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ACORE Thread: Learning DISCERNMENT (2016 thread)

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He states in the most recent video that this has been ongoing since 2005 and that the 'first' bankruptcy made it so his home was free and clear. I've never filed for bankruptcy -but- my neighbor did and his house had been paid off and his new wife got him into financial difficulty so they remortgaged the home. He's now divorced and his bankruptcy made it so he didn't have to pay off the mortgage loan but it wasn't to the tune of $250.000.00 either.


I'm just guessing here but if ZERO $$$ was ever paid on his Melbourne home I'm assuming the bank appealed this and hence all the court battles, mumbo jumbo paper work and land patents, irrevocable trusts, etc., and any other means Ron could come up with to keep the house, (which makes it blatantly clear that he knew he was at fault and why he got involved with RUSA and OPPT to continue to scam the system) before the bank finally was awarded?

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Ron did not pay any of the money back, nor did he bother to pay the taxes on the house he lived in, claiming, repeatedly, that he didn't have to. It's a well-worn story Ron has repeatedly told for years.


His first move with the old lady's house, even before he mortgaged it, according to his telling, was to remove all the furniture (apparently she had a lot of antiques) in the house. This apparently was done within days of her death.

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Exactly!!! And since he only makes 900.00 a month I'm sure he immediately got the home in Melbourne and moved her stuff there? Although he 'could' have put it all in storage thinking "if nothing else, I'll make money on her antiques" but then he would have had to get an apartment or move in with someone because he was living at Dr. Mary's home when she died.
Then to top it off, he was so sure of his bogus paper filing he ended up losing most of Dr. Mary's antiques or as he says getting little value when he had someone auction it instead of putting it in storage when everyone tried to tell him he was going to be out on the streets.
Which brings to mind his video where he proclaimed to be "homeless" when in fact he was living with his son.



His first move with the old lady's house, even before he mortgaged it, according to his telling, was to remove all the furniture (apparently she had a lot of antiques) in the house. This apparently was done within days of her death.

Jeffery, why did the banker couple have to file for bankruptcy? This is all so confusing. The only thing that's not confusing is the fact that Ron is a fraudster and proves it by his connections with RUSA and OPPT and all the paper work he filed.

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Published on Jun 20, 2016

As things in our world seem to be getting more and more crazy, Aristo says it's time to take back our frame of mind. Yes, there are many who try to program our attention, to get us to look here or there and not see the bigger picture so that certain changes can take place under the radar so to speak. Nevertheless, it is up to each of us to take responsibility for our own mindset. What do we focus on and how do we frame it? Whoever “they” are, they cannot control us completely even if they do manage to influence us. When we take back our frame of mind, we will ultimately win. Those who do, change the world. We CAN overcome the negative influence. In Ron's opinion, WE MUST!


(will comment after I listen to it)


With some internet difficulties, I only managed to hear about half.


All I will say is this: I wish that Aristo would discover the virtues of Clarity and Brevity.

And I acknowledge that he writes well - he writes more clearly than he speaks

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No judge can over-turn anything without the help of We the People even if he's not controlled because their allegiance is to the crown and only then when the corporation for which our present government is running under and it's maritime generic de facto is also dissolved ....everyone bringing up the fraudulent birth certificate of Obama is spinning their wheels because you don't have to be natural born to be CEO of a corporation.


Lawfully America could reinstate our organic de jure because the corporation has been insolvent since March of 2015. But like Aristo stated, who's going to do this? It will always lead back to we the people. All the G7 countries had their form of their constitution usurped.
Even George Washington was a traitor because he signed 2 constitutions....one behind closed doors.

Aristo is right when he speaks of mass consciousness putting their thoughts on a certain event. Revelations is the perfect example and nobody knows for certain 'which' John wrote Revelations. I for one think it's just brilliant minds who made all this stuff up and one race will be in power in the end. Everyone doesn't want to offend God so they give Israel whatever it wants and turn a blind eye and sit back and wait to be raptured instead of uniting as one and tearing the structure down. I've already stated on here that the 'cabal' is always steps ahead of us and in this context they were thousands of years ahead of us.

Aristo calls them meme's where I call them constant distractions so we don't look at what's going on behind the scenes.

The rest is mostly trying to make Ron see where he's wearing his emotions on his sleeve for the whole world to see while excusing his emotions because that's really not what Ron means. ( I think it's exactly what Ron means) and talking about us vs them, with them undisclosed and the NWO has always been here and it doesn't matter what's going on and now that the internet is here and we have access to what's happening all over the world in an instant it now makes a difference to us and no matter how much we try and inject happy thoughts, reality is still there and it's not pretty and our frailties are making us so much more sensitive. That the suffering needs to come to the surface as it encompasses and affects all. That it's in our best interest that change is happening under the radar and if it happened too overtly there would be a massive campaign against it at the physical level (not sure if I agree with him there, sure it will be info brain overload but many would welcome a massive change that are hip to what's gone on behind the scenes for centuries)
The gist of the whole video is lovingly trying to make Ron look at the narrative of his life; especially the last few years and becoming more cynical instead of his normal idealistic ways and somewhere inside those 4 years he became 'un-grounded' and basically to stop blaming and go within and own it. He said to become individually responsible and eventually events will come in our favor. That worrying about the next step of the 'cabal' is needless worry. That we can reclaim our own hearts and being.
It seemed to look like he was reaching Ron in the end. At least by the look on Ron's face it did. Time will tell. I enjoyed listening to Aristo today.

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"Everyone doesn't want to offend God so they give Israel whatever it wants and turn a blind eye..."


Only a believer in the Scofield Bible, which positions Jews as the "chosen people" could possibly believe that confronting the Rogue state that Israel has become could possibly offend God the creator.


The old testament God seems like a demon or a blood thirsty alien to me. Thank Goodness (and Godness) that Jesus brought a new message and a new image of a Loving God in the New Testament. How can I worship an entity that would want me to sacrifice my only son? This sounds like a demigod with which we should be doing battle.


If the Zionist Israelis think they can enslave humanity in service of a demon, we need to recognize what is happening and become better organized. Do not go gentle into such a version of darkness


"The gist of the whole video is lovingly trying to make Ron look at the narrative of his life; especially the last few years and becoming more cynical instead of his normal idealistic ways and somewhere inside those 4 years he became 'un-grounded' and basically to stop blaming and go within"


If that was Aristo's intent, I wish he would say it more clearly, and more sharply - so even Ron could "get" it. Ron is running out of time. If he wants to savor some sweetness in his later years, he should wake up soon and discover the virtues of serving others, rather than scamming others.


He has been offered a suggestion of how to Walk in the Light - and he quickly rejected it for silly reasons. May he find his own more palatable way to do that... and before too many more years are gone.

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It makes my heart leap for joy when I hear someone mention the Scofield bible...I've had friends tell me goodbye and to never speak to them again and these are lifetime friends. They've been so programmed they can't see. HA the Scofield bible has been edited even after his death. I will put a link I'm very partial to in here in case any guests would like to research further in what you and I are talking about?

I'm with you DrBubb and wish he'd just blurt it out like we do but he obviously is trying to prevent a melt down? Regardless if Ron doesn't go within and deal with his own demons, he will have a melt down and in the very near future. Do I pity him? I used to, until I put all the puzzle pieces together. But regardless I hope he gets it together so he can live out the rest of his years happier.


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"... I hope he gets it together so he can live out the rest of his years happier."


Me too.

Instead of being bitter, Ron could be an asset to his family and his community by...


Walking in the Light


There's a 8-step plan ... on the Acore thread:
1. Cancel the trip to Australia
2. Get his life in order in Florida. Find a place to live that he can actually afford, maybe walking distance from his son. Unpack and move in
3. Aim for a beautiful and simple life; with fewer possessions, and maybe without a car
4. Find ways to serve his family, his neighbors, and his community in a joyous way
5. Embrace the truth, even when uncomfortable, and give up the delusions
6. Learn how to research ideas for the betterment of humanity, and work with those who seek truth in both heart and in mind - "Resonance is not enough"*
7. Offer some videos (interviews perhaps) with friends etc, on a membership basis, so that Ron can earn some income from the videos that he makes
8. Ron should consider opening a new channel, that starts with a "blank slate" - ie no one banned - and allow a real and truthful discussion to take place on the new channel
Acore Forum on RVD: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/i...

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Ron is a drowning man in an existential flood, grabbing at any limb or twig that floats by. But those things he grasps are so insubstantial that he immediately begins to sink again. To change focus in mid-metaphor, his boat is full of holes, has no permanent mooring, and he has no tools to patch it. He lives in a world of imagination that does not comport with the real world. That never ends well.


As to Aristo and the larger issues. In the interest of full disclosure, I'm an atheist. I do not believe in gods or demons or ET's. I also don't believe in dark cabals and secret societies plotting the end of mankind. There is only one dangerous species on this tiny speck of dirt at the edge of the universe that holds the power of existential destruction, and that is human beings. But what the bad guys are up to is no secret, no dark conspiracy. The fact that a handful of very wealthy people have their finger on the scale has been extensively written about, talked about, the facts made known even in the universally panned "main stream" media. Where in the mid-twentieth century they were trying to hide their actions, they are now acting openly in the public square. And the ever increasing distraction of most people that prevents them from seeing what is not hidden has been known and talked about for decades.


Here's the thing, though. People like Aristo, as well meaning as they may be, are simply part of the distraction. Millions of hours of Youtube videos talking about the dark cabal and every conspiracy theory on earth have accomplished...nothing. Theories that the U.S. is actually a corporation and acting illegally have been around for decades and have accomplished nothing. The U.S. is what it is. That's the reality. And a bunch of people, with their heads full of mysteries, who create an impotent shadow government, or "common law courts" without the power to enforce, or who believe ET's or the Chinese are going to come charging in and save the day, are never going to change anything. In fact, they are simply creating their own fantasy world to make them feel better and in control.


The idea that 7 billion people, or even 360 million people, will ever have a common interest in creating a world full of sweetness and light is ridiculous. The belief that there is a "perfect" form of government is a fantasy. And we were never promised life would be anything more than what it is. There is no "remedy" in life. There is no calvary coming to save us.


Most of us are surrounded by family and friends, and that's a good thing. But, in the end, we are all alone. And we have to build a life on our terms, and then live with the life we've built.


Is the history of the human race going to end well? Probably not. No government or civilization has survived forever. And that despite all the gods and ET's people have believed are coming to save our rears.


//rant mode off

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Interesting rant, Thunter.

I expect that many thinking people would be in full agreement.

And I would have agreed too, once upon a time.

But things are different for me now. I have seen too much that makes me think that there's a bigger picture beyond that world view, and that real darkness, real evil walks on our planet, which means humans no good.


I would say more about it, but it needs more thought than I have time for now. But I thought it might be worthwhile to suggest an alternative view is worth considering

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DrBubb, I would be interested in hearing what you have to say when you do have some time.


And, in the interest of full revelation, my bride of 38 years tells me I'm not much fun at parties. I've tried to tell her that's only because I'm Vegan and every party she wants to go to only serves Bar-B-Que.

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Just gonna comment chronologically as I watch the video:


"Dr. Mary considered me the son she never had"

Ron and Mary were the same age, this is ridiculous.


"She put me in her will"

Okay so where's the will? And by the way, this contradicts Ron's previous version of the story.


"Her banker and his wife tried to steal..."

That's an accusation of criminal fraud. And again, this contradicts Ron's original version of the story where the house was left to the couple and Ron tried to change the will.


"Crooked lawyer"

So now he's also accusing this guy of criminal fraud.


"It took her 6 months to realize she had been conned"

How does that make any sense? She must have read the will when she signed it.


"They told her she wouldn't be put in a home"

The discussion of putting her in a home seems to be consistent with her suffering from Alzheimer's or something along those lines.


"It was willed to me"

No, you just said it was put into a trust.


Actually it's worse than that now that I check. Mary died March 10th, March 17th, Ron deeds the house to himself:



"Dr. Mary's husband was a shriner"

This just clicked for me but the "banker" was also a shriner. What if Dr. Mary's husband and him were friends through there and rather than "con artists" as Ron claims, they were long time friends with Dr. Mary and her husband?


"The taxes were lower"

Already explained that's false.


"My daughter gave me very little money"

Seriously Ron, you're going to bad mouth your own family too?


*Mentions being arrested at the second house.

This is the first time he's ever mentioned this and it reeks of bullshit. Oh he also says the cop beat him up. Weird that he never showed any bruises.


*The judge worked for the same law firm that defrauded Dr. Mary

I don't believe that.


"It had been resolved in bankruptcy court"

Another lie.


"United States Common law grand jury"

That's a fake sovereign citizen group Ron, god damn.


*Then he goes and blames God for everything.


Okay let's take Ron at face value and that his version of events is true, how the hell is what happened God's fault? The banker and the rest did it, not God. And as Ron acknowledges, he knew about the will months before Dr. Mary died, why isn't he to blame for not resolving the situation before her death? Why isn't Ron to blame for relying on frauds like Bill Turner instead of getting competent legal advice? And the courts aren't even to blame in Ron's version of events. If the bankers played the system to get the house, that's on them, the courts aren't to blame.


And I'm sorry but we're right back to the basic problem. Ron has provided zero evidence for his claims. He's making serious criminal allegations against people, some of whom are dead and unable to defend themselves, with zero documentation to back up what he's saying. Post Dr. Mary's will or anything that supports what you're saying or drop it.


And finally, the place to prove this crap was in court Ron, not on YouTube.

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And holy smokes, digging pays off.


Turns out the Trust that Ron got Dr. Mary to sign was a bogus trust that was being promoted in Florida around the time of her death:




It had zero legal standing which is no doubt why Ron ended up losing in court.


Further digging shows there were consumer warnings about these in 2000, 5 years before Mary's death:


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Well done, Jeffrey!

That's great research. No wonder Ron bans everyone who starts telling the Truth on his channel.

He fears the floodgates may open up

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In the end, the Emperor has no clothes. The once mighty slayer of dark cabal dragons, RuSA Secretary of State of Florida, turns out to be just a sad old man living in his son's bedroom, cursing whatever his conception of god is for abandoning him. The king is dead, long live the king.

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Oh one more thing.


The judge in charge of Ron's mortgage case was George B. Turner:




And despite what Ron claims, he had absolutely no ties to the lawyers that set up Dr. Mary's will. That was Murphy and Weiss:




Which as the name implies, consists only of Murphy and Weiss. At not point did the judge work for that firm. So Ron's claims of conflict of interest are as far as I can tell, invented.

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Ron was moving really fast. In short order after she dies, he empties the house of all of it's furniture, deeds himself the property as trustee of a bogus trust, borrows money against the house and buys another house with that money, knowing all the time that there is a valid will that leaves everything to the "banker" couple. Real peace of work, old Ron.

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All I will say is this: I wish that Aristo would discover the virtues of Clarity and Brevity.

And I acknowledge that he writes well - he writes more clearly than he speaks


Haha actually this one was one of his easiest to follow and only watched because of the comments he had made about us being arrogant and should be ashamed of ourselves. He tends to float all over the place and eventually get back to topic in the end but that's why I wrote it out up above because if you don't, you get lost in his ramblings.

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Jeffery you are amazing!!! If after all your research, certain people continue to support him, it just proves that they could care less that he's a con artist and only want to stroke their ego's to be heard on YT.
Actually, what you unearthed RVD should be happy he's not in prison!!!

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"Actually, what you unearthed RVD should be happy he's not in prison!!!"




The I-remind-Ron-Club


Ah, but he thinks he is on a Prison Planet!

A guilty conscience perhaps?.

Ron's may be angry with himself and the world because he has been reduced to such trickery, waiting for years to see if his misdeeds would catch up with him. And then despite all the videos he made (one a day!) to cover his tracks, reality did catch up after 10 years! Imagine living that way, with the looming threat, for so long. No wonder he is bitter and twisted, and hyper-sensitive towards the truth.

We were pricking at his worst fear.

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A different Ron, Dancing in the Light, could easily reach 90 years... and stay spry




"I don't really feel 90"



The Dick Van Dyke Show Revisited (Part 1)

Arlene and Dick Van Dyke Solo - at 3 minutes


Staying active. lively and spiritual - runs in the Van Dyke family


Among his high school classmates in Danville were Donald O'Connor and Bobby Short, both of whom would go on to successful careers as entertainers.[10] One of Van Dyke's closest friends was a cousin of Gene Hackman, the future Oscar-winning actor, who also lived in Danville in those years.[10]Van Dyke's mother's family was very religious, and for a brief period in his youth he considered a career in ministry, although a drama class in high school convinced him that his true calling was as a professional entertainer.[10] In his autobiography he wrote, "I suppose that I never completely gave up my childhood idea of being a minister. Only the medium and the message changed. I have still endeavored to touch people's souls, to raise their spirits and put smiles on their faces." [10] Even after the launch of his career as an entertainer, he taught Sunday school in the Presbyterian Church, where he was an elder, and he continued to read such theologians as Buber, Tillich, and Bonhoeffer, whom he has said helped explain in practical terms the relevance of religion in everyday life.


> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Van_Dyke

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