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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Hmm. I wonder if Goldman engineer Gold's drop out of the Triangle?
  2. Cold Fusion Hot Again - 60 Minutes = = Three essentials: + Palladium + Deuterium (a kind of hydrogen, essentially unlimited) + An Electric current == Seeking "excess heat", now called a "nuclear effect", rather than "cold fusion" 60 Minutes asked an independent scientist, an expert in energy measurement, to look into the claims.
  3. Truly "Free" Energy, would require beating or breaking the Second Law of Thermodynamics, - which this video explains Free Energy and Zero Point Energy Explained with Physics = = - this is about the "heresy" of Cold Fusion Dr. Eugene Malllove, MIT: Cold Fusion & Zero Point = =
  4. I caught up with Dr Miller briefly this morning, and will be interviewing him again soon. He has done some fascinating interviews in the meantime - and this could be one of the best: Ravenstar's Witching Hour 04-5-2014 Richard Alan Miller Hour Two https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIt4P2jfVVs Jump to 14 minutes in, where Dr RAM speaks of his encounter with the Tall Grey (?) entity, Kril, who had a "feminine presence", and could communicate telepathically. Dr Miller's memories are limited because of screen memories, etc.
  5. Here's the Avatar thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=19060&page=2 "Not enough to be self sufficient, but enough to make a dent." Yes. that's a good start. The food you grow yourself might be far healthier too. This is something not easy to achieve in HK, unfortunately
  6. "OTP's" HK HOUSING TACTICS... (1) OTP: Doing some checking, as I always do the the beginning of a new Month: I have found that banks have started to push up bank valuations again. Not by much, maybe just $100k or so for flats prices at $7-10 Million. I expect that they are doing this, because they were not getting enough business at their previous "ridiculously low" valuations. (That is, banks like BofC may have been getting nearly ALL the lending business where their valuations were higher, such as the Olympic Station area.) I know some said that I was being silly in complaining about low bank valuations, but I think this "market driven response" is confirming what I was saying. Let's see if this move up in Bank Valuations will "get some legs". (2) G.- I feel its the false drumbeat.. how many new properties like Citypoint are there in the market?? (priced at or below secondary market)..no wonder there is interest..why did not other small apartments - Coho, diva, summa sell in a similar fashion?? now its back to scaremongering by agents to push the sales up.. buy now.. prices will go up.. blah blah.. there will be a few people who will fall into the trap.. (the ones who have too much cash on hand) that does not change anything.. some 15K per annum of new flats.. amid a slowing mainland demand, and a slowing HK economy.. pheww good luck getting in now.. putting all your savings into a tiny shoe box.. (3) OTP: G., I share your concerns, to some extent. My question to you: How long does Rally need to go on before you would say it is not "a false dawn"? My partner would say: Three Years from the time of purchase (since before then she has to pay a stiff capital tax) - and I do not see it lasting that long (from now). But She no longer has to wait three years, she has another 17 months to go, and then she can sell without paying a Capital Gains tax. So far, her $2.7 Million investment, has just received a Bank Valuation of $3.08 Million. And along the way, she is earning a nice 4.25% gross yield, which is about 3.5% after the (low) management cost. There have been some moments where she said she regretted the investment (I "found" it for her, so I am the first to hear this kind of comment.) But I am not hearing that now. And she realises there is a decent chance she will walk away with a both capital gain, and a nice yield on her investment. Even so, she is still looking for a New or Newer property to buy, since she gritted her teeth a bought a 37 year old building early last year. If luck is really on her side, she may find one of those heavily discounted "New" properties to buy at under $4-4.5 million, and the sale of this old property will leave her needing just $1 million or so extra to make that next purchase (after she sells this one.) For day one, there was an "insurance" angle to her purchase, since she did not want to see property prices rise, and leave her high-and-dry, and unable to afford a property she would consider living in. We now have a short list of newer properties that she would consider at $4-4.5 Million. And there are new properties in the NT being launched at those sorts of prices all the time. Of course, this is all just a hedge for her/and me, since we live in a nice property, that we really love living in. Her fear is that it the market rose, I would sell it - And I still may do that. So I am happy that she is feeling secure with her own investment, and she may allow me to sell the Larger one, without complaining too much. (Sorry for all this detail. If anyone posts a "yawn", I shall shorten it. But I thought some might like to hear the day-to-day thought process of an investor in the HK market, who is keen to stay in a "powerful position of not minding much" whatever the market does. If you over invest, or under-invest, you will feel stress. Getting the balance right - For You! - is the key thing.) (4) G.- thanks for explaining your rationale.. your investment makes sense totally.. old under appreciated apartment.. and you are investing it as an hedge and with excess cash.. as I said HK property is currently for people with excess cash.. or for someone who sees living here 10years+ is in the same apartment.. if you are looking at <5 years and have to spend all your savings for downpayment then it does not make sense.. too risky.. too little value .. since its an expat forum many will fall under this bucket.. guess most expats are currently investing back home - aus, canada, US, london, india etc etc.. (5) OTP: Yeah, G. But it depends on how long the expat is here, and where they want to live. I first came to HK in 1980 (yes, a long time ago), and stayed for only 3-4 years. Economically, it might have made sense for me to buy back then, especially if i could have plowed my Housing Allowance into paying down debt. But I didn't know enough, or have enough confidence to do that. Nor would make bank employer have made it easy for me to do so. Probably, many expats fit into that type of scenario. But if you are here for a longer stay, like 5-10 years or more. It may makes sense to consider that type of investment. But repeating what my partner did in Jan.2013 may not be easy now. There aren't so many "cheap" flats now, since that sector has gone up. And personally, I would not be so eager to buy the same flat for $3 million plus, knowing that I had to hold it for 3 more years, until 2017 to avoid the large capital tax. My cyclical work, which I first did in 2006, showed a possible peak in 2015-17, and I still think that is the most likely case; followed by 3-5 years of falling prices. If this is accurate, it is just too risky to invest now, unless you plan to hold for 7-10 years or longer. == > AX: http://hongkong.asiaxpat.com/forums/hong-kong-property/threads/154159/the-state-of-the-hong-kong-property-market-%2812%29/
  7. "My adult sons are reconciled to never being able to afford their own place. We are selling up again - moving to a slightly cheaper area and buying a 6 bed house that we are going to extend so that we end up with 3 separate living spaces - each with 2/3 bedrooms. My sons will need smallish mortgages - probably of about 50k each but it means they will live in a nice area with their brother and mother and father on hand for baby-sitting duties etc" That sounds like a shrewd move - Downsizing with a familial twist. The London market could be close to another important peak, or the rally could go on for another year or two. Whenever a reversal comes, it sounds like you and your family will be well set up for it. QUESTION: (an odd one): Will you wind up with a garden or anywhere you can grow food? If so, that could be a big plus too. You might want to take a look at my own story in Hong Kong - posted here as "OTP": http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=13789&page=14 And also consider my suggestion for an Avatar - since if you will be posting a bit, it will look smarter: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=19060&page=2
  8. Going back Five years... SJSU Part 6: Q&A(1) with Joel Garbon, Sterling Allan and Jeane Manning: Breakthrough Power = =
  9. Joel Garbon -- Breakthrough Energy-2012 : Guidance for Activism = = "Looking Beyond 'Official Reality' to a Larger 'Genuine Reality'..." + The example of Astronaut Brian O'Leary (now deceased) "We are on a train, headed towards a cliff" "That's not a train I want my granddaughter on" Partial History - Nonconventional Energy Research =========== 1827 - 1898 : John W Keely - SVP 1856 - 1943 : N. Tesla - "Radiant Energy" 1871 - 1963 : W. Russell - Optical Dynamo 1879 : W. Gary's fuelless magnetic motor 1885 - 1958 : V. Schauberger - vortexian 1897 - 1957 : W. Reich - orgone motor 1925 : Hans Coler solid-state magnetics 1912 - 1995 : F .Sweet - solid-state 1919 - 2008 : H. Johnson - asymmetric magnets 1923 - 1989 : Ed Gray - "cold electricity" ========== "We lost 25 years when Cold Fusion was castigated as 'junk science'" On-Line New Energy Updates Sterling Allen / Free Energy News: http://peswiki.com Tom Valone / Future Energy e-News: http://integrityresearchinstitute.org
  10. Joel Garbon : Why we need New Energy Testing Protocols = = Vast majority are "Honest and Well Intentioned" Common Problems: + Inadequate understanding of science, by the inventor (who fails to consult with, and use real experts) + The wrong testing instruments + Misinterpretation of testing data + Inventor cannot get serious funding, because "serious investors" all have science advisors, who are risk-averse in the field of Free Energy (based on the historical track record) Solution: + New testing instruments and protocols + Made available to both inventors and technology advisors + Agreement (by a credible group) on the test standards; these folks can be a Technical standard + Real funding to get more than just casual volunteers + Scope of Work: people needed who have debunked claims previously, and can provide a List of Common Errors + Protocol development coordinator to provide oversight + Those inventions that Pass Muster, and are VERIFIED would find it easier to attract money Outcomes: + Less time wasted on not-promising technologies + Limited money and effort can be focused on the most promising technology Cost: Maybe US$50,000 +/- $25,000 === Joel G. recommends: + Read Breakthrough Power : http://breakthroughpower.net/Media.html + Volunteer to organize educational events + Help with donations, and fund-raising + Start a local Energy Group RIGHT NOW: "It's a philanthropy of Time, and Dedicated service." "A lot of extravagent claims... have attracted money which was wasted... I want to see an End to that." - Joel Garbon
  11. "Free" Energy can be a Reality - Looking beyond the Scams "A lot of extravagent claims... have attracted money which was wasted... I want to see an End to that." - Joel Garbon Tom Valone is a respected pioneer in the Free Energy sector. He has taken a few hits along the way. Here's his presentation for last year's Global-BEM conference, he looks at how the mainstream view Free Energy Tom Valone : Progress in Breakthrough future energy technologies = = Some bizarre and interesting things here: + Nuclear batteries + A "wet surface" that generates kinetic energy (at 29 mins in) I think the people behind the conference are worthy and good, and they invite credible presenters, even people like Catherine Austin-Fitts and Richard Dolan. They are worthy of support, and If feasible, I may attend their 2014 conference, coming up in October in Boulder, CO.: http://globalbem.com/conference/ ====== LINKS : The QEG - a "failed" Free Energy device: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=18939 ( July 4: was over 5,500 hits )
  12. Ricacorp is now predicting a 5% RISE in HK Home prices ! Patient sellers have Beat back the Bearish spin (As posted on AX thread: "HK's Unholy Trinity: Manipulation?" ) THEY FAILED - they could not break the market. ... So NOW the Trinity may start working together to push it back up again. I pity those sad landlords who fell for the Bear Story and sold their flats at prices below $10 Million and below "fair value" I expect the Luxury sector will go one seeing some softness, because of the High transaction costs. Here you go, Punter (and others) Will you believe it when you hear from the SCMP, what I have been telling clearly for many months?: RECORDS BROKEN ON SMALL FLATS Shortage in the secondary market drives up some prices to record levels while a growing number of luxury homes are sold at a loss Prices of small flats in the second-hand market have rebounded recently, with some units even changing hands at record highs. This contrasts with the growing number of luxury homes being sold at a loss, as that segment has been hit hardest by the property market cooling measures the government imposed 15 months ago. The rebound has prompted Patrick Chow Moon-kit, head of research at Ricacorp Properties, to revise upwards his forecast for home prices this year, from a drop of as much as 15 per cent to an increase of 5 per cent. Agents expect the sell-out on Saturday of the first batch of 591 flats at Cheung Kong's City Point in Tsuen Wan to encourage more home seekers to buy flats. "A 355 square foot flat at Serenity Park in Tai Po sold for a record HK$3.55 million last week. It surpassed the previous peak of HK$3.4 million in early 2014," said Anthony Man, a district manager at Centaline Property Agency. . . . Agents said many owners of mass residential housing units were willing to cut their asking prices by only 1 per cent to 2 per cent since April, rather than 3 per cent to 5 per cent previously. By contrast, Chow said: "The demand for luxury flats remains weak..." . . . Analysts believe the rebound is mainly because of the shortage of small flats available for sale in the secondary market. There are about 50 flats at Kingswood Villas available for sale, compared with 200 to 300 flats before the measures were imposed. "Many flat owners are reluctant to sell their flats because of the special stamp duty. They have to pay a special stamp duty of up to 20 per cent if they resell quickly. They would have to sacrifice a significant amount from their profit to pay the tax if they sold their flats," said David Chan, a director at Ricacorp. Eddie Hui Chi-man, a professor of real estate at Polytechnic University, said: "Many flat owners don't think property prices will drop sharply in the short run. They would rather keep the flat for leasing, which offers a yield of 3 per cent." . . . == > MORE: http://www.scmp.com/property/hong-kong-china/article/1524465/records-fall-prices-small-flats-rebound If you think it is Truth Now... Remember you read it here weeks ago. I don't pretend to always get it right, but I think clearly (for myself) and do my homework. And there are some others here who do the same.
  13. House prices continue to show strong growth Scotsman - ‎3 hours ago‎ HOUSE prices leapt by 11.1 per cent over the last year, the strongest annual growth seen since June 2007, the Nationwide building society has reported. Related Nationwide Building Society » UK House Prices Edge Up -- Update Wall Street Journal - by Jason Douglas LONDON--U.K. house prices hit a record in May and construction activity remained buoyant, according to data Tuesday, a sign that demand for homes in Britain shows no signs of ebbing despite tougher mortgage rules. Mortgage lender Nationwide Building Society said Tuesday that average house prices in the U.K. were up 0.7% on the month in May and 11.1% higher than a year earlier. That rise took the average price of a home in the U.K. to GBP186,512 ($312,333), surpassing the GBP186,044 peak reached in October 2007, just before the financial crisis struck. Rapidly rising house prices have stoked concern the U.K. may be experiencing a real estate bubble, which could burst as interest rates rise back to more normal levels, leaving banks and borrowers nursing heavy losses. Bank of England Data Monday showed the number of new mortgages approved in Britain fell in April for the third successive month, a sign tougher lending standards may be starting to bite. But Nationwide Chief Economist Robert Gardner said it is too soon to gauge whether the housing market is cooling, citing low rates on new loans and healthy demand for homes. Britons 'Draining Savings' To Stay Afloat Sky News - ‎3 hours ago‎ Borrowing levels are low but instead consumers are increasingly turning to their savings, with ISA deposits taking a big hit. 8:19pm UK, Tuesday 03 June 2014.
  14. Colliers - Q1-2014 Report http://www.colliers.com/-/media/Files/Marketing%20Reports/Q12014_Knowledge HIGHLIGHTS: Economic growth fuels real estate sector to expand The Philippine economy expanded by 7.2% in FY 2013, the highest GDP growth in the last two years. The services sector supported the uptrend with the industrial sector gaining significant traction. Despite an increasing inflation rate, consumption spending remained buoyant as lending rates continued to be at their lowest levels while OFW remittances posted its record amount for FY 2013 Residential Approximately 1,500 residential units were delivered in 1Q 2014, 70% of which are located in Fort Bonifacio and the remaining 30% in the Makati CBD. Twenty new residential condominiums are expected to be turned over this year, with the majority of the units classified as studio and one-bedroom units. Premium units experienced a rise in vacancy as smaller unit cuts had some difficulties in being leased out. As a result, rental growth slowed down during the period Supply to increase substantially in the next three years In the five major submarkets that Colliers tracks, 20 new residential condominiums are expected to be turned over in the market this year amounting to 7,748 units. This quarter, 1,499 units were delivered with 70% located in Fort Bonifacio and the remaining 30% in the Makati CBD. The projects included Red Oak at Two Serendra (520 units) , Avida Towers BGC 9th Avenue Tower 1 (224 units), Arya Residences Tower 1 (301 units), and The Grand Midori Tower 2 (454 units) 3BR Capital Values === Qtr /Year : Mak.-Mid. QonQtr : Yr-on-Yr. / Low - Makati - Hi. / Low -Bonfacio- Hi. / Low -Rockwell- Hi./ 1Q /2013 : 123,760 : +4.93% : + 8.50% :: 81,650 - 165,870 : 093,585 - 149,415 : 103,020 - 153,300 : 2Q /2013 : 128,730 : +4.02% : +11.52% : 87,365 - 170,095 : 098,265 - 156,885 : 106,110 - 159,430 : 3Q /2013 : 132,048 : +2.58% : +13.81% : 88,895 - 175,200 : 100,720 - 159,240 : 107,175 - 162,300 : 4Q /2013 : 134,908 : +2.17% : +14.38% : 90,675 - 179,140 : 102,230 - 161,290 : 109,315 - 168,220 : 1Q /2014 : 136,533 : +1.20% : +10.32% : 91,715 - 181,350 : 103,200 - 163,150 : 110,240 - 175,685 : Est: 2Q /2014 : 137,898 : +1.0E% 3Q /2014 : 139,139 : +0.9E% 4Q /2014 : 140,253 : +0.8E%
  15. The year is almost half over, so if they are below budget, they may need to start ramping up this low valuations. Here's some of the Monthly Data that I keep: Tung Chung / TKO Line Valuations Tower 3 / 30th Fl. / Flat C (or similar) in various locations . Bank Valuations (T3-30C, ex.TK: T3-25C) ... update-HSBC : http://www.bochk.com/web/personal/mortgage/free_property_valuation.xml?section=personal&level_2=mortgage&fldr_id=417&pfid=30845&lang=en'>update-BkofChina . Area=== : TKO-CHt: TK*TsW : TKT-CPk: TY-TVrd: TC-CrCs: TktLb30 : CosmoE : Tkt-IsHV : PrspG-KC "Top"- Est : $7.770M: $6.200M : $12.55M: $9.250M : $4.440M: $7.750M : $2.930M : $10.33E === Apr- 04/14: $7.470M: $6.070M : $12.30M: $8.900M : $4.310M: $7.670M : $2.900M : $10.20E Apr- 04/30: $7.470M: $6.040M : $12.18M: $8.900M : $4.270M: $7.520M : $2.900M : $10.03M May-05/31: $7.470M: $5.960M : $12.06M: $8.900M : $4.270M: $7.450M : $2.870M : $9.930M Jun- 06/30: $7.770M: $6.020M : $12.18M: $8.720M : $4.270M: $7.520M : $2.900M : $10.03M July-07/31: $7.770M: $6.080M : $12.00M: $8.630M : $4.270M: $7.440M : $2.930M : $9.880M Aug-08/31: $7.890M: $6.080M : $12.00M: $8.720M : $4.270M: $7.440M : $2.930M : $9.880M : $6.470M Sep-09/30: $7.810M: $6.120M : $12.00M: $8.720M : $4.200M: $7.440M : $3.080M : $9.880M : $6.430M Oct-10/31 : $7.810M: $6.090M : $11.64M: $8.720M : $4.120M: $7.000M : $3.080M : $9.680M : $6.430M Nov-11/30 : $7.540M: $6.070M : $11.52M: $8,720M : $4.060M: $7.000M : $3.080M : $9,680M : $6.370M Dec-12/31 : $7.540M: $6.070M : $11.46M: $8,460M : $4.040M: $6.960M : $3.060M : $9,630M : $6.370M (2014): '14.- 1/31 : $7.430M: $6.040M : $11.46M: $8.460M : $4.040M: $6.960M : $3.060M : $9.630M : $6.370M Feb- 2/28 : $7.390M: $6.040M : $11.41M: $8.410M : $3.970M: $6.930M : $3.050M : $9.590M : $6.340M Mar- 3/31 : $7.310M: $6.020M : $11.41M: $8.370M : $3.950M: $6.930M : $3.050M : $9.590M : $6.340M Apr- 4/30 : $7.310M: $6.020M : $11.41M: $8.330M : $3.950M: $6.930M : $3.050M : $9.590M : $6.340M May 5/31 : $7.420M: $6.060M : $11.52M: $8.420M : $3.980M: $7.000M : $3.080M : $9.689M : $6.340M Area==== : TKO-CHt: TK*TsW : TKT-CPk: TY-TVrd: TC-CrCs: TktLb30 : TktTm13 : Tkt-IsHV : PrspG*KC Tower/ Fl. : Tw3-30C: Tw3-25C: Tw3-30C: Tw3-30C: T3-30C : Tw3-30C: TG13fl.5 : Tw3-30C : Tw3-28C : ======== Gross S.F.- : 0,899 sf : 0,585 sf : 0,943 sf : 0,951 sf : 0,680 sf : 0,742 sf : 0,425 sf : 0,945 sf : 0,719 sf Net Sq Ft -- : 0,691 sf : 0,489 sf : 0,659 sf : 0,765 sf : 0,570 sf : 0,555 sf : 0,326 sf : 0,717 sf : 0,590 sf Dec. 2013- : $10,753 : $12,352 : $17,390 : $11,059 : $07,087 : $12,541 : $09,386 : $13,431 : $10,797 Pct:TKT-CPk : 61.8 % : : 71.0 % : 100.0 % : : 63.6 % : : 40.7 % :: 72.1 % : : 54.0 % : : 77.2 % : : 62.1 % : CL-119.07- : 90.30 x : 103.74x : 146.05 x : 92.88 x : 59.52 x :: 105.32 x : 78.83 x : 112.80 x : 90.68 x : (Ratio-To-CL) === (below needs updating): from=4/30=: - 0.00% : - 1.32 % : - 0.99% : - 0.00 % : - 0.00 % : - 0.93 % : - 0.97% : - 1.03 % : - 1.00% : from "TOP" : - 3.86% : - 3.87 % : - 3.90% : - 3.78 % : - 3.82 % : - 3.87 % : - 3.90% : - 2.05 % : - 3.87% :
  16. Can we Extrapolate ? / POSTS from AsiaXpat P.-: You're extrapolating what's happening in Tsuen Wan to the whole of HK? OTP: Sure - and that's a sensible thing to do. TW-CityPoint is not some LuxuryPocket highly dependent on Expats and Mainlanders buying trophy properties (er, ah: "funny money") It is closely tied in with HK's middle class and professional sectors that are now driving the Property market in Hong Kong. The ripples of City Point's success are already showing up, and even the mainstream media like SCMP has had to acknowledge it. Next Step may be: A RISE in Bank Valuations. That's what is needed to sustain a rally in the Secondary market. I cannot promise it, but I now expect it == > AX : http://hongkong.asiaxpat.com/forums/hong-kong-property/threads/151878/hk-developers-game:-cut-prices?/ (more): OTP: I really don't think you are paying attention enough to what the market is telling us now, P. Doing some checking, as I always do the the beginning of a new Month: I have found that banks have started to push up bank valuations again. Not by much, maybe just $100k or so for flats prices at $7-10 Million. I expect that they are doing this, because they were not getting enough business at their previous "ridiculously low" valuations. (That is, banks like BofC may have been getting nearly ALL the lending business where their valuations were higher, such as the Olympic Station area.) I know some said that I was being silly in complaining about low bank valuations, but I think this "market driven response" is confirming what I was saying. Let's see if this move up in Bank Valuations will "get some legs".
  17. I was focused on the chart - not the presentation - I later listened to it, and made some notes: Notes from Stephanie Pomboy - On WHY BERNANKE LEFT: "The entire recovery has been a result of inflation." - she says She SHOWS but does not say: The entire wealth effect, has been a rise in wealth of stock holders (the 1%), who are not spending it. Also: + "There was a 'cash-out refinancing boom' of $350 billion + "Everyday they continued QE, they chased away more and more foreign creditors" + "from the day they launched QE3 - the relationship of Gold-to-Fed Balance sheet reversed. + "I think they will eventually have to reverse tapering, and return to QE, so as not to kill the economy."
  18. SMART Property Conference - FREE if you sign up beforehand* HONG KONG 7-8 June 2014 ●11am - 7pm Hall 3E, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre *(free at the door too, I believe) == > http://www.smartexpos.com/smartexpo2014/hkjun/why_visit.htm
  19. ONE OF THE REASONS - that CK could offer attractive Price "Discounts" at City Point was... Tseun Wan has OUTPERFORMED the rest of HK, over the past 2-3 years, and so CK may have had a potential windfall at City Point, that they have been willing to share with buyers in order to get a rapid and successful sale of the first 591 flats Riviera Gardens - near City Point : / the outperformance shows up in the Locationality Ratios - note how RivieraTW rose from 47.47x at 12/2011 to 53.62x at 5/2014 - that's +13% outperformance
  20. CK ROSE prices by almost 10% in the new batch at City Point (so some agents have calculated) Why would any developers with fewer flats (that the 1,700+ that CK had to sell at City Point) think about cutting prices, when almost 13,000 reservations went unsatisfied at City Point? We will find out on Thursday how many people stepped up to pay CK's higher prices at CP My GF and I visited the show flat for City Point yesterday, and we could see why people were buying, but we were not much impressed with the layouts and views. The bedrooms are (nearly?) all too small for a tall guy like me - at 6'2". We have a friend called "Charlie" who is about 5'3" tall, and when we see a BR that does not easily accommodate a bed over 6 feet long, we call it a "Charlie flat." I joked with her that City Point was the first development by CK where they had sold all 591 flats in the first batch "to a guy called Charlie." We were told by the agents that nearly all the buyers were from Hong Kong, and many lived already in the Tsuen Wan area - and were "upgrading" to newer and larger flats. For an expat who works in Central, or has many friends on HK Island, TW seems a long long way. He agreed, and said they saw very few, almost none of the buyers were expats. There's more coming from various developers, per this article from the Standard: Plenty of offers ahead The battle for homebuyers will continue at new projects in the forseeable future with flats set to remain competitively priced, especially in the New Territories. > http://www.thestandard.com.hk/news_detail.asp?we_cat=16&art_id=145849&sid=42350743&con_type=1&d_str=20140529&fc=7 I think some of the pricing pressure may have eased, now that so many buyers have enthusiastically "shown their hand" at City Point. EXCERPT: "Meanwhile, "the developers are strongly determined to sell the units in the New Territories," he added, and more discounts are expected for large- scale projects with more than 1,000 units, such as the upcoming Hemera, the third phase of Lohas Park in Tseung Kwan O, providing 1,648 units. Big projects are expected in Tai Po this year as well. Phase one of Cheung Kong's Mont Vert, and Mayfair by the Sea by Sino Land will offer 1,350 and 1,091 flats, respectively. The more aggressive pricing in the New Territories is also reflected in the conservative bids for sites recently, Vincent Cheung added. He urged caution, however, saying offers of low prices may be a gimmick and buyers should be careful. On the other hand, "prices for projects in Kowloon and Hong Kong Island will not be too low," Cheung said. " HEMERA - at LOHAS Park could be the next "Hot" property with sizeable discounts. It is "on top of the station" at LOHAS Park, and there are over 1,000 flats to sell. I thought that CK might launch quickly, after the success at CP. The agent I met yesterday said that was unlikely. He said that more detailed info was due out in August, and thought the actual launch might be November. By then, the plans for unscrambling the Train lines in the north of HK Island should be announced, and that might provide a spur for buying properties at LOHAS.
  21. Yes, thanks. the Gold vs Fed Debt chart makes the same point as this Video: "A Major Low by July" "$500-600 of Eayy upside"
  22. 591 City Point flats in Tsuen Wan snapped up in a day South China Morning Post-5 hours ago Property sales throughout the city are likely to be boosted after the entire first batch of flats at Cheung Kong's City Point in Tsuen Wan sold in a day... ... real estate agents involved in the transactions say. The developer sold the 591 flats in the 1,717-unit project in under seven hours, the agents said. The second batch, of 354 flats, would be released this week, Cheung Kong said last night. "It attracted upgraders back to the property market as the asking prices were reasonable and the government has recently extended the qualifying period for exemption from double stamp duty," Midland Realty chief executive Sammy Po Siu-ming said. "Upgraders have not been active since the government announced cooling measures in February last year." More than 13,500 people registered to buy flats at City Point last week, the highest for a new project in 12 years. Last year, the government doubled the stamp duty payable on property purchases, but with an exemption for permanent residents who sign a provisional contract to buy a flat within six months of selling the only flat they owned. It recently proposed widening the exemption. Cheung Kong executive director Justin Chiu Kwok-hung said: "The amendment helps upgraders to buy flats. We found we had mostly upgraders buying at this project." The cheapest flat was HK$5.35 million. But if a buyer is eligible for all the discounts on offer, that price drops to about HK$4.51 million. Midland estimated about 80 per cent of its clients were buying the flats to live in, with the rest being investors. Peter Wong, a director at Hong Kong Property Services, said: "The strong sales will encourage more people to look at flats in the short run." With many buyers waiting for the second batch of City Point flats, Po believed activity in Tsuen Wan's secondary market would remain slow in the short run. "But the sale has proven housing demand is very strong," he said. "Forthcoming projects will benefit from the good news. The sales of second-hand flats in other districts should increase, but for small flats only. == > http://www.scmp.com/property/hong-kong-china/article/1522913/591-city-point-flats-tsuen-wan-snapped-day
  23. MAx is looking rather Spiv-like in that photo
  24. London house prices will fall this summer, says Nationwide boss The Times (subscription) - ‎6 minutes ago‎ The chief executive of Nationwide has said house prices in London could begin to fall this summer in the latest indication that the housing boom could be receding.
  25. You Heard it HERE first !: "I have been examining this project, and think it will sell well (at this price). If buyers respond very well, then there is some possibility it could "ignite" the market." (I am thinking this way because of the recent strength in HK Builders' shares.) - 22 May, OTP A Headline in Today's SCMP, Property section: "SALES: City Point project seen as turning point for sector" "Analysts expect the primart market to pick up further if Cheung Kong reaps strong sales from the project, triggering a turning point for the housing sector... The initial response was strong." (The CCLI Index dropped 0.25 per cent last week to 118.56... has fallen 0.4 per cent so far this year.)
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