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Ambassador, GMOP and Dragon family Fall short of Realistic Expectations

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"For myself, it's so "see through".. It advertises so cheaply.

"for $100.00, a life time membership! Get it now, ok? you understand? (over and over and over, the ambassador asks that...)

- L.L.


I wonder if they could collect more by going away.

Maybe if they collected $20 from each person who wanted the Amba and GMOP to disappear - they might get more


(here's another sensible comment that somehow got through - and was posted under RVD's video of today):


A PROPER DESCRIPTION of GMOP's Funding methods and abilities is lacking


what projects is he talking about ?
where are they ? how long ? who allocated/chose them ? this team he talks about, where and who are they ?
i'm also getting upset now, what is this funding he talks about ? what does it fund ?
i mentioned it plenty of times before, the only project(s) we need, are sovereign micro-nations, seceding large land parcels from all corporate states who illegally and unlawfully annexed them and still impose a foreign jurisdiction; any funding, loan, cash that comes from government or a philanthropist and will be used to register, apply and submit whatever project/product, whether it's a NGO, NPO or charity, wil not achieve or change anything for the better, understand (to quote the ambassador) ?
These questions are very valid.
A proper explanation of the Funding process, and especially the selection process has never been given to those seeking money
For $100 an hour, I will be happy to explain to the Ambassador, and the GMOP team how to put together a description of how to run a funding operation. I have proper experience with some very big organizations in this, and I will not approach this in the amateurish way that TVOP and GMOP have.
he could also support the ITNJ, assist each group of people in each nation to shut down the corporation masquerading as government, anything else is a waste of time, like dolphin saving, meditation or proclaiming a war on ignorance...
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Good morning everyone!


Thank you so much for your lovely welcome! How flattering :)


Sorry if it's going to be short as I need to go out but I just wanted to let you know that Ron posted a new video on his YT channel and it's officially has been taken over by the Ambassador! Ron admitted that he talked to him twice last night. He was obviously instructed to delete all the comments. Ash was right! I had no idea Ron has gotten so bad until yesterday. His new video is so all over the place. I'm not even sure he knows what he is taking about himself. The confusion is really telling.


I gotta go now but shall be back later :)

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This is one of my points. If you claim to have this unlimited access to money or credit (whatever you want to call it), why would you ask money from people? According to the idea GMOP, they are the one who are supposed to fund projects after they are evaluated! When someone you have never met face to face asks you for money, it is a red flag.



"For myself, it's so "see through".. It advertises so cheaply.

"for $100.00, a life time membership! Get it now, ok? you understand? (over and over and over, the ambassador asks that...)

- L.L.


I wonder if they could collect more by going away.

Maybe if they collected $20 from each person who wanted the Amba and GMOP to disappear - they might get more


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"GMOP..., they are the one who are supposed to fund projects after they are evaluated!

When someone you have never met face to face asks you for money, it is a red flag."




+ There is no solid evidence that they have the funds they claim to have

+ There is no solid evidence that they have ever funded anyone

+ They have no clear description of HOW they will process a funding request,

and the sorts of projects that they are willing to finance

+ Why haven't we been given clear and convincing progress reports on those

who are seeking funding? (Instead we get distractions: Like Existing Israeli medical technology)


As a former finance professional, with a very serious professional background,

I find it UNTHINKABLE that such amateurs should be running seminars, and asking for fees to listen to pitches

No wonder, almost everyone who is serious (or has a professional background) now sees this as a scam.


If it is NOT a scam...

Then why not address the issues I listed above, rather than abusing those who point out the obvious???




Anyone who is thinking about approaching these people should as themselves and GMOP this question.



I WANT PEOPLE who are in the GMOP Queue to step forward (as Ash has done), and describe their experience,

positive or negative, so we who are watching can get a clearer picture. You can do it anonymously, if you like


I am pretty certain that GMOP people are reading this thread - we are certainly getting a lot of hits - more than RVD;s

channel on many days - So if no one steps forward, then I will move to the conclusion that, either:


+ There are No successful applicants who have received money, and/or

+ Unsuccessful applicants, including those still waiting, are living in fear, and because of their fears will not discuss openly

what is happening. The fear may be:

+ Concern that they will be cutoff, and not given a funding chance, as the Amb has obnoxiously explain to Ash in yessterday's

video, or maybe (and I hope not)

+ The Ambassadors aggressive words towards Ash and other women leave them in fear of violence, or other forms of danger


If there really is an FIU, as I believe there to be, I want to ask them to step up, and use their authority to stop the fee gathering,

and remove the threat of danger to innocent people, including those who are just Truth seekers

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Very well said DrBubb.

I ask Ron these questions several times but he ignored them. Some of his other viewers did that as well with the exactly same result. I believe that when you are a genuine person and live in the truth, you have absolutely nothing to fear or hide. I told Ron yesterday that my comment has NOTHING to do with his relationship with the Amba but yet he twisted it around and posted another video about how all these people (mainly moi) attacked his friend. That is not anybody's problem though. He is responsible for how he feels on the subject. If both of them have problem with genuine people asking genuine questions than it means there is something not quite right with the intention behind all these videos.


Ron complains about people commenting about the Amba on a video he made publicly available on HIS YT channel WITH the Amba himself! What does he want us to comment on? The weather? Where is the logic here? Nowhere at all. :huh:

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"Ron complains about people commenting about the Amba on a video he made publicly available on HIS YT channel

WITH the Amba himself! What does he want us to comment on? The weather? Where is the logic here? Nowhere at all."

- Karolina



Well said,

What does Ron want?

People fawning over the "Ambassador" as he does,

Ron doesn't want us to ask the question that HE SHOULD HAVE ASKED, and should be asking



Living in a Dream World ?


Unfortunately, Ron has a delusional view of the world, precisely because he FAILS to ask the right questions, and do basic research.

His mind is wired to believe in Hopium, For him, it is a virtue to stay blind, and avoid seeking the Truth.

With this approach to life:

+ he can blame his poverty on others, though he has not had paying work for years (maybe decades?)

+ abuse banks who give him money, which he thinks he does not need to repay - he has flawed thinking on how banks work

+ have the same bank pay his property taxes for several years

+ he talks about how corrupt a system is that pays for an expensive heart operation which saves his life

+ he believes that there are Trillions or Quadrillions stashed somewhere (where?) that will be handed out to people who will not have to work for it, without fully considering what that would do to prices and incentives to work. Is this practical or possible?


Does he really think that Awake, Aware, and Discerning people should be following the lead of a man who thinks like that??


Look, I do not hate Ron. I am not his enemy. I actually find him likable, and endearing in many ways.

Be he needs to be shaken hard into waking up - he needs to hear and grasp some "hard truths" and get back on the path of truth,

instead of living in what has become a "comfortable" dream world.




The Ambassador is NOT his friend, he is someone who made promises to him, and broke them, stole part of his audience,

and USED RON as a platform to gain a public following... but he knows how to flatter Ron and keep Ron's sad delusional bubble intact

With "friends" like that, who needs enemies ??

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Hello All, I can't agree with you all more. Ron's vision has become very limited. You think you know someone after watching them so long. Then when you really dig deep into things, the surprises you find are amazing. I was thinking of making a video about all this. I may loose a friend or two but what can I do. it's the truth.. and isn't that what we all stand for?

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Welcome to the forum Adam. Nice to have you join us!


I agree with you. I followed Ron for an entire year and watched his videos every day. That's quite a bit of time and commitment on my part. Then he brought Mikael and it was more videos to watch. Then videos by DS and other radio shows where they went. I believed they were doing their homework. Sixteen months later and we have no clue what is going on. Ron is more than happy to go along, even though we bring up the many inconsistencies, which resulted in Mikael's video of me on Saturday. This GMOP movement is not what I had in mind to change this planet :-). It's more of the same and worse. Why should I give up my rights as a consumer to GMOP, which at the very minimum I still have those rights?


There are many other threads to explore in this website. Dr B (the webmaster) lives in HK so he will be around at about 6:30 PM EST which is around 6:30 AM in Hong Kong. We don't all agree on the same issues, but many in our group have a facilitation background so we strive to develop constructive solutions. Good to have you join us. I like the last name btw.

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Welcome to the forum Adam! :D


Are you the gentleman who tried to help with Ron's Thunderbird problem? I think your user name sounds very familiar. Anyway...


I stumbled upon Ron's channel around the time when the OPPT was such a big hype. I almost went into my bank with a promissory note once because I truly believed it is going to work and we all are going to live better lives etc. LOL After that fell through. I still enjoyed his videos because he covered a variety of affairs that were happening around the world, even though I didn't always agree with him. However it is not about agreeing with someone all the time as long as you can have an intelligent discussion with them. Things started going really off after the stroke which is understandable. Ron was told hunderds of time by his viewers to step back and focus on the recovery but he chose to post weird videos instead that were bashing his family, doctors or pharma companies. Then The Ambassador came along, the videos began to revolve around him and what a great guy he is so I lost some interest because he didn't relate to me at all, however after what happened last night it just came clear to me that Ron is not interested in truth at all but pleasing someone who doesn't really know and doesn't keep his promises. The numbers of views on his videos speak for themselves.


As someone said in of one the comments on today's video, there is still a chance of reeding himself in the eyes of his viewers but it is up to him to take it.

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Hello All, I can't agree with you all more. Ron's vision has become very limited. You think you know someone after watching them so long. Then when you really dig deep into things, the surprises you find are amazing. I was thinking of making a video about all this. I may loose a friend or two but what can I do. it's the truth.. and isn't that what we all stand for?


Hi Adam. Welcome.


Sure, Why not make a video? Anything that aims to tell the truth, would be great to see.

And if it has some fresh thoughts, ideas, or revelations, even better !


As Ashllyne says:

"Sixteen months later and we have no clue what is going on..."


I found it very strange that when GMOP interviewed people in HK, they spoke about existing alternative medical technology.

(There's plenty of that in Hong Kong. I have tried some myself, and it did not work for me.)

The DID NOT TALK ABOUT the GMOP funding process and the money they had received. Why not??

An obvious conclusion is: no money has yet been handed out.


Idiots like RHM want us on Acore to prove no money has been handed out. That's silly and backwards.

Acore is not making claims of being a funding source, and having trillions. We are just asking obvious questions

about those claims, and asking those that make the claims to show some solid evidence. Where is it?

Do you know something about what is really happening? Many who read this thread would like to see it, I am sure.

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From the In Defense thread - No one claims Funds yet.

Ask yourself: Where are they ???



A WEAK DEFENSE - where are the *happy recipients"?


Rhm seems to be the only one willing to defend GMOP. I found this odd... and his defense is weak




+Ashllyne lol OK. So yes let me reiterate what you said and please correct me if I am wrong.. DS seminar 250? Gwen's optional not required pdf format project outline application 35? Anything else? I never said FIU was Friar. More than likely it was University of Knowledge playing that roll. Friar just popped in with guns blazing doing damage control. Looking forward to seeing the Europe FIU file posting.
+rhmbicyclersvideos : "University of Knowledge" ? Do you mean me? I can assure you, that I am not the same person as whomever FIU is. Do you really find it so hard to believe that different people have the same reaction to the Ambassador? To be honest, it is your reaction that I find surprizing
And why are you the only one willing to defend the indefensible? Where are the people who supposedly followed the Ambassador to Hong Kong and got funding? Why do we never here from them? Are you getting money RHM? How much? If not, why all the effort to defend this strange individual?
+UniversityOf Truth That is a great question..where are all the people who went to HK set up their bank accounts and business licenses and why are they not here making claims of fraud with your gang? Maybe it's because there is no fraud to claim! I don't need the Ambassadors money..living my dream in the Napa Valley! When people operate in integrity there is no need to defend them. I am here responding to Ash's false claims of me being a bully.
haha. They did not go to Hong Kong to open bank accounts. They went there to get their funding. Where is the evidence of funding? Where are the happy people talking about the money they received? Where? Not a single one has made a statement saying: I got my money.
+UniversityOf Truth You better re-watch the video explaining they went to China to open their accounts and business licenses. Where are all the people claiming fraud? Oh yeah it's your group! I guarantee you if they got duped it would be all over the place!
+rhmbicyclersvideos : Show me! Where? Where do they say they got money? Opening a bank account does not mean they got money. If I received some money from GMOP I would be very pleased, and I would want to tell people, especially when the credibility of GMOP has been questioned. Where are the happy recipients? Even just one.



Meantime, under the same video, a truth-seeker enters the fray with both barrels blazing:



So according to what you are saying if we don't have anything nice to say about the Ambassador, we should not comment at all? What is this? A cult? A circle of admiration for your so-called friend? You have been constantly talking about nothing but the Ambassador in your recent videos. People are tired of that, don't you see? I am just blown away by your complete ignorance and naivety, Ron. Block and delete as many comments and people you want but it is not going to change the fact that you allowed a self-proclaimed messiah to take complete control over this channel and you are ditching your loyal viewers and friends to please someone who hides behind his supporters and hasn't got enough balls to answers questions. You post a video yesterday and while people were having a really good discussion, wanting questions to be answered, what did you do? You ran to the Ambassador like a little tattletale which you admitted to doing yourself.
You talk about God and wanting a heaven on earth.Well, news flash for you mate, you sold your soul to the devil. You betrayed EVERY single thing you ever stood up for, your channel became a medium for brainwashing propaganda which you used to fight against. Your credibility and integrity are gone. This channel became a joke, no surprise you are losing viewers on daily basis. Not only that, a very good friend of mine, one of your subscribers and myself, have been meaning to start a donation website couple of months ago to support your recovery but after the way you ditched so many of your friends, we changed our minds.
HOWEVER, no one is beyond redemption. You can redeem yourself in everyone's eyes if you show that you want to know the truth. Why don't you stop giving the Ambassador air time until you receive you the $5000 which was promised to you last year? If he fulfills that promise, then you will have a proof that he truly does have integrity and it will help him to earn everybody's trust.
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GMOP is a hierachical organization that is asking us not to think and analyze for ourselves. To become dumber and not to talk back so that in the same sentence they can call us "Goldfish", lol. No need for them to answer any questions, however, heaven is waiting for us inside once we join their sanctuary. What a conundrum.


Along the way we'll be taught to call Mikael "Your Excellency", "Mr Ambassador", or better yet "The Heart and Soul of the Dragon Family". This looks and sounds like brainwashing while dangling the funding carrot. Have you noticed the fawning protocol around Mikael? I have my doubts that what we are seeing has anything to do with culture in China however.


I had the opportunity of interacting with GMOP and I speak for a number of people in saying we do not want to change our culture and become more submissive. If this means we turn down the money, then so be it, if this family really exists. The Dragon Family wouldn't want to do business with a person like myself said Mikael in the video since am ignorant, confused, and unstable, lol. I am thrilled. This is a win-win because the DF Family doesn't seem to be my cup of coffee either with their hierarchy of command and control as depicted by Mikael Lindstrom. We just happen to see things differently.

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" I have my doubts that what we are seeing has anything to do with the culture in China however."



Unfortunately, there are con-artists in China too,

I often read about them in the SCMP / the South China Morning Post


Con artists 'steal €1m from Hong Kong businessman in Van ...

Jun 9, 2015 - Art dealer says three men replaced a bag of his cash with blank paper. ... Police are hunting three international con artists who allegedly cheated a ...
Aug 10, 2015 - Photo: SCMP Pictures ... Kong loser in a spate of telephone scam attempts after con artists from the mainland cheated her out of HK$20 million.

Dec 29, 2003 - The methods employed by the street swindler always appear obvious when put down on paper, but they prove effective, year after year....

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Someone asked me today to clarify how I knew the name of the individual known as "Mr Ambassador of the Dragon Family" since I make reference to him as Mikael Lindstrom. I attended Dave Schmidt's seminar of January 2015 in Boston. Remember that was a compulsory workshop that people needed to attend to qualify for project funding? Dave Schmidt in his eagerness to convince the audience showed us photos of Mr. Ambassador. Dave also showed us photos of the Red Dragon and the M1.


Some of those same photos were released by Neil Keenan, who also shared the name as Mikael Lindstrom. I could not independently confirm the name at that time but Facebook and LinkedIn photos then surfaced with the name Mikael Lindstrom and I was able to establish a match. Furthermore, two public YT videos showed Master Bo Mikael Lindstrom teaching Hapkido in Iran and in another gym. I was able to confirm it was the same person as in the photos and so I got a definitive match. Those two videos are no longer public!

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Interesting background.

Meantime... an old poster returns to RVD's channel:

(The entire post was copied here, in case it gets deleted)

wow.. Ron.. integrity is vital.. you talk about values.. human morals etc.. this is a large part of your appeal.. but you have been failing much of your own ideal's.. and all at the request/behest of the so call 'Mr Ambassador' ... the Ambassador.. your friend Ron.. is not making small claims.. he is making biblical type claims (seriously.... ) and with NO evidence yet.. and your supporting it.. (it is truly amazing to witness the change on your channel.. the change of energy is obvious.. as soon as you allowed EGO and 'Mr Ambassador' into your channel.. the entire supporting base of integrity dropped away.. and that process continues I see.. I have not posted here in many months.. but it seems like much of your Audience is blocked.. good people blocked Ron... ) Your shared insights and ponderings were once greatly valued by this poster Ron now still Ron you are indeed educating people.. now that you support this fake Ambassador.. your channel has become a CLEAR demonstration of what integrity is NOT ... you cannot talk talk talk 'inclusiveness' and 'fairness' and behave as you have, that does not feel good to NOT walk your talk!.. and it does not feel right... It has become difficult to read your channel now.. you have blocked so many posters and their opinion etc.. (I never thought you would drop to that sort of BS Ron) the personal attacks are only highlighting the lack of integrity within a given situation.. and like it or lump it.. integrity is a personal trait !! .. so ??.... imo THAT IS AN ACT OF LOVE... pointing out a failure of integrity is part of life.. it starts early and does NOT stop... and I'd say its going to be an ever increasing part of your life Ron.. until YOU change things on YOUR end of it all ... (which IMO is NOT going to happen any day soon.. because you have a very very strong EGO attachment to your relationship with a fake prophet... EGO f#$ks it up again aye... bugger... a good man.. Ron.. taken down defeated by his false ego attachments ... that is my opinion Ron.. from my observation point etc.. and yes.. I agree with you.. we are all only human and doing our best etc.. ) you were more important to me when you were being real of about being real.. but Ron.. you 'largely' gave that up mate.. your no longer real about being real... are you? Ron.. you had an certain type of audience.. and mostly still do... kinda.. but then you became a platform for all the things.. the values that you were highlighting as the problem.... you just cannot talk talk this and that and then walk walk something less... otherwise... WHY TALK IN THE FIRST PLACE? the association with the so called 'Mr Ambassador' .. the so called richest .. family in the world.. blah blah blah.. etc.. really Ron.. is this who you really are?... is that how you see your self Ron.. as standing next to the 'Mr Ambassador' or who ever... ? because you strike me as man that DOES NOT value 'ego'.. a man that has seen the cost of EGO (in your community and faith etc)... you strike me as a man that knows we as a people need to drop the general action of placing a particular person 'above' another because of their 'title' etc.. walking the talk is not talking the talk... talking is talking.. and walking is walking... your walk does not match your talk.. love is action.. and walking is more action then talking


+Key Maker Perfect summary, Key Maker. Now, Ron will probably ban you too.
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Just to keep on topic for a few days, I am pasting here my response to Ron's and Mikael Lindstrom's video of October 3rd, 2015 (my reply was quickly deleted and I was blocked by Ron even though the video discusses me):

+Karolina Enerlich I am the woman that Bo Mikael Lindstrom is referring to in the video. He will need to prove I was angry and violent when I approached TVoP. He is making this up. I was polite when I approached them. I have a recording and copy of what I wrote to Gwen and Radagast to show I was not aggressive and violent. I did say what my understanding was in exchanging money and if the agreement had changed I would ask for my money back through Small Claims Court if they did not refund or honor the previous agreement. This is not considered aggressive in North America. I also approached Radagast and was told I had to pay more money even though Mikael had been promoting project funding with Dave Schmidt and then Gwen. Mikael is changing the story to suit him but this is not how it works in North America. I was not the one taking people's money. What they did is called bait and switch.


Mikael Lindstrom demonizes people because he does not know how to lead and cannot be questioned. Violent? I am far from violent, but I do stand up to bad business transactions. I was expecting professionalism and full disclosure. He can call me all the names he wants. He just needs to look at himself in the mirror and realize he is an aggressive, violent, and low frequency person who feels victimized.


Thankfully, I do not need their funding to make my project a reality so I am not at their mercy and need to keep shut. Thankfully, I have a business background with many accomplishments and do not need to take workshops to make it happen. The workshops were considered compulsory so one had to pay for them to qualify for project funding.


Thankfully, I live in North America and the rest of the world around me does not operate under the rules of Mikael Lindstrom. I am thankful that we have customer service in North America and someone answers for your money :-)

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Following the publication of Ron's video of October 3rd, 2015 I thought it would be prudent to post a disclaimer in case something happens to me (this disclaimer was quickly deleted by Ron and I was blocked even though the video discusses me):

This is to state that as a woman I am feeling threatened by Mikael Lindstrom. Note that Mikael knows my name, physical address, and email address since I was a paying customer and attended Dave Schmidt and Gwen's workshops. I refused to continue when TVoP asked for more money. I am not confused and I am not ignorant.

Only a few days ago, two separate individuals, both fellow women, commented on the "disturbing" manner in which Lindstrom makes reference to women. Today, he directed that very dark energy to me, PERSONALLY...


Mikael Lindstrom has publically declared he can find anybody. He has also declared having IPs, VPNs, and IDs of people that oppose him. In my case, I feel that covertly my physical safety has been threatened with the video published today.


I need to put out a "disclaimer" in case I am ever "dissappeared" or something serious happens to me: I am not suicidal, I do not take drugs, engage in dangerous sports, or drive recklessly. I am a good standing member of my community and am certainly not violent. I have posted this disclaimer in multiple places with persons that I trust will act in case of an incident. I will also be informing local authorities of this situation.


I have also instructed Alithea Kella to do same as she may not be aware that there may be a distinct possibility the covert threat may include her.

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Ron's lost the plot - he thinks everyone is a troll.


Ask a question, or disagree... and you're a "Troll"



He complains about those "who do not use their real name", and then he quotes RHM, the bicycle king, agreeing with him

Bizarre. It's fine to use a pseudonym, as long as you agree with Ron


And has Ron forgotten that the guy right at the heart of this, the fake "ambassador", does not use his real name?

It is heavily ironic

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You beat me to it Dr B! I am actually watching it now. It started as who are trolls then it is all about the RDF. We also have some God in it. I.. I am just speechless. The video is a complete mess.


Not only we are trolls but now we are apparently secret government paid agents that decided to target the Ambassador and Ron... Jess Christ on a bicycle. Just when you think it couldn't have gotten any worse.


Anybody with a pea brain would see in how much denial Ron is. I said this before: that it's his self-inflicted protection mechanism. I have no doubt he really does believe in what he says or what he hears from the Ambassador. Ron is completely convinced that he plays for the right team and everyone else are government agents LOL


When you allow yourself to be subjected to a lie or flasehood long enough, it becomes a truth and then what you do is create a whole bunch of truths around it, based on somebody else said, because it suports the imitation of truth that you created. It's like weaving your own web of lies.


It doesn't matter what anybody else says at this point because Ron won't believe any of his viewers and that is fine but this little bubble he created around himself won't last forever. It will burst eventually.

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Bo Mikael Lindstrom gets ready to begin project funding, but first he has to sell a few lots of healing technology to his own subscribers so he can generate revenue to support their own project funding. Is that how it works? It seems highly likely there is no source of project funding per say. I have a background in project selection and funding and this is sure taking forever. It ain't gonna happen. This is not the way to manage a portfolio of projects.


I was told yesterday that GMOP projects are getting funded but the information will not be shared with the public because the Cabal will reverse progress if found out! What nonsense! How can anyone believe that!

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Mr Ambassador, your excellency, please: LOOK IN THE MIRROR




It has a message for you !

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I was told yesterday that GMOP projects are getting funded but the information will not be shared with the public because the Cabal will reverse progress if found out! What nonsense! How can anyone believe that!


I strongly recommend :

To anyone seeking funding, insist up, DEMAND : better evidence than this before you start handing over fees to GMOP.

Also demand evidence that the Ambassador and the RDF show solid evidence that they have the funds they claim to have.


If you do not do this, there's an excellent chance you will see continuing delays, and/or no funding whatsoever.


Anyone who has clear evidence that funding IS BEING PROVIDED, is invited to share it here, anonymously if they like

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The question is very simple and was first asked long ago by FIU FILE.


If you are taking fees from an individual to pitch a project on the previso statements that you can fund those projects with actual funds and that you have millions or billions of USD available and don't have those funds then that is fraud and misrepresentation using lies and deceit to gain money.


If you do have the funds and the party concerned is not funded but the funds were available but the project is simply not viable then generally in countries where application fees are allowed this would be totally legal.


The key question on all the GMOP project rhetoric is simple therefore.DO THE FUNDS FOR PROJECTS EXIST????? IS THERE PROOF???


The warnings by FIU FILE were posted at the outset from a 20 year history of their team investigating frauds,baits and switch and extortion rackets perpetrated by advance fees paid to organisations built on sand with no funds available,in the specific arena of funding humanitarian projects.Look back in the past on FIU File and their ending was always Caveat Emptor!! Let the buyer beware.Which is total commonsense. They I am sure are not out to troll or destroy GMOP but to be prevention rather than cure,as the facets of the TVOP,Dave Schmidt ,GMOP,and the Ambassador show facets of the same area of concern.Simply put potential advance fee fraud!!


On a point of balance if the pressure to provide proof of funds makes GMOP show a true philanthropic well resourced hand that is real has funds and is really funding projects then all is good and the sceptics must stand down.

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"Look back in the past on FIU File and their ending was always Caveat Emptor!!

Let the buyer beware.Which is total commonsense"


Caveat Emptor!

Yes, that makes perfectly good sense.


Someone (RHM, the "Bycycle King") has repeatedly asked us to prove they have no funds, or that they are a scam.

That is not so easy, especially with a group as secretive as this one. (It's not easy to prove a negative in a case like this.)

But I do think the Burden of Proof should be place on the Amba and the RDF, especially if they are asking people to

pay advance fees, and fund trips to HK BEFORE GETTING ANY MONEY. That's just commonsense.


Is there any solid proof for any of the claims?

Well, I haven't seen any - has anyone else? If so, please share it

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Here we go again ! Tvop / Gmop offers yet another "Last Chance"


GoldFish Report No. 20, The Ambassador Sets the Record Straight


Published on Oct 5, 2015

The GoldFish Report No. 20, The Voice of the Dragon sets the record straight about people who claim to represent the Red Dragon Family. The Ambassador announces the window to submit project proposals is closing and to submit your humanitarian project for funding, register to present your project at www.cbcglobaleducation.com. He continues to issue strong warnings to the Cabal: Remit and Surrender, and be re-purposed for the future. The panel notes that after the Ambassador's plea for peace, over 450 ISIS militants have surrendered. Ron Van Dyke is special guest


Tough call?

Do you engage on this "last chance", or do you wait for the next one? Haha

I strong advise waiting, since most of us who are watching this story unfold are still awaiting some solid evidence

of GMOP's funding capabilities, and their other extraordinary claims.

If you think a single ISIS members surrender was trigger by the "Ambassador", i have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn


(I haven't listened yet,)

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