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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. I dont buy that - it's far too risky. But they may be shorting against warrants they hold, creating synthetic puts (cheap ones too!, since they get the wts for free)
  2. INDEED, there are! CDNX: 2,809.50 Change: +55.04 Open: 2,757.24 High: 2,809.50 Low: 2,757.24 Volume: 182,000 / Percent Change: +2.00% ((note: GDX was up 2.29%, SPX: -0.89%)) chart ... update CDNX has broken through the top of its recent channel. It could be headed into a parabolic move, towards 2,000, and maybe higher. It's "make hay while the sun shines" - - Ace, It must be good to have bet on winning, and have booked a trip to Toronto. Unfortunately, I now have a last minute hitch, and may miss my flight today (sadly.) Fortunately, the (high) cost of the ticket is covered by a part of yesterday's trading profits. - - WINNERS OF THE DAY / #3 Is anyone reading these installment? If they are, I will continue for a few more days (of this run) on ... The "Noise Traders thread": http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=2768
  3. That is great. I'm almost sorry to admit this, bought I bought a bunch of PAAS years ago at $3.75. And sold it way too soon. What is funny is when I called my broker to buy it, I asked him if he could give me an update on the price of Gold. He said, "Sorry. No. We dont get it on the screens anymore. The firm has cancelled the subscriptions for the commodity feeds due to lack of interest by clients." I heard that, and doubled my order.
  4. WINNERS OF THE DAY / #2 FO.v / Falcon Oil & Gas : $0.52 change +0.115 / +28.40% WHD.v / West Hawk Dev'l : $0.28 change +0.06 / +27.27% NAC.v / North Atlantic Res. : $0.60 Change +0.10 / +20.00%** GNG.v / Golden Goliath Res. : $0.31 Change +0.04 / +14.81% PBX.v / Int'l PBX Ventures : $0.315 Change +0.03 / +10.53% From Yesterday TRX.v / Terrane Metals : $0.455 Change: +0.025 / + 5.81% PIK.t / Peak Gold : $0.67 Change: +0.04 / + 6.35% (next maybe?) TM.v / Tumi Resources : $0.71 Change +0.03 / + 4.41% - - **Here's a little detail on this one: I came across this company earlier this month when I was in Capetown for the Indaba. I liked the story, and thought it was dramatically undervalued, having fallen from over $4.50 in 2006, to under $0.40 when I bought it. I jumped on the story, and bought over 100,000 shares at $0.38, so yesterday's move made me over $10,000 on just this one position. I see it rising to $1.00 or higher, but might just awaiting pullbacks if one wants to buy. Some of you may have seen the thread on GEI, started when the stock was near $0.42. My holdings in the other big winners of the day were much smaller than this. How do I trade these positions? See: the Noise Trader thread, and the CORE Portfolio thread
  5. WINNERS OF THE DAY / #1 (Readers of GEI may know that I hold a wide diversity of shares, I thought it might be interesting to report here some of the stocks I hold that have good days as they happen. And also report where I am investing the capital raised): GPR.v / Great Panther : $1.21 Change: +0.20 / + 19.80% TMM.v / Timmins Gold : $1.29 Change: +0.15 / 13.16% * TRX.v / Terrane Metals : $0.43 Change: +0.04 / + 10.26% GORO / Gold Resource Corp : $4.15 Change: +0.36 / 9.50% (these next, maybe?) PIK.t / Peak Gold : $0.63 Change: +0.03 / + 5.00% ICX.v / ICS Copper : $0.63 Change: +0.03 / + 5.00% * Has has a nice run, and so I am doing some profit taking, lightening up as it rises
  6. Yes, GDX is virtually identical with HUI, and it tracks the majors. But you will find more value amongst the Juniors. Some funds that buy which, which I either: own, have owned, or are on my watchlist include: (I occasionally buy them, but I think a broad exposure to "interesting juniors" may outperform these & GDX): + Pinetree Capital / PNP.t + Endeavour Mining / EDV.t + Longview / LV.t (thnx to Ace, for this one) ...Other which may have a reasonable correlation, given their business activities are: + Canaccord Capital / CCI.t + US Global Investors / GROW ...and in the UK, maybe: + Ambrian Capital / AMBR.L , and/or its spin-off + ?>?
  7. Yes, GDX is virtually identical with HUI, and it tracks the majors. But you will find more value amongst the Juniors. Some funds that buy which, which I either: own, have owned, or are on my watchlist include: (I occasionally buy them, but I think a broad exposure to "interesting juniors" may outperform these & GDX): + Pinetree Capital / PNP.t + Endeavour Mining / EDV.t + Longview / LV.t (thnx to Ace, for this one) ...Other which may have a reasonable correlation, given their business activities are: + Canaccord Capital / CCI.t + US Global Investors / GROW ...and in the UK, maybe: + Ambrian Capital / AMBR.L , and/or its spin-off + ?>?
  8. Electric cars are not the answer. Hybrid cars are not the answer. Getting rid of cars are the answer - CARS ARE LAST - CAL ! We need to redesign our living, working, and transporting arrangement - as we move into a sustainable post-Suburban world
  9. CDNX - Ready to Roll? CDNX closed : 2,715.49 Change: +29.25 / +1.09% ... update That's right on another resistance level (76d.MA), if it can break through, and get some volume behind it, it could really get rolling. WINNERS OF THE DAY / #1 (Readers of GEI may know that I hold a wide diversity of shares, I thought it might be interesting to report here some of the stocks I hold that have good days as they happen. And also report where I am investing the capital raised): GPR.v / Great Panther : $1.21 Change: +0.20 / + 19.80% TMM.v / Timmins Gold : $1.29 Change: +0.15 / 13.16% * TRX.v / Terrane Metals : $0.43 Change: +0.04 / + 10.26% GORO / Gold Resource Corp : $4.15 Change: +0.36 / 9.50% (these next, maybe?) PIK.t / Peak Gold : $0.63 Change: +0.03 / + 5.00% ICX.v / ICS Copper : $0.63 Change: +0.03 / + 5.00% * Has has a nice run, and so I am doing some profit taking, lightening up as it rises = = WHERE is the money going? Some new placements ( China Energy Recovery/ CRCV, and Norwood Res./ NRS) and into HK Property. (We close tomorrow on property number 6, with three more under purchase agreements, not completed. I may buy property #10 on Friday- it's a forward purchase: 20% within 6 months, 80% 15 months later.)
  10. Junior Mining Weekly ... Wendell Zerb A ray of light? While we still expect considerable ongoing volatility for North American equity markets, there is some renewed optimism, including the outlook for commodities, which bodes well for the resource-heavy TSX. The junior mining companies have not, as a whole, outperformed. With some renewed stability in the North American markets, we expect capital could begin to flow back into the small caps as investors recognize the value contrasts between the large producers and the small cap mining companies. Exploration update: Canplats Resources Corp. (CPQ : TSX-V : C$3.67 | Not rated), International Tower Hill Mines Ltd. (ITH : TSX-V : C$2.00 | Not rated) and Luna Gold Corp. (LGC : TSX-V : C$1.20 | Not rated). Site visit notes: Pediment Exploration Ltd. (PEZ: TSX-V : C$3.07 | Not rated). Uranium in situ chart and spreadsheet. Current value at US$ 6.75/lb; Gold in situ chart and spreadsheet...... Current value at US$77.01/oz. - Canaccord Adams
  11. INTERESTING article / Excerpts: "Despite very difficult prevailing stock-market conditions, the HUI unhedged gold-stock index has soared 55% since mid-August! You’d think gold-stock traders would be thrilled with such awesome gains. Instead they are very disappointed, because gold itself is up 45% over this same period of time and the HUI hasn’t adequately leveraged its gains. To delve into this vexing conundrum, a couple weeks ago I updated my research on HUI leverage to gold. It showed that leverage varies wildly over the course of uplegs, so it is pointless to worry about mid-upleg. Like the weather, it will soon change. As I was doing this leverage research, some fascinating peripheral insights into the technical structure of HUI uplegs became apparent. Over its entire 1237% bull market since November 2000, the HUI has completed seven major uplegs and seven major corrections. I’ve studied these segments in depth over the years. Analyzing their gains, durations, rhythms, and leverage offers priceless probabilities knowledge to help maximize our odds of realizing big profits in today’s and future gold-stock trades. The HUI’s seven major uplegs of this bull have coalesced into a very distinctive alternating pattern. First massive uplegs drive the HUI to dizzying new heights, catapulting it over 100% higher in less than a year. Then smaller consolidation uplegs follow, giving traders time to get comfortable with the new higher prevailing gold-stock levels. I recently discussed this critical pattern in depth. The 2nd, 4th, and 6th major HUI uplegs of this bull market were massive, averaging stellar 136% gains over just 9 months each! The 3rd, 5th, and 7th were consolidation uplegs, averaging much more modest 47% gains over about 9 months each. Since the 7th upleg which ended last July was a consolidation upleg, today’s 8th upleg which started in mid-August is almost certainly going to prove massive." Provocatively if today’s HUI upleg tops by late May in line with the probabilities, we are nearing its final two months. The dotted-blue line above shows a stylized view of the HUI’s probable trajectory during the time between now and May. If this massive upleg follows precedent we ought to see slightly more than half of its total gains between now and May! The terminal ascents in massive HUI uplegs are simply awesome.
  12. EA PSYCHOLOGY - Why asking prices rose recently: Per an EA on a thread here: "Haven't posted on here for a while, but thought i'd have a look to see what's been said now things seem to be biting! At the end of last year I started giving some fairly honest advice and watched nearly every client i saw go on the market with another agent at about 10% over what i'd recommended!! Having realised this approach wouldn't work i've gone back to pricing up, working on the theory that it's better to have a house on the market that you have a chance to get the price down and earn a fee at some point rather than watch another agent do exactly that and my pockets remain empty!! Sooner or later enough sellers will HAVE to sell and reduce prices to a level where buyers will start offering, but it ain't happened yet!! (except in a small number of cases, and those vendors have found buyers!!) " /see: Mildura: http://www.housepricecrash.co.uk/forum/ind...68544&st=30
  13. Yes. A HUGE drop in UUU. All I can say is: I'm glad I own calls, rather than the stock itself. I still like the look of Uranium, but an individual co. sometimes gets hammered for reasons like this
  14. POSSIBLE DIFFERENCES between UK and HK property markets + I start from the notion that property is a cyclical sector, and I want to "catch the sweet spot", and hope to be out before the peak. That doesnt mean that I won't get stuck in after the top (as TTRTR seems to), but at least I will be looking for signs of a peak. ... XXX hasnt shown any cyclical awareness. He is a self-confessed "long term bull on property"- in denial of cycles. + The fundamentals underlying this boom are different than they were in the UK. Rents are rising fast in HK (up 10-15% per annum or more), while in the UK, rents seemed to be stagnant for years. Also interest rates are falling fast, driven lower by US cuts. At the peak in London, rates had been rising for many months. The Builders are a good bellwether here also. Their sharp moves up attracted me in. They ae now off their highs, but my reading of the charts is that their is yet another surge ahead for HK property developers. If they break down instead, I should redouble my alertness. + I regard XXX as a speculator who stumbled into property investing, following a societal bandwagon, driven by wildly aggressive lending by banks (like NRK.) He got carried away, and started believing EA hype. Of course, there are many investors here too, but most investors got burned by the 70% drop from 1997 to 2003, and that is within their recent memory. The result is more caution, especially amongst the banks, who ae reluctant to lend more than 70%. All of my loans were in the region of 65% - 70%, and with price appreciation my portfolio is now sitting at near 50% Loan to Value, with no MEW-ing, at least not yet. + I welcome bear arguments, especially those that are backed up by facts, and figures. I dont want to miss the turn, so bear arguments will help me stay alert, and not miss something. The possible scenario you point to: a surge up, followed by a sharp fall, is possible, and could be triggered by: a re-pegging of the HK dollar, or a turnaround in rates from a falling trend to a rising trend. Do people here see other ways that could happen? Compare charts: ............. <a href="http://www.housepricecrash.co.uk/graphs/generated/homepage.png"'>http://www.housepricecrash.co.uk/graphs/generated/homepage.png" target="_blank">UK Property</a> ........................................................... : ......... UK Builder: <a href="http://bigcharts.marketwatch.com/charts/big.chart?symb=uk%3Atw&compidx=aaaaa%3A0&ma=4&maval=18%2C48%2C120&uf=8&lf=268435456&lf2=0&lf3=0&type=2&size=2&state=11&sid=122872&style=320&time=20&freq=3&comp=NO%5FSYMBOL%5FCHOSEN&nosettings=1&rand=1257&mocktick=1" target="_blank">Taylor Wimpey (TW.L)</a> <img src="http://www.housepricecrash.co.uk/graphs/generated/homepage.png" border="0" class="linked-image" />.<img src="http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/9541/aa4tb2.gif" border="0" class="linked-image" />. ............. <a href="http://www.midland.com.hk/eng/m_index/main.shtml"'>http://www.midland.com.hk/eng/m_index/main.shtml" target="_blank">HK Property</a> ........................................................... : ......... HK Developer: <a href="http://bigcharts.marketwatch.com/charts/big.chart?symb=hk%3A12&compidx=aaaaa%3A0&ma=4&maval=18%2C48%2C120&uf=8&lf=268435456&lf2=0&lf3=0&type=2&size=2&state=11&sid=138872&style=320&time=20&freq=3&comp=NO%5FSYMBOL%5FCHOSEN&nosettings=1&rand=7844&mocktick=1" target="_blank">Henderson (HK:12)</a> <img src="http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/2983/aa0jx7.gif" border="0" class="linked-image" />.<img src="http://img125.imageshack.us/img125/4671/aa3mw0.gif" border="0" class="linked-image" />. Compare and contrast this comment from Midland Realty, with what you might get from UK estate agents: "End-user demand on supply shortage and improved affordability Pessimists have raised worries of a bubble burst with the local property market despite the presence of negative interest rates and other favourable factors. However, I would like to emphasise that the Hong Kong market has strong and sound fundamentals. There are three major supporting factors: 1. Hong Kong is a high savings society. The total personal savings with local banks are estimated at HK$6,000 billion. 2. The indebtedness of local families is low. The overall mortgage-to-income ratio has declined steadily to about 30%. 3. Land Registry records showed a low volume of confirmor-related transactions in 2007, indicating that just 1.6% of home purchases involved short-term speculators during the year. An economic cycle has to go through a number of financial crises, big and small. During a market slump, average investors are often polarised into two major categories – the extreme pessimists prefer to hold cash on hand and on the defensive; the ultra-aggressive ones on the opposite camp are prepared to fight back hard to regain their lost ground. Hong Kong’s property market is characterised by a supply shortage, strong demand from end-users, low level of indebtedness and high savings rate. Buying into Hong Kong property assets appears to be a good bet." /source: <a href="http://www.midland.com.hk/eng/market_views/080125.shtml" target="_blank">http://www.midland.com.hk/eng/market_views/080125.shtml</a> Monthly - updated Weekly Transactions - updated Hong Kong news items :: http://bg.panlv.net/ Weekly Price Indices: Midland... : http://www.midland.com.hk/eng/m_index/main.shtml : OLY1 CC Trans. : <a href="http://proptx.midland.com.hk/propTx/index.jsp?estateId=E12815&phase=&bldgName=&block=&floor=&unit=&sortBy=DELI_DATE&orderBy=desc&tempDistId=&tempDistId2=&tempDistId3=TC&estate=&minSell=&maxSell=&minRent=&maxRent=&area=&propType=R&page=0&lang=en" target="_blank">http://proptx.midland.com.hk/propTx/index....e=0&lang=en</a> Centaline : http://www.centadata.com/cci/cci_e.htm Week==== : 35tr : prv : CCLI. : MMLI. : 18wkMA .. before /18 01/06/2008 : xxx : xxx : ??.?? : 64.98 01/13/2008 : xxx : xxx : ??.?? : 67.93 01/20/2008 : xxx : xxx : ??.?? : 68.05 01/27/2008 : xxx : xxx : ??.?? : 69.13 02/03/2008 : xxx : xxx : ??.?? : 71.08 02/10/2008 : xxx : xxx : ??.?? : 70.33 02/17/2008 : 137 : xxx : 73.81 : <b>71.08</b> : 63.41 .. 02/24/2008 : 153 : xxx : 73.28 : 70.33 : 64.15 03/02/2008 : 159 : xxx : 73.98 : <b>71.07</b> : 64.92 03/09/2008 : 186 : xxx : 73.5E : 70.5E : 65.61 03/16/2008 : 169 : 218 : 73.01 : 69.97 : 66.22 03/23/2008 : 121 : xxx : 72.79 : 69.72 : 66.78 03/30/2008 : 134 : 203 : 72.89 : 70.06 : 67.29 04/06/2008 : 146 : 193 : 73.75 : 70.91 : 67.82 04/13/2008 : 124 : xxx : 71.93 : 69.02 : 68.17 .. 1,227.11 04/20/2008 : 160e: xxx : 72.57 : 69.77 : 68.51 .. 1,233.11 04/27/2008 : 171 : xxx : 71.49 : 68.58 : 68.78 .. 1,238.04 05/04/2008 : 173 : 253 : 71.44 : 68.61 : 69.02 .. 1,242.33 / C.C. 05/11/2008 : 178 : 232 : 71.51 : 68.59 : 69.22 .. 1245.94 / $3,115 05/18/2008 : 150 : xxx : 71.86 : 69.11 : 69.40 .. 1249.20 / $3,085 05/25/2008 : 185 : 209 : 72.67 : 69.87 : 69.57 .. 1252.30 / $3,115 06/01/2008 : 170 : xxx : 72.16 : 69.26 : 69.65 .. 1253.63 / $3,127 06/07/2008 : 183 : 203 : 73.23 : 70.26 : 69.77 .. 1255.84 / $3,295 (! High in CC ?) 06/14/2008 : 171 : 211 : 71.30 : 69.61 : 69.80 .. 1256.32 / $3,154 06/21/2008 : 150e: xxx : 72.62 : 69.39 : 69.xx .. 12xx.xx / $3,030 (reflecting: 6/16 - 6/22) 06/28/2008 : 130e: xxx : 73.38 : 70.27 : 69.xx .. 12xx.xx / $3,111 07/05/2008 : 116 : xxx : 72.77 : 69.70 : 69.xx .. 12xx.xx / $3,240 07/12/2008 : 109 : 262 : 72.38 : 69.41 : 69.xx .. 12xx.xx / $3,192 07/19/2008 : 104 : 268 : 71.84 : 68.78 : 69.xx .. 12xx.xx / $3,025 07/26/2008 : 115 : 333 : 71.55 : 68.47 : 69.xx .. 12xx.xx / $3,324 08/02/2008 : 124 : 268 : 70.81 : 67.59 : 69.xx .. ==== / $3,194 (testing lows again!) 08/09/2008 : 112 : 224 : 70.46 : 67.24 : 69.09 .. 65.05 / $2,870 08/16/2008 : 107 : xxx : 70.49 : 67.31 : 68.99 .. 65.27 / $3,140 08/23/2008 : 104 : 157 : 70.13 : 66.92 : 68.83 .. 65.48 / $3,265 08/30/2008 : 123 : 212 : 69.94 : 66.86 : 68.74 .. 65.70 / $3,097 09/06/2008 : 121 : xxx : 68.93 : 65.93 : 68.59 .. 65.89 / $2,974 (testing again...) 09/15/2008 : 098 : xxx : 68.40 : 65.44 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $3,070e 09/22/2008 : 083 : xxx : 68.26 : 65.26 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $3,192 09/29/2008 : 080 : 329 : 67.52 : 64.46 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $3,160 10/06/2008 : 084 : 391 : 67.44 : 64.61 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $3,097 : Black Oct. week 10/13/2008 : 104 : xxx : 66.27 : 63.79 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $3,159 10/20/2008 : 090 : 422 : 64.64 : 62.01 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $2,925 10/27/2008 : 113 : xxx : 63.40 : 60.94 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $2,950e 11/03/2008 : 132 : xxx : 61.61 : 59.09 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $2,984 11/10/2008 : 157 : xxx : 59.93 : 57.94 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $2,642 11/17/2008 : 129 : 465 : 57.43 : 55.41 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $2,609 11/24/2008 : 102 : 337 : 57.00 : 55.03 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $2,496 12/01/2008 : xxx : xxx : 56.92 : 54.99 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $2,500e 12/08/2008 : xxx : xxx : 57.15 : 55.19 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $2,512 12/15/2008 : xxx : xxx : 56.71 : 54.77 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $2,541 (( LOW )) 12/22/2008 : xxx : xxx : 56.93 : 54.99 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $2,670e 12/29/2008 : xxx : xxx : 56.78 : 54.89 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $2,581 <b>(Cal. 2009)</b> 01/05/2009 : 191 : xxx : 57.52 : 55.75 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $2,649 01/12/2009 : 187 : 396 : 57.51 : 55.94 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $2,698 01/19/2009 : 187 : 396 : 57.99 : 56.42 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $2,612 01/26/2009 : ??? : 396 : 58.38 : 56.87 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $2,626 02/03/2009 : 056 : ??? : 58.53 : 57.02 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $2,612 02/10/2009 : 124 : 072 : 58.35 : 56.75 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $2,612 02/17/2009 : 152 : 137 : 58.70 : 57.28 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $2,656 02/24/2009 : 161 : 153 : 58.62 : 57.02 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $2,545 03/03/2009 : 175 : 159 : 59.45 : 57.78 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $2,732 03/10/2009 : 157 : 186 : 59.47 : 57.87 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $2,660e 03/17/2009 : 184 : 169 : 59.74 : 58.25 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $2,742 03/24/2009 : 240 : 121 : 59.43 : 57.90 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $2,540 03/31/2009 : 318 : 134 : 60.20 : 58.71 : xx.xx ... xx.xx / $2,595 ==== : Rise from LOW : 6.15%: 7.30% : ==== MMI x46 / CaribC 04/07/2009 : 365 : 146 : 60.10 : 58.48 : xx.xx ... $2,690 / $2,692 04/14/2009 : 327 : 124 : 60.66 : 59.20 : xx.xx ... $2,723 / $2,722 04/21/2009 : 291 : 129 : 61.50 : 60.06 : xx.xx ... $2,763 / $2,695 04/28/2009 : 258 : 171 : 62.83 : 61.29 : xx.xx ... $2,819 / $2,683 05/05/2009 : 157 : 173 : 63.08 : 61.43 : xx.xx ... $2,826 / $2,781 05/12/2009 : 239 : 178 : 64.34 : 62.48 : xx.xx ... $2,874 / $2,634 05/17/2009 : 270 : 150 : 64.30 : 62.56 : xx.xx ... $2,878 / $2,787 05/24/2009 : 242 : 185 : 64.35 : 62.72 : xx.xx ... $2,885 / $2,804 05/31/2009 : 316 : 170 : 65.49 : 63.62 : xx.xx ... $2,926 / $2,944 06/07/2009 : 320 : 183 : 65.00 : 63.18 : xx.xx ... $2,906 / $2,881 06/14/2009 : xxx : xxx : 65.82 : 64.07 : xx.xx ... $2,947 / $2,874 06/21/2009 : xxx : xxx : 67.11 : 65.49 : xx.xx ... $3,013 / $2,967 06/28/2009 : xxx : xxx : 68.42 : 66.77 : xx.xx ... $3,071 / $2,955 ==== : Rise from LOW : 20.6%: 21.9% : ==== MMI x46 / CaribC 07/05/2009 : xxx : xxx : 67.59 : 65.59 : xx.xx ... $3,071 / $2,906 07/12/2009 : xxx : xxx : 68.46 : 66.52 : xx.xx ... $3,060 / $2,948 07/19/2009 : xxx : xxx : 68.62 : 66.73 : xx.xx ... $3,070 / $2,996 07/26/2009 : xxx : xxx : 68.71 : 66.89 : xx.xx ... $3,077 / $3,043 08/02/2009 : xxx : xxx : 69.44 : 67.10 : xx.xx ... $3,087 / $3,140 08/09/2009 : xxx : xxx : 69.51 : 67.33 : xx.xx ... $3,097 / $3,088E? 08/16/2009 : xxx : xxx : 70.12 : 67.62 : xx.xx ... $3,111 / $3,206 +7.00% in a month! 08/23/2009 : xxx : xxx : 70.79 : 68.50 : xx.xx ... $3,151 / $3,084 08/30/2009 : xxx : xxx : 70.72 : 68.31 : xx.xx ... $3,142 / $3,311 09/06/2009 : xxx : xxx : 72.64 : 70.38 : xx.xx ... $3,237 / $3,250e 09/13/2009 : xxx : xxx : 72.06 : 70.07 : xx.xx ... $3,223 / $3,195 09/20/2009 : xxx : xxx : 72.18 : 70.05 : xx.xx ... $3,222 / $3,120e 09/27/2009 : xxx : xxx : 72.92 : 70.95 : xx.xx ... $3,264 / $3,278 ==== : Rise from LOW : 28.5%: 29.5% : ==== MMI x46 / CaribC WeekEnded : HangSI- SQx22: Hk12 :: CCLI : MMIdx ... MMI x46 / CaribC 10/04/2009 : 20,375 - 3,140 : 48.60 :: 72.70 : 70.81 ... $3,257 / $3,096 10/11/2009 : 21,499 - 3,226 : 51.75 :: 73.80 : 71.57 ... $3,292 / $3,257 10/18/2009 : 21,930 - 3,258 : 53.55 :: 73.37 : 71.38 ... $3,283 / $3,283 10/25/2009 : 22,590 - 3,307 : 55.30 :: 73.39 : 71.16 ... $3,273 / $3,247 11/01/2009 : 21,753 - 3,245 : 55.80 :: 73.74 : 71.30 ... $3,280 / $3,150 (Dist.$2,150?) 11/08/2009 : 21,830 - 3,250 : 56.30 :: 73.52 : 71.20 ... $3,275 / $3,161 11/15/2009 : 22,554 - 3,304 : 53.95 :: 73.91 : 71.42 ... $3,285 / $3,304 11/22/2009 : 22,456 - 3,297 : 54.20 :: 73.56 : 71.05 ... $3,xxx / $3,304 11/29/2009 : 21,135 - 3,198 : 51.70 :: 72.61 : 70.00 ... $3,220 / $3,157 12/06/2009 : 22,498 - 3,300 : 59.15 :: 73.03 : 70.87 ... $3,260 / $3,110 12/13/2009 : 21,902 - 3,256 : 57.80 :: 72.79 : 70.61 ... $3,248 / $3,293 12/20/2009 : 21,176 - 3,201 : 55.00 :: 73.08 : 70.79 ... $3,256 / $3,200e 12/27/2009 : 21,517 - 3,227 : 57.65 :: 73.23 : 70.95 ... $3,263 / $3,350 Rise from Low 89.7%: 37.7% : 151% :: 29.1%: 29.5% MMI x46 / +31.8% LOW.......... : 11,345 - 2343 : 23.00 :: 56.71 : 54.77 ... $2,519 / $2,541 01/03/2010 : 21,873 - 3,254 : 58.40 :: 74.07 : 71.77 ... $3,301 / $3,275 : $7,187 01/10/2010 : 22,297 - 3,285 : 59.25 :: 74.87 : 72.69 ... $3,344 / $3,261 : $7,437 01/17/2010 : 21,654 - 3,237 : 56.10 :: 75.08 : 72.86 ... $3,352 / $3,424 : $7,228 01/24/2010 : 20,726 - 3,167 : 51.20 :: 76.17 : 74.09 ... $3,408 / $3,283 : $7,339 01/31/2010 : 20,122 - 3,197 : 49.15 :: 76.05 : 73.55 ... $3,383 / $3,215 : $7,776 02/07/2010 : 19,665 - 3,085 : 47.55 :: 76.67 : 74.25 ... $3,416 / $3,342 : $7,765 02/14/2010 : 20,269 - 3,132 : 50.60 :: 77.03 : 74.57 ... $3,430 / $3,234 : $8,086 02/21/2010 : 19,894 - 3,103 : 48.60 :: 77.26 : 74.74 ... $3,438 / $3,249 : $8,086 02/28/2010 : 20,609 - 3,158 : 52.45 :: 77.96 : 75.65 ... $3,480 / $3,303 : $8,364 03/07/2010 : 20,788 - 3,172 : 53.95 :: 77.01 : 74.72 ... $3,437 / $3,561 : $8,163 03/14/2010 : 21,210 - 3,204 : 54.70 :: 77.24 : 74.82 ... $3,442 / $3,267 : $7,835 03/21/2010 : 21,371 - 3,216 : 56.35 :: 78.63 : 76.43 ... $3,515 / $3,376 : $8,003 03/28/2010 : 21,053 - 3,192 : 56.05 :: 78.69 : 76.25 ... $3,508 / $3,442 : $8,010 Rise from Low 85.6%: 36.4% : 144% : 38.8%: 39.2% MMI x46 / +36.6% 04/04/2010 : 21,537 - 3,229 : 54.90 :: 78.64 : 76.26 ... $3,508 / $3,460 : $8,042 04/11/2010 : 22,209 - 3,279 : 55.15 :: 78.48 : 76.11 ... $3,501 / $3,498 : $8,045 04/18/2010 : 21,865 - 3,253 : 53.10 :: 79.39 : 77.16 ... $3,549 / $3,457 : $8,313 04/25/2010 : 21,244 - 3,207 : 50.40 :: 78.77 : 76.47 ... $3,518 / $3,624 : $8,178 05/02/2010 : 21,109 - 3,196 : 49.85 :: 80.68 : 78.20 ... $3,597 / $3,479 : $8,406 05/09/2010 : 19,920 - 3,105 : 47.35 :: 79.86 : 77.42 ... $3,561 / $3,746 : $8,321 05/16/2010 : 20,145 - 3,123 : 46.55 :: 80.06 : 77.55 ... $3,567 / $3,735 : $8,313 05/23/2010 : 19,546 - 3,076 : 43.60 :: 80.32 : 77.67 ... $3,573 / $3,716 : $8,101 05/30/2010 : 19,767 - 3,093 : 46.80 :: 79.16 : 76.47 ... $3,518 / $3,533 : $8,309 06/06/2010 : 19,780 - 3,094 : 46.70 :: 79.48 : 76.88 ... $3,537 / $3,671 : $8,505 06/13/2010 : 19,872 - 3,101 : 46.60 :: 79.68 : 77.08 ... $3,xxx / $3,500 : $8,496 06/20/2010 : 20,287 - X,XXx : 46.20 :: 79.12 : 76.25 ... $3,xxx / $3,599 : $8,314 06/27/2010 : 20,691 - X,XXx : 47.65 :: 80.12 : 77.43 ... $3,xxx / $3,721 : $8,433 Rise from Low xx.x%: 36.4% : 1xx% : 07/04/2010 : 19,905 - X,xxx : 46.10 :: 80.15 : 77.33 ... $3,xxx / $3,620 : $8,117 07/11/2010 : 20,379 - X,xxx : 47.20 :: 80.90 : 78.62 ... $3,xxx / $3,711 : $8,161 07/18/2010 : 20,250 - X,xxx : 46.10 :: 81.18 : 78.65 ... $3,xxx / $3,575 : $8,595 07/25/2010 : 20,815 - X,xxx : 48.65 :: 81.88 : 79.35 ... $3,xxx / $3,777 : $8,541 08/01/2010 : 21,030 - X,xxx : 48.35 :: 82.14 : 79.73 ... $3,xxx / $3,834 : $8,431 08/08/2010 : 21,679 - X,xxx : 49.60 :: 83.51 : 81.26 ... $3,xxx / $3,698 : $8,268 08/15/2010 : 21,072 - X,xxx : 49.90 :: 83.36 : 80.86 ... $3,xxx / $3,732 : $8,496 08/22/2010 : 20,981 - X,xxx : 48.00 :: 83.57 : 81.03 ... $3,xxx / $3,809 : $8,490 08/29/2010 : 20,597 - X,xxx : 47.00 :: 83.61 : 80.87 ... $3,xxx / $3,804 : $8,529 09/05/2010 : 20,972 - X,xxx : 47.65 :: 84.54 : 81.79 ... $3,xxx / $3,856 : $8,299 09/12/2010 : 21,257 - X,xxx : 49.35 :: 84.16 : 81.30 ... $3,xxx / $3,904 : $8,327 09/19/2010 : 21,971 - X,xxx : 50.30 :: 83.99 : 81.09 ... $3,xxx / $3,873 : $8,371 09/26/2010 : 22,119 - X,xxx : 53.40 :: 85.34 : 82.32 ... $3,xxx / $3,949 : $8,622 10/03/2010 : 22,358 - X,xxx : 55.25 :: 84.85 : 81.83 ... $3,xxx / $3,925 : $8,359 10/10/2010 : 22,944 - X,xxx : 55.95 :: 85.09 : 82.25 ... $3,xxx / $3,940 : $8,640 10/17/2010 : 22,944 - X,xxx : 56.05 :: 85.13 : 82.35 ... $3,xxx / $3,915 : $8,536 10/24/2010 : 23,758 - X,xxx : 57.55 :: 85.62 : 82.88 ... $3,xxx / $3,924 : $8,682 10/31/2010 : 23,096 - X,xxx : 55.05 :: 86.87 : 84.00 ... $3,xxx / $3,955 : $8,870 11/07/2010 : 24,877 - X,xxx : 59.75 :: 87.55 : 84.62 ... $3,xxx / $3,954 : $9,029 11/14/2010 : 24,223 - X,xxx : 59.35 :: 87.41 : 84.70 ... $3,xxx / $4,002 : $9,282 11/21/2010 : 23,606 - X,xxx : 56.85 :: 88.24 : 85.62 ... $3,xxx / $4,012 : $9,225 11/28/2010 : 22,877 - X,xxx : 54.50 :: 88.58 : 86.16 ... $3,xxx / $4,096 : $9,092 12/05/2010 : 23,321 - X,xxx : 54.45 :: 89.41 : 86.75 ... $3,991 / $4,030 : $9,772 12/12/2010 : 23,163 - X,xxx : 53.15 :: 88.27 : 84.99 ... $3,xxx / $3,975 : $9,684 12/19/2010 : 22,715 - X,xxx : 52.50 :: 87.48 : 84.26 ... $3,xxx / $4,008 : $9,134 12/26/2010 : 22,834 - X,xxx : 52.85 :: 88.40 : 85.22 ... $3,xxx / $4,142 : $9,243 ======== 01/02/2011 : 23,035 - X,xxx : 53.00 :: 88.38 : 85.20 ... $3,xxx / $4,007 : $9,048 01/09/2011 : 23,687 - X,xxx : 56.35 :: 90.05 : 87.01 ... $3,xxx / $4,142 : $9,204 01/16/2011 : 24,283 - X,xxx : 55.30 :: 90.01 : 87.10 ... $3,xxx / $4,021 : $8,695 01/23/2011 : 23,877 - X,xxx : 54.70 :: 91.21 : 88.29 ... $3,xxx / $3,998 : $8,898 01/30/2011 : 23,617 - X,xxx : 54.45 :: 90.83 : 87.90 ... $3,xxx / $4,157 : $8,773 02/06/2011 : 23,909 - X,xxx : 54.90 :: 91.45 : 88.85 ... $3,xxx / $4,201 : $9,320 02/13/2011 : 22,829 - X,xxx : 49.70 :: 93.41 : 90.61 ... $3,xxx / $4,309 : $9,330 02/20/2011 : 23,595 - X,xxx : 49.95 :: 93.99 : 91.24 ... $3,xxx / $4,688 : $9,632 02/27/2011 : 23,012 - X,xxx : 47.90 :: 94.81 : 92.13 ... $3,xxx / $4,175 : $9,739 03/06/2011 : 23,122 - X,xxx : 49.65 :: 96.44 : 93.58 ... $3,xxx / $4,336 : $10,024 03/13/2011 : 23,250 - X,xxx : 48.45 :: 96.51 : 93.72 ... $3,xxx / $4,586 : $9,960 03/20/2011 : 22,300 - X,xxx : 47.30 :: 98.15 : 95.41 ... $3,xxx / $4,623 : $9,954 03/27/2011 : 23,155 - X,xxx : 52.10 :: 97.41 : 94.42 ... $3,xxx / $4,640 : $9,771 04/03/2011 : 20,000 Query: Past CCI Data :: Here's Centaline's Weekly Mass Market Index (MMI) + 10/06/2008 <img src="http://img234.imageshack.us/img234/7353/aa0ht7.gif" border="0" class="linked-image" /> .......... Jan'08 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dec It looks like the correction since CNY continued for some months. We are coming up on 12 months since the Oct.2007 stock peak, and MMI has fallen to the approximate level of the 12months MA ($65.89). This could be a support level. <img src="http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/5467/ccnov2009.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" /> <img src="http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/8554/ccprices.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" /> == == 35tr.: Number of transactions in Midland's 35 key Residental projects prv : Number in prior year // (Midland's data offset by one week for both) 50key: late April: 401 vs. 374 in prior week. But prices fell 0.4 percent "Buyers becoming more active, as they see sellers are reluctant to lower prices" QUOTE (starterpack @ Jul 3 2008, 10:01 AM) : Sorry, can you explain what the figures mean? What the columns are and the abbreviations? and where I can find them? many thanks, Starterpack UNQUOTE 35tr... : 35 main estates tracked by Midland prv ... : Previous year's figure CCLI. : Centaline's weekly index MMLI. : Centaline's weekly index for the Mass Market 18wkMA: 18week Moving Average of the above Last... : Last column is the average price per sf for Caribbean Coast Online calculators: <a href="http://www.metacalc.com/" target="_blank">http://www.metacalc.com/</a>
  15. (I first posted this on an HPC thread about credit tightening, but it is relevant here too, I think): Thanks, I. I have to laugh (all the way to the bank!) Despite frequent criticisms here, and on some other websites like SP, my investing has succeeded beyond even my wildest dreams: + One of my two core portfolios is up 1000% (that's 10 times!) since May 2004. While the other has done nearly as well, but its month-by-month performance is harder to measure since I "raid it" frequently to cover my living expenses, pay taxes and make other investments, like Hong Kong property, + My foray into HK property that started about one year ago has done well. Borrowing 65-70% on investments, I now own 9 properties, with 5 fully closed, another closing this month, and three more in March and April. I recently calculated returns, and my equity has doubled, after an average investment time of perhaps six months. Prices are rising about 1% per week (repeat: that's 1% PER WEEK !) in HK, at the moment. It's not that I am so fabulously clever. My success is based upon huge amounts of hard work. I am a fulltime investor, making my living through this activity. So I put the time in, listening carefully to many other experts, and sharing ideas with other private investors. (Some of this work is done online, on HPC, and my own site, GEI.) Partly because I am willing to share the fruits of my research labors, I get plenty of information and ideas in return. Tune into the podcasts on CW Radio, if you want a sample of this sharing. My latest keen interest is urban planning, with a particular focus on New Urbanist concepts. Within 2-3 years, I hope to be in a position to invest (at bargain prices) in communities within the USA that are rebuilding themselves away from the old-fashion "tragedy of suburbia" model into communities with a real future, using the important principles of the New urbanist movement. Why not join the adventure? I reckon it will be profitable to be involved, even if it is just investing alongside, in your own way.
  16. (from the GIP thread) IF YOU LIKE GIP's, here's an idea to consider: Buy some cheap Uranium stocks- they are now at a level that "makes sense", and so is Uranium. Here's the Uranium etf, as traded in Canada U.t/ Uranium participation ... update How to play? Here's what I did, I bought in-the-money ($5) calls on: Uranium One / UUU.t Dennison / DML.t
  17. "CDNX (mostly Jr.Miners & Explorers) has rallied back to a key resistance level" Wednesday's rises ... GLD- : 93.24 Change: +1.66 Open: 90.84 High: 93.31 Low: 90.75 Volume: 10,633,281 Percent Change: +1.81% (volume over 10mn is good. It was good to see a dip into the gap before the rally too.) GDX- : $50.95 Change: +1.35 Open: 49.13 High: 50.95 Low: 49.00 Volume: 6,070,612 Percent Change: +2.72% (nice. more perky than gold.) RGLD: $30.09 Change: +1.01 Open: 28.92 High: 30.24 Low: 28.55 Volume: 637,979 Percent Change: +3.47% (even nicer. It's good to see RGLD back over $30.) CDNX: 2,642.49 Chg:+19.89 Op: 2,618.43 H: 2,642.49 L: 2,608.17 Volume: 182,000 Percent Change: +0.76% (The move was small. And it hasn't proven anything yet.) ...were what I wanted to see. All systems are GO ! Let's hope this continues
  18. CDNX is still holding rather well, and showing some strength relative to SPX today Here's the CDNX-to-SPX ratio This looks to me like a 4th wave "flag" with a wave 5 UP still to come.
  19. There isnt an etf for Junior miners I normally recommend a basket, of at least 6-10 junior stocks. For funds, or stocks with similar historic action, have a look at: + Endeavour / EDV.t + Canaccord / CCI.t (a Vancouver broker) + Us Global Investors / GROW* (a fund mgr. involved in EDV.t) * there are traded options
  20. KEY LEVELS CDNX (mostly Jr.Miners & Explorers) has rallied back to a key resistance level/ It's going to need some volume here, to punch through this important level. If gold gets through the recent highs (GLD-$92.58with conviction, we should see that *** Note: These levels and charts are discussed in this week's podcast ***
  21. Skinny, If you dont want to chase gold or oil, Look at some Uranium stocks. I bought in-the-money calls yesterday on UUU.t and DML.t
  22. You will find SLV charts on the other thread, for Junior platinum co's: BTP:: http://www.advfn.com/cmn/fbb/thread.php3?id=16500505
  23. (this was posted on GEI by Member100): ### From an interview with Prof. Piet Eichholtz ### * Just now for Eichholz, the arrow (property cycle) is pointing down * "I'm really concerned for housing markets wherethe demographics look bad", he says. "Then prices can fall a long way." * What has made the Herengracht index stand out: "it has always been prime property" * The index corrects for rising consumer prices, but not wages - The canalside index doubled in ist first 50 years, as imiigrants flocked to the booming hub of a rich trading empire - Wars sent the index gyrating over the next century - 150 Herengracht sold at 5,100 guilders in 1755 (to Abraham Mylius), and then: - The price tag was the same over a century later when shopkeeper John Dreckmeijer bought it - Same property was bought by dentist Erik Schotman for 310,000 guilders in 1993 * Long periods where prices go up or down- but no uptrend or downtrend over the centuries. Real prices in the early 1970's were little changed from 1650. Since 1979 oil crisis, they have doubled * A price fall of 30 - 40 percent is common, and cannot be ruled out for the US or Britain. In fact, Eichholtz believes that prices could halve. * "To have a long term bust, you need to have more than one bad thing". Previous busts were triggered by events like: - Wars, - A major economic crisis, - A major demographic crisis Eichholtz sees that the US (and Europe?) are entering a 20-year demographic crisis /see: #14: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=699
  24. You are right. Obviously, that new thread still needs some tinkering, And here's a new one, with the larger companies on it: PLAT: http://www.advfn.com/cmn/fbb/thread.php3?id=16504123
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