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Ambassador, GMOP and Dragon family Fall short of Realistic Expectations

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At just before 32 minutes into GFR#27,

The now-likely-fake "Ambassador" makes some claims about these documents:

"Committee of 300 documents ... signed by certain parties... and authenticated by Benjamin Fulford"


He is using this as evidence to support his scam, and this is now clear,

He also made that previous video on 12-24-2014 with RVD - someone should download a copy of that video for evidence


This was recently posted under the video:



I have now documented several major flaws in the documents, and you can see and read about those:

> here: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=20093&page=25

> here: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=20366

I now think there may be enough evidence of forgery to interest law enforcement


Does the clown calling himself "AMBASSADOR for the Dragon Family" really think he can get away with

using such clumsy forgeries to support his scam??

Who can think that Ben Fulford is someone to "authenticate" such documents?

He may have published them, but I do not think he would say he is any position to authenticate them!


It would not surprise me if he and his team soon "go down" (to a courtroom) for the lies they have told to back up this

apparent Advance Fee Scam

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Dr B also the document has another tell tell sign the language is over gobbley gook!!


Its elaborate wording style tells you it follows the wordings of elaborate scam documents, they have a well used style thats similar.It says everything but actually says nothing. The scammers think this makes it look authentic because it wraps itself in complicated wordings,that the gullible will be impressed by,but do not really understand it but are afraid of looking foolish if they ask.


It's a scammers dream.


The Queen is very well advised and legally would never sign anything in this manner.


Also she could not sign as British Royal Family it is very amateur!!


Anyway let's see what the security services come up with!!

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I think law enforcement would only get involved if they attempted to use the documents. Merely forging the Queen's signature isn't enough to get the police involved. Not to mention, as far as I know nobody knows where this guy is or who he is. If he's not in the UK or US then good luck getting the Chinese involved. From what I can tell the number of victims to this scam is probably less than a hundred for small dollar amounts, it is going to be very hard to get a law enforcement agency to expend the resources necessary to track down and put an end to this.

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This is an image database it contains many images of so called Bank documents some of them relating to the Red Dragon Family.


Also there are a few documents with the Queen's signature on .Each one is different!!!!!

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Dr B also the document has another tell tell sign the language is over gobbley gook!!


Its elaborate wording style tells you it follows the wordings of elaborate scam documents, they have a well used style thats similar.It says everything but actually says nothing. The scammers think this makes it look authentic because it wraps itself in complicated wordings,that the gullible will be impressed by,but do not really understand it but are afraid of looking foolish if they ask.


It's a scammers dream.


The Queen is very well advised and legally would never sign anything in this manner.


Also she could not sign as British Royal Family it is very amateur!!


Anyway let's see what the security services come up with!!



It is a sort of lame-brained teenagers notion of how legal documents work.

In a fantasy world, swimming with impossibly large amounts.

Let me take just one example :6a00d8341c647c53ef0167603cf250970b-800wi


Notice: the amounts:

133. The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (London, UK, and Hong Kong, PROC):

(a.) Account no. 876-3211-54AM-22 with an account name of White Spiritual Boy and with standing balance of US$71,000,000,000,000 with reconfirmed and reconsidered earnings audited by the Financial Institution of the Committee of 300 for the month of January to April, 2010 worth of $28,000,000,000,000 in the total of US$99,000,000,000,000 (US$ 9,000,000,000,000 had deducted automatically for bank charges and services for the first quarter of the audit maturity) in the net balances of $90,000,000,000.

= unquote =

To focus on the detail, that is:

+ $71 Trillion in the WSB deposit account at HSBC, and

+ $9 Trillion "deducted automatically for bank charges" in Q1-2010. What a profitable year 2010 must have been for HSBC, if true !


Now, go to Yahoo Finance, and see the size of HSBC's

... Total Liabilities: GBP2.370 trillion (this would include all the money they have on Deposit)

... Total Cash: GBP873.9 billion (this should be a min. of 10% of deposits)

... and Total Revenues: GBP59.49 billion

> https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/q/ks?s=HSBA.L

/ Note: GBP 2.37 trillion x $1.54 = US$ 3.65 trillion representing ALL the Liabilities of HSBC


That amount in the document is way too large- maybe 1,000x too large to be real !!!, and it takes only a few seconds to check it


Meantime, the clown and /or his demented followers have the arrogance to post about someone who did research:

"No matter how many programs you watch you still don't seem to get it. You have NOT done your research. We are not here to do your research for you. If you did , you would not be asking these questions. I encourage you to put some real effort into your research..."

(this comment oozes with slime!)


You cannot make this stuff up - this cartoon way of presenting non-facts, and then saying they are making a

WAR ON IGNORANCE is full of delicious irony. Instead, they are assuming ignorance, and reinforcing it !

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More to the point. The World Bank actually releases their financial data publicly:




Their total assets are "only" $350 billion. They do not have enough money to fund any of these trillion dollar transfers. More importantly if they really had disbursed trillions of dollars in 2010, that would have been reflected in their financial statements, there are no records of such transactions. More importantly, it would have been impossible to make such transfers secretly.

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Is Friar N. "Harrassing" GMOP with the Truth? They want to ban the genuine truth seekers


More to the point. The World Bank actually releases their financial data publicly:




Their total assets are "only" $350 billion. They do not have enough money to fund any of these trillion dollar transfers. More importantly if they really had disbursed trillions of dollars in 2010, that would have been reflected in their financial statements, there are no records of such transactions. More importantly, it would have been impossible to make such transfers secretly.



And I think that "whistleblower" Karen Hudes would have dropped some hints about huge amounts being paid in secret,

(and funded somehow?) if there was any truth to this strange tale of payments flowing through the World Bank.


If the amounts are too small to get Interpol or other law enforcement involved, then the best way to stop a project from scamming people is to

get the word out as widely as possible, and trust that people will behave like sensible adults.


I am very disappointed in the GMOP panel for sucking up this fraudulent nonsense, and then making posts like the following one on their channel -

these are not people with any genuine interest in truth, research, discernment.... or genuinely helping humanity... Sadly :


Global Mission of Peace 1 hour ago

+FriarFrank Newborg The reality is that we don't need to prove anything to you. I know you are an insignificant person in the scheme of things and you pose no threat to us what so ever whether we please you or not. I think it is time you stop harassing us. I will report you to YouTube if you continue to harass and bully us any longer. When will you understand that. If you continue your alarming behavior of defamation you will be banned all together from this channel, and perhaps all of YouTube.


You (GMOP) make claims to your audience that are not supported by solid evidence. Am I a "troll" if I ask questions about important issues? Oddly, you ask for questions, and then when people ask them, you fail to answer (as with: What is the source of Red Dragon Family wealth?)... Or answer them by pointing to false evidence. Do you think people are stupid? I think you need to show more respect for the intelligence of your audience. And it is irritating to me and many others that you do not do that. Anyone who is going to give you money, or invest considerable time listening to your podcasts should maybe check out our detailed research on the Acore website, and see how sensible it is. If you will not fully inform people, or allow serious questions, then people will need to do more digging for themselves. We do invite questions on Acore. The GMOP panel can post there too.
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Here is the posting by FIU FILE to GMOP

+Global Mission of Peace The matter of the World Bank documents is under investigation currently.It is being forensically checked to ascertain if the Queen of England was part of this document and whether it is a fake.The agencies in the Uk will have no trouble in getting to the truth from the Queen herself, the World Bank and HSBC intelligence in Canary Wharf London where our UK agency is based at world HQ.

If the documents are frauds then we must warn the public not to invest in groups using these documents to prove funds as the arena is rife currently with fraud and misrepresentation.

Our interest here is purely fraud prevention and to protect the public.

We will let you know the outcome of the investigation and will publish publicly our results.


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I have just found out that FIU FILE is now blocked from GMOP.


Apparently posts with the World Bank docs and questioning the validity of them is not what GMOP wants on their comments under GF report 27.


These type of groups when cornered will fight back now with name calling,deflections,and spin to keep the goose laying the golden egg.


It will be very hard for the egos and credibility of those concerned to have to admit that the proof of funds,the basis of their entire claims of funding wealth are fake.


It will also be very hard to swallow for Louisa,Sanjay,Sheri and RVD to realise they have been well and truly duped by the Ambassador.


So they will fight on to keep convincing us and themselves that what they say is true,will silence the facts.


They do not care for humanity they care only for their entity GMOP.


The claims of the World Bank document potentially being a fraud should be the catalyst for them to prove undeniably that all is legit.


They don't do this they deflect and dismiss.


FIU FILE are used to being silenced . The scammers if this is what the Ambassador is, always use this tactic,but it does not phase the investigators in their search for truth.They will continue the pressure!!


The truth always outs in the end!!

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I have just found out that FIU FILE is now blocked from GMOP.



It will also be very hard to swallow for Louisa,Sanjay,Sheri and RVD to realise they have been well and truly duped by the Ambassador.


So they will fight on to keep convincing us and themselves that what they say is true,will silence the facts.


They do not care for humanity they care only for their entity GMOP.


The claims of the World Bank document potentially being a fraud should be the catalyst for them to prove undeniably that all is legit.



The time has come to Name and Shame those who are involved, or are co-operating in this scam.

I do think that any investigation of this matter would eventually lead to this thread, because so many of the posts have been deleted from Youtube,

So it is good that many posts are preserved here.


The people on the GMOP panel are:




"The Ambassador" ... who we believe is Bo Mikael Lindstrom

Radagast Williams .... Is this his real name?*

Louisa-------------- .... I don't have her last name

Sheri---------------- .... I think she is: Sheri Beale

Sanjay-------------- .... I don't have her last name

Steve---------------- .... I don't have his last name


*Modwiz, aka Reverend 'Radagast' (a wizard pseudonym taken from JRR Tolkien's Middle Earth mythopoetic/legendarium writings)


If anyone has the last names, please contact me.




Also, if any of the panel (or other members of GMOP) who has read the clear expose of the details of the forged documents wants to join Acore, and tell the true story of what has gone on inside, I will be happy to assist and cooperate to get the Truth out. That has been my sole objective from the beginning, seeking the truth in this strange story


Remember: there is no honor among thieves and criminals !


If the Ambassador is lying and using forged dovcuments, and not paying RVD sums that he has promised, do you think he, or his shadowy organization is going to help you when authorities come looking for the perpetrators of a scam? If you show by coming clean here, a good attitude. They may go easier on you !

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STAGES of TRUTH... and of Lies




This was posted under GFR#27 by a GMoppet:


"All truths pass through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident." - Arthur Schopenhauer

+Global Mission of Peace The truth does not go through stages it simply is. It is man who projects, and perceives.

No structure placed upon the foundation of a lie will last. Those questioning the structure are not at fault.. the builders are for lack of a cornerstone


(I am tempted to post this in return, but it will get me banned - maybe someone should copy it over there):


Lies go through stages too.

First, they are listened to with curiosity and an open mind, Then, questions are asked, and more lies are told. Some wake up, and reveal that the Lie is not genuine. Third, the true believers violently oppose the truth being revealed, but the number who see it is a lie, grows and grows. Finally, the truth-seekers ridicule those who still believe the Lie... and eventually interest in the lie just fades away. And those that were True Believers, pretend they knew the truth all along,


We saw this pattern with the RV, the Republic. With OPPT, and now with Swissindo.

It looks like GMOP and its fake Ambassador is just the latest bit of Hopium teaching people true discernment.

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I have heard this morning the document is an absolute fake!!!!

The UK security services are aware of it and d have been for a long while.It's done the rounds!

It's the same document used by Swiss Indo to prove their wealth.

The White Spiritual Society formed apparently the basis of the Swiss Indo claims.

It does appear outright fraud.

The Queen did not sign it.

It is in fact the addition of the Queen that has thrown this up as a fraud.How stupid to use her!!!
The British Royal Family,civil service,Privy council work in a certain way,not the way shown here.

It's a fantasy!!!!

The police in the USA,HK and the UK are on to it and will be calling Sheri Beale,Louisa and others being identified as witnesses to what they know and are aware of .
Also regarding TVOP the UK police are looking at Crystal etc and her partners in Wales UK and Isleworth in London as to their involvement.

Bait and switch!!

Also Kjell Aasmundrud and his involvement are also being looked into as the domain holder of GMOP.

I am in contact with a friend of mine in the FIU and the full announcement will come from them on the full public forums in the anti fraud sector once the investigation is concluded.Of course they are not telling me everything they are doing as it is covert.They sometimes infiltrate to get inside the organisations.

They made it clear the TVOP GMOP is one of many investigations underway into a worldwide explosion of groups using false bank instruments to hoodwink many. Swiss Indo,Five Star Trust,RedDragon Family and many more are being investigated.The hopium groups are free to ply their rationale,that is fine.It is when the money is being charged,based on these fraudulent bank instruments that the frauds pile up.

The World Bank Group is constantly used by fraudulent groups in an attempt to give credibility to their cause.They have been faked hundreds of times and there are loads of investigations under way and ongoing frauds.Advance fee scams 419 letter scams.One has managed to turn a 100USD charge per person into a 20MUSD fraud.Again using World Bank paper!!

The humanitarian arena is I repeat rife with fraud.The hopium groups have many well meaning people,but many are clearly out in the fantasy arena. They are not the issue, it is the puppeteer at the top of these organisations claiming wealth and funds to fund their dreams who are running the frauds.

The connection with a fraudulent bank World Bank document and the GMOP funding claims potentially connects them into deception and outright fraud.

The Ambassador has already been outed and identified by Dave Schmidt in the famous photo.So there is no need for the egotistic hiding any longer.He can now safely show himself on the GF report and the excuse of the RDF not allowing him to be identified is nonesense as he shows himself to others.It adds to the mystery and aggrandises who he purports to be.It keeps him there but out of the spotlight.

This is a heads up on where the authorities are.

The FIU will show their hand very soon and the investigation on all this arena continues.

Also on GF no 28.More Hopium people purporting to have gone to Mars etc.No answer to the fraudulent World Bank document questions etc etc.Just more spin!!

The hopium spin is alive and well in the world of fantasy finance!!

Some more observations.

This issue is about to be outed by the FIU!!

What happened to Gwen and Charla?Even Dave Schmidt is now pursuing his own spin away from the Ambassador.Strange they were such buddies.The other interesting issue was when the Israeli Turbo Sonic flotation tank was outed as being what the AMB was promoting.He had to immediately shut up and take down the promoting as ordered by Turbo Sonic.

This World Bank document being used as proof of funds appears to have finally put GMOP into the Swiss Indo mould.

No funding will ever appear.The most efficient funds movements will be from applicants to them.

On the conclusion of the investigation it is normal for the World Bank itself on its official website to put a warning list of groups using its name to propagate frauds.

More to follow!!

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BOLDS added to make certain lines stand out more.


It looks like GMOP's days pretending to be a Funder of Humanitarian projects are numbered.

Panel members had better be prepared to prove their innocence.

"Ratting" on their fearless leader, is not ratting when it will help to protect (future) innocent victims, and may get some people's money returned

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Comments from RVD's channel:


ON GMOP: There's no argument, Ron, The evidence is crystal clear, I would like to see GMOP try to mount an argument, and they do not even try - They seem to have NO explanations at all for all the flaws in the WB document, that point to them being fraudulent. The real question I keep asking is this: Why do you support a cause that has no credibility -because it does not make promised payments, and cannot present any solid evidence and instead offers up lies? Why do you and others run from the Truth? This can only lead to disappointment. Remember the case of Peter Van Runt. He saw cracks, and heard arguments against Swissindo, but mostly put them out of his mind, ... until finally his friend Ross was dismissed by Mr Sino. Then it was the last straw, and he finally admitted it was a scam. How long will you wait to admit there are major flaws in GMOP and the Ambassador's story?
+FriarFrank Newborg The major flaw, as I see it, is the complete failure to deliver what is promised. Our conundrum is disempowering the cabal once and for all.
How sure can you be that you know who is in the cabal, and who is not? I watch people's behavior, but sometimes people surprise me in negative or positive ways. As examples: Is Rand Paul in the cabal? Is Donald Trump? Either of these guys might wind up on a different side of the line than I think they are now. Hillary Clinton, I think, may remain a lost clause. But maybe there is a 1% chance I am wrong. I do research to base my views on more than a quick emotional response.
+paradoxman316 really are they disempowering the cabal????? its just all talk why is it that mr reddragon person or Ambassador what and who he is sound like Donald Trump,Hillary Clinton,bush.the black wannabe in office now all they care about is money and they put each other under the bus i bet after all said and done they all get together and have a laugh on how stupid the humans are as they drink and do their drugs and god only knows what else they be doing then the voice in their heads tells them they are gods and thats why they think they above us all its what they was bred to do
They have a duty to warn us, before they harm us or exploit us. Then, they can call us stupid "useless eaters" and exploit us freely. By opposing them with the Truth and giving transparency to their tricks, we can defeat them. I do think that the Amba must be angry that truth-tellers have been so persistent, since it is keeping down the number who join his cult, and pay him fees. They have tried to co-opt me, and sidetrack me and other in various ways. But I have stayed firm, focused only in getting the Truth out. I treat it as MY MISSION. And I am pretty certain it is really serving humanity - more than if I joined one of these scams and promoted it.


+FriarFrank Newborg I have viewed excellent opportunities for GMOP to respond to your research backed comments and completely not take the opportunity. For example, were I on the "team" or whatever...it would be loads of fun to have a challenging back and forth conversation with a nay sayer as yourself that could have been productive for the cause as well as for all reading it. And the very best comeback was "do your research". Yeah little bit of a letdown to say the least. Oh and let's not forget the threat of blocking from YT altogether, that one made me grin a little bit, because I do very much like it when others violate natural law around me, then I can really ""participate"" ; )
+paradoxman316 false promised always they created lies we need to always remember when they say something if they say go right please go left when they say this is good for you you know its really bad for you its one of their games they play with us and yet we keep falling for their games some off us are tired of their bs what we need to do is feed them their own bs give them back all they gave us and some we need to remember its harder to live then to die
+FriarFrank Newborg Ha, what about those of us who were scammed of our money by Bo Mikael Lindstrom? Just because I dared to say the truth and expose the Amba Ron joined forces with the Amba to make a video calling me names such as psychotic, delusional, ignorant, confused, violent, and aggressive, all without proof, but Ron thought that was a good idea and now claims he does not need to do research for his audience. We have been telling him the truth for months. As a result, not only was I scammed, called names, but also blocked from Ron's channel for lack of integrity because according to Ron I did get my money back and am just a troublemaker and liar. Instead of seeing the truth in front of him, he fights with the truth. I DID NOT GET MY MONEY BACK. I WAS SCAMMED. You can't make up this stuff!! When will Ron apologize to me for his ruthless behavior?? Is this the new paradigm?
Ashllyne makes a great point, Some of RVD's listeners have suffered losses. And they have done their best to get the Truth out while being (STILL!) banned here. In the dispute Ash and GMOP, I am 100% behind Ash. Ron, do you think these people do not deserve an apology?
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Is RVD just Hooked on his Feelings of Emotional Resonance?


MORE Good Posts - there are many gems today, especially from Alithea - I do hope Ron will wake up soon !


/ A note from the previous page, RVD made an important admission in his 10-24-2015 Video, & picked up on the CVOT thread :

" , As far as being responsible for my content, I have never done the research some may do in trying to vet everything.

To me, that is an impossible task for any individual - it would take a well-trained group of researchers.

I go with feelings; and when someone promises a particular goal that resonates, I go with it. " /


Alithea Kella

+FriarFrank Newborg Unbelievable. In his own words, he admits to having never done ANY research.
Then argues it would take a well-trained group of researchers to do his work for him. Well, most people get off their backsides and train THEMSELVES!!! The first bit of research I ever had to do was at 11 years old for a project at school. In life, unless you're happy to remain ignorant and/or gullible, the staple for any intelligent human being is to look into things. Especially those things that seem too good to be true. Always, I hear adults making excuses for this and that. What kind of example does that set for the next generation? For crying out loud, when Jehovah's Witnesses first came knocking on my door; after I sent them away, I researched them!

Lesson? If you don't know, FIND OUT!!!!!


Ron obviously got overwhelmed, since he just posted:


"That's all I am going to say on this thread on YT."
+paradoxman316 : Ron, you are running from the Truth. You may ban me again for saying this, but you are behaving like a whimp, not a truth-seeker. I am disappointed. I hope you do meditate on these many comments here from many different people. There's a good treasure of "awkward truth" that you may do well to listen to and to absorb. If you can manage to do that, I think you will soon be much better off for having done so. (If people agree with my comment, please give it a thumbs up!)
-- ^ 5 thumbs up


( These are some of the ones posted under his video : 10-24-15 - IT'S NOT ABOUT WINNING ARGUMENTS ):

+FriarFrank Newborg The major flaw, as I see it, is the complete failure to deliver what is promised. Our conundrum is disempowering the cabal once and for all.
How sure can you be that you know who is in the cabal, and who is not? I watch people's behavior, but sometimes people surprise me in negative or positive ways. As examples: Is Rand Paul in the cabal? Is Donald Trump? Either of these guys might wind up on a different side of the line than I think they are now. Hillary Clinton, I think, may remain a lost clause. But maybe there is a 1% chance I am wrong. I do research to base my views on more than a quick emotional response.
+paradoxman316 really are they disempowering the cabal????? its just all talk why is it that mr reddragon person or Ambassador what and who he is sound like Donald Trump,Hillary Clinton,bush.the black wannabe in office now all they care about is money and they put each other under the bus i bet after all said and done they all get together and have a laugh on how stupid the humans are as they drink and do their drugs and god only knows what else they be doing then the voice in their heads tells them they are gods and thats why they think they above us all its what they was bred to do
The Illuminati have a duty to warn us, before they harm us or exploit us. Then, they can call us stupid "useless eaters" and exploit us freely, as per their practice - they can even call us "Goldfish". By opposing them with the Truth and giving transparency to their tricks, we can defeat them. I do think that the Amba must be angry that truth-tellers have been so persistent, since it is keeping down the number who join his cult, and pay him fees. They have tried to co-opt me, and sidetrack me and other in various ways. But I have stayed firm, focused only in getting the Truth out. I treat it as MY MISSION. And I am pretty certain it is really serving humanity - more than if I joined one of these scams and promoted it.
+FriarFrank Newborg I have viewed excellent opportunities for GMOP to respond to your research backed comments and completely not take the opportunity. For example, were I on the "team" or whatever...it would be loads of fun to have a challenging back and forth conversation with a nay sayer as yourself that could have been productive for the cause as well as for all reading it. And the very best comeback was "do your research". Yeah little bit of a letdown to say the least. Oh and let's not forget the threat of blocking from YT altogether, that one made me grin a little bit, because I do very much like it when others violate natural law around me, then I can really ""participate"" ; )
Ashllyne makes a great point, Some of RVD's listeners have suffered losses. And they have done their best to get the Truth out while being (STILL!) banned here. In the dispute Ash and GMOP, I am 100% behind Ash. Ron, do you think these people do not deserve an apology?
+FriarFrank Newborg Ash has been totally disrespected, & 100% misrepresented. It's disgraceful...& to such a high level, high integrity, compassionate truth seeker & human being, not that it should be done to anyone. Cause & effect, though, is strict!
+Liberty 4 All : Ron seems to forget that people only have so much energy, and not enough to back movements backed by fake evidence and lies. Too many important causes need you support and energy to back something just because it is wrapped in pleasing-sounding lies and half-truths
+George Lincoln Understood, I have the same vision as Ron does; however, I don't believe in these groups; such as, ambassador or M1. Too much drama involved. You are correct, no proof or lack of implementation.
+Liberty 4 All Indeed, the groups with which I have aligned with hope of achieving the vision/dream, have thus far failed to fulfill their mission or keep their promises. Of course the issue of the cabal's entrenchment has something to do with this. We each have to look within, as you say, and make sure we are coming from an honest-with-ourself space. I believe I have and continue to do this. The core of my vision has not changed, but ways of trying to implement it have changed and will likely continue to do so.
+George Lincoln Yes, I know people only have so much energy, which is why I am endeavoring to limit my time online so as not to fall into the same trap of not taking care of myself as I did before. It's not easy. Besides public comments, I get emails from people wanting my attention in one way or another.... And I've never believed what I knew was a lie to begin with. That would be insane.
Ron, if you would have simply gathered your true and tried followers to distribute the truth, it could have gone viral by now. Instead, your following has been scattered after your going this way then that with various groups. When you think of it, Ron, any 'group' may appear with multi-faceted projections that 'key into' peoples dreams, hopes, fears and eagerness for solutions... yet the door it opens is a 'mirage'... and a long journey before it evaporates before their very eyes...
+merlinhadninelives : The real purpose of OPPT, Swissindo, and GMOP may be to distract people and drain energy away from the Truth
+George Lincoln energy drain while offering free energy...
Hooked On A Feeling (Guardians of the Galaxy - Music Trailer)


Hi Ron, I think what was meant in regards to apologies is, the fact that there were the few who stood up and tried to make you aware that these organizations were full of false promises or impossible ones and you would argue back each and every time. True friends who had been watching you as far back when you were all over RuSA who just didn't want to see you be used or hurt. Yes the message behind those groups was everything you wanted to see, but as a YT persona with many followers, being responsible for your content should be first priority. That's my opinion anyway.. I think I'm going to stop commenting anymore. I deleted all my videos as well. time to take a back seat and watch my own journey. much love ..
FriarFrank Newborg
Ron is surprising to me sometimes. He expects me to go away and check out this source, when my discernment is working well, with no "bugs" that I know of. And he himself will not take the time to research the people and ideas he promotes here !!!! (even though his own discernment has been show to have some serious bugs.) I do find this, well, a pretty strange idea.
Alithea Kella
+For goodness sake. Ron, get out there and speak to the people. Lots and lots of them. Get involved with the youth. Talk to them, listen to them. The route you are taking to support your claims for wanting a better world for all does not make sense to them. Ask the future generation which works best; heart, head or BOTH! Ask them, they see far more clearly than you!!!
t there and speak to the people. Lots and lots of them. Get involved with the youth. Talk to them, listen to them. The route you are taking to support your claims for wanting a better world for all does not make sense to them. Ask the future generation which works best; heart, head or BOTH! Ask them, they see far more clearly than you!!!

Again, very good from Alithea, and worth repeating for more visibility
/QUOTE/ The "heart" can be manipulated by the unscrupulous which is why the brain must also be engaged to best counter diabolical intentions. For those who have been imbued with the gift of wisdom, they then go on to teach the value of balance. /UNQUOTE/
cc that comment from Alithea - everyone needs to see it:
/QUOTE/ Toxic Reality I have to agree. I was stunned by that admission myself - really stunned! But there's something incredibly telling in that too. It speaks to the cavalier manner in which he introduces to his audience the most audacious of entities without care for the people who may get caught in the crossfire of their deception. I'm so saddened by this. People like me who fight for the hungry, for the homeless and for the children only to have Ron admit he'll align only with those who "say" they share his vision but don't actually provide evidence for it.

Well... There goes the scientific method out the window...


FriarFrank Newborg

+Jorge de Arca : In just going with his feelings, Ron has fallen into a New Age trap, and made himself and his channel a target for manipulators and deceivers. I think he must know this subconsciously, which is why, after banning, he has invited some of us back, who can help him get to the Truth. Believe me when I say we have sympathy and positive intent towards Ron, and his other followers. Do you think that the Amba is fully driven by good intentions?
FriarFrank Newborg
I have dreams too, but I subject them to reality tests from time-to-time
Alithea Kella
+FriarFrank Newborg Dr. Martin Luther King had a dream. He didn't just dream that dream, or talk that dream, he became that dream. He went out onto the streets. He met with community leaders, he met with political reps, he marched with the people. He listened, he discerned, he acted, and I mean real physical action!

Yes, everyone should have a dream, but "day dream believers" are not the activists who change the world. Over here, it's only a matter of time before we (the country) get written into Law that supermarkets cannot throw away food and must give to homeless, just like our French cousins successfully did. The war on paedophilia is hotting up over here too (although the super elites are still ducking and diving). One of my former mentorees, who was exceptionally challenging to handle, has secured a place to study law at college. And guess what, he wants to become a child advocate!!!!

Dreams stay dreams until they are driven by real tangible actions!

Toxic Reality
+FriarFrank Newborg It's no different from the Swissindo group seeking out multiple truther channels with anything over 500 subs to try and get them on board by offering them cash money. I have a feeling they never hit me up because they knew I would question every last detail. But many bit just to be left looking stupid and gullable. 
Alithea Kella
+FriarFrank Newborg Whilst what he's shared today is stunningly disappointing, it's not really surprising. Ron has freely admitted he is bull headed. Truth is I recognise his condition. He's stubborn, plain and simple. And let me tell you something about the stubborn - it's a symptom of ego. As much as he criticises those with unshakeable (religious) beliefs, he too refuses to be shaken from his dogma. I can't argue with having a vision but he needs to iron out the kinks in his approach. And since when does reading up on one author qualify anyone to speak with authority for all of humanity? Can you imagine me saying to my mentor group .... "and Anastasia said this and then said that?" I'd be laughed and shamed out of the room!

Isn't for them, primarily, we want this better world for, or are we all to be self serving in our motivation? It's all very well "saying" you want it to be for ALL - but show us the track record of successful inroads that speaks to that.

Perhaps, I'm being a bit tough, but after reading Ron's comments today, I've been left with more questions than answers.
+FriarFrank Newborg I just can't get past his "no research" admission, and how it's gives even more impetus to Bo Mikael Lindstrom's assertion ...

"... they're gullible, you can tell them any retarded thing and they will believe it."

I wonder if those cruel words are ringing loud in Ron's ears yet?
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Very good threads


The FIU is on covert operation on these groups now as we write.


They will pursue the truth to protect the public as they have done for over 25 years in prevention and cure to stop the frauds, lies and deceit that propagate this arena as stated before.


They are the nemesis of these groups and are the same as the criminal who fears the police,they hate FIU as they are exposing the truths and lies and that kills the goose that is laying their golden egg.


The WB document is a serious issue.Forging the Queen of England's signature!! Do you really want to upset MI5 and MI6.


It's going to come back to bite those using it as proof of funds.


The story of the Queen and the Pope is laughable.Why would they combine together to give Sino of SI all this wealth.The Queen is the head of the Church of England the protestant church,the nemesis of the Catholics.Work it out guys.


Sino of Swiss Indo is an egocentric madman who courted the west with WB fraudulent claims of wealth and has exploited this very poor and unequal class country for his own ends.HE IS A FRAUD!!!! Wise up everyone!!!


RVD a nice man but so gullible it hurts.He asks no questions,makes others believe.Why because the truth is the end of his DNA his meaning his YT channel and his flawed logic.


The matter of charging fees,making people travel at their own expense based on a flawed and deceitful logic is abhorrent.


It does not save humanity it panders to the egos of Sinos,Ambassador etc.


Sorry if this offends but Sanjay,Louisa,Sherri,Steve,Ron and Rad your positive crowing at the Lord high master the fake Ambassador and his fake WB document is laughable and makes you look the most gullible and unworldly people with no discernment. You are being taken in and pandering to the pied piper and his nonesense story.These mind controlling groups will achieve nothing and a long the way innocents lay out in lost monies,energy and health.


Ron you owe nothing to this Ambassador.He has not been your friend.Ask those hard questions and get to the truth.


The FIU are experts at killing off these lies as they look to prevent and cure the frauds that propagate in this arena.


The truth is what will help humanity.


What I also find hilarious is that the GMOP utilise the service of the cabal to receive money,fly in Cabal airlines,stay in Cabal hotels,use Cabal technology and travel to Cabal cities.HK for example is the bank instrument fraud capital of the world!!


The final point is I agree that the GMOP do not come back screaming at us for being liars and getting it wrong.They just say we are ignorant offer no defence and say we will block.Just like the child in denial when mummy finds his or her hands in the cookie jar!


They have no defence because they know the claims of wealth and the ability to save the world and the WB document are all smokescreen lies to keep the spin.


If they think blocking and banning is going to silence the truth and FIU.They are deluded!!!

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Oh No !




I saw the Title of RVD's latest video, and wrote this:
"Learned nothing, eh Ron?
Please ban me and go back to promoting scams that you haven't bothered to research.
Anyone who wants to chat with me can find me on the Acore Forum, my channel

or maybe through the Clear Vision Of Truth (CVOT) channel, if other old friends gravitate there."
But I decided to listen first - Good News ! His audio explanation was not as bad as I expected from the Title - so I decided not to post that on his channel. However, Ron does play the "sympathy card" in the video, which wasn't the response I had hoped.

Ron did mention Peter Van Runt and Mr Sino, but he's still living in a delusion. about Swissindo. I promise you, from what I heard from PVR about Sugi/Sino he is an grade-A genuine con-artist, not one that was tricked into creating a scam. As usual, Ron presents no evidence for this bizarre theory that Sino was tricked.

Ron says he wants stress - but only in exercise. Well, Ron, your mental and intellectual capacity can be strengthed too through stress. You got a big dose of it yesterday, and I am disappointed that you did embrace the truth in a more positive way.

. . .


(Later still, I posted THIS on Youtube):


+George Lincoln : I think the comments under Ron's Video of yesterday are a MUST-READ for everyone!!
It is a pretty heavy dose of awkward truths for Ron to read in one sitting. But there were very few posts that were actually abusing Ron. Some warned him or reminded him of earlier warnings. But they were not nasty, not intending to make him feel bad. But they did reveal that people were not happy that Ron feels content to make videos about people he has not researched adequately, and some feel that he must be stronger and face the truths that others have revealed - and then maybe apologize in a very small number of cases - Or at least admit that "the Emperor has no clothes", and that some schemes he has backed are full of holes, and do not meet the test of Reality. Ron wants to hold onto his dreams, but there comes a point of awakening for everyone. A child is disappointed, when he/she discovers there is no Santa. Ron needs to tell his followers the truth: there is no King-of-Kings at Swissindo, the Dragon Family does not have an Ambassador preparing to hand out billions, Heather is a witch who ran a cult, not a lawyer-savior with the secret of foreclosing on banks. It was all a nonsense and a fairy tale. Now let's all grow up and get in with some real work! There's much truth to be told, and more to be discovered on the way to a sustainable Peace and a better world.



=== ===



good post, Sandie !

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I am going to be kind to you.


You appear a nice man with good intent.


Swiss Indo is an outright scam!!! The evidence is there!!! Don't live in denial.Bite the bullet and understand there are alightened Intel agencies out there looking to protect the public and watch these scams daily and have done so for 20 years.


Simply put they know what they are talking about have no agenda other than to stop or prosecute against frauds


The Ambassador is following the same way,he has kept no promise to you,broke every deadline promise is taking fees on the basis he can fund projects on the basis of a World Bank fraudulent letter and proven to be worthless junk Gold Bonds!!


Time to wise up.


I know the truth hurts but you will thank us in the end.


Humanity will not be saved if you keep living in denial.


There is no Santa,no fantasy finance,just hopium.


I wish you well!!

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