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Loaded up on some gold shares today that I'd always wanted but never had a good opportunity of late to grab. I don't see too much more downside potential left in this latest selling frenzy, although im usually a day or two early on these calls.. I just wish I had more powder!


damn you Monthly pay! :angry:


Oh well, Guess its the beaten down Natgas stocks for the beginning of the month then.. ;)




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Gold getting whacked or what!


Just remind ourselves:


Do Not Fear


or even:


Posted On: Tuesday, July 22, 2008, 7:09:00 PM EST


Jim's Mailbox


Author: Jim Sinclair



Dear Jim,


I get such a kick out of how the price of gold can run up over $100 in 14 days and no one in the media makes a comment. We then have a $22 drop and they start playing the funeral music.


Whenever the "financial experts" are trashing gold it makes me that much more committed.


Thanks so much for helping us all keep our heads when all about us are losing theirs.








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Question for you all.


When Jim Sinclair says sell on a 'Rhino Horn' and buy on a 'fishing line' - what kind of time period do you think we are looking at?


Are there some good examples we can look back at?


Any info/thoughts appreciated.



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Some great charts (and funny pictures) being posted here on Axstones notes technical and fundamental analysis on GOLD on GIM.




Also interesting Cup & Handle link:




Has it formed or failed? :mellow:



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Accumulated more at $924 in the "discount window", thanks Ben & Co. he's going to get on my xmas card list at this rate.


He's an interest paragraph from trader Dan yesterday of JSmineset for newbies (like me).


Some of you have been around these markets for a long time as I have. One of the things that strikes me is that we are supposedly in a new era in which investors are extremely sophisticated. I would pooh-pooh that entire notion for I must say, this is undoubtedly one of the dimmest group of “investors” I can recall. They can be run in and out of markets with ease merely by pushing prices through critical support or resistance levels. I would go so far to say that today’s markets are far easier to manipulate than at any other period in history because of the lack of fundamentalists that are left manning the turrets of the investment houses and money management firms. These modern day technical junkies can be pushed around easier than one-legged man in a butt kicking contest. That is their Achilles heel and is the ONLY REASON government manipulation of the markets is possible. Take away the technical buy and sell algorithms, and our markets would be free once again. The reason is obvious – the feds would attempt their interventions and would be thwarted because fundamentalists, who are not fooled by short-term gimmicks, would lie in wait and pounce on the opportunity presented by obvious distortions of price induced by government led forays into the marketplace such as what we are witnessing today. Such actions taken by a large percentage of the trading/investing community would completely negate the attempts of the Plunge Protection Team which would eventually just go away and leave the markets to themselves. In the long run, that would actually be much more beneficial to our system than these cynical ploys that we are now experiencing.




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Just reminding us all what several of us said one week ago week. ...and I still feel the same way.


Ditto, this smells like a pre-rally cleanout to me, the small guy just got mugged (again). I haven't sold a thing and don't intend to do so, there is the chance they'll try and knock out the stops at $920 as well but I think that would really be pushing it too far.


The weak hands have yet again been bullied out of the game. Everyone on here should know what happens after that in a bull market.


Edit: You still have to admire how well they've managed to kill off gold over the last few weeks with absolutely no fundamentals to back them up. That has to take real skill. Maybe in future they should put it to good use by actually producing something worthwhile, rather than robbing Joe Six-pack through inflation and gold manipulation.

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Haven't really traded for nearly one month.

I am now thinking of really adding to my physical gold.

I would like to understand how bullionvault & cie work :

- do they deliver the gold to you?

- is buying from them purely "paper exercise" ?

- if they do store it for you, can you - if needed - get physical

access to the gold?

- has any of you who has tried managed to get access or even

see with your own eyes, touch with your own hands the

gold you bought?



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Haven't really traded for nearly one month.

I am now thinking of really adding to my physical gold.

I would like to understand how bullionvault & cie work :

- do they deliver the gold to you?

- is buying from them purely "paper exercise" ?

- if they do store it for you, can you - if needed - get physical

access to the gold?

- has any of you who has tried managed to get access or even

see with your own eyes, touch with your own hands the

gold you bought?


The help section is very comprehensive and should answer most of your questions.




I don't know who cie are?

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Ditto, this smells like a pre-rally cleanout to me, the small guy just got mugged (again). I haven't sold a thing and don't intend to do so, there is the chance they'll try and knock out the stops at $920 as well but I think that would really be pushing it too far.


The weak hands have yet again been bullied out of the game. Everyone on here should know what happens after that in a bull market.


Edit: You still have to admire how well they've managed to kill off gold over the last few weeks with absolutely no fundamentals to back them up. That has to take real skill. Maybe in future they should put it to good use by actually producing something worthwhile, rather than robbing Joe Six-pack through inflation and gold manipulation.

Agreed. I'm not bottling it either.



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I haven't sold a thing and don't intend to do so, there is the chance they'll try and knock out the stops at $920 as well but I think that would really be pushing it too far.


A few dollars eithers side of 920 is 920 as far as I'm concerned. And like loads of others, this up and down noise is never going to make me sell. Remember, we were at 870 just 2-3 weeks ago, and then 970+ just a few days ago. We held 950 damn well, and we've only dropped to 920 due to a desperate recent big effort by the PPT to squeeze PoG and PoO, and support the dollar and the DOW. That can't last. The economy and the dollar are fundamentally undermined, and that will be come clear to all within a matter of weeks or months now.


And just in case the PPT blow all there remaining reserves and thereby push PoS to sub 17, I'll top up there


You still have to admire how well they've managed to kill off gold over the last few weeks with absolutely no fundamentals to back them up. That has to take real skill. Maybe in future they should put it to good use by actually producing something worthwhile, rather than robbing Joe Six-pack through inflation and gold manipulation.

Good point! And in all seriousness, wouldn't it be nice if these clever people could come clean: tell people they're going to chop the value of Western currencies, that everyone will be poorer for a while, and how they'll thereby create the possibility of re-invigorating our economies on firm foundations whilst being able to divert new money to help those most in need. Yes there would be some panick (which they could skillfully manage), and some people might even make money out their gold investments [ :) ] - but given honest leadership we could all start respecting the authorities, and work with them to move beyond the innate problems of fiat currencies and the use of excessively low interest rates. That's really the ONLY way to bring about enduring stability and strength for our economies, rather than muddling through with the smoke and mirror temporary 'wealth' people think they have.


Or am I wrong? Is it perhaps necessary to continually and forever keep increasing the wealth gap, and imposing painful boom/bust cycles, to squeeze maximal growth out of an economy?


EDIT: the Swiss model would suggest that more honest models can work. They educate their people well, respect their views on all matters via small 'counties' that make many of their own rules and can call their own referenda, and everyone works hard and to a high quality. Their currency is therefore stable - especially in times of turmoil elsewhere - and they're still now comfortable with a base rate of just 3%. Consequently the populace is all quite wealthy, genuinely!!!

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