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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. A Rocket ! I think this may be a good omen this time. GLD blasted through resistance on Thursday, and we are starting the strtong season for gold
  2. HELP TO BUY isn't Helping ... BDEV is telling a different story
  3. Detroit Light Rail - Just a Boondoggle? It depends... TRAIN TO NOWHERE? "Seems completely dead on arrival - no one is going to ride a train in a straight shot that they could drive twice as fast." Have the guy who made that comment been to Detroit? I was born there, and grew up in the suburbs. Once up a time, I had a job working at the second largest bank in downtown Detroit, and used to commute sometimes by rail, taking a (very slow) commuter train from Birmingham to a station downtown, where I used to walk to my job in the Guardian building. I think a train straight down Woodward Avenue makes sense, provided: + They remove the shackles from business and encourage new businesses to start-up and old ones to expand, + That they have a clear plan to DENSIFY along the rail, at the stations, so that people can live Carfree lives (as they do in HK), + That the trains runs fast, efficiently, and is safe (as in HK). That will be a challenge in a city with Detroit's weather and crime rate The worst thing would be to build another People Mover. I reckon the name was meant ironically, since it moves very few people, and it is quicker to walk the short distance it "services." Detroit needs catalyst to bring itself back to health. The Tarin can be part of that, but without the right policies and planning around it, the project will be a Dead White Elephant. I believe this project is being privately developed and managed, and so it ghas a chance. The woman from Royal Oak represents a viable (and even thriving) city on the outskirts of Detroit. This could really help here community, and ifd her community uses it, then it has a chnace for success. I wonder if she is ready to allow high rise apartment house to be built in Royal Oak close to the station? That is the sort of thing that will bring success.
  4. These Charts make a clear BULLISH CASE imho: + GDX normally leads a big move, and it is doing that now + GLD now needs to confirm the bull case, by blasting through $130
  5. There's paper Gold and Paper Gold. GLD is shrinking fast, but some other (better backed) Gold etfs are holding strong
  6. Sanity, like Beauty... ( and what might be really Bullish for a Gold investor ) Are in the eyes (and mind) of the beholder. A pity... that so few here seem unwilling to acknowledge the growing list of things we have had RIGHT on this board. + Did Snowden's revelations have zero impact on you guys? The long-standing unwillingness to believe government lies (about almost everything by a few active posters here) could be seen as a useful asset by those in search of the truth + Haven't you noticed the accuracy of my Gold related comments on my Diary over the last few months?
  7. The quiet and the questioning at a time of low prices and many Hedge Funds Shorts... - IS VERY BULLISH imho !
  8. (An important matter that needs fixing - will they use local vigilantes?) Detroit Citizens take law into their own hands because local police are an epic fail! Detroit community beats alleged rapist of 15 y.o. girl with Down Syndrome after slow police response [link to www.wxyz.com] Link says it all local community had enough!
  9. Yes, it does fit. Here's a EXCERPT I liked: II. Dearth of Economic Activity The poorest city of its size in California; second poorest in the entire United States, next to Detroit. Wow, notoriety in a big way. Almost as poor as Detroit. That is a major understatement. Both filed for Chapter 9 federal bankruptcy protection; yet, both Detroit and San Bernardino are as different as night and day from an economic perspective, and still different from a demographic perspective as well. Not even their states are remotely similar in climate, population, or any of the traditional demographic comparison points. But, still, both are bankrupt. Why these two cities, at this point, now, and not others? Or, are these two cities just harbingers of things to come? Let's try to unravel the puzzle... . . . Then what HAS been constant for 40 years? What is a solid indicator, then, showing why economic activity has declined steadily over the past 40 years? Simple: government intrusion (lack of freedom to pursue and engage in productive economic opportunities) coupled with rampant corruption, which has lead rational decision-makers like the normal middle class family to leave the area in search of a better existence. Left behind are those who either cannot leave for economic reasons, who chose to stay for the free govt transfer payments, or others who perhaps just do not think much about it. What is obvious, beyond argument, and that the government intrusion coupled with the corruption leads to decline. There is no other argument that is possible. And what do we know about government intrusion. Government intrusion is far-reaching and never, ever pulls back save for revolution. Government red-tape and mind-numbing regulations and ordinances have killed business creation. Private business and private jobs create tax revenues. Government jobs and government regulations kill private business and decrease government revenues. Why is that so impossible to articulate or understand by those in power? Umm, simple. Admitting it means that those in charge are hopelessly corrupt. So here we are. Corruption has poisoned the system from top to bottom, for a generation or more. Corruption has killed a once thriving, vital city like San Bernardino. I have seen this with my own eyes. == == How to kill government corruption? Make government much smaller, I suppose
  10. Headed-towards the Peak Talk? Do BTL investors get Help-To-Buy
  11. West Kowloon Rentals - per SF (Hermitage, Victoria Towers) . Mo : Herm : Vic.Tw : ('12) 05 : $ 29.3 : $ 27.7 : 06 : $ 30.6 : $ 27.7 : 07 : $ 33.0 : $ 29.4 : 08 : $ 35.1 : $ 30.4 : 09 : $ 35.9 : $ 28.2 : 10 : $ 34.5 : $ 28.3 : 11 : $ 35.8 : $ 29.2 : 12 : $ 36.8 : $ 28.4 : ('13) 01 : $ 34.6 : $ 29.8 : 02 : $ 33.8 : $ 27.7 : 03 : $ 33.6 : $ 29.0 : 04 : $ 35.0 : $ 28.7 : 05 : $ 37.4 : $ 29.0 : 06 : $ 31.8 : $ 28.3 :
  12. What a rate ! Grab it ! (That's one advantage of being a homeowner, I suppose.) What will your mortgage cost be vis-a-vis renting? (Just curious)
  13. A Good One ! "They are trying to find a 'Magic Bullet'" Yeah. It seems like thay have dusted off the one - used so "effectively" by Alan Greenspan, to create the US Housing Bubble. Do we never learn ??
  14. YUP - and it may be good for Gold too ! The COT figures for Gold are stunningly Bullish, and Don Coxe has just made his call that: THE LOW IS IN for Gold !
  15. COMPLETELY CRAZY, they must be... Foreigners buy nearly 75% of new homes in inner London Financial Times-Aug 2, 2013 But developers argue that many housing projects would never break ... The average house price in the UK is now £170,825, Nationwide said.
  16. == SECOND COPY, just in case == DATABANK Week : CCLI : CMMI : RobinPl: Tregun : Dynast: Clovell // IslHarb : ParkA : Waterf : Sorrent : TArch : C'ribC : TaikSh. ==== . 07/28: 120.95 120.29: 13,445 : 19,903 : 23,279 : 23,850 /10,076 : 11,850 : 14,920 : 15,186 : 22,183 : 6,021 : 12,001 07/21: 120.61 120.36: 13,374 : 19,799 : 23,157 : 23,725 /10,101 : 11,880 : 14,410 : 15,136 : 22,110 : 6,059 : 11,557 07/14: 120.14 119.82: 13,366 : 19,786 : 23,142 : 23,710 /10,136 : 11,921 : 14,401 : 15,126 : 21,910 : 6,054 : 10,998 07/07: 119.69 119.11: 13,387 : 19,818 : 23,180 : 23,749 /10,136 : 11,920 : 14,415 : 16,132 : 21,930 : 6,236 : 10,464 06/30: 121.88 121.58: 13,502 : 19,987 : 23,377 : 23,950 /10,111 : 11,890 : 14,432 : 16,152 : 21,957 : 6,233 : 12,021 06/23: 121.22 120.64: 13,416 : 19,861 : 23,229 : 23,800 /10,019 : 11,783 : 14,413 : 16,129 : 21,927 : 6,320 : 12,162 06/16: 119.96 118.69: 13,454 : 19,916 : 23,294 : 23,866 /10,045 : 11,813 : 14,449 : 16,186 : 21,983 : 5,949 : 11,622 06/09: 120.74 119.57: 13,470 : 19,940 : 23,323 : 23,895 /10,072 : 11,845 : 14,463 : 16,186 : 22,004 : 6,360 : 12,256 06/02: 120.14 118.81: 13,429 : 19,879 : 23,251 : 23,822 /10,251 : 11,947 : 14,531 : 16,262 : 22,107 : 6,435 : 12,009 05/26: 119.06 118.31: 13,430 : 19,881 : 23,253 : 23,824 /10,026 : 11,649 : 13,760 : 15,031 : 21,826 : 6,130 : 11,847 05/19: 118.79 117.85: 16,070 : 19,830 : 23,193 : 23,763 // 9,971 : 11,585 : 13,751 : 15,021 : 21,851 : 5,883 : 11,912 05/12: 118.58 117.61: 16,066 : 19,825 : 23,188 : 23,758 // 9,981 : 11,597 : 13,752 : 15,021 : 21,852 : 6,032 : 11,772 05/05: 118.51 117.60: 16,089 : 19,853 : 24,180 : 23,791 /10,564 : 11,268 : 13,716 : 14,983 : 21,795 : 5,973 : 11,326 04/28: 118.84 118.08: 16,008 : 19,754 : 24,060 : 23,672 /10,673 : 12,150 : 13,755 : 15,024 : 21,857 : 5,877 : 11,710 04/21: 118.71 117.70: 16,036 : 19,788 : 24,101 : 23,712 /10,676 : 12,158 : 13,775 : 16,117 : 21,888 : 5,750 : 11,878 04/14: 120.12 119.35: 16,052 : 19,807 : 24,124 : 23,736 /11,207 : 12,198 : 13,807 : 16,155 : 21,939 : 5,795 : 11,936 04/07: 121.83 121.29: 16,080 : 19,843 : 24,168 : 23,779 /11,373 : 12,379 : 13,891 : 16,253 : 22,072 : 6,174 : 12,008 03/31: 123.01 122.22: 16,163 : 19,945 : 24,292 : 23,900 /11,419 : 12,430 : 13,956 : 16,329 : 22,176 : 6,160 : 12,131 03/24: 123.45 122.72: 16,175 : 19,960 : 24,311 : 23,919 /11,428 : 12,439 : 13,964 : 16,339 : 22,190 : 6,184 : 12,159 03/17: 123.66 122.98: 16,180 : 19,966 : 24,318 : 23,926 /11,336 : 12,339 : 13,936 : 16,305 : 22,144 : 6,441 : 12,302 03/10: 122.09 121.41: 16,128 : 19,901 : 24,239 : 23,848 /11,413 : 12,423 : 13,916 : 16,283 : 22,114 : 6,420 : 11,519 03/03: 121.95 121.27: 15,168 : 19,889 : 24,224 : 23,834 /10,549 : 12,383 : 13,374 : 16,263 : 22,087 : 6,403 : 11,934 02/24: 121.64 120.97: 14,242 : 19,941 : 24,287 : 23,896 /10,917 : 12,147 : 13,168 : 16,227 : 22,037 : 6,325 : 11,939 02/17: 121.58 120.27: 14,241 : 19,940 : 24,286 : 23,894 /10,894 : 11,901 : 13,212 : 16,667 : 22,112 : 6,586 : 12,022 02/10: 121.73 120.41: 14,280 : 19,994 : 24,352 : 23,960 /10,889 : 11,896 : 13,211 : 16,666 : 22,111 : 6,350 : 11,805 02/03: 120.66 119.40: 13,692 : 19,900 : 24,237 : 23,847 /10,547 : 12,114 : 15,331 : 16,609 : 22,036 : 6,215 : 12,309 01/27: 119.13 117.60: 15,144 : 19,818 : 24,138 : 23,749 /10,670 : 11,039 : 15,262 : 16,685 : 21,937 : 6,336 : 12,149 01/20: 118.38 116.61: 15,133 : 19,803 : 24,120 : 23,731 /10,664 : 10,993 : 15,260 : 16,683 : 21,241 : 6,281 : 11,815 01/13: 115.93 114.29: 14,982 : 19,605 : 23,879 : 23,494 /10,429 : 10,751 : 13,108 : 16,490 : 22,215 : 6,202 : 11,214 01/06: 115.60 113.93: 14,994 : 19,621 : 23,898 : 22,244 /10,478 : 11,211 : 12,741 : 16,502 : 22,231 : 6,071 : 11,041 Efficiency -NA- --NA- : 82.24% : 78.96%: 78.27%: 83.50%/74.89%: 74.31%:78.37%: 75.51%: 75.24%:74.58%: 87.32% 12/30: Prices / NetSF : 18,221 : 24,835 : 30,512 : 26,639 /13,929 : 15,020 : 16,257 : 21,606 : 29,492 : 8,116 : 13,359 12/30: 115.78 114.25: 14,985 : 19,609 : 23,883 : 22,244 /10,432 : 11,161 : 12,740 : 16,316 : 22,189 : 6,053 : 11,665 12/23: 115.18 113.61: 14,092 : 19,603 : 23,876 : 22,237 /10,514 : 11,719 : 12,753 : 16,332 : 22,210 : 5,957 : 11,429 12/16: 114.97 113.50: 14,072 : 19,574 : 23,840 : 22,024 /10,527 : 11,733 : 12,744 : 16,319 : 22,193 : 5,988 : 11,288 12/09: 114.57 113.20: 14,037 : 19,527 : 22,150 : 22,150 /10,229 : 11,699 : 12,715 : 16,283 : 22,144 : 5,995 : 10,892 12/02: 114.38 112.52: 14,035 : 19,523 : 23,778 : 22,146 /10,423 : 11,896 : 13,656 : 17,883 : 22,324 : 5,978 : 10,810 11/25: 115.05 113.11: 16,570 : 19,594 : 23,865 : 22,227 /10,293 : 11,749 : 13,633 : 17,853 : 22,286 : 6,042 : 11,590 11/18: 116.17 114.32: 16,597 : 19,626 : 23,904 : 22,264 // 9,815 : 11,584 : 13,602 : 17,811 : 22,234 : 6,198 : 11,695 11/11: 116.81 114.20: 16,717 : 19,768 : 25,410 : 22,424 // 9,984 : 11,784 : 14,531 : 16,714 : 22,466 : 6,361 : 11,528 11/04: 116.07 113.81: 16,666 : 19,708 : 23,167 : 22,356 // 9,975 : 11,646 : 12,887 : 16,680 : 22,420 : 6,194 : 10,911 10/28: 114.35 112.33: 16,564 : 19,587 : 23,025 : 22,039 // 9,925 : 10,805 : 12,736 : 15,744 : 22,906 : 6,137 : 11,461 10/21: 112.25 110.37: 16,336 : 19,318 : 22,708 : 21,735 // 9,864 : 10,738 : 12,649 : 15,583 : 23,432 : 6,146 : 11,317 10/14: 111.19 109.41: 15,804 : 19,268 : 22,649 : 21,679/ 10,048 : 10,897 : 12,901 : 15,555 : 20,753 : 5,814 : 11,091 10/07: 111.11 109.21: 14,469 : 19,337 : 22,730 : 21,756 // 9,780 : 11,298 : 12,407 : 16,922 : 20,729 : 5,904 : 10,798 09/30: 110.14 108.55: 14,400 : 19,246 : 22,623 : 21,652/ 10,018 : 10,804 : 12,341 : 15,017 : 20,620 : 5,657 : 11,485 09/23: 109,81 107.88: 14,478 : 19,348 : 22,745 : 21,770/ 10,099 : 10,892 : 12,809 : 15,602 : 21,015 : 5,628 : 10,700 09/16: 108.17 106.05: 14,340 : 19,164 : 22,528 : 21,563/ 10,089 : 10,880 : 12,784 : 15,572 : 20,975 : 5,556 : 10,262 09/09: 108.80 107.02: 14,343 : 19,169 : 22,534 : 21,568 // 9,976 : 10,785 : 11,176 : 15,506 : 19,828 : 5,498 : 10,578 09/02: 107.99 105.85: 14,360 : 19,191 : 22,559 : 18,625 // 9,952 : 10,837 : 11,891 : 16,102 : 19,822 : 5,561 : 10,582 08/26: 106.89 105.17: 14,324 : 19,144 : 22,504 : 18,580 // 9,622 : 11,021 : 11,811 : 15,995 : 22,319 : 5,404 : 10,538 08/19: 107.18 105.22: 14,342 : 19,168 : 22,532 : 18,603 // 9,671 : 10,741 : 12,197 : 16,052 : 22,612 : 5,447 : 10,893 08/12: 106.85 104.85: 14,311 : 19,126 : 22,483 : 18,563 // 9,638 : 10,815 : 12,324 : 16,031 : 22,582 : 5,412 : 10,292 08/05: 105.78 103.33: 14,313 : 19,128 : 22,486 : 18,565 // 9,659 : 10,988 : 12,822 : 16,052 : 22,612 : 5,162 : 10,208 07/29: 106.54 103.71: 14,375 : 19,212 : 22,584 : 18,646 // 9,663 : 11,145 : 12,879 : 16,123 : 20,313 : 5,345 : 10,689 07/22: 104.93 101.99: 14,275 : 19,978 : 22,426 : 18,516 // 9,362 : 11,096 : 12,831 : 16,063 : 20,124 : 5,123 : 10,211 07/15: 104.25 101.41: 12,156 : 19,067 : 22,414 : 18,506 // 9,247 : 10,960 : 12,759 : 15,974 : 20,011 : 5,114 : 10,061 07/08: 105.01 102.33: 12,511 : 19,078 : 22,427 : 18,516 // 9,262 : 10,978 : 12,772 : 15,990 : 20,031 : 5,031 : 10,759 07/01: 105.46 103.13: 12,586 : 19,193 : 22,562 : 18,628 // 9,300 : 10,976 : 12,762 : 15,491 : 20,569 : 5,179 : 10,518 06/24: 104.60 102.33: 12,489 : 19,045 : 22,387 : 18,484 // 9,241 : 10,906 : 12,712 : 15,430 : 20,487 : 5,185 : 10,546 06/17: 104.14 102.01: 12,435 : 18,963 : 22,291 : 18,404 // 9,232 : 10,896 : 12,686 : 15,399 : 18,599 : 5,110 : 10,530 06/10: 103.82 101.35: 12,457 : 18,997 : 22,330 : 18,437 // 9,225 : 10,589 : 12,699 : 15,415 : 18,618 : 5,070 : 10,185 06/03: 104.01 101.85: 12,455 : 18,993 : 22,326 : 18,433 // 9,252 : 10,620 : 12,686 : 15,398 : 18,598 : 5,205 : 11,093 05/27: 104.00 101.72: 13,777 : 19,733 : 22,334 : 18,440 // 9,643 : 10,710 : 12,740 : 15,465 : 18,678 : 5,253 : 10,659 05/20: 103.94 101.89: 13,697 : 18,052 : 22,306 : 18,416: 10,004 : 10,404 : 12,716 : 15,435 : 18,642 : 5,137 : 10,877 05/13: 103.35 101.46: 13,698 : 17,972 : 22,206 : 18,334 // 9,798 : 10,367 : 12,401 : 15,314 : 17,941 : 5,083 : 10,186 05/06: 102.89 101.40: 13,588 : 17,828 : 22,028 : 18,187 // 9,967 : 10,532 : 12,295 : 14,219 : 17,491 : 5,013 : 10,719 04/29: 101.12: 98.90 : 13,579 : 17,815 : 22,012 : 17,031 // 9,841 : $9,904 : 11,634 : 14,648 : 17,423 : 5,054 : : 9,922 04/22: 102.17 100.05: 13.644 : 17.901 : 22,118 : 17,113 // 9,793 : 10,022 : 11,636 : 14,651 : 17,426 : 5,221 : 10,663 04/15: 102.50 100.71: 13,610 : 17,856 : 22,064 : 17,856 // 9,390 : 10,442 : 11,661 : 14,682 : 17,463 : 5,017 : 10,886 04/08: 101.79: 99.76 : 13,800 : 17,866 : 22,075 : 17,080 // 9,493 : 10,477 : 11,668 : 15,102 : 17,473 : 4,865 : 10,581 04/01: 101.17: 99.15 : 13,795 : 17,860 : 22,067 : 17,074 // 9,550 : 10,401 : 11,641 : 14,441 : 18,548 : 4,871 : 10.384 03/25: 100.06: 97.97 : 13,723 : 17,766 : 21,952 : 16,985 // 9,296 : 10,105 : 11,346 : 13,907 : 18,359 : 4,926 : 10,373 03/18 : 99.17 : 96.75 : 12,738 : 17,747 : 21,928 : 16,966 // 9,230 : 10,160 : 11,380 : 13,949 : 18,414 : 4,766 : : 9,850 03/11 : 98.41 : 95.72 : 12,691 : 17,682 : 21,848 : 16,904 // 9,165 : 10,089 : 11,358 : 15,071 : 19,152 : 4,736 : : 9,615 03/04 : 96.69 : 94.28 : 11,591 : 17,531 : 21,662 : 16,760 // 9,029 : $9,937 : 11,244 : 14,269 : 18,960 : 4,751 : : 9,728 02/26 : 95.15 : 93.14 : 11,515 : 17,416 : 21,520 : 16,650 // 8,449 : $9,638 : 11,145 : 13,031 : 21,504 : 4,808 : : 9,702 02/19 : 94.38 : 92.10 : 11,515 : 17,416 : 21,520 : 16,650 // 8,580 : $9,784 : 11,160 : 13,048 : 20,058 : 4,770 : : 9,499 02/12 : 95.01 : 92.68 : 13,132 : 17,364 : 21,455 : 16,600 // 8,659 : $9,874 : 11,210 : 13,107 : 20,148 : 4,768 : 10,038 02/05 : 95.04 : 92,63 : 13,988 : 17,384 : 21,481 : 16,620 // 8,576 : $9,779 : 11,185 : 13,078 : 20,103 : 4,790 : : 9,873 01/29 : 94.47 : 91.91 : 13,981 : 17,377 : 21,471 : 16,613 // 8,770 : $9,663 : 11,145 : 13,031 : 20,031 : 4,730 : : 9,884 01/22 : 94.75 : 92.17 : 13,994 : 17,392 : 21,490 : 16,627 // 8,762 : $9,654 : 11,152 : 13,039 : 20,043 : 4,871 : : 9,875 01/15 : 94.31 : 91.66 : 13,986 : 17,383 : 21,478 : 16,618 // 8,762 : $9,655 : 11,146 : 13,032 : 20,032 : 4,667 : : 9,864 01/08 : 94.16 : 91.25 : 14,014 : 17,417 : 21,520 : 16,651 // 8,780 : $9,674 : 12,250 : 13,060 : 20,075 : 4,630 : : 9,295 01/01 : 95.47 : 92.41 : 14,080 : 17,499 : 21,622 : 16,729 // 9,135 : 10,399 : 12,435 : 13,257 : 20,378 : 4,631 : : 9,160 12/25 : 96.68 : 93.89 : 14,091 : 17,513 : 21,639 : 16,743 // 9,100 : 10,147 : 12,431 : 13,252 : 20,371 : 4,610 : : 9,877 12/18 : 96.81 : 94.03 : 14,104 : 17,529 : 21,659 : 16,758 // 9,109 : 10,157 : 12,436 : 13,258 : 20,379 : 4,620 : : 9,882 12/11 : 97.10 : 94.37 : 14,128 : 17,560 : 21,697 : 16,787 // 8,950 : $9,980 : 12,379 : 13,196 : 20,285 : 4,619 : 10,357 12/04 : 98.13 : 94.30 : 14,189 : 17,635 : 21,790 : 16,859 // 9,016 : 10,054 : 12,435 : 13,257 : 20,131 : 4,834 : 10,379 Historical Data :
  17. Prices Drop amid Brave words Price volatility won't affect new mill PotashCorp New Brunswick employs 525 staff in addition to hundreds of contractors in Sussex, and is the biggest mineral royalty engine for the province, generating $25 million last year. Potash, a key ingredient in fertilizer, is also the largest dry bulk commodity moving through the Saint John port. PotashCorp is also preparing to bring its new $1.67-billion mine near Sussex online, which will more than double production from the existing mine once it is fully operational by 2015. Brown said price volatility cannot reverse that commitment. "I think the big impact would be on those who are considering entry into the market with new mines," he said. "Whether or not somebody is prepared to invest billions and billions into a new mine." Keith Attoe, a director with Atlantic Potash, came on the scene two years ago. In February, he announced plans to build a $350-million fertilizer plant in Saint John. Attoe had visited the province before to sign a lease in the Sussex area. He said his company, backed by Chinese investors, was optimistic about starting its own mine in Millstream. In a statement to CBC News on Tuesday, Attoe said, "We are monitoring the situation, and at this time there are no changes to our plans." === /more: http://www.cbc.ca/ne...sh-pricing.html
  18. News for potash industry ==== How is potash shake-up affecting local industry? CTV News ‎- 7 hours ago The potash industry has seen prices and company shares plunge, in response to events on the other side of the planet. Saskatchewan premier urges calm over developments in potash industry Lethbridge Herald‎ - 5 hours ago === === The $20-billion global potash market was thrown into disarray this week with the collapse of a European cartel. Some analysts predict the price of potash will plunge by 25 per cent. However, Potash Corp says it has weathered market volatility in the past. “In the 30 or 40 years that Potash Corp has been mining potash in Saskatchewan and New Brunswick, the price has gone up and the price has gone down,” says Brown. “It is a cyclical business. There are times we have to shut down our operations due to lack of sales, but at the end of that, we go back into business and do what we do best.” Hundreds of mining jobs in New Brunswick depend on potash exports. The mine is a pillar of the Sussex economy, but the economic impact reaches far beyond the town, throughout southern New Brunswick and into the Port of Saint John. Construction of a new mine - a $1.7-billion mega project - is nearing completion and according to the province’s natural resources minister, Bruce Northrup, that project assures a long-term future. . . . The stocks of potash producing companies around the world have been plummetting amid fears of a price war after a Russian company threatened to pull out of a marketing consortium and undercut prices on the world market. Some financial analysts are postulating that could have a ruinous impact on Saskatchewan’s economy. But Wall said Wednesday it’s too soon to tell what impact the situation will have on the province. “I think it’s important we not overreact to the news, as significant or important as it is,” Wall said. He admitted that if potash prices drop the government’s spending will be tighter. The budget for this fiscal year is expecting more than $500 million in potash royalty revenues but Wall reminds people that only amounts to five per cent of provincial revenues.
  19. The Potash Crash... And Eventual recovery (POT > NTR) When Food and Ag prices came down, Potash crashed In recent years, NTR & other Potash companies correlated with energy stocks (XLE) NTR, etc vs- XLE ... 5 yr: from 10.10.2015 : NTR: $41.01, XLE: $30.79 NTR: All: 2yr: 1yr: 10d / Last $41.01, yrL: $23.85, yrH: $51.07 ILC, MOS vs XLE, DBA ... update : Top producing potash stocks ... update from 2016: Cheapest two: SDF, IPI ... from 2016: IPI: $9.72, SDF: $7.06 Nutrien (NTR) Mosaic (MOS) K+S (SDF) ICL (ICL) Intrepid Potash (IPI) Top exploration & development potash stocks... from 2016: Sirius Minerals (SXX.uk) : > SOLD to Anglo-American Highfield Resources (HFR.au) Salt Lake Potash (SO4) Kalium Lakes (KLL) Kazakhstan Potash (KPC) : stopped trading; last at 0.02 Emmerson (EML.L) In 2013, almost 70% of potash production was controlled by two cartels, Canpotex and the Belarusian Potash Company. The latter was a joint venture between Belaruskali and Uralkali, but on July 30, 2013 Uralkali announced that it had ended the venture. Now this : End of Potash Cartel to Boost U.S. Farmers - WSJ.com - A Russian producer's decision to end the global potash cartel stands to help U.S. farmers—and eventually consumers—by lowering fertilizer prices... - A classic case of high prices and a hot growth story prompting a wave of new supply - Potash demand was meant to spiral upwards, and spot prices went above $1,000 per mt in 2008 - Today potash is closer to $400 / mt, and demand has slowed with slower economic growth in emerging market - Brazil and India have seen their currencies slide, raising costs - The Russian cartel plans to operate at 100% capacity in the second half, up from 70% - Overall operating capacity will expand from 62 mn mt in 2012 to almost 71 mn mt in 2015 - Demand this year, is just 54 million mt Pricing At the beginning of 2008, potash prices started a meteoric climb from less than US$200 a tonne to a high of US$875 in February 2009.[35] These subsequently dropped dramatically to an April 2010 low of US$310 level, before recovering in 2011–12, and relapsing again in 2013. For reference, prices in November 2011 were about US$470 per tonne, but as of May 2013 were stable at US$393.[36] After the surprise breakup of the world's largest potash cartel at the end of July 2013, potash prices were poised to drop some 20 percent.[37] At the end of Dec 2015, potash traded for US$295 a tonne. In April 2016 its price was US$269.[38] In May 2017, prices had stabilised at around US$216 a tonne down 18% from the previous year. By January 2018, prices have been recovering to around US$225 a tonne.[39] World potash demand tends to be price inelastic in the short-run and even in the long run.[34] CHARTS Update : 5yrs : http://www.infomine.com/ChartsAndData/GraphEngine.ashx?z=t&dr=5y&gf=110545.USD.t NTR / Nutrien Ltd. (NYSE) : POT merged with.... Agrium / update : vs.DBA POT/ Potash Corp ..... All-data : 3 years : 6-mos : 10d-chart / update: $17.48 (at 7/18/2016) DBA / Ag Fund ..... All-data : 3 years : 6-mos : 10d-chart / update: $21.51 (at 7/18/2016) ===== LINKS : Potash Industry :: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potash
  20. LOW YIELDS Point to Crash in London : Another SCMP article They are talking about Retail space - where yields are down to 2.75%, and may fall to a very low 2.25% by year end
  21. HK Buyers increasingly look beyond London - SCMP article Hong Kongers are at last looking to buy outside London - partly as a response to more HK students at Unis outside London HK students in British Uni's 2011 : 10,440 2012 : 11,335 : + 9% 38% of HK Buyers in the resale market bought outside London over the past 5 years Some Targets: =========== + Birmingham : Mi Place, opposite Ashton University: 62 studios, starting at GBP 83,200 + Birmingham : The Hive, The Cube + Bristol : The Crescent, at Harbourside : 9 of 23 flats went to HK Buyers + Oxford and Cambridge : also popular
  22. Norquist blames government for Sprawl: + Highways split neighborhoods + Prohibiting Mixed use, forces people to travel long distances, rather that walk . VIDEO: . Fortunately, "Main Streets" are now returning, as New Urbanist architects have revived this idea. And many Americans really want them, since they want to live in Walkable Neighborhoods. . Thank Goodness: America's long love affair with the car may be over. (Previously, if you were a walker, you had to walk in the gutter of many US highways.) . Henry Ford was a Demon ! (I say that, even though I was born in Henry Ford Hospital in downtown Detroit.)
  23. It is not too late to treat these Banksters as they deserve -- they need a Haircut http://larouchepac.com/node/27528#.UfVFpv_1jVQ.twitter Detroit: Pensions or Derivatives? Glass-Steagall Would Have Made the Choice The 250-year-old "arsenal" city of Detroit was brought into extreme impoverishment by the collapse of the auto/machine-tool industry in size and wage levels, and the national refusal to reverse that collapse, under the Bush and Obama presidencies. Lyndon LaRouche first put forward the policy to revive that industrial base in November 2004; Bush and Felix Rohatyn blocked it; Obama fixed the wage collapse in stone in the 2009 auto bankruptcy/bailout. But now the most immediate choice in Detroit involves the impact of the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1998. That choice is as follows: The city emergency manager, bankruptcy lawyer Kevyn Orr, has made an agreement to pay three banks — UBS, Bank of America, and SBS — approximately $$225 million by Nov. 1. This amount equals 15% of Detroit's total annual all-source revenues estimated at $1.49 billion this year, and Orr agreed to do it while defaulting on pension bonds. This $225 million is not a debt; rather it represents 75% of the "current negative value" (to Detroit) of swaps agreements with those banks on $1.4 billion in 2005 city borrowing. That is, it is a payoff on a LIBOR-rigged derivatives bet that Detroit was conned into making in 2005 by those banks, after borrowing from them. And if the payment is delayed beyond Nov. 1 to a second payment deadline of Mar. 1, 2014, under Orr's agreement it will be 85% of the "current negative value" of the bet, or likely $250 million. Orr agreed to this derivatives payoff two days before declaring bankruptcy against pensions, retiree health funds, and other general creditors, giving it first priority outside the bankruptcy court.
  24. ( I want to compile some data like the Barrick Info for IAG too) IAG's website :: http://iamgold.com/ ====== IAMGOLD's Mines ======== : Mine name ------- : Prod.oz : C-Cost : Resv.P+P (pct) : YrsCalc : YrsLeft : grade : ((gold) Suriname : Rosebel Gold ---- : 0,382 K : $0,671 : 05,445 K (95 % ) : 14.25 : 19.00 : 1.0gt : Suriname : Rosebel M+I ------ : 0,000 K : $0,??? : 07,428 K (95 %) : 00.00 : 00.00 : 1.0gt : Burk.Faso: Essakane Gold -- : 0,315 K : $0,603 : 03,293 K (90 %) : 10.45 : 13.00 : 1.0gt : Burk.Faso: Essakane M+I ---- : 0,000 K : $0,??? : 03,293 K (90 %) : 00.00 : 00.00 : 0.9gt : Quebec-- : Doyon Div. Gold - : 0,004 K : $0,137 : 00,071 K (100%) : 17.75 : 01.00 : 12.gt : Mali------- : Sadiola Gold ------ : 0,100 K : $1,076 : 02,138 K (41 %) : 21.14 : 04.00 : 1.8gt : Mali------- : Sadiola M+I ------- : 0,000 K : $0,??? : 03,193 K (41 %) : 00.00 : 00.00 : 1.7gt : Mali------- : Yatela Gold ------- : 0,029 K : $1,337 : 00,032 K (40 %) : 01.10 : 02.00 : 3.3gt : ======== =============== : ====== : ====== ------------- : Producing P+P--- : 1,000 K : $X.XXX : 10,000 K : IAG share ------------- : Producing M+I --- : 1,000 K : $X.XXX : 10,000 K : IAG share (other) Quebec-- : Niobec Niobium --- : 0,100 K : $0,800 : 01,000 K (100%) : 1.0gt : 10.00 : Development :
  25. "What would a 'Yes' mean to you?" "So they could have me." That message goes straight for the Nesting instinct, which drives much of the home buying. Things always seem "Right" near a top. And the emotional sell, rather than the logical one, is the one that predominates in this kind of territory. Many things can upset the Apple cart, starting with rising rates.
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