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John Doe

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Everything posted by John Doe

  1. Haven't had time yet, but yes, used to be about 100 or so to see weird stuff Friends used to have "secret sites" where they grew in greater numbers (we found out that they used to go to Malvern area about Sept time to pick them), although they grew in smaller amounts in most places. Found a couple in my garden once Only tried them a couple of times myself (due to the bad trip a friend had) but everyone used to say that the more you kept taking them, the more you needed.
  2. Are you a parent yet? (PS That wasn't meant to imply that you did something else under the influence of san pedro that night , just that unconditional love does exist, but is often only realised once the little-uns arrive on the scene).
  3. I've never heard it put that way, interesting view . But in answer to the question, it's probably (sadly) as much to do with the fact that they don't tax it as not having our interests at heart.
  4. Quantum activists The next "big" thing? And what's a "Reknown physicist"? So Dr. Amit Goswami was a physicist at University of Oregon’s Institute of Theoretical Science for 30 years, and still didn't made Prof ? Interesting Those that either don't understand, or worse, actively try to fool people with quantum theory terms, are peddling nonsense that... Says it all really doesn't it. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=quantum-quackery "Quantum Flapdoodle" Brilliant turn of phrase from Gell-Mann, (was also known to have an amazing grasp of language and pronunciation). Science is science, philosophy is not. Each has it's place, but don't risk your life jumping out a window when testing which is which
  5. Wow, I know just what you mean BaB. Just like in National Lampoons Animal House? http://www.traileraddict.com/clip/animal-house/red-band-clip-angel-vs-devil
  6. Yep, I had a horrible dream about nuclear war when the air raid warning sirens malfunctioned at about 6 in the morning, and went on for about 10 minutes. (Yes, we used to have them all around the UK and they used to test them every 6 months or so, even during the end of the cold war, but they would normally sound once and stop). Apparently, loads of people ran out into the street as they thought it was WW3. However, I was young at the time and slept through the whole thing. But, while I was asleep, I incorporated it into my dream. Scariest dream I’ve ever had, woke up real scared. I still remember that dream vividly today.
  7. Maybe I'm a bit strange then , as in my later years of smoking herb (before I stopped all such things), it used to make me a bit paranoid I can tell you (One of the reasons I stopped). However, no symptoms nowadays (or lasting effects that I can tell), must be the clean and healthy lifestyle I lead nowadays no doubt I also know that feelings of paranoia can be induced with strong electric and magnetic fields etc. There is a device that(AFAIR) is called the heaven and hell chamber that they put on your head and vary the mag and elec fields. It can make you think there is someone (something) behind you (in an empty room) etc. They even suggested that certain cellars (old castles etc) built in areas with magetic rocks nearby, might explain some of the "haunted" feelings some people get. However, speaking for myself, even on good trips I was always fully aware that what I was experiencing (seeing) was not real. For example, I once watched my cupboard door burn (the paint seemed to be peeling off etc), yet I knew it was not on fire and that it was just my mind playing tricks. The mind is a powerful thing (just think of some of the "real" dreams you've had), and it can easily confuse us. However, most of the time it's quite simple to test what you are perceiving.
  8. Because at that time, I didn't have a care in the world. Now, older and with responsibilities, (and from knowing enough others that have tried such things again, later in life), I'd end up paranoid and on a bad trip . Not at all. I just try to separate philosophical theories from scientific theories. That's all. There is a place for both. What I poo poo is those who try to use science (and scientific terminology) to claim things which are clearly not scientific and have not been studied in a scientific manner. There is a difference.
  9. One day, one day. Until then though, http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/FSA-announce-relaxation-tele-1597872151.html?x=0
  10. Perhaps it was (Oh, we were far too young to have cars back then)
  11. Oh, not just the termanily ill, I thought they were great (I had never seen a cow smile before ), but a friend of mine ended up in hospital cos he thought his quilt was trying to eat him . Didn't have any more after that. Of course, we were very young and daft at the time
  12. That's a fact. When the rented place we had flooded, they didn't have a clue and we were essentially homeless. We ended up telling them what to do, getting alternative accommodation, insisting that their landlords had the correct insurance to cover both us and them (as opposed to the usual policy which only covers the landlord etc etc. Seriously considered setting up a decent rental agency once. Might still, as in my experience, they are generally c**p. Along with some gentle falls in nominal prices (although I think we're near the nominal low now, maybe another 5% or so). Pay rises are ~ 2.5% YOY last time I checked. Since the 2007 peak, it's been >10% AFAIR. So doesn't take much. Time, the great healer
  13. Depends who your neighbours are Some of these places can be quite "clicky". If you ain't born and (in)bred there, you don't belong.
  14. Hopefully with prices bobbing along, not rising (or falling too much), until wages finally catch up, then hopefully, houses will be seen as homes, and not investments, like they used to be. The mix of rental and owned will probably go one-way, then the other, then back again, just as before. I don't buy this end of the world stuff. Heard it all before, many times. If the SHTF big time, then there will be co-ordinated world action, printing or debt relief or something new, but life will go on. Of course, the rich will still get richer, but heh, that’s life. Now, just got to find a way to become rich
  15. Well yes, if you sell your house and spend all the money on bread
  16. For a fee, all of that can be insured against (i.e. £14 pcm covers boiler etc). Pleanty of EA's can also run the whole show for you, again for a fee (~10% of the monthly rent here) if you want. Jees, you can even get insurance for vacant periods now.
  17. Now 95% of towns, apparently. http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/First-time-buyer-torment-tele-3130048439.html?x=0
  18. Sounds like a great idea, in this particular circumstance.
  19. I guess it depends how you look at it. In inflationary or deflationary times, having a roof over your head is generally a necessity. Owning a home outright is obviously a good hedge in both these cases. In inflationary times, having a home with a fixed (low) rate mortgage could be seen as a good hedge, especially if inflation translates to larger pay rises (as it eventually always does, if the rate goes high enough). As for investments, (and the class of investor you describe) then youre right. There are far better ways to hedge. But simplistically, for the average Joe, bricks and mortar (owned) can be seen as a relatively safe bet through such times.
  20. Well yes, of course it is lower NSA. I mean, who buys houses in November? Oh that's right, me! . Every house we have bought in the last 20 years has been in November (offers made late Oct/early Nov), as that is when the buyers stop loocking and the sellers decide to drop their prices in the run up to xmas (this happened even in the boom years up here in bonny Scotland).
  21. Yeah, ask her if she feels guilty for encouraging all those young, FTB'ers (now in negative equity), to overstretch themselves with huge mortgages, right as the market was peaking, and boisterously telling those that were having second thoughts that "if house prices fall, I will eat my hat". Then ask her (in front of the cameras) if she's actually eaten her hat yet. Then if she says no, offer her some tomato sauce and then, if she still won't eat it, ask her if that means everything that comes out of her mouth is bulls**t? Or just put up a banner asking "Have you eaten your hat yet crusty!"
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