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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Added to the GEI-Links page: Theme songs.... : I Get knocked Down : Goldfinger : Diamonds are Forever : Turn Turn Turn "Diamonds are Forever" - in honor of patient shareholders in Firestone Diamonds (FDI.L) FDI chart ... update Which has recently announced some great results suggesting the possibility that MK1 in Botswana may potentially be "the world's largest diamond resource" Enjoy.
  2. (as first posted on the popular new Gold-freewheeling thread, pinned on the Main board) There arent many here who doubt the value of owning gold. The key thing here is: + How do you maximise your returns on Gold and Gold shares ? = = = I will be doing some selling over $1,000. Indeed, I have done some light selling of some sprinting gold juniors, and am reallocating the capital to: + Hong Kong property, and + Some laggards (amongst the Juniors) that I think still have great potential In fact, this process means selling almost $100,000 worth of stock per week over the past 2-3 weeks, and reallocating that capital- It is mostly leaving my stock trading account, and finding its way into HK property. Despite this rather serious profit taking effort, the NAV of the account has been rising. How's that for a self-replenishing piggie bank? I think this effort proves that Gold and Gold share profits CAN be used to fund a property investment programme. We are now looking for property #10. (If I mentioned this on HPC, I would be rubbished by all the frustrated and risk-averse wannabee FTBers, who think that this is somehow immoral. The reality is that it PROVES the effectiveness of the investment ideas that we have long been discussing here on GEI.) = = = CONFIDENTLY BUYING JUNIORS: "Banging up to new highs, and breaking out" Go and listen to Jim Puplava's discussion with Eric King / 52 mins, in on : this podcast I cannot figure out what all the whining is about. The game is working well. See chart: We went fully invested in Dec.2007, and have been riding upwards the CDNX since the 2,400 low. (I am not actually trading the CDNX, but my Junior explorers tend to move with it) and the CDNX is now up to 2,800-ish despite the sharp falls in SPX. The break of the downtrend, as seen in the chart above, sure looks as if a new bull thrust has started. Eric King says "don't go to the chatrooms". He hasnt been here! If he had, he might sound a bit less depressive, and he could be watching his portfolio banging up to new highs- as some here are doing.
  3. There arent many here who doubt the value of owning gold. The key thing here is: + How do you maximise your returns on Gold and Gold shares ? = = = I will be doing some selling over $1,000. Indeed, I have done some light selling of some sprinting gold juniors, and am reallocating the capital to: + Hong Kong property, and + Some laggards (amongst the Juniors) that I think still have great potential In fact, this process means selling almost $100,000 worth of stock per week over the past 2-3 weeks, and reallocating that capital- It is mostly leaving my stock trading account, and finding its way into HK property. Despite this rather serious profit taking effort, the NAV of the account has been rising. How's that for a self-replenishing piggie bank? I think this effort proves that Gold and Gold share profits CAN be used to fund a property investment programme. We are now looking for property #10. (If I mentioned this on HPC, I would be rubbished by all the frustrated and risk-averse wannabee FTBers, who think that this is somehow immoral. The reality is that it PROVES the effectiveness of the investment ideas that we have long been discussing here on GEI.) = = = CONFIDENTLY BUYING JUNIORS: "Banging up to new highs, and breaking out" Go and listen to Jim Puplava's discussion with Eric King / 52 mins, in on : this podcast I cannot figure out what all the whining is about. The game is working well. See chart: We went fully invested in Dec.2007, and have been riding upwards the CDNX since the 2,400 low. (I am not actually trading the CDNX, but my Junior explorers tend to move with it) and the CDNX is now up to 2,800-ish despite the sharp falls in SPX. The break of the downtrend, as seen in the chart above, sure looks as if a new bull thrust has started. Eric King says "don't go to the chatrooms". He hasnt been here! If he had, he might sound a bit less depressive, and he could be watching his portfolio banging up to new highs- as some here are doing.
  4. As an Admin issue... I will probably break this thread into Monthly installments. I hope there is no objection. The old ones will get saved in the archives section. That is the plan anyway
  5. Gold is getting set to "vault the creek" at $1,000: It has been "building cause" below $1,000 in preparation, and this next move will be parabolic -- (and you should do some selling into it !) Intraday ... update GLD may need to touch the MA below $96 one more time before the takeoff. But whether it does or not, breaking that downtrend line could well be a sign that the upthrust is starting
  6. Why not hold Canadian stocks "offshore"?
  7. Sure, visit: http://www.Goldseek.com , or http://www.HoweStreet.com , or http://www.KEreport.com And dont be afraid to suggest future guests for CW Radio on the appropriate thread
  8. I posted this on my HPC thread (#149): From here, I am expecting... Q: How far do you think the rally will cross over $1K and where might it drop back to ? A: My best guess* is that gold runs up to $1050-1100 before falling back to maybe $930 But in the meantime, I would guess* that Gold may need to make a double bottom below $970, (and GLD below $96 ) before running up through $1,000 / GLD-$100 *"Guess" is the right word for these forecasts of mine = = There's been record interest in g's new Gold thread, with many new posters checking in, for those who like that sort of topic. UNQUOTE I WONDER how many will get the hint??
  9. Another possible important support level would be the 1980 high near $850
  10. I agree. I have the book and its an excellent read. You should also do a Google search on "Riverside Conversations" and listen to his great chats with Jim Rogers, etc.
  11. I mostly buy shares in Canada, where the bid/offer dynamics make sense, For cheaper shares on the AIM market, it is often only the Market Makers who make money on the first 15-20% of any move, which is way too much to give away. Can you get set up to trade in Canada?
  12. My best guess* is that gold runs up to $1050-1100 before falling back to maybe $930 = = But in the meantime, I would guess* that Gold may need to make a double bottom below $970, before running up throw $1,000 *"Guess" is the right word for these forecasts of mine
  13. Marc Faber always has an interesting "big picture" perspective. But i dont think he is a brilliant trader- For example, he was friendly to the dollar, and cautious about gold as we went into 2008. Listen to the 2008 Forecasts from these folk: "Our all-star line-up of experts make their predictions in a Special New Year’s Commodity Watch Radio: Dr Marc Faber James Turk Michael Hampton Zapata George Campbell Smyth Dave Skarica Jim Rogers " Where? / Here: http://commoditywatch.podbean.com/ And see who you think hit the most bullseyes. It wasnt Faber IMHO. But I always listen to him anyway.
  14. LOL. I have about 60 positions. Almost all trade in canada. At the moment, they are like a self-replenishing piggy bank. I take money out to buy property in Hong Kong, as the value of the account rises. Money management and diversification at the same time !
  15. Money is still being made: + In gold and gold shares, and + In Hong Kong property, where prices are now rising about 1% a week ! That rise should be no surprise when you consider what happens when you take a strong HK property market and throw those US rate cuts at it
  16. I agree with this. Newcomers to GEI may want to look at the "Tracking Juniors" thread , to see how we assess the value of Juniors/ CDNX in relation to Gold, and Majors/ HUI Link: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=2717
  17. Post #664 on the Gold thread... THat is true. The ad revenues here pay for the hosting, and I havent made a single pence from GEI yet. But there has been a wealth of ideas exchanged here- which is the real point of it.
  18. THat is true. The ad revenues here pay for the hosting, and I havent made a single pence from GEI yet. But there has been a wealth of ideas exchanged here- which is the real point of it.
  19. Such RULES do not exist on GEI. I am interested (so far) to learn what people would do differently
  20. There is plenty of rich content here, and fewer "Master threads". You may need to poke around a bit to find what you like, and I encourage that kind of exploration. You may find it rewarding. Please post on threads you like, since that will encourage their development
  21. Steve, There were regular comments by various posters on GEI's own Gold comments thread: ... 2008, First half But they were nothing like as "fast and furious as these". I think the historical gold calls here have been rather accurate, but we tend to comment more on HUI, GDX, and the Junior miners (CDNX), because that is where many of GEI's traditional posters are concentrated (speaking for myself anyway.0 As some may know, I am very close to 100% long, and plan to do some selling into the current rally as it crosses $1,000. I expect to sell down 30-50% of my position as we head into late March/ April, do to "seasonal factors" which I have laid out elsewhere = = "DrBubb is going to get a huge shock when he next logs in" AM I Surprised?? You bet. But part of me wonders... what took you so long to get here?? LOL
  22. Interesting point, and very true (those who dont have any/much, dont see gold merits.) The mainstream is not on board yet, but more and more are watching the steam come out of the funnels, and eyeing the saling schedules (of the good-ship GOLD)
  23. LOL. An interesting way to put it. (wink) Thank goodness, no furniture has been broken yet (as far as I can see).
  24. No problem. I havent had time to read through it yet. But in principle, it should be very welcome here. I made a minor change in the title, pinned it, and may try to find a way to add Chart links for easy access = = For those who wondered, WHERE IS BUBB? I have been in Toronto for the PDAC mining conference, and arrived back in HK a few hours ago
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