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ACORE Thread: Learning DISCERNMENT (2016 thread)

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Weak-minded liars - that's what (some of) Ron's remaining friends seem to be




(I responded like this):


+Free Spirit : You are wrong. It is not my intention, or anyone else as far as I know to REPORT Ron. He was simply Warned him to stay within the law. No one is above the law, though the woman he will be visiting, the witch, seems to think SHE is. This is a dangerous combination: Ron has a tendency to feed on Hopium, and believe in self-serving delusions. What could possibly go wrong?



(after posting the above - what did Ron's friend post?)

Free Spirit Yesterday 2:23 PM

No need to even bring up how they are doing. Just keep it to yourself we understand.
they certainly are evil. the frair actually responded to my message with a threat towards you. THey are proud boot lickers.
. . .
(my response):
Free Spirit, you are like Ron yourself - a sometimes liar. Why do you find it so hard to report accurately what I say? (I did not threaten Ron. I warned him.)
My words are on an open record on Acore, and so are your lies. It is sad that people cannot find the truth on this channel. They are constantly fed lies, and those who tell the truth get banned, and have to post elsewhere to engage in truthful discussion. If you want to send Ron money that is fine. But if you are trying to deceive others, so that THEY will send money, then you are a deceiver and not on the side of the Truth
. . .
+Free Spirit
Let's put it this way, how is Ron any different from a televangelist asking for money for a private jet other than the amount of money involved?
=== ===
RVD never researches anything, so he will just believe what they tell him.
So when some weak-minded fool like Free Spirit says I made a threat, Ron wont bother to check what I really wrote.
He is licking Ron's boots. I don't know whose boots he imagines that Ron's critics are licking
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Here he goes again, doing his routine. It starts with poor me, goes to the witch wants money, gimme gimme, bad people, etc etc. It was online by 4 p.m. est.






Ron just learned "there's another agenda" that he had not been aware of behind the invitation to Australia. (He is expected to pay for certain events.)


Did he really think that they invited him because he is "A Truth seeker on a Mission" - when all he does is ban people from his channel who try to tell the truth?


Ron's childish naivety is once again on display here


As far as people focusing negative energy - If he is talking about HERE - Ron has now banned so many, the daily traffic on this thread is maybe equal to the hits on his videos. So Ron can come here and post, if he wants to talk directly to those he has banned, and whose posts he cannot now see on his channel.


"All of the donations that I received were spent on fixing my car, and on lawyers."


Hmm. Does he think that this relieves him of the need to report the income?

And the income from items that were given to him, does he think that he has no need to report those? I do not recommend that anyone report Ron to the IRS. The IRS have bigger fish to fry than Ron. But him whining that "I may as well be dead", because people have reminded him of tax laws - well, that's just plain silly.


(If the goal was to attack Ron through the IRS, it would have been better to say nothing, and then advise the IRS when he was already in Australia.

I think Ron's reaction is more like this: How dare they may me think about my tax liability. Ignorance oir Reality is bliss in Ron's mind.)

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I understand that there is now a worldwide investigation proceeding in London.HK Dubai and the USA into the new world order scams that are proliferating the world.


I know that numerous blogs,You Tube videos and sites are monitered daily by fraud agencies around the world.


The main thrust for this work is to prevent the propogation of upfront fee scams,extortion rackets,bogus humanitarian project funding advance fee scams, trades in fraudulent bonds and other financial instruments eg bank guarantees,historic chinese bonds.,letters of credit,fake World Bank documentation all in the name of humanitarian project funding and a better world !!! LOL!!


The above frauds have been emanating for generations and have many victims from the gullible to hopium addicts.


The key things to look for are secrecy,anonymity,wild claims of wealth that are never proven and events and funding promised that never materialise.


Over the last 20 years many scams have been outed and those perpetrators eventually brought to justice.The problem is that a new breed of hopium then emerges as if it is something new, it isnt!!!!


If you look at RVD,DS,GMOP,OPPT,SWISS INDO,RDF,WS etc etc they are but a few of a worldwide liars network that peddle this bs to further their own agendas.


The problem is what starts with a few losers with mental ,ego and bipolar issues leads on in some cases to very worrying multi million dollar frauds that then go on to fund very sinister issues.


So yes I am sure due to the public face of RVD,DS Ambassdaor etc the relevant agencies are looking into these individuals and the organisations they promote and their messages and the money collecting based on their rhetorics and broken promises and claims of access to wealth and funds that never materialise.


So yes IRS,border agencies,fraud preventers etc will be interested in their words,profiles and public pleadings.If RVD wants to end a public enquiry into his activities it is simple he should close his public profile and stop spouting nonesense on a daily basis and be more discerning of the truth. Stop playing the victim and then going out of his way to con more people out of money to satisfy his own misguided agendas to send him on trips to feed the hopium he needs to mask the debacle of his own existance. DS does the same thing in feeding his need for adoration and money when wrapping it up as if he cares about humanity. They do not care about humanity they are only caring about themselves end of story!! Anyone with any discernment and experience in monitering this arena can spot these characters as their traits are well worn and know to fraud agencies worldwide. They are nothing new but more of the same.Of course they will be monitered and commented on when they seek followers,money and adoration for their message. But then bellyache and block and try to silence when the message is shown to be BS!!


Caveat Emptor!!


(emphasis added by DrBubb)

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"The key things to look for are secrecy, anonymity, wild claims of wealth that are never proven and events and funding promised that never materialise.

Over the last 20 years many scams have been outed and those perpetrators eventually brought to justice.The problem is that a new breed of hopium then emerges as if it is something new, it isnt!!!!'



It was those Wild Claims that led me into researching these ideas in the future.

I found that the crazy-large claims made by OPPT and Swissindo were pretty easy to disprove. Yet very few people were willing to even look at the evidence that the claims were impossible. Here is one of the few videos you can find which questions the claims primarily based on the sheer size of them.



Why do so few people investigate from this angle? When you do, it is pretty easy to show they are impossible.


What I do find interesting is that two researchers whom I do respect, Catherine Austin-Fitts, and Dr Joseph Farrelll also found the numbers of wealth and missing wealth too big. They might agree that there is not so much wealth (as has gone missing) on the Planet Earth - and this leads them to the idea that it might be IN SPACE:



The evidence that there is a Secret Space Program run by a Breakaway Civilization is growing, and so they may be shown to be right in the end


> thread on the Breakaway Civilization : http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=20741


I suppose that when you eliminate the impossible, what's left / however implausible, will include the Truth

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"The key things to look for are secrecy, anonymity, wild claims of wealth that are never proven and events and funding promised that never materialise.

Over the last 20 years many scams have been outed and those perpetrators eventually brought to justice.The problem is that a new breed of hopium then emerges as if it is something new, it isnt!!!!'



It was those Wild Claims that led me into researching these ideas in the future.

I found that the crazy-large claims made by OPPT and Swissindo were pretty easy to disprove. Yet very few people were willing to even look at the evidence that the claims were impossible. Here is one of the few videos you can find which questions the claims primarily based on the sheer size of them.



Why do so few people investigate from this angle? When you do, it is pretty easy to show they are impossible.


What I do find interesting is that two researchers whom I do respect, Catherine Austin-Fitts, and Dr Joseph Farrelll also found the numbers of wealth and missing wealth too big. They might agree that there is not so much wealth (as has gone missing) on the Planet Earth - and this leads them to the idea that it might be IN SPACE:



The evidence that there is a Secret Space Program run by a Breakaway Civilization is growing, and so they may be shown to be right in the end


> thread on the Breakaway Civilization : http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=20741


I suppose that when you eliminate the impossible, what's left / however implausible, will include the Truth

RE Swiss Indo Mr Sino!! Please note the account does not exist in the name of WSB. My contact at HSBC Canary Wharf London World HQ has confirmed this claim is a fraud,the account is made up,the World Bank document referring to it supposedly signed by the Queen of England is fake and forged!!!! Lol!!


If he had such an account he would be able to prove it by tangible evidence. But as explained the figures are nonesense anyway.It is a scam and a lie pure and simple!!


It is believed that Mr Sino is probably a biplolar sufferer who lived in a world of meglamania and ego and that he believes his own publicity and fantasy delusion.He probably had a real buzz out of this power trip and took the gullible and non discerning hopium sufferers with him to the boulevard of broken dreams.By providing an illusion that something was happening and was tangible with conferences and huge meetings and dishing out childish fake titles for the gullible(RVD) and naive making them think they were part of something powerful and real.Its sad as Mr Sino clearly needs psychiatric help.But is dangerous as people will believe his lies.


Mr Sino basically is a mentally ill,creative conman. Nothing more!!


Discernment evryone is key here.


What he did is not new!!


Caveat Emptor!!

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Here is how the Swissindo world debt payment scam works:

  • They make incredible claims about paying off the debt of the world.
  • They make incredible claims about how much money you are going to receive.
  • They take money from you to gain access to your share of the wealth.
  • You don’t receive your wealth.

How many of the advance fee scams based on project and humanitarian funding are also operating this way???

The above is the blueprint for how these scams are perpetrated.


Now think about DS,RVD and GMOP and the Ambassador. You get my thread???

Caveat Emptor!!

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Here is how the Swissindo world debt payment scam works:

  • They make incredible claims about paying off the debt of the world.
  • They make incredible claims about how much money you are going to receive.
  • They take money from you to gain access to your share of the wealth.
  • You don’t receive your wealth.

How many of the advance fee scams based on project and humanitarian funding are also operating this way???


yeah, I get it.

When I saw those huge amounts, like Trillions, or Quadrillions, supposedly held in bank accounts at HSBC or somewhere,

I scratched my head. Then I went and looked at the public financial statements - saying if a bank got such a huge deposit:


+ It would show up on their public balance sheet (It didn't! JPM TOTAL deposits last I checked were $1.2 Trillion)

+ The bank would only accept the money, if they had some ability to lay it off, or lend it out profitably

: (if they dumped that money into stocks, gold, or bonds, it would MOVE markets - It did not happen!)

+ There may well be a reserve requirement (10% of the deposit with the Central bank)


The point is, for people who actually know about banking, moving around sums in the hundreds of billions is not easy,

let alone in Trillions, or hundreds of Trillions or larger - It is all a Big Fantasy


The criminals that promote this, should be asked by their marks: WHERE IS YOUR EVIDENCE?


People must learn to ask the Hard Questions, and Demand solid answers.


When the Hard questions were out to Heather-of-OPPT, she melted away like a snowflake.

She knew she was up against a genuine truth seeker.


Next time RVD or DS pop up with a new scam, let's put the hard questions to them straight away

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Ron's Bubble is bigger than he is


Much of the (hidden) chatter on and around his channel, is not about his actual message,

but about defending or popping the Bubbles-of-Delusion that he keeps on creating.

If he wants to change that, then Ron needs to embrace the truth


Someome called Free Spirit keeps attacking me and THIS site, in a conversation that is only partly visible:


(From Free Spirit):

+ wow spoken like a drone slave. Free your mind son. first of all taxation is theft. the only reason people pay taxes is because they are coerced.

(what BS!. Does Free Spirit not read the newspapers? Bernie supporters, and even Ron, are asking more and more from govt everyday. But of course, they think someone else should pay for it. Ron thinks he should go on getting his monthly payments from the government, but he should not pay tax on any income HE receives.)


+ This whole society and it's rules are built for your enslavement. These rules and man made laws...

(the only enslavement I see, is that good citizens like me, are squeezed for taxes to support deadbeat parasites like RVD)


+ this has nothing to do with following the rules. Ron wanted to take a vacation for trip to Austrailia. His fellowship is funding it. A simple thing that happens everyday in life.... jealousy from people on your forum who said it wasn't fair as they could never take that vacation in their 9-5 lifestyle

(can anyone find where on Acore a comment like that was made?)


+ this has nothing to do with what is just, the rules or being above the law. This is a bunch of jealous trolls who need to get a life.

(What a deluded soul is Free Spirit. One wonders if he pays any tax, or is another freeloading parasite like RVD. His name may reveal the answer.)


My latest response:


Free Spirit, your analysis is off the mark. If you (or anyone) wants to donate money to Ron to take a holiday, and try to recapture the joys of the good-ole-days when he was full of Hopium for Swissindo and the fake Ambassador, that is fine.

Go ahead send him YOUR money. But let us be honest about what is going on.

Warning Ron that he should think about paying his taxes, is very similar to how some of us warned Ron that he would be evicted, and suggested that he downsize and move into smaller and cheaper accommodation while he had plenty of time. Instead, he begged for money, and squandered it on lawyers who told him what he wanted to hear. Why does Ron seem to keep missing what is obvious to others? Why do you encourage him in his delusions? BTW, there is no organized group battling Ron. How could Acore or I motivate a group to behave like that?. Why would anyone form a group to harrass RVD? What is happening here is only that a growing number of people who cared enough about Ron and his audience to try to tell the truth on his channel, and found themselves banned. The thread on Acore only attracted other posters AFTER all the bannings, and Ron's self-created bubble became evident. The bubble has become more interesting than Ron's videos. We are all learning how humans can blow these strange bubbles, and attract others to become followers. I never would have dreamt it was possible until I saw it happen. He just denies and ignores too much, to have ever been a person with whom I have any prior acquaintance. It surprises me everyday. how long he can keep these delusions going. The fascination is similar to watching a professional magician spin multiple plates.

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A couple of days ago RVD posted a video with these words in the caption:


Published on Apr 9, 2016

One of my friends tried to tell me that I should not go to Australia because whatever problems I have here would be the same there. I wrote the same sentiment in my first poem written in adulthood called “Longings” – “Wherever I'd go, I'd still have me, tossed and troubled on Life's cruel sea.” I was in my 30s then; so I've had a lot of time to reflect.


So he's seen life as a cruel sea for a long, long time. Apparently he thinks everyone should look at life that way and be tossed and troubled. He's miserable, and misery, as they say, loves company. There's no remedy for it, since it was, and still is, his choice. It's nobody's fault, nobody has forced him to be or do anything. All actions have consequences, and his actions have brought him to his present situation. He cannot accept that fact. He's lived off other people's sympathy and gullibility all of his adult life. By now he probably is so fixed in his delusions that nothing can shake them.


The sad thing for him now is that he believes anything but truth. He falls for any scheme or plot that comes along, and is totally blind and deaf to warnings from people who are really trying to help him. He has become as gullible as his own victims. It's tragic and pathetic, and a shame. All that his children can do is try to provide him with shelter and a few essentials, and hope that he doesn't cause pointless tossing and troubling for them.


Perhaps some of his sympathizers and commiserators out there should take him in and help out instead of encouraging the madness and foolishness of the being that is the real RVD. Maybe they can learn something.

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Van Dyke and Sino



This video of RVD back in 2014 talking to Sino of Swiss Indo is now very painful to watch.


It would be hilarious if not so sad.


It shows RVD at the height of his hopium highs!!!


Very concerning!!


Anyone with half a brain can see how Sino is mocking him.


Simply put Sino and his cohorts are asian conmen pure and simple.


A mafia wrapped up in humanitarian BS.


Get real everyone!!!


Caveat Emptor!!

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This is getting surreal. Van Runt and Bo Mikael (aka the Amba) just posted on RVD's fb page under his latest video re SwissIndo. Even they are trying to warn him. On his youtube page, justaman6972 and toxicreality are giving up on him. He deleted a couple or more posts before I could read them.


Oops, he just dumped toxicreality and one of his own posts about the Swiss-Khazars. There were 7 comments, and now there are 2.


He just poofs away what he can't stand to think about.


For some reason this video already has 207 views, and it's 6 a.m. est.


PS I'm old and my brain ain't what it used to be, so I need help in understanding what I know! What's going on here?

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Ron and Sino video


Anyone with half a brain can see how Sino is mocking him.

LOL that was my reaction too when I first saw it, but I wanted to give Ron the benefit of the doubt


Here Ron starts off: "I am honored, and pleased that you recognize me as a father from a past life"
Haha, talk about leading off with by bowing and scrapping!
(It is like saying: "Thanks for blowing smoke up my arse" - this wont discourage people from blowing more smoke)
Ron pisses me off because he abuses those who tell him the truth - calls them names, and embraces those who tell him lies that sound "positive" but are impossible.
When he says: "I resonated with you." he means you fed me some nice hopium, telling me what I wanted to hear. It is a complete nonsense, when no right brained analysis is employed in the discernment process

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"Because I want to build bridges, I try to reach out to people and groups that I hope will make a positive difference as we transition to a better world."


Because I have not lost my own addiction to Hopium, I am trying to reconnected with the old scams that built my audience before,

in the hopes that people will forget these ideas have failed (THIS is what would have been more honest)


With Ron, there is no memory, no accountability.


For those with a memory - it seems he has used almost the same title before




In today's Video, RVD says:

"I thought this was an opportunity to learn more about what they are doing"

How could he imagine they are doing anything besides trying to keep the scam alive by controlling all communications with outsiders?


Why revisit something that has always failed to deliver on every single promise? Does history and track record have no meaning for Ron?


He says: "I truly want to stand behind any group like Swissindo that wants to make a positive difference."
Ron, how can you be so thick! After years (!) there is zero evidence the Swissindo or Sino want to make a positive difference.

Meantime, there is loads of evidence that the people on Acore DO! We are working to get the truth out, using our heads and our hearts

Why do you keep falling for obvious scams - and promoting them ??

Why do you call those who seek the truth bad names like: Troll and Evil?

What does this pattern show that YOU are, Ron?


Towards the end, he wonders aloud if the cabal is paying money to people here - haha

(why would the cabal do that? I reckon Ron serves the cabal by spreading confusion, and misinformation. We try to correct that here.)

If only, I could use the money, if they paid enough. But I can assure Ron that we are merely truth seekers.

Please try to find a hint anywhere on this thread, that anyone posting here has a motivation other than seeking the Truth.

I would love to know what people think is NOT TRUTHFUL anywhere on this thread.

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Meanwhile, Dave Schmidt is again hopeful about a GCR.


DrBubb, is any kind of GCR likely? Dave talks about adjusting the currencies based on their assets. Sounds reasonable, but is it fact or fiction, and how much of a difference would it make? I suspect not enough that one should rush out and buy currency.


Is Fulford just another hopium peddler? [edit] Looking at his blog, it appears to be the case. The link below contains the following:



On a final note, this writer is now aware of 20,000 tons of gold held in six different locations that is being made available by the Dragon family for the benefit of the human race and the other life forms on this planet. This is only a fraction of the total the Asians have.


So Fulford is on this gold for humanity train as well. As I said before, gold undergound, or held in a vault really doesn't do us much good when people are more interested in violence against one another and profit at all costs.


I haven't heard RVD talk about the GCR or the RV of the dinar, did he say why he didn't get on that train like so many of the New [c]Agers?


This is from Dave's recent newsletter:

We have been waiting for the release of the TRN's to set the stage for the GCR. That important meeting may have taken place this week in the White House. On Monday a representative of the Dragon Family attended an emergency meeting with the President, Vice President and the Chair of the Federal Reserve. The Wall Street Journal reported this as a historical meeting as the Fed Chair has never met with both the President and Vice President in the oval office in the 103 year history of the Federal Reserve. The main stream media did not report t hat a representative of the Dragon Family was present, but Ben Fulford did in his weekly report.


Fulford reported they discussed the currency transition and the unfolding of the new currencies and TRN's.


This could be the meeting we have been waiting for. I discuss those implications in this week's video and will go into greater detail in this week's radio program.


I include a link to Fulford's report in this week's newsletter. Click here for the Fulford report.

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"this writer is now aware of 20,000 tons of gold held in six different locations that is being made available by the Dragon family for the benefit of the human race,,,"


This is something new.

For once, they are using amounts that are vaguely plausible.


But why should a wealthy family make wealth "available for the benefit of the human race"?


We are more accustomed to offers with big strings attached, either known or hidden


Concerning plausibility... Listen to Dave Schmidt


April 13th, Important RV/GCR Update


DS says only one family has the assets, quadrillions of dollars, to cover the RV.

Look, this is quite simply A LIE - no family on Earth has quadrillions of dollars.

My research shows there are 300-400 trillion of tangible wealth on this planet.


TANGIBLE wealth, not financial wealth is what matters.

I could write you an IOU for $1 quadrillion, but if my IOU is not backed by tangible wealth, it is worthless,


"They had a lot if gold."

haha. As I have said before: there are officially about 5 billion ounces of gold on the planet.

At $1250 per ounce, the total gold on the planet is worth about $8 Trillion

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Is Ron waking up, and seeing the light?

The "apparently" signifies that he is reluctant to accept that he is too gullible.
(It should be obvious by now, even to him)
/ AFTER listening /
Gullible Ron is, but that's not the right word for a Man who was surprised the bank would not issue him a credit card.
+ "I have known them for a long time" (That means they must know you are a deadbeat who tried to steal a house)
+ "I am on a first name basis" (So they may know your attitude towards banks and those who lend money)
Does he really think a bank or anyone on the planet would want to lend him money?
He is a terrible credit risk: He has little money, he relies on charity for many "unexpected" expenses he should have anticipated,
and at some point he may just decide he does not want to repay "immoral" bankers, like he refuses to pay medical bills.
Go ahead Ron, give the bank your Paypal number ! That might work better than your credit history which is beyond terrible.
Ron, you really should wake up yourself. So many of your ideas are TOTALLY wrong.
The world was not made to allow you to be a happy deadbeat, ranting at the world, and then being surprised when the world does
not want to accommodate someone who behaves like a conartist and parasite. Wake up, old man !
Isn't it better to face some unpleasant truths, than simply willing yourself to die?
At your age, you should try being useful to someone else, like your children, or grandchildren,
Not ranting against a world that you fail to understand, because facing Reality makes you feel bad.
(RVD, you are as bad as that human backwater, useless 3rd wave feminists who hate men because they might do or say
something that makes them feel bad, when the reality that they feel bad because they fail to face reality, and to help others)
Face reality - the actual reality - and then help others. That is the road to happiness, not flying around the world.
The world in Oz will disappoint you too. Because its reality is not the same as your delusions.
To me, this video shows Ron at his very worst.
Anyone who watches it, and does not give him a thumbs down is tolerating a delusion, and helping to keep him asleep.
(He wants to die because the bank denied him credit?? And after what he did to the bank, and says about bankers???)
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Dave believes that it is time for us to be released from financial slavery. Further, he believes that people who hold the wealth will make it available so that it will occur. Why? It goes back to this idea of the 1000 years of peace and prosperity that has been prophesied. Then when he adds the Annunaki angle, in which he believes that Enki is here to help humanity (where is that help?), he thinks this is in progress, because the Annunaki created our current money system, so they can also fix it for our benefit? Why? Because Enki created us, and wants us to progress.


DrBubb, when you were in banking, did you hear of screens? The story is that this gold is off market gold and it will act as collateral so that money can be created and will be back by this gold. It has to move from some type of 'back screen' to a 'front screen' for it to be considered to be on the market.


So the question is, If there were quadrillions of dollars worth of gold, and they monetized it, perhaps through the World Bank or IMF, would the price of gold change if it were only acting as collateral, but was not released? So they are in effect saying, we have a quadrillion dollars worth of gold, you can see it and audit, but we won't sell it, it is only available as collateral. This is what I understand Dave is referring to. He thinks the BRICS will replace the current system of debt, and the new financial system will be based on asset value, rather than creating wealth for the few through expansion of credit.


Even if this is remotely possible, we still have to deal with humanity's level of moral development. If more money is available, that means more money is available for weapons, war, drugs, and the general mayhem we live with every day.

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Red Panda,


Don't you understand that this is pure invention - that there is no evidence for any of it.


+ Gold on the planet (as official known) is worth about $8 trillion, not quadrillions.

If all that "extra" gold was found to exist, the price would drop - Supply vs Demand


+ You don't need quadrillions of gold, to back fiat currencies which are unbacked.


+ There is no evidence of massive Dragon family wealth - Where and how might it be hidden? (Please tell me.)


+ I never heard of screens. And I was in senior positions at major global banks. It sounds like pure invention


Let's me ask you this, if you are willing, do you want to go on a brief adventure with me, and try to count the Tangible Wealth

on our planet? If so, please start by telling me, WHAT would you count? WHERE would you get the data?

(BTW, I have already done this exercise myself. But so many who throw around wild numbers have not thought even 5 minutes

about how impossible they are.)


"Even if this is remotely possible, we still have to deal with humanity's level of moral development. If more money is available, that means more money is available for weapons, war, drugs, and the general mayhem we live with every day."


You make an excellent point. I totally agree.

If Hillary Clinton was president, we are not going to have a moral society.

And if college as presently constituted was free, we will not have a better educated society - just a more brainwashed and PC society,

where evil third wave feminists would feel more entitled.


The present system, and those who created it, needs to be torn down, and replaced with something which is truly better,


Lying deadbeat con-artists (like RVD, Heather-of-OPPT, the fake Ambassador and Mr Sino) need to swallow some truth.

They cannot be handed millions they did not work for, and do not deserve, or their vile qualities will be magnified, and maybe their

good qualiities (if they actually have any) would be magnified too.

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The story is that this gold is off market gold and it will act as collateral so that money can be created and will be back by this gold.


Which would just cause hyper-inflation, and just like the Weimar Republic, it would hurt the Ron van Dykes of the world instead of helping them. Would Ron really be better off if he needed a wheelbarrow full of cash to buy a loaf of bread? Of course not.

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Which would just cause hyper-inflation, and just like the Weimar Republic, it would hurt the Ron van Dykes of the world instead of helping them. Would Ron really be better off if he needed a wheelbarrow full of cash to buy a loaf of bread? Of course not.


I think that Ron imagines, because Heather-of-OPPT promised him this*, that he would be handed $6 million - and that someone everyone else would be handed this, and there would not be massive hyperinflation overnight - these are impossible things, and the combination is the most impossible of all


* Or was it $5/6 billion per person ? > http://z13.invisionfree.com/HARD_Qs/ar/t1.htm


Seven Questions : for The One People Forum on 5d



+ VALUE : Why does the OP talk about $5/6 Billion per person when $300 Trillion Global Tangible wealth (on the planet) divided by 7 Billion people is less than $50,000 per person?


+ NON-NEGOTIABILITY : What do you expect the the first bank to do with a deposited COV, when no other banks have yet accepted them in exchange for cash?


+ WHY NO EXPERTS: If banking really worked the way we have heard about on OP podcasts, why does not one single banking expert talk that way, including the many critics of big banking and the Fed?


+ LENDING SLOWDOWN: ... And why has bank lending ground to a halt in 2013, if making loans is such an easy and profitable business for banks?


+ EXCHANGES: Getting two people to agree on what is a fair "exchange for value" can be difficult and slow. Won't our complex economy grind to a halt if the existing pricing mechanism is destroyed, and a new one has to be created and negotiated?


+ DIRTY JOBS: Many think that local currencies creating and using their own local currencies is the answer. But if you look at the history of Utopian communities, these usually fall apart because it is hard to find people willing to do the regular dirty jobs that someone needs to do – these can be removing garbage, or washing dishes.

How will OPPT's vision tackle these jobs?


+ NO BANKS: In a world without banks, how will people come up with the value for expensive capital items, such as a house? If it represents 20 years of savings, then people will need a reliable and safe way to store savings while they are waiting. If not banks, what then?



Any think person who read these questions and thought about them for 5 minutes, and then saw that OPPT did not have a single good answer to any of them

should have thrown the OPPT in the THIS_IS_SCAM bin

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Ron at his Best


We have seen Ron at his worst recently, and now you can see him at his best




No whining. A recap of his stressful year. And a sincere expression of gratitude;

All within the first 3 minutes, which inspired this comment, and a sincere Thumbs Up


The idea of him driving to see a friend who had helped him in a time of need, to express his gratitude is truly positive and inspiring.


(I might stop listen at this point - near 3 minutes - since I want to make a wholly positive comment)

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It is not a Dinar RV, or release of collateral accts - but looks much more real:


A Big F.U. (Film: Unacknowledged) to the Secret Government


The new film from the guy who brought you the must successful crowd-funded documentary in history

"This we anticipate will be 100X Bigger"

"Our campaign will END SECRECY.
We are not calling for the government to do it. WE will do it."


starting at 37 minutes

Ep. 437 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ Steven Greer, Ronnie McMullen: Disclosure 2.0 LIVE



by Dr. Steven Greer, MD. ... Here, “unacknowledged” means that nobody is ever told about the project unless he ... This is certainly understandable since at least 99 per cent of everything said, written, filmed or otherwise placed in the public ...


To be launched just before or after the Nov. election.


"We do not need the Media. We will do this without them"

"This will be the End of the Secrecy.... and Open a Brand New Chapter" (for humanity)

- says Dr Greer

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As Free Energy technologies creep ever closer to a public Disclosure...


In a Changing Climate, Rockefeller Fund Dumps Oil, Exxon ...


Mar 24, 2016 - Rockefeller Dumps Oil, Exxon Mobil ... of the Keystone XL pipeline's northern stretch last year, companies have pulled out from the sector.


Will the Gold-to-Oil ratio go to the Moon?




Want to know why the Russians have not Done Disclosure?

Because it endangers their oil revenues

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Back to Whining - the old Ron is still here, whining like a child, and lacking an adult's understanding




A few tears too.

I pray that Ron learns TO UNDERSTAND first, then maybe he can gain the ability to love, where appropriate


He says: "I believe in Justice... Justice is about squeezing the last bit of recompense... I had a heart surgery, they rebuilt my heart... I hadnt used credit in 15 years (what?! what about the loan money he tried to steal to buy a house?)... I have people who hate me for no reason at all.. Only because they like to hate.."


Hmm. does he really think this is going on here?

Maybe he should read the comments everyday here, and he might gain a better level of understanding.

He certainly doesn't understand banks, doctors,


His failure to pay the Doctors who saved his life (before he jets off to Australia) is the opposite of noble.


Is this comment "Tough love"? (Maybe that is what Ron really needs now... grown-up understanding):


It's difficult for empathics to understand the parasitic mindset; for parasites run the planet and have created a hollow, parasitic society, which the confused human being has been educated to believe is the shining summit of human achievement. Clearly, it is the opposite of that and is now crumbling from the lack of spiritual values. What do parasites do when there is no loosh to feed upon? They devour each other.

+flippinecc : Ron is a parasite, who fails to understand. Here he cries the tears of a child, whose problems are self-imposed, and he has not reached an adult's level of understanding. I pray he will wake up someday, and gain some real wisdom
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