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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. MISSING SCIENTISTS? I did a search on "missing scientists, Antarctica", and found these stories / 1 / (a different group of scientists) Rescued scientists bring back a warning from the Antarctic The icebound crew of the Akademik Shokalskiy made headlines but, a year on, the fruits of their expedition are revealed Rescue from Antarctic - the full story On board were 22 Russian crew members and 52 passengers, part of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition 2013 (AAE); half of these were scientists, half members of the public who had paid around A$18,000 (£9,700) to work as science assistants on the journey south. The Shokalskiy’s destination, 10 days away, was Commonwealth Bay in East Antarctica, a historic part of the continent first visited a century ago by the great British-Australian explorer and scientist Douglas Mawson. Alok Jha and Laurence Topham look on at the Akademik Shokalskiy beset in ice in East Antarctica. Photograph: Andrew Peacock /Rex Features Comments 721 The voyage was meant to retrace the steps of Douglas Mawson, the great polar explorer and scientist who led the Australasian Antarctic Expedition of 1911. What happened instead captured the world’s attention, something none of the scientists, journalists and paying public aboard could have foreseen. . . . When the Shokalskiy got stuck last Christmas, Turney and the rest aboard the vessel failed to grasp how much attention the expedition was receiving. “At one level I still can’t fathom it. We were living in our own bubble. We were on a ship that had serious problems,” said Turney. == > https://www.theguardian.com/science/2014/dec/25/rescued-scientists-warning-from-antarctica / 2 / xx Russian Scientist Claims Team Battled Creature Under Antarctic Ice ... https://forsythstories.com/.../russian-scientist-claims-team-batttled-creature-under-antar... Sep 25, 2012 - Russian Scientist Claims Team Battled Creature Under Antarctic Ice 6 ... occurred when he and his colleagues went missing for five days in a ... Previously, extremely weird creatures had been found in deep-sea vents off the coast of Antarctica including hairy-chested yeti crabs that feed on gardens of bacteria they cultivate on their bodies and carnivorous, seven-armed sea stars that can catch and kill those crabs. Just as the eight man team neared the lake all communication with the outside world mysteriously ceased. As days crept by and the researchers failed to respond to increasing frantic efforts to reach them by radio, fellow scientists worldwide feared the worst. “No word from the ice for 5 days,” Dr. John Priscu, a professor of ecology at Montana State University and head of a similar Antarctic exploration program grimly told Fox News at the time. “I can only imagine what it’s like.” Or maybe he couldn’t. Dr Padalka claims that during this time, he and his colleagues were fighting for their lives in the lost world deep beneath the earth’s surface. “We encountered Organism 46-B on day one as we were conducting a preliminary dive in our low-temperature wetsuits,” he recounts. “It disabled our radio, which we later learned to our alarm, was intentional.” Octopuses like this vitrelladonella richardi are known for extreme intelligence. Although the creature has 14 arms instead of the usual eight, it kills in a similar manner to an ordinary octopus — seizing its prey, injecting it with paralyzing saliva then dismembering it into small pieces with its beak. But Organism 46-B has another trick up its sleeve. / 3 / The icy continent of Antarctica, they pointed out, belongs to no nation. The U.S. has no jurisdiction there.” “That video is the property of AtlantisTV, said a company spokesman, We shot it. It’s ours. And as soon as it is rightfully restored to us, were going to air it. End of story.” “Two Navy officers who saw the tape described its contents to National Science Foundation (NSF) researchers upon their return to the Amundsen-Scott Station at the South Pole,” asserts Gray in his recent newsletter. Amundsen-Scott Station So reported sources at McMurdo Station, the main American base in Antarctica.” They said it showed spectacular ruins and other things they couldn’t go into, an NSF scientist reported. “We chalked it up to some kind of subzero-induced delusion,” he said, “until a helicopter full of Navy SEALs landed and picked them up and took off. Now, were scratching our heads.” Officials of the U.S. Naval Support Task Force in Antarctica predictably denied the story or the possession of any video shot by the missing AtlantisTV crew. Navy sources said they found the video in an abandoned supply dump 100 miles (160 kilometers) west of Vokstok Station. Are you keeping up with the astonishing secrets of our past? At least four YouTube posters think there just may be a lost city on the continent of Antarctica. A team of researchers are claiming that they have discovered three ancient pyramids on the ice covered continent of Antarctica. Exact details are sketchy, but the team have released three intriguing pictures of their discovery. according to Stephen Hannard ADGUK. READ MORE: http://www.disclose.tv/news/Ruins_Of_ANCIENT_CITY_Found_In_ANTARCTICA/113038
  2. Paul Craig Roberts Explains The Stakes For Trump And All Of Us . “The United States is now in the extraordinary situation that the liberal/progressive/left is allied with the deep state against democracy. The liberal/progressive/left are lobbying for the impeachment of a president who has committed no impeachable offense. The neoconservatives have stated their preference for a deep state coup against democracy. The media obliges with a constant barrage of lies, innuendos and disinformation. The insouciant American public sits there sucking its thumb.” = http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-02-19/paul-craig-roberts-explains-stakes-trump-and-all-us
  3. A few dozen arrests might be all it takes to free humanity now Posted by benjamin February 20, 2017 . The battle to take down the Khazarian mafia is intensifying and reaching the point where the arrests of just a few dozen ring leaders may be enough to liberate humanity from this Satan worshipping scourge. Years of forensic research and testimony from multiple intelligence agency sources in Russia, Japan, China, the US, England, France etc. have now zeroed in on key ringleaders of the Khazarian mafia who need to be arrested or executed. Before naming names though, first of all we need to clearly identify the overall target. That is a sub-set of the so-called Jewish population that is described in the Book of Ruth in the Old Testament or Torah. These are people who worship Satan (Baal, Molech etc.) and practice both human sacrifice and cannibalism. They have thousands of years’ experience in infiltrating societies and taking secret control of the top levels of power through murder, blackmail, bribery and propaganda. The nightmare of their rule is finally ending. However, make no mistake, these people are extremely dangerous, very smart and now literally fighting for their lives. The reason is they know that when the American people find out these thugs have been torturing and killing their children on an industrial scale, the people will demand justice be served, That’s why the battle taking place now inside the Washington DC power structure is so vicious. This Satanic faction created ISIS in order to convince Westerners to hate Islam enough to support a military invasion of Iran. The plan was to steal that nation’s oil, consolidate their control of the Middle East, and set up a world government with its headquarters in Jerusalem, the capital of their planned greater Babylon. This faction includes both Satan worshipping Jews and their brainwashed Christian Zionist servants. If this seems far-fetched, then ask yourself why 4000 world leaders from 130 countries are gathering in front of an Arch of Baal to discuss creating a world government? http://www.blacklistednews.com/This_Week_The_%E2%80%98Arch_Of_Baal%E2%80%99_Was_Displayed_For_The_Third_Time_In_Honor_Of_%E2%80%98The_World_Government_Summit%E2%80%99/56911/0/38/38/Y/M.html The group that is fighting against them wants world peace, democracy, meritocracy, respect for law and human rights and friendly relations between all nations. They also want to free the world from the murderous rule of the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia. The head of the Satan worshipping faction in the US is, according to certain royal family members is... == > http://benjaminfulford.net/2017/02/20/a-few-dozen-arrests-might-be-all-it-takes-to-free-humanity-now/
  4. BIG News coming? The latest from Goode and Wilcock David Wilcock & Corey Goode on Fade to Black @ Conscious Life Expo [Feb/10/2017] Ep. 606 FADE to BLACK CLE 2017 Special Event : LIVE Possible Disclosure Timeline ========================= + Govt Arrests and Investigations of Washington Pedophiles start (maybe this week?) + Ruins in Antarctica announced; "an ancient civilization, destroyed by a cataclysm" + The "first layer" of the Secret Space program is revealed; and they will later announce that ruins have been found on other planets also If SLOW DISCLOSURE Timeline is followed, then Full Disclosure may take decades, even "50 to 100 years". But Goode and Wilcock have be requested to speed this up, and start getting the material out fast
  5. BIG News coming? The latest from Goode and Wilcock David Wilcock & Corey Goode on Fade to Black @ Conscious Life Expo [Feb/10/2017] Ep. 606 FADE to BLACK CLE 2017 Special Event : LIVE Possible Disclosure Timeline ========================= + Govt Arrests and Investigations of Washington Pedophiles start (maybe this week?) + Ruins in Antarctica announced; "an ancient civilization, destroyed by a cataclysm" + The "first layer" of the Secret Space program is revealed; and they will later announce that ruins have been found on other planets also If SLOW DISCLOSURE Timeline is followed, then Full Disclosure may take decades, even "50 to 100 years". But Goode and Wilcock have be requested to speed this up, and start getting the material out fast "Antarctica is Serious!" says Linda Moulton Howe - she says after telling her chilling story; about a dozen traumaticized scientists who went missing after a trip to Antarctica
  6. Is Collier's Soft-peddling a Residential Bubble? The headline is just plain wrong! Is says: "Colliers sees a 2-6% decline in Office Rents" Not true! They were talking about a decline in RESIDENTIAL rents. (Was someone paid to hide that? I would not rule that out. Seems like the bursting residential bubble is being disguised.) Comment: "Listen carefully, and you may understand that there IS A BUBBLE right now in the RESIDENTIAL market. And it is getting bigger. Prices of newly launched properties continue to be pushed up, while actual Rents are falling. Isn't that GAP in yields the very definition of a property bubble? To me, it is. It seems to me that Ms Yao was not listening, or wanted to push in an assessment ("no bubble") that is wrong." DELAYS have slowed the expected rise in Supply - "A lack of skilled labor... especially in the finishing stage" has been a problem. Colliers in the News: Market Edge with Cathy Yang But eventually they buildings are getting completed and Colliers now expects residential vacancies in Makati to be about 16% by year-end - that is high !
  7. DIAGNOSIS AND CURE? CAF talks with great wisdom about the challenges facing President Trump, and what he can do to defeat them Catherine Austin Fitts-Trump Taking On Corruption & Lawlessness "He is fighting back, but wasting ammunition... taking out flies with bazookas"
  8. Baltimore thread Stories related to Property in the "Renter's City" April 18, 2016•by Bryan Ives Baltimore, Maryland Rental Property Trends for 2016 The rental property market all along the Eastern Seaboard endured a few rough years that led up to 2015. Things continued to pick up early in the year when RealtyTrac ranked Baltimore third for the highest potential rental returns in the United States. Only two Georgia counties ranked higher in the entire country. The outlook for 2016 remains positive because of high occupancy rates, but that growth in rental prices depends upon a continued growth in the employment rate. With that in mind, it might be helpful to review the past few years in order to make some predictions for the future. Baltimore: A Renter’s City The latest figures from the U.S. Census Bureau illustrates that Baltimore is a renter’s city. The homeownership rate in the City of Baltimore was less than 50 percent. At the same time, the Maryland homeownership rate is 67 percent. It’s clear that the demand for rental housing is definitely high inside the city. Still, lower incomes in Baltimore may depress actual rental prices somewhat. While the average family income in the state is over $73,000, average family income in Baltimore is only about $41,000. Also, the Census reported that almost a quarter of the city lived below the poverty level, and the state average for people living below the poverty line is less than 10 percent. Rent Growth May Lag Behind Job Growth In the first quarter of 2015, Axiometrics reported that Baltimore continued to enjoy a rental property occupancy rate of just about 95 percent, which is considered full occupancy. They also reported that rental prices continued to climb, but the growth in prices fell off from a high in December of 2014. This was true even though the job market continued to improve. They also predicted that price growth would begin to pick up steam with continued job growth, greater security, and an increased demand for rental units. They also contrasted the Baltimore market to Silver Spring, another Maryland city. In Silver Spring, sluggish job numbers and an increasing supply of rental properties may push rental rates downward. Rental Occupancy Rates Remain Fairly High In June of 2015, occupancy rates reached 95.4 percent. This is very close to a three-year high. Along the Northeast Corridor metro areas, only New York City, Philadelphia, Washington, DC, and Boston enjoyed higher occupancy rates. In addition the supply of rental units has been steadily decreasing in this city for the past few years. Consider the trend since 2013 for the identified supply of rental properties: 2013: 3,450 2014: 2,607 2015: 2,500 Estimated for 2016: 1,708 Contrast that decrease in supply and with an increased job growth rate in 2013, 2014, and 2015 of 1.4, 1.2, and 1.9 percent. Over 42,000 new jobs have been created in Baltimore in the past two years. Meanwhile, the city’s boom in construction peaked in 2013, so fewer new units have been put on the market. This decrease in supply and increase in job growth is a formula for increased occupancy rates and upward pressure on rental prices. Baltimore, Maryland Rental Property Predictions for 2016 Baltimore’s job growth keeps climbing, but it still hasn’t caught up with the national average of 2.2 percent. The only true fly in the ointment is the fact that incomes inside Baltimore are relatively low. Hopefully, continued job growth will continue to push paychecks higher. Forecasters assume employment rates will keep climbing, and that’s what most optimism for an increase in rental prices hinges upon. At the same time, Baltimore property owners enjoy some of the highest occupancy rates along the Eastern Corridor, with many city dwellers opting for rentals over home ownership. == > source / More: https://www.appfolio.com/blog/2016/04/baltimore-maryland-rental-property-trends-for-2016/
  9. Trump's style can work: Pain first, good stuff later Trump’s Unique Style Of Diplomacy! Dick Morris TV: Lunch ALERT! You would never know from the Media coverage how well things are going Media Coverage Of Trump Is Absolutely Outrageous | Dick Morris https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLFzNroaQeQ "The fact is: President Trump has kept every single one of his campaign promises... He is going down the list."
  10. Atlantis: Discovered finally! - and who is the anti-christ Published on Feb 3, 2017 View definitive scientific proof that Atlantis was real and that it has been located by Stan Deyo. Over 1,400 stone artifacts, circle formations and the ancient orichalcum mine have been located.
  11. EVEN WORSE now Looking back at the election, Hillary looks even worse now Joe Rogan "Hillary Clinton is an insane monster"
  12. Very interesting interview here with "A Special DHS Insider". http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-02-17/dhs-insider-warns-its-spy-versus-spy EXCERPT: Q. It seems the intel community has it in for Trump – is this your feeling? A. There are many Trump supporters within the FBI. The CIA, however, is against Trump because Trump threatens to ruin their game in the middle east. Q. Can you elaborate? A. CIA and Mossad work in tandem with British intel. The goal for the CIA was to replace Assad with a puppet and to topple Iran so we could access their oil. Israel works closely with it’s “sister”, Saudi Arabia, to help this dark cause. Q. So it seems like the intel community has it in for Trump. How can he protect himself? A. Trump has a tremendous opportunity here, but needs to circle wagons. The travel ban included 7 countries chosen by both Jared Kushner and Rudy. Why did it not include Saudi Arabia, or Pakistan, or Turkey or other countries that hate us? The seven nations mentioned were chosen by Israel, that’s why. And the unspoken alliance of Israel and Saudi Arabia should be exposed. They are brother and sister. Jared Kushner needs to be careful with what he says and to whom. But, the biggest thing Trump can do is expose PedoGate via Sessions. Big names will go down hard, and it gets the blood suckers drained from the swamp. There are as many pedophiles on the Republican side as there is with democrats, but Trump is in a unique position to truly “clean up Dodge”, so to speak. I can tell you that what is in Anthony Weiner’s hard drive, and what videos exist via Jeffery Epstein, WILL BRING massive arrests – in time. Trump’s legacy could be truly great if he was to purge the CIA, stop the extortion, prosecute the pedophiles and reinstate the death penalty for pedo’s convicted a second time. Pedogate is his path to greatness. I agree !
  13. That time (5pm Sat - EST) is fast approaching. Guess what? It will not happen. I do not need to listen to know this
  14. "P 0.52-0.56 is a key Support Level for CPG stock" - I had said PH:CPG - Century Properties ... 6-mo : 2-yrs : 5-yrs : Last: P 0.52 at 2/15/2017 https://i.imgur.com/9ZZmlvh.gif === If P 0.52 breaks, it could go quickly to 0.47, even lower
  15. WHEN WILL THE LOW be in place? = UPDATING the Coming Supply data - 2017 now looks like a crunch year RESIDENTIAL SUPPLY : Properties keep getting delayed Completions due in 2015 and 2016 got delayed, so as of (Early 2017, for Q4-2016). Here's the latest estimate of completed Supply, and what is coming: Estimate, -------------------- : Est, made in early 2017 ----> Previous: End'14 : late'15 : Latest // forecast completions: Est. for---: 2016E : 2016E : 2016E // 2017F: + Pct. / 2018F / 2019F / End'19 : chg>'19 ======= Makati - : : 24,735: 23,485: 21,633 // 4,784: +22.1% : 1,072 : 0,598 / 28,087 : + 29.8% B.G.C. -- :: 29,755: 29,137: 24,275 // 8,566: +35.3% : 3,858 : 3,022 / 39,721 : + 63.6% Ortigas-- :: 17,616: 17,605: 16,250 // 1,489: +9.16% / 0,782 / 0,570 / 19,091 : + 17.5% Rck+Ewd :: 12,614: 12,695: 11,707 // 1,334: +11.4% / 0,492 / 0,901 / 14,434 : + 23.3% ================================ Total-of-5 : 84,720: 82,922: 76,208 / 16,173 +21.2% / 6,207 / 5,091/ 103,679: + 36.0% = Delayed : --------: 01,765: 06,714 // +++++ Expected Supply (-early 2017) // Expected Completions (at late 2015) / 8,332 +10.0% / 5,449 / 3,919 Expected Completions (at end 2014) / 9,127 +10.8% / 5,383 / 3,628 Total-of-8 areas : ----------> 90,784 / 22,890 +25.2%/ 15559/ 7,707/ 136,938: + 50.8% == > source: http://www.colliers.com/-/media/files/marketing%20reports/4q2016_colliers_quarterly_residential.pdf With the big jump in completions in 2017, and vacancies expected to exceed 15% for most of Greater Manila, the next year looks like a tough one for Property: especially rents, and particularly in BGC, where the growth in Supply is monumental. After a tough 12-18 months, it will probably take another year or so to absorb the near record vacancies, before the market can be considered truly Bullish again. Thus, I am looking for a bottom in 2019 or so. BGC has huge supply coming in 2018 and 2019 too (before delays.) Fortunately for that area, there will be many office completions too, and so that will help bring people to BGC seeking a place to rent or to live as owner occupiers. The increasingly serious traffic jams getting in and out of BGC mean that it may be desirable for those with jobs there, to live there also - else they might be left with 3-4 hour roundtrip commutes. But not everybody can afford to live in this new district. Perhaps employers will find they are expected to pay a premium to attract new workers to their offices in BGC. This might encourage some business owners to seek office spaces elsewhere, if a BGC location is not essential for them. The need to begin construction of transport linking BGC, Makati, and the bay area becomes more evident every month, as the traffic worsens.
  16. WHEN WILL THE LOW for Residential be in place? = UPDATING the Supply data -Up to 50% jumps (and more) are coming After Rents falling in 2016, 2017 now looks like another crunch year RESIDENTIAL SUPPLY : Properties keep getting delayed OLD estimates, at end-2014 : Showed completions clustered in 2015-16, especially for Makati (also see post #101) Location: End2014> 2015F: + Pct. / 2016F : + Pct . / 2017F : + Pct. / 2018F ======= Makati -- : : 18,110 / 4,608: +25.4% / 2,017: +11.1% / 1,485: +8.20% / 1,072 B.G.C. -- : : 19,427 / 5,433: +28.0% / 4,895: +28.0% / 2,979: +15.3% / 1,010 Ortigas-- : : 13,633 / 2,756: +20.2% / 1,227: +9.00% / 0,573: +4.20% / 0,422 Rck+Ewd:: 11,706 / 0,000: +00.0% / 0,908: +7.76% / 0,346: +2.96% / 0,914 Total-of-5 :: 62,876 /12,797 +20.4% / 9,127: +14.5% / 5,383: +8.56% / 3,628 But that projected 20-25% surge for 2015 did not happen. Instead, we completions got delayed to this, as of (Nov. 2015, Q3-2015?) Estimate, late 2015: Location : End2014/ 2015F: + Pct. / 2016F : + Pct . / 2017F: + Pct. / 2018F / 2019F ======= Makati - : : 18,337 / 1,000: +05.5% / 4,148: +22.6% / 2,962: +16.2% / 1,072 / 0,598 B.G.C. -- :: 19,427 / 2,779: +14.3% / 6,931: +35.7% / 4,125: +21.2% / 2,831 / 2,482 Ortigas-- :: 13,820 / 2,430: +17.6% / 1,355: +9.80% / 0,899: +6.51% / 0,422 / 0,570 Rck+Ewd :: 11,707 / 0,000 : + 0.0% / 0,988: +8.43% / 0,346: +2.96% / 1,124 / 1,124 =============== Total-of-5:: 63,291 / 6,209 : +9.8% /13,422: +19.3% / 8,332: + 10.0% / 5,449 / 3,919 Tl.condos: 63,291>69,500 :--------> 82,922 :--------> 91,254 :---------> 96,703 /100622 And some completions due 2016 got delayed again, so as of (Early 2017, for Q4-2016). Here's the latest estimate of completed Supply, and what is coming: Estimate, -------------------- : Est., made in early 2017 ----> Previous: End'14 : late'15 : Latest Est. for---: 2016E : 2016E : 2016E // 2017F: + Pct. / 2018F / 2019F / End'19 : chg>'19 ======= Makati - : : 24,735: 23,485: 21,633 // 4,784: +22.1% : 1,072 : 0,598 / 28,087 : + 29.8% B.G.C. - :: 29,755: 29,137: 24,275 // 8,566: +35.3% : 3,858 : 3,022 / 39,721 : + 63.6% Ortigas-- :: 17,616: 17,605: 16,250 // 1,489: +9.16% : 0,782 : 0,570 / 19,091 : + 17.5% Rck+Ewd :: 12,614: 12,695: 11,707 // 1,334: +11.4% : 0,492 : 0,901 / 14,434 : + 23.3% ================================ Total-of-5 : 84,720: 82,922: 76,208 / 16,173 +21.2% : 6,207 : 5,091/ 103,679: + 36.0% = Delayed : --------: 01,765: 06,714 // +++++ Expected Supply (-early 2017) // Expected Completions (at late 2015) / 8,332 +10.0% : 5,449 : 3,919 Expected Completions (at end 2014) / 9,127 +10.8% : 5,383 : 3,628 Total-of-8 : -------------------> 90,784 / 22,890 +25.2%:15550: 7,707/ 136,938: + 50.8% == > source: http://www.colliers.com/-/media/files/marketing%20reports/4q2016_colliers_quarterly_residential.pdf
  17. "The broader market in the leading indicator." I don't know what that means?? What is the broader market? Is it: + New property prices (as the price for which the developer list their new properties)? + If it is, what do you do with the "discounts" they quietly offer? + Is it Rent levels? (and what is a good source for rental rates?) + Is it secondhand prices? For me, I would rather look and Rents and Secondhand prices - but good data is hard to get in the very non-transparent market that exists in the PH
  18. (in the New Dimensions video): He says about his visit to Antarctica: We saw the Nazi base, where there was a slip with room for 18 submarines, and further down we found a Viking base from the 14th century. "Antarctica today is at 64 degrees"
  19. Finally listened - it is excellent! This is excellent, a very revealing interview - with someone who blew the whistle decades ago. "Hillary believes in tortorous mind control, and a degree of corruption it is hard to grasp." "HRC does not represent... the soul of humanity... extremely perverse... this is coming out" "Their agenda is extremely evil." "Knowledge is our only defense against mind control."
  20. threads: / DATA : Tips : Diary : Rent : Office : Circuit : Arca : Quez : rail : chi'tn : cGate : Jazz : Bubl : Ads : ssc ; What is the "REAL" market price ? To me, the real market is not what the developers get, when they price a hot new launch - It is the RESALE market, if it can be confirmed by RENTAL yields Because after all - to book a profit on your investment, you need to EARN the yield, and eventually EXIT your investment be selling your property in the Resale market. YOU the owner will never get paid, based on what the developers can achieve using all their marketing prowess during the pre-selling period. (Here's part of a post I just added to the Bubble thread) It is now officially a two-tier market: + the developers get a much higher price, by offering finance and selling properties through their "marketing machines" + secondhand resellers get a lower price, because the handful of cash buyers are seeing many bargains, and there is much competition among sellers chasing those few cash buyers willing to pull the trigger The Losers may be those who pay the high prices for "hot new launches", since they may never achieve expected cash yields. With the high and rising vacancy rates, rents are likely to be lower than "promised" or expected for at least 1-2 years, maybe longer. Might a headline story about falling secondhand prices, cause even Primary (new) sales prices to get hit - if buyers back off? (An excerpt of a post from the DATA thread): A DISCONTINUITY in Capital Values : Moving from Apples to expensive Fruit salad ? BUYERS of new properties look set for disappointing yields (when their properties are completed) There is a major discontinuity in the data that Colliers is now reporting for Capital Values, and it may be masking a drop in secondhand like-for-like prices for a single property owned in the real world. The problem is that Colliers want to accommodate the much higher prices being achieved on new luxury launches, so reported prices have been "stretched" to the upside to include these new luxury properties. So in some way, we are moving from comparing the old "apples" with new "luxury fruit salad", making it meaningless to try to use the Colliers data as an indication of how the price of a particular property is performing over time. Even as these Colliers values are being pushed higher, I am hearing several anecdotal reports that secondhand resale prices have been dropped - and that the resale market for completed properties is very soft now. Perhaps it is down in line with falling rents - now some 6% below the highs of 2nd-half 2015. And someone who is in a hurry to sell may have to accept an even larger discount. > http://www.colliers.com/-/media/files/marketing%20reports/4q2016_colliers_quarterly_residential.pdf Qtr/ Year : Mak-Mid. QonQtr : Yr.onYr. / Low - Makati - H / Low -Bonfacio- H / Low -Rockwell- H / 4Q /2015 : 151,300 : +0.20% : + 4.71 % : 106,400- 196,200 : 114,700 - 185,400 : 121,700 - 202,100 : 1Q /2016 : 152,000 : +0.46% : + 3.16 % : 107,000- 197,000 : 115,000 - 185,000 : 121,700 - 202,100 : 2Q /2016 : 147,575 : - 2.91% : - 0.96 % : 103,770- 191,380 : 111,760 - 180.760 : 120,390 - 200,040 : 3Q /2016 : 146,485 : - 0.74% : - 2.99 % : 103,010- 189,960 : 109.790 - 177,580 : 119,090 - 197,870 : === 3Q /2016 : 145.4ka*: - Not/A : - N/Avail. : 103.0 - 187.8a / 145.4k : 4Q /2016 : 150.6Ka* - Not/A : - N/Avail. : 109.0 - 192.2a / 150.6k : === 3Q /2016 : 176,150 : - Not/A : - N/Avail. : 084,000- 268,300x70% : 097,200- 222,200 : 170,800 - 206,300 : 4Q /2016 : 191,800 : - 0,00% : - N/Avail. : 109,000- 274,600x70% : 110,500 - 226,400 : 188,400 - 207,700 : Qtr/Year : Mak-Mid. QonQtr : Yr.onYr. / Low- Makati - H/ adjust / Low-Bonfacio- H / Low-Rockwell- H / ======== I have adjusted the new data, so that it is more comparable with what was reported before. My adjustment is to multiply the new high-end price by 70% and then average it with the low-end price. The result for Q-2016 was P 150,600 which is only 2.8% above the P 146,485 reported for Q3-2016. I will have to monitor this adjustment for a few quarters before I will have any real confidence in this adjustment. But I do not think it would be meaningful to push my chart values up from P146.5K to P191.8K (that is +30.6%), since I do not think that anyone has seen appreciation like that in an actual Condo that they own. I find this comment to be very telling: "Take-up in Metro Manila’s residential secondary market remains soft amid the influx of new supply across submarkets." . . . Here's more evidence of buyer's abandonment of a traditional focus on cash yields. Do they even realise that rents are falling?. I reckon some Colliers clients who do consider yields in their investment criteria have begun to complain. And Colliers would like to see the developers address this so investors will not be too disappointed : "Given the falling occupancy rates in CBDs, it would practical for developers with projects under construction within and outside the established business districts to organize their own leasing arms in order to assist their buyers to lease out their units and attain the promised yields" In other words, buyers are going to be sorely disappointed with the returns they make after completion, unless the developers do a better job at marketing to end tenants the virtues of these expensive new properties. Right now, the landlords are mostly "on their own" or working with a handful of agents who specialize on prime tenants (like expats seeking well loacted 2BR and 3BR flats). One wonders if there are enough good tenants to go around to maintain decent yields and a balanced market?. Colliers is now separating the market into PRIME areas within the main CBD, and Fringe areas with "10-15% lower rents", where Filipinos may rent smaller places as "halfway houses" to have easily access to their places of work, and avoid the massive traffic congestion
  21. It is now officially a two-tier market: + the developers get a much higher price, by offering finance and selling properties through their "marketing machines" + secondhand resellers get a lower price, because the handful of cash buyers are seeing many bargains, and there is much competition among sellers chasing those few cash buyers willing to pull the trigger The Losers may be those who pay the high prices for "hot new launches", since they may never achieve expected cash yields. With the high and rising vacancy rates, rents are likely to be lower than "promised" or expected for at least 1-2 years, maybe longer. Might a headline story about falling secondhand prices, cause even Primary (new) sales prices to get hit - if buyers back off? ==
  22. The Piri Reis Map, and Castles? ANTARCTICA CASTLE DISCOVERY REWRITES HISTORY!!! BREAKING NEWS Published on Jan 10, 2017 ANTARCTICA CASTLE DISCOVERY REWRITES HISTORY!!! BREAKING NEWS! PR map was based on "more than 20 source maps" The map was discovered in 1929, and traced back to a Turkish Admiral in 1531 . . . ANTARCTICA CASTLE DISCOVERY REWRITES HISTORY PART 2 !!! BREAKING NEWS . . . Part-3 : Antarctica was once tropical, and there are huge coal resources there - per Admiral Byrd Part-4 :
  23. Scientist Trip to Antarctica what they Discovered Will Shock You https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFLVKw78Ylw Published on Jan 26, 2017 time travel and conspiracy has forced scientists to come out en masse and tour around Antarctica to prove their rivals wrong
  24. The DISCONTINUITY in Capital Values : Moving from Apples to expensive Fruit salad ? BUYERS of new properties look set for disappointing yields (when their properties are completed) There is a major discontinuity in the data that Colliers is now reporting for Capital Values, and it may be masking a drop in secondhand like-for-like prices for a single property owned in the real world. The problem is that Colliers want to accommodate the much higher prices being achieved on new luxury launches, so reported prices have been "stretched" to the upside to include these new luxury properties. So in some way, we are moving from comparing the old "apples" with new "luxury fruit salad", making it meaningless to try to use the Colliers data as an indication of how the price of a particular property is performing over time. Even as these Colliers values are being pushed higher, I am hearing several anecdotal reports that secondhand resale prices have been dropped - and that the resale market for completed properties is very soft now. Perhaps it is down in line with falling rents - now some 6% below the highs of 2nd-half 2015. And someone who is in a hurry to sell may have to accept an even larger discount. > http://www.colliers.com/-/media/files/marketing%20reports/4q2016_colliers_quarterly_residential.pdf Qtr/ Year : Mak-Mid. QonQtr : Yr.onYr. / Low - Makati - H / Low -Bonfacio- H / Low -Rockwell- H / 4Q /2015 : 151,300 : +0.20% : + 4.71 % : 106,400- 196,200 : 114,700 - 185,400 : 121,700 - 202,100 : 1Q /2016 : 152,000 : +0.46% : + 3.16 % : 107,000- 197,000 : 115,000 - 185,000 : 121,700 - 202,100 : 2Q /2016 : 147,575 : - 2.91% : - 0.96 % : 103,770- 191,380 : 111,760 - 180.760 : 120,390 - 200,040 : 3Q /2016 : 146,485 : - 0.74% : - 2.99 % : 103,010- 189,960 : 109.790 - 177,580 : 119,090 - 197,870 : === 3Q /2016 : 145.4ka*: - Not/A : - N/Avail. : 103.0 - 187.8a / 145.4k : 4Q /2016 : 150.6Ka* - Not/A : - N/Avail. : 109.0 - 192.2a / 150.6k : === 3Q /2016 : 176,150 : - Not/A : - N/Avail. : 084,000- 268,300x70% : 097,200- 222,200 : 170,800 - 206,300 : 4Q /2016 : 191,800 : - 0,00% : - N/Avail. : 109,000- 274,600x70% : 110,500 - 226,400 : 188,400 - 207,700 : Qtr/Year : Mak-Mid. QonQtr : Yr.onYr. / Low- Makati - H/ adjust / Low-Bonfacio- H / Low-Rockwell- H / ======== Using the "old data", up through Q3-2016: ... pd The data for Q4-2016 is adjusted, as explained in this post ... pd I have adjusted the new data, so that it is more comparable with what was reported before. My adjustment is to multiply the new high-end price (P274,600) by 70% and then average it with the low-end price. The result for Q-2016 was P 150,600 which is only 2.8% above the P 146,485 reported for Q3-2016. I will have to monitor this adjustment for a few quarters before I will have any real confidence in this adjustment. But I do not think it would be meaningful to push my chart values up from P146.5K to P191.8K (that is +30.6%), since I do not think that anyone has seen appreciation like that in an actual Condo that they own. I find this comment to be very telling: "Take-up in Metro Manila’s residential secondary market remains soft amid the influx of new supply across submarkets." Perhaps the secondary market (in both sales and rents) is being mostly neglected by big agents and by the developers - who are heavily focused on promoting the more profitable sales market for new properties. Colliers also suggested: "Given the falling occupancy rates, Colliers recommends that developers establish their own leasing arms to assist owners in leasing out their units to a targeted clientele and attain the promised yields. This initiative should complement the developers' well-established pre-selling teams." (You have to smile at that phrase: "well-established pre-selling teams" - many developers are great at pre-selling, but maybe not quite so good at helping their clients get "promised yields." Can you see where the disappointments are going to be? The developers may be hoping yields will rise somehow, to justify the high prices. Another possibility is news may hit, and buyers will wake up and see where the weak link in the chain is - the unreliability of estimates of future rents levels. Then the willingness to pay high prices could suddenly evaporate, unless a developer has demonstrated a strong leasing capability, and the ability to get good tenants at "expected" rent levels. I have heard that Colliers is now assisting some developers, like Ayala, to strengthen their leasing capability) Here's more evidence of buyer's abandonment of a traditional focus on cash yields. Do they even realise that rents are falling?. I reckon some Colliers clients who do consider yields in their investment criteria have begun to complain. And Colliers would like to see the developers address this so investors will not be too disappointed : "Given the falling occupancy rates in CBDs, it would practical for developers with projects under construction within and outside the established business districts to organize their own leasing arms in order to assist their buyers to lease out their units and attain the promised yields" In other words, buyers are going to be sorely disappointed with the returns they make after completion, unless the developers do a better job at marketing to end tenants the virtues of these expensive new properties. Right now, the landlords are mostly "on their own" or working with a handful of agents who specialize on prime tenants (like expats seeking well loacted 2BR and 3BR flats). One wonders if there are enough good tenants to go around to maintain a balanced market?. Colliers is now separating the market into PRIME areas within the main CBD, and Fringe areas with "10-15% lower rents", where Filipinos may rent smaller places as "halfway houses" to have easily access to their places of work, and avoid the massive traffic congestion.
  25. Big Jump in Supply and Vacancies is undermining Residential Rents - 2017 is a crunch year! === (As per the Q4-2016 Collier's report, "the Knowledge") === Overall vacancy continues to rise - see the table below As of the end of 2016, overall vacancy in Metro Manila stood at 10%. This shows a 2.2 percentage point increase from the vacancy recorded in the first half of 2016. (But it is even higher in key CBD areas.) Colliers sees overall vacancy hovering between 12% and 16% in the next twelve months with the delivery of an additional 22,800 units this year. : Makati CBD Comparative Residential Vacancy Rates GRADE / Q3-16 : Q4-2016 : Q4-17F : Luxury - : 12.96% : 13.98% : 16.04% : Others --: 11.25% : 13.23% : 16.66% : AllGrades 11.48% : 13.33% : 16.59% : FtBonifacio : 14% in 12 mos. (7,500 units) Ortigas Ctr : 7-9% in 12 mos == Comparative Luxury 3BR Rental Rates (PHP / sq m / month) AREA--- : Q3- 2016 /mid : Q4- 2016 /mid : Q4- 2017 /mid : Est.Chg / Report Ft. Bonif. : 650-1040/ 845 : 640-1026/ 833 : 600-0960/ 780 : - 6.37% / - 6.37% Makata -- : 570-1120/ 845 : 560-1100/ 830 : 530-1040/ 785 : - 5.42% / - 5.67% Rockwell : 790-1080/ 935 : 780-1070/ 925 : 740- 1010/ 875 : - 5.41% / - 5.19% ======= Rental rates for premium three-bedroom units in Makati CBD declined by 1.4% to PHP837 (USD17.1) per sq m a month from PHP847 (USD17.3) per sq m in the previous quarter. The rental rate drop was faster than the 1.3% decline recorded in Q3 2016. With the completion of new units, we expect rental rates in the Makati CBD to drop by around 5% to 7% over the next 12 months. ... Colliers sees rents in the (BGC) business district declining by 5% to 7% over the next twelve months. Rockwell rents declined by 1.3% to PHP930 (USD19) per sq m a month. We project that rental rates will slide by 3% to 5% over the next twelve months. Renters are drawn to developments in the fringe areas ...As these offer a 10% to 15% discount. The units in the fringes serve as halfway houses for millennials and other professionals who opt to live near their place of work during weekdays but go home to their families during weekends. These weekday halfway houses are also more practical for employees working in CBDs as the worsening traffic in Metro Manila only makes their commute to and from work more unbearable. Examples of alternative condominiums in the fringes include Cityland Makati Executive Towers, Jazz Residences, The Beacon Makati, and The Linear Makati in Makati Fringe; Acacia Estates in Taguig City; and Flair Towers and Gateway Regency in Ortigas Fringe. > http://www.colliers.com/-/media/files/marketing%20reports/4q2016_colliers_quarterly_residential.pdf
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