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Ambassador, GMOP and Dragon family Fall short of Realistic Expectations

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Hello again. I remember when you were blocked from RVD channel Friar. I made a video earlier today about Ron, If he watches it, I may be next on the chopping block. Like you say, Good Ol Ron but wow how my perception of him has changed over the years. I hope it's OK I post my video here. https://youtu.be/I-AsIQ_BoOY


It is fine. Thanks for the link,

Here they are, the latest video, and the earlier one:


#1, Old Video- mostly about RVD's health issues (and his stubborness)

Ron Van Dyke are you listening to yourself?


Published on Jul 17, 2015

This is another video response to Ron Van Dyke in regards to his Videos and Facebook postings regarding his family.


#2, latest:

My 2nd Message for Ron Van Dyke and a Little More.


Published on Oct 8, 2015

With all due respect to all mentioned. This was in no way to Bash anyone, just sincere critique of what i see going on.

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I have decided to keep this thread open FOR ALL THING RELATED directly to GMOP.


That includes Ron's struggle to free himself from the apparent grip that "the Amba" has over him.



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I liked Adam's video.


Without boring anyone for me its very simple.


Are the funds available to fund projects? If not do not take fees claiming you can fund projects.


AT comment about is this any different from applying for a commercial loan from a bank is very valid.

Agree opening accounts in HK and getting business licences is utilising Cabal services?

At least the bank is transparent as a presence.The RDF is not.It is clouded in secrets the elixir of scammers.So hence all the questions

GMOP receives fees into PayPal a Cabal organisation?

Supporters hold seminars and workshops in Cabal hotels,use Cabal technology,fly on Cabal aircraft,receive Cabal USD.

So where is the new anti Cabal message.

The Ambassador decries the Cabal and then utilises all its fruits! ie Israeli technology ie Turbo Sonic flotation tanks,communicates via Israeli and American Intel chip technology via Microsoft and computer and phone communications.

If this is real and wants credibility put up some unequivocal proof this organisation really has funds and can really help society,otherwise its all just deceptive waffle designed for the gullible and naive followers.

Also who is IFT Holdings AS the owners of the GMOP website in Trondheim Norway. This may answer some more qustions!! Namaste

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MY STORY in a nutshell - Do I sound like a Troll, who should be asking for "forgiveness"?


I was depicted as a violent, ignorant, aggressive, threatening, unstable woman based on Bo's slandering and made into a video by complacent Ron just because I revealed Bo's name and made a comment that Bo wouldn't understand what a Mensa is. Later described by Louisa as psychotic, delusional, etc...because we keep asking for evidence of funding. I have never spoken to Bo. Only spoke to Gwen and emailed Radagast. Exactly how was I violent if this hasn't been made up by Bo? I am violent if I express my displeasure? They took my money pure and simple and asked for more money. Bo and his funding of projects has been associated with Dave Schmidt, Gwen Caldwell, TVoP, and now GMOP in just 12 months.


Ron may be losing his mind if he and Bo can make a video making things up about me without proof and Bo has never spoken to me or emailed me! Just because I haven't bought into Bo's bullshit and lies? To issue a reply and disclaimer to Bo's video which was quickly deleted by Ron? I did not even get the opportunity to comment in my own defense. Exactly what forgiveness would I be asking Ron for?


It may be dangerous to email Ron.

I strongly advise the banned to not communicate by email with Ron since it's this type of metadata they are looking to track people with. Everyone should remember how Dave Schmidt openly admitted to being involved in hacking the email and personal communications of TNT Tony. Dave also told us how Bo Mikael Lindstrom is able to access people's bank accounts. Rada was very nice in his forum postings asking me to get in touch until I emailed him and he knew my identity to which he promptly said I had to pay $150 more and not expect to pitch for free! They just want to know who you are.

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The key here do they have the funds or real access to the funds to take fees from people requesting funding for projects.


I am a financial analyst with a proven track record of underwriting loans in the corporate sector.I have access to real funds with real lenders,venture capitalists,business angels,banks and trading houses.


I have analysed as an intermediary and underwritten ie assessed project funding for over 30 years to the value of 150MUSD and approved loans and joint ventures to this value and then closed out the funding.


The GMOP method does not portray any business commonsense and if they are simply a loan broker they really need to learn how it is done.This whole process of project funding smacks at chancers hoping to land something.It is bizarre!!!


Any bank or financial institution can do what they are purporting but properly without the cloak and dagger,the secrecy and full regulation.


What worries me is you have characters like Schmidt and the Ambassador clearly unlicensed offering investment advice,pushing pitching of projects and never once have they proven the funds exist to carry project funding through.But fees are charged.Schmidt talking skin in the game being 100USD is laughable and is just nonesense. Skin in the game in our scenario is percentage equity,or part investment by the applicant.


With my business we have proveable sources of finance and have no upfront fee system any client who wishes to apply can for free.The fees they may pay later on down the line will be lawyers,accountants,bankers yes but that is the norm its horses for courses.But on the basis of actual funding achieved and paid out.No loan =no fee.


Now you may understand my cynicism the GMOP project funding process makes no sense and is a model seen many a time in advance fee fraud.


I am wondering how many great project ideas are being wasted by pitching to the GMOP that could be funded in the real financial sector.


To professionals in the know in this sector the GMOP project funding process makes no sense!!!


If I am wrong no doubt someone will prove funding with the GMOP very soon.


In my long experience in finance nothing ever pitched in these scenarios with these type of wacky groups ever and I mean ever happens!!!



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MY STORY in a nutshell - Do I sound like a Troll, who should be asking for "forgiveness"?


I was depicted as a violent, ignorant, aggressive, threatening, unstable woman based on Bo's slandering and made into a video by complacent Ron just because I revealed Bo's name and made a comment that Bo wouldn't understand what a Mensa is. Later described by Louisa as psychotic, delusional, etc...because we keep asking for evidence of funding. I have never spoken to Bo. Only spoke to Gwen and emailed Radagast. Exactly how was I violent if this hasn't been made up by Bo? I am violent if I express my displeasure? They took my money pure and simple and asked for more money. Bo and his funding of projects has been associated with Dave Schmidt, Gwen Caldwell, TVoP, and now GMOP in just 12 months


they are just trying to shut you up, because the Truth you speak is awkward for them.

I am surprised that more people have not come forward, like Ashllyne to tell their stories.'

There must be many disappointed people, since no funding has been given.


What keeps them quiet, is it:

+ The GMOP Code of Conduct ?

+ Are they still hoping the money will come out someday?

+ Are they afraid of retribution of some kind?

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Alexandra Meadors asks Winston Shrout about the Ambassador and the Dragon Family Gold

I got a hold of this link today. It is a September 1st, 2015 Alexandra Meadors interview with Winston Shrout. At 38:00 minutes Alex asks Winston about the Ambassador and the Dragon Family Gold and assets. Listen to Winston's response!


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MORE (Banned?) Comments - you may not be able to find these on RVD's channel


RON does not like questions about the Ambassador's bonfides.

If you ask him persistently, you WILL get banned.


These Comments were passed to me...

Karoline made these comments 1 day before being blocked by Ron.


Wow.. OK. When you sign up for a Gmail account you automatically get a YT account with Google+ account as well! As I said earlier, I have got plenty friends who have empty YT account because they simply don't use them. As for you answering people's questions, well that is not entirely right Ron, I have asked you several questions on the day videos were made and none of them were answered. And of course the Ambassador would know the background and personal information of a lady whom he never met in his life. That definitely speaks for the credibility of his account.. People with no activity on their YT account are charlatans. Seriously, Ron? My Lord. Why would you believe anybody's account regarding that person anyway? Even if they are your friends? Isn't it only fair for you to unblock her and actually make an effort to communicate with her YOURSELF so you can make your own mind up about her? Have you thought that if someone tells you something negative/positive about a person they claim to know it actually could be a manipulation on their part to discredit or create a false image of that person? Please think about that Ron.
David Javidson
+Karolina Enerlich Watch out Karolina, Ron is going to delete YOU!
+David Javidson Well, if he is going to do that then everything about what he said about him wanting people to freely comments on his videos will be a lie. It's not consequence to me. I am here because I along with other people care about Ron, including the lady he blocked, but he seems to be failing to see that. It's sad.
+Karolina Enerlich No, I'm not going to unblock her, although I have had some of my misconceptions resolved, thankfully. As I've said before, the Ambassador has proven himself to be a good friend; and I do trust him.
+Karolina Enerlich What questions did not get answered?
+paradoxman316 Thank you for replying to my comment, Ron. I really appreciate that. Well, it's a variety of questions that I posted as replies to your YT videos. However since you asked I was wondering if you could answer this? Has anything of what the Ambassador promised you or told you happened in real time? Have any of his promises to you been fulfilled? Because of they have, that is great. Thanks a lot :)
+Karolina Enerlich I certainly have not seen a single cent (or dollar) promised; and it's been over a year. Yes, that bothers me. However, he has proven himself a friend in many other ways, especially when I had my stroke and was in the hospital. Plus, he has maintained consistent contact with me all along. That means a lot to me. I will NOT join the Ambassador bashers that seem to have nothing good to say about him. Remember, he was raised as one of the elite. Do not expect him to think exactly like those of us with much less extra-ordinary backgrounds.
+paradoxman316 Thank you for your reply. That is good the Ambassador gives you his time and cares about you. We do need support especially when we are in a vunerable state after illness or emotional trauma. Money aside, has the Ambassador ever offered to fly you over to meet the rest of the family? Have you personally seen an actual proof that the Ambassador is who he says he is? Or is your knowledge is entirely based on what he told you? Please let me emphasize that I am not trying to cause any trouble or drama but since none of us here have no contact with the Ambassador (we don't even know what his name is or what he looks like), you are the best person to ask. Thanks again Ron :)
+Alithea Kella I am sorry that he blocked you. Did you listen to that bit when the Ambassador claims that he knows you? I would have never thought that you spoke to him? Unless by "knowing you" he refers to the times when you call him out on the stuff he said.
+Karolina Enerlich Watch out, you are in danger of being blocked...LOL!
=== ===
Look, if Ron will not even entertain these comments, do you really think that he has asked any probing questions??
His own due diligence process seems to be: Does this person seem to care about me.
Think, people! Ron has been fooled time and time again.
I think he was CHOSEN to be the one who breaks this hoax, exactly because he lacks discernment !
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It gets worse...

GoldFish Report NO. 22, The Ambassador Announces Q & A Segment on the GoldFish Report

I posted there:

I wonder how many minutes I will manage to listen this time...
<4 minutes. Maybe I should better spend my time reading Zero hedge, or VT


But actually, i went back and listened to the "Ambassador" between 22-25 minutes.

My strong reaction was: This is total horsefeathers!

I think anyone who has the ability to distinguish when someone is lying should listen.

To me, I hear nothing but insincere lies.

(If you want to listen to someone speaking truth from the heart, then listen to this:

Confession for a former Swissindo Insider.)


People now have technology that can be used to discern liars - maybe someone should

apply this to the rants and pitches from the fake Ambassador:



Which Candidates are Lying most (and least)


Sharry Edwards has software, which can examine speech and determine who is lying


In this podcast - starting at 1:40 hours she offers some fascinating comments about the presidential candidates,

and other well-known people


2015-10-06 Journeys - Sharry Edwards: Lies, Damn Lies and PR


Published on 8 Oct 2015

In this show, Sharry and I cover many topics, including the Yeast-Candida-Cancer connection, using frequency corroboration. We also look at the Presidential Candidates, and who is telling the truth...


BTW, let's assume that they are genuine in calling for questions.

Certainly, there are many hard questions that should be asked

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What is Love? What is Truth?

Ask the Reverend, and the Goldfish panel...



Some talk Love, while just wanting submission to their advances


Message for Rada:


Who says: "It's not about the Money... its about the Love"

Look, all the scammer group that started off promising money, and failed to deliver on it, shifted to talking about love.

I saw this pattern with OPPT and Swissindo.

You should be more honest, and say:
"We have no money. But if you are lonely and confused, and hungry for love, then we can offer you some."
Frankly, this brain-dead, lying to the suckers brand of Love

- and insisting on submission to authority form of "love" feels false and empty to me.

I prefer collegial respect, cooperation and honesty. That seems more real that what GMOP is offering


Message for Louisa:


She asks others to comment/answer right at the end of GFR#22: "What are you doing for humanity?"

A: We are Battling bullsh/t and those who feed lies and fake emotion, while failing to answer basic questions,

and act in a transparent manner.

If we measure GMOP on the Amba's standard: "Judge me on what I do, not what I say," then:

It falls far short, delivering on no promises, while changing its stripes almost every month.


Look who the Amba has shed: RVD, DS, Gwen, the malaysian hypnotist whats-her-name, Charla...

Why? I reckon because they each in turn saw thru his BS, or stopped being useful.

I wonder how many of the present crowd will still be there in 6-12 months?

Meantime, Acore is a rock of stability.

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SAVING THESE for the record, in case the GMOP people decide to restrict posters:


Interesting comments under GF #22. copied before they get deleted:


The Ambassador quote:- We are moving funds back and forward, back and forward for the projects and then being blocked all the time by Swifts.What exactly does that mean?????


+FIU FILE : Either: they are lying, or they are on record as a criminal or terrorist enterprise. Legitimate businesses will not have this problem. Which is it GMOP panel? Please answer this one !
This will all end in tears from our experience it always does.Those subscribing to this are heading to the Boulevard of broken dreams.In this arena its almost certain.Our twenty year experience of groups of this nature is they take fees offer the earth,produce nothing and end up with many disgruntled and upset followers.Then those masked and hidden will dissapear and reinvent elsewhere. Let's see how this pans out!!
+FIU FILE : If people read the Acore thread, they can read the questions that are being asked, and left unanswered. Don't we who have been following this enterprise deserve some answers? And especially those among us who have paid some money
I wonder how many minutes I will manage to listen this time... <4 minutes. Maybe I should better spend my time reading Zero hedge, or VT
I am puzzled... They say they want questions - But then later, Louisa says: "We are a private website. There are things we do that we want to keep private." (like the Ambassador's identity, I suppose.) It seems to me that they have ruled out questions on all the things that are the most interesting to me. What do they want us to ask: "What's the Ambassador's favorite colour?"
Members 64 posts Posted 07 October 2015 - 09:45 AM Registrant Name: Kjell Aasmundrud Registrant Organization: Ift Holding As This business is a seafood business in Trondheim in Norway. It is the owner of the website for Global Mission of Peace Kjell Aasmundrud has other businesses see above link. This is for info purposes. I do not know the exact relevance or connection with GMOP and this man. The companies have trading records in Norway going back many years. DR B the gentlemen you mention above is registered as the admin for GMOP the owner is IFT Holdings AS the Ceo is Kjell! It appears to be a seafood business.Kjell has other business connections in a music agency and various others.
Question what is the role of Kjell and what relationship does he have with the Ambassador???
I have been seeing the discussion on Ron's site go really dark, so I checked this video out. 35:48 Sanjay says "be part of the family, or if you are not part of the family than you are the antichrist". No thanks! That was way too much. You keep mentioning all throughout the video - oooo it's not the money that is important but the message and the heart. Well, if you spoke your heart then it is dark indeed. I kept seeing all the comments questioning the money thing and I just let it play out. With statements like that there is cause for graver concern. This saga has taken a dark twist. Not watching ever again.
They do not want to answer the question regarding the money.Its very awkward. It does not appear they have the money to fund projects they claim.The whole website of GMOP is a set of fee collecting services and the project funding is a very amateur process trying to be a commercial funding broker,but without the funds and the expertise.They are trying to reinvent a funding wheel already well established elsewhere in the finance sector but without the panache of the real funding institutions or wealth. We think many are being taken down a fantasy path with this lot.They are talking a great game but doing nothing for mankind at all.Its all waffle!! Are we wrong??
Members 64 posts Posted 07 October 2015 - 09:09 AM globalmissionofpeace.com Registry Domain ID: 1954197463_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN Registrar WHOIS Server: whois.rrpproxy.net Registrar URL: https://www.fastname.no Updated Date: 2015-09-11T13:00:14.0Z Creation Date: 2015-08-20T13:10:50.0Z Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2016-08-20T13:10:50.0Z Registrar: Key-Systems GmbH Registrar IANA ID: 269 Registrar Abuse Contact Email: @key-systems.net Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +49.68949396850 Domain Status: ok http://www.icann.org/epp#ok Registry Registrant ID: Registrant Name: Kjell Aasmundrud
Registrant Organization: Ift Holding As Registrant Street: Gunnar Birchsveg 12 Registrant City: TRONDHEIM
Registrant State/Province: Registrant Postal Code: NO-7022 Registrant Country: NO
Registrant Phone: +47.94111888 Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax: Registrant Fax Ext: Registrant Email: @gmail.com
Registry Admin ID: Admin Name: Erling Bergquist Admin Organization: FastName Administration Admin Street: Orsnesalleen 17 Admin City: Notteroy Admin State/Province: Vestfold Admin Postal Code: 3120 Admin Country: NO
Admin Phone: +47.33350400 Admin Phone Ext: Admin Fax: Admin Fax Ext: Admin Email: @fastname.no
Registry Tech ID: Tech Name: Erling Bergquist Tech Organization: FastName Hostmaster Tech Street: Orsnesalleen 17 Tech City: Notteroy Tech Postal Code: 3120 Tech State/Province: Vestfold Tech Country: NO
Tech Phone: +47.33350400 Tech Phone Ext:
Tech Fax: Tech Fax Ext: Tech Email: @fastname.no Name Server: ns35.domaincontrol.com Name Server: ns36.domaincontrol.com DNSSEC: unsigned URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System: http://wdprs.internic.net/ >>> Last update of WHOIS database: 2015-10-07T09:01:21.0Z <<<
+FIU FILE : What does the ownership have to do with a Chinese Red Dragon family?
There's another question to answer, Louisa.
(Someone may need to copy these down.)
Other alternative is call the number on the info and ask the registrant the question.Maybe those who have paid the fees will be best to ask Kjell the question.What is his association with this group and its Ambassador? Where have the pitch fees gone, what is the process status to funding?
Joke of the Day " In Reality we are all ONE , that's why I can't deal with Reality "
+jay blair : Maybe the next joke will be the next podcast Q&A will start off: Mr Ambassador, what's your favorite color, and all the other good and relevant questions will be deleted.
"Jihad" is to fight against oneself´s subjectivities. It is an inner battle babies goldfishes!
Yip turn of msm. You can go within to find out the truth. all they are doing is feeding the machine listening to them!!
"We are all one being, sharing the same soul of light and love."
I hear many unpleasantness, and encouraging suicides is bad taste, today your mockery was noted
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GMOP's Excuse - On why it cannot move money - LOL


This one is... frankly, not credible. and is truly ridiculous.

These same people told us one year ago that they own the Fed.

Now, 12 months later, they say they cannot move money in the banking system.

If ever you needed prove that they are liars, it could not be more obvious


Published on Oct 17, 2014

This is one we've been waiting for! Yes, the Ambassador confirms that the Family is now the lawful owner of the Federal Reserve that has waged war on humanity for over 100 years.

( the following exchange happened under GFR report #22 )
The Ambassador quote:- We are moving funds back and forward ,back and forward for the projects and then being blocked all the time by Swifts.What exactly does that mean?????
+FIU FILE : Either: they are lying, or they are on record as a criminal or terrorist enterprise. Legitimate businesses will not have this problem. Which is it GMOP panel? Please answer this one !
+Friar Newborg This is painfully ignorant. Does ISIS have any trouble selling oil and keeping a huge army supplied? No. It is the banks that are criminal and terrorist enterprises. We are blocked because of the paradigm shifting efforts we are engaged in. Standing up for the banks as good guys standing against terrorism is not going to work. Now you have you answer to this statement of yours. May be my last also. Dealing with you makes me want to shower afterward. You are a creepy fellow with no good intent. You stand as a ringleader for other troubled people who have nothing positive to contribute to the conversation. Like ISIS you attack but build nothing good in your wake.
The Brooklyn Bridge - often sold to those who will believe anything
+Modwiz125 : You really believe that? I have a bridge in Brooklyn, for sale and its cheap. It would be a great investment....
If it were true, and its not, then you can move money using Bitcoins. I do caution people: If these folks cannot move money through the banking system, then you cannot consider them to be a reliable source off funding.
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Oh boy - Has GMOP fooled Foster? (too)

I was given a link to this video, and told: that Foster Gamble may have confirmed that the Dragon Family is having problems with the SWIFT system.


Global Financial Wars — What’s Going On? - Foster Gamble


After having a listen, I pondered: Why should the banks block payments?

Only reason I can think of: are the very Legitimate issues that have to do with money laundering laws


I believe that THIS is the problem that GMOP has run into:



"Know your client" is a key part of this regulation, and I am pretty certain that is where GMOP and the Ambassador are having problem - He refuses to develop his business in a transparent way. When the banks look in detail, as they are legally required to do, they may be concerned when they see that US citizens opening back accounts in HK with the express purpose of taking in money from "the Red Dragon family". In a worst case, this is going to look like tax evasion, or perhaps other types of criminal activity. (Note: if the Ambassador had set up a legal and transparent funding operation, he would not have such a problem. And at this stage, we still do not know if this is a REAL problem in getting money out of China, or yet another EXCUSE for why funds have not been made available.)


Here another video on the same subject :


The video talks about the "three stages of money laundering". Is the Ambassador going to argue that money coming from a shadowy "Red Dragon family in China" is something that banks should allow into their system? I have my doubts, unless he is a whole lot more transparent with the banks, than he has been with the GMOP / Goldfish Report audience. Actually, I would have expected if GMOP was a legitimate source of legitimate financing, it would have sorted out these types of issues before they asked people to submit their "humanitarian projects" - But apparently, they have not done so. This is yet another sign of the amateur nature of this enterprise,


Be careful people! The Pied Piper may be leading you straight into a legal or tax headache.

They should have thought these matters through, and since they have not - might they be giving you bad advice on other matters.

(Or they may just be issuing another excuse for another delay - given time, we will see which it is.)

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Paranoia hits the Paradoxman


Ron seems to have lost it - Why would anyone spread such rumors?




Ron thinks that those he banned has been spreading such rumors.

I cannot see the point in it.

Who benefits?

Perhaps the GMOP crowded started or spread these rumors to blacken (in Ron's mind)

the names of those he banned. They seem determined to "mind-control" dear old Ron.


GMOP has given up on any pretense of open discussion on its channel, when it deleted

a large number of questions and comments in the last few hours.



They apologized for the ridiculous "our critics are the Anti-Christ" comment from yesterday:

Clearing Up The Record

(San-Jay, the "wonder from down-under", looks distinctly uncomfortable here.)


But they have a long way to go, in learn how to engage those with genuine questions

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The swift block excuse is exactly what was the expected at this stage of the Project funding cycle.


They have no funds I am sure it is now identical to the upfront fee scams that FIU warned about at the outset of their investigation into the RDF funding claims.


Fees have been taken it appears under false pretences for project pitches as no money is available at all.


It is very possible that they have attempted to use fake bank instruments so rife in this sector.Hence why everything is blocked.Its not proven but possible?


FIU File warned that when the next stage of funding is due there will be some major reason for delay of funding for these projects. What GMOP may not be aware of is the term blocked Swifts is a well trodden excuse of many scams uncovered in this arena.


What GMOP need to do now I think out of moral courtesy is stop deflecting and offer hard unequivocal proof of funds being available and stop taking fees under false pretences and repay those if they have deceived.


This for me is the final credibility test!!

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"the term blocked Swifts is a well trodden excuse of many scams uncovered in this arena."


Maybe Foster Gamble will read this, and realize that he may have been fooled too.


Though I do think, that any organization that is not transparent in its ownership, and its purpose,

is going to have problems in opening bank accounts, and moving money,

since banks are now requires to Know Their Customers


Pirates cannot just show up at the bank, and open bank accounts.

And when big sums come in (from unknown sources) banks are going to ask: "where does it come from"


Even moving money out of Paypal accounts may be a problem.


Does anyone know which Paypal account GMOP uses to collect fees?

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This is a completely genuine and rather graceful offer of Peace that Ron Van Dyke has made today !




(I am sure his Olive branch extends to many people he may have blocked.

Everyone who feels this was meant for them too, should send him an email too.)


from under the video....
Great video Ron. This is the opportunity to speak out. I once wrote a question of concern to Rad. It got never answered; it was a question of concern; however, it was removed. Rad never blocked me; so I reposted my question back up. Once again, it was removed. There after, I realized they don't like people that ask questions. The same process our gov't hates. I don't want to come in between your decisions; however, Friar seems to me as a individual with great concern regarding TVoP. By asking innocent questions that deserves answers; now he is viewed as a troll. I don't want to get in the middle of it, but many viewers that ask questions are viewed as the enemy. Why? That is why viewers are moving away from their site as well as yours. I personally understand; TVoP don't like to be questioned. Why? What are they afraid of? The truth! I really don't want to get to involved because I can decide for myself that I don't support their vision; what ever that vision is about. I think TVoP are looking for the sheeples that follow without question. Well, it's the awaken ones that are looking for the truth. To find the truth; questions have to be answered. Enough, I think you understand what I am saying. I still support your vision Ron; however, I am still trying to figure out TVoP. When the ambassador first came on, you used to get on the first day over thousands of viewer; now, look on his channel. TVoP hardly breaks one hundred when it first comes out. Why? Peoples questions are not being answered.
+Liberty 4 All TvOP does seem to be like a lightning rod for many people. I'd like more openness myself; yet I do realize that there are limited people there to respond. They have to prioritize, I guess, just as I do - just as we all do. They concentrate on those who do not make waves rather than those who do.
Friar Newborg
+Liberty 4 All : Good post, which I make +1.
I have posted this separately, but it may not come through to the Public:
"I have responded by email - in a positive way."
I don't have any big issues with Ron. The minor disagreements can be sorted out pretty easily. But I think he may be closer to a certain person than is good for him. But that is his choice.
(added later)
+Friar Newborg The reason why we follow Ron, we all have the same vision. Ron, in my opinion, has a good heart. I respect Ron's decisions about the ambassador because he is provided with more information than what is truly disclosed. However, when an honest and innocent question is asked; it should be answered. People are the power and I feel that is what the ambassador is afraid of or at least that's the way I understand it. When questions are avoided, then the message becomes distorted. We are the awakened ones. We don't want to be deceived any longer.
+Friar Newborg That's all I want; the Truth and Peace on earth. Everybody's heart will heal if the truth is free to travel amongst the universe.
+paradoxman316 Thank you, he is willing to work with you. Please understand Ron, we are the power, we need answers to reach a decision. I think you will agree. I have always admired Friar's comments when I first viewed your video. Very intelligent individual. I think he was frustrated because his questions were being answered. I think we are all looking for the light. Once again, thank you, you have a great heart!
+Liberty 4 All It is because a liar fears inspection and despises the truth. Proverbs 26:24He who hates disguises it with his lips, But he lays up deceit in his heart. 25When he speaks graciously, do not believe him, For there are seven abominations in his heart. 26Though his hatred covers itself with guile, His wickedness will be revealed before the assembly.…
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Very interesting thread. Ron appears a kind and gentle man who has become more involved in the rhetoric of the GMOP as they appear to want the same things.He is loyal to the Ambassador for whatever reason and loyaly is not a bad thing.


Now onto the truth.


There is a worldwide investigation going on inside the intelligence community on all groups of this nature due to the fact that so many of the conspiracy groups based on bettering our world and then in the funding of humanitarian projects have unfortunately been proven as massive scams.Where fees have been charged,investments made,promises made,timelines set.Many of these groups purport to have funds to save the world, but in fact have nothing.They are out to deceive to get hold of the upfront fees they charge,knowing they will never be able to fulfill their promises based on why the fees were paid.


The excuses that then follow are blocked funds, Swifts gone wrong,banks withholding funds,failed transfers. These are standard excuses as to why projects do not fund,but in the meantime funds flow in to the group as the story and spin continues.


Most of these groups are clouded in secrecy and always state their rules demand Confidentiality with the protagonists hidden as in this case is the Ambassador.


These groups pry on the gullible and well meaning as they give them a kind and friendly face.


The groups involved in these scams hate questioning as perception is better for them than truth.


The GMOP has facets of these scam groups and I believe is why an intelligence led questioning is taking place on their group.Prevention is better than cure.With these groups the funds arriving with them have no problems,the funds coming out from them is when suddenly everything is blocked,stopped etc.


Eg Who is this Kjell guy who owns the GMOP domain,he must know a lot of answers.But no one at GMOP is answering the question.


GMOP will continue under hard scrutiny until such time as they prove what they claim and they actually fund something.


The question is are this group really well meaning?? Or are they all TALK and no action.


They are taking fees on the basis they have the ability to fund projects.THE BURNING QUESTION is this true YES or NO.If so prove it!!


Transparency is key where money is changing hands.

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For a Big laugh: A totally useless and misleading Q&A


GoldFish Report No. 23 The Ambassador Answers Viewers Questions about the Cabal

Published on Oct 12, 2015

On the GoldFish Report No 23, The Ambassador answers Viewers questions about the Cabal and other topics. The Panel discusses the Cabal and the impact they have on humanity.


"Answers" from the Ambassador:
A: The cabal is: "...the Morgans, the Stanleys..." LOL.
I burst out laughing, This is more misinformation. Of no use, except to mislead.

(Has he really forgotten the Zionist names that give Congress its marching orders?)


A: The family first liked the cabal as asset managers, but stopped liking them.
They now "seem as gods", had too much power, and are not being renewed.
"They are the ones behind the ignorant masses." (and, er, not lying "Ambassadors")

Meantime, the dopey Goldfish just lap it up - loving to be "useful idiots" promoting a silly scam

Consider: What do these fools think that THIS event signified?:


Top 10 applause lines from Netanyahu's speech



What a feast this Goldfish Report is! Louisa also rolled out the birth certificate nonsense.

And claims it all goes back to the Vatican. Well done, Gmoppets, keep the fingers pointed in the wrong direction!

Enjoy your enslavement

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Whoops! The "Amba" has flubbed another prediction... this one concerning the Fed



GMOP's Excuse - On why it cannot move money - LOL


This one is... frankly, not credible. and is truly ridiculous.

These same people told us one year ago that they own the Fed.


Published on Oct 17, 2014

This is one we've been waiting for! Yes, the Ambassador confirms that the Family is now the lawful owner of the Federal Reserve that has waged war on humanity for over 100 years.



... That is, if you believe Ben Fulford;


The Khazarian mob is on the run as US military takes over Federal Reserve Board

Posted by benjamin
October 13, 2015

The US military, under the new leadership of Marine General Joseph Dunford, has come out with guns blazing to free the people of the United States and the world. Under his command, the US military has taken over the Khazarian mob’s main source of power, the Federal Reserve Board. To confirm this, go visit the home page of the Federal Reserve board, it is no longer http://www.federalreserve.org

but is now http://www.federalreserve.gov/

The Chinese coordinated with this move by announcing their China International Payments System alternative to the Khazarian controlled SWIFT system meaning their take-over of the US dollar system outside of the United States was proceeding as planned. The implosion of the big Khazarian mafia banks is now just a matter of time.

Furthermore, there have been huge ongoing military moves in the Middle East aimed at removing the fascist Khazarian Nazionist government of Benyamin Netanyahu in Israel, according to Pentagon and Russia sources. To facilitate the Russian purge of Satan worshipping Nazionists from the Middle East, the Pentagon has withdrawn all its aircraft carriers from the Persian Gulf.


The rogue Netanyahu regime only added gasoline to the fire last week by faking a US air force air raid against Syrian government forces in Aleppo, according to other Pentagon sources. The Russians were not fooled by this maneuver and responded by sending missiles and fighter jets over Iranian airspace (with Iran’s permission of course) to attack multiple targets in the Middle East, killing hundreds of Israeli, Saudi and Turkish troops operating against international law in Syria and Iraq, the Pentagon sources say. The real message of course is that the US military was ready to step aside and allow the Russians to clean up the mess in the Middle East.

Fearing for his life and that of his regime, King Salman of Saudi Arabia checked into a hospital claiming severe Alzheimer’s disease while his son, the real power, Defense Minister and Crown Prince Salman flew to Russia where, according to Pentagon and Russian sources he ...


> xx

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Re the latest Goldfish report.

What a laugh I had!!!

Sanctimonious Louisa and her what are you doing for humanity rhetoric.

What sitting in front of a computer far away from the world issues she speaks in a comfortable home.

What are you doing Louisa,there is more to helping humanity than talking sound bites and blocking those serious and relevant questions based on comments and statements made by GMOP that are questionable or non performing.

I part fund an orphanage in Kenya and also hand out food every night I collect from restaurants in London to the homeless.

I have made seven recent weekend trips to Calais to help with refugees and assist at a hotel in London where refugees have made it to London and need support.

There is more to helping humanity than having symposiums talking to contacts in different home and hotel locations and meeting up to blow the shofars.

Louisa you could start today by greeting the homeless in your own town and if you have room put them up in your home,feed and keep them safe and warm.Your statements are ridiculous, generalised and full of hypocrasy.

Same to Sanjay and Rad and Steve get out there and get helping real situations there must be so many nearby.

Sitting on the internet just looking out at the world as you too are as Goldfish observers is not helping humanity but allowing you to play lip service to issues.Its an easy way out.

Sheri I admire she is more honest and her agenda appears more genuine.There are no egos with her.Her info is good and interesting she only speaks when she has something to say.Not for the sake of it as does the Ambassador to keep the spin going.
His comments and observations on the world on the Cabal etc was laughable his answers to the censored questions very weak and shallow!
If you really want to help humanity GMOP must open itself up to rigorous scrutiny and actually do something visible.

Don't aggrandise,lie,promise,censor,silence,block but answer be transparent and don't mock your critics just prove them wrong.

If you carry on in the vein you are in now,you won't save humanity you will be like all the rest in this humanitarian arena all talk no do!!


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Here is the latest from the Kev Baker show of yesterday:




Project pitches continue this weekend so people can submit business plans for their humanitarian projects. Both Kev and Louisa describe having seen all the documents and bank transfers with many zeroes. Lou continues to propagate the notion that BML is a great leader, Ascended Master, and Distinguished Scholar of Religious and Sacred Texts, as they try to convince the audience that all is well with the Amba and the Family. It would make me happy to see the Family release funds to projects!


Check out the reception that Bo Lindstrom is getting by perusing comments under this video. Don't forget you can always listen at double the speed by going to Settings (under video), replace normal speed by 2X.


This Ascended Master is the same person who does not hesitate going off on violent rants and lies about those who dislike him or tell the truth. I'd like to highlight misogynist tendencies and the fact that he is no teddy bear, as Louisa likes to tell us.


I'd recommend that this panel continue using the projection mirror technique on themselves. Consistency will bring good results.


I agree Sandie that Sheri is quite likable and not defensive.

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