church properties. Although the stolen underlying collateral did have some value, the revolutionaries saw no reason to limit how many Assignats were printed, which resulted in massive depreciation. Within three years, price controls were introduced and failure to accept Assignats, initially an offence subject to six years in prison, was made a capital crime. By 1799 the currency was completely worthless. If even the threat of death could not prop up the Assignat, does anyone believe that the currency could have been saved if Robespierre had forcefully mouthed a “strong Assignat policy” as President Bush is now doing with the dollar? Rather than repeating the mistakes of history we should learn from them. Our own failed experiment with the Continental currency as well as the Great Depression should prove conclusively that it is Austrian, and not French, economics we should be following. http://www.financialsense.com/fsu/editoria.../2008/0314.html
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